The Huron Expositor, 1920-06-25, Page 5UNE 25, 1920. k Shoes rk Shoe that will give you tVXCE. We have a shoe in Eirementa. selected from manufacturers )es, and we have no hesita- the best of satisfaction. The nite Grain, Pebble and it is made with solid Leather—a neat toe capped ed with army slugs, per X4.50 ,rather with. plain vamps or kcrew soles, per pair. .35.00 kt:hers black or tan, standard Ie caps, per pair . $6.00 liams' Brand—a wet proof p f ;e Grain on the comfortable .. ..,.,...$7.50 Wednesday afternoon and. r II! COMMERCIAL HOTEL; tSale j THOUS - FOCI( OF RING TO DUT IN )F BAR - .,"4:S AND IYTHING I PRICES BEFORE [IS DIS - ;INS FRI- 3 PRICE TTERED 3TGOAT. JR GOOD ON THE e,esall DRS EAST ANK. r 1t20. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 5 SEAFORTR MARKETS. Seaforth, June 24,.1920 Potatoes, per bag $3.00 $1.95 Wheatat 'W er bushel s el Butter, per lb. 50e 46c $1.10 $1,70 Eggs, per dozen ............ Oatsper bushel b steel Barley, per bushel , Flog, per cwt. $7.80 to $7.90 Spring Wheat, per bushel $1.90 Bran, per ton $60.00 Shorts, per ton ...$70.00 Hogs, per cwt. $18.50 BEAN . MARKET Toronto, June 24.—Beans—Canadian, hand- picked, bushel, 55.25 to $5.50 ; primes, $4.50; Japans, $5.00; times, Madagascar, 18 to 14c; Japan, 11 to 12c, DAIRY MARKET Toronto, June 22.—Butter, choice dairy, 49 to 60e; creamery prints, 57 to 60c. Margarine " 86 to 39e. Eggs, No. 1, 52 to 58c ; slecet :54 to .55c.. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, June 22.—Dressed Poultry — Dressed poultry—Spring chickens 70c ; roosters 25e; fowl,. 35c; turkeys, 53 to 60c; ducklings, '28 to 40a; squabs, dozen, 56. Live Poultry— Spring chickens, 60c ; roosters, 26c ; fowl, 30 ; •ducks, 35 to 40e. • GRAIN °MARKET Toronto, June 22. -Manitoba Wheat—No. 1 Northern, $3.15•; No. 2 Northern, $8.12 ; No. S Northern, $8.08, in store 'Fort William. Manitoba Oats No. 2 C. W., $1.353/2; No;. $ C. W., $1.32%; extra No. 1 feed, 51.32%; .No. 1 feed, $1.31%; No. 2 feed, $1.80%, an store Fort William, Manitoba Barley—No. 3 C.W., $1.97%; No. 4 C.W., $1.66% in store Fort William. American Corn—No. 2 yellow, $2.40; nominal track, Toronto ; prompt shipment. •Ontario Oats Nominal. Ontario wheat—No. 1 Winter, per ear lot, -52.00 to $2.01; No. 2, do., $1.98 to 82.01 ; No. 3 do., 81.92 to .11.93, f. o.b. shipping points,according to freights. Ontario Wheat—No. I Spring, per car lot, *2.02. to $2.03 ; No. 2 do., $1.98 to $2.01; No. 3 do., $1.95 to $2.01, f. o. b. shipping points, according to :freights. Peas—No. 2, 48.00. Barley Malting, 81.87 to $1.89, °ac- cording to freights outside. Buckwheat—No. 2, nominal. Rye—No. 8, $2.20 to 52.25, ac- cording to freights outside. Manitoba Fiour Government standar, 514.85, Toronto. On tario Flour—Governznent standard, $13.25, -nominal. Millfeed--Car lots—Delivered Mon- treal freights, bag included—Bran, per ton, 554; shorts, per ton, $61 ; good . feed flour, .33.76 to 54.00. Hay—No. 1 per ton, 580 to $31 ; mixed per ton, 527.00, . track, Toronto. Straw—Car lots, per• torr, $15 to 516, track Toronto. • LIVp STOCK MARKET Buffalo June 22—Cattle—Re e c pts, 4,500 ; dry -fed 15 to 25c higher, grass 25 to 50e lower ; .shipping steers, 515,,50 to 517.50; butchers, $12 to 515.50; yearlings, 515 to $17 ; heifers, 59 to $14.50; cows, 54 to $11.50 ; .bulls, 57 to $11; stockers and feeders, 36 to $10; fresh cows and springers, $65s to $150. Calves—Receipts, 3,000 $6 to $15.50. Hogs— Receipts, 10,400; strong to 50c higher; heavy, .$16.25 to $16.50 ; mixed, $16.60 ; yorkers, $16.50 to: 516.60 ; light yorkers, $15.50 to 516.50 ; pigs, $15.50; roughs, 512.75 to 513; stags, 58 to $10. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 2,800; slow, 50e to 51.00 lower; lambs, $12 to 517.50; yearlings, 58 to 515; wethers, $8.50 to $9 ; ewes, 33 to 25; mixed sheep, 58 to $8.50. Montreal, June 22.—Cattle receipts, 1,646.. There was a considerable increase in the number of common cattle offered this morn- ing and a -corresponding decrease in receipts of good cattle. Prices for good cattle re- mained strong. Qubtations on common grades of grass cattle were lower, due to the lack of quality. Top steers averaging 1,200 pounds brought 516.50 and top cows 512. The ma- jority of good car lots of cows were weighed up around 511. A number • of lots of cows and dairy breeding on grass of hardy medium quality brought around $9. Common light heifers were weighed up at $8 and thin light bulls as low as 57. Quotations : Butcher steers, choice, $15.50. to 516.50; good, 514 to $15.50; medium, 512 to $13.50; common , $11 to 212; butcher heifers, choice, 513.50 to 415; medium, 511 to 513 ; common, 57.50 to 410 ; butcher oows, choice, 510.50 to $12: stadium, 57 to $10; canners, 55 to $6.60; cutters, 56 to $7; butcher bulls, good, 510.50 to $12 ; common, $7 to $10. Calf receipts-, 2,328. There was not much .quality to the offerings this morning. Poorer calves and lower prices combined were caus- ing a difference of about 32 per hundred. Grass' calves were being weighed up at •$18. Quotations : Good veal, 513 to $14 ; medium, 49 to $12; grass, $8 to $9. Sheep receipts, 1,684.. Prices in general -were Iower. Lambs were steady Quota- tions: Ewes, 58 to 510; lambs, good , 518 to 320. Hog receipts, 1,609. Selected lots of medium weight have been sold to the local butchers for $20 off cars. Mixed lots were 518 to 310. Quotations: Off -car weights, selects, 420; sows, 516. • Union Stock Yards,,, Toronto, June 22.— Choice heavy steers and beat grade butchers were not so plentiful thismorning as they `have been on Monday morning during the poet two months. Competition, among the buyers for,, top quality :cattle was as keen as ever and the acerbity this: Morning resulted in values being advanced" 25 to 85.. cents for the best killers. Medium to fair butchers were steady and •`;fairly active, but 'the corn - mon light butchers were slow and barely. steady at the Weaker, values of last week. Several buyers this Morning were of the opinion that their good to choice cattle had cost them 60 Bents more than on Thursday last, and this, might have happened although a half -dollar advance was not general. The best loads on the market cashed in 'from $15 to $16.76 per cwt, Rice and Whaley Sold five 1,440 pounder steers, at 16 cents =per pound, and the UnitedFarmers, one 1,070 pounder steer at 17 cents per pound. Quite a fair percentage of a moderate butcher cattle offering cashed in from $14.25 to $14.85 per cwt Common thin killers sold from $7.75 per cwt. upwards. There was a fair demand for fat cows, the best among which sold ' from 512 to 512.50 per cwt. Thirteen cent cows appear to be something of the past. Good bulls which cost from $12. to 312.50 per cwt, met a comparatively good market, but the heavy bologna bulls *ere on the slow side. There was still a pronounced lack of activ- ity among stociters and feeders. -Good grass cows were steady at last week's lower prices. Milker were steady with good ,cows scarce. Hogs were firm at 818.50 f. ` o. • b., and 519.50, fed and watered. The receipt$ totalled 169 carloads with 2,789 cattle, 1,036 calves, 2,206 hogs and 799 sheep and lambs. George Rowntree (ifor Harris Abattoir) bought 460 cattle: Chgqice steers, 515.75 ; kood butchers; 314 to $15{50 ; choice cows, $12 to 112.60 ; fair to good cows, 59 to $11.50.; bulls,' $10 to $12.50. A. W. Talbot (for William Davies Ltd.), bought 250 cattle: Good to choice, butchers, $14.50 to 515.75; mediunt butchers,• $12.50 to 314 ; cows, 59 to 512.50; bulls, $9 to $12. Dunn and Levack sold: Butchers -14, 1,040 lbs., $15.75; 21, 960 lbs„ $15.50 ; 15, 950 lbs. 315.50 ; 10, 940 lbs. 515.60 ; 3, 680 tbs. $15.50; 12, 1,060 /be. 515.25; 2, 1,020 Ibs. 815.50 ; 21, 940 /be. 814.85 ; 9, 930 lbs. $15.25 ; 11, 910 lbs. 814.25; 1, 850 lbs. 513; 16, 780 lbs. 514; 9, '790 lbs. $14; 7, 960 lbs. $14.15; 3, 720 lbs. 512; 19, 880 lbs. 514; 13,.:880 Ibs. $18.25; 5, 460 lbs. 512.35; 1, 1,520 lbs. $12.60; 1. 1,990 lbs. 511.50; 1, 1,830 lbs. 511 ; 1, 1,400 tbs. 310. Cows -1, 1,040 lbs. $12.50 ; 1, 1,850 lbs. 512.50; 1, 1,160 lbs. 510; 3, 1,170 Ibs. $11.50;,3, 1,090 Ibs. 512.50; 4, 1,080 lbs. 512 ; 2,1,030 tb$. 510.25 ; 1, .1,240 lbs. 818 ; 1, 1,210 lbs. 511 ; 3, 1,130 lbs. $9 ; 2, 1,020 lbs. $11 ; 1, 1,160 "lbs. $12 ; 4, 1,090 -lbs. $11.50. United Fanners sold: Butchers -1, 1,070 lbs. 57; '7, 1,100 lbs. $15,; 3, 1,040 ills. $15.25; 3, 870 lbs. $15.50 ; 1, 910 tbs. 815 ; 3,- 920 tbs. 514.25; k1, 720 lbs. 513; 1, 820 lbs $13 ; 8, .860 lbs. 513.75; 6, 810 lbs. 514.50; 8, 840 lbs. 114.50; 2, 020 lbs, 51445; 1, 1,090 Ibs. $15 ; 1,' 970 Ibs. 514; 2, 800 lbs. 514.25; 4, 800 lbs. 514.25. Cows -1, 1,280 Ms., 512.75 ; 1, 1,110 Ibs., $11.50;1, 1, 1,070 lbs. $11'; 3, 930 lbs. $10 ; 1, 890 Ibs.. $10; 1, 1,140 lbs. 412 ; 1. 1,180 lbs. 512.60 ; 1, 1,070 lbs. 512 ; 2, 920 tbs. 312. Balis -1, 1,310 lbs. $9. • Sparkhall and Armstrong sold : Butchers- 10,- 973 lbs. 515.25; 20, 700 Ibs. 511.75; 1, 700 lbs. $13.76 ; 4,, 860 lbs. $13 ; 11 865 Ibs. 514; 10, 1,054 ,lbs.' 518.26 ; 8, 927 lbs, $11.50; 21, 1,020 Me. $13.75 ; 8, 780 lbs. 515 ; 11, 870. Ibs. 514.50. Cows -2, 1,215 tbs. $11; 8, ,1,'A070 lbs. $10.50; 3, 980 lbs. $7.; 1, 1;240 Ibs! 813 ; 2, 1,095 Ibs. $11.50 ; 8, 1,160 lbs. $12.25. Bulls -1,- 660 lbs. 57.50; 1, .2,090 lbs. $12 ; 2, 1,080 tbs. 511.35 ; 1, milker, 5100; calves, 512 to 518 ; sheep, 37 to $11.50. Rice and Whaley sold: Butchers -4, 846 Ms. 514; 1, '770 Ibs. $9; 1, 670 Ibs. 512.50 ; 22, 1,110 lbs. W.60; 7, 995 lbs. $18 ; 4, 846 tbs. $14 5, 1,070 Ibs. $12.50; 12, 920 lbs. $14.50; 5, 1,330 lbs. 516 ; 1, 680 lbs. $11 ; 15, 990 Ibs. $16.50'; 26, 910 Ibs. 514.35; 10, 976 lbs. $14.35 ; 22, 750 lbs. $12.55. COWS - 2, 1,005 Ibs. 57 ; 1, 1,210 lbs. 512; 1, 1,780 lbs. 518.50. 5, 1,100 lbs. $12.86 ; 1, 890 tbs. $8 : 1, 1,110 tbs. 512.35 ; sheep $6 to 59; lambs, 517,50 to 318; calves; $9 to 515.50. Quinn and Hisey sold: Butchers -13, 890 Ms. 413.25; 17, 965 lbs. 514.50; ,8, 935 Ms. 513.25; 18, 1,020 tbs. $15.; 7, 915 Ibs. 514.75 ; 14, 886 Ibs. $14 ; 2, 1,050 lbs: 111.50; 1, 880 tbs. $9.50; 15, 810 Ins. $12.50; 2, 775 tbs. 513.25 ; .1, 940 lbs. 513. Cows -1, 1,310 Ibs. 513.50; 1, 690 lbs. $11; 2, 1,186 tbs. 512; 1, 1,110 tbs. 39.75 2, 1,080 Ms. $9. 1, 1,310 tbs. $12.50; 3, 1,075 ibe.•$11.75; 1, 1,090 tbs. s 9 50 ; 1,860 s. 86.50; 10 • 4,1 045 lbs.Ib 6. 1, 880 lbs. 512. Bulls -2, 75 tbs. 518. McDonald and Halligan sold: Butchers - 16, 965 lbs. $15.50; 15,. 976 lbs. $15.50; 1, 900 Ibs. 514; 1, 890 tbb. 514; 14, 980 Ibs. $14. Calves -7, 160 lbs. $15.50. 2, 150 lbs. $15.50. Lambe -11, 65' lbs. 517.50 ; 8, 55 lbs., $13. Sheep -10, 183 lbs. $9; 8, 125 Iba. $7.1 Corbett, Hall and Coughlin quoted: Choice' heavy steers, 815.75 to $16; good heavy steer a, '014.75 to $15.25: choice butchers, 515.50 to 515.75 ; good butchers, 514.50 to 515 ; medium butchers, $18.76 to $14; common butchers, 512.50 to 513; choice cows, $12 to 512.50 ; good eows, $11 to $11.50 ; medium cows, $10' to $10,50; common cows, 37 to 58 ; canners, 55 ; heavy bulls, .$12 to $12.25 ; butcher bulls, 512 to 812.50 ; choice sheep, 58.50 to 59.50; heavy sheep, $7.50 to $8.50; lambs, $17 to 518; calves, $14.50 to 516.00. The quotations were: Choice heavy steers, $15.50 to $16.00: good heavy steers, 514.75 'ION a good time r seashore. t take along nd we have )r you. Our lub Bags knocking a- 'er trunks are the materi- ' been looking them. They TT_ SHOES )P COM MERCE. WhoWants an Imittibn? WOULD you call on your local mer- chant erchant and ask him for "imitation" sugar, or raisins, or coffee? Would you ask him to sell • you a pair of shoes made of something dust as good as leather? Or a -suit,'of clothes "made for" a man, whether or not it fits you? Get the Genuine cInternational Repairs 7 When you need re- pairs for your I H C Farm Equipment, buy the genuine re- rpairs. See that. this trade -mark appears on each piece. Genuine 1 H C repairs are made from the original patterns—all • others are copied from copies ' Genuine I H C repairs are made of the saline material, have the same finish, fit as accurately, and wear just as long as similar parts purchased with the original implement or - machine. We are the Authorized I HC Dealers There is one certain and infallible way to secure genuine I H C repairs—buy them from us. And remember that International service, rendered by us,can only be 100 per cent right when International machines are equipped with genuine International repairs. John A. Workman KIPPEN, ONTARIO. to 515.00; butchers' cattle, choice, $14,60 to $16.00; do., Good, $13.75 to • $14.00; do., medium, $12.60 to 518.00; do„ comfnon, $11.60 to 512.00; bulls,. choice, 512.50 to $13.00; do.,good,0 1 .7 � rough, $ 6 to 11.26 • do r 37.50 to 58.00; butcher $ cows, choice, $12.50 to 513.00 ; do,, good, $10.50 to $11.25 ; do., common, 37. to $8.00; atockers, $9.25. to 211.00; feeders, 21100 to $12.50; canners and cutters, $4,00 to $6.00; milkers, good to choice, $100 to $166; do., common and med. rum, 365 to 575; ',,springers, 390 to 1165; lambs,eiyearlings, $12 to $18; do., spring 516.60 to 517.50; do., spring per tb., 18 to 20e; calves, good to choice, $15 ..to $17.50 ; sheep, $6 to 29:25; hogs, fed and watered, 519.60; do., weighed off cars, 519.75; do., f.o,b., 518.50 ; do., do., Country points $18.25, BIRTHS Whitmore.—In Tuckersmith, on June 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Whitmore, a daughter. Coleman.—In Tuckersmith, on June ' 7th, to Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Cblemar3, a son. DEATHS Bell.—In Tuckersmith, on June 22nd, • Louisa Bell, wife of Mr. David Bell, in her 80th: year. East. —In Clinton, on June 12th, William East, aged 65 years, 2 months and 15 days Govenlack.—In Guelph, oh June 23rd, Mr. Robert H. GovenIock, of Seaforth, aged 67 'years and 23 days. IN MEMORIAM Note. --Items under this head wiii be charg- ed 60 cents per single verse and 26 cents for each additional verse. In loving memory of Pte: Arthur Cecil Neely, who was killed in action on June 26th, 1917. SADLY . MISSED He little thought when leaving• That he would ne'er return, But now he lies in' a lonely grave, And we are left to mourn. His cheery way, his smiling face Are a pleasure to recall; There is nothing 'left to answer But his , photo on the wall. Sleep on dear son in a soldier's grave, Your life for your country you nobly gave, No friends stood near you to say good bye, But safe in God's keeping now you lie. 2741x1 Mother, Sister and Brothers. SALE REGISTER On Thursday, -July 8th, 1920, at 2 o'clock p.m., on Lot 17, Concession 11, McKillop, Horses, Cattle and Hogs. James S. Smith, Prop.; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. , .1 IMPORTANT NOTICES HAY —FOR SALE.—A QUANTITY OF Sweet Clover Hay for sale cheap. Apply to R. GARROW, R. R. No. 2; Seaforth, or phone 9 on 286. 2735-t4 HAY • FOR SALE. —I HAVE ABOUT 27 acres of hay for sale; on Lot 14, . Con- cession 2, Tuckersmith, L. R, S. Apply 'to W. M. DOIG, L.L.B., Suite 5 Stevens Build- ing, Port Huron, Michigan ; or to R. R. No. 2, Kippen. 2741-2 HSALE .—IN FOR SAL—IN EGMQNDVILLE six room frame house, hard and soft water, over an acre of land. with good orchard, and all kinds of small fruits, situated close to main road. Convenient to stores, churches and school. This is a most comfort- able house, and is in thorough repair. There is also good stable and hen house.. Apply to JOHN RANKIN, Broker, Seaforth, or MRS. ROBT: HAWTHORNE. 2782-tf NOTICE Notice is hereby given that side -line 20 and 21 in the Township of McKillop, from the front of Concession 9 to the front of i�travel until 10, is closed for public further notice is gi'-ien. By order of the *IcKillop Council. M. MURDIE, Clerk. 2740-8• ' SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed, and endorsed "Tender for :Re- construction of part of South Pier, Bayfield, Ont," will he received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, July 6th, 1920, for the reconstruction of part of the south half of the South Pier at Bayfield, Huron County, Ont. • Plans and forms of contract can be seen and specification and forms of tender obtained at this Department, at the office, of the District Engineer, Equity Building, Toronto, Ont., and at the Post Office, Bayfield, Ont. Tenders will ndt be considered unless made on printed forms sr:pplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions contained therein. Each tender must b accompanied by an' accepted cheque on a cBartered bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender, War Loan .Bonds of the Dominion will also be accepted as security, or War Bonds and cheques if required to make up an odd amount. NOTE.—Blue prints can be obtained at this Department by depositing an accepted bank cheque for the sum of $10.00, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will be returned if the intending bidder sub- mit a regular bid. e By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 12th, 1920. 2740-2 James Watson GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. . Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. ' Terms reasonable and possession 'given promptly. Apply at my Oiflde for particulars: Spend Dominion .Day at Goderich, Goderich will celebrate Dominion Day with an all -day programme be - 'ginning at 9.80 a.m. with a procession, games, baby show, etc., ,on the Square. Afternoon at Agricultural- Park— horse races, 2.18, 2.30 and 2.50 classes with purses of. $750; baseball, Zurich 'and Goderich; athletic contests, High- land dancing, funny features, etc. Evening on Square ---Band concert and fireworks. Morning and evening per- formances free to all spectators; af- ternoon admission 35c. All roads will ,lead to Goderich on Thursday, July 1st. T1horobred Imported =� c Stallions' 5 The following pure bred imported Clydesdale and Percheron stallions, which are all enrolled, inspected and approved, will statid for service this season at T.J. Berry's/Stables HENSALL, ONTARIO CUMBERLAND STEEL Clydesdale [22070]. Enrolment No. 5608 To insure 320. Form A'1 COMMODORE Clydesdale [9596] (14633) Enrolment No. 1681 Form A 1 To instls!e 315. KING THOMAS Clydesdale [9264] (12625) Enrolment No. 1366 Form A 1 To insure $15. COL. GRAHAM [9255] (12103) Enrolment No. 1870 To insure 314. Form 1 JABOT Percheron [8139] (84214) " Enrolment No, 1869 Form A. 1 To insure $13. FARMS FOR SALE "'ARMS FOR SALE. — I HAVE SOME dhoice firms for sale in the Township, of Usborne and Ribbert, all well built and improved, on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2658-tf PRQPIIIRTY FOR SALE.—GOOD FRAME dwelling, stable, hen house and one-half acre of land, , corner lot, conveniently situ- ated on west side of Centre Street in- the village of Egmondville, which will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. The dwel- ling is equiped with electric lights and the property is in first class condition. Good garden and fruit trees. Possession given promptly. For particulars apply. to JAMES WATSON, Insurance Agent, Seaforth. 2728-tf GRAND TRUNK SY•&TWM The Double Track Route between- MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. • Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains.. • For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Somerville Town Agent W. R. Plant .. Depot Agent POPULAR STALLIONS The following ipopular stallions will stand for the improvenient of stock this season as follows: MARSHAL GRFEDO (8091) The Pure Bred Percheron. Stallion Enrolment No. 5464 Form '1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, Lot 26, Con- cession 7, McKillop. Terms—$13.00 to insure. 2739x2 Joseph Brewster, Prop. KING KAY - Enrolment No. 529 Form 1 [3029] Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, 1r/� miles west of Winthrop, with exception of Friday from noon till night when he will be at W. Cud- more's `sale stables, Main Street, Seaforth. Terms—$12.00 to insure. • 2739-8 f EARL 0' STANLEY TEE GREAT YOUNG CLYDE STALLION (18390) Enrolment No. 5051 Approved Form 1 Terms to Insure $12. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, Brucefield, where Mr. Murdock will meet horse owners on Thursday afternoons and Saturdays of each week. R. D. Murdock, .Proprietor and Manager. RANTIN ROBIN (21685) PURE BRED CLYDESDALE Enrolment No. 5597 Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, Lot 24, Con- cession 4, McKillop. Terms, $12 to insure, payable February 1st, 1921. 2736x12 Percy Smith, Manager. . GOLDEN GUINEA [20738] Enrolment No. 6275 • Form 1 Tuesday.—Will leave his own stable, Huron Road, three miles west of Seaforth, and ge to Commercial Hotel, Clinton, for noon; then by way of Huron Road and Holmesville to Oscar Tebett's for night Wednesday.—By way of Maitland concession to John Durat's for noon; then to Benmiiler and Huron Road to Wilmot Haackes' for night Thursday.— To the seventh concession, Goderich Township, to Fred Pickard's for neon; then to Harold Graham's, ninth concession, for night. Fri- day.—By way of Telephone Road and Lon- don Road to Newman Garrett's for noon; then to his own stable, Huron Road, ler night, where he will remain until the fal- lowing Tuesday morning. Terms to insure, 315. G. W. Nott, Proprietor and Moamar LORD MANSFIELD Imp. [21567] (160303) Vol. 29, B.C. S. B. Passed Enrolment 1 nfr No: 1734 Form 1 Will stand foy, the improvement of stock this season, as follows: Monday.—Will leave his own stable, Beech- wood, and go to Pat Wood's, Logan, for noon; then to • his own stable for night. Tuesday.—To John Murray's, concession 11, McKillop, for noon; then west to Allan Ross', concession 10, McKiIlop, for one hour; then to his own stable for night Wednesday. To Frank Mahar's, concession 8, Logan, for noon; then to Weber's Hotel, Dublin, for night. Thursday.—To Joseph Nagle's for noon; then to.,Joseph Atkinson's, for night. Friday.—To Martin Curtin's, 11/2 miles east of Seaforth, for noon; then by way of Rox- boro to William Anderson's, Lot 29, Con- cession 5, McKillop, for night. Saturday.— Will aturday:Will proceed to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. The above route will be continued through- out the season, health and weather permitting': Terme—To insure a foal, 318. James Evans Proprietor and Manager. • Beechwood, Ont. MAKWIRA Approved Enrolment No. 8267 Form 1 (15938) VOL. XXXIII Monday.—Will leave, his own stable, Staffs, and go west by the 8th concession to Ames Hills' for noon; then south to the Cromarty Line and east to hie own stable for night. Tuesday.—South by the Centre Road to Jas. Ballantyne's, Usborne Boundary; for noon. then east to Farquhar and west on Thames Road to Wes. Armstrong's, for night. Wed- nesday.—South ed- nesday. South to Elimville and east to Winchelsea to John Delbridge's for noon; then south to William Brock's for night. Thurs- day.—South to the loth Concession of Blau- elnard and east three miles and then north to William Thompson's, Jr., Lot 6, Concession 9, for noon ; then north to the larkton Line and west to Kirkton at Taylor's. Hotel for night. Friday.—North to G. Pridham's for noon; then we'§t and north to John Hamil- ton's for night. Saturday.—North to Mac. Gray's, 7th concession of Hibbert, for noon; then west to the centre Road and south to Staffa to .his own stable, *here he will re- main until the following Monday morning. Terms To insure a foal, $15 John Livingstone, Proprietoi and Manager Staffs, Ont. BLACON'S SON (20869) Approved" Enrolment No. 5272 Form Al Terms to insure, $15. Monday—Will leave his own stable, Bruce - field, and go west to the second concession of Stanley, then north to John Butchard'e, for noon; then north and west to Ed. Glenn, a night. Tuesday.—By wayof Jr for h a Ban- nockburn to Varna at the Temperace Hotel for noon; then by way of the Bayfield Road to the Goshen Line to Arthur McClinchey'e, for night. Wednesday.—By Mcclymont's side road to the Parr Line, then `south to Wm. Foster's, for noon; then to William Mc- Kenzie's, 2nd concession, of Stanley, for the night. Thursday.—North to the Bayfield road to his own stable ' for noon; remaining until the following Fridan Horning. Friday,—To George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon; then to McAdam's side road, and north to the 2nd concession H. R. S., Tuckersmith, then . west to James Carnochan's, for night. Sat- urday.—West by Broadfoot's bride, then south to the Mill Road, to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. R. D. Murdock, Proprietor jnd Manager. INVOLUCRE [2145] (82966) Passed Enrolment No. 854 Form 1 Monday.—Will leave bis own stable, Bruce- field and proceed west to Varna at Sherlock Keys, for noon; then north into Goderich township to the Bayfield concession and west to A. A. Welsh's for night. Tuesday.—North by way of _ sixth concession to Porter's Hill at George Vanderburg',, for noon ; then north to James McMillan's, 6th concession, Goderich township, for night. Wednesday.—By way of Jewel's corners and Benmiller to W: Hill's for noon; then by way of Maitland concession to Holmesville at Harry Sweet's for night. Thursday.—By way of 16th coriceasipn to A. Townsend's, for noon; then by Way of Huron Road to Wilson Elliott's, Commercial Hotel, Clinton, for night. Friday.—South by way of the London Road to his own stable, Bruce - field, 'for noon; then west 1r/; miles and south 1yq miles to John Murdock's for one hour, then to his own stable for night. Saturday.—South 21A miles, and east 1%, miles to Robert' EIgie's for noon; then by way of the Mill Road. to his own stable for* night Terms—$15 to insure. The above route will be continued regularly during the season, health and weather per- mitting. William Berry, Proprietor • and Mangier Brucefield, Ont, EMPEROR McKINNEY No.. (54151) 1653 The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion Enrolment No, 4075 Approved Form A 1 Will Make the season of 1920 at his own stable, °Lot 8, Concession 4, Tuckersmith, at $13 to insure a mare in foal. Will meet stares from a distance. For further particulars apply to Charles Riley, Owner; phone 7-136 2787-tf DUNURE GARTLY `(9221) Enrolment No. 5275 Form 1 Monday.—Will leave his own stable, Huron Road, 8 miles west of Seaforth, and go` by way of Huron Road and Seaforth to Jerry Stapleton's for noon; then north to Jerry O'Hara's, for night Tuesdays—To Snell Bros., Kinburn, for noon; then to Andrew Flynn's, for night. Wednesday.—To Ezra Durst',, Base Line, for noon; then by way of Summer Hill and 16th concession to \,Tames Ferguson', for night. Thursday.—By way of Huron Road and Cut Line to Eld. Yoe'b ler noon; then by *ay of ninth concession to Robert Cluff's for night Friday. By way of Bayfield Line and 2nd of Stanley to James JacksO3k's for noon; then lo Fred Pepper's, west End Tuck- ersmith, for night. Saturday.—By war of the second concession to Broa_dfoot's Corner, then to Elcoat'a Corner and Mill Road to Dave People's, for noon; then to his own stable for night, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. G. W. Nott, Prop., Dominic' Reynolds, Man. INTIME (imp.) The Great -International Winner Registered in Canadian Percheron Stud Book No. 6219 ; in France as No. (83163) ; in Chicago as No. -87219-; in Columbus as No. "44105" ; in French Draft as No. "20585". Enrolment No. 5460 in Form A 1 and Premium No. 56. Intime ,along with our four mares, received the Gold Medal at Toronto, 1919, awarded First Prize at Chicago at the International in the largest class of draft horses shown in the world viz. 126 entered and 86 shown in the ring ; First Prize and Gold Medal at the Ohio State Fair in 1910, was Grand Champion same year at Ohio State Fair ; First Prize and Champion Cup at the Columbus Horse Show in 1911 ;, First Prize and Grand Champion at the ° Ohio State Fair in 1911 ; First Prize in Champion Group at Chicago in 1910 ; First Prize given by the Percheron Registry Co. in 1919; First Prize at Mt. Gilead and Champion in 1911-12 an was never defeated in the United States and met the best horses in the country; First Prize at Bengali- in 1919-20; The Champion Mare at Toronto, 1919, is being bred to this horse; also the first prize, 3 and 4 year old. Wednesday.—W=ill leave his stable Wednes- day noon and proceed to Zurich at Walper's Hotel. - Thursday.—Thence to Sam Heys, Blake, for noon ; thence to H. Neeb's, for night; then to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Wednesday, This horse has sired lots of ton geldings out of grade mares and last year one of his get topped the market at Pittsburg, weighing 2,150 at • 5 years old. Intime is black with star, has a noble head, fine neck set on the best of shoulders,short back, good quarters, good legs and with the beat of feet. To insure a foal, $25 for -pure bred mares, or 315 for grade mares, payable March 1st, 1921. H. C. Bolden & Sons, Owners, 2737x6 Henze% Ont. CONSULTING ENGINEERS The E. A. JAMES Co., Limited E. M. Proctor, B.A.,Sc., Manager 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can. Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks, sewer- age Systems, Incinerators, Schools, Public Halla, Housings, Factories, Arbi- trations, Litigation. Our Fees:—Usually paid out of the money we save our clients . NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the copartner- ship, heretofore existing between Dr. James G. Scott and Dr. Charles Mackay, at the Town of Seaforth, has, owing, to the retire- ment of Dr. Scott from active practice, been dissolved to take. effect as of the first day of July, 1920. Dr. Mackay will continue Ma practice at the same office as heretofore. In order to settle and adjust the accdlugts of the co -partnership, all persons havin claims against the firm of Scott & Mackay are required tofur furnishparticulars of their claims on or before the day above named, and all persons in any way indebted to the co -partnership are requested to call at the office of Scott & Mackay, where, the firm's books will be kept pending adjustment, for the purpose of adjusting and settling their indebtedness. 2739-3 DRS. -SCOTT & MACKAY.. TRACTORS FOR 'SALE 1 8-16 Mogul. Tractor in good working order. 1 12-25 4 -cylinder Goold - Shapley & Muir tractor: 1 8-16 Avery in good working condition. The ROJiT. BELL EN- GINE & THRESHER CO., LTD: Seaforth • - Ont. *111ttfftl1111t111f1111fl111fi11HInnlifltiflllef AIM M rd m TTI' T 1ij1 1 •▪ -▪ • — Funeral Director and = t Licensed Embalmer WM .., UM Undertalling parlors in ;; Beattie dock, opposite WM .Mel _ = The Expositor Office - Residence Goderich St, opposite Dr. Scott's. ,- r Flowers 'furnished on - short notice. Phone - Night or Day 119 t111110111un11111l111111111t111ni1tlfi11t111tt TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES Convenience security rlty and economy are secured by the use of Travellers' Cheques issued by this Bank. They enable the bear-, to identify himself and are readily converted into the current coin of any foreign. country. 82A THE CANADIAN BANK COMM OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL f5, OO OOO RESERVE FUND - $15,000,30 . SEAFORTH BRANCH," 5. G. Mullen, Manager. - W .T. BOX & CO. I Embalmers and CONSULTING ENGINEERS The E. A. JAMES Co., Limited E. M. Proctor, B.A.,Sc., Manager 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can. Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks, sewer- age Systems, Incinerators, Schools, Public Halla, Housings, Factories, Arbi- trations, Litigation. Our Fees:—Usually paid out of the money we save our clients . NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the copartner- ship, heretofore existing between Dr. James G. Scott and Dr. Charles Mackay, at the Town of Seaforth, has, owing, to the retire- ment of Dr. Scott from active practice, been dissolved to take. effect as of the first day of July, 1920. Dr. Mackay will continue Ma practice at the same office as heretofore. In order to settle and adjust the accdlugts of the co -partnership, all persons havin claims against the firm of Scott & Mackay are required tofur furnishparticulars of their claims on or before the day above named, and all persons in any way indebted to the co -partnership are requested to call at the office of Scott & Mackay, where, the firm's books will be kept pending adjustment, for the purpose of adjusting and settling their indebtedness. 2739-3 DRS. -SCOTT & MACKAY.. TRACTORS FOR 'SALE 1 8-16 Mogul. Tractor in good working order. 1 12-25 4 -cylinder Goold - Shapley & Muir tractor: 1 8-16 Avery in good working condition. The ROJiT. BELL EN- GINE & THRESHER CO., LTD: Seaforth • - Ont. *111ttfftl1111t111f1111fl111fi11HInnlifltiflllef AIM M rd m TTI' T 1ij1 1 •▪ -▪ • — Funeral Director and = t Licensed Embalmer WM .., UM Undertalling parlors in ;; Beattie dock, opposite WM .Mel _ = The Expositor Office - Residence Goderich St, opposite Dr. Scott's. ,- r Flowers 'furnished on - short notice. Phone - Night or Day 119 t111110111un11111l111111111t111ni1tlfi11t111tt W. S. GORMLEY' EMBALMER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street, Seaforth. Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate ' Phone—Night or Day -192 7_ h" Y rt lothes? Because they have Style. Every Suit .is guaranteed. - The all wool fabrics - are splendidly tailored and trimmed, Yet you pay a moderate price. $40, $45, $50, $55, 500 "My Wardrobe" MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL BLOCS, SEAFORTH. 1 1119f111t1111ii1111111tt1111ftififflft1a m1atou11Hf111ffl11fifitf1ff11ftif1lfttflffNllfttltf MM - r r IMO MOS r _ r N MINM MW 100 UM mM omniSEM MM MIN S. r O▪ M IMF som _ OM MO▪ O W▪ W▪ I - - OM O N▪ IO 11111 MM Get Glasses for those head. aches OUR SPECIALIST WILL EXAMINE YOUR EYES AND FIT YOU, OM OM OM IM▪ O JOM OM OM wlTs PRopmt rLAssEs AT A REASONABLE PRICE. Ei • ✓ IF YOU ARE HAYING EYE TROUBLE, OR IF THE GLASSES ' YOU ARE NOW WEARING DO NOT SUIT YOU, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GET SATISFACTION. Reid Optical CompanyOINC MIN WOO MOO HEAD OFFICE STRATFORD I Seaforth Office over Umback's Drug Store upstairs, emit Theraday, 11 a.m. till 6 p.m. 181, 11▪ 111, VIM s111f11ffillim11U111l11111U1IIItlfl11f111f fIIfl Iftlflflitltltil itim uhIflf111fliftftillllhIts. W .T. BOX & CO. I Embalmers and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Holder of Government 'Diploma and License e Charges moderate l Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calls • Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 43 W. S. GORMLEY' EMBALMER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street, Seaforth. Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate ' Phone—Night or Day -192 7_ h" Y rt lothes? Because they have Style. Every Suit .is guaranteed. - The all wool fabrics - are splendidly tailored and trimmed, Yet you pay a moderate price. $40, $45, $50, $55, 500 "My Wardrobe" MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL BLOCS, SEAFORTH. 1 1119f111t1111ii1111111tt1111ftififflft1a m1atou11Hf111ffl11fifitf1ff11ftif1lfttflffNllfttltf MM - r r IMO MOS r _ r N MINM MW 100 UM mM omniSEM MM MIN S. r O▪ M IMF som _ OM MO▪ O W▪ W▪ I - - OM O N▪ IO 11111 MM Get Glasses for those head. aches OUR SPECIALIST WILL EXAMINE YOUR EYES AND FIT YOU, OM OM OM IM▪ O JOM OM OM wlTs PRopmt rLAssEs AT A REASONABLE PRICE. Ei • ✓ IF YOU ARE HAYING EYE TROUBLE, OR IF THE GLASSES ' YOU ARE NOW WEARING DO NOT SUIT YOU, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GET SATISFACTION. Reid Optical CompanyOINC MIN WOO MOO HEAD OFFICE STRATFORD I Seaforth Office over Umback's Drug Store upstairs, emit Theraday, 11 a.m. till 6 p.m. 181, 11▪ 111, VIM s111f11ffillim11U111l11111U1IIItlfl11f111f fIIfl Iftlflflitltltil itim uhIflf111fliftftillllhIts.