The Huron Expositor, 1920-06-25, Page 30 Bank render every assistance rners in financing their Tour affairs with you and nking. STRICT Kirkton Zurich fLY SERVICE ONTO (Union Station) 9.15- P.M. CALGARY EOM°N'TON VANCOUVER VIgTVRIA. tAIN EQUIPMENT MOURN* TOURIST SLEEPING GARS. mat all the way. , Cochrane theme* C. A. Rys. nearest Canadian Nat!oaat FERHART, Seaforth, Ont. pertinent, Toronto. vein furnish full aartisollars is farming or other Ourposss. Raiiwaqs ARE it E AGENTS -F R HOUSEHOLDERS TO CALL AND SEE !F THESE FINISHES. (DUCT GUARANTEED TY AND SERVICE. :AFOItTH, ONT. rdware Store? Bows on the main for even the genial, old is what really time. -lohbs Gold Medal raring this mark is Test Tools, Garden nes, Washers -and der Twine, Roof - insist Upon t r s Tools re Dealer's JUNE 25, 1920. T E HURON EXPOSITOR Mak.Use of Tour Pasture Have you good pasture going. to waste ? If so, increase your herd and make use of it. This Bank • makes a special feature pf roans to farmers. Have a talk- with our local- manager. TIE DOMINION I3ANK 550 SEAFORTH BRANCH, • . R. M. JONES, Manager. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR KBIT. THE HURON EXPOSITOR DISTRICT MATTERS HEALTHY CHILDREN ,milk and water. Then cook for five minutes. Add the coffee, vanilla and a few grains of salt and remove from the fire. Set aside to cool and serve chilled with a spoonful of whipped cream on top. • Buttermilk With Ice.—Into each tumbler put a large piece of ice. Pour ARE HAPPY CHILDREN over fresh buttermilk and allow . to. ( stare • Antis the ice has penetrated. - With this eat a few dates. This is The well child is always a happy 'one of the most refreshing drinks Child—it is a baby's nature to be that can be taken on a hot summer happy and contented. . Mothers, if - day. your little ones are 'cross and peevish. and cry a great deal they are not well —they are in need of medicine—some- thing that will set their bowels and stomach in order, for nine -tenths g- all childhood ailments arise from a disordered state of the bowels and stomach. Such' a medicine is Baby's Own Tablets. They are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach, and thus drive out constipation, colic; indiges- tion; break up colds and simple fevers and make the baby healthy and happy. Concerning them, Mrs. Albert Hamel, Pierreville, Que., writes- "Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine I know of for little ones. They relieved my little girl from constipation when nothing else. would and I can strongly recommend them to other mothers." The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by Mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. HERE ARE RECIPES FOR A VARIETY OF DELICIOUS DRINKS FOR SUMIVIER Cool drinks are an essential in the summer diet and there is quite an art in the mixing of them. Some of the more substantial ones, which in- clude eggs and milk can be used for a light luncheon, served withea crack- er or two, or a piece of cake. For milk and eggs are liquid- foods and possess great food values. Such drinks are particularly nice when "surprise" company drops in for a chat. Then they can be made quite easily and consumed on the verandah, But --and this is an important .item —they should not be : jsulped like water, ,.but should be sipped very -slow- ly.. If .hastily swallowed, they _have a very injurious effect. Then there are the lighter drinks like lemonade, grape juice, orangeade, etc. They can be arranged so attrac- tively in the tumblers that it is a delight to serve them. Possibly the easiest - and quickest -to prepare is lemonade. For this, lemon syrup should. always be kept bottled in the refrigerator. Theis a good plan to keep a bottle of soda on the ice as well, Fill a tall tum- bler with a tablesppon-of cracked ice. Add a tablespoon of lemon syrup and fill with the soda br plain water. A maraschino chirry in each glass is a nice addition oi) a half slice of an orange. strained Lemon Syrup.—Two- cups lemon juice; four cups water; eight NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE Of European origin . is a method for fusing or casting tungsten on a com- mercial basis. The Government of Brazil has be- gun work ton extensive- systems of reservoirs to enable the residents of its northeastern states to get water in 'long dry seasons, which frequently occur:'; The change to electric power on a railroad in Sweden that is the most northerly in the world has increased the train capacity forty per cent. and the speed fifty per cent. over steam operation.. By passing the exhaust manifold through the intake manifold an auto- mobile engineer has 'given a motor an automatic superheater that allows a thinner • mixture of gasoline in the carbureter. According to an' English scientist's theory, if the radium in the interior of the earth equals in quantity that Which is in surface rocks, the world will .grow hotter in time, instead of colder. ' Nailless detachable heels have been; invented that can be shifted from one to the other of a pair of shoes of different styles can be worn on a single pair. By crossing' African hezu bulls with American pure bred cows a Venezuel- an stock raiser has produced .hybrid cows that ,yield : more milk than northern cows raised in the tropics and better beef. For children who sleep in: the open air in winter a woman has patented a 'heavy garment that completely en- velops them and is featured by a face mask that leaves only an opening for vision and breathing. A Norwegian experimenter has per- fected a new combined - electrolytic and evali'bratinn process'for"obtaining salt from sea water and the govern- ment will foster the establishment of plants in that country. - PALE AND WEAK WIVES AND MOTHERS. Can Regain- Health and Strength Through Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Many women who had a good color in their girlhood grow pale and col- orless when they become wives and mothers. When the fading color in the cheeks and lips is accompanied •by a• loss of brightness in the eyes and an increasing heaviness in the • cups sugar. Boil the water and sugar . step, the case 'twill be found in the together for ten minutes, slowly. Add ( state of the blood. lemon juice and let sinner for f1 -V I ;Many causes contribute to the con - minutes. .Then pour into a scalded i dition of the blood known as anaemia. Overwork in the home, a lack of out - hot bottle. Seal and keep in a cool place. Ginger Ale Punch.—One pint gin- ger ale; 136 pints water; three lemons; one cup sugar. Place a large lump of ice in a glass bowl or pitdher. Mix it up so that the color will return to together the lemon juice, sugar and ,cheeks and lips, brightness to the -water and pour - over the ice. Im- eyes and lightness- to the step: Dr. -mediately before serving pour ginger. Williams' Pink Pills are the great ale over all. A few sprays of crush- blood builder and nerve strength - ed mint will add a delicious flavor to ever. 'They begin with the very first door -exercise, • insufficient rest and sleep, improper diet—these are a few of them. The important thing is to restore the blood to normal, to • build this drink. Mint. Julep.—Make a large pot of hot tea; one teaspoon of tea to one cup of boiling water; allow- it to stand -for three minutes. In a large pitcher •place a chunk of ice; one-half cup of :sugar; one-quarter cup lemon juice. 'Pour over the hot tea and let stand it the sugar is dissolved. Into wnL tumblers plaice chopped ice half full) one-half thin .(about glee of when I married, and in raising my ange and one-half thislice slice of family I became all run down and a r referred cut the orange nervous wreck. I became so weak that .I could hardly walk across the floor without sitting down to get my breath. I slept poorly And at times xny nerves would twitch so that I could not keep still, and I was in con- stant misery. I tried many medi- cines but they did not help me; in- deed - my , condition was - growing worse, until one day a friend told me that she had been in a somewhat *malar condition an a dose and through a fair use make new blood that art of the body. nnd The health to every p appetite increases, digestion becomes more perfect' and energy and ambi- tion return. The case of Mrs. Wm. - McNish, Abbott Street, Brockville, proves the value of Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills in cases of this kind. Mrs. McNish says: "I was quite young lemon, or ifP in cubes one-half inch square. Fill the tumbler with the tea. Garnish the edge 'with a tiny spray of mint, which has been well washed. Grape Juice Cocktail. --One pintt grape juice; juice of two les sugar or of three organes; 1%• cup less to suit the taste. - Squeeze the juice from the organs and lemons. Mix and let stand on sugar in the d•t d had been cure refrigerator until the latter dissolves. s Add the grape juice and enough plain by Dr. Williams' Pink Pails, so I de- • or soda water to fill a large pitcher. cided to try this medicine. After the Into each tumbler put a thin slice use of a couple of boxes I felt they of orange and lemon and. fill one quar- ter full of ice. Pour in the drink and better and I slept better... By the serve immediately. time I had used half a dozen boxes I felt like a new woman, My health Coffee Egg Nog For Four.—Two eggs; three cups milk; one-half cup had fully returned and I could do my strong coffee; two one-half table- housework with ease. In view of spoons sugar; pinch of salt. Whip what` Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have the eggs -light and gradually add the done for me I cannot recommend other ingredients, which should be as them me too bh high." to 'begin taking Dr. T and serve cold. cold as possible. Strain into glasses I Williams',. Pink Pills is the moment you feel the least bit out of sorts. Chilled Mocha: Two cups milk; 2 cups boiling water; two cups strong, The sooner you do so the sooner you black coffee; one cup 'grated chocolate ' will regain your old time energy. or cocoa; four tablespoons hesmlk Viand ' .medic ne dealer ou me get mor bese ymailat 5lls 0 ceannts teaspoon vanilla. Scald add the boiling water. Mix the sugar , box, or six boxes for $2.50, from and chocolate and gradually rub to a the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock - smooth paste with some of the hot ville, Ont. - • fl STEWART'S SELL, IT FOR LESS 11 MAIL OR PHONE YOUR ORDERS i 11 WE PREPAY THE CARRIAGE This Store will be open Wednesday afternoon and evenin; owing to Thursday beings holiday. 7 ttire for. Dominion Da STYLISH SUITS YOU ' ARE SURE TO • LIKE Magnificent Selec- ' Bogs' -Clothing De - tion in Men's Suits pattment is Ready $1U.00 to $'45.00 $5.00 to $15.00.. Althoug lrSu%ts in the vast collection are obtainable at almost any price frons. $10 to $45 perhaps the greater num- ber of suits called for are suits priced at from $25, to $35, and it is in% these prices that we have excelled ourselves the most. . AT $25.00, dozens of patterns in Tweeds and fancy Worn steds, in greys,. browns . a d fancy mixtures, in small checks. and neat stripes and fancyweaves, lining and trimmings, are of good quality. Sizs.32-to 44. g , g �q y PRICE $25.00 AT $35, Suits for men and young men in fine surface Tweeds and Worsteds, in all the newest weaves and latest colorings, rich mixtures, neat stripes and attractive small checks. Sizes 33 to 44. PRICE $35,00 • AT $35- to $45 beautifully finished Serge Suits,, black and. blue, in fine wail and rich finish. The linings and trim, mings are of exceptionally good quality. All sizes. PRICE $35 to $45 SPECIAL NECKWEAR FOR DOMINION DAY You must have a New Tie for the Holiday. We have made extra preparation in the procuring of a very complete,range of the very latest coloring in good quality silks. Price' $1.00, $1.25 Men'sand Boys' Work Cloths It will pay you to buy Work Clothes here. Read over the prices below: OVERALLS Peabody's . $2.75 --g Snag Proof . $2.50 Big B. $2.00 Acme $1.50 PANTS Peabody's - $2.75 Stripe Cottonade $2.75, WORK SHIRTS - Black and White with double front $1.00 to $1.75 Light Colors $1.25 to $1.75 Black and White Stripe 75c Flaxman . $1.75 Cotton . SOX 25c Union .,;. 35c Wool, flat knit , 35c Wool, fine ribbed . a - 50c Wool, heavy 75c Worthy of special mention isthe magnitude of our stock. The assortment is so large that selecting 'a satisfactory Suit is easy indeed. Worsteds, Tweeds and Serges _ are here in every new style, including Pinchback, Norfolks, and double-breasted Suits, with straight or bloomer pants, in all- the wanted shades of Navy, Brown, Tan, Green or Grey. Sizes 24 to 35. PRICE $5.00 to $15.00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Good weight Cotton Underwear, elastic knit cis and ankles, well trimmed, substantially made, " Sizes 34 to 44. PRICE 75c to $1.25 NEW STRAW HATS IN BIG VARIETY Men's Hats were never as becoming as they are this season; there is such a varietyof shapes, so manydifferent styles, and such a coice of straws thatchoosing your hat .{ is very pleasant. Price $1.00 to $2.75. y . Special Vests for Women Fine thread cotton vests, shoulder straps and draw string — Sizes 36 and 38 only. PRICE 25c Women's Vests same as above with quarter sleeves. PRICE 30c Women's White Catton Hose, full fashioned, double soles, spliced heel and toe, all sizes. MICE 35c Allover kitchen apron/ the very thing, for hot days, serves both as apron and dress in both light and dark print. All sizes. PRICE 95c Outing Clothes for Women WHITE SKIRTS Made of Pique, Gaberdine, Repp, In- dian Head with belts and fancy pock gets, some with new cuff bottom. All sizes in women's and misses. Cool, snowy white,, durable. PRICE $1.50 to $4.50 MIDDYS AND BALKANS Stylish new Middy and Balkan Blouses made of fine Indian Head, Percale, Middy Cloth, Repp and Pique, long or short sleeves, White' and.fancy collar new, flannel col- lars, some with detachable collars. All attractive and cool. Sizes 6 years to 42 bust. PRICE $1.50 to $4.50 BATHING SUITS FOR WOMEN One piece bathing Suits with skirt in wool or cotton, in blue and white, black and white and maroon and greed. PRICE $3.01) to $7.50 This Store will close Wednesday afternoon at 12.30. STEWART BROS. Seaforth This Store will close Wednesday afternoon at 12.30.