The Huron Expositor, 1920-06-18, Page 5- ol Shoes for Days et? Better come in and be timer Oxfords or Pumps and er. Summer Shoes and Slippers ction. And note the reason - low heels, at $5.00 to $8.50 at $4.50 to $8.50 3, at $4.50 to $7.50 to 87.50 ow heels, at.42.75 to $3.50 e low heels, at $2.50 to $3.00 I, at — ....43.00 to $4.50 50LED SHOES family. High or low shoes ers. mis at — ..$2.50 a pair 04tia heels, at $2.50 to $3.150 Dies, at $2.25 to $3.50 a pair soles, at $2.75 to $3.50 a Pair i; Brown, $1.75 and $2.00 TE COMMERCIAL Harm )1iT .es foot discomfort. comfort appliance quick relief and ter what your coni - of these celebrated s a graduate of the epeckos, who will rou with the appli- articular ailment. id of foot trouble lief. :Rennie 1 Clothing 471/e cents TIME Shoes that full -of -life They're com ; shoes on lasts ift to grow as re have them 43o. Come in ig is believing iy worth your ntuaily but at JTT Ce SHOES CON MER CB. .JUNE 18, 1920, THE HURON ExposrroR CHISELEURST Notes.—It is intended to hold a reoncert and box social on July 2nd -at the new school, No, 10, Tucker - smith. The programme will come irtence at 8 p.m. sharp. There will he no charge for admission but the ladies are kindly asked to furnish a box.—Mr. and Mrs. N. -Horton and Mrs. A. McKaig spent several days with relatives An Stratford.—Mr. W. Slavin had the misfortune recently to lose a valuable mare. BRUSSELS Old Boys' Picnic.—The Toronto Mail on Tuesday had the following account 'of the Brussels Old Boys' Picnic herd in that city on Saturday last: "One of.the most successful of the many picnics held in High Park Saturday was that of the Brussels Association in Toronto. An excellent Mrogramene of races, tug-of-war, etc., -was in charge of Mr. John Hargreaves. Immediately after supper the presi- dent, Rev. Dr. John Ross, gave a most appropriate address, which was fol- lowed by a humorous talle by Mr. Tom -McGillicuddy, formerly editor of the Brussels Post. The election of of- ficers resulted as follows: Honorary 'Presidents, Rev. Dr. John Rosie Wm. Graham M.D., and Mr. Wm. -Ainley; Tresiderkt, Mr. John Hargreaves; let Vice-president,: MTS. (Dr.) Graham; -2nd vice-president, Rev. Dr. -Oaten; 1rd vide -president, Mr. •8; R. Crerar; viec.-treasurer, Miss Carrie McCrack- en and a committee of seven young ladies and seven young men, all claiming Brussels as their birth-. place." CONSTANCE Notes.—Mrs. D. Sutherland has sold her house and lot in the village to Mr. Joseph Riley.—Mr. and Mrs. William Britton and family spent a -few days with the latter's parents in Lambton County, and while there were the guests at the diamond wed- ding of Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson.— Mr.George Leitch is having his barn leased -higher and a cement wall and stabling installed.—Mr. Robert Law- son has also erected a cement drive -she& Mr. Benj. Riley doing the work. —Don't forget the garden party on the evening of June 30th, to be held on the lawn of Mr. Ed. Britton. The Brunswick Trio of London will furnish .most of the programme. Look out for the posters for further announce- ments. Come and enjoy -one of the best evenings of the season. The grounds will be lighted by the Nor- thern Electric Lighting Company, odemonstrated by Mr. Howard Bruns - den; of Blyth.—Mr. Henry Glazier, of the 8th concession, of llullett, passed away on Monday, the 15th, after a lingering illness. The funeral took place on Thursday from his home to the place of interment in Clinton cemetery. 'McKILLOP Personal.—Mrs. F. L. Hutchings, formerly Miss Susie McSpadden, of Barons, Alberta, and little son, George, arrived home last week and are visit- ing under the parental roof of Mr. W. G. McSpadden and also at the home of her brother, Mr. Zack Mc- Spadden. School Fair Meeting.—The annual meeting of the trustees of McKillop schools was held on Friday evening. The folloWing motions were carried unanimously: That the fair be held again this, year; that the list of prizes .be the 'same as last year -' that each section donate at least $10 to the fair; that a vote of thanks be given to Mr. Fowler for the able manner in which he has managed the last two years; that the following officers be appoint- ed this year: President, William J. .Bette; Directors, No. 1 Union, John Lane; No. 1 Separate„Ed. Iteran; No. 2,• John McElroy; No. 3, P. V. Mc- -Grath; No. 4, Robert Gibson; No. 6, J. F. McKercher; No. 8, George L. Benneweis; No. 10, John Shannon; No. 12, George Love; No. 13, Jos. .Scott; Secretary -treasurer, F. T. Fowler. Those• in McKillop and all others who wish to give a donation, lindly 'hand the same to the Secre- tary or one of the Directors. We Trill look forward to another fair at least as good as the past, at .a date to be settled. later. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Seaforth, June 17, 1920 $1.9 50 46c Wheat, per bushel Butter, per lb. . Eggs, per 'dozen -Oats, per bushel Barley, per bushel Flour, per cwt Potatoes, per bag Spring Wheat, per bushel Bran, per to Shorts, per ton Hogs, per cwt 5 $1.10 $1.70 $7.80 to $7.90 44.00 $1.90 $60.00 $70.00 $18.25 DAIRY MARKET Toronto, June 15.—Butter, choice dairy, 50 to 55c; do. creamery, 65 th 70e, margarine, Toronto, 'June 1.—Butter, capice dairy, 55 to 60c; do., creamery, 65 to 70e; margarine. lb., 87 to 40e; eggs, new lsied, doz., 55 to 60e; cheese, lb., 35 to 40e. POULTRY MARKE'T Toronto, June 15. — Dreesed Poultry — Chickens, spring, M., '75 to 85c; fowl, lb., 40 th 45ce obickens, roasting, 45 th 50e; ducks, spring, /b. 60 to 70e; turkeys, the 55 to 60e. Live ioultry—Chickens, lb., 35 to 40c; roosters, /b., 25 to 28e; fowl, tb., 35 th 40c; ducks, Spring, lb., 60 to 65e. GRAIN MARKET Toronto, 3 tine 45.—alanitoba Wheat—No. 1 Northern, 53.16; No. 2 Northern, $3.12; No. 3 Northern, $3.08, in store Fort William. Manitoba Oats—No. 2 C. W., $1.351/4 ; No. 3 C. W., $1,35¼; extra No. 1 feed, $1.351/4 ; No, 1 feed, $1.34½; No. 2 feed, $1,331A, in store Fort William. Manitoba Barley—No. 3 C. W., $1.96; No. 4 C. W., 51.69; reject- ed, 51.65; feed, $1.65, in store Fort Wil- liam. American Corn—No. 2 yellow, 52.40; nominal track, Toronto; prompt shipment. Ontario Oath—Nominal. Ontario wheat—NO. 3. Winter, per car lot, 32.00 to 52.01; No. 2, do., 51.98 to $2.01; No. 3 clo.. $1.92 to 51.98, f. 0.b. shipping points, according to freights. Ontario Wheat—No. 1 Spring, per ear lot, 52.02 to 52.03; No. 2 do., 51.98 to 52.01; Na- 3 do., 51.95 to 52.01, f. o. b. shipping Points, according to freights. Peas—No. 2, 53.00. Barley—Malting, 51.87 to 51.82, ac- cording to freights outside. Buckwheat—No. 2, nominal. Rye—No. 3, 52.20 to $2.25, ac- cording to freights outside. Manitoba Flour Government standar, $14.85, Toronto. On- tario Flour—Government standard, $13.25, nominal. Millfeed—Car lone—Delivered Mon- treal freights, "bag included—Bran, per ton. $64; shorts, per ton, 561; good feed flour, 13.75 to $4.00. Hay—No. 1 Der ten, $110 to 881; mixed Per ton $25, track Toronto. Straw.—Car lots, per ton, 816 to $17, track Talent°. • Ale LIVE STOCK MARKET Buffalo, June 15. --Cattle, receipt), 3,0000; strong to 25c higher; Shipping steers, $15,50 to $17.25; butchers, $1.0 to 415.50; yearlings $15.50 to $16.50; heifers, 47.50 to $14; cow, $4 to $12; bulbs, $7 to $12; stockers and feeders, *6 to $10; fresh slows and feedene $65 to $150. Calves—ReeeiPtse 8,000; 60 cents lower; $6 to 117. Hoge—Receipts, 10,400; steady to 10 to 60e higher; heavy, $16 to $16.35; yorkers, $16.35; light yorkets, $1.5 to $16.35; pigs, $14.50; -roughs, $1.2.50 to 112.75: stage, $11 to $10. Sheelp 'and Iambs —Receipts, 2,800; active; hunt*, $14 to $19; few $20; yearlings, $8 to $17; wethers, $9.50 to $10; ewes, la to 19: mixed 'heel). $9 to $9.50. Montreal, June 15.—A1thoughe there are the earne number of cattle on the markets this morning as there was last Monday, Prices are up to -the level of those paid two weeks ago. A couple of loads of the best cattle have not been soht yet. Heave Cattle are Moving slower. Other grades firm. Twenty steers, averaging 1,140 pounds, have been weighed up at $16. Twenty-four steers averaging 960 pounds brought $14. Most of the geed cattle have been aold -between these figures. The top for selected bulls and cows is IRS. 'Twelve coves averaging 1.105 Pounds brought $12.26 and 22 isovnt of very fair quality- averaging 1,085 pounds were sold for $11.60. . Just fair strippers tram $9 to $10. Owing to the feet tied nearly all cattle -offered have been high. on gramsQuotationsthese prices arconsidered very : Butcher steers—Choice, $14.75 to $16; good, $14 to $15.50; medium. $13.50 to 1114. corn - mon, $11 to $13. Butcher heifers--khoice, $13.50 to $15; medium, $11.50 to $18.60; common, 18 to $11'' butoher cows, choice, $11 to $18; medium, $8to $10.50; canners, $5.50 to *6; cutters, $4 to. $7; butcher bulls— good, $11 to 118; common, $9 to $10.50. Calf receipts, 1,851 The calf market was strong. Sales indicate a top of *16. Car lots of :good steerage quality have been sold at $15. Common aalves down to $10. Quota- tions: Good veal, $14 to 516; medium, $10 tediletelp* receipts, 942. The market was steady.Quotao$2tions: Ewes, *8 to ;ea. Lambe ° Hog receipbe 1.867. There is a weaker tone to the hig market, but owing to scarcity of medium light hogs of good quality, sales of this grade have been made at 120.50 oft care. Mixed lots are being offered at from $18 to $20. Quotations: Off car weights-, Selects, $20 to *20.50; sows, $16 to $16.50. Union Stock Yards, Tordnto, June 15.— The run of cattle at to -day's market was a little heavier than on last Monday, and prices for all low qualities were lower by at least 50 cents, while grass cows were reduced by a dollar in most sales. Good to choi.ce steers and heifers, however, held firm with last week's close,. There was a little better 'de- mand for first-claas bulls but the price re - maned unchanged. Quito a proportion of the offering consisted of stuff not much above the canner class, and this was off as much as $1.85 in some easee. Two or three single steers at $17 per cwt topped the market. Very few milkers were forward to -day. They ranged in price all the way from 575 to $150, according to quality, but were not much in demand. stockers and -feeders were almost nie with regard to both supply and demand. Calves showed an easier tendency in view of a heavy run, with the best bringing from 317.25 to $17.75 per cwt., good *16 to 517, and common ones $10 to $12 per cwt. Sheep and lambs were the biggest' run for many weeks and prices were a little lower for the poorer qualities of both. Choice handyweight sheep brought from $9 to 39.50 per cwt., heavy sheep, ;8 to 58.50, and culls from $5 to 56 per cwt. Yearling sheep sold at from 511 to $12.50 per cwt. Best spring lambs are still gelling at $20 per cwt., but there were a lot of inferior ones to -day that sold for as low as $15 per cwt. Hogs were steady with the close of last week at 519.25 fed and watered, with if - creased supplies in sight and the price likely to hold. The receipts were 178 cars, with 2,862 cattle, 1,234 calves, 1,487 hogs and 1,051 sheep and lambs. The horse market was in receipt of 38 head. Swift Canadian Co., Ltd., bought 400 cattle: Steers and heifers, at from 14 to 15%e; cows, 71/4 to 12c; canners, 4 to 6c; and bulls, 9 to 13e. }Terris Abattoir Co. bought 650 cattle:— Steers and heifers, $15.65; medium steers and heifers, $14 to $14.25; cows, $9 to $12; bulls,- 39 to 513.50. - Gunns Limited tiought 300 cattle: Steers and heifers, 131/4 to 151,4c; Wets, 10 to 121,ee per Quinnui pound. and Hisey sold eight 'loads: Butchers -5, 820 lbs., 512.30; 9, 840 tbs. 512.50; 20, 1,000 tbs. 515e 24, 1,020 Me. 514; 1, 700 tbs. $15.50; 1, 900 lbs. 515. 001V8-1, 1,350 lbs. 512.25; 1, 970 tbs. 511; 1, 1,230 tbs. $9.50; 2, 1,300 Ms. $10.50; 1, 1,050 tbs. 510.50; 1, 1,090 lbs. $10,50; 1, 1,150 tbs. 59.50; 1, 1,040 tbs. 59.90; 1, 740 tbs. 510; 1, 1,050 tbs. 510.50; 1, 970 lbs. 58.50; 4, 1,005 tbs. $10.50; 1, 1,030 lbs. 58; 1, 1,420 lbs. 512.75; 13, 1,020 nee 511. Bull—. 1., 920 tbs. 512.50; 1, 1,000 tbs. $11; 20, ealves, 14 to 17e M., 40 sheep, 6 to 12e M.; spring lambs, 20e lb.; one deck hogs, $18.25 f. o. b. Rice and Whaley sold 20 loads: Steers and heifers -3, 950 tbs. 515; 2, 760 Ms, 512.75; 1, 860 110. 514,50; 1, 550 tbs. 55; 1, 620 lbs. $12.50; 2, 925 tbs. $12; 1, 560 tbs. 56; 6, 920 tbs. $15; 22, 1,120 Ms. 514.55; 25, 950 lbs. 514.50. Cows -1, 1,100 tbs. 510.50; 1, 1,140 lbs. 59; 1, 1,080 tbs. 512.50; 1, 1,100 tbs. 511; 1, 1,050 tbs. $11; 1 milker, 5127;• calve3, 161/4 to 171/4e. Sheep, 10c. _Lambs, 20 cents. H. P. Kennedy Ltd. sold 16 loads: Butchers -2, 770 tbs. 513.25; 16, 750 tbs. $13.28; 2, 1,010 tbs. 514,50; 1, 1,060 lbs. $13; 1, 1,750 lbs. $13,50; 2, 790 lbs. $13.25; 16, 750 tbs. $14.20; 2, 985 lbs. $11.75; 6, 760 tbs. 516.25; 21, 1,950 tbs. $15.50; 19, 750 lbs. 515.50; 18, 880 tbs. 514.25. Bulls -1, 1,370 tbs. 515.50; 1, 1,160 tbs. 510. Cows, VI to 512 per cwt. The Corbett, Hall, Coughlin Co. sold 26 cars: Choice heavy steers, $15.50 th *15.75; good heavy steers, $15 to $15.25; choice butchers $15.50 to $15.65; good butchers, $14.75 to 515; medium butcheds, $14.25 th $14..50; common butchers, $13 th $13.50; choice cows, 512 to 512.50; good cows, $11 th $11.50; medium cows, 510 to $10.50; common cows, 57 to 58; canners, 55e; heavy bulls, 512 to $12.25; butcher bulls, $12 to $12.60; choice -sheep, 59 th 59.60; heavy sheep, $8 to $8,50; lambs, 517 to *20; calves, 517 to $18. McDonald and Halligan sold: Butchers - 20, 1,070 tbs., $15; 16, 1,085 lbs. $14.75; 1, 1,020 Ms. 513.75; 9 915 tbs. $14.50; 9, 990 tbs. $14.50; 1, 760 tbs. 512.50; 25, 885 tbs. 514.25; 24, 910 tbs. 514; 1, 670 tbs. 310. Bul1s-1, 890 tbs. 818; 1, 1,420 Ms. $12.50; le, 830 tbs. $11.50; 1, 1,750.tbs. $11.50. Calves e-65, 120 lbs. $16; 10, 115 tbs. $12.50. J. B. Shields and Son sold: Butchers - 7, 1,030 lbs. 315.30; 2, 690 tbs. $15.50; 22, 1,010 tbs. $14.75; 7, 460 tbs. 514.50; 12, 800 lbs. $14.50; 9, 800 lbs. $14.75. Bulls - 1, 560 lbs. $8.50. One ,cow, $162.50; 2 cows, 525,9. • United Farmers' Co-operative Co. sold:--; Butchers -1, 830 tbs. $17 1, 700 tbs. $17; 2, 700 tbs. 516; 2, 870 lbs. 515.40; 16, 1,120 Ms. 515; 3; 1,000 tbs. $15; 2, 980 tbs. $14.50; 10, 820 tbs. $13.60; 2', 1,000 lbs. 515.50; 2, 990 Ms. $15; 1, 860 tbs. $14; 1, 600 lbs. 514.25; 1, 850 tbs. 515.50;A, 660 tbs. 515.75; 2, 820 tbs. $14; 1, 760 Ms. 516 ; 1, 660 tbs. $15; 4, 1,050 tbs. 515, 12, 1,030 lbs. $15.50; 1, 980 tbs. $15.25; 5, 950 tbs. 5.15; 6, 970 I bs. 516; 3, 750 tbs. 515.75; 1, 970 Ms. 514; 1, 860 tbs. 514; 4, 1,000 tbs. $15.50; 2, 1,080 tbs. 515.60. Cows -1, 1,060 lbs. 513.50; 1, 1,130 lbs. 512.50; 1, 880 tbs. $11.25; 1, 1,060 Ms. $10; 1, 1,280 Ms. $12.50. Bulls -1, 930 I. $12.50; 1, 1,460 Mi., $11.50; 1, 1,980 nes., $11 ; 1, 1,320 tbs. $12. Dunn and Levack• sold 26 cars: Butchers —1, 1 330 lbs. 515.75; 22 1,160 lbs. 515.50: 15, 980- lbs. $15.40; 13, 970 Ms. $15.50; 17, 1,060 lbs. 515.25; 21, 920 tbs., 514.75; 22, 860. Ms; $14.75; 8, 889 Me. 518.26: 2, 670 11)8$iti 5, 850 Ms. 812; 1, 1,080 lbs. $15; 19, 760 tbs. 514; 1, 750 lbs. 5121 4, 700 tbs. S12,50; 16, 880 tbs. $14.70; 2, 550 tbs. $10.75; 2, 940 tbs. $14.76; 6, 700 lbs. 511.50; 3, 760 tbs. $11.50; 14, 1,060 Ms. $16.30; 4, 1,040 Me. $14.50; 3, 1,160 lbs. 515.25. Bulls --2, 1,070 tbs. 513.50; 2, 1,070 Ms. 512.75; 1, 1,150 tbs. $12; 1, 1,600 lbs. 510; 1, 1,080 tbs. $11.50; 4, 1160:110. 511.80; 1, 1,200 110.$11.60 ; 4„1160 lbs. $11.80; 1, 1,200 tbs. 511.50; 1, 1,780 Ms. $11.50; 1, 830 lbs. 510. Cows -11, 1,120 Ms. $12; 2, 1,120 lbs. 513; 6, 1,110 tbs. 511.50; 3, 1,330 lbs. $11.25; 1. 920 tbs. $10.50: 3, 1,020 lbs. 511.50: 7, 1,020 lbs. $11.60; 12, 1,030 lbs. 810.85; 6, 1,010 Ms. $11 7 1,200 tbs. 511.85; 2, 1,200 tbs. 511.75; 3, 1,020 lbs. 59; 13, 1,210 lbs. 512. Sparkhall and Armstrong sold: Butchers - 8, 950 lbs. $14; 14, 790 lbs. 513; 2, 915 Ms. 513.50; 11, 880 tbs., 512.50; 8, 620 tbs. $14; 1, 1,050 tbs. $14.50; 14, 880 tbs. 514.15. The quotations were: Choice heavy steers, $15.50 to $16.00; good heavy steers, $14.75 to 515.00; butchers' cattle, choice, 514.50 to $15.00; do., good, $13.75 to $14.00; do., medium, 512.50 to 513.00; do., common, $11.60 1 to 512.00; bulls, choice, 112.50 to 513,00; do., good, 510.75 to $11 . 25 ; do., rough, 57.50 th 58.00; batcher cows, choice, 512.50 to 518.50; do., god, $11.00 th $12.00; do., estasson, 41.1 to 114.1te; steer**, 0.16 1. $11.00; feeders, $11.00 to $12.50; cannersand esteem. 14.0 * -Nene- tailltses. see4 10 choice, 000 410 *166; do., aeleMot) and med. Wm, $46 to -175; swingers, $110 to $1$8; Iambi, Yearlings. $18 to $14; do.. sPrinir, '1115 to $20; do. spring, per lb.. 18 to 200; calves, Wood 10eh;:dee. $16 to $18; sheep, 56 to $10; hogs, fed and watered; $19.25: do., welgheed off cars, 419.50; do., f.o.b., 418,25; do., d0.• country points, $18. BIRTHS Tyndall.—In Tuckeramith, on May 80th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyndall, a son: Bell.—In Hullett, bn May Slat, to Mr. and Mrs. William Bell, a daughter. Anderson. --In Manion, on June 16th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson, a daughter. Atohleon.—In lIowick, on June 10th, Thomaa Atchison, aged 72 yeas% DEATHS Laidlaw.—In Seaforth, on June 17th, Minnie Price Laidlaw, third daughter 'of the late J. C. .Laidlaw and Mrs. Laidlaw. McCarty.—In Egmondville, on June 14th, John McCarty, 'aged 73 years. ' Fulton.—In Brussels, on June 7th, Janet A. McInnes, widow of the late James Fulton, Grey Township, in her 14th year. MacArthur.—On May 81st, at his late resi- dence, Piceldilly Street, London. Mr. John MaaArtliur, formerly of Hensel!. - • IMPORTANT NOTICES ROUSE FOR SALE.—IN ZOSIONDVILLE six room frame house, hard and soft water, over an acre of land, with good orchard, and all kinds of email fruits, situated elan to main read. Convenient to stores, churches and school. This Is a moat comfort- able house, and is in thorough repair. There Is also good stable and hen house. Apply to JOHN RANKIN, Broker, Seaforth, or MRS. ROBT. HAWTHORNE. 27$2-tf • CONSULTING ENGINEERS The E. A. JAMES Co., Limited E. M. Proctor, B.A.,Se., Manager 86 Toronto St., Toronto, Caw Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks, fawnl- ike* Systems, Incinerators, Schools, Public Halls, Jitousings, Factories, Arbi- trations, Litigation. Our Fess :—Usually paid out of the men ey we save our clients NOTICE • Notice is hereby giveh that side -line 20 and 21 in the Township of McKillop, from the front of Concesi3ion 9 th the front of concession 10, is closed for public travel until further notice is given. By order- of the McKillop Council. M.'MURDIE, 2740-8 Clerk, CENTRE HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION The Annual Meeting of the Centre Huron Liberal Association will be, held at Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, om Tuesday, June 22nd, at three o'clock p. m. A good attendance is MICHAEL MCRDIE - JAS. L. KILLORAN desired. President. Secretary. QEALED TENDERS addressed th the under- " signed, and endorsed "Tender 'for Re- construction of part of South Pier, Bayfield, Ont„" will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, July 6th, 1120, for the reconstruction of part of the south half of the South Pier at Bayfield, Huron County, Ont. Plans and forms of contract cs.n be seen and specification and forms of tender obtained at this Departrhent, at the office of the District Engineer, Equite Building, Toronto, Ont., and at the Post Office, Bayfield, Out. Tenders will not be considered unless made on printed Corms sepplied by the Department and in accordance with conditions oontained therein. Each 'tender must be accompanied bY an accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender. War Loan Bonds of *the Dominion will also be accepted as security, or War Bonds and cheques if required th make up an odd amount. Blue prints can be obtained at this Thorobred Imported Stallions The following pure bred imported Clydesdale and Percheron stallions, which are all enrolled, inspected and approved', will stand for service this season at T.J.Berry's Stables HENSALL, ONTARIO CUMBERLAND STEEL Clydesdale [220701 Enrolment No. 6608 - Form A 1 - To insure 520. ••••••••• •••••••••••••• COMMODORE Clydisdals [96961 (1448/1) Enrolment No. 1681 Form A 1 To 'Insure $15. flalm•owl••••••••••••••••IMIO - KING THOMAS Clydesdale (9254] (12625) Enrolment No. 1866 Form To insure 515. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• COL. GR,AHAM _ [92661 (12103) Enrolment No. 1370 To insure 1114. •••••••••••••••••• A 1 Form 1' JABOT Percheron [3139] (84:14) Enrolment No. 1869 Form A. 1 To insure 818. MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Post- master General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the and day of July, 1920, for the conveyance of His Majesty'sMails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week, over Dublin No. 2 Rural Route, from the Postmaster General's Plea- sure. Printed notices containing further informs, tion as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Dublin, Mitchell, St. Columban and Seaforth, and at the office of the Post Office Inepector, London. • Post Office Inspeetor's Office, London, 21st May, 1920. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, 2737-3 Post Office Inspector. GRAND TRUNIC/V= The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CliICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trabuie For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E, Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Somerville Toim Agent W. R. Plant Depot Agent P011_TLAR STALLIONS The following popular stallions will stand for the improvenient of stock this season as follows: 'MARSHAL GREEDO (8091) The Pure Bred Percheron Stallion Enrolment No. 5464 Form 1 NOTE.— Department by deeositing an accepted bank Will stand for the improvement of stock cheque for the sum of 510.00, payable to -the this season at his own stable, Lot 25, Con - order of the Minister of Public Works, which cession 7, McKillop, will be returned if the intending bidder sub- Terms—$13.00 to insure. mit a regular bid. 2739x2 Joseph ' By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 12th, 1920. 2740-2 James Watson GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms reasonable and possession 'given promptly. Apply at my Office for particulars. FARMS FOR SALE II-gurAY... FOR SALE.—A RTJANTITY OF AY Clover Hay for sale cheap. Apply to R. GARROW, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, or Phone 9 on 236. 2785-tf pARMS FOR SALE. — I HAVE SOME dhoice farms for sale in the Townships of -Usborne and Hibbert, all well built and improved, on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2658-tf pROPERTY FOR SALE.—GOOD FRAME dwelling, stable, hen house and one-half acre of land, corner lot, conveniently situ- ated on west side of Centre Street in the village of Egmondville, which will be sold cheap and en reasonable terms. The dwel- ling is equiped with electric lights and the property is in first class condition. Good garden and fruit trees. Possession igiven Promptly. For particulars apply' to JAMES WATSON, Insurance Agent, Seaforth. 2723-tf Brewster, Prop, KING KAY Enrolment No. 529 Form 1 . [13029] A Pure Bred Cledesdale Will stand for the improvement of etock this season at his own stable, 11/4 miles west of Winthrop, with exception of Friday from noon till night when he will be at W. Cud- more's sale • stables, Main Street, Seaforth. Terms—$12.00 to insure. 2739-8 EARL 0' STANLEY 1..tare GREAT YOUNG CLYDE STALLION (18890) Enrolment No. 6051 Approved Form 1 Terms to Insure $12. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, Brucefield, where Mr. Murdock will meet horse owners on Thursday afternoons and Saturdays ef each week. R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager. RANTIN ROBIN (21685) PURE BRED CLYDESDALE Enrolment No. 5507 Form 1 Will stand for the imprevement of stock this season at his own stable, Lot 24. Cone 'cession 4, McKillop. Terms, $12 to insure, Payable February 1st, 1921. 2736x12 Percy Smith, Manager. GOLDEN GUINEA posse Fonn 1 Enrolment No. 5275 LORD MANSFIELD Ip. (21547] (160363) V4). /LC. Passed Enrohnent No. 1734 Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season, as Memos Monday.—Will leave his own stable, Beal: - wood, and go to Pat Wood's, Logan, for noon; then to his own stable for night. Tuesday.—"To John Murray's, concession 11, McKillop, for noon; then watt to Allan Ross', concession 10. MoKillop, for one hour; then to his own stable for night. Wedneadag. —To Frank Mahar's, concession 3, Logan, for noon; then to Weber' s Hotel, Dublin, for night. Thunsday.—To Joseph Nagle's fer noon; then to Joseph Atkinson's, for night. Friday.—To Martin Curtin's, lea miles east of Seaford,, for noon; then by way of Rox- boro to William Anderson's, Lot 29, Con- cession 6. McKillop, for night. Saturday.— Will proceed to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday rinsimirkl. The above route will be continued through- out the season, health and -weather permitting. Terms --To insure a foal, $18. James Evans, Proprietor and Manager. Beechwood, Ont. M.AKWIRA • Approved Enrolment No. 8267 Form. 1. (16938) VOL. XKITUI Monday.—Will leave his own stable, Staffs, and go west by the 8th concession to James Hills' for noon; then south to the Cromarty Line and omit to his own stable for night. fllueeday.—South by the Centre Road to Jas. Ballantyne's, Usborne boundary,. for noon, then east to Farquhar and west on Thames Road to W. Armstrong's, for night. Wed- nesday.—South to Elimville and east to Willesden to John Delbridge's for noon; then south to William Brock's for night. Thurs- day.—South to the 10th Concession of Blan- chard and east three iniles and then north to William Thompson's, Jr., Lot 6, Concession 9, for noon; then north to the Kirkton Line and west to Kirkten at Totylor'a Hotel for night. Friday.—North 4o G. Pridliam'i for noon; then west and north to John Hamil- ton's for night. Saturday.—North to Mac. Gray's, 7th concession of Hibbert. for noon; then west to the centre Road and eouth to Staffa to his own stable, where he will re. main until the following Monday morning. Terme—To insure e foal, $16 John Livingstone, Proprietor and Manager Staffs, Ont. BLACON'S SON (20889) Approved Enrolment No. 5272 Form. Al Terms to insure, $15. Monday,—Will leave his own stable, Bruce - field, and go west to the second concession ,of Stanley, then north to John Butchard's, for noon; then north and west th Ed. Glenn, jr's., for night. Tuesday.—By way of Ban- nockburn to Varna at the Temperance Hotel ,for noon; then by .way of the Bayfield Road.. to the Goehen Line to Arthur MeClincheya, for night. Wednesday.—By Mcelymont's side road to the Parr Line, then south to Wm. Foetera, for noon; then to William Mc- Kenzie's, 2nd concession, of Stanley, for the night. Thursday.—North to the Bayfield road the his own stable for noon; remaining until the following Friday morning. Friday.—To George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon; then to McAdam's side road, tind north to the 2nd concession H. R. S., Tuckeramithe then west to James Carnochan's, for night. Sat- urday.—Wesagby Broadfoot's bride, then south th the Mill -Road, to leis own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager. TilesdaY.—Will leave his own stable, Huron Road, three miles west of Seaforth, and ge to Commercial Hotel, Clinton, for noon; then by way of Huron Road and Holmesvitle to Oscar Tebetta for zaght. Wedneedae.—By way of Maitland concession to Sohn Durst s for noon; then to Benmiller and Huron Road th Wilmot Haack& for night. Thursday.— To the seventh ncession, Goderich Township, th Fred Pickard's for noon; then to Harold Graharaa, ninth concession, for night. Fri- day.—By way ,of Telephone Road and Lon- don Road to Newman Garrett's for noon; then to his own stable, Huron Road, for night, where he will retnain until the fel- lowing Tuesday morning. I Terms to insure, *16. G. W. Nett, Proprietor and Manager NOTICE A meeting will be held at Chiselhurst Methodist Church in the Township of Tucker - smith, on the 2nd day of July, 1920, at the hour of 7 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of electing trustees for McTaggartes Cemetery. The owners, of plots are request- ed to attend this meeting. Dated at Hensel, June 5th, 1920. Signed by three plot owner*: M. MeTaggart, John McQueen, Gordon Bol- ton. 2739-2 NoticE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby given that the co -partner- ship, heretofore existing between Dr. James G. Scott and Dr. Charles Mackay, at the Town of Seaforth, has, owing to -the retire- ment of Dr. Scott from active practice, been. dissolved to take effect as of the finst day of ! July, 1920. Dr. Mackay will continue his practice at the same °Mee as heretofore. In order to settle and. adjust the accounts of the co-partnenshite all persons having claims against the firm of Scott & Mackay are required to furnish particulars of their dal:Eris on or before the day above named, and all persoms in any way indebted to the co -partnership are requested to call at the office of Scott & Mackay, where the Jinn's hooks will be kept pending adjustment, for the purpose of adju.sting and settling their indebtedness. 2739-3 DRS. SCOTT & MACKAY. INVOLUCRE (2145) (82966) Passed Enrolment No. 354 Forth 1 Monday.—Will leave his own stable, Brace. field and proceed west to Varna at Sherlock Keys, for noon; then north into Goderich township to the Bayfield concession and west to A. A. Welsh's for night. Tuesday.—North bsr way of sixth concession to Porter's Hill at George Vanderburg's, for noon; then north to James McMillan's, 6th concession, Goderich township, for night. Wednesday.—By way of Jewel's corners and Bermilller to W. Mille) for noon; then by way of Maitland concession to HoInnesvfile at Harry Sweet's for night. Tooeseee,—By was, of 16th concession. to A. Townsend's, for noon; then by way of Huron Road to Wilson Elliott's, Commercial Hotel, Clinton, for night. Friday.—South ley way of the London Road th his own stable, Bruce - field, for noon; then west 11/4 miles and south 11/4 miles th John Murdock's for one hour, then th his own stable for night. I Saturday.—South 21/4 miles, and east 11/4 milee I th Robert Elgie's for noon; then by way of the Mill Road to his own ,stable for night. Terms—$15 to insure The above route will be continued regularly during the season, health and weather per- mitting. William Berry, Proprietor and Mangaer Brucefield, Ont. EMPEROR McKTNNEY No. (54151) 1653 The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion Enrolment No. 4075 Approved Form A 1 Will tiaake the season of 1920 at his own stable, Lot 8, Concession 4, Tuekersmith, at $13 to insure a mare in foal. Will meet mares from a distance. For further particulars apply to Charles Riley, Owner; phone 7-136 2737-tf DUNURE GARTLY (9221) Enrolment No. 6275 Form 1. Monday,—Will leave hia own stable, Huron Road, 3 miles west of Seaforth, and go by way of Huron Road and Seaforth to Jerry Stapleton's for noon; then north to Jerry O'Hara's, for night. Tuesday.—To Snell Bros., Kinburn, for noon; than to Andrew Flynn's, for night. Wednesday.—To Ezm Duna's, Bele Line, for noon; then by way bf Summer Hill and 16th concession th James Ferguson's for night. Thursday.—By way of Huron Road and Cut Line to Eld. Yoe'os for noon; then by way of ninth concession to Robert Cluff's for nigb„t Friday.. --By way of Bayfield Line and 2nd ..of Stanley to James Jackson's for noon; then to Fred Pepper's, west End Tack. ersmith, for night. Saturday.—By way of the second concession to Broadfoet's Corner, then to Eicoat's Corner and Mill Road to Dave nipple's, for noon•, then to his own stable for night, where be will remain until the following Monday morning. G. W. Nod, Frey., Dominic Reynolds, Man. ••!,•••••••••••••••••• INTIME (Imp.) The Great International Winner Registered in Canedian Percheron Stud Book No. 8219; in France as No. (88153); in Chicago as No. -87219-; in Columbus as No. "44105": in French Draft as No. "20585". 5 Enrolment No. 5460 in Form A 1 and 5 Premiurn /dd. 56. Intime along with our four mares, received the Gold Medal at Toronto, 1919, awarded First Prize at Chicagsi at the International in the largest class of draft horses shown in the world viz, 126 entered and 86 shown in the ring: First Prize and Gold Medal it the Ohio State Fair in 1910, was Grand Champion same year at Ohio State Fair; First Prize and Champion Cup at the Columbus Horse Show in 1911; First Prize and Grand Champion at the Ohio State Fair in 1911; First Prize in Champion Group at Chicago in 1910; First Prize given by the Percheron Registry Co. in 1910; First Prize at Mt. Gilead and Champion in 1911-12 and was never defeated in the 'United States and met the best horses in the country; First Prize at Hensel' in 1919-20; The Champion Mare at Toronto, 1919, is being bred to this horse: also the first prize, 3 and 4 yeat old. Wednesday.—Will leave his stable Wednes- daT noon and proceed to Zurich at Walper's Hotel. . Thursday.—Thence to Sam Heys, Blake, for noon; thence -to H. Neelfs, for night; then to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Wednesday. - This horse has sired lots of ton geldings out of grade mares and last year one of his get topped the market at Pittsburg, weighing 2,150 at 5 years old. Intime is black with star, has a noble head, fine neck set on the best of shoulders, short back, good quarters, 'good legs and with the best of feet. To insure a foal, $25. for pure bred mares, or $15 for grade marese payable March lst, 1921. II. C. Soldan & Sons, Owners, 2737x6 Ilertsall, Ont. TRACTORS FOR SALE loommommeo 1 8-16 Mogul Tractor in good working order. 1 12-25 4 -cylinder Goold - Shapley & Muir tractor. 1 8-16 Avery in good working condition. The ROBT. BELL EN- GINE& THRESHER co., LTD. Seaforth - Ont. I... 21111111111111111B11111111111111110111111111111VE — ... . ... ., ... = S. T. HOLMES a 11::: Ftmersl Director and Licensed Embalmer ... — — — ...., ... ..., — ... = ... ... ..., —. ... .... — .t. Undertaking parlors in Beattie Block, opposite The Expositor Office Residence Godericlt St, opposite Dr. Scott's. ant MOP f•MIlk a Flowers furnished on = ... short notice. .... ... ..... = _ ... = Phone Night or Day 110 I A111111111111111111111.11111111MIM IIIIIIIIIffl ( TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES CHEQUES Convenience, security and economy ara secured_ by the use of Travellers' Cheques issued by this Bank. They enable the bear. er to identify himself and are readily converted into the current coin of any foreign country. 82A THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PA/D.UP CAPITAL . . $15.000,060 RESERVE -FUND . . $15.000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, J. D. Mullen, Manager. NOTICE A meeting will be held at Chiselhurst Methodist Church in the Township of Tucker - smith, on the 2nd day of July, 1920, at the hour of 7 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of electing trustees for McTaggartes Cemetery. The owners, of plots are request- ed to attend this meeting. Dated at Hensel, June 5th, 1920. Signed by three plot owner*: M. MeTaggart, John McQueen, Gordon Bol- ton. 2739-2 NoticE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby given that the co -partner- ship, heretofore existing between Dr. James G. Scott and Dr. Charles Mackay, at the Town of Seaforth, has, owing to -the retire- ment of Dr. Scott from active practice, been. dissolved to take effect as of the finst day of ! July, 1920. Dr. Mackay will continue his practice at the same °Mee as heretofore. In order to settle and. adjust the accounts of the co-partnenshite all persons having claims against the firm of Scott & Mackay are required to furnish particulars of their dal:Eris on or before the day above named, and all persoms in any way indebted to the co -partnership are requested to call at the office of Scott & Mackay, where the Jinn's hooks will be kept pending adjustment, for the purpose of adju.sting and settling their indebtedness. 2739-3 DRS. SCOTT & MACKAY. INVOLUCRE (2145) (82966) Passed Enrolment No. 354 Forth 1 Monday.—Will leave his own stable, Brace. field and proceed west to Varna at Sherlock Keys, for noon; then north into Goderich township to the Bayfield concession and west to A. A. Welsh's for night. Tuesday.—North bsr way of sixth concession to Porter's Hill at George Vanderburg's, for noon; then north to James McMillan's, 6th concession, Goderich township, for night. Wednesday.—By way of Jewel's corners and Bermilller to W. Mille) for noon; then by way of Maitland concession to HoInnesvfile at Harry Sweet's for night. Tooeseee,—By was, of 16th concession. to A. Townsend's, for noon; then by way of Huron Road to Wilson Elliott's, Commercial Hotel, Clinton, for night. Friday.—South ley way of the London Road th his own stable, Bruce - field, for noon; then west 11/4 miles and south 11/4 miles th John Murdock's for one hour, then th his own stable for night. I Saturday.—South 21/4 miles, and east 11/4 milee I th Robert Elgie's for noon; then by way of the Mill Road to his own ,stable for night. Terms—$15 to insure The above route will be continued regularly during the season, health and weather per- mitting. William Berry, Proprietor and Mangaer Brucefield, Ont. EMPEROR McKTNNEY No. (54151) 1653 The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion Enrolment No. 4075 Approved Form A 1 Will tiaake the season of 1920 at his own stable, Lot 8, Concession 4, Tuekersmith, at $13 to insure a mare in foal. Will meet mares from a distance. For further particulars apply to Charles Riley, Owner; phone 7-136 2737-tf DUNURE GARTLY (9221) Enrolment No. 6275 Form 1. Monday,—Will leave hia own stable, Huron Road, 3 miles west of Seaforth, and go by way of Huron Road and Seaforth to Jerry Stapleton's for noon; then north to Jerry O'Hara's, for night. Tuesday.—To Snell Bros., Kinburn, for noon; than to Andrew Flynn's, for night. Wednesday.—To Ezm Duna's, Bele Line, for noon; then by way bf Summer Hill and 16th concession th James Ferguson's for night. Thursday.—By way of Huron Road and Cut Line to Eld. Yoe'os for noon; then by way of ninth concession to Robert Cluff's for nigb„t Friday.. --By way of Bayfield Line and 2nd ..of Stanley to James Jackson's for noon; then to Fred Pepper's, west End Tack. ersmith, for night. Saturday.—By way of the second concession to Broadfoet's Corner, then to Eicoat's Corner and Mill Road to Dave nipple's, for noon•, then to his own stable for night, where be will remain until the following Monday morning. G. W. Nod, Frey., Dominic Reynolds, Man. ••!,•••••••••••••••••• INTIME (Imp.) The Great International Winner Registered in Canedian Percheron Stud Book No. 8219; in France as No. (88153); in Chicago as No. -87219-; in Columbus as No. "44105": in French Draft as No. "20585". 5 Enrolment No. 5460 in Form A 1 and 5 Premiurn /dd. 56. Intime along with our four mares, received the Gold Medal at Toronto, 1919, awarded First Prize at Chicagsi at the International in the largest class of draft horses shown in the world viz, 126 entered and 86 shown in the ring: First Prize and Gold Medal it the Ohio State Fair in 1910, was Grand Champion same year at Ohio State Fair; First Prize and Champion Cup at the Columbus Horse Show in 1911; First Prize and Grand Champion at the Ohio State Fair in 1911; First Prize in Champion Group at Chicago in 1910; First Prize given by the Percheron Registry Co. in 1910; First Prize at Mt. Gilead and Champion in 1911-12 and was never defeated in the 'United States and met the best horses in the country; First Prize at Hensel' in 1919-20; The Champion Mare at Toronto, 1919, is being bred to this horse: also the first prize, 3 and 4 yeat old. Wednesday.—Will leave his stable Wednes- daT noon and proceed to Zurich at Walper's Hotel. . Thursday.—Thence to Sam Heys, Blake, for noon; thence -to H. Neelfs, for night; then to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Wednesday. - This horse has sired lots of ton geldings out of grade mares and last year one of his get topped the market at Pittsburg, weighing 2,150 at 5 years old. Intime is black with star, has a noble head, fine neck set on the best of shoulders, short back, good quarters, 'good legs and with the best of feet. To insure a foal, $25. for pure bred mares, or $15 for grade marese payable March lst, 1921. II. C. Soldan & Sons, Owners, 2737x6 Ilertsall, Ont. TRACTORS FOR SALE loommommeo 1 8-16 Mogul Tractor in good working order. 1 12-25 4 -cylinder Goold - Shapley & Muir tractor. 1 8-16 Avery in good working condition. The ROBT. BELL EN- GINE& THRESHER co., LTD. Seaforth - Ont. I... 21111111111111111B11111111111111110111111111111VE — ... . ... ., ... = S. T. HOLMES a 11::: Ftmersl Director and Licensed Embalmer ... — — — ...., ... ..., — ... = ... ... ..., —. ... .... — .t. Undertaking parlors in Beattie Block, opposite The Expositor Office Residence Godericlt St, opposite Dr. Scott's. ant MOP f•MIlk a Flowers furnished on = ... short notice. .... ... ..... = _ ... = Phone Night or Day 110 I A111111111111111111111.11111111MIM IIIIIIIIIffl ( W. S GORMLEY EMBALMER FUNERAL DIRECTOA Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street, Seafortlt. Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate Phone—Night or Day -102 7 hy Art Clothes? / Because they. have Style. Every Suit is guaranteed. The all wool fabrics are splendidly trimmed. Yet you pay a moderate pribe. $40, $45, 550, $55, $60 My Wardrobe MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL BLOCK, SEAFORTH. • ored and . e T ell1P1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111WHIUM111111111111111111111111111111111111160 ••• IMO 1••• •••I UM. •IM mml Mel /MI ••• MRS •••• en!, I••• .I•11 VIM 11 •0•1 Am, mow/ =•. •••• ••= IOW E ON NMI 1•••I IMO mml IM• OMB •=1 1••• MOM NOM IMO AMU min on. ••• INNS 01•10 *ma Omm *INN Oboe •••• *MOB OMB MOM VO▪ W 1•1•1 an. IM▪ F sate VMS, Get Glasses for those °:4 headaches OUR SPECIALIST MOS ••• .•=1F WILL EXAMINE YOUR ER EYES AND FIT YOU. WITH PROPER GLASSES 1•111 molt I•••▪ •• ••••1( I•15 AT A REASONABLE ee: PRICE. IF YOU ARE HAVING EYE TROUBLE, OR IF THE GLASSES YOU ARE NOW WEARING DO NOT SCH' YOU, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GET SATISFACTION. Reid Optical Company ONO MN* •••flt -101•It •••• 4o•INY ••••. awe fiNg INN Mit 1=It Mai READ OFFICE STRATiandsTFORD71 Seaforth Office over iimbacit's Drug Store - upstairs, mit 11 a.m. tin 6 Po= :7IlIHIflhIHUIilH1HHllHIfllfl1HflIflh1IHuIIIIIIflflIU IJlI1Ilil1 W▪ O▪ O Pat OAR -W N. BOX & CO. Embalmers and Funeral Direetora IL C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and License , Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calls - Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 43 W. S GORMLEY EMBALMER FUNERAL DIRECTOA Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street, Seafortlt. Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate Phone—Night or Day -102 7 hy Art Clothes? / Because they. have Style. Every Suit is guaranteed. The all wool fabrics are splendidly trimmed. Yet you pay a moderate pribe. $40, $45, 550, $55, $60 My Wardrobe MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL BLOCK, SEAFORTH. • ored and . e T ell1P1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111WHIUM111111111111111111111111111111111111160 ••• IMO 1••• •••I UM. •IM mml Mel /MI ••• MRS •••• en!, I••• .I•11 VIM 11 •0•1 Am, mow/ =•. •••• ••= IOW E ON NMI 1•••I IMO mml IM• OMB •=1 1••• MOM NOM IMO AMU min on. ••• INNS 01•10 *ma Omm *INN Oboe •••• *MOB OMB MOM VO▪ W 1•1•1 an. IM▪ F sate VMS, Get Glasses for those °:4 headaches OUR SPECIALIST MOS ••• .•=1F WILL EXAMINE YOUR ER EYES AND FIT YOU. WITH PROPER GLASSES 1•111 molt I•••▪ •• ••••1( I•15 AT A REASONABLE ee: PRICE. IF YOU ARE HAVING EYE TROUBLE, OR IF THE GLASSES YOU ARE NOW WEARING DO NOT SCH' YOU, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO GET SATISFACTION. Reid Optical Company ONO MN* •••flt -101•It •••• 4o•INY ••••. awe fiNg INN Mit 1=It Mai READ OFFICE STRATiandsTFORD71 Seaforth Office over iimbacit's Drug Store - upstairs, mit 11 a.m. tin 6 Po= :7IlIHIflhIHUIilH1HHllHIfllfl1HflIflh1IHuIIIIIIflflIU IJlI1Ilil1 W▪ O▪ O Pat OAR