The Huron Expositor, 1920-06-04, Page 3MAY 28, 1920. . JUNE. 4, 1920. Www .THE'HURON XPOSITOR )IIS Ban 5 ;ERNE $9,300,000 3ranches LC'£ER,--Start to Save character by inducing self-denia : by depositing a certain portio MOLSONS BANK. With the substantial- suns is soon acquired. ae attention as larger ones --t } Complete Baiikkg FaclllhIes Our- organizatlon provides . com- a. plete facilities for rendaring effi- cient Banking seirke We=prepay—Carr isge 1 HIS HIS'TRIGT [aryl Kirkton Hensa3 Zurich Jniversity Ontario end Sciences mer School h to August 13th sEAFoRrH BRANCH, rt. M. JONES, Manager. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. essumsomme Trim HURON EXPOSITOR DISTRICT MATTERS 1 I3 CALENDAR WRITE [LLE, .Registrar CONSTIPATED CHILDREN Children who suffer from Constipa- tion, indigestion or any of the other -ailments due to a clogged • condition of the bowels will find prompt relief through the use of Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are a. mild but thorough laxative which can always be depended upon to regulate the bowels and sweeten the stotnach. ' heyare absolutely safe and are sold !ander a guarantee to be entirely free from opiates or other injurious drugs. Concerning them , Mrs. Thomas A. toutot, Lake Baber, N. B., writes:—"I am pleased to state that Baby's Own Tablets were of great help to me *hen ray baby was suffering from constipation," The Tabletseare .sold by medicine dealers or by maiPnt 25 cents a bbx from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ST BRACE rtildn t nen are choosing per Suspenders eptional comfort rout sol#d, army r; Heavy elastic rack; steel sup- oubls stitched at )R TALL TENT s back style. ALEU arla ky SPENDER & ,R ro. in a New York railroad{:"office, has won the national woman's fenleing championship and the gold `medal of- fered by the Amateur Fencers' league of America. Andalusian women, When on .the streets, wear veils instead of hats or caps. These veils- are made of blue or pink flannel, coquettishly thrown. back to show the "love twist," a large, thin curl Of . hair flattened against each temple. The Spanish girl of any attractions is always attended by a young ittan who is known as her novio, and who has the privilege of escorting' her on her walks, although, by a singular anomaly, no formal engagement ex- ists. Miss Grace Casey, publisher of the Puebo, Col. Star-Journtal, . was the only woman delegate .to attend the annual meeting of the American Newspaper Publishers' Association,. held in New York City. Girl ushers, co-eds of the University of California and Stanford Univers- ity, are to be used to escort women delegates and alternates to= their, eats at the Democratic Nation Con-' vention to be held in San Franeiscoiin July. ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN New Jersey has more than 300,000 Women employed in gainful occupa- tions. Beauty, Economy, Good Service and Correct Styles are the Cardinal Points in STEW RT BRAND CLOTHING For Men . and_ Boys who want the GreatestWaiues the most becoming styles in Guaranteed- Mer--" chandise at the Most Reasonable Price. Never in the; world's history was it so necessary to exercise the great- est care in your clothing purchases as it is to -day. We stand behind every Suit we sell. Our principle of always looking to QUALITY is a guar- antee to you that no matter what price you pay here you will get the very' best value that that amount of money can buy anywhere. Our Stock is so Comprehensive that we can successfully satisfy your' every want and -save you money as Well. Come here for your next suit.. .11' WILL PAY YOU. a' The law restricting the hours of labor for conductorettes in New York leas been repealed. New York women are credited with having patented more inventions than the women of any other state. England's bathing beaches are now (extensively adorned by girls wearing mermaid bathing suits. The British House of Commons has ''defeated a bill to change th'yoting rage of the women from thirty . to twenty-one years.. Miss Nancy E Caddell, of San Diego, Cal., has been appointed dirsc- or of thg prOdelphia Qir? scouts . &imenna an Old custom forbids fa bride to speak to any man =other than her husband for seven years. Thousands of French women are row employed in the rebuilding of keveral towns in the devasted regions ;af France. Twenty-five years ago the former Empress. Eugenie completed her Memoirs, which are not to be pub- lished until after her death. r 'Atter shlneing the bullring for a four decades, former Empress "Eugenie tww passed ninety-four years of age, recently attended a bullfight at Seville, "Spain. • ='a After a hearty malt you'E avoid that staff !eeiin- if Yaa chew a stick of The campaign to secure -the passage "tbf the suffrage amendment through congress necessitated the raising and spending of ,more than $500,000. Twelve thousand members of the -Congress of women's Clubs of the 'Pittsburgh district have pledged them- selves to wear only staple clothing 'until prices of more modish garments drop and to place a two weeks' ban +on potatoes in a campaign, against he high cost of living. In 52 factories in New York state 'employing womenit was found that eighty-eight per cent of the establish- ments were paying women workers an average of $16 per week. In an exhibition at Pinehurst, N. C., Annie Oakley, the noted markswo- * ian, Made a new record for herself !Then she broke 100 clays in six min- utes and Sixteen seconds. Mrs. Adelbert Ward, of Hague, N. Y`., has completed a bed quilt of elaborate design which contains 6,016 separate pieces. It required seven years to complete the quilt. At the annual student conference ken vocations for women at Bryn, Mawr College, it was announced that a vote by the undergraduates showed that they were more interested in scientific Work as a vocation than any other rolesssion NOURISHING FOOD AND GOOD HOURS Help You to Resist Disease --Aid These With a Tonic to Keep the Blood Pure, The .power of your body to resist disease and to fight it ' after disease gets a foothold, is one of the moat precious possessions you have. You weaken this power when you let your general health run down, your blood get thin and your nerves sin, steady. You weaken it when you worry, when you over work, when you do not get sufficient -sleep, and when you are under -nourished, either because you do not eat the right kind of food or because your digestion is out of order. You preserve your power to resist disease when you keep 'good hours and eat proper food at regular inter- vals. You further increase- and strengthen resistance to disease when you build up your blood and nerves by the occasional use of a tonic like Dr: Williams' Pink Pills, whiph are free from opiates and harmful drugs of any kind.. The value of these pills as a health builder is fully shown by the experience of Mrs. E. C. Taylor, Hanover, Ont., who says: "At vari- ous times since I was a girl of fifteen I have proved the value of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. At that age I was in . a much run down condition, suf- fering from many of the well known symptoms of anaemia. My mother procured a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and after taking about a half dozen boxes I was restored to normal health. Again after my mar- riage, and before my boy was born, I felt miserable and again took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which once more met all my expectations and fully restored my health.' My latest experience with these pills was fol- lowing an attack of pleurisy, which left me completely broken in health. Part of the time I was under the care of two doctors, and _for three months I was practically between life ,and death. Again at my mother's sug- gestion I started the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, ' Y hadnot been taking them long before X. could tell that they were kering , me. Day by day I could feel my strength return- ing, and was soon ' enjoying good health once more. In view of my ex- perience I think I can safely say there is nothing in the way of medi- GLEYS N Price:, Men's Suits 10 to $45 Price, Boys' Suits $6 to$15 Polish women in some of the min- cine better than Dr. Williams' Pink Eng towns in Pennsylvania celebrate pills. the -close of Lent by switching their - Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by husbands and deluging them "with all medieinhe dealers or by mail at 50 water. The custom is an old one in - cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 Poland. from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Miss Adeline Gehrig, a stenographer Co., Brockville, Ont. More New Suits for Women ecia l NeleS91 arethe VeryLatest Design that�# Men's and Boys' Furnishings Moderately Pri Underwear To see the new garments and to acquaint yourself with the new styles 1 is to see some of fashion's cleverest and prettiest productions of the whole season. The leadership of this store is Ready -to -Wear Carni-- ents has always been very marked,: but perhaps never was it more re� markable than it has been this spring. . You can always depend ori getting the very last word in Correct= Style here.. And the price is just as always -- low --often' a little lower. $25 to $65 Genuine Egyptian Cotton Balbriggan, Poros Knit and Mesh Underwear, in Natural, White, Black, or mottled, in both combinations or two-piecefl Price S BQ ' '�Men'sY 50c j 75cto $2 ats • Every new-atyle that has the ear mark of )good taste and becoming style is here. Get your straw hat now before they are picked over. Price . 25c Dressier Shirts we never had than the new summer pad terns. They are everything: that you could desire. Well `made, full sized, good fit, and attractive colorings, Price • $1 to $3. eefits to teeth* TPetite, nerves. good deal to cents! —Kent Riht rEWESIes That aftemoon cup of Lanka! SUMMER„ MILLINERY. We -have made special arrangements tore your requirements in Sumer Millinery. We have searched the mar)ets for the Newest Ideas and are in a position to give you the very best possible service - Women's Summer Dresses Beautiful New Creations in Attractive Styles at Pleasing Prices,' These delightful new dresses are ordinary garments. -They are made in Strict keeping with the most 4dvanced styles. Their very appearance are suggestive of cool comfort and attractiveness. , You will be delighted with the entirely new ideas that find expression in 'these new garments. We carry all sizes. Price sfil 00 to $27.50. AS 4Ig Store Will be elos-i; ed eve ednesda ,af- ternoon June, July, st an ST ThlisStore will ed everY.W June, J Sep