HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-05-21, Page 8} f TRY 0 Specials. in our, t Meat Depar :1 i ent 'VEAL POI I M 1B1�' RD S ST A', ETC. • Try o ` Government inspected *eats that are killed and handled in s sanitary way, and you will always be a customers of ours. AND A FULL LINE OF UP-TO- DATE GROCERIES. ,FRESH DAIRY BUTTBR ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK Phone 58. Dorsey and MacKinnon The Big Store on the Corner. Tai HURON EXPOSITOR 1111111111111111111 1S111111111111111111111111111. Free Photos On Thursday and Friday, June 3rd and 4th I will photo- graple • all people 60 years of age or over Free and present to each person One High. -grade Cabinet Photograph of them- selves absolutely Free of Charge You may never have this offer made again, so be sure and come if you are 60 years of age or over, and remember the days—June 3rd and 4th. Please -come as early as possible and avoid the rush. D, F. BUCK PHOTOGRAPHER 7u11111111111nI1M91111M1111111111111111111• anted 100 Rooms SEMI -TRI Have the 1 0 to your ho e tions for e Prices mode anteed to be to cover DISTRICT MATTERS DISTRICT MATTERS Annual Meeting. -The annual meet- ing of the Women's Society of the Methodist church vas held in, the school room of the church on Thursday afternoon last, at which there )vas a The ety dur- e follow - or the eom- Mrs. E. A. ecretary, Mrs. W. D, Bright; Corresponding Secre- tary, Mrs. A. McGavin; Treasurer, Mrs. W. J. Williams; Strangers' Secretary, Mrs. J. H., -Reid. good attendance of member total contributions of the s ing the year were ;$227. ing officers were el ted ing year: `Presid Edwards; Recordin n G. W. V. A. Notes.—The Memorial Section of the club house will be 'beautified by the addition of a fine silk flag presented =by Mrs. " R. S. Hays in memory of her son (Stanley. This flag will be suitably d the roll of honor.—On evening, May 26th, the E umm fo commence their weekly amusenen' holding a piano at 8 p.m. sharp a P , at 12 .m. no lug of twenty-five cents per individual to cover light and floor expenses will be levied. It is hoped. before long to make these hops the most popular in the county. • ped over ednestlay ecutive, seasrnl owillf members, • by a e, commencing closing promptly . A nominal fee Death of Mrs. J. .Wesley Beattie.— It was with a great shock of surprise and deep regret that the people of Seaforth learned on Thursday morn- ing of the death of Mrs. Beattie, wif of Councillor J. W. Beattie, whic occurred at her home, West Goderich Street, the ,previous evening, after a short illness. Although not in the best of health for a month past, nothing serious wa's anticipated and no fear of her ultimate recovery was entertained until Monday when she became seriously ill and symptoms later developed which pointed to that dread disease, sleeping sickness. Mrs. Beattie, who. before her marriage wail • Miss Annie Button, daugh late John Button, was bo sels 47 years ago, but w I of Detroit for some yea marriage. Twenty= last December she marriage to Mr. J. 'Wesley Beattie, of Seaforth, and has resided her continuously since that time. She was a member " of the Methodist church, and a woman of very fine character, a true helpmate and mother and her early death will leave -a void in the home that can never be filled. Mrs. Beattie is survived by her hus band and two daughters, Ethel, - Ternmins, Ontario, and Florence, • t home, to all of whom is extended- the deepest sympathy in their great loss. The funeral will be held from he late home to the Maitlandbank cem- etery on Friday afternoon and will be private. Owing to the nature of the disease it is earnestly requested by the famitl that -no calls be made at the home until after the funeral. h EMPIRE EDJILL PAPER. Same Books brought an make your selec- coming season. to and all work guar- atisfactory. H. II. JOHNSTONE .BOX 347 Stratford, Ont, ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE We give thorough courses. We give individual instruction. We have no summer vacation. Stu- dents may enter at any time. Commence your course now. We place graduates in positions. Write for our free catalogue. • D. .,1, McLACHAPti, Principal , r t /i? it)r ' Optioian. 1sgner Ma,r} urge Licensee 81APORT 1-` - ONT Just .4 Ford A Ford` Caren 0. K. condition, with tire carrier, hock absorbers, electric light, spec 3�. meter; has been owned bya en 'lin has beenr g and a properly eared for; taken on an exchange for a new Bell Piano, and will now be offered for sale by the undersigned for $500 for a quick sale. If think- ing of purchasing- a car call at my music store opposite Daly's Garage, or phone 216. Jonathan Et Hugill Dealer in Victrolas, Sewing Machines, High Grade Gourlay and Bell Pianos, — r.i hheet Music, Violins, and Supplies.. GIVE US A CALL k. er of t in Brus a residen s before he years - ag as united in Local Briefs. Anniversary se will be conducted in First Presbyt church, Seaforth, on Sunday, May 30th, by Lieut. -Col. John Pringl D. D., Moderator of the General a - sembly of the Presbyterian church in Canada.—Miss Isabel Scott, of To- ronto, and Mr. and - Mrs. Arth Scott, . of. Detroit, spent Sunday the home of their father, Mr. Jo Scott, Roxboro. Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man McLeod and family were week end guests - at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Box.—Mrs. F. Mon gomery, of Brantford, is visiting the horine of her brother, Mr. D. Stewart. --Miss Beatrice Larkin., McGill University, Montreal, is spe ing her holidays at the manse.— . Norman Bohanan, of London, was a guest this week at they home- of Mrs. • J. Patterson.—Miss Nan Campbell, who has been spending the winter in ?California and her sister, Mrs. New- kirk, of Bay City, were visitingfriends here this week.—Mrs. E. C. McClel- land and little - daughter, of Fort Francis, are visiting at the parental home of Major and Mrs. R. S. Hays, —Mrs. Telford, of Blyth, will address the Barbara Kirkman Mission Band in the Presbyterian church on Tues- day evening next.—Mr. D. L. Atkin- son, of Detroit, was visiting friends in town this week. Mrs. Alex. Harvey and three children, of London, are guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Burrows. — Dr. Larkin will have for his subject next Sunday evening "The Dangerous Whisper in the Soul."—Mr. R. J. Wegg has opened a music store and repair. department in the premises on Main Street, formerly occupied by Mr, Mc- Kellar as an Express Office.—The work of rebuilding - the flax mill, which was destroyed by fire; a few` weeks ago, is going ahead rapidly, _and the roof is being put on this week. It is expected that it will again be in operation in the course of two or three .weeks. Egmondville Sunday School has contributed $113 to the Armenian Relief Fund. - The money has been forwarded . by the Canadian Bank of Commerce, ' Sea- forth.—Mr.. McKinnon, of the grocery firm of Dorsey & McKinnon, under- went an operation for appendicitis on Thursday ,last, and although his condition was critical for some days, his many friends will be glad to learn that he is now on the way to recovery.. J, Button, Walton; R. L. Wilson, of —Miss Margaret Beattie, of Hamil. J Varna; E. Anderson, Bayfield. Rev. ton, is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. J. W. Beattie.—Mr, George Jackson, of Montreal, was visiting at his home in Egmondville this week.—Mrs. Ernest Smith, of Peterboro,- and Mr. F. S. Beattie, of Vancouver, are: this week visiting at the home of their parents, Mr, and Mrs, James Beattie.—Mr. H. Lebeau, who recently sold his farm on the London Road south of Brucefield, has purchased Dr. Scott's farm in Harpur- hey, which has been leased for some years by Mr. John Powell. Mr. Le - beau will take possession next March, —Mrs, Colin Campbell, of Midland', is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. P. M. Chesney, in Tuckersmith, r. THE HURON EXPOSITOR eieememei Mr. and Mrs. B. Williams, of Stratford, were end `guests at the honne'-of Mrs, Williams' mother, Mrs,- a. Boyd: Mr, Leslie {Scott has moved. into the apartments he the Beattie Block on Main Street recently -meat- ed by Mr. R. T. McIntosh. •--- Miss Curran, of Galt, is the gue.t of Miss Lukes.—Miss McLennan, of London) is a guest at the home of her brother, Mr, A. A. McLennan.—Mrs, H. Little, of Goderich, visited her father, Mr. G. Brownlee, Sr,, this week.—Miss Brindner, who was the - guest of Mrs. T. Carbert, has returned to her home in Alviston. Miss Elizabeth Scott, of Brucefield, was the week end guest - of Miss Norma Jeffrey. --Mt. J. P. Bell, a well known business man in Seaforth for many years, has purchased' a grocery business in To- ronto, and intends moving there shortly. Mr. Bell was a member of the famous Beaver Lacrosse team, when that institution was a household word in Ontario, and for over ten years was chief of the Seaforth Fire Brigade. He has a host of friends here who are very sorry to see him go but who will wish him and his family every success in their . new home.—The warm rains of this week have made a wonderful change in the appearance of the country. Up to this week there has been practically no growth, but now crops are fairly walking out of the grounds.—Mrs. Semple, of Detroit, was called here this week owing to the death of her sister, Mrs. J. W. Beattie. Mrs. R. S. Hays- was visiting with friends in Toronto this •week. --Miss Leila Best, of Montreal, is visiting at her home here.—Miss Susie Livingstone re- turned on Monday after spending the winter in California. Sale.—A good Durham calf for sale, y to Geo, T. Turnbull. 2786-1 age for Sale. -12x16 feet, built to move: y W. J. Duncan, factory, Seaforth. 2784 -ti .—In Seaforth, a gold ring, with circle earls and hair setting. Finder please e at Expositor Office and receive reward. 2736x1 Sale, --One good Bain wagon, nearly , on , used a month ; good reason for ling Apply R. Frost, Seaforth. 2786:1 .—Between Seaforth and Winthrop, 1920 er` for Ford ear, 11024. Finder please e at J. F. Daly'a Garage, S273eaforth6x1. d D. F. Buck's advertisement in this er. He is making a Free Photograph offer n June Srd and 4th. 2736-n Grand Opening.—Jowett's. New Pavilion, May 24th, Wednesday. 26th. Dancing from 9 '•.m. Blackstone Buckley Orchestra. Fol - e crowd. - 2736-1 an, capable man ol) woman for kitchen k. Wages $80 per month, also bright art boy to assist , generally. Apply Miss tephe , Queen's Hotel, Seaofrth. 2786-2 Ge ready 1 It's coming! The greatest user` of all time, "Daredevil Jack," featur- . c "Jack ` Dempsey," world's heavyweight ampion. Will start at the Strand on Mon- day, Malt '31st. For Salo.—A reliable, well-bred driving also a l3aines rubber tired steel arch solid leather upholstered buggy, only ed two-' months. Apply to J. W. Modeland, gmonsi'vil1e. 2735-8 "Jak'k Piekord" in 'a comedy drama • of am - town life, "In Wrong," showing how a boy can get into mischief, mystery and takes. At the Strand Monday, Tuesday nd Wednesday. Houaj For Bale.—Good 7 roomed frame hous , in first-clas/condition, fitted with new ?fur ce, electric ighta, hard and soft water, go cellar w cement floor, also Thbmas Daly, Seaforth. Ont, .stable ed. Appl 2735-tf d Garage, formerly Mustard's, now open or business. Expert overhauling and r • . ir work done promptly. Moderate rates. 11 line of standard parte and acceesories ; free air. H. Sutcliffe, formerly of Russel Motor Car Co„ Toronto. 2736x2 r Sale.—Good' frame house situ- orth' Main Street, Seaforth, base- nd furnace, hard and soft water in en. This property is in first-class condi- Proprietor is going to Toronto - to re- ide. For particulars apply to J. P.2786 -ti Bell, Setif o N. co.—Owners of plots in Maitlandbank Ceete•y may have the grass cut for the sea - on payment of $1 to the Treasurer. In uture no one. butthe caretaker will be al- lowed to cut grass in the cemetery. By ord- er of the Board of Trustees.- W.. G. Willis, Secretary -Treasurer. 2786-1 House Med o ment ki t• Two Fr —These centra good th e Houses in Egmondville for Sale, • roperties are in good repair, and located, and to any person wishing a comfortable dwelling home property, should recommend themselves. Must 'be as owner lives out of the village. For ices and terms apply to Wm. Hills, Hard - are Merchant, Dublin, or - John Rankin, Broker, Seaforth.' 2785-3 Egmondville Notes.—Mrs. Allan and two children, who have been at her parent's home, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Lean, for some months, left for her home in the West on Tuesday last. --Miss Gray left for New York on Monday Iast, where she has accepted a good position. -- Mrs. May May Cumber, of California, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Robinson,—Mrs. W. Bright and Miss Sadie Robinson motored to Clinton on Sunday last to see Miss Verna Jarrott, who is in the hospital there, having undergone an operation for appendicitis. _.4:t latest accounts she was doing fine. -The ladies of our church intend holding a social evening at Mr. John McGaa's on Friday, May 28th, and everybody is looking forward to a royal good time. --Mrs. - R. Bayer has returned home after spending some time with her daughter in Harriston.—Mrs. W. B. McLean is visiting her daughter in Blyth.—Mrs. J. Routledge, who has been here for some months in the interest of her health, left for her home in Calgary on Monday last, much benefited by the change. .Goderich District Meeting.,—The ministerial session of the Methodist church of the Goderidh , District was held in the Methodist church, Sea - forth, on Tuesday, May 18th, with the following ministers presents: Revs. H. D. Moyer, J. E. Ford and J. F, Reycraft, Goderich; D. N. McCamus, S. Anderson and T. Snowden, Clin- ton, H, Kennedy, Benmiller; A. E. Millson, Auburn; A. J. McCormack, of Blyth; T. E. Sawyer, Londesboro; S. Anderson., chairman of the district, presided. The usual discussion re- garding the relation of ministers to the church took place. Revs. J. S, Ford and, T. J. Snowdon were con- tinued on the superanuation fund. Rev. J. Button was examined and unanimously recommended to be con- tinued as a- probationer. No ministers in this district have died • during the year, and there are no candidates for the ministry. The evening was a public one. The union prayer meeting was withdrawn for Thursday evening and held with the district meeting. There was a good attendance. Rev. S. McLean offered the opening- prayer. Suitable solos were splendidly render- Housecleaning Time Re* that . e r Cleaning Time is here, you wi 1 be needing some of the follow ng Goods to help beautify your ogle;- Wall Paper, Window S adps, Cl rtain Poles, Brass Rod PI Come in and see what we have to offer in these lines. Thompson's Bookstofe - Seaforth Graniteware Pails, Kettles, Sauce- pans, .Dish Pans, Pudding Pans, Pie Plates, ice boil- ers, potatoe pots_: Tea a Coffee pots, St ve P. s Basins, Mixing o , etc. Look over t Beattie Variety—we never argue. These goods at our Prices will interest you. Rev. R. J. McCormick, of Blyth, was elected member of the Stationing Committee' with the Rev. Thos. A. Stedman as reserve. The following laymen were -appointed to attend the annual conference: H. R. Long, W S. - ,Bowden, . James Adams, G. M. Elliott, Goderich; J. A. Irwin, A. T. Cooper, Ralph Tiplady, Clinton; W. Black; Seaforth; S. R. McMath, l Iolmesville; - Henry Homey, E. Hil- borne, Blyth; ' John Kilpatrick, Dungannon; Isaac Currie, Nile; Geo. Bean, Benmiller; A. Johnston, Au- burn; Thos. A. Leeming, Walton; Richard Carter, Londesboro; James T. Keyes, Varna; George Cantelon, Bayfield; Rev. D. N. McCamus, Rev. A. E. Wilson, and A. M. Robertson, C. A. Barber, R. A, Manning with Rev. S. A. Anderson as .chairman. The next Annual Meeting will be held at Blyth; BEATTIES' FAIR Phone 129. ee ed by Miss Beth Willis and Mr. R. E. Bright. Rev. R. J. McCormack gave a fine address on Christian Fatalism, and Rev. T. J. Reycraft spoke on Big Jobs for Little Men: 'Rev. Dr. Larkin closed the meeting with prayer. ' The General Session commenced on Wednesday and con- tinued during the day. Rev. 11. F. Kennedy was elected Journal Secre- tary of the district, and Rev. J. W. John stop Statistical Secretary. It was reported that the parsonage at. Benmiller had been 'remodelled at an expense of eight hundred dollars. A committee was appointed to make a survey of the work int the district and report a year hence as, to what changes - in the boundaries of circuits should be made. On the first ballot Princess 2—BIG STARS --2. Now Playing Ethel Clayton in MORE DEADLY THAN THE MA A Picture of t which Helen 0 actress manag was right. ills and surp •::s, ara (Ethel -' ayton) proves t . Kipling SPECIAL F I R T : HOLIDAY NORM: MADGE n` THE PR S BATION WIFE A story of New York life from the dregs to the cream, from the Bowery. to Millionaire Row. Don't miss seeing this wonderful star in this ideal holiday attraction.. Monday; Tuesday and Wednesday . PRINCESS 111111111111111111111111111111111111111iii111111�' ... AiStranct . -. 1- _ Now Sh ; •n : ,. zi Thursday Frill ' aturday If you have a Weak Heart— = Keep Away! . "TOM NIX" 1 in - _ = The most thrilling of all = "Mix" Thrillers "THE CYCLONE" A tale of the Canadian Northwest Mounted Police. = Better Than The Speed Maniac Also Showing "CHARLIE CHAPLIN" X "THE VAGABOND" Another Chaplin Classic in 2 = reels :_ "Enough Said!" • _ _ LI Adults 20c. Children 10c. Saturday Nigot, 8.15 p.m.,— 5 Charlie Chaplin. 8.45, "Tom Mix"; 10 p.m., "Charlie Chap - din." ,r\ REMEMBER THE PLACE The. New Strand Opposite the Post Office iMIII11111 MI11111111111U111111111111111Mil 111.111 MEI WWI JIM IMO WWI MIN USBORNE A Correction.— In the obituary notice of the late Mrs. William Somer-- vilIe, which appeared in our issue of May.7th, we incorrectly stated the s wing. relatives of the deceased. ey should have been Andrew Mori- son, of Red Deer, Alberta; Mrs. Daniel Coward, of Usborne, and Mrs. Sidney Ranson!, of Mountain Side, Manitoba. • CHISELII QRST Notes.—Mr. William McLean, of Strathroy, was here last week end visiting his mother, who is not enjoy- ing the best of health.—Mr. W. Taylor and family have moved into their new residence.—Mr, George `Eyre left here on Tuesday for Minneapolis, in the interests of his health, which has not been very good for some time and it is to be hoped he will return greatly improved. MANLEY Notes;—Mr. Joe Murray and Miss Annie McKay have got on the mar- riage list, and the wedding is to be about the first of June.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bennewise, Sr., had a narrow escape one day last week when their car turned over in the ditch. Luckily both escaped uninjured, only some- what shaken up. , The steering gear got loose and made the car unmanag- able, but had brought the car about . to a standstill before it turned over which saved their lives.—Quite a num- ber from here are taking in the euchre party at the G. W. V. A: Club in Seaforth on Thursday night. WAL 'rhe Walton Met' - . tst Ladies' Aid Society wibold a ba . in the basement of the - thodist Ch cWalton, on the afternoon Wedn.. :y, May 26th, 1920. Sale of vork • ' commence at 2.30 p.m., of fancy goo.. quilts, aprons, home-made baking, ice er: , home-made candy, etc. Admission ee. Everybody come. Mrs. Hugh Fulton, , President, Mrs. J. N. Campbell, Secretary, 2786-1 women's Institute.. --The Women's Institute will hold their annual meet- ing at the hone of Mrs. R. A. Lundy on Thursday afternoon, May 27th, at. 3 p.m. At this meeting the annual - election of officers will take place,. the yearly report _ will be presented and there will be other business of , importance. STAFFA Notes.—Rev. A. J. Love is attend- ing, ttend-ing, district meeting this - week at Milverton.—Mrs. Joseph Norris has returned to her village home.—Mr. and Mrs. T: M. Hamilton are in To- ronto this week.—Mrs. Mcllrath, aunt of T. M. Hamilton, returned to her home in Michigan this week.—The people of this neighborhood are deep- ly grieved at the news of the death of Mrs. (Rev.) Darling, of Scotland, Ont., but a former resident of this place. Rev. W. E. Darling has the sincerest sympathy of ea large num- ber of friends here. EXETER Briefs.—A- fire occurred Monday afternoon at the Presbyterian manse, when an overheated electric iron set fire . to -a wooden partition. The flames were brought under control before the arrival of the firemen and damage was comparatively Tight.—, Rev. R. B. Stevenson, of Stratford, preached in Main Street Church, Sun day, morning and in Trivitt Memorial in the evening in the interests of the of the Lord's Day Alliance.—W. J. McCallum, the well known Shorthorn dealer, of Brampton, Ont., intends visiting /the Exeter district shortly. Mr. McCallum purchased quite a num- ber of Shorthorns in. the Exeter dis- trict last year. CONSTANCE t Notes. — The entertainment held under the auspices of the church choir on Thursday evening last was a real treat to all those who attend- ed. Rev. Mr, Piercy is certainly an entertainer of high order and will be most highly welcomed back again. • Mr. Mullen and Mr, Beattie rendered very suitable and appropriate pieces, each doing his part well. The pro- ceeds amounted to about $60.—Mrs. Joseph Riley was taken to Clinton Hospital on Sunday for further con - Bullet on.—Mrs. Anna McLean is visiting friends' in. Bothwell and - De- troit, -- Messrs, Austin and Charles Dexter each sport a new - car. Mrs. Will Farquarson, of Walton, spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Britton. LONDESBORO Notes.—Don't forget the social which will be , held by the W. M. S. on Friday evening, May 21st. A good programme is being prepared, and lunch will be served.—Rev. Abrey spent a few days in Hensall last week.—Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams spent Sunday with friends on the 13th con- cession.—Mrs. oncession.—Mrs. W. Hill is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Carter, near Seaforth. —Mr. and Mrs. Hopper, of St. Marys, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. ' ,ei Amsley.—The following are the of- ficers of the Methodist W. M. S. for - the year; President, M. Sawyers; ....IC) lst Vice, Mrs. Belli Rec.-Secy., Mrs. , Brogden; Corr, Secy., Miss Lyon; Treas., Mrs. Collinson; Supt. of Christ- ian Stewards, Mr. Philips; organist, Mrs. E. Adams. Mrs. S. Carter was meeting d delegate to the branch MACTAVISH-,-----MAGTAYISH------.mA r see MAY 21, 1920. MACTAVISH—MACTAVISH---�•- MACTAV Style, Store for women. - Spring and Summer The Store that satisfies. Millinery Beautiful iHats ALL THE WAY FROM '$5 to $15 MACTAVISH MILLINERY is ' wonderfully Popular and the prices are surprisingly " low. ►1 'r4 H Our New -Spring Suits and Coats del • . for Women 1 will win your trade' if , you see them and hold your I trade if you wear them. = To get a thorough understanding of how good they - are, how 'beautiful they look,, how varied are the. > models, and ho moderately they are priced -4;y11 H will have to se them. ' 41 1 Suits a -�� . Coa 1 up to up 1 $57.90 $58. In k �. I11 price. ►:. `+-14 Eel1 MOST OF THE HATS you admire on other women came from the - MacTay.►sh "Store 00 p Suits co down to E $29.00. U in Afl price. • Coa d0 to $I, iR price. 00 We are showing -many new things in up-to-date Apparel for women and children. We will be glad to have you come to look, and if you want to buy, we can surely please you. NO NEED TO HAVE YOUR WAISTS M. TO GET SOMETHING DISTINCTIVE BECOMING NOW. You can find just exactly the w you want here now. The style, captivating and distinctive and are expartly made and perfect B Dozens and dozens of waists tliat are "different"—every ane 3a model of exquisite beauty and rare attractive• nese. But why tell more? You mit' see them to fully realize that here is something more than as ordit display of fine waists. The Styles are Charm The Workmanship i Excellent The Prices- are- Ver; Moderate; PRICE - - - - $1.50 to $11.54 YOU'LL IIIND IT A REAL PLE, URE TO L tJOK THEM OVER --C J. MACTAVISLi Seaforth e , Best Service Get the Service and you get all. Four chair continuous service at the Centr. : arber Shop.. ` Opposite ' ost Office WALTER ROBINSON. : vu Princess 2—BIG STARS --2. Now Playing Ethel Clayton in MORE DEADLY THAN THE MA A Picture of t which Helen 0 actress manag was right. ills and surp •::s, ara (Ethel -' ayton) proves t . Kipling SPECIAL F I R T : HOLIDAY NORM: MADGE n` THE PR S BATION WIFE A story of New York life from the dregs to the cream, from the Bowery. to Millionaire Row. Don't miss seeing this wonderful star in this ideal holiday attraction.. Monday; Tuesday and Wednesday . PRINCESS 111111111111111111111111111111111111111iii111111�' ... AiStranct . -. 1- _ Now Sh ; •n : ,. zi Thursday Frill ' aturday If you have a Weak Heart— = Keep Away! . "TOM NIX" 1 in - _ = The most thrilling of all = "Mix" Thrillers "THE CYCLONE" A tale of the Canadian Northwest Mounted Police. = Better Than The Speed Maniac Also Showing "CHARLIE CHAPLIN" X "THE VAGABOND" Another Chaplin Classic in 2 = reels :_ "Enough Said!" • _ _ LI Adults 20c. Children 10c. Saturday Nigot, 8.15 p.m.,— 5 Charlie Chaplin. 8.45, "Tom Mix"; 10 p.m., "Charlie Chap - din." ,r\ REMEMBER THE PLACE The. New Strand Opposite the Post Office iMIII11111 MI11111111111U111111111111111Mil 111.111 MEI WWI JIM IMO WWI MIN USBORNE A Correction.— In the obituary notice of the late Mrs. William Somer-- vilIe, which appeared in our issue of May.7th, we incorrectly stated the s wing. relatives of the deceased. ey should have been Andrew Mori- son, of Red Deer, Alberta; Mrs. Daniel Coward, of Usborne, and Mrs. Sidney Ranson!, of Mountain Side, Manitoba. • CHISELII QRST Notes.—Mr. William McLean, of Strathroy, was here last week end visiting his mother, who is not enjoy- ing the best of health.—Mr. W. Taylor and family have moved into their new residence.—Mr, George `Eyre left here on Tuesday for Minneapolis, in the interests of his health, which has not been very good for some time and it is to be hoped he will return greatly improved. MANLEY Notes;—Mr. Joe Murray and Miss Annie McKay have got on the mar- riage list, and the wedding is to be about the first of June.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bennewise, Sr., had a narrow escape one day last week when their car turned over in the ditch. Luckily both escaped uninjured, only some- what shaken up. , The steering gear got loose and made the car unmanag- able, but had brought the car about . to a standstill before it turned over which saved their lives.—Quite a num- ber from here are taking in the euchre party at the G. W. V. A: Club in Seaforth on Thursday night. WAL 'rhe Walton Met' - . tst Ladies' Aid Society wibold a ba . in the basement of the - thodist Ch cWalton, on the afternoon Wedn.. :y, May 26th, 1920. Sale of vork • ' commence at 2.30 p.m., of fancy goo.. quilts, aprons, home-made baking, ice er: , home-made candy, etc. Admission ee. Everybody come. Mrs. Hugh Fulton, , President, Mrs. J. N. Campbell, Secretary, 2786-1 women's Institute.. --The Women's Institute will hold their annual meet- ing at the hone of Mrs. R. A. Lundy on Thursday afternoon, May 27th, at. 3 p.m. At this meeting the annual - election of officers will take place,. the yearly report _ will be presented and there will be other business of , importance. STAFFA Notes.—Rev. A. J. Love is attend- ing, ttend-ing, district meeting this - week at Milverton.—Mrs. Joseph Norris has returned to her village home.—Mr. and Mrs. T: M. Hamilton are in To- ronto this week.—Mrs. Mcllrath, aunt of T. M. Hamilton, returned to her home in Michigan this week.—The people of this neighborhood are deep- ly grieved at the news of the death of Mrs. (Rev.) Darling, of Scotland, Ont., but a former resident of this place. Rev. W. E. Darling has the sincerest sympathy of ea large num- ber of friends here. EXETER Briefs.—A- fire occurred Monday afternoon at the Presbyterian manse, when an overheated electric iron set fire . to -a wooden partition. The flames were brought under control before the arrival of the firemen and damage was comparatively Tight.—, Rev. R. B. Stevenson, of Stratford, preached in Main Street Church, Sun day, morning and in Trivitt Memorial in the evening in the interests of the of the Lord's Day Alliance.—W. J. McCallum, the well known Shorthorn dealer, of Brampton, Ont., intends visiting /the Exeter district shortly. Mr. McCallum purchased quite a num- ber of Shorthorns in. the Exeter dis- trict last year. CONSTANCE t Notes. — The entertainment held under the auspices of the church choir on Thursday evening last was a real treat to all those who attend- ed. Rev. Mr, Piercy is certainly an entertainer of high order and will be most highly welcomed back again. • Mr. Mullen and Mr, Beattie rendered very suitable and appropriate pieces, each doing his part well. The pro- ceeds amounted to about $60.—Mrs. Joseph Riley was taken to Clinton Hospital on Sunday for further con - Bullet on.—Mrs. Anna McLean is visiting friends' in. Bothwell and - De- troit, -- Messrs, Austin and Charles Dexter each sport a new - car. Mrs. Will Farquarson, of Walton, spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Britton. LONDESBORO Notes.—Don't forget the social which will be , held by the W. M. S. on Friday evening, May 21st. A good programme is being prepared, and lunch will be served.—Rev. Abrey spent a few days in Hensall last week.—Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams spent Sunday with friends on the 13th con- cession.—Mrs. oncession.—Mrs. W. Hill is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Carter, near Seaforth. —Mr. and Mrs. Hopper, of St. Marys, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. ' ,ei Amsley.—The following are the of- ficers of the Methodist W. M. S. for - the year; President, M. Sawyers; ....IC) lst Vice, Mrs. Belli Rec.-Secy., Mrs. , Brogden; Corr, Secy., Miss Lyon; Treas., Mrs. Collinson; Supt. of Christ- ian Stewards, Mr. Philips; organist, Mrs. E. Adams. Mrs. S. Carter was meeting d delegate to the branch MACTAVISH-,-----MAGTAYISH------.mA r see MAY 21, 1920. MACTAVISH—MACTAVISH---�•- MACTAV Style, Store for women. - Spring and Summer The Store that satisfies. Millinery Beautiful iHats ALL THE WAY FROM '$5 to $15 MACTAVISH MILLINERY is ' wonderfully Popular and the prices are surprisingly " low. ►1 'r4 H Our New -Spring Suits and Coats del • . for Women 1 will win your trade' if , you see them and hold your I trade if you wear them. = To get a thorough understanding of how good they - are, how 'beautiful they look,, how varied are the. > models, and ho moderately they are priced -4;y11 H will have to se them. ' 41 1 Suits a -�� . Coa 1 up to up 1 $57.90 $58. In k �. I11 price. ►:. `+-14 Eel1 MOST OF THE HATS you admire on other women came from the - MacTay.►sh "Store 00 p Suits co down to E $29.00. U in Afl price. • Coa d0 to $I, iR price. 00 We are showing -many new things in up-to-date Apparel for women and children. We will be glad to have you come to look, and if you want to buy, we can surely please you. NO NEED TO HAVE YOUR WAISTS M. TO GET SOMETHING DISTINCTIVE BECOMING NOW. You can find just exactly the w you want here now. The style, captivating and distinctive and are expartly made and perfect B Dozens and dozens of waists tliat are "different"—every ane 3a model of exquisite beauty and rare attractive• nese. But why tell more? You mit' see them to fully realize that here is something more than as ordit display of fine waists. The Styles are Charm The Workmanship i Excellent The Prices- are- Ver; Moderate; PRICE - - - - $1.50 to $11.54 YOU'LL IIIND IT A REAL PLE, URE TO L tJOK THEM OVER --C J. MACTAVISLi Seaforth