HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-05-21, Page 3,Y 21, 1920. THE HURON EX.rOSITOR 01J ;B:ank o render every assistance 'armers in financing their your affairs with you and unkings [ST er K rkton € Zurich put down.the carpet again e hover into a and stain an ish the border ur room with 0te:. WILLI-WEFT FOR SALE BY 5y hof white appetites ri) SAT GILL! The ty6 r/ Lasts Al2 yeing trker's fie sent in by mail he work as though regarding cleaning Limited ito Food Drafts Issued onWarehouses in Central and Eastern Europe. The cheapest and most direct way of providing fo in the stricken parts of Europe. Flour, Beef, Milk, etc. obtainable on pre tation of draft. Assorted packages $10 and 50 'riling to requirements. Enquire at any of our Branches.. THE DOMINION 817 .1 SEAFORTH BRANCH, = R. M. JONES, Manager. , SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOIL RENT. THE IRON EXPOSITOR msTRICT . MATTERS A MOTHER'S ADVICE -Once a mother ,has used Baby's .own Tablets for her little ones she is alileays happy to recommend them to others. Her advice, 'given after a ec��rreful trial, can be readily, followed with assured good results./The Tab- lets are a mild but'thoroiTgh laxative which never fail to reg gels and sweeten the always do good—th4 by do harm even babe. Concerning forest, St. Naz "For three mo#a ate the bow- omacl. They cannot possi- o the youngest kern Mrs. P. La- Quebec, writes:—. niy baby was con- stipated and ced continually. On the advice of a friend I gave him Baby's Own Tablets and now at the age of five months he is perfectly -well and aTeighs twenty pounds. -- I ani delighted to be able to advise other mothers to use- them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers ° or by mail at 25 cents a box from The . Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE -Surrounding an indirect lighting fix- ture that has been patented is a re- ceptacle td hold growing plants. Silk sausage casings, coated with a chemical preparation that makes them elastic, are a German. invention. A back for railroad car seats, in- -vented by, a Florida ratan, unfolds and forks two writing.desks, one in each side. The world's highest dam will be built across a rivers urge in India 195 feet deep" and more than 1,000 feet wide. For saleswomen and ran workers an adding machine that r egmbles )and is worn, as a bracelet, ha.been patented. A school in which instruction in. rowing boats is given on a shallow tank has been established in a Lon- don store. A pneumatic cushion which tan be inflated with. an automobile tire pump las been invented for use with beach • be watched at all times by a driver by the use of a new spring device th t records the woyk on a dial. A Swedish =` ilnventor's windmill. drives- anelectric- generator by lift- ing a two ton -weight to the top of a tower; its descent •actuating gearing. A new electric light fixture can be hung on furniture or stood on any level surface and.the lamp can be ad-; justed at several heights and angles. A governOr invented by a French- man to regulate the temperature,of electric furnaces depends for its ac- tion upon the expansion of mercury So that a man will not have b to hold a telephone receiver in his hand while waiting for a call to.be answer- ed a (short megaphone has been in- vented into which the receiver can be placed, amplifying the sound of the voice from the receiver when it comes. $y treating freshly . 3 a,de cheese with alternating electric 'Currents for twenty-four hours ln experimenter in Holland apparently. gives it all the properties of age. ••- ANAEMIA ROBS ITS VICTIMS BY STEALTH Conditions of .Thin Blood That Could be Corrected 'Easily Are Stealing ' the Health and Energy. of Many Men and Rtonnent- and Boys and Girls. Anaemia, which literally means bloodlessness, is one of the most pre- valent troubles of the present day. If neglected it is apt to develop into, pernicious anaemia, one of the most hopeless diseases. While anaemia Attacksmenand boys, it is more pre- valent -among young girls and women and' for this reason every woman, particularly every . mother, should know how to recognize the signs of this trouble Which - makes its ap- proach so gradually and so stealth- ily that it is - often far advanced be- fore the nature of the trouble is no- ticed. One . general symptom . of an- aemia, is pailoe. The cheeks gradu- ally lose their color, and the lips bee come pale or white. With this -loss of color there comes a tendency to fatigue, a palpitation of the 'heart, an.d"breathlessness "after slight ex- ertion, with occasional headaches. In the more severe eases fainting spells frequently occur. t In ordinary anaemic conditions, in - chairs. eluding .. the . anaemia that affects - The Pacific Coast - of Costa Rica ( young girls in their 'teens, Dr. Wil - produces a. species of shellfish from hams' Pink Pills ale all the medicine which' a rich purple dye for silk is required. Fresh air, sunlight and obtained. nourishing food willdo the rest. Any This year is the centenary of the woman or girl taking Dr. Williams' discovery of quinine, of which more Pink Pills can tell =by the growin Las been used in the world than any redness of her lips that the pills a ether drug. making her blood rich and red. Railroads in Italy are experiment- Miss Mabel Feeler, Liver ing with ignite, peat and the latter N. S., says:—"BeforeI began th enixed with other substances as lo- of Dr. Williams' PinkPills I fe 'omotive fuel. a complete wreck of " y form To protect persons from moving My blood was thin an water machinery an iron fence has been in fered from faint and 'zzy s vented made in sections, that can be had headaches almost eve erected anywhere. was taking doctor's x edi c An. English poultryman is the de- was not helping me an signer of a motorcycle sidecar in I was learning my trade ness to_ g up work. After reading Basket bibs for babies to catch, 'an advertisement . of Dr. Williams' dropped food as well -Pas protect their Pink Pills one day I decided to give clothing have been patented by an . the pills a trial. After taking two Arkansas inventor. 1 boxes I felt that I was being benefit- French plans for new railroads in ed, and continued their use until I Africa contemplate the expenditure was fully restored to health. The of $800,000,000 in fifteen years . on pills' certainly did wonders for me 18,000 miles of track. I and I cannot recommeiid them too Hogs fed by automatic machinery gain weight faster than those fed by hand, according to University of Mis- souri experimenters. An English scientist is the inventor 'of apparatus that photographically measures and records vibrations of :,uildings or machinery. ' . For men who take long walks - a ,ane has been' invented with a top 'sat unfolds and forms a wicker seat hen a user wishes to sit-down. Experiments are being made in apan with ginseng with a view to ,.' lturing the plant in less time than the six years generally required. The drawbar pull - of a• tractor can use like self. I side lis, and day. T rte, but it this time s a tailor - which a large number of eggs can be ess and was forced thri ugh my ill - safely transported. - highly." The purpose of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is to build up the blood. They do this one thing and they do it well. They are for this reason an invalu able remedy in disease arising from bad or deficient blood, as rheumatism, •neuralgia, after-effects of the grippe and fevers. The pills are guaranteed to Ise free from opiates or any harm- ful drug, `and cannot injure the most 'delicate system. 'You can 'get Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills through any. dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' 'Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. L LANKA TEA Thefirst taste One sip of Lanka settles the tea que$- tion. The rare flavor, rich anll stirnu- lading, has .,no equal. On skilled bl d - inn of Ceylon's - finest hill garden teas, can achieve sich quality — ours in the liking black and bite package beled Lanka. WM. BRAID & CO. Vancouver, Canada Stewart's Sell it for Leis Mail or Phone Your Orders • -Our Carpets, Rugs and Linoleums were never so well selected or in as tempting patterns. NOW is the time to make your selections. ore' New ash -Goods The very name of Wash goods seem to sing of spring and Summer. Especially do the delightful Wash Fabrics we are showing. ' This immense unique dis- play of delightsome new pat- terns: is a charming embodi- ment 'of all that is new and stylish in the Wash Goods world. Come in and see them; it will do your heart good just to look at them. PRICES ALWAYS LOWER en's:Suits s Made to Measure $38 to $70 If you will need a New Suit in the next two years— don't wait—buy now. We have a delightful range of guaranteed navy blue serges —genuine Enklish Worsteds and" Scottish Tweeds. We have an expert staff of -tail- ors who put into your suit that all necessary quality called style and at the same /time build you a suit to wear and keep its shape. "The fit -me" guarantee. Y o u will save big money by an- ticipating your wants and leaving your order to -day. Prices---- $ J8 to $70 Good Strong Overalls $2.00 This is an extra - good value, made of strong black derry with swing pockets, elastic backs, durably stitch- ed, cut roomy, buttons on to stay and in sizes from i32 to 44. Price $2:00 Other Ovreralls • $1.25 to $2.75 Use your Phone and rural, mail -we prepay charges on parcels sent by 'mail. I• Bargains in Goodilosiery Girls' Hose 39c In White or - Black cotton ribbed, size 5 to. 10. These are seconds or lightly damaged. Regular Price 65c. Special Price 39c Women's Hose 39c Fall fashioned Cotton Hose in white or black, plain knit, ,excellent quality, yarn very slightly damaged: Sizes 8x/2 to 10. Regular, Price 65e. . . Special Price 39c Boys Stockings 49c These are excellent School Stockings of heavy cotton thread, good ribbed knit, fast black. Sizes 71/2.to 10. Special"Price 49-c ew Attractions in Millinery Blouses To Match Suit MAKE YOUR SUIT A COMPOSTE COSTUME And very charming `'do they match fashions of georgette crepe, - crepe -de - chine -and voile, in all the rich delicate tints . so desir- able for summer wear. short sleeves ` rule and are more charmingly cut than ever. Prices - 1.25 to 12.00 •~ DISTINCTIVE, SMART AND MODERATEIX PRICED. There is a regular riot of - attractive� and. becoming colorings in the New Spring and Sumner Millin.'. Dame Fashion this year. restricts to neither size nor, color in your New Hat No excuse therefore for any woman to be unbecom- ingly hatted. , There is no danger of your not getting a becoming hat here - EVERY HAT BEARS THE STAMP OF GOAD TASTE AND BECOMING STYLE. IOW %Vofllefl' s StyiishSuits- A vast assemblage, where exclusive authoritative Styles are presented in a variety that satisfies every call of preference . and pocketbook. All the becoming style that it is possible to put in a Suit is to be fpund in these delightfully attractive gar- ments. You may choose from a wonderful arrary of styles in_ poiret, treotine, gaberdine, serge, in all the wanted colors. The -Suits are Iaracterized by the. dis- tinctive new features. All sizes. Price $25 to$75 Mn'sSpring Furnishings Shirts A big variety of crisp new patterns in black and white and fancy colored stripes and spots in neat attractive designs, with stiff or soft cuffs. Sizes 12 to 18. Prices Boys, 85c to 1.00 'Men, 1.25 to 4.0f Und smear Medium Weight Just the thing for working in—nice comfortable weight for between seasons, in a good mixture of -wool and cotton. Sizes 84 to 44. Prices -- 100 to 125 Caps For Me.n and Bays The very newest in Caps in a big assortment of fancy colors and checks.. There never was a season of pr-etp tier caps. Ask to - see the new shapes. Price 50c to 3.00 Work Shirts The old time black and white work shirt, made with double* front and yoke at b a c kr double stitehed throughout, full size, fast colors. All sizes. Prices -- 1 00 rices -1.0O to 1.75 This Store will be clos- ed every Wednesday af- ternoon during May, June, July, August and September.. STEWART BROS. Seafortii 1 This Store will ,be clos- ed every Wednesda at. ternoon during . � y, June, July, August and September.