HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-05-14, Page 5Am* ,01=••••••••TP" 1920. es ;hoes hawing of the new ow minutes of your f leather, are smart al feature of being we are showiug are: ve topis, long plain heels with Vanity • . . long plain vamps, • • . . -$7.50 stitched toe caps, $7.00 s, light flexible soles • -$6.00 and $6.50 _itched toe caps and $5.00 s and are from fifty ices. MMBRCIAL HOTEL roes greater this year i price of leather we have bought the largest range e to offer you very le way of Canvas leather soles and Women. Men, and who -do not deal en our range and d to conclude that this season's re- ennie thing I cent -s oes, • won for eputation iriii.out a pair .2- him her and let L our spien- 6. T 'FOR SERVICE :D TO FIT THE OF 30X AND - OAK TANNED A SIZE AND tr sl:ws, try them kind of Boys 5, ,HOES CONIMERCE. r- "MAY'‘14, 1920. THE ilITRON EXPOSITOR SEAFORTH 111.ARKETS. Seaforth, .Alay 13th,1920. Butter, per lb..., ... , 57c Eggs, per dozen .. ......49 to 50e Flour, per cwt... .. ....$6.45 to $6.90 Potatoes, per bag... .. ...,.....$4.50 Spring Wheat, per bushel ......$1.90 Wheat, per bushel ... .41.95 Oats, per bushel-, - $1.00 Barley, per bushel $1.60 Bran, per ton .. Shorts, per ton ....... .. . .... $70,00 Hogs, per cwt.- 419.25 BEAN MARKET Toronto, May 1L-Beans-Canadfan. hand - vaned, bushel, $5.00: Primes $5.06; Madam gee- Limas, lb., 15e; Japan Limas, /be 11c. DAIRY MARKET Toronto, May 11.-Butteeeepeeeh Choice 55 to 6Se: creamery print3.*03 to 86c. Margarine -32 to 88c. Eggs -New laid, 54 to 55n Honey-Extraoted clover, 5 ib. tins, ee to 28c; 10 th, tins, 25 to 26c; 60 lb. tins, 25e: buckwheat 60 Ib. tins, 18 to 20e; tomb, 16 oz. $6.00 to ;6.50 doz.' 10 -oz., ;4.25 to ;4.50 dozen, Maple Product;-ayrure per imperial gallon, $8.50 to ;3.15; per 5 imperial gallons, $3,25 to game POULTRY MARKET * Toronto. May 11. - Dressed Poultry - Spring chicken, 88 to 40e; rocotera 25oe; fowl. 85e; turkeys, 58 to 60c; ducklings. 88 to 40e; squabs, doz., 36. Live Poultry ---Spring chickens, 30 to 32e; fowls. 35 to 40e; ducks, 35 to 40c. GRAIN MARKET Toronto, May - Manitoba Wheat - 1 Northern, $2.80; No. 2 Northern, $2.77 ;, No. 3 Northern. $2.78. in store Fort Wil- liam. Manitob aOate-No. 2 C. W., $1.1614; No.8 C. W., $1.133; entre No. 1 feed, 31.13%; No. I, feed, $1.114; No. 2 feed, $1.08%. in store- Fort William. Manitoba Barley. --No. 3 C. W.. $1.81%; No. 4 C. W. $1.6234 ; rejected, 31.57%; feed, $L57%, in otore Fort William. American Corn -No. 3 yellow, $2.20, nominal, area( Toronto, prompt shipment. Ontario Oats—No. 3 white, $1.05 to 31.07. according to freights. Ont. Wheat - No. 1 Winter per car lot $2 to $2.01; No. 2 do.. $1.98 to- $2.01; No. B do., 31.92 to 31.93 f.o.b. shipping pointe, according to „freights. Ontario Wheat -No. 1 spring, ;2.02 10 32.08; ask,. 2 spring, - 31.98 to $2.07: No. 3 spring. 31.96 to 32.01, f.o.b. shipping points accord- ing to freights. Peas -No. 2, 33.00. Barley -Malting, 31.85 to 31.87, according to freights outside. Buckwheat -$1.75 to $1.80 according to freights outside. Taylor. -In Tnekenernith, on May 2nd, to Mr. and PMrs. Richard Taylor, a daughter. Peck.—In Hensall, on May 7th, to Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Peck, a son (Ronald Maxwell). Flannagan. -In McKillop. on May 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Flannagan, a daugh- ter, eaRourke.---In MeKillop. ort May 3rd. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Rourke, a son. MARRIAGES 'Knight---Roweliffe.----In London, on Wednesday. May 5th, Miss J. Victoria Roweliffe, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Roweliffe, of the London Road, north. to Mr. Reginald ICnight of Exeter, by Rev. D. C. Mac- Gregor. DEATHS Nolan.—In Seaforth. on May 12th, the son . of Mr. and Mrs. James Nolan. Killoran. -At Toronto, on Friday, April 30th, Mary Elizabeth Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Killoran, of Goderich. in her 7th year. NOTICE. Residents of McKillop are hereby notified that any resident who has an animal or animalsdie is requested to have the same buried -forthwith or the Sanitary Inspector, Mr. Charles Little, will attend to this matter . at the owners expense. By order of the Board of Health. M. MURDIE, Secretary. - May 12th, 1920. 2735-2 • COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmith Council will meet as a Court of Revision on the assess- ment Roll at the council chamber, Seaforth, on Saturday, May 29th, 1920, at 1 o'clock p.m. Appeals against the assessment must- be in the hands of the clerk on or before May 19th, 1920. D. F. McGREGOR, 2735-2 Clerk. TENDERS. WANTED Tenders will be received up to Fri- day, May 21st, by the Municipal Coun- cil of the Town of Seaforth_ far the old lumber on the old Recreation Ground, purchaser to remove same, not including posts, within one month from date of puithase. The highest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. JOHN A. WILSON, Clerk. 2735-1 Town of Seaforth. WELL DIGGING ae=0•••=//1/0 The undersigned is prepared todig, ro. Pair and clean smile of all kind& Orderei left at Z. G. Martha's Store, fleaforill, will be promptly attended to. 2785x8 JACOB VINCENT. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for ..the construction of the covered portions of the Dolmage and Dickson Drains and for the open por- tion of the Pryce Drain in the Town- ship of McKillop as per plana, pro- files, etc., of John Roger, Engineer, will be received by the undersigned, A cheque for 5 per cent. of contract price to accompany each tender. The I lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be opened on May 27th, at the Carnegie Buildiug, Seaforth, at 2 o'clock pan. M. MURDIE, Clerk, Seaforth, P. 0. May 5th, 1920. 2735-2 MAIL CONTRACT' SEALED TENDERS, " addressed to the Postmaster General, will -be received at Ot- tawa until noon, on Friday, the 28th day of May, 1020, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mafia, on a 'proposed Contract for four years, six times per week over Bruce - field No. 1 rural route from the POS tirdiSter General's Pleasure. Printed notices containing further infor- mation as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank fornis of Tender may be obtained at the Post Office; of Brucefield, Clinton, Kippen. Seaforth and Varna, and at the office of the Post Office Inapector, Lon- don. .4 CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inepector's Office, London, 16th April, 100., 27324 CREAM WANTED 'We have our Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and test each can of dream carefully and give you statement of the same. We- also supply cans free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. Call in and see us or drop a car4 for particulars. THE SEAPORT!! CREAMERY :Seaforth Ontario NOTICE • "....=•••••••=1111M TOWN OF SEAFORTH Pr••••••••••••••. Complaints have been made to the Council that waste paper empty cans and other garbage is being dumped on some of the streets in the Town. This, is contrary to the town by-laws. Action will be taken against any per- son doing the same., Householders are requested not to deposit waste paper outside, without covering it, even on their own property as the wind scatters it and causes a nuisance to others. By order. JOHN A. WILSON, 2735-3 Town Clerk. • IMPORTAN NOTICES IL FOR SALE.- QUANTITY OF 6.TSweet Clover Hay f r sale cheap. Apply to R. GARROW. R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, or phone 9 on 236. 2735-tf POR SALE. --CHOICE HOLSTEIN COW. 6* calved one week ; well bred and a big 'milker. Apply to J. J. HOLLAIstre St Columban. 2784-2 POR SALE, CHEAP. -ONE FORD FIVE -IL Passenger ear in good repair, with tires and a splendid motor in good running order. Will, be sold cheap, situated 1% mile east of Dublin on HuroneRoad. FRED STAT - TON. 2734x3 pPROPERTY FOR SALE. --IN HARPUR-. 2- hey a- seven roomed frame house with kitchen and cellar, good well, barn, hen and pig house and about 21/2 acres of land, also a good covered buggy and set single harness. Apply to THOMAS FOWLER, Sr.. on the place or to Seaforth Post Office. 2728-tf HOUSE FOR SALE. -IN EGMONDVILLE six. room frame house, hard and soft water, over an acre of laiid, with good orthard, and all kinds of small fruits, situated close to main road. Convenient to stores, churches and echool. This ds a*most comfort- able hoefse, and is in thorough repair. There is also good stable and hen house. Apply to JOHN RANKIN, Broker, Seaforth, or MRS. ROBT. HAWTHORNt. 2732-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE. -GOOD FRAME a• dwelling. stable, hen house and one-half acre of land, corner lot, conveniently situ- ated on crest side of Centre Street in the village of Egmondville. which will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. The dwel- ling is equiped with electrie lights and the property is in first class condition. Good -garden and fruit trees. Possession given promptly. For particulars apply to JAMES WATSON, Insurance Agent, Seaforth. 2723-tf AUCTION- SALES AUCTION SALE -HOUSE, LOT AND Household Effects of the estate of the late William McAllister will be 'sold by public auction on the premises in the village of Walton by F. S. Scott. auctioneer. on Satur- day, May 22nd, 1920, at two o'clock p.m. W. J. McAllister, Administrator; F. S. Scott, Auctioneer. . 2735-2 A UCTION SALE OF 100 ,ACRE FARM IN " the Township of Stanlel . and six horses, the property ofJane ndta. There will be offered for sale by public auction on the premises being Lot Number tight in the Fifth Concession of the Township of Stanley, in -the County of Huron, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, of the. 20th day of -May, 1920, the following land and horses :- Farm. -That certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Stanley in the County of Huron and -being composed of Lot Number Eight, in the Fifth Concession of the said Township of Stanley, containing 100 acres of land more or less. There. is a barn on said premiees, 40x60, also a well and a never failing spring. There are twenty acres of bush, ten acres of culled bush and ten acres ready to break up, the remaining 60 • acres are under cultivation. This property is about five miles from Bruce - :field and six and one-half miles from Hensall. Horses -One aged black mare, 1 brown. mare, 1 bay mare five years old, 1 bay blood mare 5 years old, 1 bay blood mare 8`years old, 1 bay colt two years old. Terms of Sale - The horses will -be sold for cash. On the farm, twenty per cent. of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance within two weeks -thereafter, or at the option of the purchaser $3,000.00 may remain on mortgage on the premises for a term of years. The farm will be offered for sale sub- ject to a reserved bid. For further particu- lars and conditions of sale apply to 5IARION SMITH, Trustee, or to J. M. BEST, Seaforth, Ont., 'Solicitor for Trustee. Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. Dated May 5th, 1920. 2734-2 FARMS FOR SALE PARM FOR SALE. -LOT 83, CONCESSION -1- 6, McKillop, 100- acres of the best clay land in MeXillop, 6 acres of bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from Constance, 1% miles from school. There are on the premises a good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well under - drained. Possession given March lst. Apply th MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth. 2710-tf FARM FOR SALE. -CHOICE GRASS FARM for sale in the Township of McKillop, north half Lot 24, Concession 13, containing 75 acres. It is well fenced with wire fence, never falling water, 40 acres are well tile drained. It is all seeded to grass and In Al shape for pastufe. It is situated 11/2 miles from Walton Station. For further particulars apply to GEORGE DICKSON, Box 248, Blyth, Ont. 2721-tf rAnm FOR SALE. -LOT 14, CONCESSION -a; 4, Stanley Township, containing 100 acres more or less, of good farm land. This is No. 1 crop or grass land, having never failing running water at either ends of the farm. Their is considerable cedar and hard wood timber and fair buildings on the premi- ses, partly under cultivation. Parties want- ing a good grass farm would do well to see this place. For further particulars apply to J. T. REID, Clinton. 2718-tf loon SALE.—HOUSE AND HALF 'ACRE of land in the village of Egraondville, The Property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian churchand is known as the Purcell property. Good, comfortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This is a corner property with no breaks en front, and the land is in a good state of Cultivation. This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises or to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth. 26$4-tf • Thorobred Imported Stallions The followingpure bred imported Clydesdale and Percheron stallions which are all enrolled, inspected and season at will stand for service this T.J.Berry's Stables HENSALL, ONTARIO ••••••.•••••••••••••••• CUMBERLAND STEEL Clydesdale 122070] Enrolment No. 5608 ' To insure ;20. •••:••••••••••••••••• Form A 1 COMMODORE Clydesdale [9596] (14633) Enrolment No. 1681 Form "A 1 To insure 316. KING THOMAS Clydesdale [92541 (12625) Enrolment No. 1366 Form A 1 To insure' ;15. 5 COL. GRAHAM [9255] (12103) Enrolment No. 1370 • • Form 1 to insure ;14. _ Will travel the, following route : 'Ns Monday, May loth, will leave his own stable, Usborne, Concession 3, Lot 26, at Joel Heckler's, -Usborne, and proceed west to second concession, Hay; then south to the Town Line and west to Wm. Paff's, for noon; then will proceed to the 14th concession, then north one mile to John Kuntz, for night. Tuesday morning. -North to Zurich Road, then to Elmer Klapp's, for noon; then south to George Heckler's, for night. Wednesday. - East to Goshen Line, then north to John Decker's, Jr., for noon; then north to Wagner's Corners, then oast to Blind Line, then south to John McBride's, for night. Thursday, - South to Zurich Road, then east to 4th concession, Hay, then south one mile and a quarter, and then east to Fred Corbett's for noon; then east to the second concession, Usborne, to his own stable at Joel Bechler's. Friday. -East one mile and a quarter and, beuth 21/e miles, then west 1% miles,. then north to hile own _stable, Usbornea for night. Will be in his own vicinity till Saturday evening, where be will remain till the fol- lowing Monday morning .at Joel Heckler's, Usborne. JABOT Percheron [3139] (84214) Enrolment No. 1369 Form A. 1 To insure $13. Will travel the following route : Monday, May 17th.-Wilie proceed from his own stable to second concession Ray, then south 3% miles to Roger Northcors, for noon; then 1% miles east then home by way of London Road to ' his own stable, Hensall. to Dan Brintnell's Boundary for noon; then back to Thomas Vener's Corner, then north to Chiselhurst and home by way of John McLean% Corner, for night. Wednes- dayaaProceed 1% miles east to second con- cession, then north to Isaac Moore's, for noon then west to the London Read and south to his own stable for Wednesday night Tillers - day morning. -West to second concession then north to Wilson Carisle's, for noon; then north three miles, then west to Babylon Line, south to Nelson Key's, for night. Friday morning. -South 1% miles, west to Goshen Line and south 2lee ; west to Bronson Line; south to Blake to Elmor Thiene for noon; then west to 14th concession and south 3% miles and east 1% miles. north to Wm. Thiel's ,for Friday night Saturday morn- ing. -North to Zurich Road; east to Parr Line to John Forest's, for noon ; then south to Zurich Road, and home to his own stable till the following Monday morning. POPULAR STALLIONS The following popular stallions will standfor the- improvement of stock this season as follows: Passed Enrolment No. 1734 Form LORD MANSFIELD Imp. [21567] (160303) Vol. 29, B.C. S. B. Will stand for ethe improvement of stock this season, as allows: Monday. -Will leave his own stable, Beech- wood, and go to Pat Wood's, Logan, for noon; then to his own stable for nsght. Tuesday. To John Murray's, concession 11, McKillop, for noon; then west to Allan ' Ross' concession 10, MoKillop, for one hour; then to his.own stable for night Wednesday. -To Frank Mahar's, concession .3, Logan, for noon ; thee to Weber's Hotel, Dublin, for night. Thumday.-To Joseph Nagle's for noon; then to Joseph Atkinson's, for night. Friday. -To Martin Curtin's, lat miles east of Seaforth, for noon; then by way of Rox- boro to William Anderson's, Lot 29, Con- cession 5, McKillop, for night. Saturday. - Will proceed to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. The above route will be continued through- out the season, health and weather permitting. Terms -To insure a foal, $18. James Evans, Proprietor and Manager. Beechwood, Ont. Passed :Enrolment No. 354 Form 1 INVOLUCRE [2145] (82966) Monday. -Will leave his own stable, Bruce - field and proceed west to Varna at Sherlock Keys, for noon ; then north into Godericli township to the Bayfield concession and west to A. A. Welsh's for night. Tuesday. -North by way of sixth concession to Porter's Hill at George Vanderburg's, for noon; then north 10 James McMillan's, 6th concession, Goderich township, for night Wednesday. -By way of Jewel's corners and Benmiller to W. Hill's for noon; then by way of Maitland concession to Holmesville at Harry Sweet's for night. Thursday. -By way of leth concession to A.. Townsend's, for noon; then by way of Huron Road to Wilson Elliott's, Commercial Hotel, Clinton, • for night. Friday. -South by way of the London Road to his own stable, Bruce - field, for noon; then ' wt 1% miles and south I% miles to John Murdock's for one hour; then to his own stable for night. Saturday. -South 21/4 miles, and east 1% miles to Robert Elgie's for noon; then by way of .the .Mill Road to his own stable for night. Terms -$15 to insure. The above route will be continued regularly during the season, health and weather per- mitting. William Berry, Proprietor and Mangaer Brucefield, Ont. EARL 0' STANLEY THE GREAT YOUNG CLYDE STALLION (18390) Enrolment No. 5051 Approved ,Form1 Terms to Insure ;12, Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable, Brucefield, where, Mr. Murdock will meet horse owners on Thursday afternoons and Saturdays of each week. . R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager. MAKWIRA Approved Enrolment No, 8267 Form 1 (15938) VOL. XXXIII Monday. -Will leave bis own stable, Staffa, and go west by the 8th concession. to James Hills' for noon; then south to the Cromarty Line and est to his own stable for night Tuesday. -South by the Centre Road to Jas. Ballantyne's, Ilsborne boundary, for noon; then east to Farquhar and west on 'Thames Road to Wes. Armstromets, for night, Wed- nesday. -South Elimville and east to Winchelsea to Jahn Delbridgele for noon* then south to William Broclre for night. ilium- day'W ,-South to the 10th Coneession of an- eaand and east three miles and then north to William. Thompson's, Jr., Lot 6, Concession 9, for noon; then north to the Kirkton Line and west to Kirkton at "Taelor'e Hotel for night. Friday. -North to G. Pridharan for noon; then west and north to John liamil- ton's for night. Baur e -North to Mac Gray's. 7th concession o Hibbert, for noon; then west to the:cente Road and south to Staffa to, his own stab' where he will re- main until the followi g Monday morning. Terms -To insure a foal, 315 John Livingstone, Proprietor and Manager Staffa, Ont. , BL CON'S SON (20869) Approved Enrolment No. 5272 Form Al Terms to insure, 315. Mondayn-Will leave his own stable, Bruce - field, and .go west to the seeo;ad' concession of Stanley, then north to John Butchard's, for noon; then north and west to Ed. Glenn, Jr's., for night. Tuesday. -By way of Ban- nockburn to Varna at the Temperance Hotel for noon; then by way of the Bayfield Road to the Goshen Line to Arthur McClinchey's, for night,. Wednesday.—Ry McOlymont's side road to the Parr Line, then south to Wm, Foster's, for noon; then to William Mc- Kenzie's, 2nd concession, of Stanley, for the night. Thureday.-No0 to the Hayfield road to his own stable for noon; remaining until the following Friday morning. Friday. -To George McCartney's, Mill Road, for noon; then to McAdam's side road, and north to the 2nd concession H. R. S., Tuckersmith, then west to James Carnochan's, for night. Sat- urday. -West by Broadfoot's bride, then south to the Mill Road, to his own stable, where he will remain, until the following Monday morning. .R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager, James W atson GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT DEALERLN SEWING MACHINES. Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms reasonable and possession given promptly. Apply at my ,Offiee for particulars. =1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: • 10/ S. T. HOLMES IMMII PIM PPM N=▪ 1 N EM Fimeral Director and • Licensed Embalmer Undertaking parlors in Beattie Block, opposite The Expositor Office Residence Goderich St., opposite -Dr. Scott's. ' Flowers furnished on short notice. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110. Phone Night or Day 119 - .T. BOX & CO. Embalmers and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and License Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calls Phone 175 • Day Calls Phone 43 W. S. GORMLEY IEMBALMER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Unlertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street, Seaforth, Flowers furnished on shorknotice . Charges moderate Phone—Night or Day --192 DEBETNURES Fon SALE TOWN OF SEAFORTH ••••••=•••••••••••••••• The Town jof Seaforth has deben- tures amomrbing to $6,000.00 for sale. Principal and interest payable in 15 annual payments, first payment Oct. 15th, 1920. You cannot obtain safer investment. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. . JOHN A. WILSON, Treasurer, 2734-3 Town of Seaforth. .r CONSU'LTING ENGINEERS The E. A. JAMES Co., Limited E. M. Proctor, B.A.,Sc., Manager 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can. Bridges,Pastemenh Systems,e Waterworks, sewer- age Incinerators, Schools, Public Halls, Housings, Factories, Arbi- trations, Litigation. Our Fees: -Usually paid out of the money we save our clients TRACTORS FOR SALE lemni-rnmen. 1 8-16 Mogul Tractor in good working order. 1 12-25 4 -cylinder Goold - Shapley & Muir tractor. 18-16 Avery in good -working condition. The ROBT. BELL EN- GINE & THRESHER CO., LTD. Seaforth - Ont. GRAND TRUNlieRAILWAY 11 SYSTVM The Double Track Route between - MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains... For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Somerville . . . . . .....Town Agent W. R. Plant ...... ....Depot Agent 11111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111101 Flax- Flax :1 MOM NMI OM / PM ... MO .... =1.1 .1011 MEI ...mm - F E armers Attention NMI IM▪ M =NI The Huron County Flax Mills Ltd. are open to rent a liinited acreage of No, one sod land,for flax growing purposes. The farmer to plow, , disc, harrow and prepare the land for a good level seed bed. Compan will supply seed and do th sowing. For5further particulars apply at Office opposite Royal Hotel, or to Land Agent, J. A. Kerr, Box 532, Seaforth. Phone 168. 2717-tf =Mr PIM N ON "MI NMI ION NEM N MI 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111113' ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO N "PO SAWS Convert Waste Wood into Good Fuel With scarce and higt;.pnced coal the cost of heating and . cooking is very high. A "Toronto" Saw will save your coal by sawing up the wood that would otherwise rot away. The "Toronto" Saw is of all -steel construction—mill give many years of saving service with little cost for power and reasonable first cost. Write us lo -day for booklet ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP Ca, Limited Atlantic Ave., Tonna* Montreal , Winnipeg Regina Calgary JAMES 'G. MARTIN Seaforth, Ont. • 5 FARMERS' SALES NOTES Farmers with Sales Notes will be well advised to turn them over to this Bank for collection. The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in mak- ing presentation, and payments will be credited to our account promptly. ssA Sales Notes supplied without chargeu NE. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL 1 415,000,000 RESERVE FUND a - supoo,000 MA.FORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. • hy rt lothes? Because they have Style. Every Suit is guaranteed. ThteriamIlmd. woolefabrics are splendidly tailored and Yet you pay a moderate price. $40, $45, $50, $55, $60 " Ply Wardrobe " MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL BLOCK, SEAFORTH. ATTENTION TION The Hensall Flax Mill will rent a large acreage of flax land. Choice, clean Sod Land, fall Of spring ploughing preferred. Farmers will make the seed bed as directed or if impossible to do work, will arrange to have it done. We will do the sowing and guarantee that only pure seed, free from noxious weeds will be sown. - Highest Prices Paid Letters will receive prompt attention. Telephone No. 59, Hensall. OWEN GEIGER Hensall - Ont. Established 1889 1111.12.11=111_1111,_11 U. - Reid Optical Company of Stratford, opens an Office in SEAFORTH. This is an opportunity for all those needing the ser- vices of an expert eyesight specialist to have their eyes examined and proper glasses fitted. We employ only the most accurate 'methods and guarantee satisfaction. No drugs or "drops" used. If you are having headaches, dizziness, or any symp- toms of eye trouble, consult our specialist. Reid Optical Company EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS OPTOMwERISTS MFG. orricuNs 121 ONTARIO STREET, STRATFORD. SEAFORTH OFFICE iN DR. HEILEMAN'S OSTB- PATRIC PARLORS, OVER ummars DRUG STORK. EACH WEDNESDAY, BEGINNING MAY oth. A. L COLE SPECIALIST IN CHARGE NOTE THE DAY EACH 1,1111K moon ncAa