The Huron Expositor, 1920-05-14, Page 37 14, 1920. '"a•".!•"_....******.**4***4 is,000,000 Bank sraall way, -have now ante and co-operation of your interest will be TRICT Xirkten Zurich Y 14, 192*. THE HU4614 EXPOSITOR flogs gm and More Hogs! That is a moneymaking Slogan for farmers. You can sell all the hogs you raise, sure of good returns. If you need an advance to, replenish your stock, Consult the Manager. We are glad to assist responsible progressive fanners who are wide-awake to good opportunities. 777 • put down the carpet again. e Itover into a and stain and rishthe border our room with mote. WILL LIKE IT FOR SALE BY e St ;a ton h The , Flavor Lasts- ke the EgYPt? are bene Mal ring treate diestion, [nd breath ERY ice Live IIN the same Tr in expert SEAFORTH BRNCH, • R. M. JONES, Manager. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT/ • ain HURON EXPOSITOR have formed san organization to -be known as The Portia Club. ----.--- Mrs. George, Dewey, widow of Ad- , nital Dewey, Was given $1,900 to the DISTRICT MATTERS Woman's Adosevelt Association. Queen Elizabth, .of the Belgians e as a g r an was graduated with. the degree of M. D. at Leipzig. shortly before her mar - siege. Twenty young Salvation Army women, who cooked doughnuts for the soldiers in France have organized a brassbandin Philadelphia. In an effort to stmulate'marriage, the Frencli Government. proposes to tax all bachelor girls as well as men. In both Pennsylvania and Texas married women are now permitted to be stockholders in a business com- pany. Mrs. Johli Gerken will judge the saddle classesand ponies under saddle to be shown at the New York horse show this year. In Canadian homes, it is said, the domestic worker has a better status, more leisure, and more social oppor- tunities than. in England. From twenty to thirty per cent. of the women employed, by British banking institutions during the war have been retained in their positions., EARLY SYMPTOMS OF BLOODLESSNESS CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION Constipation is one of the most common ailments of childhood and the child suffering freani it cannot thrive. To keep the children well the bowels must be kept regular and the stomach sweet. TO do this noth- ing can. equal Baby's Own Tablets. • They are a mild but thorough laxa- tive; are absolutely safe and never fail to relieve constipation and indi- gestion; colds and simple fever, Con- cerning them Mrs. Jules Fa,uquereaui Noiliningue, Quebec, write: — "My baby was ,terribly constipated and suffered day and night. I was advis- ed to give him Baby% Own Tablets and freen the first they helped him and now at the age of thirtee, months Ise is a big healthy, happy boy." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The. Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CATS WIIISKERS AID ITS EYES Why does a eat have whiskers? .` ask the Popular Science Monthly. Th4is questionecom.es under the larger on what is the function of eye ape . perelages? Mr. P. F. Swindle has investigated this subject very thor- oughly, and he has formed some startling eenclusions, which he re- ports in the AmeriCan Journal of Psychology. Yo.ur First Reader told you, in simple words and large type, that pussy's whiskers, wide as his body, were there to warn him of the sized hole he could crawl through, but that, reason, alone did not suit psychol- ogists, and they have recently proved that whiskers aid the cat's eye. Most animals have eye appendages that seem to obstruct their vision. And many of those that haven't an use substitutes—the snake, for in- stance, continually thrusts out its tongue. But, according to Mr. Swindle's investigations, these ob- structing appendages really aid the eye. When an animal watches its rey or stares at a branch that it intends to land on, it wiggles its whiskers constantly, and thereby rests its eyes. Thus, instead of be corning blurred in time, the object it WatChes is always sharply defined. Mr. Swindle experimented with a torn -cat, watching him first with his whiskers on, and then Watching him after the whiskers had been shaved off. Tommy soon changed from a fat, well-fed cat to a thin, .hungry one. ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN Women never attend funerals in Buenos Ayres. At present the voting age for wom- en in England is thirty. Gaby Deslys, the dancer, left jewels to the, value of $1,006,000. Cotton textiles unions in Great Britain have 260,000 female members. Los Angeles and San -Francis° have more than 25,000 woman. motorists. There are thirty-six unions in Great Britain with _exclusive female mem- berships. Mrs. Barbara A. Singleton is ap- praising for. a Cleveland firm that buys and. sells mill sites. There were 277 female reservists in the United States marine corps during the war. In Michigan a -woman cannot go into partnership business without the consent of her husband. Women in California are now serv- ing on grand juries, petit juries and coroners' juries. Though she is 104 years old, Sarah Ann McGinnis, of New York city, has never been rna,rried. The University of Vermont is the latest institution, of learning to ad- mit womento the medical course. Women lawyers in Philadelphia Shown by Pallor of the Face and Llps—Row to Obtain 'New Blood. • Anaemia., or lack of blood, is so gradual in its approach tbat it is often well developed befdre the pa- tient is sufficiently alarmed to con- sult a doctor or take proper trat- ment to restore thp blood to a heal- thy condition. The earliest symptom of anaemia is loss of color, especially in the lips, gums and membranes lining the eye- lids. Then comes shortness of breath on slight exertion, such as goipg up stairs, palpitation of the heart, in- creased pallor of the face and. lips. If this thinning of the blood.r is not corrected it will proceed rapidly until a complete breakdown in health fol- lows, when there may be disorders of the stomach, headaches and back- aches, dizziness and faintiog spells. The most effective, and prompt way to increase and enrich the blood at a time like this is through. the fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills have restored to good health thousands of weak, anaemic people, among them Miss Mae Johnson, or Port Arthur, Ont., who say4:—"Be tween the ages of sixteen and eighten, I worked in a telephone office, and it was very trying to the nerves and health. I became bloodless, and so pale that friends often said I look- ed consumptive. One night I had. to be taken home from the office, and a doctor was called in who told me I must not go back for a time. Some- times I would faint, and to walk up stairs would leave me utterly breath- less. As I did not appear to be get- ting any better one of my girl friends, -e hose mother had used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with great bene- fit, advised me to try these. I took the pills very faithfully for some time, with the result that they re- stored me lo gale health, and now when anyone tells me they feel' weak or rundown Palways recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as I feel so thankful for the help they gave me." If you have any 6f the symptoms described by Miss Johnston try build- ing up the blood with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Eat nourishing food, ex- ercise a little hi. the open air daily and watch the color return to cheeks and lips. You \can run no risk in giving Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial as they can not injure the most deli- cate system*. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 377:7-77.7 rt- 77` 7 .777 t wt! poll Ilpin ,li! 41.11w T1 il If! Yeillg d -gabrics ceylorfs offering Lanka is a rare tea from Ceyon's hill gardens — British grown to suit critical British taste. Flavor is exquisite color rich and sparkling, aroma most inviting. Order today from your dealer. Price 70 WM. BRAID & CO. Vancouver, Canada KA. 11111111111111rOn...‘11 • 41•11111041.114Mo, • 9NOISIOESKIP9filtito 3 - vasoutamel# 4•11••••••••. Stewrt's Selht for Less 1 Mali or Phone Your Orders 1 We prepay Carriage at0,6.1111•01,..4:, eefia Pe11,........1{ AMYL ousecleanin Herer--What do. you Require Do You Need, New Linoleum If You do you 191 consult your own best interests to see our Stocks before\ you buy. Among the many departdents which are particularly outstanding in ths store is the Linoleum. Few • stores indeed will show You a range so extensive in its new patterns and coloring, so complete in its adapta- bility and finish. There are beautiful floral designs in Poppy, Tulip and Rose Effects, in yellow, red and pink. Hexagon pat- terns in practically all the wanted colors. Imitation flooring in squares and stripes, specially serviceable for halls or offices. e • We wish, to lay special strds on our stock of Linoleums, made specially for surrounds for rugs, in imitation of the mostlaborte hard wood floofing in numerous fancy designs. Linoleums and floor oils in all widths. PRICES- ALWAYS LOWER Awing Stripes FOR VERANDAHS OR WINDOWS In spite of the unpresedented scarc- ity of these goods, we are pleased to be able to state that this store—with is usual foresight—is -prepared to ake care of your wants for Awning Stripes in a way that will be very satisfactory to your good taste and pocket -book as well. - Greens, Tans, Browns are all represented in a par- , ticularly good material. PRICE 85 CENTS. Japanese Matting FOR VERANDAHS OR BEDROOMS _ These Mattings—clean, cool, sani- tary—are particularly useful for summer time. They are reversible and can be scrubbed when soiled. PRICE 20c TO 40c Selecting a Good Rug at a Small Price is not Difficult WHENYOU HAVE A STOCK LIKE WE ARE SHOWING TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS, AXMINSTER& VELVETS, TAPESTRY& For any house in which you wish to make the floors comfortable and home -like, at inconsiderable cost BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY are most serviceable,- , Renowned for their long wear, are easily cleaned and in additionito these practical advantage, have a pleasing appearance. . These Rugs with this char- acteristic have a firm, hard smooth surface, are procur- able in a wonderful range of designs and colorings, brown and green, green and ivory, tan, rose, grey, etc., in all sizes. Price $20 to $62.50 CARPTES In all the new color com- binations and a delightful array of artistic patterns. For halls; rooms and stairs. There are no better values to be found anywhere than we are offering. Price 60c to $3.00 BEAUTIFUL AXMIN- STER AND WILTON RUGS for the parlor dr for those who want some- thing special for the living room, den, dining room or guest room. These heavily piled Rugs are the very acme of rug per- fection.- Shown in small allover de- signs, in -panels, and larg-e medallions, many and van - oils combinations in tan, brown, green, Persian red, blue, olive and ivory. These Rugs are an adorn- ment to any room in the house. All leading sizes are h e for -your choosing. Price $62,50 to $98 Scores of Beautiful Curtains and Curtain Materials Moderately Priced 41; OUTSIDERS JUDGE YOUR HOME BY YOUR CUR- TAINS. PRETTY CURTAINS NEED NOT BE EX- ' PENSIVE. es, good architecturally, are spoiled by poor urtains may be simple and inexpensive but they should be appropriate to the house, and Vreerably alike at every window. Made of one fabric they present an unique effect and give your house a finished appear ance. 'In our curtain department you will find an excepton- ally attractive array of dainty designs that carry with them every, mark Of good taste. The new ideas, ex- pressed in these handsome curtains, are a pleasant re- lief from the heavy elaborate over -ornament designs of past years. PRICE $2.25 to $12 PAIR CURTAINS BY THE YARD. In the yardage goods every possible shade, material and design is represented. Curtains are a strong fea- ture with this store, so strong in fact that you cannot afford to buy elsewhere. Many ho curtains. PRICE 40c to $1 .50 YARD Charming Chintzes $1 to $3.50 a yard SUCH A VARIETY AND SO ADAPTED TO YOUR NEEDS AND PURSE. The Patterns are so very attractive, and the range of colorings and patterns are almost endless, meeting the needs of all the shapes and styles of rooms. There is no color or design nown in the Cretonne trade that is not to be seen at this store, but do not wait, come early. CONGOLEUM RUGS .".."."11 III all the new color- ings and Designs in every size. PRICE $1.50 to $25.00 Those who are anxious to procure an artistic, inex- pensive .material for cur- tains, cushions, box covters, chair or lounge covers or any of the hundred and one uses to which chintzes are put will surely be enthused with these fabrics. Beautiful combinations of blues, pinks, golden browns and greens. In floral medal- lion and old time flower gr - den patterns. PRICE $1.00 to $3.50 - During the busy seed- ing time—use your phone,and try our mail order department. You will be well satisfied. 11•1•••••0•11.X.P01.••••••••.. This Store will be dos- ed every Wednesday af- ternoon during May, June, July, August and September. 441.111...4111•Mel. STEWART BROS. Seaforth This Store will be dos- ' ed every Wednesday af- ternoon during May, June, July, August and September. • 4.