HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-05-07, Page 5(7, 1920. Foot )es atfaiiMINWINew ANUMINIK imer [ER COMFORT here with their demand signed for the express 1 cool during the Sum - [RET -FOOT Shoes be - costly leather shoes as et -Foot Shoes as they like Fleet -Foot as they ather shoes. You can't them. t Foot Shoes from the s and note how reason - was uppers and honey- . - - . . . V.00 rs and red rubber soles, pers and white rubber to $3.00 upper -4, per pair, $1,45 • . . ...$1.75 uppers and red rubber 41.75 and $2.00 25; White canvas,$1.45 canvas uppers, white high heelsper pair... $2.50 to $3.25 •L Cey ings. When you - badly, but after at to very much to do with the this: Take the to put into a case and buy one of s; thirty different Serges, Worsteds every one an ex- , Talk this over she thinks of the Rennie lothing b. cents hoes, ve won for reputation wearing out a pair 7ing him here and let .-11 our splen - FOR SERVICE ED TO FIT THE or BOX AND OAK TANNED A SIZE AND ;•.hoes, try them r hind of Boys SHOES F cow MEECE. • MAY 7, 1920. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Seaforth, May 6, 1920. • THE HURON EXP OSITOR Butter; per lb. = 57e Eggs* per dozen. 49 'to 50c Flour, per cwt. $6.45 to $6.90 Potatoes, per bag Spring Wheat, per bushel ......$1.90 Wheat, per bushel . 95 $1.00 $1.60 $60.00 $70.00 419.26 Oats, per bushel Barley, per bushel Bran, per ton . Shorts, per ton Hogs, per ewt, BEAN MARKET . Toronba, May 4.-Beans-Oanadiaii, hand- picked, bushel, $4.50; primes, $8.50; Japans, 44.50. DAIRY MARKET • Taremee, May 4, -Cheese, new, large, 80 to 301/2e; twins, SO% to 81c; triplets, 81 to 311efac; Stilton, 34 to 35c; old, large, 82 to to 38c; do., twins, 83 to 831M. Butter -- Fresh dairy, choice, 57 to 59c; creamery prints, 65 to 68c. Margarine -33 to 88c. Eggs -New laid, 54 to 550. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, May 4.-Dressecl Poultry - Spring chickens, 88 to 40c; roosters, 25e; fowl, 850; turkeas. 5$ to 600; duckling's, 88 to 400e squabs, doe., $6. Live Poultry -Spring chiokens, 80 to 32c; fowls, 85 to 40c; ducks, . 35 to 400. GRAIN MARKET Toronto, May 4. - Manitoba Wheat - Ne. 1 Northern, 12.80 ; No. 2 Northern, 82.77; No, 8 Northern, 12.73. in :store Fort- Wil- ' Ram, aManitob aOats-No. 2 C. W. $1.164; ales * C. W., $1.1314; extra No, 1 feed, $1.13 91: No. 1 feed,. $1.1114; No. 2 feed, $1.031/4, in store Fort William. Manitoba •Barley. -No. 3 0, W., $1.8114; No. 4 C. W. $1.624; rejected, 11.57%; feed, 11.57%, in store Fort William. American Corn -No. 3 Yellow, $2.20, nominal. track Toronto, prompt hipment Ontario Oate-No. 3 white, ,$1.05 'to $1.01, according to freights. Ont. Wheat - No. 1 Winter per car lot $2 to 52.01; No. 2 tdo., 51.98 to 52.01; No. 8 do., $192 to 51.93 ;f.o.b. shipping points, according to freights. 'Ontario Wheat -Ng. 1 spring, 52.02 to 52.03; No. 2 spring, $1.98 to 52.07; No. 3 spring, $1.95 to 52.01. f.o.b. shipping points accord- ipg to freights. Peas -No. 2, $8.00. Barley -Malting, 51.85 to 51.87, according to freights outside. Buckwheat -51775 to 51.80 according to freights oatside. LIVE STOCK MARKET Buffalo, Ma 4. -Cattle, receipts, 1,800; good steady. Shipping steers, ;Is to 514, few, 514.50; butchers, 59 to $12; yearlings, 512.50 to *13; heifers, 56 to 510.50; cows, 54 to 510.50; bulls, 57 to 10; stockers and feeders, $6 to 310; fresh cows and springers, none offered. Calves, reeeipts, 900; active, $t; to $18..50. Hogs -Receipts, 4,800; active, firm; heavy, 515 to 515.75; mixed, 516.10 to $16.25; york- ers, 516.25 to 81535; ,light do., 516 to $16.25; Pigs, 516; roughs, 512 to $12.50; stags, 57 to $8.50. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, May ,4. -- After the dull trading of the past fortnight the commission men this morning welcomed a very active stsion. Not only was the demand good for sill grades of killing cattle but there was a ready outlet for the choicer qualities and the total offering being limited to twenty-eight -hundred head, values were boosted 50 to 75 cents per hundred pounds. The clean up came early. Common thin killers were scarcely affected by the rise. The ad- vance in prices for the medium quality butchers was a good half dollar and for the choice butchers and heavy steers round •75 cents. In spots a dollar advance mieht have been registered. What helped the trade in addition to the smallness of the offering was a big improvement in the general quality. Some extra. choice steers sold at $15 eer cwt. A bigger percentage of the offering found values within a 313,50 or 513.75 per cwt. range, and good butchers cashed in readily at from 513 to 513.25. per cwt. There were cows which eold as high as 13 cents per Pound, • but the bulk of the pick cashed in from 511 to 511.75 per cwt. Bulls were an equally active and stronger market. The demand for killers left little for the atoekers and feeder trade. Grass cows were also a light consignment and sold at steady to a shade stronger prices. Milkers and springers were active and steady. - All small meat; were active and firm. The pick among the veals sold up to 518.50 per eirt. in spot, and the best lambs up to 18 cents per pound. Notwithstanding the offer of 318.75 f -o b. by the packer -buyers this morning's consign- ment of hogs sold at 519 and $19.25 per cwt.. f. o. b. The receipts were 185 carloads with 2,S15 cattle,1,208 calves, 3,119 hogs and 220 sheep and lambs. The quotations were: Choice heavy steera, 314.50 to 514.75; good heavy steers, 513.50 to $13.75; butehers' rattle, choice, 513.25 to $13.75; do., good, 112.75 to 513.00; do., anedium, 511.75 to $12.25; do., common, $10 to 510.75: bulls, choice, $11.00 to 512.00; do. good, $10.25 to 510.75; do., rofigh, 18.00 to 58.50; butcher cows, choice, 511.25 to 512.00; do., good. 310.50 to 511.00; do., eommon, 57.50 to $8.00; stockers, 39.25 to $11.00; feeders, $11.00 to $12.50; canners and cutters, 54.50 to 56.25; milkers, good to choice, 5100 to 5160; do., common and med- ium, $65 to 575; springers, 590 to' 5165, lambs, yearlings, 516 to $19; calves, good to choice, $16 to 319; sheep. $9 to $13; hogs, fed and watered, 520 to $20.25; do., weighed oft cars, $20.25 to 520.50; do., f. o. b.. 519 to 3:9.25; do, do., country points, 518.75 'to 519. • BIRTHS Peck. -In Stanley, on April 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Peck, a- son. Dayman.-In Tuckersrnith, on April 29th, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Daman, a daughter. MARRIAGES Knight-Rowcliffe.-At St. Andrew's Church, Hensall, on April 28th, by Rev. D. C. Mc- Gregor, Mr. R. J. Knight, of Exeter, to Miss J. B. RoWcliffe, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Rowcliffe. DEBETNURES FOR SALE TOWN OF SEAFORTH The Town of Seaforth has deben- tures amounting to $6,000.00 for sale. Principal and interest payable in 15 annual payments, first payment Oct. 15th, 1920. You cannot obtain a safer investment. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. JOHN A. WILSON, Treasurer, 2734-3 Town of Seaforth. CONSULTING ENGINEERS The E. A. JAMES Co., Limited E. M. Proctor, B.A.,Sc., Manager 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can. Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks, sewer- age Systems, Incinerators, Schools, Public Hells. IIou.sings, Factories, Arbi- trations, Litigation. Our Fees: -Usually paid out of the money we save our clients IMMIligI•110.111011.141Mai POPULAR STALLIONS The following popular stallions will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follow: • ° LORD MANSFIELD • Imp. [215871 (160808) Vol. 29, B.C. 13. B. Will stand for the improvement of stock this sermon, as follows: Monday. Will leave his ownstable, Beeeh- Wood, and, go to Pat ,Wood's, Logan, for noon then to his own stable for night'Ifuesday--flo John Murray's, doncession. 11, McKillop, for noon; then *west to Allan Ross', concession 10, McKillop, for one hour ; .then to his own stable for night. Wednesday. -To Frank Mahar', concession 8, Logan, for noon; then to Weber's Hotel, Dublin, for • night. Thursday. --To Joseph .Nagle's for :mon; then to Joseph Atkinson's, for night. Friday. -To Martin Curtin's, 1% miles east of Seaforth, for noon; then by way of Itox- boro to William Anderson's Lot 29, Con - melon,. 5, McMillen, for night. Saturday. - Will proceed to his own stable where he will remainuntil the following Monday morning. The above route will be continued th'rough- out the season, health and weather permitting. Terms -To insure a foal, $18. • James Evans, Proprietor and Manager. • Beechwood, Ont. CREAM WANTED We have our Creamery now in full 'operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for yotr cream, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and test each can of cream carefully and give you statement of the same. We also supoly cans free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. 'Call in and see us or drop a card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Seaforth Oitaiio 'INVOLUCRE [2145] (82966) Monday. -Will leave his own stable, Brum- field and Proceed west to Varna at Sherlock Keys, for noon; then north into Goderich township to the Bayfield conceaeion and west to A. A. Wehtles for night. • Tuesday. -North by was' of sixth concession- to Porter's Hill at George Vanderburg'a, for noon; then north to James- McMillan's, 6th* concession, Goderich township, for night. Wednesday. -By way of Jewel's corners and Benroiller to W. Hill's for noon; then by *ay of Maitland concession to Hohnesville at Harry Sweet's for night. Thursday. -By way of 16th concession to A. Townsend'S, for noon; then by way of Huron Road to Wilson Elliott's, Commercial Hotel, Clinton, for night. • Friday. -South by way of the London Road to his own stable, Bruce. field, for noon; then west iY, miles and south 114a miles to John Murdock's for one hour, then to his own stable for night, Saturday. -'South 21/2 miles, and east 11/4 miles to Robert Elgie's for noon; then by way of the Mill Road to his own stable ler night. Terms -$15 to insure. • The above route will be continued regularly during the season, health and weather per- mitting. us Berry, Proprietor and Mangaer Brumfield, Ont. AUCTION SALES A UCTION SALE. --MR. THOS. CAMERON •"•has received instructions by the under- signed to sell by public auction on Wednea- day, May 12th, 1920, at 2 o'clock p.m. in the Village of Staffs, the following :-One driv- ing horse, 2 sets single light harness, one heavy set single harness, 1 set double harness (medium), 1 buggy, 1 double cutter, 3 single cutters. 1 pair light sleighs, 2 light- spring -wagons, 1 heavy spring wagon, 1 road cart, 1 pulper, 1 scorner, set of .harrowe, horse rake, wheelbarrow, crow bar, chain, forks, Buffalo robe, horse blankets, etc, 10 pure bred Buff Orpingtons, 1 pair Golden Camaines. Furniture -One dining room quite, 1 cupboard, 2 couches, 6 kitchen chairs, kitchen table, wash stand, washing machine, sewing ma- chine, 2 wood heaters, bureau, hanging lamps, 28 yards wool carpet and other articles, 1 Maxwell touring car, 6 passenger, in gOod repair ; 1 3 -burner coal oil stove. Terms -S10 and under, cash; over that amount 6 month's credit on approved notes. A discount of 5 % per annum off for cash on credit amounts. T. M. HAMILTON, Proprietor; Thos. Cameron, Auctioneer. • 3733-2 A UCTION SALE OF 100 ACRE FARM IN -L-2- the Township of Stanley, and six horses, the property of Jane Smith. There will be offered for sale ,by public auction on the premises being Lot Number Eight in the Fifth Concession of the Township- of Stanley, in, the County of Huron, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, of the 20th day of May, 1920, the following land and 'horses:- Farrn.-That certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Stanley in the County of Huron and being composed of Lot Number Eight, in the Fifth Concession of the said Township of Stanley. containing 100 acres of land more or less. • There is a barn on said premises, 40x60, arso a well and a never failing -spring. There are twenty acres of bush, ten acres of culled bush and ten acres ready to break- up, the remaining 60 acres are under cultivation. 'this property is about five miles from Brum- field and six and one-half miles from Hensall. Horses -One aged black mare, 1 brown mare, 1 bay mare five years old, 1 bay blood mare 5 years old, 1 bay blood mare 8 years old, 1 bay colt two years old. Terms of Sale - The horses will be sold for cash. On the farm, twenty per cent of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance -within two weeks thereafter, or at the option of the purchaser $3,000.00 may remain on mortgage on the premises for a • term of • years. The farm will be offered for sale sub- ject to a. reserved bid. For further particu- lars and conditions of sale apply to MARION SMITH, Trustee; or to J. M. BEST, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for Trustee. , Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. Dated May 5th, 1920, 2784-2 WANTED Caretaker Wanted. -The managers of Un- ion Church, Brucefield, are asking for appli- catiops for caretaker for all or part of the duties. Duties to commence on July 1st., 1920. Applications will be received by the undersigned .until May 19th, 1920. T. CHAPMAN , J. A. McEWEN Chairman. Secretary. 2733-2 IMPORTANT NOTICES -pi OR SALE. -CHOICE- HOLSTEIN COW. -`• calved one week ; well bred and a big milker. Apply to J. 3. HOLLAND, St. • Columban. 2734-2 pOR SALE, CHEAP. -ONE FORD FIVE •I; passenger car in good repair, with new tires and a splendid motor in good running order. Will be sold cheap, 'situated 114 mile east of Dublin on Huron Road. FRED STAT - TON. 2734x8 PPROPERTY FOR SALE. -IN HARPUR- hey a seven roomed frame house with kitchen and cellar, good well, barn, hen and pig house and about 2W acres of land, also a goad covered buggy and set single harness. Apply -to THOMAS FOWLER, Sr., on the place or to Seaforth Post Office. 2728-tf FOB SALE. -TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, main house 30x22, kitchen 20x16, to be sold and to be taken off premises. Also a quantity of Green Mountain potatoes. For further particulars apply to A. McGREGOR, R. R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 14on1A37, Seaforth. 2733-2 HOUSE FOR SALE. -IN EGMONDVILLE six room frame house, hard and soft water, over an acre of land, with good orchard, and all kinds of small fruits, situated close to main road. Convenient to stores, churches and school. This is a most comfort- able house, and is in thorough repair. There is also good stable and hen house. Apply to JOHN RANKIN, Broker, Seaforth, or MRS. ROBT. HAWTHORNt. •2782-tf TwOUSE FOR SALE. -THAT DESIRABLE residence on James Street at present occupied by Mr. Marshall Stewart. House contains 5 bed rooms, parlbr, dining room, kitchen and woodshed: Has hard and soft water, furnace and electric light. There are also two lots in connection with this property ,and a, good barn. This is one of the best frame dwellings in Seaforth and will be sold at a reasonable figure. Possession given by first of May. W. G. WILLIS, Executor, Seaforth. , 2728-tf pROPERTY FOR SALE. -GOOD FRAME dwelling, stable, hen house and one-half acre of land, corner lot, conveniently situ- ated on west side of Centre Street in the village of Egmondville, which will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. The dwel- ling is equiped with electric lights and the property is in first •class condition. Good garden and fruit trees. Possession given promptly. For particulars apply to JAMES WATSON, Insurance Agent, Seaforth. 2723 -if - . . FARMS FOR SALK:. 'PARK FOR SALE. -LOT 88, CONCESSION 6, MeKillep. 100 acres of the best clay land in McKiliop, 6 acres of bush, the rest In a high ante of cultivation; 6 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from Constance, 114 miles front school. There are on the Premises a - good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x78, all Page wire fences and well under - drained. Possession given March 1st. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth. 2710-tf PARM FOR SALE. -CHOICE GRASS FARM A; for sale in the Township of McKillop, north half Lot 24, Concession 18, containing 75 acres. It is well fenced with wire fence, never failing water, 40 acres are well -tile drained. It is all seeded ta. grass and in Al shape for pasture. It is situated 11/4 miles from Walton Station. For further particulars apply to GEORGE DICKSON, Box 248, Blyth, Ont. .•27214/ FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 14, CONCESSION L4, Stanley Township, containing 100 acres more or less, of good farm land. This is No. 1 crop or grass land, having never failing running water at' either ends of the farm. Their is considerable cedar and hard wood timber and fair buildings on the prerni- sea, partly ander cultivation. Parties want- ing a good grass farm would do well to see this place.* For further particulars apply to J. T. REID, Clinton. 2718-tf POR SALE. -HOUSE AND HALF ACRE "I• of land in the village of Egmondville, The property is situated- on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church.,and is known as the Purcell .propertY. Good, comfortable house, good shed, good •well and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees. strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushel. This is a corner property with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultivation. This is a nice Property for a retired farmer and the taxes are Bight. For particulars apply on the premises or to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth. 2584-tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is, hereby given pursuant to •the statutes in that behalf that all persons hay- -411g chains against the estate of Richard Buckler, late of the village of Brucefield, in the County of Huron, retired farmer, de- ceased, who died at the said Village of Bruce - field on or about the 18th day of March, 1920, are required on or before the 12th day of May, 1920, to send by Post, prepaid, or de- - liver to the undersigned, full particulars of their claims, duly verified by affidavit and •the nature of the aecurity, if any, held by them. Further take notice that after the said last -mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 22nd day of April, 1920. R. S. HAYS, 2732-3 Executor's Solicitor. MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will bereceived at Ot- tawa until noon, on Friday, the 28th day of May, 1920, for the conveyance of His IVIajesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six -times per week over Bruce - field No. 1 rural route from the Postmaster General's Pleasure. - Printed notices containing further infor- mation as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Brucefield, Clinton, Kippen, Seaforth and Varna, and at the office of the Poet Office Inspector,''Lon- don. • CHAS. E. H. . FISHER, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 16th April, 1920. 2782-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS •••••10111...1001.11. In the matter of the Estate of Janet Leckie. late 04 the Town of fife:forth, in the County of Huron, Spinster. decessed• NOTICE, is hereby given pursuant to the Statute in that behalf that all persons hav- ing any claims against the late Janet Loekie, who died on the 4th day of January, 1920, at the Village of Egmondville, in the County of Hurn, are required on or before the 10th day of May, 1920, to trend by post or deliver to the' undersigned Solicitors herein for The Publc Trustee, Administrator of the Estate of the said •deceased, their names and ad-, dresses and,, full particulars in writing of their claims, and the nature of the securi- ties, if any, held by them. AND. TAKE NOTICE that after the 10th day of May, 1920,. The Public Trustee will Proceed to distribute the Assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that The Public Trustee will not be liable for 'the said assets or any part thereof to any persqn of whose claim he shall not then have re- ceived notice. DATED the 14th day of April, 1920. - PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE, Seaforth and Goderich. Solicitors for the said Administrator. 2781-4 Miiiiiiiimiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiim = ES. T. HOLMES El - • ... Funeral Director and E. = .... Licensed' Embalmer ..... .... = - - Undertalg parlors in = ,.... Bgattie Block, opposite = - The . Expositor Office = = Residence Goderich St., :.+1 = opposite Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on E short notice. = - _ ••▪ • oaf,' SIM .1111•• = Phone Night or Day 119 nummummunummunnumummirS W .T. BOX & Embalmers -and • Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and License Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calls • Day Calls Phone 175 ' Phone 43 1 W. S. GORMLEY EMBALMER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking ,Parlors Aove M. Williams' Grocery Store, Main Street, Seaforth. Flowers furnished -on short notice Charges moderate Phone -Night or Day -I92 smitaostme. taa .Auction Sale Registered Holstein and Jersey Cattle. There will be sold by public auction on Lot 9, Concession 1, Tuckersmitht on the Huron Road, adjoining the Town of Seaforth, on Thursday, May 27th AT ONE O'CLOCK P. M., SHARP 5 Head of Registered Holstein Cattle and two Registered Jerseys. • TERMS -CASH, OR 6 MONTHS' CREDIT WITH 6 PER CENT. ADDED, ON FURNISHING BANKABLE PAPER. • Catalogues furnished on application. T. MARRIOTT MOORE & T. BROWN, Auctioneers. 2734-3 J, R. Archibald PROPRIETOR. ATTENTION 1 The Hensall Flax Mill will rent a large acreage of •flax land. Choice, clean Sod Land, fall or spring ploughing preferred. Farmers will make the seed bed as directed or if impossible to do work, will arrange to have it done. We will do the sowing and guarantee- that only pure seed, free from noxious weeds will be sown. Highest Prices Paid - Letters will receive prompt attention. Telephone No. • 59, Hensall. OWEN GEIGER. Hensall Ont, Established 1889 1 1 1 TRACTORS • FOR SALE 1 8-16 Mogul Tractor in good working order,. 1 12-25 4 -cylinder Goold - Shapley & Muir tractor. 1 8-16 Avery in good working condition. The RO.BT. BELL EN- GINE & THRESHER CO., LTD. Seaforth - Ont. The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & . CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars en night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains.. For further particulars apply to any grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Somerville Town Agent W. R. Plant ...... Denot Agent ..................................... _ ..,. Flax -Flax . 1 . . 2,111 . "" - .... - - - - - .... - s - Farmer I . - = . - - - Attention _ = _ 2 = ... .... The Huron County Flax Mills .... - Ltd. are open to rent a limited E... - acreage of No. one sod land fort - E flax 'growing purposes. Ther - farmer to plow, disc, harrow = - and prepare the land for a i good level seed bed. Compan = will supply seed and do the, - - sowing. For further particularS ._ - = - apply at Office opposite Royal E - - Hotel, or to Land Agent, J. A. - - Kerr, Box 532, Seaforth. - , E Phone 168. - • 2717-tf 711111111,111111111111111111111111111111111111111115 ✓ IMO • MIMI MIR !MI FERTILIZER ! The world needs grain and food as much if not more than during the war. Every one should do what they can to supply the need by using fertil- izer. It will not only help to supply the need but will return you hand- some profits. Grass seeds being the price they are it will insure a catch which will pay if used for that a- lone. All fertilizers are very strictly inspected by the Government and all- grades must come up to the standard registered. The use of fertilizer is far past the experimental stage, and by carefully selecting the brands that your land and crop re- quires, you are certain to get profitable returns. Good grades of fertilizer are cheaper than they were last spring; the poorer grades are much the same price. I will be pleased to have your order and will do the best I can to give you what will best suit your needs. PHONE 219. JAMES COWAN. • FARMERS' SALES NOTES Farmers with Sales Notes will be well adVised to turn them over to this Bank for collection. The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in mak. ing presentation, and payments Will be credited to your account promptly. • Sales Notes supplied without charge. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND a. $15,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, J. 0, Mu1ien Manager. ETIME LABOR - MONEY - With Wind Power The wind is free. Put it to work on your farm. It will cut your chore - time in half -save you iaborand time -make money for you. It will:1)=p an carry the more than a ton et Water used everyday on an average A Toronto Windmill win put the wind to work on your farrh. Not in te old-fashioned way. Toronto Wind- mills are, modern. -big, strong, effi- cient, requiring little attention, cost- ing nothing to run, working quietly all the time. • Toronto Pumps and Toronto Water Systems complete a real water ser- vice. Gives yoti all the water you want under pressure":at taps eveiy-, where on the farm. Toronto Pumps and Water Systems are aIso built for use with gasoline or electric motors. We have some mighty interesting booldets on Windmills, Pumps and Water Systems. We'll send these free to any farmer sends us his name and address. ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP COMPANY, LIMITED Atlantic Ave., Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Regina Calgary RO NINE) JAMES G. MARTIN Seafortb, Ont hy, rt Clothes? Because they have Style. Every r3uit is guaranteed. The all wool fabrics are splendidly tailored trimmed. Yet you pay a moderate price. $40, $45, $50, $55, $60 My Wardrobe MAIN STREET, CAMPBELL BLOCK, SEAFORTIL 414••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••••••••4144•••••••• ANTED 1111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111EMMINIMMMIIIMEMIIIMMENH I 111 20 smart girls for all Departments You can earn good money while learning Steady Employment Good working conditions Apply R. M. BALLANTYNE, Ltd. STRATFORD, ONT. 27834 4 8 8