The Huron Expositor, 1920-04-23, Page 3RL. 920 is55 'E $9,000,000 hes is Bank ►it • of .resolution and practice. n of your earnings in THE D011 acquired. f the interest which we pay its. It is safe, and can be a savings account with us. DISTRICT Kirk -ton Sall. Zurich put down th carpet again. 'ce Rover into a and stain and ni h the border VDUr room w ith emote. WILLUKEiT FOR SALE BY ,fie,Seaforth after 1 hearty meal, yo't. avoidthat stuff feeling if you cew. a stick of LEM its: to teeth. lite. nerves. )ted deaf to, Circe: Ket Richt rL 5 A8' Sims - ad Dieing t Parker's els can be sent in by mail given the work as though estion regarding cleaning KS: i iter Toronto '.APRIL 23, 1920. THE HURON EXPOSITOR Supply a ri 4 Derand Govern Price and Profits The demand for food exceeds the supply, consequently prices are up and producers are assured good profits. The more produced, the Larger the returns. Wise farmers will cultivate every available acre. If this means outlay of capital beyond your immediate cash resources, discuss the subject of a loan with the manager of our nearest Branch. TELE DONINION BANK L SEAFORTH BRANCH, _ R. M. JONES, Manager. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. 'SHE HURON EXPOSITOR pommy MATTERS .7 - CHILDREN OF ALL AGES' Children of all ages—whether it be the new- born babe or the growing child—have to be constantly guarded as to their health. Upon the good health of the little one .largely de- pends his .strength and usefulness in after years. Baby's Own Tablets are the ideal home medicine for children of all ages. They are a gentle but thor- ough laxative which are absolutely guaranteed to be free from opiates or other harmful drugs and which may be given to the youngest cild with perfect safety and beneficial results. Through their action on the' bowels and stomach they banish constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make teething easy. Mothers, you can make your little ones well and keep them well by just keeping a box of the Tablets at hand and by giving an occasional -dose to .the baby to keep his little bowies reg- ular and his stomach sweet. The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. THE REASON WHY Why does the ocean look blue at times and at other times green?— Sometimes when we look at the. ocean from the pavilion or while on the sand of our favorite bathing beach the water in . the ocean looks very beauti- bine with the carbon in the _burning material and the fire' goes out. To answer the unasked part of your question at the same time I Will say that hydrogen and oxygen when com- bined as water will put the fire out rather than make it burn, more -be- cause when these gases take the form of water they are already once burn- ed, and you know that anything, sub-- stanee or gas, which has already been burned cannot be burned again. It requires great heat to make oxy- gen and hydrogen combine and form water, and it also takes great heat to separate them again. So they are really burned once before they be- come water. Is a train harder to stop than to start? _The answer is yes. It is harder to stop a train than to start it, or rather it takes' more power. The speed of a train depends upon the motive power. • When a train is 'stopped and you wish to start it, you must apply enough motive power to start it going. There must be en- ough power to move the weight of the train and overcome the friction of the wheels on the track. It is, of course, easier to move a thing that weighs less than a heavier one. If you throw a ball ten feet into the air, it will . . perhaps not sting- your hand when you catch it on its return; but, if you throw it one hundred feet into the air, it will sting your hands when you catch it. Besides, it wily come' down faster the last ten feet of the way than- the ball which yott threw only ten feet into the air. This is -because when movement is applied to anything you add power to it. The ball.which comes down from 100 feet in the air requires more , power in falling and it takes more power to fully blue, and on other days will : stop it. A train in motion has not only the power of the weight of the look dark green from the same point. Why is it? If you will stop to think train behind it, but also the additional that at night when there is no moon weight which the movement', of the train has given it. Therefore, it or other light the water in the ocean looks black, a thing you will soon be takes more power to stop it than to on the right track to answer the start it. To stop a train you must yourself. apply the same amount of power as questionin the moving train because the power, When the sky is blue—the kind of to stop any moving thing must always blue we like to see in the sky when ; be at least as great as. the power we are at the beach the water in which is moving it. the ocean is blue; because the sea reflects the color of the sky, and when —On Wednesday evening of last the sky is overcast and gray the clor week a number of lady friends of reflected by the sea will be 'gray'also. Miss Gladys Bissett, bride -elect, as - But, say you, sometimes the water seznbled at the home of her parents, in the ocean is dark green, and Yet in: Exeter, and presented her with a the sky is never green. Quite true, miscellaneous shower . of beautiful and I will try to tell you what pro- wedding gifts. It was a most pleas- ducea the green color. This happens ant and successful affair. 'sometimes where the water is shal low, either near the shoreor out farther where there is a sandbar or Di;GESTIVE TROUBLES ether shallow places. Sometimes at CAUSE DISTRESS such points the sunlight strikes that But They Are Nearly Always Due water at such an angle that the rays to Thin, Watery Blood. go clean to the bottom and are re - fleeted from that point—the bottom— ' Do not think that because your to our eyes. In such a case the light stomach is easily upset you are the will be changed through a combina- victim of some serious malady. One tion of the color of the bottom at of the most common predisposing that point and that of the sky itself causes of indigestion is anaemia, or at the time to make the color 'green thin, watery blood. In fact it has be - as it- is reflected to our eyes from come generally recognized that the bottom. ; healthy activity , of the stomach.is Where does the rain go?—Eventual- impossible unless the blood is rich ly almost all of the rain. that falls ? and red. runs into the rivers and lakes and 1 Dr. Williams Pink, Pills have been later finds its way into the ocean, i found most valuable in ,cases of indi- where it is again taken up into the gestion, nervous dyspepsia, and stom- air by the sun's ray. But many , ach weakness, just because they are other things happen to parts of the a blood builder and nerve tonic. The rain which do not find their way in- rich, red blood they make not only to the ocean. In the paved street, of , imparts a healthy digestion, but car - course, where the water cannot sink ries color to the cheeks and lips and in, it flows into the gutter and thence ; gives vigor to the muscles. One im- into the sewer and on down to the f portant point to remember is that river or wherever it is that the sewers Dr: Williams Pink Pills contain no are emptied. You see, it depends very harmful drugs or opiates and are thus much on what the earth's surface is , to be prefered to preparations that covered with at the places where the merely stimulate for a time. Before rain falls. When it strikes where you begin worrying unnecessarily there is vegetation a great deal of it about your state of helath, try the stays in the soil at a depth of coin- tonic treatment of Dr. Williams Pink paratively few feet. If it is soil 'Pills. You will be surprised to see where trees and other plants grow a how rapidly your appetite returns and great deal of it is sucked up from the your whole debilitated system re- groundby this vegetation and given vives, as the new, rich bood courses back into the air through the leaves through your body. Hhere is a state - and flowers. Some of the ram keeps sinking on down into the earth until it strikes some substance like • rock or clay, through which it cannot sink, and then it follows along this until it finds something it can get through and collects in a pool and forms an under- ground lake, and may cause a spring to flow. Then there are also worms and other forms of animal life in the earth which use up some of the water. But it all gets back into the air eventually to come down some time again in the form of rain. How does water put a fire out ?— This is at first 'a puzzling question, because back in your mind is the thought that since hydrogen and oxy- gen are necessary to make a fire burn it seems strange that water, which is composed of oxygen and hydrogen, will also put it out. A burning fire throws off heat, but if too much of the heat is taken from the fire suddenly the temperature of the fire is set down so far below the point at which the oxygen of the air will combine with it that the fire can- not burn. We speak commonly as though water thrown on a fire drowns it. That is practically what happens. Scientifically what happens is that the water thrown upon the fire absorbs so much of the heat to itself that the temperature of the fire is reduced be- low the point where oxygen will con- ment of one person among thousands who have used Dr. Williams Pink Pills to their own great advantage. Mrs. A. Veniot, Homford, N.S., says 'For about two. years I was a great sufferer form indigestion, which seem- ed to carry with it a complication of other troubles. Every meal I took brought with it misery, as it was followed by pain and sometimes nau- sea and vomiting._ At other times gas would form in the stomach to such an extent that, my heart would palpitate at an alarming rate. These conditions brought op/extreme ner- vousness and irritability, and I found my general health so much affected that the least exertion would tire me, and I slept but poorly._ I had been doctoring for several months with no result beyond slight temporary relief, when I was advised by a friend to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I decided to follow this advice and got a half dozen boxes. Good results soon began to show from this treatment, and the further continued use of the pills have made me 'a well woman. I can cheer- fuly recommend ISr. Williams Pink Pills to similar sufferers. You can procure Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or they will be sent you by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 by writing direct to The Dr. Williams Medicine Co:, Brockville, ,Ont. 11, !!: 1 11 1' Stewart's Sell it for Less Mail or phone Your Orders 1 We prepay Carriage Novelty Wash Fabrics for Smart Summer Wear A Gaia Display of Cotton, Silks and Cotton Weaves in the striped, checked and figured effects which Fashion has prescribed for use for Gowns, Suits and Skirts: ELIGHTFULLY ATTRACTIVE are the new Wash Materials that LaMode has provided for your Summer Suits, Gowns and, Skirt& An elaborate display, happy hues and dis- tinctive patterns. Our Wash Goods department presents a wide panorama of dainty materi- als for warm weather wear. Vivid sport colorings of stripes, checks, spots and chic. floral designs. The showing includes.--- BATISTE MULL AND CHIFFON SILKS in all the desired light shades. Prices 75c to ¥.15 FANCY FOULARD VOILES in delightful and varied colorings and floral designs and satin stripes. Price $1 to $2, IRISH :POPLIN for Suiting in white, rose or pale blue and navy, 36 inches wide. Price $1. PLAIN VOILES Black and white in . Pink and Sky, in a variety 'of widths. , Price 75c to $1.00. INDIAN HEAD Plain white in very quality. TRUSONIAN BATISTE In Pink and White, beautifuls quality for under gar- ments, 40 in. wide. Price 51.15. co I'TON LIE P P In pink, sky, tan, white, grey, extra good value . Price 50c to1$1.00. GALA TEAS In all colors:and varying widths of stripes, 30 inch- es wide. Price 50c. SERPENTINE In many newjdesigns,'fancy patterns, beautifully finished. Price:600_07yard. GINGHAMS All that is new, attractive and reliable, including Anderson's guaranteed cloths. Price 40c to 90c. WHITE DIMITY . In dainty checks and fancy stripes. PRINTS Famous and reliable prints in a hundred new,'pat- terns. Price 30c to 35c. NAINSOOK AND LONG CLOTHS Very finest quality, 36 inches to 42 inches. Price 30c to 75c Price 50c. Price 86aTyYard. More'NewSuitsforWomen This store closes' every Wednesday at 1.2.30 during May, June, July, August and September. New Spring Models that are the. last word in common sense styles of attractive beauty THESE New Garments represent a special showing of the very latest designs. They are beautifully tailored of excellent materials. Belted models, full flaring, made of Poplins, Gabardines, Serges, Worsteds, Tweeds and Chevi- ots, some with widely contrasting . collarsand cuffs, others _ with quieter combinations—but every suit has the embodi- ment of good taste and becoming beauty. PriceaZJ to X65 Men's Suits Made -to -Measure High Grade Tailoring of )Exceptional Merit. Attractive cloths with colors Guaranteed. Fit, Quality and Economy -- These three cardinal points are the secret of our success in the Tailoring Trade. There is an unusually large stock of striking patterns to choose from in Navy, Brown, Tan, Green, Grey and Black, in Worsteds, Tweeds, Serges, Cheviots and Fine Scotch Mixtures. Leave your order early, we will make you a suit that will meet your expectations, fit you perfectly and not cost you too much either. Price $25.00 to $45.00 Men's Odd Pants I N Grey Stripes, Fine Checks, Navy Blues and Browns, nicely cut and substantially QQQQ Oamade. All sizes.......... $37 to a 8 Boy Proof Clothes THE best assorted stock we have ever shown—dozens and dozens of Suits in every size—made in Waist Lines Norfolks, double breasted and fan- cy models, in grey, brown, blue, tan, green, stripes, checks, etc. Sizes 22 to 36. Prices.... $6 o 0 STEWAPT BROS. Seaforth