HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-04-02, Page 51920. New HOES_ for ;ASTER. v end the corning of Spring g s. Easter is the time you well-worn Footwear for the occasion. We are in- d splay of Easter Shoes. in Spring Footwear to go so with his new suit or his r`IHL the Easter suit or dress. thought of and cared leer: e, high tops and all shapes ...-..$Fi.00 to $10,00 ig vamps and high or law .........,--,OQ t0 $8,50 vamps and high or low $5•.00 t& $8.50 test styles, $6.50 to $10.00 ugh or low heels}. per $5.00 to' $6.50 ie or the new English last . .$8..50 to $10.00 .sh -lasts, fibre or leather F.....-....$7.50 to $10.00 FL# r COMMERCIAL HOTEL iced to the position recently held. :r< Madurtrie and will, no doubt, good service. -Mr. Gordon Pybus Ltly accompanied his brother, san, to the West on a Visit and setting trip. -Mr. Clarence Muni, taken a position with Bonthron & dale, hardware merchants. --- fail to hear Mrs. (Rev.) Pescott e ladies' concert in the Methodist .h on Tuesday evening, April 6. lendid programme and other at- ions still also be given. The srt will be givens; entirely by the s. -The subject at the morning ce in the Methodist church on ay will be "A Special Easter age," evening service, "The Ideal fan." This is the closing num- of this series. Special music at services by the ladies' choir. - A. E. Doan was taking part in programmes at Sunday School `entions at Exeter, Parkhill and ton on Monday, Tuesday old Heads, of this week. CION 0 rent a large acreage of L or spring ploughing he seed bed as directed arrange to have it done. f guarantee that only wedswill be sown. es Paid ration. Telephone No. LrIGER Established 1889 FS tet eets APRIL 2,1920. 1 THE HURON EDITOR SEAFORTH MARKETS. Seaforth, April 1, 1929. Eggs, per dozen 46 to 47c Butter, per lb. 55 to 57e Spring Wheat,per r bushel g pe bu el .......;1.90 ;1.95 $1.00 ;1.65 $45.00 Wheat, per bushel Oats, per bushel Barley, per bushel Bray, per. ton Shorts, per ton ,v.wv Flour, per cwt........ $6.20 to $6.90 Potatoes, per bag . $3.25 to $3.50 'Hogs, per cwt. $17.50 MAPLE PRODUCTS Toronto, March 30. --Syrup, per imperial gallon, 54.25; per 5 imperial gals., 54.40. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, March X80.: Dressed Poultry - Spring chickens, 40 to 42c; roosters, 25e; fowl, 85e; . tnrke s, 58 to 60c; ducklings, 38 -tie 40d; geese, 32 to -8513; squab: dine S6, Live poultry --Spring chickens, 30 to 82e; fowls, 35 to 40c; ducks, 35 to 40e; geese, 26 to 28c. • DAIRY MARKET Toronto, March 30.-Chea;e, new, large 29 to 80c • twins, 29t4 to 30%c ; triplets, 801/ to 31c; Stilton. 83 to 34e; old, large, 81 to $2tio; do., twins, 82. to 32atc. Busier -Fresh dairy, choice, 55 to 56c; creamery prints, 67 to 68c. Margarine -88 to 38c. Eggs=New Iaid, 55 to 56c. BEAN MARKET Toronto, March 30. -Beans - Canadian, band -picked, bushel,- $6.50 to $5.75; primes, $4.00 to *4.60; Japans, 55.25 .to $5.50; Cali- fornia Limas, 16% to. 173c; Madagascar Limas, Ib., 15e; Japan Limas, lbs., Ile. GRAIN MARKET Toronto, March 30. - Manitoba Wheat No. 1 Northern, 52.80; No. 2 Northern, 52.77; No. 3 Northern, 52.73, in store Fort Wilt Siam. -Manitoba Oats No. 2 C. W., 97e;. No. 3, C. W., 93c; extra No. 1 feed, 98c; No. 1 feed, 92c; No. 2 feed, 92c, in store Fort William. Manitoba Barley -No. 3, C. \V. $1.64; No. 4 C. W., $1.431 ; rejected, 51,32; feed, 51.32, in store".Fort William. Ameri- can Corn -No. 3 yellow, 51.93, nominal, traok, Toronto, prompt shipment. Ontario Oats --No. 3 white, sum. to 51.05, accord- ing to freights outside. Ontario wheat -No. 1 winter per ear lot 12.00 to $2.01; No. 2 Io., $1.98 to $2.01 ; No. 3 do., 31.92 to $1.93 f.o.b. shipping points, according to freights. Ontario Wheat -No. 1 spring, 12.02 to $2.03; No. 2 spring, $1.98 to 52.07: No. 3 spring, $1.95 to 52.01, f.o.b. shipping pointe accord- ing to freights. Peas -No. 2, 53.00. Barley -Malting, 31.78 to $1.80, according to freights outside. Buckwheat -$1.65 to 51.70 according to freights outside. Rye -No. 3, $1.83 to 51.85, according to freights outside." Manitoba Flour - Government standard, 318.25, Toronto. Ontario flour -Gov- ernment standard, 510.25 to 510.54, Montreal or Toronto, in jute bags, prompt ship- arent. Millfeed-Car lots, delivered Montreal, freight, bags included -Bran, per ton, $45; shorts, per ton, 552; good feed flour, $3.60 to $3.75. Hay -No. 1, per ton, $28 to 530; mixed, per motor;, $26 to 528, track, Toronto. Straw. -Car lots, per ton, $16 to $17, track 'Toronto. LIVE STOCK MARKET Montreal, March 30. -Cattle receipts were 675. There were fewer cattle on the markets to -day than last Monday. Prices for fair and good cattle were about 50e higher, common canners were selling slowly and g at prices about steady with last week. Choice fat cows weighing up to 1,330 pounds brought $13. One choice heifer weighing 1,100 pounds brought 114.. The- best steers offered were sold for 51a-50. Top bulls $11 to 111.75. Fair light steers, good heifers and a few good covet were weighed up in mixed Iota at 111.50 to 512. Canners and cutters, 35.25 tic 36. Quotatroi:s : Butcher steers, good, 112 to 813.60 medium, 111 to $11.75; common, $9 to $10.50; butcher heifers, choice, 111 to 313; medium, 59 to 510.50; common, $7 to 39; butcher cows, choice, 510.50 to 418: medium, 37.54 to 19.50; canners, $5.25 to $5.50; cutters, 15.50 to $6.50 • butcher bulls, good 510 to $11.76; common, $7.50 to $9. Calf receipts were 775. There have not been enough calves sold to determine prices yet. The big buyers are offering $t5•Op ger hundred. The market looked -lower than last week. Sheep prices,6gvere steady and the qual- ity poor; Quotations: -Ewes, 511 to 512.50; lambs, good, 316 to 117; common, 515 to 516. Hogs receipts were 792. There was a much larger percentage than usual of light hogs for sale this morning. Hogs delivered under contract were being weighed up at 520.50. Some fresh sales were made at 520. Quota- tions :-Off car weights, selects, 520 to $20.50; light, 520 to 520.50; sows, $16 to 516.50. Buffalo, March 30. -Cattle receipts, 4,000; good, steady to strong; others easier; ship- ping steers, 513 to $14-25; butchers, $9 to 313: yearlings, 512.50 to 514.25; heifers, $6 to 511; cows, 54 to 311; bulls, 37 to 310.25; stockers and feeders, $6 to $10; fresh cows and springers, 565 to 575 ; calves, receipts, 43,000; $1.25 lower; $6 to 520.50. Hogs, receipts, 12,000; . slow; 10 to 15e lower; heavy, 515 to $15.75; mired 516.25 to 516.60; yorkers, $16.40 to 316.50; light do., $16 to $16.50; pigs, 515.75 to $16; roughs, 513 to $13.50; stags, 53 to 510. Sheep. and lambs: receipts, 10,400; lambs, 25e lower; Iambs 313 to 320; others un- changed. Union Stock Yards, Toronto. March 30.- Withthis morning's cattle offering limited to seventeen hundred head, sellers thought it a good opportunity to boost prices. On the - other hand buyers who are not over- anxious these days when the wholesale trade is so bad to purchase more than sufficient to meet immediate needs, attempted to cut prices. The result was a very draggy mark- et which closed with several loads of cattle unsold. For the most part trade was just a trifle stronger than at the week end. One buyer was about right when he summed up bossiness as "steady to strong." A few baby beeves which J. B. Shields and Son sold at 14 cents, several Iight to handy weight steers disposed of by the United Farmers at from 313.50 to .313.75, a few steers which Dunn and Levack cashed in at from 313.25 to 513.50, about represented the pick of the market. A. big •percentage. of the cattle found prices between $10 and 311.50 and a smal- ler percentage from $11.50 to 512.50. The market for cows was not in . any better shape, and outside kosher stuff 11 cents per pound bought the best cows pen- ned. Bulls continued a slow trade. The light consignment curtailed business in the stocker section, but the few loads ship- ped out showed values steady. -Good milkers and springers were wanted. Small meats were steady, notwithstanding that all told only sixty-six head of sheep and lambs were forward, Calves were a heavier consignment and best reals sold from $20 to $20.541 in spots, and a few extra choice Easter- trade veals cashed in from $28 to $25., "Bob" calves are becoming -too numerous and, a drag on the market; good weals are wanted. Packer -buyers refused more than $17.75 f. o. b. for hogs loaded on Saturday, a cut of 60 cents on last week's closing price. Drovers declined to submit to the sauriflee and no price was agreed upon. At the close there was a feeling that $18 f. o. b. might be the ultimate price. The receipts were 112 carloads, with 1,730 cattle, 777 calves, 1,732 hogs and 66 sheep and lambs. McDonald and Halligan sold: Butchers - 16, 900 lbs. 311.75; 11, 770 lbs. 510.50; 3, 740 lbs. 58. Cows -2. 940 lbs. 311; 1, 1,300 lbs. $9.75. Calves -1. 220 tbs. 525; 1, 200 Ms. 523; 1, 190 tbs. 121; 1, 190 lbs. $19; 1, 80 tbs. 112. The quotations wChoice heavy 513.25 to $14.00; good steers, steers,' to 518.00; butchers' cattle, choice, 512.50 to 412.75; . do., good, 510.75 to 511.00; do., medium, 310.00 to 510.50; do., common, Sli- ts 3-to 38.60; , bulls, choice, $10.25 to $11,.00; do., medium, 59.00 to 19.50; do., ro ugh, $7.60 to $8.00; butcher , h$9.50;1 s to 511.00; do., good, $900 to common, 57.00 to $7.50; stockers, $9.00 ' to 311.00; feeders, $11.00 to 512.50; canners and cutters, 56.25 to $6.00; milkers, good to choice, $100 to $160: do., common and med- ium, $65 to $75 ; springers, $90 to 5160: lambst per cwt., $18.00 to 520.00; calves, good to choice, $18,00 to $22.00; sheep, 57.00 to 514.00; hogs, fed and watered, $18.75; xDo., weighed off cam, 119; xDo., 1. o.b., 317.75; xDo., do., country points, $17.50. xPacker-buyers' .quotations but no prices fixed. A DIMS Dorranee.--At the OttaWit Maternity pitai on Wednesday, March 24th, to Mr. and Mrs; R. L. Dorrance, of 89 Sunnyside "Ave., a son. Delaney. -In Mailllop, on March 24th, to Mr. andMrs James Delaney, a son. Spec:: In Grey township, on March 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spear, a' son. Turnbull- In Grey Township, on March 14th, 1920, to. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Turnbull, a SOD, • Wheeler, --In Grey township on March 3rd, 1920. to Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Wheeler, a BOIL. - MARRIAGES MoNanghton: McLaren. -At Cromarty, on March 24th, Lorne A. McNaughton, to Marian. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. McLaren. Carnochan-McKeown.-In Toronto, on Mar. 20th, by _ Rev. Dr. Neil, Mary Elvina Mc- Keown, of Toronto, to William Francis Carnochan, Seaforth. DEATHS Kerr. -In Clinton, on March 22nd, Elizabeth Moore, widow of the late James Kerr, aged 86 years and 7 days. Wheeler. -In Grey Township, on March 17th, Grace L. Robb, beloved wife of . Augustus Wheeler, aged 25 years, 9 months and 27 days. McKay: In' Brussels, on March_, 22nd, 1920, Janet McKay: Sinclair. -In Grey Township, on March 19th, 1920, James Sinclair, aged 60 years. McGregor. -In Hullett, on March 81st, Daniel McGregor. aged 82 years, 8 months and 11 days. SALE REGISTER On Wednesday, April 7th, ' at the .Com- mercial Hotel Yards, nine head of dairy cows and a yearling Holstein heifer calf. D. H. Stewart, Prop.; T. Brown, Auctioneer. On Saturday, April 8rd, 1920, at her residence, North Main Street,' just north of Salvation Army Barracks, at 2. p. m., of Household Furniture. Mrs. Minnie Thomson, Proprietress; T. Brown, Auctioneer. IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SALE. -ONE SECOND HAND CULTI- vator in good working condition. . Apply to HERBERT SMALE, Staffa P. O. Phone 4 on 48, Dublin Central. _ 2728x2 TORE FOR SALE. -FOR SALE GENERAL store in the Village of Walton. For further particulars apply . to RICHARD PRATT, Walton, a Ont. 2725-tf R , HOUSE FOR SALE. -FOR SALE 4 ROOM - ed frame house on. George Street, Sea - forth, hard and soft water. For further particulars apply to J. R. ARCHIBALD or JOHN RANKIN. - 2726-tf FOR SALE. -YOUNG YORK SOWS DUE to litter about the last of March, also some . chunks about 80 to 100 pounds. ROBERT CLARKE, R: R. No. 2, Seaforth. Phone 1 on 245. 2725-tf POR SALE. -ONE SHORTHORN BULL 12 months old, Roan in color. A superior animal. Will be sold reasonable. Phone 14 on 131, or address R. R. No. 4, Seaforth. T. G. SHILLINGLAW. 2722-tf PPROPERTY FOR SALE. -IN HARPUR- heir a seven roomed frame house with kitchen and cellar, good well, barn, hen and pig house and about 21 ' acres of land. also a good covered buggy and set single harness. Apply to THOMAS FOWLER, Sr., on -the place or to Seaforth Post Office. 2728-tf VOR SALE. STALLION, STANbARD Bred and registered, fine individual. un- beaten in show ring, sound, magnificient ac- tion. producer of excellent stock. Will be priced reasonably. 'Anyone fortunate enough to get this horse will find him not only un- excelled in this country but a good invest- ment at the price named. Further particu- lars" and arrangements made to see this horse by applying to BOX 180, Blyth, Ont. OUSE FOR SALE THAT DESIRABLE residence on James Street at present occupied by . Mr. Marshall 'Stewart. House contains 6 bed Looms, parlor, dining room. kitchen and woodshed. Has hard and soft water, furnace and electric light. There are also two lots in connection with this property and a good barn. This is one of the .best frame dwellings in Seaforth and will be sold at a reasonable figure. Possession given by first of May. W. G. WILLIS, Executor, Seaforth. 272841 PR_OPERTY FOR SALE. -GOOD FRAME dwelling, stable, hen house and. one-half acre of land, corner lot, conveniently situ- ated on west side of Centre Street in the village of Egmondville, which will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. The dwel- ling is equiped with electric lights and the property is in first class . condition. Good garden and fruit trees. Possession given promptly. For particulars apply to JAMES WATSON, Insurance Agent, Seaforth. 2723-tf VOR SALE. -I HAVE. SOME FIRST CLASS farm implements -'-13 hoe Massey -Harris Seed Drill with grass seeder send broad cast toes all in good shape, 1 Clover Leaf manure spreader, 1 Deering mower '7 foot cut nearly new, 1 3 -section Deering land roller nearly new, 1 Massey -Harris . binder 7 foot cut, 1 fanning mill, 1 road cart, all in good re- pair. This stuff is all to be sold as I have sold my farm. Terms will be made to_ suit purchaser. Anyone wishing to see • those implements, I will be home Monday of each week. Lot 13, Concession 7, of Hullet, two _miles west of Constance. THOMAS J. ADAMS, Clinton, Ont., R. R. No. 1. 272441 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. AND and Implements. -Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 22. Concession 2, McKillop, on Friday, Pprih ah, 1920, at one o'clock p.m., the following: Horses -One good working team 7 years old, 1 heavy mare in foal, 2 heavy colts rising 3 years old, 1 • blood mare and colt, also some other good work horses. Cattle --Several cows coming in soon, 6 two year old steers and heifers, 3 one year. olds. Implements -One - bnider, :1 mower, 1 seed drill, steel roller, sulky rake, side delivery Massey -Harris rake, 1 4 -section harrow-, 1 gang plow, walking plow, wagon, hay rack, set sleighs, fanning mill, Waterloo gasoline engine 6 horsepower, as good as new, and mounted en wheels, grain grinder, , hay loader, disc harrows, water tank and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms - All sums of 510 and under, cash; ; over that amount sir. month's credit will be a awed on -furnishing approved joint notes. A dis- count of 5 per' cent. per annum off • for cash. O. T. TURNBULL, Proprietor; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. 2129-1 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE Farm and Chattels. -The administrator of the estate of the late Michael Tully has in- structed Mr. Thos. Brown, auctioneer, to of- fer for sale by public auction on the premises on Monday, April 12th, 1920, at 'the hour of' 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the North half of lot number Five, in the 4th concession of the Township of McKillop, in the County. of Huron. containing by admeasurement, 50 acres of - Iand more or leas. This is a choice farm and conveniently situated td markets, school and churches,. There will also be of- fered -at the same time and place, some Household Effects, 1 driving mare, 2 sets light hernias, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 extension ladder and a full set of ditching tools. The property will be sold subject to an existing ]ease, which expires on the 4th of March. %1921, the purchseer to be entitled to the rent for the coming year. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. Terme of Sale -Ten per cent. of the purchase money in cash at the time of sale and ,the balance, without interest, within thirty days, when the purchaser will be entitled to a Conveyance. Terms of . Sale for Chattels - Cash. Further particulars and -terms of sale will be made known at the time of sale- and may be had in the meantime from 'dames Evans, Administrator, and from the under- signed Dated the 27th day of March, 1920. R. S. HAYS, Administrator's Solicitor; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer, 2729-2. AUCTION SALES " CARD OF THANKS AUCTION SALE OF•MIL1C COWS, STOCK- : "ers and Hogs:=James Jones, auctioneer; has received instructions from Mr. John A. Nicholson, t» sell by public auction at' the Collison House, Mitchell, on Wednesday, April 7th, 1920, the ' following • Six newly . calved -cows, 6 cows to calve in April, 10 steers rising three years old, 20 steers and heifers rising 2 years old, 10 calves, 1 thoroughbred Durham bull (pedigree will be furnished), 2 brood sows in litter, 16 store hogs. Sale at one o'clock. Terms -Six months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Six per cent, per annum off few cash on credit amounts. No reserve. J. A. NICHOL- SON, Prop.; ,Jas. Jones, Auctioneer. 2729-1 praetor; Jas. Jones, Auctioneer. 2729-1 AUCTION SALE OF DAIRY OOWS AND Implements. ---Thos. Brown has_. been ins structed to sell by public auction at the Commercial Hotel Yards, Seaforth, on Wednesday, April 7th, - 1920, at 2 o'clock p.m., the following: Cattle -One cow 6 years old due time of sale, 1 cow 9 years old due time of sale, 1 cow 7 years due April 20th, 1 sow 4 yearn old due July lst and still ranking, 4 fresh cows, good milkers, 1 year- ling Holstein heifer. Implements -One Clever Leaf macre spreader, medium size; 1 corn.. bination Massey -Harris seed drill, good as new; 1 milk wagon, 1 milk sleigh, one cut- ter, Massey -Harris cutting box with power fixture, new Empire cream separator, 8 'sets single harness, 35 loads of ice well packed. The whole will positively be sold as the pro- prietor gave up the dairy business in Sea - forth on April 1st. Terme-Six months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes. Six per cent. per annum off for cash. D. H. STEWART, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer: AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK and Implements. -Mr. Thos. Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction- at Lot 11,, Concession 5, McKillop, on Tuesday, April 6th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses -One horse 10 years old, mare 7 years old in foal, colt rising 2 years old, colt rising 1 year, driving horse 5 years, driv- ing horse. Cattle -Three cows supposed to be in calf, cow to calve about time of sale, heifer rising 2 years, steer' rising 2 years, 2 heifers rising 1 year, 2 steers rising 1 year. Pigs -Pair pigs about 200 lbs: each, also 80 hens, pair geese. Implements, -Two Massey - Harris binder 6 foot cut, Deering mower, Massey -Harris hay loader and side -rake 'nearly new, steel hay rake, land roller, cultivator, spade harrow, root pulper, Clin- ton fanning mill, set of iron harrows, 2 walking plows, gang plow, seed drill, scuffier, disc harrow, 2 Bain wagons, 2 buggies, cutter, 2 pair sleighs, 2 sets double harness, 2 sets single harness, robe, hay rack, pig rack, gravel box, -quantity of ash lumber and other lumber, cinding stone, 2 sap kettles, Daisy churn, wood cook stove, 8 dozen grain bags, hay fork, car and slings and new hay fork rope, wheelbarrow, whiffle - trees; neckyokes, and other numerous articles, a quantity of seed oats; and barley, hay and straw. The farm of 100 acres will be offer- ed for sale subject . to a reserved bid, fall plowing done on farm. Terms -All sums of 310 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit on fuurnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 3 per cent. for 8 months. Hay and grain to be cash. MRS. PATRICK GIVLIN, Proprietress ; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 2728.2 CLEARING SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements. -Mr. Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction at Lot 19, Concession 3, McKillop, on Thursday, April 8th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses -Grey mare 10 years old, a right good one; grey horse .12 years old, general purpose horse rising 5, will go single or double. - Cattle -One Registered Shorthorn heifer 17 months old, 2 young cows newly freshened, 1 cow 5 years old calved 2 months, 1 Holstein eow carrying her 'second calf due June loth 1 Durham heifer due July 10th; 6 one year old steers, 4 one year old heifers, 1 heifer 5 months old, and 4 young calves. Pigs Young sow to litter May 14th, 1 sow carrying her third litter due- June 24th, 2 pigs 21 months old, 8 chunks about 76 lbs., also 2 geese, one gander, and a number of Plymouth Rock pullets. Implements - Massey -Harris binder 6 foot cut in good shape, s Deering mower 6 foot cut in good shape, Deering hay rake nearly new, nee Oliver riding plow, walking plow, new Massey -Harris cultivator, 10 hoe Massey- Harris drilin good shape, Chatham wagon nearly new, new gravel box, hay rack, stock rack, 4 section diamond harrows, high axle buggy with steel tires, piano box cutter near- ly new, stone boat, No. 10 De Laval separ- ator in extra good shape, setof sling ropes, set of double harness used two 'years, double set of plow harness, single harness nearly new, rope machine, string of bells, also about 250 bushels of oats, 3 or 4 tons of timothy hay, a few bushels of buckwheat and a few ,bags of chicken feed. Also forks, shovels, hoes, neckyokes and whiffetrees, several horse dollars and sweat pads and other articles too numerous to mention. Also some Household Furniture. Positively no re- serve as the proprietor is giving up farm- ing and positively no outside stock allowed on the place. Terms -All sums of 31.0 and under, cash; over • that amount 8 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 4 per cent. off for cash. Grain. hay, fowl and furniture to be cash. :JOHN KLEIN, Proprietor; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. 2729-1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements. -Thos. Brown has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 28, Concession 7, Hib- bert, on Monday, April Cth, 1920, sale to commence at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp. Horses -- 1 agricultural mare in foal,. 1 agricultural horse 12 years old, 1 mare 6 years old in foal, 1 agricultural mare 5 years old, 1 draft filly 3 years old, 1 draft gelding 4 years old. 2geldings 2 years old, 1 gelding' 1 year old, 1 filly 1 year old. -Thoroughbred, Cattle --1 Shorthorn cow 11 years old Polly of Kippen =95849= to freshen May 1st, 1920, 1 Short- horn cow 5 years old, • Sunrise =163240-, to freshen May 10th, 1920, 1 Shorthorn cow 4 years old, Silver =163241=, v-ith calf at foot, 1 Shorthorn heifer 2 years old, Red Beauty =163242=s 1 . bull, Irquois Bull =137163..=, 11 months old, 3 milch cows with calves at foot, 1 cow 5 years old -due to freshen about May lst. Cattle --1 heifer carrying first calf 3 y€ars old. due to freshen Middle of May, 1 farrow cow 6 years old, 3 steers rising 3 years old, 4 heifers rising 2 years old, 4- steers • rising 2 years old, 7 heifers rising 1W years old, 3 calves 1 year old. Pigs -One brood sow with litter of 11 three weeks old, 6 pigs weighing about 125 pounds each, 3 pigs weighing about 50 pounds each. Poultry -3 ducks, one drake 2 geese and 1 gander, and about 50 hens. Implements -1 six foot McCormick binder with . truck, sheaf carrier and cover, 1 six foot Massey -Harris mower, 1 steel Deering hay rake, 1 Massey -Harris seed drill, 13 hoe. nearly new; 1 McCormick cultivator, 1 set 4 section diamond harrows, 1 steel land roller, 1 wagon, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1 light wagon with pig rack, hay rack, gravel box, wheelbarrow, fanning mill, walking plow, 1 2-iurr w Cockshutt riding plow, 1 manure spree er, 1 scuffle; 1 wagon Jack, 1 root pulps 2 crow bars, scythe, chains, forks, hoes nd several other articles too numerous to mention No reserve as the estate of the late Charles Gormley must be' settled up, Terms :-All sums of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount 9 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. per annum allowed off for cash on credit amounts. GORMLEY BROS., Proprietors ; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2728-2 - CONSULTING ENGINEERS -The E. A. JAMBS Co., Limited E. M.: Proctor, B.A.,Sc., Manager 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Cam. Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks, sewer- age Systems, Incinerators, Schools, Public Halls, Housings, Factories, Arbi- trations, Litigation. Our Fees :-Usually paid out of the money we save our clients Farmers Attention The undersigned has for sale sem, good new and Seconal` hand, windmills, also an l3 house power Brantford �e � Bosch magneto, hopper new and second belting. 1 haave the v�. Preston for Fat:beakrs swims. o _ sepa baron, sPrr1cesaonere gPbone 14� sepiryltD>Is. 2714-tf W. T. GRIEVE. R. R. No. 4, Walton. Mrs, George Chesney and sena wish to ex- press their sincere thanks to their many friends and neighbors for the kindless shown them during the long illness and death of Mr. Chesney. 2729x1 NOTICE All gravel taken from my pit ,for Town- ship purposes in future will be 16 cents per yard. 2129x1 • T. T. DODDS. NOTICE The regular monthly meeting of the U. F. 0. will be held in the Carnegie L9b iiry Hall an Wednesday evening, April 7th, at $,is. Muskat Programme. Everyone wel- TSW. G. SHILLINGLAW N. R. DORRANCE President Secretary. 2729x1 Fruit -Pickers Wanted Fruit pickers for strawberries, raspberries or . earlier garden work in one of the best fruit growing parts of the country at Vit- toria, near Sinsdoe, Norfolk County. Right on ,the lake, good ,"bathing, good accommoda- tion atrivate boarding houses or in camp there. Work beginning in June and lasting throughout July and part of August. Come any time in these three months. Highest wages paid. For information write BOX 180, Reamsville, Ont. 2729.3 NOTICE HYDRO LIGHT Notice is hereby given that. the name of the Seaforth Water, Light and Sewer Commission has been changed to Public Utility Commission of Sea - forth, and on account of so many small light accounts and to lessen. cost of collection, the Commission have decided on the recommendation of the Hydro to bill house and small com- mercial users every' two months in- stead of monthly, commencing with April, . Consumers living north of Market, Street and west of Main St. will be billed in April and those south, of Market St. inclusive and east of Main Street inclusive, in May. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF SEAFORTH John A. Wilson, Secretary. s pringShow Horses and Cattle The annual Spring Slow, wider the auspices of the South Huron Agricul- tural Society, of Stallions, Hartness and Halter Horses, Bulls and. Cows, will be held in HENSALL TUESDAY, APRIL 6th, 1920 PRIZE LIST HORSES Clydesdale or Shire Stallion lat 2nd 3rd Aged Stallion " 56 34 32 Stallion foaled 1917 or later .... 6 4 2 Belgian or Percheron Aged Stallion 6 4 2 Stallion foaled 1917 or later .. • 6 4 2 Carriage or- Roadster Aged Stallion 5 3 2 Stallion foaled 1917 or later 6 3 2 Harness Horses Heavy Draft Team 6 4 2 1st and • 2nd. prize given by Sterling Bank; 3rd, prize by Geo. Brock. Heavy draft brood mare in foal 6 4 2 lst prize by T. C. Joynt, rub- ber boots ; 2nd prize by Moore Bros. 4 plow shares. 3 year old heavy draft gelding or filly foaled in 1917 3.75 2 1st. prize R. Paterson, pail Hog Fattener. 2 year old heavy draft gelding or filly foaled in 1918 3.50 2 lst. prize Bonthron & DrysdaIe, horse clippers. Agricultural team - 5 3 2 Given by Molsons Bank. Agricultural mare in foal .... 6 3 2 lst prize donated by Commercial Hotel; 2nd prize donated by M. Ortwein, Smock. 3 year old agricultural gelding or filly foaled in 1917 3 2.50 1st prize T, Parlmer, stock food; 2nd prize E. Rannie; over- alls. 2 year old " agricultural gelding or filly foaled in 1918 3 .2 1st prize given by A. W. E. Hemphill, stock food. Heavy draft or agricultural colts foaled in 1919 4 2.50 lst prize Buchanan & Rennie, men's shoes ; 2nd prize, W. A. ;McLaren, leather halter. General Purpose Team 4 2 Carriage Team 4 2 Single Carriage Horse 4 2 Roadster Team 4 2 Single Roadster 4 2.50 1.75 2nd prize by Manns & Farquhar box cigars,- value 52.50; 3rd prize by W. C. Davis, men's shirt. - Prize Donated by Huron Expositor Special Township Competition lot three horses, owned in Township. Need not be the property of any one person. Prize 515.00 No horse to be shown in more than one class, except for Township Prize. CATTLE Aberdeen Angus let 2nd Aged Bull 56 34 Bull, calved after Sept. 1st, . 1918 6 4 Cow or heifer over two years old 3 2 Heifer under two years old 3 2 SHORTHORNS Bull, Bcalved after Sept. lst, 1918 6 Cow or heifer over two years old 3 Heifer under two years old ti Donated by Dr. Peck. Butcher Steer ,or heifer, grade 8 4 4 2 2 2 All exhibitors must first become Members of this Society by *eying One Dollar to the Secretary. Entries can be grade with the Secretary at the Commercial Hotel unto 1 o'clock on the day of the show. Judges d.. cision Anal. Ample accommodation will be provided for all horses. R. D. BELL, President, Hensaf. K. M. McLEAN, Secretary, Seaforth. NOTICE We, the undersigned, forbid all trespassing for purpose of hunting, trapping, etc., on Lot 24 and North half of Lot 25, Concession 9 and Lots - 24 and 25, Concession 1e, Mc- Killop. Trespassers shall be punished ac- oording to law. (Signed) DAVID McFAB- LAN, MELVIN BLANCHARD. 2728-8 Notice We, the undersigned, forbid all trespassing for purposes of hunting, trapping, etc., on west half of lot 4 and lots 5, 6, 7, 8, con. 4, H.R.S., Tuck- ersmith. Tresspassers shall be pun- ished according to law. Signed: John Tainan, Simon Leyburn W. M. Sproat, H. Tyndall, C. Riley, 2727x4 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received until April 25th, 1920, for the construction of the Winchelsea Creek Drain improvement in the Township of Usborne, A marked cheque for the amount of 10 per cent. of the contract price to acconipany each tender. Plans and specifica- tions may be seen at the offee of JOHN ROGER, O. L. 8., Mitchell, or from the under- signed. HENRY STRONG, Township' Clerk. 2726-4 . Heneail, R. R. No. 1. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the construction of the Dolmage" Drain in the township of McKillop and the Dick- son Drain in the Townships of McKillop and Hullett, will be received by the undersigned up till Saturday, the 10th day of April, 1920, at 1 o'clock p.m., when tenders will be opened at council meeting in Seaforth. A cheque for 5 per cent. of contract price to accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans, etc., may be seen at the clerk's office, Lot 24, Concession 7, McKillop. M. MURDIE, Clerk of McKillop, 2726-4 Seaforth P. O. W. S. GORMLEY EMBALMER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street,Seaforth. Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate Phone -Night or Da -192 Pii1Wi11i111i1iHIHIi11111gfi111Ufi11mum - S. T. HOLMES' - Funeral Director and c c . Licensed Embalmer - Undertaking parlors in '- Beattie Block, opposite -E a. 1111▪ 111 OM The Expositor Office 111 NM MO ▪ Residence Goderich St., . opposite Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on E short notice. Phone Night or Day 119 7UIIiif IIilllllilii11i11i11111111iHililliiiiiiS _ FERTILIZER ! The world needs grain and food as much if not more than during the war. Every one should do what they can to supply the need by using fertil- izer. It will not only help to supply the need but will return you hand- some profits. Grass seeds being the price they are it .will insure a catch which will pay if used for that a- lone. All fertilizers are very- strictly erystrictly • inspected by the Government and all grades must come up to the standard registered. The use of fertilizer is far past the experimental stage, and by carefully selecting the brands that your land and crop re- quires, you are certain to get profitable returns. Good grades of fertilizer are cheaper than they were last spring; the poorergrades are much the same price. I will be pleased to have your order and will do the best I can to give you what will best suit your needs. PHONE 219. JAMES COWAN TRACTORS FOR SALE 1 5-10 Avery Tractor in good working order. 1 12-25 4 -cylinder Goold - Shapley & Muir tractor. 1 846 Avery in good working condition. The ROI T. BELL IN - GINE & THRESHER • CO., LTD. Seaforth, - Ont. W.T.BOX &CO. Embalmers and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and License _ Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calla Day Calla Phone 175 Phone, 43 Pii1Wi11i111i1iHIHIi11111gfi111Ufi11mum - S. T. HOLMES' - Funeral Director and c c . Licensed Embalmer - Undertaking parlors in '- Beattie Block, opposite -E a. 1111▪ 111 OM The Expositor Office 111 NM MO ▪ Residence Goderich St., . opposite Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on E short notice. Phone Night or Day 119 7UIIiif IIilllllilii11i11i11111111iHililliiiiiiS _ FERTILIZER ! The world needs grain and food as much if not more than during the war. Every one should do what they can to supply the need by using fertil- izer. It will not only help to supply the need but will return you hand- some profits. Grass seeds being the price they are it .will insure a catch which will pay if used for that a- lone. All fertilizers are very- strictly erystrictly • inspected by the Government and all grades must come up to the standard registered. The use of fertilizer is far past the experimental stage, and by carefully selecting the brands that your land and crop re- quires, you are certain to get profitable returns. Good grades of fertilizer are cheaper than they were last spring; the poorergrades are much the same price. I will be pleased to have your order and will do the best I can to give you what will best suit your needs. PHONE 219. JAMES COWAN TRACTORS FOR SALE 1 5-10 Avery Tractor in good working order. 1 12-25 4 -cylinder Goold - Shapley & Muir tractor. 1 846 Avery in good working condition. The ROI T. BELL IN - GINE & THRESHER • CO., LTD. Seaforth, - Ont. CREAM WANTED We have our Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron- age. We - are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and test each can of cream carefully and give you statement of the same. We also supply cans. free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. Call in and see us or drop a card for particulars. . THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Seaforth-Ontarie James Watson GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGED` DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms reasonable and possession given promptly. Apply at my Oifiee for partieulars. 21111111M11111 1111111ifil I 1 R'41 LWAY _ �GR�leA�10TRU Flax-NTM , is The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Serriee. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains.. 1 - For further particulars apply to any Grand 'Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Somerville Town. Asset W. R. Plant ..... , Depot Agent Farmer' r Arten --. ton ._..,01.10 The Huron County Flax Mills Ltd. are open to rent a liillited acreage of No. one sod land for E flax growing purposes. The E farmer to plow, disc, barrow and prepare lie land for a good level seed bed. Compan will supply . seed and do aowing .: For further psueth E apply at Office opposite Royal E Hotel, or to Laud Agent, J. A. Kerr, Box 532, eafortb. 5 Phone 168. 2717-tt 111111111111uLNtii1111111ii1111111111116i11i11 Q Tail- � ring Just arrivedline a .full line o samples in Scotch & Irish Tweeds, English Worst- eds and Serges. Give us a call and look over our e r samples before placing P your order. "My Wardrobe" GODERICH STREET EAST, SEAFORTH see- eas NOTICETO FARMERS Flax Land to Rent The,Oanadian Flax Mills, Limited, are still ,open to contract for a limited acreage of Good. Sod Land at attractive prices. Spring or Egli ploughed. Farmer will do the plowing, disc- ing and rolling, or the Company will rent acreage and do all the necessary work Comp- any will supply the seed free to farmer and do the sowing. For further particulars apply to M. M cOiiMIeK, Superintendent, Pbone 202 or at the Mill Off, G. DIXON, Mill Manager, Phone 212 _. i FARMERS' NOTES Partners with Sales Notes wd1L be well advised to turn them over to this Dank for con. - The Bashi: `will relieve you of all trouble in mak- ing presenter and payments will te cid to 'ear account promptly. Sales Notes� .supplied without charge. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - 415,000,000 RESERVE FLR4D _ :. $15,000,00G SEAFORTH BRANCH, . J. Gs Mullen, Manager. CREAM WANTED We have our Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron- age. We - are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and test each can of cream carefully and give you statement of the same. We also supply cans. free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. Call in and see us or drop a card for particulars. . THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Seaforth-Ontarie James Watson GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGED` DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms reasonable and possession given promptly. Apply at my Oifiee for partieulars. 21111111M11111 1111111ifil I 1 R'41 LWAY _ �GR�leA�10TRU Flax-NTM , is The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Serriee. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains.. 1 - For further particulars apply to any Grand 'Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Somerville Town. Asset W. R. Plant ..... , Depot Agent Farmer' r Arten --. ton ._..,01.10 The Huron County Flax Mills Ltd. are open to rent a liillited acreage of No. one sod land for E flax growing purposes. The E farmer to plow, disc, barrow and prepare lie land for a good level seed bed. Compan will supply . seed and do aowing .: For further psueth E apply at Office opposite Royal E Hotel, or to Laud Agent, J. A. Kerr, Box 532, eafortb. 5 Phone 168. 2717-tt 111111111111uLNtii1111111ii1111111111116i11i11 Q Tail- � ring Just arrivedline a .full line o samples in Scotch & Irish Tweeds, English Worst- eds and Serges. Give us a call and look over our e r samples before placing P your order. "My Wardrobe" GODERICH STREET EAST, SEAFORTH see- eas NOTICETO FARMERS Flax Land to Rent The,Oanadian Flax Mills, Limited, are still ,open to contract for a limited acreage of Good. Sod Land at attractive prices. Spring or Egli ploughed. Farmer will do the plowing, disc- ing and rolling, or the Company will rent acreage and do all the necessary work Comp- any will supply the seed free to farmer and do the sowing. For further particulars apply to M. M cOiiMIeK, Superintendent, Pbone 202 or at the Mill Off, G. DIXON, Mill Manager, Phone 212