HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-04-02, Page 3Mit 2,1920. Character of putation 1568 speedy conviction. WRITE FOR NEW CATALOG 'i.rg�omAAkY " l l•OttiPee .• :t w$1. Oevan'$ French Pills eIiable Regulating Pile for Women,' box, sold at all Drug Stores, or , ted to any address on receipt o$` e. Tie Seobeli Drug Go., St. Cats• Les, Ontario. [OSPHONOL FOR MEN tores Vim and Vitality; for Nervaf.' Brain; increases "gray matter," . ic--will build you up. $3 a box, or for $5, at drug stores, or by mail -eceipt of price. The Scobell drop St. Catbarinea, Ontario. - Sia ,'1870 @I 5CO11S & CARETS" WORK WHILE YOU ST.S1r,P. Sick Headache, Sour Stomachs. Sluggish Liver and a. Bowels Take Cascareta tonight. iffid Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges-- Sallow Skin and Miserable Head - e ,come from a torpid liver and ledbowels, which cause your atom to become filled ith undigested. which sours and ferments like gar - in a swill barrel, That's the first. to -untold misery—indigestion,. foal 3, bad breath, yellow skin, mental • everything that is horrible and. sating. A Oascaret to -night will your constipated bowels a thorough - wing and straighten you out by. ling.. They work while you Bleep-- ►-cent box from your druggist win' you feeling good for moths.. r Granulated EXrlia� ., ourEyes inflamed by. expo- sure to Sor~, Dui sad IMF yesquickly relieaed by !Ilmrifsa tysgsstody. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At F Druggists Or by mail 60c per Bottle.. ate. of no Lys fret write fat fys Remedy Cu., Menlo, NUfNE ASPIRIN HAS "BAYER CRASS 1 lets without "Bayer Crossft are not Aspirin at all - genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirisi'I` "Bayer" package, plainly marked" the safety "Bayer Cross:, e "Bayer Cross" is your only wail rowing that you are getting genuinti in, prescribed by physicians fOZ een, years and proved safe by mil for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds matiern, Lumbago, Neuritis, zud fog generally. Made in Canada. ady tin boxes of I2 tablets.•--sfa* r sized "Bayer" packages. firm ie the trade mark (regis mada), of Bayer Manufactur'r off acetieacidester of Salicylicaeid. ;ilo it Is well known that t pini s Bayer manufacture, to assist -tom against imitations, the Tablets .ani r Company, Ltd., will be fi L mpt4 their general tragi mark, Cross.' APRIL 2,19-20. THE HURON EXPOSITOR Fortune Is Built On Saving If you have to work haTd for your money make your money work hard for you. Our Savings Department pays 3% . per annum and this interest is added to your principal twice 'a year. DO SEAFORTH BRANCH, Stewart's Sell it for Less Mali or Phone Your Orders Seaforth's Style Store Ready f R. M. JONES, Manager. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. THE HURON EXPOSITOR DISTRICT MATTERS CHISELHURST - (Too late for last week.) Notes.—Mr. Archie Hodgerts, of Parquhair, has moved onto Mr. Cole's farm, which he purchased some time ago.—Mr. John McLean has rented Mr. Dwight Fisher's farm on the 10th concession,—A number of far- mers have begun to make syrup, but owing to -he high- price of sugar Wale of their product will reach the market, it being a ca3e cf "saf' y first,"—There passed away on the 14th of March a very highly respect- fed citizen in the person of Mrs. Sim - mond, widow of the late Johas Sim- monds, of the Hibbert boundary. She had been sick for some time and pais - ed peacefully away at a ripe age of seventy-eight years. She leaves two sons on the farm, also John; of Hib- bert, and Wesley, ire .the West, also three married daughters.—Mr. John Kinsman left here for the West; after spending some weeks with his par- ents here. JOY AND GLADNESS FOR THE CHILDREN Every child—whether it be poor or rich is entitled to joy and gladness. Health is the birthright of all and there is absolutely no doubt that the healthy baby is a happy baby. It is the baby's nature to be happy—not cross. Only the sickly baby is cross. The well child is a joy to the home— it is alaughing, gurgling happy little piece of humanity which drives dull care from the household. The sickly baby is the opposite—he is cross and peevish; cries a great deal and is a source of constant worry to the mother. ' But mothers there is no need of your little ones being sickly. -Regulate the baby's bowels and sweet- en his stomach with a gentle but thorough laxative and baby will soon 1, . well and happy again. Thousands Schroeder, and he had since resided here. Besides Mrs. 'Schroeder he is survived by one son in Germany. —At Jamestown, on Wednesday March 10th, the marriage of . Miss Marjorie Alexandra, daughter of the late James and Mrs. Strachan, !to Nelson Cardiff, of Grey township, was solemnized. The ceremony took place at six o'clock, their" pastor, Rev. A. J. Mann, B.A., of Brussels, officiating. After the ceremony the guests who - were the immediate friends, repaired to the dining room, 'where a dainty lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Cardiff will take up house keeping on the groom's faun near Brussels. —Friday of last week Joseph Mc- Donald, of Molesworth, or more familiarly known as Joe, passed away at 11.30 o'clock, after an illness of several months, aged fifty years. Last fall he took a stroke at Ethel and al- though he rallied from that some- what he was never as robust. He was the eldest son of the late Duncan McDonald and was born on the 2nd concession of Grey.; afterwards tak- ing his uncle Alexander's farm, 1pt ,22, on the same line. Mrs. McDonald whose, maiden name was Miss Mar- garet Stewart, of that Iocality, three sons, Edgar, Guy and Archie, arid a daughter, Beatrice, survive. -An event of interest to the com- munity took place Wednesday, March 10th, at _the residence of W. H. and Mrs. Love, Ethel, when their daugh- ter, Arnetta Pearl, was united, in marriage to George Alexander Sjeir- an, son of George Speiran, 14th ecn- cession, Grey township. The groom took his place under an evergreen arch with wedding . bell, while Mendelssohn's wedding march was sweetly played by Mrs. Stanley Ham- mond, of Monkton, Ont., sister of the groom. The bride, who was unat- tended, was conducted to the drawing room by her father and little Miss Doris Love, neice of the bride, who was growned in pink silk . crepe de chene, made the daintiest of flower girls. The bride was most charihing- ly attired in a gown of white silk with silver and pearl trimmings and wore the customary.. veil, with orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of of mothers have proved this through carnations and roses with fern. The their use of Baby's Own Tablets— ceremony was performed by Rev. F. there is a smile in every dose of the Tablets. Give them to your baby and make him happy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. HURON NOTES —The marriage took place at Wil- lis church manse, Clinton; on Wednes- day of last week of Miss Elizabeth Dale, daughter of Mr. John Dale, of Hallett townfii p, to Mr. John T. Graham. of Stanley township. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. E. Hogg. —The 100 acre farm of W. H. Maunders, three and , three-quarter miles south of Brussels, has been. sold to W. Cunningham, who gets posses- sion next fall. —Mr. H. Bierling, who has conduct- ed the post office and general store in Exeter North for several years, sold out on Tuesday to Mr. Charles session April lst. Mr. Bierling has not yet decided what he will do. Mr. McKenzie and uncle, .Mr. McAsh, put the deal through. . —Mr. John Klienfeldt, of Usborne, last week delivered to Mr. I. Arm- strong, of Exeter, twenty-two pigs that brought him the handsome sum of ;$880. Mr. George Armstrong at the same time delivered twenty-one pigs for which he received a cheque for $810: —This week Dugald McDonald, a well known resident of the 7th line of Morris, disposed of his 200 acre farm to Ament Bros., Brussels. The purchasers will retain the timber for their factory but will resell the farms and can give immediate possession. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald purpose mov- ing to Brussels to take a well deserv- ed rest. —On Sunday evening Helen, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Josh. Thomas, Elgin avenue, Goderich, met with a serious accint. In. some manner the child pulled a dish of boiling water off the stove spilled over her and severely burned her about the face, hands and arms. In falling to the floor the little 'girl also had her ear injured. —The White Star Line, Detroit, 'announces the annual June excursion by steamer Greyhound. The Grey- hound will leave Detroit for Gode- rich on Monday, June 14th, and on Tuesday will Ieave Goderich for De- troit. The return trip from Detroit to Goderich will be on Thursday, and the Greyhound will leave Goderich again on Friday fob Detroit. The .announcement of this popular trip is -a sure sign of spring. • —There passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs..Geo. Schroeder, in Dashwood, on Thursday, March 11, another old resident- in the person of Mr. Jacob Bacher, at the great age of ninety years and three months. Deceased had suffered a slight stroke of paralysis from which he never re- covered. He was a native of Ger- many, but dame to tbla coUntry Atte Years ago with his daughter, Mrs. S. 'O'Kell, pastor of the bride. --:-The fine 100 acre farm, Lot 11, concession 7, Grey,, known as the Mc- Kinnon homestead has been purchased by Thomas McDonald, 6th concession, from Robert H.. McKinnon, .for °the sum of $8,500, possession to be given early in April. A grasp farm is still owned by McKinnon Bros. The farm sold is well fitted, out with good barn, comfortable brick house, windmill, etc., and is a most desirable property. It has been in .:the McKinnon family possession since 1853 when 'grand- father McKinnon took it up, corning to the community in pioneer days along with the Lamont's, McDougall's and other families of those early days and it has always remained in their keeping until this sale. Hugh Mc- Kinnon died in 1902, and Mrs. Mc- Kinnon -moved from the farm to Brussels over a year ago. SPRING IMPURITIES MEAN WEAK BLOOD A - Tonic Medicine is a Necessity at This Season. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are 'an all year round tonic, blood builder and nerve strengthener. But they are especially valuable in the spring when the system is clogged with impurities as a result of the indoor life of the winter months. There is no other season when the blood is so rnuclh in need of purifying and enriching. In the spring one feels weak and tired—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills give strength. In. the spring the appetite is often poor—Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills improve the appetite, tone the stomach and aid weak digestion. It is in the spring that poisons in the blood most often find an outlet in disfiguring pimples, eruptions and boils. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills speedily clear the skin because they go to the root of the trouble in the blood. In spring anaemia, indigestion, neuralgia, rheumatism and. many other troubles are most persistent because of weak, watery blood and it is at this time when all nature takes on new life that the blood most seriously needs attention. Among those who have proved the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is Mr. Archie D. Carmi- chael, Tarbot, N. S., who says:—"For a number of year s ' I was bothered with pimples which wouldbreakout on my face and body. �e was always worse in the spring, and although I tried different treatments, it was without much success. In the spring of two years ago, the trouble was worse than usual, and although I was taking medicine it did not help me until I finally decided to trL Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Under this treatment the pimples disappeared, and there has ince been absolutely no return of the trouble:" _ Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be obtained from any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents ae box, or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co.,. Brockville, Ont. • " Came the Spring with all its splendor, All its birds and all its blossoms, All its flowers and leaves and grasses" yr ASTER is coming with its still warm sunny days—the green lawns, thy; trees in bud, the flower beds all patterned with pink and yeilaw. • Fashionfeeling the Great Impulse, following the example of Mother Earth has made ready her array of new clothes and toggery at this store. Men's Easter Suits and Coats There are many distinctive new styles this Spring in - men's suits and coats which commend them- selves very highly to di§criminating men. Garm- ents which are made for service --styles in which freedom arid comfort are the natural allies of ele- gance and quality. The new tatted garments for Young men and boys, the cleverly cut stylish garm- ents for more conservative men are here in won- derful array and at satisfactory -prices. New Furnishings for Men and Boys All the ,new style features in men's and boys': Hats, Caps, Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery and Underwear are demonstrated in this showing of new Spring Goods. The superiority and prestige of the style leadership of this store is so unmistakably demon- strated and exemplified in our Easter display. It pays to uy here, you get only the best and that at less money. Women's Ready-toWear Suits & eats 4 The greatest display of ready-to-wear garments for women, misses,and girls ever attempted- in a town of Seaforth's size awaits you in our ready -to wear department In everycase the styles are the very latest, the make of highest standard and materials the best. Pleasing styles, perfect fit and satisfactory prices. Millinery---Thenew S rin Hats in- correctSpring in- clude many new and novel ideas,' radical changes that will delight you and appeal strongly 'to your sense of good taste. We have made big prepara-. tion for this season—to the end that you will be only serving your own best in- terests-to ntereststo come here, both from the standpoints of receiving courteous, intelli- gent service but you will be money ahead as well. Wash Good, New and At- tractive All that this season has developed in new , patterns; new weaves in the most beauti- ful range of filmy new wash materials can be learned at this store by a quiet review of the many new cloths we are showing. These new arrivals are all tastily display- ed on a specially prepared table making it convenient and pleasant for.,yoqpand enab- ling you to compare the various shades and patterns at a glance. Dolt miss this spec- ial display. Visit our Carpet Department Rugs, Linoleums, Car- pets and Curtains in. pleasing array at Reas- onable Prices. • STEWART BROS. Seaforth 1