HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-04-02, Page 211 - L - - T t n A ,, �2 � ` 'THE HURON EXPOSITOR APRIL 2,19��. A _ -_ 4 --, :` �.. _ .. - -- -- --. -- _._....-_. ---•• -- ..-. _ _, _� -....---..`_..- ...._ _ . , • . ' THE REAS�C)N WHY that cause this unusual condition in . � # .�i #s 5 4� �iital�l �of . I . 'i jl s1t5' i your stomach. The stoanach makesThe S i.11 C lF Ftom the Book of Wonders, coPY- s tial efforit to et rid of this �ua��'`r . Y: righted and published by the Bureau o oma substances and generally sue-rn� has an - .;., i I$- Dollars +� of In ustr'ial Education, Washing- ceeds eventually, but while the fightth*s �^+ ;,�eCe inference ton, DC. is going on, it pains ar hurts you. "•••4�N�Ny1.+ileN�NAA.gi.wN�N�N�NyOl�N�10�r '"�•1 'G rlo we call a cab a hansom . -- Pain is the result of a disturbanceie `` - The term is applied usually to a pub- of the nerves. .It is just the opposite ' . Sa V - URIOUSLY enough it is one of lic , vehicle known- in England as a of gladness. 1We sometimes are so -- < the most ancient of living,. two -wheeler, or Hansom (from the -='"'" ed Now- glad we feel goad all over. Pain is T `� t 1: y� name of the inventor , and drawn b pposite You can prove A races that has been the first Y just the o , - J - I �1 C to show supreme confidence one horse. Ih a hansom cab, the pas- g ut only - that pain is not a real thin b �' _ o a se Xer or hirer of the vehicle sits a, sensation. Perha a,[I . "I'll, ------- , I I k, , ` in a woman by fending her as its, �niediately in rear of the dashboard • p you have had r If d ted zoic a toothache, You go to the dentist and rIn. �r�e , enc1n9 Isole representative to plead is u,� + 'driver sitting on an elegy Pe he kills the nerve ar takes :it out. OF ._'. assed over , ,'� o . I 11 : --- t . before the ezltente powers.. Lady tnd, the reins hiring P Ash r thatyo cannot have the tooth- : tit to The term +cab is sometimes Examine our PRICES the ver LOWEST on . the market Surma d'Mar Shimun, w -ho is now 1n a 11 ac a in, at tooth again, because : r y also applied to a four -seated, closed there is no nerve there to tele T�' . t4 , London. comes to. ask that the graph f i and remember our wire is made . from . open hearth Steel, a or open • carriage, drawn by, one or to the Brain, even though the cause ; - ns&$ Assyrian -Christians of Turkey illi two horses,` the driver sitting in, front. 0 } roeess that removes all hos hor�ls from the iron 'ore thlls of the hurt still exists. You cannot a w - s r .: ,: P p p ' Asia and of Persia, most of them The term is also applied to the cover - L ma n the wire less brittle o ld more rust, roof.., •A. -limited ile at Bakhoubah, ed liar of a lacomative, in which tate £e� earn finless the brain knows a- A Trial P-acket will bring speedy Con ct `n p now lining in ex bout the injury. #quantity to sell yet to first comers.) ~ r ' '> under British protection, may be engineer and firemen have their ata- a _ - - -_ - �`_ ' allowed to continue under that pro- tions: The word cab is derived. from , the cabriolet, a light one-horse car- - . Wire Felice per rod; spot Cash ......... , their -lands and riage, with two seats and a calash TO DRILL ,HOLES IN GLASS graduates from the engineering taction and that 3 homes may be res land the cab courses in C;h lien colleges have en -4 I I _ ' � Price . 48C restored to them. top. In I:ondany ing , y g p Bred the government service, _ • • • • ". • . • e • . • s • . • a • • • • . • . • • . • • • • • B U8In a combination of tux en , f r 6 f From Lady Surma herself and or hansom was called the gondola of tine and camphor, glass may be drill- To enable those both blind and deaf I , s { Wire Fence er rQd, S 0 gash. • .. « ...... from Dr54C. wfgram, the writer of that the British metropolis lay Disraeli. p p Why ,has a long coat buttons on etc-with'a common drill, says Every- to converse gloves having embossed � i P• "Tho" Cradle of day Engineering. When the point of ` letters on the fingers and palms have riCe....................... ` .......... interesting book, back? The buttons on the back of a _1 " 7Mankind, long coat, i.e., one with skirts, hada the drill comes through the hole • been invented. , . � _ " -the representative of the To save weight an English auto» 14. . should be worked with the end of a ; Wire fence 8per rod, Spot CaSh.. a q • • .. . . • . , Christian Science Monitor heard the more sensible reason origin411y. At three -cornered file, having I E10 Y Price .. .............................................•.. 616 story of the Assyrian Christiane. one time the skirts of such coats were 1. edg6s mobile has been given mud guards 1. . . ground sharp. Use the corners of like a bicycle's ltd single steps in- il Her story begins at Qudshanis, a made very long, and when the wearer the file to scrape rather than' as a stead of running' boards. a, ' _ - mountain village in Kurdistan, to the moved quickly the 'tails of the coat reamer. Great care must be taken The United Stades is expected to . Special Arable .Steel Fence Posts...... .............. south of a line drawn between Lake flapped scout the legs and interfered not to crack the glass or flake off Produce at least B4OOO,Oflfl pounds of ' - • • ��j f Van and Lake Ur umiyah. Here her with progress'. 13 Grimi K .Each. C1. • .. ..... ......................, ..........�............. p ' grass° So art ingenious gen- pieces of it while finishing. The mix- artificial silk made by the viscose ,:: , Mar Shiinua,`held his home- tleinan had buttbns sewed on to the w<. s brother, tura should be used freely, both while process this year,CROPS z # ly court as patriarch, spiritual and back «red buttonholes made in tho drilling and scraping. It may be us- : ° F�€2C)l"l �� I ' : Staples 10c per pound. Fence Pliers 1,25 to 1,50. Town- temporal ruler of his people, an of- corder of his coattails, Then when ed as well: to drill hard cast iron and471 I - flee that had been in his fancily for he was in a hurry he simply button- C, tempered steel. -�- 't ; ,SS, send Stretchers 1;75. .Long Handled Shovels 1.50 to 1.65. nearly four centuries, descending ed up his skirts and went his way 'i_' r , f 7 HUi1.VN 1vOTES qSEEM- _ .. s- Halters, sewed double straps 1,75 tO 2.00. Stable _Brooms from uncle to nephew. He became comfortably, Got I I , 11 I:V g �_ 5 - patriarch at the age of 14 and even What is pain and why does it hurt . . --- I -The large elm tree which hasOLD BY �' " 77. 4 •`` 1se.,, :. s..a; K :. � then had sufficient f}rmness of char- -pain is the result of an injury to WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH ' stood near the. road for time im {�ry!�j�r�j�}]�� �°�{}�`g�j� �; I .°:^.•rrd'f•°°- `' :ti•A.';•.t.....•,�•"" ' f}+�YYC%liOU CPNADA - _- o acter -to refuse to appoirrt to an im- some part of our bodies, or a disturb- THE TOOTHBRUSH i memorial on the farm occupied by tl 4 _ I portant office a candidate whom he ed -condition --a change -.from the Mr, Asa Penhale, Stephen, an the ' s, lls Sea ortb. considered -unsuitable. normal condition. Pain is caused by "The toothbrush was never used so side road leading out from Iiuron Go � f Receiving taxes from his people `nerves in the body. The net work of much as at the presenit time, and yet Street Exeter, was felled last week .11 V1�t2lTE yfli2+lE'l�!At'Ati,G 4 . r ' and remitting the allotted amount' nerves coining in big nerves from the the teeth of mankind were never so by Mr, penhale, The large branches _, i.I to the Sultan, ° 14Sar Shimun was a backbone or spinal cord branches bad, remarked the New York Medi- had become more or less decayed, and e p 'y n • ':,3 ; .� real ruler; every day he adjudicated out in all directions and near the cal Journal. The toothbrush was t Mr, penhale fearing that they might X C. P. R.- TIMBr TABI... • .: • Q • � trHE IKCKILLOP II7TUAL in cases sent- to hien from lower surface of the skin they spread out originally a polisher, but more recent- some day fall on some person,- decid- � � -� - �• !cc GUELP$ °& •GODRICH BRANCH. courts, and during the 'rear thou like the tin twigs of a three, cover= ly it has come to be used. as a cleans- - •� 1- ' =�-`' ' F 1 v- _ FIRE INSURANCE CO Y_ . Y ed to lay low this old . landtxiark, i 1.Bands of Assyrians or Hien of other in ever joint of t e body. Some er of the teeth. But listen. to this: , TO TRORONTO g Y' j which has stood the blast and breeze • .- . � `races received hospitality - at hip parts of our bodies are -more sensi- "Once decay has taken place, how- for hundreds of years and which - 11 HEAD OF G'E•-SFAFORTH, ONT• y sin, , p.1L home. Chivalrous, just, and gener- tive than others. This is because the ever, the use of the toothbrush is marked the three-quarter mile post ` ous, and gifted with a keen sense of OFFICERS Goderich, leave ........6.20 1:80 nerves are then, nearer the surface or about as unscientific a procedure as from the .London Road to the nek-t .- _._ i B1 humor, he was the type of mountain - 1" ' 1 - J. Connolly, Goderieb, President • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •d•� 2.0? else there are more nerves in that could well be imagined. The brush is DeVan s French t chieftain that Sir Walter Scott would concession. It was one of the trees Dr. ' i.. Walton .............7.12 2.20 Y y singled out and blazed b the earl A reliable Rgit. ,-•; Jus. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President part. The heel, is perhaps the least rubbed vigorously over deco ed aur- g y y }sting Pits fo#vo t#nel h .. • •........... ,9,48 4.58 have loved, and he was held in high sensitive _art of the body, as the faces and then 'ust as vigorously over • I5 a box. Bold at all Drug Stores, ,; . T. E. Hays, Seaforth; Secy: Trees, p esteem not only by the Christiane p y 3 settled as a gtude to 'the pedestrians �. nerves do not lie so near the surface teeth as yet unaffected, We know mailed to any address rare receipt #� "4 AGENTS FRAM TOR4NT4 but by his Kurdish neighbors. He to find their way to the London Road' price. The SeobeU Drag ca., st• -CA [` there. that tooth decay is due to bacteria, and to Exeter. It stood over 90 feet ; artnes, Ontario, ,, _ Asea,. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; Ed, was not much more than 34 when g you can and it is easy i ; . -- Toronto, levers ........8.10 6.1G war broke out. The Turkish gayer- Pain is not a thin which y to understand tha11 t -;F Httxcbley, 9eafarth; John Murray, in height and the butt measured over ` •Guelph, wtz'iv.. ..... , ..9,$p _ �.>In nor at Ysa sent for him, offering him make a picture of or describe in once there was even a alight cavity six feet across. Needless to say by PHOSPHONOL FOR K Brucefield, phone 6 on 137, Seaforth, wards. Pain is a sensation of the in any of the tooth surfaces, the brush Restores Vim and Vitality; for Net. . Walton ...............•.22." 8.04 the ea °sure of so many years it ' ,. ..}. Pr ,a ctically anything he lik.ed`--begin- p { and Brain; increases gray' inattt-,, = J W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G. Jar• $ y • . • ... • • • . • . • • .12.10 - 0.18 ning with a fine educational grant ---r brain caused by a disturbance of con- would" become thoroughly infected had become very tough.- , Tonic -will build you up. #3 a boz, 4 moth, Brodhagen• • Anbarn dations in some part of the body. If with bacteria and carry these all two for 15, at drug stores, or by _ • • • • • • • •.••• • • • �• weev if he would throw in his lot with the ;. DIRECTORS Goderich , • ..;, .,•,, , • . • .18,4", 9,86 mks• you cut your finger, you cut certain., around the mouth. Wherever there -A pretty wedding took place at on receipt -of price, e ; �bcit t ' Co., St. Catharines, mntarto. - I .01 ' William Riltn, Nb. 2, Seaforth; John "I must consult my chiefs," said vEmS or arteries and also the tiny' was a crack in the enamel bacteria the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thontas.' $enneWies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Connections at oinCtioa with 11[ar Shimun and pointed out that nerves in the finger. The nerves im- would be rubbed in. Houlden, Exeter,x on Wednesday, , Beechwood• M. McEwen Clinton• Jas, Main Une for Galt oodstoek, Lon already Christians in Van were be- mediately let the brain lrnow that Once there is an infection in the 'March 10th, when their daughter, Miss , don, >)etroit, and (iidtRO, wad all in the are injured, and the brain sets mouth the tooth brush carries it all Doris, became the bride of Mr. Bar- Cotinolly, Goderch; D. F. McGregor, Ing persecuted. During the two Y `a 1�. to work to have the damage repaired. over and particular) rubs it into the ton Ford returned soldier, and son 4 1$. B. No. 3, 3eaforth; J. G. Grieve, months that followed, refugee Chris- y ,I ° . No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; t tiaras brought to Qudshanis fresh But there is a congestion, right where edge of the gums just where, because of Mr. John Ford, Exeter. North. , r McCartne No° 3 Seaforth. tales of persecution, The position the cut is. The veins being clit the of the .pressure of the tooth itself, The ceremony was performed by Dr. o Geo ge - y, , - was serious. All around them were blood which would ordinarily flow- -circulation may be slightly interfer- Medd, in the presence of about thirty ' t _ _ z�'" i ►- enemies, and the nearest of the through them back to the heart, pours ed with and resistive vitality is low= guests, at four o'clock in the after- C'li 1870 _ G. T. R, TIME TABLE Allies, the Russians, enterijag Persia, out into the cut and the inside of eyed. Rather coarse brushes are us- noon. The bride was gowned in white �� t ! were far away. If they refused the your finger is thus expiised to the ed, cold water is often recommended embroidered net over blue silk. The Trains Leave Seaforth as follows: Turkish offer, the Christians risked ox en of the air, and the action of to keep the bristles good and stiff, and bridesmaid was Miss Mabel Houlden f . ft off loins! oxygen , k ", 10.511 s;, m. -For Clinton, Godericb, lands and homes and lives. Mar Shi- the air on the exposed part helps to it is easy to understand how many sister of the bride, while the groom- • DROPS �* {' K • Wingham and K=incardine. ""'-"- mun sent his answer. "You have call- make the pain: It is not your g'er, slight injuries of the thin edge of was supported by his brother, Mr, 5TQP 44 - Z , r b,03 P. m. - For Clinton Win ham Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone F g ed a jehad It is impossible for however, hurts. It is the�shoek the gums where they come up to the Norman Ford, of Detroit. 1Viiss' Cora Iand Kincardine. • costs only a few cents. Christians to join with you, We have that your finger gets when you cut neck of the tooth must necessarily Ford, of Detroit, played the wedding - f 11.03 p. m. - For Clinton, Goderieh. other recourse. We will fight." your finger that hurts. % be inflicted. Into all of these the march. The groom's gift to the bride , 8.36 a, m. -For Stratford, Guelph, The five independent Assyrian A pain in. your stomach is a pain toothbrush rubs indiscriminately what- was a set of furs, to the bridesmaid I Toronto, Orillia, North Bay and tribes -who paid taws to Turkey caused by something else than a cut. ever bacteria may have gathered, any- a pearl set broach, to the pianist a ``CAW"ISTS" WORK i . _ -points west, Belleville and Peter- - _ when they felt inclined -were armed If the stomach could always digest where throughout the mouth, and it pendant, and to the 'groomsman a11 r born and points east. with indifferent weapons, the scat- everything or any amount of stuff is no wander that receding gums and pair of cuff links. The gifts to the WHIM YOZT { 8.16 p. m: For Stratford, Toronto. tared Christians were less well pro- you put in it, you wopld not have a the collect on of tartar beneath the bride were numerous and costly. Mr. a Montreal and points east. , vfded, but they fought and when i But sosetimes youput ms is one of the special mouth an Mrs Ford will leave on Monde stomach pan Y p p d y For 31cif Headache, Sour 9i me : r LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE driven into the mountain strongholds things into your mouth through troubles of our time and is causing next for Maple Creek, .Sask., where Sluggish Liver and Bouretas-� .'` { Going North a.m, g:m. - where no human being can live in your mouth, of course, that the atom- the loss of; a great many teeth." they will reside. "Take Cascarets tonight. ,_ . � _ M - the winter, they took the women and ach cannot handle. Or, it inay be The Medical Journal -does not, how- T London 9.06' 4.45 children with thein, and held those - - Centralia ......... .. 10.04 5.50 strongholds for three months. The a `combination of a number of things eves, condemn the toothbrush out- • �_ +t. ,r � , right, but leaves the question for its Fu�resl Ton e, Bad Taste, I Exeter ............... 10.18 6.02 Russians had promised them 4,000 waders to think about �. - tion, Sallow kui`n and Sliserable H +- ' = f � Hensall ............... 10.33 6.14 guns, and when the ammunition was Sui ular �iuierals. aches come from a torpid liver a t .. ,,* Kippen .... 10.38 6.21 almost exhausted -Mar Shimun with FARMS FOR SALE - An Abyssinian funeral is a very l i 4 . , ........ >- clogge } bowels, which cause your sem• .- i�, .V ;, Brucefieid ......... • . 10.47 6.29 two servants made a desperate jour- . singular affair, says Tit -Bits. When iiiClinton .. , ....... ARMS POR `SALE. - I HAVE SOME ach to become filled with undigsster .... 11.03 6.45 ney at night through the enemy lines NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE a new-born infant dies it is almost i T '' r Londesborc, .......... 11.34 7.03 G- . - to ask that these guns might be sent. dhoice farms for sale in the Townships iTLtIned ately buried under the iioor. food wiiit�li sours and ferments like . `# After a five nights' journey he of Usborne and Hibbert, all well built and Norwegians use about 112 pounds After the demise of, an adult, the I base -in a swill barrel. That's the &_#_ ....... 11.43 - 7.1.0 < ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' unproved, or� easy terms of payment. THOMAS of oats for food per capita annually, bo i stag to untold misery -indigestion, fits• f = BeT ve .... 11.56 7.23 reached the Russian headquarters. dy 's washed in water, sweetened ............ 11.56 ° • • CAMERON, \Woodham, ons 2sss-tt A compartment for additional films with honey, wrapped in a shroud, 'g , bad 'breath, yellow :skin, mem:'. I • ° "I cannot spare ou a sin le troop- Wingham -11 . , .......... 12.11 7.40 y g �_ features a new camera carrying case, fears, everything that is horrible *AA.' - Going South a.m. p.m. With your fingers! 3 You can . li�� en er," paid, the commander -ink chief. __ _ Yi g sewed up in a mat of braided straw, an hard corn, soft corn, o corn be A pine tree in New Zealand is esti- d inauseati A C3a.s,earet t(> -night t Wingham 7.30 3.20 y You had better remain here. Re- FOR SALE: FOR SALE 8 P and laid upon a litter made of boughs Eel -grave 7.44 3.36 the toes, and the hard skin calluses from fusing to stay one night in safety, .PROPERTY acres of land, clay loam, good seven- mated by scientists,to be 1,300 years crit from trees, give your constipated bhwels a tbor k �,_ Blyth 7.56 3.48 bottom of feet. Mar Shimun returned to the Assyr- roomed house with furnace, phone and rural old. T:he lamentations og the relatives +cleansing dncl straighten you otic+ A tiny bottle of "Z! reezone" costs little ians, who by this time had little food, mail, sood buildings, stable, poultry house German builders have developed an resound among the cliffs and the morning. The Fork while ori; - i.ondesboro ....... ° .. 8.04 3.56 at an dru store A 1 a few dro s and drive shed; also small orchard• Close to , . Y $ N all -metal airplane for commercial news is ra a 10 -cent box from Clinton u on the corn or callus. instant) it no salt, and only a fevV cartridges school, z mites fro Seaforth. Apply to I? poly communicated t0 all your d 'i4' 8.23 4.15 y g r PP rog84 = left for each rifle, and they began 440HN McMILLAN, R. IL No. 1, Seaforth, purposes. the people of the neighborhood, who keep you feeling good for =oaths. Bracefield 8.40 4.32 eto�►a hurting, then shortly you lift that {heir perilous retreat to the Russian or phone 20 on 286, Seaforth Central. Spring mechanism invented by a at once set out to condole with the i Igippen . . ............ 8.46 4.40 bothersome corn or callus right off, .root 2712-tf lines in Persia. Dere they were dis- Minnesotan helps one man to oper- mourners. •- ; Hensall . °........... 8:58 4.50 And all, without one, bit of pain or sore- - . - y--,- ��-.,, a. Exeter , ° ............ 9.13 5.05 nese. Truly! No humbug tributed among various villages, ate a two-man lumber saw. As soon as they catch sight of ` Centralia 9.27 5.15 - After- the Russians retreated (af- - A factory in which radium` is be- the funeral procession, they begin r . '' s - ter the revolution) they were in sa< ARM FOR SALE. --LOT 88, CONCESSION ing produced has_ been opened in to weep and ci•y aloud. When they i 1; • • • • • • • • ' 10'`10 6'15 r 6, McKillop. 100 acres - of the beet clay 6i'jei�fi�y; London ° ° ° • - worse plight than ever -Mar Shimua Scotland by - a Scotch chemist. join it- the men range themselves V:. � - - having been shot down ---the Chris- land in McKillop, 6 acres of bush, the rest An Iowa innventor's scarecrow con- on one side of the bier, the womenYoUrEyes ' mimed by :.. -` - - in a high state of cultivation: b miles, from On 1118 other, and chant. When the �����' I t,_ Baas still held arm, and under the Beaforth, 2 miles from Conatande, 1 mites tains mechanism that makes it emit uiciclir:eiicved `. _ Pronrnnent �1nlSter Endorses leadership of a man whose record, from school. There are on rbc premises a loud bellows at intervals. religious ceremony is over the q asays Mr. Wigcam, had been yictur• good seven roomer house. targe •Bank barn corpse is buried in the churchyard; Elstes�il. i+T4Stmrtfr,. - _ esque rather than ressiiectable," they drained�llPOege Possession yen Mach Int Air- controls tractor has . Just $ys �• Hacking'sHead'and Terve Remedy esa Di�y at b e that it does I&__ 4 H or t;'llsntly defended themselves. He to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth. til tttavi 1' 2710-tf not have to be turned around. An Electric Divining Rod. For *"9 Eye hit s led them iu 14 successive and sic- "dowser" 8lst�a �,yh �...i ` Yom' Was almost a Nervoas Wreck from OserWork• this won. A refreshment tray to be clamped As the dowser of old -went about ` P •t.�_ Iceastul actions against the Turks° to the side of an automobile .has been humin ` derfal remedy brought back his old time Vigor and Vital- All this time they had no news o! g water with his forked witch- 1. FARM FOR SALE -CHOICE GRASB FARM patented by a Nebraska inventor. hazel stick, scientists now are frau- N�li Sty. Read the story of a Great Medicine, in three Letters. $100 in cash the Allies,' until one day an airplane for. Hate in the -Township of Mci{i RM One of the beat edea of Italian r ' p0. - will be paid .to anyone wbb can prove that these letters, are not genuine, flew overhead, and was welcomed by -north half Lot 24, Concession 13, containing a sing the shell -marked fields of 7b acres. It is well feneed with ° wire fenee, Cheese is mold only after it has been Northern France with electrical ' di - The name of Minister will be given to anyone who doubts these remarkable the Assyrians. He told them guides . - asrtatesoaents, were waiting 160 miles away to lead never tailing water, 40 acres are weU rile seasoned for at least four years. Tining .rods that have power to locate - x drained. It is all seeded to grass and in A brooder to keep young pigs warm, buried metal. Mysterious as the new �w! k it Hera is Letter Number One them to Bagdad and safety. Al shape for pasture. lit is sitaated 1 miles heated by an ordinary hand lantern, instrument appears, -it is simplyaE 11"1. Please send me one box of HACKING 8 HEART and NERV13 REM- They reached the °appointed spot, from- Walton Station. For further particulars , I 11apply to GEORGE DICKBON, Boa 24E, Blyth, 38 a Wisconsin farmers invention. modern application of the induction : y =D3C, I am suffering from a bad attack and have been enable to all my and were caner by their new Guides, out. 2721-tt who conducted them on the mus An attachment for alarm clocks to balance. The coils are wound on twotit pulpit for three months, doctors say that it may be asci months or more be. H'A'Q longer trek to Bagdad a - awaken deaf persons by jarring their arse wood rings, �}eld parallel with] fere I am well again. I used to be able to hold my large. congregation from journey leas beds has been invented in Euro e. the ground and a few feet apart b start to finish, no�v I can dangerous, indeed, but still beset ARM FOR BALE. -LOT 14, CONCESSION P p y b 8caii'aely hold my owe thoughts. FARM Stanley Township, containing 100 acres Michigan is the leading state in the a carrying frame. The observer wears ""'�---•-' y - with difficulties. Of the 70,000 who - Mk Heart Action is bad -and I ani subject to Faintings ands Dizziness, set out 50,000 .reached Bagdad. The 1 more or lees, of good farm land. This is manufacture of sand lime brick, fol- a head telephone receiver, and an .s; and am very despondent, I hope that your remedy will help me. ' _ • No. 1 crop or grass land, having never lowed by Minnesota and New `Yorkai?lltS Witlifltl Ci Ct`o British had made arrangements for tailing running orator at either ends of the assistant carries the battery and cur- - We sent en the one boa of HaCkin '8 Heart and Nerve Remedy and them to go Into a refu ee cam at farm Their is considerable cedar and bard A chain of 'American• dru stores rent interrupter in a boz. A buried g g p g alre not Aspirin at all , ' ; 11 dstys later we receive this ,letter. Bakhoubah, arrangements that seem- g shell, grenade, or other metal, near - wood timber and fair buildings on the premia Will be established thxou bout China ? better Number Two ed to thtbe desolate exiles marvel- in Partly yd use iarm�wouid a awet�l t ee�e as rapidly as arrangements can be either of the coils, sounds its buzzing i. X lois -in their cosiifoi t and. the made. - danger\ signal, and the workers then "Please send me 6 bones of Haeking's Heart end Nerie Remedy. _ I perf�' �� place. For inrther particulars apply to proceed to make that _ tion oL tlefr sanitation. J. T. RTID, Clinton.2718-tt Heels made chiefly of coiled springs Patch of ground 11 1hav�e used .the box you sent me and I feel that it has afready helped me. � sate for the farmer. ��. . 11Z40W the covered with flexible leather are a question is what is to MT head .is clearer and the pain that has followed the preparation of my happen to hose efu ee Kansas inventors footwear novelt . pPe r g s. `it�tey ask- y W . - nerimbns has been greatly relieved and I feel that with proper treatment I sd leave to fiend a deputation to ri M AND IMPi,FMFN'i's FOR BALE.- A 'windmill grinds grain into flour "h�ro�g Through Ge�orglx„" • - �_ will again be restored to my old-time vigor. Paris and I4ndon to lay their wishes For sale Lot 4, Conomion 4, MILS., and then mixes and kneads it into The song.' "Marching Through I am so pleased with the success of your remedy that I am giving part before the Peace Council, and the Tackenmith, containing 100 acres, a miles ► dough for a baker in a European Georgia," was the g g 7 from SWorth, 7,C mile from school, good , product in 1:$65 of ret to some of my friends."' we:eltold that as so many del ations buildings, 10 aeiaes bush, all good load, well country. ' : eg try. of henry Clay Work, a popular song : Get enuine"BayerTablets of spii'= ' Now comes the, proof in letter number tires, s few weeks later. ' coming they could only Bead drained and well supplied With water. Roughened plates have been in- writer, who wrote many songs that . „ y - Furnace and phone in house. If farm is , Ut. a Ayer package, plainly -miik earsoa. The choice of the coin- I vented to be attached to a man's shoes ,were popular in civil war time. He « , � t Letter Number Thrm - { _°- not sold it. will be rented. Also the follow. ; r. !t'itii the safe $a ' dined Assyrians, those frown Asiatic ing 1mDlesnents are for sale: Msasey:Hartis i to keep his feet from slipping on wags a •printer by trade and often The "Bae �ms$1'?T Cross:" _. "having used your medicine,Hacklsg's heart and Nerve 1Re tbiY for itrkey and those from Persia, .fell is hoe seeder almost new, mower, wagon, ladders. I composed the words while working Y " � Foot only I crew weeks for Neurasthenia (Nervous Breakdown) I have a as a new i rpm �7 SI1rma, a Women educat- cultivator,'' weigh scale, 2,000 pounds capacity, I Suf icient tassium salts have been at the "case " and he 4f knowing that"you are,getting �. rets 1 Po w n he )vas set- $ g . , Hosni. Far five months I have suffered from %tleeplessnegs, Nervous Chills, mit' tanning milt aiad other arttetes. For far- {discovered in dee salt wells in China g p Aspirin' prescribed by physicisixs ' ! !. ed in her )hoed by Dr. Browne, p tin u music type he would coin- then particulars aasPty to dAME63 BPROAT, B'aiating Spells, Severe IT-eadaches and I cos)d not place sty mind on the the Aa lttis)eop's Trials. Il[is :]�mondvBie, or phone ie on 160. 'to'promise a new source of potash. {pose the music "free hand." ``?�fareh._ m netcen years sand proved safe by `11. ,' preparation of my sermons' To -day, my old amWttes rill strength is re- -don. She Ome to ask that her pea- b An, opener to remove paper caps] ing Through Georgia" is probabl Hous for Headache, Neuralgia, iiteased to recom, -iii from milk bottles Which also serve I g , y Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, anal.$' . mewed -thanks to the uses of your reedy, which I am may lire henceeforth under` #ham unique axrioiig wax sons in that it pain generally, nwnd to anyone suffering ;roan Ne"ous Diseases." a twu Aatriarth and under British pro. I as a handle to carry a bottle has been i was eomposecl without a g y Made in :Canpda. P ie tion, and that if posgtbie' O$ BALE.-HOQSE AND HALF ACBH .. ppearing in Rand tin box" of 19- tablets-- This testiniontial coni ,•; voluntarily from one whose re utation is un- ' 7 Mair Fof.land in the villose of X mondvill% The , invented.' manuscript. 9 " assailable and is given for *l+e sole purpose of helping t�tixers. The above their bbloo4d moult- ;, eitaaled on Centre Streak close The Swiss TaTger `steed `Bayer packages• p p 1p g government bas decreed statements are true -or as near to the truth "as the men of bLAss.and Dur in possession o! those to the Presbyterinn church and b known as s° hspiria is the trssie mss {regisiet+- ,� „ ,, Beafamin < 1um& 'which might still be thous bad the Purnell property. Goal. comfortable the adoption of 24-hour time for rail- i it�waiiaxts in Caul"), of Bayer 11fnufaacturq ' " .eejAi throw a ,Gone Jird. 2'0 18. �W not remained 1oT41 to their )salt) home, good she4 good well asd a met . roads and institutions under federal, There probably, are not 10,:0&0 ��0avIcacidester of Sall Rt'acid. 11 cistern. All kinds of fruit tre®,_stsawbuTis, control. j � -It YOU a••e broken dr: ;vii in health from any cause whatever we will : � to their Allies.. - nwvbwT1w, end currant bushes. This k a , pure-blooded Ha sQaiians living to -.day. Wltilo it is well known that Ali . I guarantee that a six box treatment of HACKING'S HFART AND NERVE , - ` J ' comer >rroperty wltb no bm ilm an trout, sad ' Ari. attachment to hold a sd�ety . In 17.78 there were about s.o.o,o`OQ; me4>�.$syer manufacture to ` t- � 4 RB',MEI)X will make a woiide;lul improvement in your Li�ealth but on must i ..� ". - the land is in a goW state of mdUftUm I razor blade on sa or o : as s y Ir ordinary carob has in 1823 then. mere only 142,000, iu ppnbiic agafnet intitations, the T4buto 7 his b a eke vroper* for a• reared farmer been invented to enable inn to cut l i gs, Ba er i k seine to gel IIEICIiIN(r'S. Price 60c a boz, 6'bozos•!or 118.60. Sold by ;r ...' e`?' 3t;. s 134 4G0; in 18&0, 44,OOA; is y Company: IQtcl., will lase s1#. f ; • •; 4wd ttm ts�tsa aN 8sbt° Foe - oartlsu n .=x � jSt1 healers, or by math. Haokins's Limited, Listowel. ' :.' ' . _ a l ?their owe hair. 1100, 130,{100; in 191:0, 24,000, with their general t�r�ia! - . �,, ,{ 30404b.s►p ttie preo�...r to .TORidr !a 1. f Mora that) b8 per cent. of the` $ Wig: j11 I Btt� r 0. ."11 i . . . - I . I I- Itl 1 ;i ? I %* - , I - { . - .* .. '�.t= .f,':-.Qr,...fi'-= gam_-_. _ xsau..w+x:.�^.�:,-a ..: _ _--- =--•r,,.�>,, ,�:r�nc-.�:s.�_. .:.ten- - .,. .., J • Every < rieh is el Health is there is 2 healthy h the baby' eross• Oi The Well, it is a lk Piece of care from 9 baby is tl peevish; t soUree 01 anetlier. need I of Regulate 'en his A I • thoratiF - 'Sae well ai of mother tkei3r use, there is a Tablet& aria make are sold retail at 2Z, I J 1111ams, Ont. The x lis c -hunch. day of is Dale, dam; Raill'tt t 1 cxiaham, , cetemony "J, E. Ra The AM sunders miles Bout to W. 'vii cion next' -•-Mr. E ed the 1 • in Exeter sold out .session A not ytt d( Mcylenzie; the deal -Mr. J last week strong, o that brou ' of .$880. . the same P1 fpr , for $SiO. This well knov. Of Morris farm to I purchaser: their fact and can Mr. and _1 ing to Bre ed rest. ---inn little daui Thomas, with a s riianner coiling w her and the face, to the los ear injure -The '_aRmouncei by stem hound w rich on Tuesday troit. TI to Goder the Gre again oil atlnomice -a sure $ Titer Of fila da 'in Dashv another Mr. 11=c Of ninet leased ,of paral ave d. Wil' 1. years al I , I