HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-03-19, Page 8tt Specials Fresh and Salted FISH Also SAUERKRAUT BOLOGNA CANNED GOODS • PORK BEEF SAUSAGE ETC. AND A FULL LINE OF UP-TO- DATE GROCERIES. }RESH DAIUY BUTTER ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK Phone 58 Dorsey and MacKinnon The Big Store on the Corner. Stationery & School Supplies SCOTT' Wallpaper & Window Shades We desire to announce that our 1920 Wall Papers are all in stook; In the new lines we have made a specialty of pop- ular priced papers of the very highest grade designs obtain- able. Prop in and see them. SCOTT'S, Main St, SEAFORTH THE HURON EXPOSITOR and wet" know that "He who tempers the storm to the shorn lamb has done .the best thing for His little one DISTRICT MATTERS and will keep her until they too will fall asleep," and so believing, look forward to the day when in her old Moved to Walkerton. --Mr. Edvrard joyous way she shall welcome to the Daley, who has been an emp1oye in home of many mansidns those who W. D. Bright & Son's Tailoring shop to -day mourn her absence from their for a number of years, has entered life and love, A special sleigh was into partnership with Mr. G. Rourke, 'needed to carry the flowers.- As well another former Seaforth boy, in the as the tributes from the husband and 'tailoring business in Walkerton, and Miss Crich, the parents, brother and has disposed of his house here and sister, and the brothers and their already entered upon his new business wives, flowers were received from the in Walkerton. On Wednesday morn- Methodist church L 0. D. E., Masonic ing Mrs. Daley and family also left Lodge, L 0. 0. F., of Carberry; Meth - for their new home. Mr.. and Mrs. odist W. M. S. and Ladies' Aid, Meth - Daley have been well known and odist 'Trustee Board, of Hartney, Mr. esteemed residents of Seaforth and and Mrs. Russell 'Forbes, Mr. and they have many friends here who Mrs. J. A. Callender; J. and G. Crich; sincerely regret their removal, but W. A. Crich and sisters, Seaforth; who will join The Expositor in wishing the Misses Rdddel, of -Winnipeg; the them every success in • their new Forbes cousins, Mr. and -Mrs. G. H. home. Stinson, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bartley, and Mrs. Bartley, and Miss Kathleen Morris, of Brandon. Egmondville Notes. — Mr. Alex. Gordon has sold his property to Mr: Forest from McKillop. We have not learned what Mr. and Mrs. Gordon intend to do but hope they will still be residents of our village.—We un-, derstand there is to be a Scotch con- cert in our church on March 23rd, when Ree. W. Moffat will show lime light views of Bonnie Scotland and other scenes. There will also be music, songs, solos, etc.—We are sorry to note that Mr. John Gemmell who hat; been seriously ill for some weeks, is not improving, and slight hopes are held for his recovery.— Mr. W. B. McLean is confined to his room with an attack ' of sciatica, Mrs. Wm. Hudson, who has been seriouslyill for some weeks, is im- proving slowly. Presentation. — A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mrs. R. Frost on Friday evening hist, when the members of her Sun- day School class gathered to spend a social evening with one of their members, Miss Ethel Daley, before her removal to her new home in Walkerton. During the evening Miss Daley was presented with an ivory piece and the following address:— "Dear Ethel:—I am appointed by your classmates and our teacher, Mrs. Frost, to present you in their name this piece of ivory, which we trust will prove useful. ,I assure yon. in their behalf .that as a brilliant and talented class -mate and as a noble young girl we have ever found you the best friend any one could ask. We are justly proud of you, And the best this old world has to give is none too good for you. You will ever be remembered by this Seaforth Sun- day School class with feelings of highest regard. and esteem." Stratford, Ont. ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE We give thorough courses. We give individual instruction.. We have no summer vacation. Stu- dents may enter at any time. Commence your course now. We place graduates • in positions. Write for our free catalogue. ' D. A. McLACHAN, Principal J.E._DALY e we i or 'dull Optician. issrier Marriage Licenses 4EA FORTH ONT photographsi Now is the time to have that Family Group taken. Call in and see our display of Group Photos. We make a speciality of taking family photos. We do Picture Framing. Try us. D. F. BUCK PHOTOGRAPHER LET'S HAVE A G.W.V.A. Club Opening. — The ndsome and commodious G.W.V.A. dub Rooms in the Oddfellows' block, .which have just been completed', were opened for formal inspection' on 'Sat- urday afternoon and evening last, when tea was served by the ladies. The appartments throughout are very complete. The large reading room contains an electric fire place, a hand- some Brunswick phonograph, donat- ed by the Ladies' Auxiliary, and easy` chairs, presented by the Messrs. Stew- art. and J. Rankin. Thereis also a very well equipped gymhasium and amusement room containing pool tab- les and bowling alley. On Wednesday evening the rooms were formally op- ened with a euchre and dance. There were about fifty tables of cards, which were played until 10.30 when lunch was served by the ladies after which dancing to the music of Lombardo's London. orchestra was enjoyed Until the early hours of the morning Although there was a very large crowd, the vet- eran's spared no pains to make the evening a. pleasant one for their guests and in this they succeeded beyond a doubt, the unanimous, opinion being that it was the most successful social function of the year and old and young enjoyed every minute of it, especially the latter as the music was excellent and the room and floor an ideal one for dancing. If Wednesday evening is any indication and we believe it is, the Club is going to be an immense suc- cess. There is at present .a member- ship of over 100, with a --Ladies' Aux- iliary of 75. The Late Mrs. Chester Crich.— Two weeks ago we made brief- ref- erence to the death of Mrs. Chester Crieh, brother of. Mr. W.- A. Crich, of this town, and a former well known redident, which occurred in the hos- pital at Winnipeg. The following from the Hartley Star, of Hartney, Manitoba, will be of interest to many friends in this district: "A cloud was cast over this community on Wednesday, February 25th, when word was received of the death that morning at Winnipeg General hos- pital, of Margaret Irene Brusdon, be- loved wife of Chester C. Crich, :of Carberry, and youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brunsdon, of Hart- ney, aged thirty years, five months and sixteen days. Coming to this district when but a, babe, Margaret was known, by all the old timers. She received her schooling here and here attended church, Sunday school, prayer meeting, young peoples' meet- = See the new Overland Four at $1275, the best riding car on the market under $2,000. G. C. Bell, "Dealer, Seaforth. For Sale.—A solid brick house, 7 rooms, lot 160x800, in Seaforth. Apply to F. Holme- sted. 2727-tf Notice. --Owing to difficulties, I will be un- able to supply my many customers with milk 'after April lst. D. H. Stewart, Seaforth Girl wanted at the Hick's House, Mitchell, $30 per month. 2726-4 See our Special Frost Fence Sate on page 6. Henry Edge, Seaforth. 2723-tf For Sale. -4 number of thoroughbred White Rock Roosters for sale at Winthrop. W. J. Kinney, R. R. No. 1, Seaforth. • 2725-3 House For Sale.—Seven roomed frame house on Centre Street, Seaforth, good cellar, hard and soft water, good garden with fruit trees. Price reasonable. Apply to William Srnithers, Seaforth, Ont. 2725-tf For Sale (Privately).—Kitchen cabinet, a piece bedroom suite, hardwood oak finish; dresser hardwood oak finish, 1/.1 dozen high back dining room chairs, 1 tapestry. rug, 3 by 4 Ards; a number of good window shades C. A. Barber, Market Street, Seeforth. 2727x1 Lecture.—Illustrated lecture on Bonnie Scotland in song and story by Rev.Walter Moffat, Egrnondville Church, on Tuesday, March 23rd, at 8 p.m. Admission, adults 25c, children 10c. 2727-1 Why Buy a New Car.—A De Luxe stream- line hood will place your Ford car in the thousand dollar class. Only seventeen dol- lars till price advances. Fits all Ford cars previous •to 1817. Write for circular. The Burrows Mfg. Co„, Toronto. 2724-6 (glow Miasio n Work.—The Barbara Kirk- man Mission Auxiliary concert on Tuesday evening was enjoyed by a goodly number. The music was of a high order, and each young lady did her part well. The object of the concert was to raise money to help purchase material for the mak- ing of clothing for two infants of the Eihelbert hospital, and also to enlist the sympathy of the audience in. n.ission work. it is surely an incen- tive to the older people to see these young • girls giving their time and energy to such noble, unselfish work. Their reward is the most. precious thing in the world, a noble character. At the close of the programme an appeal was made for young men and women to effer themselves for ser- vice in the Lord's vineyard. Where are the reapers, .Oh! who will come, to share in the glory of the harvest home. The missionary so- cieties of the Presbyterian church of Seaforth have now a membership larger than, ever before. The Barbara Kirkman Mission Auxiliary has 34 members. The Sunshine Band for children has 55 or more, and the W. M. S. has 115, exclusive of the Mc- Killop branch. The church expects to have a Home Helper's Circle for those who through sickness, age, or a multiplicity of duties are unable to attend the church meetings, so that 'no woman need be deprived of the privilege of assisting in this work for the Master. The annual provin- cial meeting of the Ontario Missionary Society will be held in Stratford on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. This is an unusual op- portunity for the people of this dis- trict as it is near and the train ser- vice is such as to enable one to at- tend all the meeting held in one day and return home at night.—Com. Local Briefs. Miss Lyda Stewart, daughter of Mir. and Mrs. George Stewart, of Crystal City, Manitoba, who has been spending several weeks with helatives here, left on Thursday for Winnipeg where she was united in marriage on Wednesday, March lrlth, to Mr. Matthew Hyslop, of Crystal City. Many friends here of the bride will extend best wishes for a happy married life—Mrs. W. E. Southgate, Sr., left last week to visit with friends in Toronto and New York.—Capt. W. G. Martin, of Brant- ford, gave a most excellent lecture in the Methodist Church on Tuesday evening last, under the auspices of the Y. P. A. His recital subject was Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.—Urs, R. New Strand ... OM ... 11010 .., .111 ... OMR 0101 01110 = MON. TUES. ings, and as she attained to woman- = hood years, served her day in the ' Mabel Normand — • WED. In" IMO AEI social, religious and business life 2we of the community loving and loved E Tne Girl who played "Mickey" of alL Five years ago in June, she, was married, living first at Macklin, : g LITTLE DANCE MUSIC Sask., and for over two years at That's what the ladyfolk enjoy. I nary fifth, she went to Winnipeg to = ;6 Carberry. 0 n Thursday, Feibr- I E And our talking machines are the have aa operation on her throat and 2 instnunente that can play the dance was going through a necessary build-, ) = inusk too Th ' y o q as load frig up treatment in preparation when ais an orchestra, but. loud enough for 1 she quite unexpectedly collapsed. The E any dancing. Stop in our store and funentl conducted by Rev. J. E. Lane, E we'll demonstrate one. Don't buy took place here on Saturday in the 'unless you're satisfied with it, and,, Methodist church, the number of old don't forget that I sell the Bell friends ,present and the profusion of Piano and will compete with any- floral tributes marking the love and in SIS ilopkins tt 1 from the famous stage play which made millions laugh. 'Es It's a riot of laughter and as thrills! thing on the market,also that 1 ani I esteem in which she was held. Inter-! . , keee to give the beatpossible p e , ment was made at Riverside cemetery i Better Than Most Specials— ithat a high grade article can. be hought ' where sleep a, sister, the first born• — = sing full capacity and behind in its ents, one sister, Minervan, three F'. = iorders which gives you an idea of t; brothers, George and Edgerton, of: = Adults 15c ' Children 10c == the demand for our goo& 1 Ilartney, and Newman, of Miami, iv- . 3 8.15 p.m. it win pay you and help us. , morn of the prime of life, the idol ; LT at, and further our' company is run- of the family. • Her husband, par- E No advance in Price just drop in and see us before you I, main to mourn her loss. Only in the write or phone to 216, if you can't and inspiration of her husband, = iget ; precious to the hearth of her aging — T San 000 OMNI IMO •••Ir •••• =Et NMI ORS ; parents her sister and brothers, be- he New,strand Jonathan E. Hugill Bo 1119. olouvsedinoftuefneriTt:retrusleanwdenatioy- , —In the heart of the City= F.:: ask twhy this taking away?" and Opposite Bask of Connie= Yet these bereft "with eYee upraised 11111111111Miiiiiii1M11111111111101)1111111116 THE HURON EXPOSITOR Wall Papers Our Wall Papers this • year were selected with • great care, in regard .to quality, style and prices. e are maw showing pap- ers suitable for any room. • Thompson's Bookstore - Seaforth Window Shades. and Picture Frames. Agent for New Idea Patterns. Chair Seats 10c, 15c & 20c each New Goods at the Old Prices Beattie Bros. , Phone 129. J. French received word on Thurs- day last of the sudden death of her uncle, Mrs. James Somers, of Blyth.— Mr. John Beattie spent a couple of days in Brantford this week.—The public school hockey team were in Mitchell on Saturday of last week where they played a friendly game with the Mitchell school, Seaforth winning by a score of 12-2.—Rev. F. H. Larkin will -have for his subject next Sunday evening "Sir Oliver Lodge and Spiritualism."—Mrs. Wm. Scott was called to St.Marys this week owipg to the illness of . her daughter, Mrs. Stewart McIntosh.— Mr. W. H. Kent has accepted a posi- • tion in Stratford and left for that place. this week. — Miss Isabel McDowell has returned to Toronto after spend- ing a week at her home in McKillop. —Mrs. Glew, of Clinton, was a guest at the home of her brother, Mr. W. -A. Crich, this week.—Miss- Isabel Scott leaves this week to accept a position in Brantford.—Mr. Bateman, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with his family in town..—Miss Elva Richmond and Miss Myrtle Young, of Blyth, re- turned home this week after spend- ing a few days at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. J. G. Martin.—Mrs. Millage, of Winnipeg, and Mrs. Watson, of St. Marys, who were the guests of Miss Jackson in Egmondville last week, have 'returned to their homes. --At a meeting of the Chatham Board of Education held on Monday even- ing the salary of Mr. A. A. Naylor, Principal of the Queen Mary school in that city, was increased $300, re- troactive to January lst, 1920. Mr. Naylor resigned the principalship of the Seaforth public school last Sep- tember to accept the principalship of the Chatham school at a salary of $1,500. This was increased by $100 in December and again by $100 in January, and this last increase now makes his salary, $2,000 a year.—Mrs. Middlemost and son, Robert, who have been here since the death of her mother, Mrs. Robert Johnston re- turned to their home in Mullion. on Thursday.—Mr. J. M. Best was in Toronto last week on the argument of the appeal in the Cardno vs. Poulos case. Messrs. Cardno Bros. appealed the decision given against them some time ago by Judge Dickson, but the • appeal was not successful, it having been aismissed with costs.—Mr. P. C. Jackson, who was visiting at the home of his sister, Miss Jackson in Egmondville, returnedto Montreal on - Monday.—Mr. Thomas Holland has returned home from Kitchener hos- pital where he underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis.—Mr. Michael O'Rielly, who has been spending the winter in -town, left Tuesday morning for Kitchener, where he has accepted a position.—Mr. G. A. Sills intends moving into the house on John street vacated by Mr. Umbach, until his new home is completed,. Mr. W. J. Duncan has purchased. Mr. Sills' resi- dence facing Victoria Park. — Mr. Lockhart Johnston has been trans- ferred from. Seaforth to the Walton branch of the Bank of Commerce, where he will act as teller.—Mr. J. Dorsey was in London this week.— Mr. M. L Ruttle is moving this week MARCH 19, 1920. • into the residence he recently pur- chased from Mr. E. Daley.,—Dr. Field public school inspector, paid an official visit to Seaforth school this week.— Mrs. Thorburn, of Ottawa is the guest of Mrs. J. C. Greig. MANLEY Notes.—Syrup making is the order ef the day but the cold' weather has put a damper on it. -e -The late soft weather has made the roads impass- able.—Mr. Joe Eckert is home on a visit from Kitchener. TUCKERSMMI See our Special Frost Fence Sale on page 5. Henry Edge, Seaforth. 2728-tf Farm Sold.—Mr. G. W. Nott has sold his farm to Mr. Garrett, of Wal- ton. This farm contains 130 acres which will make Mr. Garret a very comfortable home, the consideration being $10,000. Mr. Nott has pur- chased the homestead of the late Wm. Dale, which is nicely situated three iniles'west of Seaforth, and will move there shortly. LONDESBORO Notes.—Mr. and Mrs/Joseph Wal- lace are visiting his sister's. His visit was made rather gloomy as his sister, Mrs. John Garret, died very suddenly from the flu, passing away a few days after their arrival here. —Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lyon have re- turned home from a month's visit with their daughter, Mrs. Holmes, near Dresden.—The men of the Meth- odist church arranged a bee a couple of days ago and cut the wood for the church in Mr. John Scott's bush.— Rev. Mr. McCormick, of Blyth, sup- plied for Rev. A. Abrey on Sunday, conducting the services at Burns' and at the village church.—A pretty wed- ding was solemnized on Wednesday afternoon at the Methodist parson- age, when Miss Laura Shoddrook and Hiram Sundercock, son of Nathaniel Suridercoek, Stanley township, were united in marriage. The bride and groom were attended by Miss Maud Shoddrook and Mr. Clarence Craw- ford. They will make their home in Stanley township near Varna, and have the best wishes of many friends., The ceremony was performed by- the Rev. Mr. Sawers.—There is to be a meeting on Friday evening to consider things more definitely about the memorial hall. The thing seems rather undecided. Some want the hall and some are • against it. Hat Sale.. Do Not Miss It DAYS ONLY -- March 19' and 20' •••••••••.•••••••• • OWING TO SICKNESS I AM FORCED TO QUIT BUSINESS, AND WILL OFFER TO THE PUBLIC ABOUT 150 LADIES' TRIMMED AND READY-TO- WEAR HATS. THESE HATS ARE ALL GOOD STYLES AND WORTH UP TO $10.00. ALL TO BE SOLD AT PRICES RANGING FROM 25c to $2,00 REMEMBER THE DATES AND GET IN EARLY. Miss /VI:Johnstone Opposite Daly's Garage Princess THIS WEEK END Bryant Washburn Big Stage Comedy in George Broaditurste 'WHY SMITH LEFT HOME' He could put up with an elopeinent,, a 'fire, a train wreck, an earthquape-- • all of which he did. He could even hold his, own, with the woman Who called him son-in-law. But, there - are some things a Mark can not and win not stand for—that's "Vihy Smith Left Home." COME AND SEE THUR. FRL SAT. PRINCESS Friday March Saturday March 27th Announcing Our SPRING MILLINERY OPENING —Two Display,Days— Friday and Saturday March 26 and 27 A splendid showing of the new Millinery modes *representative of the genius of the leading millinery artists. The newest and smartest *styles ready for your inspection, and we sincerely trust that you will pay us a visit during these two very important days. We know that yon will be delighted with the collection because we have personally selected all the hats in it Tbis Opening is rendered very attractive andk faacinating by - the variety of original models as well as adaptations and modifica- tions of expensive hats, which show distinctive teaches of individuality and originality. It presents millineryof surpassing simplicity and beauty, of delightful freshness, of aristocratic exclusiveness and of charming becomingneas, in a large variety of shapes and motifs. pe F ti • f,:r• ... *Iv _ J. MACTAVISH Seaforth 11- s ....04•040•0000 $ it( cts- v.% ' 4 '11 Pirry-1 WHOLE ion ( part find shorn whir the < viei est s Won Won Men Bop Men Bor. The Hat very Choi and New 1: A THE The ea posed .n ,Admiral =mod coral:Ana' down to bill of ft No' mat the mea belly is she can d'oeuvre . The k it, but tl that the Is some •til the are on the nav no don] would a contenti to the ir that various is Unio ting for gra be a re navy, Ei But not BOW ---11 our deb Rum is the mediate because like to to his Premie habit 1 Admits dearly to go It if Admire report idea of ed Can which' and * matt top an nought ent. get a navy will ne now, 1 railwa box ea The cars t now fc fierce the ni Comm for tht Ing fel Inc*