HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-03-12, Page 51920. ers MARCH 12, 1920. I:C of wet feet, colds keep your feet dry ore a paying invest- tir health as well as Rubbers -the best or shape of shoe nalfty Rubbers only. rer our customers. • • ••••• . • .... $1.75 1.65 1.20 .95 31.10 and $1.25 85 - SC... • . t • l .• $3.50 3.00 2.50 • . $5.00 and $6.00 ICIAIL HOTEL DN irge acreage of ring ploughing bed as directed to have it done. itee- that only l be sown. aid Telephone No. ER aablished 1889 Come fire sure to bring their swear want. Dr; you'll be acv always 'heir foot <claFj,, Y:tt,r l -- ice,: are to %v-eal- I i SEAFORTH MARKETS. Seaforth, March 11th, 1920. Butter, per lb. 55 to 57c Eggs, per dozen....... .55 to 56c Spring Wheat, per bushel $1.90 Wheat, per bushel $1,95 Oats, per bushel $1.00 Barley, per 'bushel $1.65 Bran, per ton $45.00 Shorts, per ton $50.00 Flour, per cwt. $6.20 to $6.90 Potatoes, per bag x$3.00 Hogs, per cwt...: $18.25 BIRTHS O'Rourke. -In MoEillop, on February 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Rourke, a son. Mactavish.--In Seaforth, on March 4th, to 'Mr. and Mrs. John Mactavish, a son. Edwards. --In Brussels, on Feb. 27th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Edwards. a eon. Me d:earn--..I n Brussels, en Feb. 29th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McFadzean, Wel- ton, a son. MARRIAGES Paheley--Rannie.- an Hensel]. on Feb. 26th, by the Rev. A. E. Doan. Ruth Ferris Nannie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ronnie, Hens- all, b David Clarence Paisley,' of Montreal, Youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Paisley.. of 'Clinton. 'Gunn--Ellis.-Ort the 21st of January, 1920, at Miraeid parish church, by Archdeacon How, assisted by the Rev. C. G. Brown. Dr. Clive Gordon Puns, elder son of the late B. B. Gunn, M.P., Seaforth, Ont., and Mrs. Tennent, Lucian, Ontario, Can- -ads, and Eva Marie Ellis, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Ellis "Easthorpe," Mirfield. Yorkshire. At home 6th February at '"Easthorpe;" Mirfield. -London England; Times. Roe--Nicholson.-At the Parsonage in Blyth, on March 2nd, 1920, by the Rev. R. J. McCormick, Mr. Lorne T. Roe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton Roe, to Miss Anna Jane, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nicholson, all of McKillop. DEATHS Walper.-In Tuckersmith, on March 8th, Harry William, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Walper, aged 1 year, 3 months and 20 days. Fanson.-In Usborne, on March 1st, Almina Blatchford,; wife of Louis Edgar Fanson, aged 38 years, 1 month and 6 days. Crich. -In Clinton, on February 26th, Whit- field Crich, aged 62 years. Edwards. -In Brussels, on February 29th, Lillian Olive Dale, beloved wife of Ben- jamin Edwards, aged 29 years, 1' month and 20 clays. • Edwards. -In Brussels, on February 29th, Norman, infant son of Ben. W. and Mrs. Edwards, aged 2 days. Edmunson.-in Wroxeter, on March 1st, Mary Anderson relict of the late Robert Edmun- son, aged 78 years` and 6 months. IMPORTANT NOTICES 'iTOORE FOR SALE. -FOR SALE GENERAL store in the Village of Walton. For further particulars apply - to RICHARD PRATT, Walton, Ont. 2725-tf ROUSE FOR SALE. -FOR SALE 7 ROOM - ed frame house on George Strut, Sea - forth. hard and soft water. For 'further particulars -apply to J. R. ARCHIBALD or JOHN RANKIN. -- 2726-tf - - WEET CLOVER SEED FOR SALE. - I have/or sale about 12 or 13 bushels of Sweet Clover suitable for seed. Apply to JAMES FINLAYSON, R. R. No. 8, Kippen, or phone 8 on 182. 2725x2 .SHORTHORN BULL FOR SALE.---SIX- teen months old Shorthorn bull, red in color. Priced, to- sell. Phone 15 on 160 on address R. R. No. 8, Seaforth. A. and J. L'RQ'ADFOOT. 2725-tf OR SALE. -YOUNG YORK SOWS DUE to litter about the 'last of March, also some chunks about 80 to 100 pounds. ROBERT CLARKE, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. Phone 1 on 245. 2725-U r • S HORTHORNS FOR SALE. -FOR SALE two Scotch bred Shorthorn bulls, one 18 months old, other 2 years old, also 8 boar Berkshire pigs, fit for Service, 1 Clyde mare and a pair of fillies. Apply -to JOSEPH BREWSTER, R. R. No. 1, Seaforth, or phone 14 on 235. 2725x3 FOR SALE, -ONE' SHORTHORN BULL '12 months old, Roan in color. A superior animal. Will be sold reasonable. Phone 14 on 131, or address R. R. No. 4, Seaforth. T. G. SHILLINGLAW. 2722-tf r BASS FARM FOR SALE. NORTH HALF Lot 6, Concession 8, H. R. S., Township of Tuckersmith, owned by James Unsworth, of Montana, U. S., containing 60 acres without buildings, "A diamond in the rough." For particulars apply to A. G. SMILLIE, 24 Galley Avenue, Toronto. 2724-3 • OAR FOR SERVICE. -THE UNDER - signed has for service at his farm, Lot 8, Concession 2, Tuckersmith, The Old Colbert farm on the Mill Road, the thoroughbred Chesterwhite Boar, Tauwa Iowa Farmer 2nd (17111) to whidh he will admit a limited number of pigs. This animal is from • the Imported Boar, Iowa Farmer 65 (02 47) O. I. C:n a d 1G041 C. N. R. Phone 15 on 143, or address Egnondville P. 0., "RICHARD JOHNSTON. = 2725x3 PR;OPERTY FOR SALE. -GOOD FRAME dwelling, stable, hen house and one-half acre of Iand, oorner lot, conveniently situ- ated on west side of Centre Street in the village of Egmondville, which will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. The dwel- ling is equiped with electric lights and the property is in first class con"tion. Good garden and fruit trees. Posses ion given promptly. For particulars apply; to JAMES WATSON, Insurance Agent, Seaforth. 2723-tf F OR SALE. -HEAVY DRAUGHT MARE rising four years old, good worker, driv- ing snare 10 .years old, Quiet and reliable, Massey -Harris manure spreader, just run two seasons, Frost & Wood disc, large size, 2 top buggies, one nearly new, 10 foot Deer- ing horse rake, Wilkinson walking -plow, 4 section diamond harrows, set and a half of new back 'band harness, set new single harness. Everything will be sold as the pro- prietor has rented his farm. Apply to LOUIS FISHER, Concession 10, Tuckersmith, - or phone 15 on 138. 2726-2 OR SALE. -I HAVE SOME FIRST CLASS farm implements -13 hoe Massey -Harris Seed Drill with grass seeder and broad cast toes all in good shape, 1 Clover Leaf manure spreader, 1 Deering mower 7 foot cut nearly new, 1 3 -section Deering' land roller nearly new, 1 Massey -Harris binder '7 foot cut, 1 fanning mill, 1 road cart, all in good re- pair. This stuff is all to be sold as I have sold my farm. Terms - will be made to suit purchaser. Anyone wishing to see those Implements, I will be home Monday of each week. Lot 13, Concession 7, of Bullet, two miles west of Constance. THOMAS J. ADAMS, Clinton, Ont., R. R. No. 1. 2724-tf AUCTION SALES - POSTPONED AUCTION SALE OF DAIRY Cattle and Horses. Jas. Jones has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 21,. Concession 3, Hib- -..bert, on Friday, March 12th, 1920, postponed from March 5th, the following property: - Cattle -I Iligh Grade cow 8 years old, Hol- stein; 1 high grade cow 7 years old, Hol- stein; 6 high grade cows 6 years old, Holstein; 10 high grade cows 4 years old, Holstein; 6 high grade cows 3 years old, Holstein; 6 high grade cows 2 years old, Holstein, 20 high grade cows 13/2 years old, Holstein; 14 heifer calves. The a- bove cone and h 'ifers have freshened during the fall end winter months or will freshen during the early spring. Five of the above are reeist^red. Thirty-eight of them are direct dr-cerdants of Abrogast Bros.' herd, which, in 191I, obtained the Dairy Herd Prize for Wel- tern Ontario, and have been bred from the best bulls obtainable. All the cows are in good milking condition. Horses -One pair 4 year old mares. single driver, quiet and reliable 6 years old, general purpose colt three year old. Sale at one - o'clock p. m. sharp. Terms -Six months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Six per cent. per annum off for cash on credit amounts. The proprietor is over- stocked and unable to secure competent help. JOSEPH NABLE, Proprietor; Jas. Jones, - Auctioneer. 2726-1 AUCTION SALES AUCTION. SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements. -Thos. Brown has been in- structed by the undersigned to sell by, public auction on Lot 15, donceseion 4, McKillop, on Thursday, March 18th, 1920, at 1 o'clock the following: Horses -one brood mare 11 years old in foal to Lord Mansfield, 1 mare 7 years old, 1 gelding colt rising 2 years old by Lord Mansfield. 1 gelding colt rising 1 year old. Cattle` -One cow 11 years old to calve in May 1 sow 5 years, old to delve in May. I cow 6 years old to calve in June, 2 farrow cows, 2 steers rising 8 years old, 2. steer, "rising 2 years old, 8 heifers rising 2 years old, 2 steers rising 1 year old, 8 helfera rising "1 year old. Hogs -One brood sow .bred January 2nd. Implements -One McCormick binder 7 foot cut, 1 Deering mower 6 foot cut, 1 Keystone hay loader on truck, 1 side delivery rake, 1 Deming sulky rake, 1 steel roller, 11 hoe Massey -Harris seed drill, one cultivator, 1 ;set of iron harrows, 1 Fleury walking plow, •2 -furrow gang plow' 1 4 - horsepower' International gasoline engine on skids, 1 grain grinder, 1 truck wagon, 1 wagon box. 1 Kemp manure spreader, 1 circular saw steel frame, 1 straw cutter,; 1 Clinton farming mill. 1 -scuthier, -1 cream separator, 1 wheel barrow, 1 set double harness nearly new, - whimetrees, doubletrees. forts, horse collars, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms ---All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount .8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved Joint notes. A discount of 8 cents on the dollar off for cash on credit amounts No reserve as the proprietor has sold his tared. JOHN McCLUSKEY, Proprietor; . T. Brawn, Auctioneer. 2725-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements: Mr. Thee. Brown has - re- ceived instructions from the undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 15, Con- cession 5, MoKillop, on Wednesday, March 24th, . at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp, the -following: Horses -1 horse 8 years old, 1 mare, 1 driv- ing mare 5 years old, 1 colt rising 2 years old. Thoroughbred Cattle -1 Shorthorn roan cow rising b years old to freshen in May, 1 Shorthorn red cow 4 years • old freshend in November and berd again, 1 Shorthorn heifer .1 year old, 1 ' Shorthorn heifer calf 4 months old. Graded Cattle -1 cow rising„ 8 freshen- ed in November and bred again, - 1 cow ris- ing 4 freshend in March, 1 cow 7 years old to freshen in- April, 1 cow 6 years old fresh- ens in May, 1 cow 7 years old freshens in May, 1 heifer rising two, 3 steers rising two, 3 yearling steers, 3 yearling heifers, 1 heifer calf four months old. Cows are all good butter producers. A number of hens and 3 Indian -runner ducks. Implements -1 Frost & Wood binder 6 foot cut, 1 Frost & Wood mower 6' foot cut, 1 Cockshutt disc drill, 1 Cockshutt disc harrow, 1 Frost & Wood hay rake, Massey -Harris cultivator new last spring, diamond harrows four -section, 1 Cock- shutt riding " plow two furrow., 1 Adam's wagon with box, hay and stock rack com- bined, 1 top buggy, 1 fanning mill, sling ropes and n C1:FiI1 1 setset .hea v barn s Y es 1 single harness, horse collars, whifiletrees and need yokes end a quantity of hay and gram,. Implements all new eight years ago. ' Terms --All Sums of ;10 and under, ems ; over that amount 0 months' credit will b�r given on furnishing approved joint notes4,'or . a discount of 3 per cent, per annum rillowed off for cash. Hay. Grain and Fowl, cash. ROBERT hORREST, Proprietor ; T. 13rown, Auctioneer, '172G ACTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND UImplements,-Mr. Thos. Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction at Lot 29, Concession 18, McKillop, on Monday, March 15th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the follow, ing: Horses -Heavy draught mare 8 yearn old. heavy draught gelding 5 years old, heavy draught gelding 3 years old, driving mare 11 years old, aged driver. Cattle -Cow 6 years old due in March, cow 7 years old due in March, cow 4 years old due in April, cow 6 years old due in April, newly calved cow 5 years old, cow calved last fall 3 years' old, '7 spring calves, 2 winter calves, 9 ewes, 1 ram, all young; .10 ,Digs 6 weeks old, 1 sow, 125 hens, 1 duck, 1 drake. - Imple- ments -One wagon 8%, hay rack, gravel box, Massey -Harris cutting box, fanning mill, set heavy sleighs, bunks and rack, drill, Frost & Wood mower, Deering hay rake, hay tedder, land roller, walking plow, gang plow,' cutter`, set 2,000 lb. scale, set• iron harrows, disc, cart. top buggy, runabout buggy, demo- crat, pole and shafts, scuffier, 'grindstone, emery stone, cream separator, 150 bushels seed oats, 40 bushelsseed barley, 10 tons of -hay. 4,000 pounds chop, 500 pounds salt, set double harness new, 1 set single harness new, set single harness, set plow .harness, 26 grain bags,- 75 pounds of timothy seed, horse clipper, 2 logging chains, neckyoke, saw, wagon jack, 2 sets of doubletrees, robe, wheelbarrow and other articles too numerous to mention. Positively no reserve es the proprietor has sold his farm. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit on furnishing: ap- proved joint notes, or ' a discount of 4 per cent -allowed allowed off for cash on credit amounts. Hay, Grain and Chickens to be cash. WM. SCOTT & SON, Proprietors; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. 2725x2 • AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK and Implements. -Mr. C. W. Robinson has been instructed to sell by public, auction at Lot 18, Hay Township, London Road, miles south of Hensall, on Thursday, March 18th, at 1 - o'clock sharp, the following: Horses -One good work team, 1 filly rising 4 years, 1 mare 5 years old, -1 driving mare 6 years old, 2 heavy colts 2 years, 1 spring colt. Cattle -One Jersey cow 8 years, sun - seised to be in calf, 1 heifer just freshened,' 1 cow due to calve in March, 1 cow due to calve in April, 1 heifer due to calve in May, 2 heifers coming 2 years, 1 steer corn- ing 2 years, 1 steer 1 year old, 1 bull corn- ing 3 years, 9 spring calves, 2 young calves. Pigs -One Berkshire sow due to farrow April 10th, 8 pigs about 80 lbs. Sheep -One Registered Cotswold rain, 4 Registered Cots- wold ewes, 8 grade ewes, 5 ewe lambs. Fowl -About 80 youirg hens, 3 geese. Implements -McCormick binder 7 foot cut, Deering horse rake nearly new, Cockshutt mower new, Mc- Cormick 18 hoe seed drill with grass seeder -attached, 2 walking plows, 1 set iron har- rows, 1 set ,of disc harrows, .1 spring tooth dultivator, 1 land roller, 1 pea harvester, root pulper,. roller grinder, 1 buggy, 1 demo- crat, 2 cutters, 1 set of sleighs, 2 - wagons, hayrack, gravel box, double wagon box, hay- fork rope and pulleys, scaler, wheelbarrow, set of am h esu and a number of horse collars, a quantity o fplank anda q Y number of good doors, and other farm articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale -All sums of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Six per cent. off for cash. Terms of Farm made known on day of sale. F. E. ROSS, Proprietor; C. W. Robin- son, Auctioneer. 2726-1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK and Implements. - Thomas Brown has been . instructed by the undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 29, Coecession 11, McKillop, on Friday, March 19th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses -One heavy horse 7 years old, 1 heavy horse 6 years old, 1 driver 6 years old, will work double. Cattle -One cow 7 years old to calve in May, 1 cow 5 years old due to calve in May, 1 cow 4 years old due the time of . sale, 1 cow 7, years old due in March, 1 cow 8 years old due to calve in May, 1 cow 6 years old due to calve in April, 1 cow 4 years old due to calve in May, 1 cow 4 year old just freshened, 2 steers rising 2 years old, 2 heifers rising 2 years old, 9 yearling steers and heifers, 1 calf 1 month old. Hogs Eight pigs about 125 pounds each. Fowl -135 well bred Rock pullets, 5 pure bred Rock cockeris, 3 geese, 1 gander, 2 ducks, 1 drake, 3 Bronzo turkey hens. Implements -One wagon, 1 hay rack, 1 gravel box, 1 stock -rack, l set of sleighs new, 1 manure spreader, 1 cultivator, 1 cutting box, 1 crusher, 1 gasoline engine new International $ horse power, pulleys, belts, 1 seed drill, 1 new Farmer's Friend single furrow riding plow, 1 new Oliver walking plow, 1 set of harrows, 1 stoneboat, 1 pig rack, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 water trough, 1 pump jack, 1 root pulper, 1 fannnig mill, 1 cream separator, Massey -Harris, nearly new; 1 Melotte cream separator, 2 dozen good grain bags, 1,000 feet of lumber, 600 feet dress pine, I set back band harness nearly new; 1 set double harness, 2 sets of single. harness one nearly new, 1 Portland cutter with doors new; 1 pneumatic tire buggy new, 1 top buggy, 1 good goat robe, 1 wool horse blanket, 1 string of bells new, 1 Buggy rug, 1 new • hay fork rope and car, 1 set of scales, 1 emery stone, 1 wagon jack, 1 set doubletrees, 1 barrel truck, 1 ' harrow cart, 4 oak barrels, number of feet of piping, 1 roll of wire, 1 cart, 1 Daisy churn and milk pails, a quantity of Hay and Grain and about 40 bushels spring wheat and other articles, and a number of Household Effects. Faryn will be offered for sale subject to re- serve bid. Terms made known on the day of sale or by applying Lot 29, Concession 11. Terms of Sale -Al sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes or a dis- count of 6 per cent. per annum allowed off for cash on credit amounts. Hay and Grain to be cash, MRS, GEORGE HABEIRK, Pro- prietress ; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. 2726-2 TSE HURON EXPOSITOR AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements. --Mr. Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction 'at Lot 19, Concession 14, McKillop, on Wednesday. March 17th, at one o'clock sharp, the fol- lowing: Horses -One draft horse rising 8, 1 mare rising 8, 1 mare in foal rising 11, general purpose - horse rising 8. Cattle -One' newly calved cow, 8 cows supposed to be in calf, 1 heifer calved in February rising 3, heifer rising 8 in calf, 2 steers rising 8, two steers rising 4, heifer rising 2, 6 calves rising one year old, registered bull - rising 1 year old, registered heifer rising one year old, about 50- hens. Implements -One Mc- Cormick binder, Deering mower, Pear -Hamil- ton 10 foot rake, 14 plate disc harrow, 8 - section harrows, Frost & Wood cultivator, 1 Deering disc seed drill nearly new,- land roller, 'muffler, plow, turnip sower, McTag- gart fanning mill with sieve, root pulper,- wagon, set of bobsleighs, open buggy, Port- land cutter, 2 sets doube harness and- col- lars. 1 grain cradle, 8 scythes, hay- fork, rope and pulleys, one dozen. grain spades, forks and chains. wheelbarrow, lined� water trough, grindstone, 2 sugar kettles, a few cedar poets, 1 churn, DeLaval No, 12 cream separator, and other articles. Terms -- All sums of .310 and under, cash ; over that amount 9 months' credit on furnishing ap- proved joint- notes, or a' discount of 4 per cent. per annum allowed off for cash on credit amounts. JOSEPH LOVE, Proprietor; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 2726x1 CLEARING AUCTION -SALE OF FARM Stock and Implements. --dames Jones has received- instructions from the undersigned to sell by public- auction on Lot 17, Conoesslan 12, .Hibbert, on Monday, March 22nd, 1920, the following:- Horses -One general purpose team Percherona mare and gelding well matched, 1. Percheron filly eight months old, 1 aged team mare and gelding, 1 good driver 8 years old, 1 blood filly three years old - Cattle -Ten cows, three with calves at foot, 1 two year old heifer fresh, '1 eteers 2 years old, 11 calves 1 year 'old, pure bred Short- horn bull. Pigs -SO pigs from 100 to 175 pounds in weight, 2 brood sows with litters at foot, 1- sow expected to farrow about time of sale, 1 Tamworth boar, 100 hens. Imple- ments -Massey -Harris binder nearly new, 10 hoe drill Massey Harris, Massey -Harris hay loader, side delivery and tedder combined, Deering mower 6 foot cut, mower 5 'foot cut, Massey -Harris land roller, Massey -Harris spring tooth cultivator, Massey -Harris bean cultivator and harvester combined. Massey - Harris manure spreader, Deering hay rake 12 foot, four section diamond harrows, two draw bars, top buggy, 2 cutters, 2 pair bob sleighs, 1 extra heavy, Bain wagon, pair trucks with fiat sliding rack for hay loader, stock rack, turnip - drill, scuffier, 2 sulky plows, 2 walking plows, light twin plow, fanning mill, disc harrow, inthrow ; 3 horse tread power, cutting box, grinder, stone boat, pig shoot, 95 gallon agricultural -cooker, half- share in Goodison threshing machine, kitchen range, e coal R 0 1 leato r box' heater and pipes, washing machine, hay. fork, car and pulleys, syrup pan, 100 sap pails and spiles, 3 dozen grain bags, pulper, set Aylmer scales with stock rack 2,000 lbs. capacity, wheelbarrow, push cart, 400 bushels seed barley, 200 bushels seed oats. Sale at one o'clock sharp. Terms -Grain and all sums of $10 and under cash; over that - amount 9 months' credit - will be given on furnishing approved -joint notes, or a discount of 4 per cent straight off for cash on. credit amounts. No reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. ALEX. STEWART, Proprietor; Jas, Jones, Auc- tioneer. - 2726-2 pLEARING SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements.- James Jones, auctioneer, has. received instructions from Mr. Frederick Kerslake to sell by public unction on Lot 16, Concession 8, Township of Hibbert, right at the village of Staffa, on Friday. March 19th, 1920, the following property: Horses - Heavy draught mare 6 years old in foal to McKurrie (Imported), heavy draught yearling gelding from the same dam airnd sire, roan horse general purpose 9 years old, aged driving mare quiet and reliable for lady to drive. Cattle -Durham cow 4 'year, old with calf at foot, 2 Durham cows 17 years, due to calve in April, Durham cow 8 years old due to calve in March, Durham cow 4 years old due to calve in July, Durham cow 9 years old due to calve in June, 1 fat cow, 1 fat steer, Holstein heifer rising 2 years old sup- posed to be in calf, 8 Durham heifers rising 2 years old, 3 Durham steers rising 2 years old, 4 Durham heifers rising 1 year old, the makings of first close dairy or stock cows, 1• yearling steer, 2 young calves, thoroughbred Durham bull calf 10 months old with pedi- gree, bull calf 11 months old (grade). Swine, etc. -•Brood sow with litter of 10 at foot 7 weeks old, 2 brood sows carrying second lit- ter due to come in May, '7 fat hogs, 110 hens, Plymouth Rocks and White Leghorna, 5 cockerls the same breed. Implements, Etc. - Wagon, pair bobsleighs, 'gravel box, hay rack, 2 rollers, pulper, 1 21 -Fleury plow, twin gang, McLaughlin buggy steel tires, rubber tired top buggy in splendid condition, Mc- Laughlin cutter, stoneboat, extension ladder 32 feet, small ladder, step ladder, hose fork, 2 wheelbarrows, 2 grinding stones, 3 sugar kettles, De Laval cream separator 450 The. capacity, 2 cross cut saws, 2 crowbars, 2 logging chains, binding chain, 2 seta whiffle - trees, 2 neckyokes, 2 sets double heavy harness, 2 sets single harness (1 nearly new), 2 dozen grain bags, 2 dozen good sacks, 40 gallon coal oil tank, forks and a- host of other articles including some household furniture, Buffalo robe, blankets and rugs. Hay, Grain and Potatoes Eight tons mixed hay in first class condition, 175 bushels Banner seed oats, 200 bushels mixed barley and oats, 175 bushels feed barley, 2 bushels timothy seed, 8 bags potatoes. Sale at 12 o'clock p.m. sharp. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount S month.,' credit will be given on furnishing approved security. A discount of 3 per cent. straight off for cash on all sums over $10. No re- serve as the farm is sold. The stock is all in first class 'condition and there will pos- itively. be no reserve, and no outside stock allowed on premises for sale. FREDERICK KERSLAKE,- Proprietor; James Jones, Auc- tioneer. 2726-1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IM- plements, •etc -The undersigned auctioneer• has been .instructed to sell by public auction at Lot 20, Concession 7, Hay 'Township, 3% miles west of Hensel!, on Tuesday, March 23rd, commencing ommen ' at 1 g o'clock p.m. sharp, the following: Horses -One agricul- t"nral mare rising 4 in foal to King Thomas, 1 agricultural gelding rising 5 by Lord Arm- strong, - this team is well matched 1 draft gelding coming 2 by Commodore, 1 general purpose gelding coming 2 by Voltaire, 1 "general purpose gelding coming 3 by Voltaire, 1 agricultural colt rising 1 by Nard, 1 driving mare in, foal to Silver McKinney, quiet and reliable, 1 driving horse 5 years old. Cattle --One cow with calf at foot, 4 oows due in April, 2 cows due in May, 1 cow due in June, 1 cow due in August, 1 Jersey cow due in June, 3 heifers rising 3 due in April and May, 4 two year old steers, 5 yearling steers, 12 yearling heifers, 5 spring calves, 2 small- calves, registered Shorthorn bull, Pine Apple Diamond =188332- born Sept. 7th, 1917, dam. Pine Apple of Hay -,_.114904=_-.; sire, Diamond Star 2nd. .101179.-. Pure Bred Yorkshire Swine -Two sows, Exeter Queen "2nd X63811= and Exeter Queen 8rd =63812_, born February 25th, 1918, due March and May; 2 sows born June 15th, 1919, due in April ; - 9 pigs born December 15th, 1919; 1 hog, Meadow Brook Boy =62384_, born May 15th, 1918; Sire Pine Grove Boy =53549=, dam Meadow Brook Jean . =49300- ; 1 yearling hog, about 4 dozen Rock hens. Implements -Deering binder 6 foot cut, Deering mower 5 foot, 11 disc Deering drill, Dain hay loader, Massey -Harris side rake and tedder comb, 10 foot Massey - Harris steel rake, Deering cultivator, Massey - Harris 2 -rowed corn cultivator, Frost & Wood bean cultivator, land roller, Massey -Harris corn binder, Blizzard cutting box, Deering disc, diamond harrows, Oliver riding plow, No. 21 Fleury plow, -No. 17 Wilk plow, gang plow, Clover Leaf manure epieader, pea harvester, grass seeder, zink clover table, grain cradle, stone boat, grindstone, heavy wagon with 2 sets wheels, . lumber wagon, combined hay and stock rack, wagon box, gravel box, bobsleighs, light wagon, new rubber tire buggy, top buggy, cutter, power emery wheel, Clinton fanning mill, scales, sugar kettle, feed cooker, Stewart clipping machine. set of brass mounted harness new, made of oak tan leather, 2- sets double harness, 1 set single harness, long ladder, 150 feet hay fork rope, collars, quantity of cedar posts, some end posts, forl�s, shovels, hoes, whiffletrees, neckyokes, pails and numerous articles. Furniture - Extension table, 2 hanging lamps, cupboard, sink, 2 couches, heater, Peninsular range, quantity of sealers, pictures, 2 easels, clock, milk cans, bracket lamp, - sideboard. Terms of Sale - All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Five per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. GEO. H. GRAM, Proprietor; Frank Taylor, Auc- tioneer; Wm. Johnston and C, A. McDonell, Clerks. 2726-2 i FARMS FOR SALE rj ARMS FOR SALE. -- IHAVE SOME choice farms for sale in- the Townships of Usborne and Hibbert,' all well built and improved, on easy terms of•payment, THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont, 2658-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE. -FOR BALE 8 acres of land, clay loam, good seven - roomed house with furnace, phone and rural mail, good . buildings. stable, poultry house and drive shed; also small orchard. Close to school, 2 miles from Seaforth.- Apply to i JOHN McMILLAN, R. B. No. 1, Seaforth, or phone 20 on - 286, Seaforth Central. 2712-tf POR SALL-THE UNDERSIGNED HAS for sale three -Chatham incubators, 2 two hundred & aaity and one, one hundred- and twenty. in good repair. Also one coal range with hot water front in good condition, 1 hand power feed grinder, 1 garden cultivator and seeder and other garden tools. The above will be sold on -reasonable terms. Apply to TON McMILLAN, B. B. No. 1, Seaforth, Ont., phone 286, R 20. 2715 -ti rj ARIA FOR SALE. -CHOICE GRASS FARM ` for sale in the Township of McKillop, ' north half Lot 24, Concession 18, containing:. 75 acres. It is well fenced with dire fence, never failing water, 40 acres are well, tile drained. It, is all seeded to grass and in Al shape for pasture. It is situated 1W miles from Walton Station. • For further particulars apply to GEORGE DICKSON, Box 248. Blyth, Ont. 2721-ts 'L ARM AND IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE. - For sale Lot 4, Concession 4, }I.R.S., Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres, 8 miles from Seaforth, Y_ mile from school, good buildings, 10 acres bush, all good land, well drained and .well supplied with water. Furnace and phone in house. If farm is not sold it will be rented. Also the follow- ing implements are for sale: Massey -Harris 13 hoe seeder almost new. mower, wagon, cultivator, weigh scale, 2,000 pounds capacity, fanning mill and other articles. For fur- ther particulars apply to JAMES SPROAT, Egmondville, or phone 18 on 160. SALE REGISTER On Monday, March 15th, on Lot 29, Con- cession 13, McKillop, Farm Stock and Imple- ments, Wm: Scott and Sons, Props.; T. Brown, Auctioneer. On Saturday, March 20th, at 2 p.m., at the rm esidence opposite the Egondville Church, House and Lot and Household Effects. Mrs. B.. -McQuaid, Proprietress; T. Brown, Auc- tioneer, On Friday', March M rch 10th on Lot 29, Con- cession '11, McKillop, Farm, Farm Stock and Implements. Mrs.. George Habkirk, Proprie- tress ; T, Brown, Auctioneer. On Wednesday, March 17th, on Lot 19, Concession 14, McKillop, Farm Stock and Implements. Joseph Love, Proprietor; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer, On Wednesday, March 24th, on Lot 15, Concession 6, McKillop, Farm Stock and Im- plements, Robert Forrest, Proprietor; Thoe. Brown, Auctioneer. T TENDERS WANTED Sealed .tenders will be received by the undersigned until Friday, 2nd of April, at 2.80 p.m., when said tenders will be opened for the construction and completion of the Murray -Lamb Municipal. Drain in the Town- ship of Hullett. Plans and specifications may be seen at Clerk's Office, LondeBboro. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. • JOHN FINGLAND, 2926-3 Clerk of Hullett, s 1 TENDERS . WANTED Tenders will be received until April 25th, 1920, for the construction of the Winchelsea Creek Drain improvement in the Township of Ueborne. A marked cheque for the amount of 10 per cent. of the contract price to accompany each tender. Plans se* 4pecifica- tions may be seen- at the offce--o! JOHN ROGER, 0. L. S., Mitchell, or from the under- signed. HENRY STRONG, Township Clerk, 2726-4 • Hensel!, R. R. No. 1. TENDERS WANTED Tender, -for the construction of the Dolmage Drain in the township of McKillop and the Dick- son• Drain in the Townships of McKillop and Hullett, will be received by the undersigned up till Saturday, the 10th day of April, 1920, at 1 o'clock p.m., when tenders will- be opened at council meeting in Seaforth. A cheque for 5 per cent, of contract price to accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans, etc.,' may be seen at the clerk's office, Lot 24, Concession '7, McKillop. M. MURDIE, Clerk of McKillop, 272G-4 Seaforth P. '0. FERTILIZER! The world needs grain and food as much if not more than during the war. Every one should do what they can to supply the need by using fertil- izer. It will not only help to supply th e need but will return you hand- some profits. Grass seeds being the price they are it will insure a catch which will pay if used for that a- lone. All fertilizers are very strictly inspected by the Government and all grades must come up to the standaird registered. The use of, fertilizer z is far past the experireental stage, and by carefully selecting -the brands that your land and crop re- quires, you are certain to get = good level seed bed. - Company] profitable returns. Good grades • of = will - supply seed and do th -fertilizer are cheaper than they were = sowing. For further particular last spring; the poorer grades are = apply at Office opposite Royal much- the same price. I will be = Hotel, or to Land Agent, J. A. pleased to have your order and will E Kerr, Box 532, Seaforth. do the best I can to give- you what E Phone 168. 2717-tf will best suit your needs. ; _ CARD OF THANKS 'Mr. and Mrs. "Peter Dodds and Alvin wish to thank their many friends for their aMnd expressions of sympathy, written or other - wine, also for the beautiful floral tributes extended to them in their late sad bereave - 2726x1 CARD OF THANKS Mr. B. Carnochan and family wish to ex- press their sincere thanks to the neighbor, and friends and the ladies of the Red- Orme Society for the kindness shown them dur- ing their recent sad bereavement, 2726x1 Fruitgrowers Better spray your orchard this year. Spraying and Dusting never paid larger dividends than now. Niagara Brand Spray Co., Burling- ton, Onb,, offers you at reasonable prices; DUSTING MACHINES SPRAYING 'MACHINES DUSTING MATERIAL SPRAYING MATERIAL MACHINES AND SPRAYS . FOR EVERY PURPOSE For information or any of the a- bove write or phone - GEORGE SLOAN, Agent, 2725X4 BLYTH. ONT. W. S. GORMLEY EMBALMER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking . Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street, Seaforth. Flowers w s furnished on short notice -Charges moderate - Phone -Night or Day -192 W.T.BOX &CO. Embalmers and - Funeral Directors IL C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and License Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 43 t7 21111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111s• _ s MO MM MB MO MO S. T. HOLMES MM MO OM MM Funeral Director and - - _ Licensed Embalmer Undertaking parlors in ._ Beattie Block, opposite The Expositor Office :,, Residence Goderich St., C� opposite Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on Short notice. _ Phone Night or Day 119 n1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110: III111III1ii1Ul!lfillttt(U1111111fllliilllillill_ _ ■ a MO _ Flax -Flax Farmers 1 OMR MOO MON MOI IMO OMR Attention _= The Huron County Flax Mills Ltd. are open to rent a limited '= acreage of No. one sod land for = flax 'growing purposes, The farmer to low disc, harrow p ,rrw . and prepare the land for a i ,. I S MOOM OM OM .. .. _ _ MUMO OM _ _ OM_ IMM MO WM JAMES COWAN- j 511111H11111111111111111l1111111M111111111111111 NOTICE TO FARMERS lax Land to Rent The Canadian Flax Mills, Limited, are still open to contract for a limited acreage of Good Sod Land at attractive prices. Spring or Fall ploughed. Farmer will do the plowing, disc- ing and rolling, or the Company will rent acreage and do all the necessary work. Comp- any will supply the seed free to farmer and do the sowing. For further particulars apply to M. McCORMICK, Superintendent, Phone 202 - or at the Mill _Office. G. DIXON, Mill Manager, Phone 212 - 2726-4 FARMERS' SALES NOTES Farmers with Sales Notes will be well advised to turn them over to this Bank for collection. The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in mak- ing presentation, and payments will be credited to flour account promptly. Sales Notes supplied 'without charge. se* THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,004000 RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH', J. G. Mulled, Manager. I How to Make Your Old Suit Last "It is not every man that can afford to wear a shabby coat," Robert Colton once wrote. The words hold as true now as when first written, tlr-quarteru of a century ago. Nevertheless it it needful to -day to make the old suit last - though not at the expense of becoming tattered. Between the costliness of clothing at the one eitreme, and shabbiness of it at the other, there ix a middle ground where econ- omy and 'good appearance meet. You can find this "middle ground" at your dry cleaner's. He can tune up your old clothes and preserve your new• Every person realizes that business advantage and the social value of clothes well cleaned and neatly pressed, but there is more in these details than improvement of "looks" alone. Ask your tailor or your clothier. He will inform you that apparel frequently pressed and cleaned at intervals of two or three months, will wear from 25 to 50 per cent. longer than, clothes- that are not so considerably Sid erably eared for. There is a sound reason for this. You wash your linen when it becomes soiled -it is a matter of self respect and personal hygiene of course, but it is also true that if left unwashed your 'shirts would wear out much more quickly. Perspiration, oils, greese and fruit juices have a corrosive effect; dust . and dirt have a grinding action -your outer clothing needs purging of these equally as much as does your linen. The cleansing gasoline baths of the dry cleaner, and the press- ing of the preerer, with hot steam working through the fabric1 have a sterilizing actions --.sour apparel is made as immaculate outer as inside, it keeps its shape better, and it is saved from tell-tale ;shininess. The old suit will last longer, and your new suit will do double duty if you will more frequently patronize the modern cleaner and the modern presser. Get started on the road to clothes economy by calling on your dry cleaner to -day. - - DRY CLEANING, DYEING AND REPAIRING My Wardrobe GODERICH STREET EAST, SEAFORTH - SPECIAL FENCE- SALE Genuine I have just received a car - Frost fence full No. 5 load of genuine Frost fence, Tight Lock full No. 9. Genuine Frost fence full No. 9 Tight Lock You can save from 4 to 7 cents per rod by buying for Spot Cash until April 1st, only. 1 . i S 4 0 9 stays, per rod,.l...,a2c 740-9 stays, per rod...... )Sc 842-9 stays, per rod......64c 847-12 stays, per rod....70c - 936-12 Hog -fence, rod,...75 c Barb Wire per 100 lbs. $6,50 Remember our prices are for No. 9 HENRY EDGE " The Big Hardware " Gasoline .Engines and Separators for Sale - GASOLINE ENGINES . - 1-10 H.P.- International Kerosene Engine, portable, on wheels, almost new. " 1--10 H.P. Ellis Gasoline Engine, almost new. 1--6 H.P. -Type W Gasoline engine, new. 1-5--10 Avery Tractor in good working order, 1-12--25 Four Cylinder Goold -Shapley &Muir 'Tractor - SEPARATORS 1 -22 -40" -Lister Separator with straw carriers and hand feed attachment, almost new, , uita.b1e for ;small i gasoline engine. BELTING_ -A quantity of second-hand belting, suit- able for driving grinders, wood saw,, and other machines, also a quantity of shafting and pulleys. . BENCHES --A number of work benche., for sale. Every farmer can have a work bench for a mere trifle. The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Limited SEAFORTH, ONT. e a