HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-03-12, Page 3II 12, 1920. rimmoom-issoir ever Sold in Balk s'cheeks. Rest white appetites GREAT' MALL! esire for fLciaL too. Ket Ribt rice xtailment of new con - the war, followed by, ted development since iave resulted in a uni e of telephone ma - utilize our supply of ,he best advantage, tQ ' installations to a min - void refusing service ask those intending to es to consider the ad- o -party line mice. ie user is substantially, individual line, and a high standard. Jad to furnish full in- tnyone interested. Telephone is a Long on. rRIFFIN, Manager. Company g • r MARCH ;12, 1921 .16011/1.1 11.1111141.•••••••14014.11.1•., Your Future • No one knows what the future holds— therefore the necessity for saving. Money in the bank is your, safeguard against the uncertainty of the future. Start a savings account NOW with , - • SEAFORTIlt BRANCH, . R. M. JONES, Manager. - • SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. t te THElltriteirEii;aiTOR ... DISTRICT MATTERS . WHEN BABY Is CROSS Mothers, when your baby is cross— when ; he cries great 'del and n�' amount of attention- or petting cheers him—something is the mit:far:It is not the nature. of little ones to be cross and peevish—the well child is a happy child. Give him a dose of 'Baby's Own Tablets and he will soon be well again. The Tablets are a -mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels . and stomach; 'banish constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and relieve the other minor ills of little one.- Concerning them Mrs. Oscaar Bedard, Ste. Sophie, Que., writes:— "Baby's Own Tablets are an excel- lent remedy for constipation, They relieved my little one when nothing else ,would and I, can strongly recom- mend them to all mothers." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Die Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., AERIAL TRAVEL THE MOST LUXURIOUS OF ALL 'Though people i are 'now much more willing than they were to admit the wonderful' time ',Saving possibilities - -which lie before organized aerial transport.'-manye are still prone to think that an aerial journey will be attended by discomfort. In such a belief, however, they are now quite wrong. A journey by air, when made- in a machine designed for pas- senger carrying,-; is the most luxuri- .ous Way possible of travelling from point to point; infinitely more corn- fortable, in ,f act.. and very much less fatiguing -than, any similar: journey. by land or sea; and- this,- of cease; in addition to the great saving- of - time which-v/01.'1e effected when one travels by aii. .In machines, recently designed and bilt for us& on. en g*P*EtifeA4t# that beteteeif London and. Paris pas- sengers 4111 be fleeted in a lincriously equipped, totally enclosed saloon the windows of which, completely wind and draught proof, will afford an pc- eellent view outward for each pas- senger. There will be absolutely no teed to wear overcoats or any special- ly thick clothing when making a journey in stele,a machine as this. The machine will be comfortably heated, and pa,ssengers evill be pros tected completely from any outside rush of air. NO will they have. to shout above the noise of motors when they wish to converse with each other. i in) fact,a,n undertaking, an ordeal It will be astonishing, indeed, for faced quite often with apprehensions. any one who made a flight in a regu- But now take the aerial journey. lar war time machine to discover Stepping into a motor car at some what enormous strides are being made conveniently central point in London to provide comfort in aerial travel. the traveller is borne swiftly and The deafening roar of the motor is: comfortably to the aerodrome of de - very co-nsiderably lessened, and . the. parture. Here he takes his place in almost breath taking rush of air is anthe saloon of the aircraft, in a seat inconvenience of the past, In such. a. which has been reserved for ihirn; passenger aircraft as- I am describing and in a flight which `will . on the tjie Motors whi&h drive the machine .average. last no more than. two and• a are not only some little distance from half hours he will have passed high the passenger saloon, but the enclos- above land and sea and will descend ed. cabin is so : effectual that 144- :smoothly on the aerodrome near 'sengers, wherever they wish to do so, Paris. Another brief run in a car will be able to italk without muchand he will find himself in. the heart difficulty. . of the French capital.. In aerial transit we *shall be able not merely to eliminate completely the jarring, dust and general dies comfort of railWay travel, but we shall be able alSo to ref) it of those terrors which beset the passenger view of fatigue, is -that . there is practically nothing' to tell the eye that ac,hine: is moving at a very. rapid pace. On a long railway journey, when a tram is travelling fast there is a constant rush of objects past the window, with at occasional ear split- ting dash ttirough some station or under,, a bridge.- Your' nerves- and senses tell you every moment that you- are in a, Ma.chilie which is rush- ing forward at'a high speed. In= the 'air,' on the- contrarY, even in a ma- chine moving at a speed as great as 130 miles an hour, there will be prac- tically no such feeling of very rapid Movement. hi ee consists of: When in an enclosel saloon, in fact, 1. A bottomboard. proctected from any rush. of wind, and when. at anything like high 2. A hi -body with self spacing framesandwire. altitude, the passengers in an express 3. ,A telescoping metal root cover. aircraft will find that they have an In addition the beginner should extraordinary lack of any feeling of provide for each colony one queen ex - being transported raPl.Y. cluder• two extra hive -bodies cora- Often, too, a passenger machine plete with:frames; and 7 lbs. of Me will- be flying for_ some time over diem Brood Foundation which runs great fleecy white banks of clouds. Mx sheets to the pound, to fill the' Then, looking down, passengers will frames.with a guide and foundation see nothing at all of the earth be- for the future combs. All hive ma-. low. It will seem to them that they steprritaill;rhuctsbul.d be nailed, wiredand are in a new, strange world. There painted before the opening of the ° will be the hum of the machinery and the drone of the wind; yet, save for It Is advisable commence with a this, they 'will have the feeling that 2 -Ib:' package of bees ,and queen; a iwarm or a nucleus. Leas danger they are suspended somewhere high from disease attends the buying of in space without anything before them or around them to .give them :wound packages thee the buying of arms and nuclei, Pound. packages I any sense at all of motion or of the — may or seemly' for delivery from fact that engines developing hundreds Ray let to June 30th. Early pack - of horsepower ate thrusting them ages.will yield a surplus if carefully through the air at a pace more than handled. Enquire of the Provincial twice that of the fastest express Apiarist re disease in your, locality, train. Wore buying.sWarms. nuclei or col- • The effect produced by the fact eisfese A small eelony of been blenmeh-- that the craft in which they are lens vindictive than se full-eolony and 'Ili thus offers it better Opportunity, for u' seated is gliding through the air in - _Stead: of being supported, say, on eombined With the fact that there is no fatiguing sense of speed either te ear or eye, will permit pas- sengers -to emerge from an aircraft even after, a journey of several hours, without any of that weariness which even though one has. beeit sitting quite still is the aftermath, tvf a long 'liCiffney in an express train In fact,, the reverse should be theecase, as a couple of hours of "mountain" :air- cannot fail to • be, exhilarating. elliist-steiiiitrast -the difference 'be- tween an aerial journey from London to Paris and that made by land and sea. The passenger by land has first tb travel to the seacoast in a train and then to embark on a steamer. After this he has a -sea crossing to face, which very often is an unpleasant ordeal even to a seasoned traveller. Then, arriving on the other side, there is another scrambling change of b a eodlon • • ted Outfit for the- Apiary Novice,. Start With the Right Hive -es The 10 -Frame Langstroth Is Regarded as the hest—How to Prevent Swartnhe Care of Freshening (ContributedCowby ontario Department oil Agriculture, Toronto.) XTRACTED honey production is the most satisfactory for beginners. , Start with three colonies and, suftlotent, up-to- date equipment and then make the bees pay their way. One colony does not give the beginner an opportunity to right mistakes or accidents profit- ably. Three colonies can be managed by devoting one evening weekly to the apiary. Avoid many troublesome pitfalls i by starting with the right hive. The 10 -frame Langstroth hive has given 'Abe best satisfaction in Ontario. All beekeepers' supply houses earry this 1 hive and its parts in. their regular - stock. Buy your first hiVelg . from a good manufacturer. It is very neces- sary to have all hive parts inter- ehangea.ble so that they may be used in any colony 1n --.the apiary. Uniform- ity and accurate :worknaanShip alone can ensure this need. One complete 10 fr. Langstroth . vehicles,followedy seri g spell in a rocking, clattering train; and it is more than seven hours after leaving London before the traveller finds himself in Paris. The journey who is a bad sailor and whodreads even such shortsea passage as that between Dovereapd Calais. In the sa- • loon of a London -Paris aircraft, locat- ing down on the -Channel from a height, say, of 10,000 feet, such a traveller will be -able to smile at the discomforts which, previously, he has so dreaded. And' it must be remem- bered that a large passenger carrying airplane, propelled at high speed by powerful motors, has such a -momen- tum -that it thrusts its way through. adverse wind 'gusts. with none of the pitching and rolling which were the case with the frail, low -powered ma- chines of the pioneers. An aircraft glides, as it were, on a smooth, perfectly resilient, ever pres- ent cushion of air. It has absolutely no contact with any hard or unyield- ing Surface. Therefore the move- ment of an 'airplane so far as the sensations of the passengers are con- cerned, is so unlike that of any- other vehicle that it must be actually ex- perienced in order to be realized. Many attempt e have been made to describe in words the wonderful and restful smoothness of this glide through the air, One well known passenger, after-, his first flight, said it reminded him of 13weeping forward in an extremely swift sledge over the absolutely fimooth surface of a sheet of ice. But even this simile does not convey' an accuratesimpres- sion, because in the sledge one is al- ways conscious.7ef an earth contact, whereas in. the air such a feeling is entirely changed.' and. one has the im- pression of being suppbrted by some medium which is quite impalpable, Another fact i's high speed aerial travel which renders it eo different from any other Sorra ef rapid trans- port and which Pis to the °advantage of the _passenger from the point of • Jumpy Nerves! If you get startled easily or "jump" or "scare" at the least little thing, it means that your Nerve Force is iweakened and spent. 7 . :- Your Nerves control every Men- tal and Physical process that takes place within you—if the the Nerves were cut leading to the Heart that organ would never beat again. Without the Nerves you could never See,- Taste, Smell or Hear again for it is upon the Nerves that every sense depends. If you. wish to build up and strengthen the body you must put new life into the millions of nerve, fibres that lead to the Heart, the Stomach, the Kidneys, - the Liver and the other organs. This you can aline easily do by taking a six box treatment of Hackings Heart and Nerve Remedy. It will take :away "that tired feeling," banish those pains in the head, increase your appetite, help you to sleep better, eat better and live longer. What is a few dollah in com- parison to your health, we- offer you aesovereign remedy for your illness in Hacking's Heart and 'Nerve remedy. The road to Health and. Happiness is yours if you will but believe it. This wonderful preparation will change you from a Weak,-; Nervous or Anaemic per- son to one full. of Life, Vitality and Animation. It will bring back the Roses to your Cheeks by in- creasing circulation and purifying the blood. Better get a few boxes, now, when you think of it, but be sure to get Hackings. Price 50c a box, 6 for $2.50. Sold by all deal- ers or by mail, postpaid. Hack- ings Limited, Listowel, Ont. ' the beginner to growtw th his bees. me accessory equipment for the beginner should consist of: 1. A veil of - black cotton tulle. 2. A standard 'bee smoker. el. A hive tool. - 4. A spur wheel wire' enibedder. ' 6. An uncapping knife. • . A, An lineal/Ping Nile .- 7. A complete .set of Department, literature, Bulletins 213, 223 and 256, and a good referenee beiebeek. • 3; A small honey extfrattor. With the exception of Me. 8. and 8 it is advisable to acqUireethe ma' terial needed from a supply Arm at once. The uncapping box can be mole at home, and the beginner could probably co-operate with another bee- keeper in securing the use of an ex- tractor. With the increase of col- onies, to ten, it would then be advis- able to provide a storage can CO assist in handling the crop.—W. A. Weir, 0. A. College, Guelph. To Prevent Swarming of June is the. swarming month and time of supering for the main honey flow which begins between the 10th and the 20th of the- month, depend- ing on the season and the latitude. Be sure to give supers enough to avoid any crowding which may cause the bees to become discouraged, quit work and swarm excessively. It should be the beekeeper's aim to pre- vent swarming as ranch as possible. This is done by keeping young, queens, giving plenty of room and a systematic examination of brood - chambers to detect colonies which are preparing to swarm. When queen cells are found far advanced they should all be destreyed and the queen herself removed. After the colony has been queenlees one week the combs should again be examined and all cells except one removed. This one will provide them with a queen and if only one is left they will not swarm again. Where an improvement of stock is desired the new queen may be given instead of leaving one queen cell. Natural svearnis should be hived en the old stand after removing the - parent colony to one side. The swarms should be given the supers from the old cOlony. New swarms work with gegt vigor because they have no brood 'to care for during the first week. Colonies held together without swarming gather more honey than those which swarm. It is the beekeeper's patriotic duty to reduce the cost of honey production and thus increase the quantity he is called to produce as -greatly as possible. They also cause the beekeeper less trouble at unexpected times. This may be done more by swarm prevention than in any other way. Bulletin 233 takes this matter up thoroughly and should be carefully studied by all bee- keepers. By mastering the methods described it is quite possible to man- age as many apiaries as there are days in the week, barring Sundays and rainy days.—W. A. Weir, O. A. College, Guelph. 4; Care of the Freshening Cow. This is the month when a large number of cows freshen. Both fresh Caws and newly -born calves should receive special attention. Cows ex- pected to freshen should be placed in a box -stall for- a few days before knd after freshening„ Many valuable cows and calves are lost by neglecting to provide box stall accommodation. This should be found in every dairy table; or else have a special barn for the purpose. Rests. Refreshes, Soothes); Reals—Keep your Eyes Strong and Healthy. If they Tire, Smart, Itch, or Burn, if Sore, Irritated, Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists in Canada. Write for Free Eye Book. %rine Company. Chicago, in S. 4. • 'tewarfs-Seltitiortess- Mail or Phone our Orders I S •If •••••••001.,•.,..........+•••••••••••••••••104,,,,,n_s • The best store gest business in has risen on of PUBLIC with best ape and lowest price I And the lar- uron County e foundation • ISFACTION, n• eat goods' Stewart's Huron County's Best and Largest Store. Better Than 'Usual Clothes and Why. We used to do business just about the same as other good stores. We bought the best products of the few best makers. We made prices as low as possible, and our business grew and gave reasonable satisfaction. Then we came to a point, where we wanted something better, and we broke away from old methods entirely. NOW WE CHOOSE OUR FABRICS DIRECT Secure the services of the best designers to develop style and individuality.. And we see to it that the manu- facturers put in better linings and trimmings than go into ordinary ready-made suits, and label them Stewart Bros., Seaforth, Ont. THE RESULT IS THAT STEWART'S CLOTHESARE BETTER THAN ANY OTHER CLOTRES SOLD IN HURON COUNTY AT THE SAME PRICE, AND IT IS NOT BECAUSE THE PRICE HAS BEEN LOWERED—IT IS BECAUSE THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE HAS BEEN RAISED. A careful comparison will prove -what we claim. Come in for a look through. We assure you a careful and courteous treatment whether you buy or just look. It doesn't make any difference to us what you want to pay for a suit—that is a point for you to decide; but it is for us to see that you get what you pay for, and we will do it -too. Whether your preference is for grey, brown, navy, blacks, or mixtures, you will find them in a very gratifying assortment. For the Boys and Young Men we have some of. the snap- piest s yles you have ever seen. the .o Mei?, and quieter. dressers we have les of conservative s genteel designs that give you a well- dtessed appearance. • Prices Men's Boys' to Youth' 4, swri to 4 We prepay Carriage We never permimit tted anddneto Undersea es o °oda of eqata value. N. eve -- dispute opt suprefikkeyJu bra:lir-Vet oar business. ---, ....' -. -._.,....„. $ 5 0(1 10•00 to $ Advance Showing of the Newest Styles in Worn - en's Suits and Coats. Fresh from their individual boxes, these stylish New Suits and Coatsgive you an idea of what will be worn during the coming spring and summer. There are so many stunning new styles that des- cription could notdo.them justice. Styles that are so widely different .from what has been worn here -Wore, embodying the very essence of refined taste and good workmanshjp.'- Navy Sand, - Black, Green and dark Br are the inaticolors, made in beautiful es. stook presses The Neiv FA Dresses are a _revelation in• Are and be - coning bbauty, and made of silks, series, popliw, gaber- dines, georgette crepe and silk, etc,, in all the' fashion- ableshades. Prices $81$20 shades. All While price ten den re generally up - you will be agreeably surprised at the- low pricing 'of' these delightful Suits and Coats. Prices , , :-Fiiar • • • „„ -PrEwART BROS. Seaforth