HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-03-05, Page 6THE HURON. EXPOSITOR MARCH 5, MO. 1U 1U HIflUIIUIHUIUUUIiIIUllII1bHUIIUIUUIIt IIIU11111111UU1111� E. If you've Missed This Sale, you've been Missing Some- This [is Your Last thingImat M▪ OM NNW IM▪ O MOE opportunity. ma▪ n • MI=M MEW IMO ONO IIUII11UUUlIIIIIIUlHIIIIIIIIIIII11U11Ii111111I11111111U11111111111III111111ti soliumIIUI111i11UhIUIH lli lH11 UIt1Iillltitl JHhJHittt#MUUI ll:. If You Fail to Take Advan- tage of our offer the fault is g. yours, not ours :a11i111UHUUhIIUUi111UlIIUliIUlltii1IIUhIfulllUt tl1 HUHUIillllil MA IS POSITIVELY THE LAST DAY OF The Greig Clothing Company's Pig Forced to Raise Money Sale 0UR Great Sale .will positively end at 11. p.m.., our closing time -on Saturday night. This is positively your last chance and we want . to say that we have never conducted such a successful sale, never hadsuch response from the buying public during the whole life's history of this store. For the closing days we have prepared a grand finale of i` Appreciation ''Bargains, a regular feast 3f mon- ey saving opportunities. Come early and benefit. There will be some extra special bargains for Men, Women and Children in all de- par tments >far the early shoppers. Remember, Saturday is the closing day of this big saae. All eines of clothitl g, Hats, Furs and Fur- nishings for Medi and Women, also Boys, Misses and Children, will revert to their original price on Monday. Come before Saturday night, come earlyy, come often. i1 A MARVELOUS ARRAY OF " APPRECIATION " BARGAINS EXTRA SPECIAL BAR- GAINS FOR THE EARLY SHOPPERS MEN'S FLEECE LINED UNDERWEAR. Men's Two -Pie a Underwear; of a Fine Quality and warmly fleece lined, all sizes in regular $1.50 per garment lines. Sale Price per garment • OIEN'S UNDERWEAR. Shirts and Drawers, odds and ends of lines in many well 'mown snakes, broken .65 sizes, but all sizes in the lot. Values up to $3.50. Sale Price MEN'S COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Penman's and other well' known and popular lines in Winter and early 'Spring weights, all sizes, in first quality good. Values up to $5.00. Sale Price • 'MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Men's Negilgee Shirts in many popular brands, plain and fancy hair -line and cluster stripes. Sizes 14 to 18, in the lot, • but not in any one line. Regular $2.50. lines, Sale Price MIN'S PAJAMAS Men's Pajamas in fine Percale, Cotton and flannelette, in plain and fancy shades and color stripes, French collars, frogs on� coat, draw -string at waist. Sizes 34 to 46. Regular $4.00 and $4.50. Sale Price • MEN'S SWEATERS Men's Pull -over Sweaters in all the • Regulation Combination Colors Mr. C.Clarkasa or d toSay. With all the force at my command I advise you people to visit this store before closing time Saturday night. I am preparing a regular feast of Bargains for the final days of this big sale event: Mr. Greig has given me full powers, all I have to do is to raise the balance of the money needed by Saturday night. I am not asked_ or expected to show profits. A large quantity of this stock was purchased before the recent heavy advance in prices _ therefore the bargains I am able to offer will be very remarkableindeed. I don't ask you to take my word. for it, call my bluff and come and see for yourself. I wish to take this opportunity of thanking the public for the splendid response so far, that they have given to my call, the amount of merchandise that has left this store, since this sale opened, has been : truly 'remarkable. I thank one and all, and I know all who have bought and benefitted will be thanking me when they fully realize the savings they have effected.—A. C. CLARK. i MEN'S SOCKS Men's Socks in Cashmere, Lisles, Wor- steds, etc., plain black and colors, light and heavy weight. Sizes 8% to 11 Values in the lot up to $1.25. Sale Price .. 1 MEN'S SWEATER COATS A big assortment to select from in Browns, Greys, Cardinal, Blues, and some with two color effects, pockets, shawl.col- lars, all men's sizes. Values up to $8.00. Sale Price WOMEN'S SWEATER COATS Women's All -Wool -Sweater Coats, mostly with' pockets and sash belts. Some in link and link stitch and sailor collar, some in Cardigan stitch with striped sailor collar, while still others show -ribbed stitch and two color knitted striped collar, cuffs and pocket tops. Colors include Melon, straw- berry, Turquoise, Oriental .Blue, Nile, American Beauty, Mist, Purple, Gold and Black. Sizes in the lot 36 to 46. Values up to $10. Sale Price • MEN'S OVERALLS A big stock to select from in Black, Blues, and Blues with White Stripe, full size with large roomy pockets, all Men's sizes, in values up to $3.25. Sale Price.. 95 FINAL CLEARANCE ON ALL FUR COATS Men's Black Dug Fur Coats, only a few .2•4 left. Worth $50.00, for .................2 l Men's Heavy Fine Alaska Beaver and Black Fur Coats, in values up to $65.00 fo) r • THREEEXTRA " APPRECIATION " BARGAINS Women's Coats for Early Spring Wear There are a number of Styles, among these Smart Coats of Wool and Cotton Tweed mixtures. They are e of medium length. The sleeves are set in and plain or finished with cuffs. Some of these coats are excellent for motoring or e trips throughout the spring and summer months and are just the right weight for spring wear. Many colors in the lot; prices in the ordinary way run as high as $40. Out they got at $22.50 '20 MEN'S BLUE SERGE SUITS. -- Regular $55.00 value. Men's all - wool Botany Serge Suits, in fashionsable close -fitting, Sacque Coat, Styles, sizes 34. 48 to 46, in fast colors. Priced try clear .nt.. �• .;Cl MEN'S LIGHT WEIGHT SPRING COATS.—Regular k$35, $38 and $40. Men's fashionable Spring Coats, in Tweeds and plain colors, several styles 22 to select from in all sizes, out they go at .48 Men's Two Purpose Tweed Raincoats Extra Fine Coats for Men that can be worn as Spring Overcoats and all Summer during the wet weather. Very smart Grey Tweed Mixture with novelty overcheck pat- tern effect. Trencher Models with all-round belt (de- tachable) and also other Styles, some with Convertible Collars and fancy Plaid Linings, Values up to $30.00. $17.75 1 MEN'S OVERCOATS. -47 Overcoats, MEN'S TROUSERS.—Regular $E.0o: $40, $45 and $50. Slip-ons, Ulsters, values.—Men's Trousers of Dark Ulsterettes and form -fitting styl9s, Grey striped material, in Tweeds" Sizes 34 to 44, in all the newest l and popular shades of material, and Worsted finishes. All are well lined and the best of workman - well tailored -through- out. Sizes 32 to 42. ! ship.Buyone of these Sale Price • 5' Remarkable bargains neat Winter. / Q 4 8 at • Women's Winter Coats many half priced This Final Clearance of Women's Winter Coats is the balance of the big stock which we had on hand when this sale opened up. There are Coats of Plush and other pile fabrics, Wool and Cotton..Whitney Cloth and Velours, also Silver tones. These are practically all the styles which have been popular this season and will be in big demand this fall and next winter in belted and loose effects. Sizes 32 to 46 in the lot. Regular values from $35.00 up to $60.00. Out they go at prices from- $32.50 down to $14.25 90 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS.—Regular, $38, $40, and $45.—Beautiful qualities, Double or Single-breasted, Styles for young Men as well as middle aged and old men. In Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds. This is .2 certainly an unusual / � bargain. All sizes, at • `*' ;BIG CLEARANCE OF BOYS' OVER-IWe have one of the biggest Stocks of COATS AND SUITS. -Our Stock' of Overcoats for Boys is as good as, ever, and all will be specially re -I duced during this sale event. Your 1 choice of Waist -line or all round! Belters. Regular $35 lines, NOW $25:00. Regular $30.00 lines, NOW $19.50. Regular $25.00 lines, NOW $14.50, Boys' Suits in this district to choose from; every Style at every price; all are greatly reduced. Regular $23.00 Suits, NOW $14.85. Regular $18.00 Suits, NOW $11.98. Regular $12,00 Suits, NOW $'I.99. BOYS' BLOOMER PANTS, Reg. $3.50, NOW $2.25. BOYS' CORDUROY PANTS, Regular $5.50, NOW $2.95. KIDDIES' OVERCOATS AND SUITS, Regular $12.50 values, NOW $6.25. A. C. CLARK, STOCK BROKER, TORONTO, ONT., IS C ONDUCTING THE BIG MERCHANDISE DRIVE INTO THE STOCK IN TRADE OF la MAIN AND MARKET STREETS I OPPOSITE TOWN HALL 1 SEAFORTH, ONT. L.