HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-03-05, Page 5H 51, i920. 1 gw on I'l lies' very fashionable and models --the season's i ftll-ds, and would be yle, on the College x.513 and $ t.4f1 a pair. bywith Zang, plain -..... X7..50 per pair- € n the college last, ,......$7.50 per hair.1.. stye with long, plain s with. Vanity plate, ....e., 4101 00 a pair plain vamps, Louis ...... 1 .$a. € 0 a 'Pair. TLY FILLED • r. ll E�CIAL HOTEL 11 ' ploughing �€� bell -directed ,e to hive it deme. '+.13itee • that Duly , r bey so'wn.' 'Paid. - ele hone No. TER, Es blished ` 188 9 t the e.6 ( SERVICE TG (Union Station) 15 P. w CALGARY EDMONTOM VANCOUVER VICTORIA EQUIPMENT 7HROU014-- RIS7 5LEEPipiC CARS. F__ I'llthe way, Shra,ne thence C. MI. Kys. "e t Ganadiart National ART, Seaforth, tint. Cnent, Toronto.. . . I furnish full particulars, r-sning or other purperssa. a 1 ngine, porta;ble,,• :1St If�;�s'ii, , W. Muir `.tractor vi a mems ,,tnd hand eta X h(- fi ar small l b1titl , suit 3 IL �'* , UIP l t I ! }�,, [�l' rk� �a�Flle Thres er _. c IoRTANT Nt�ICES • Y _ r Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of William McLellan, late of the Township of Hibbert in the County of Perth, farmer, deceased. All persons having say cIafa against t1�4 enUte of the above mated, William McLd- 1". deceased, who died on or about the Ota day of February, 1916, art required oa or before the 9th day of March, I890, to lead to Andrew McLellan, Dublin P. A., el to the undersigned, full particulars etf his ciaitn and of the security, if any, held by hien, duly verified by affidavit, After the said 8th day of- Marah, 1520, the Administrator will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having reference- only to the cheims of which he shall have received notice. After such dig trilsution the said Administrator will not be responsible for any part of the as to of said estate to any creditor, of whose claim he shall not have received -notice as afar+e-: said. This notice is -Published in pursuance of .the Statute in that behalf. Dated at Seaforth the ninth day of February, A. D., 1'920. F. HOLMLSTRD, Seaforth. 13olieitor for Andrew McLellan, the'Aamitr• istrator of the_ Estate of William McLellan,, deceased. i. 27224 , . • s - ,_ ..+ E - SWAT CLOVER, SEED . FOR SATE. --- I have foie sale shout 12 or 13 bushels of Sweep Clover suitable for seed. Apply to JAM19S FiNLAYSOlV, R. R. No. a, Kippen, or phone 8 on 1x2. - 2726x2 . nROPBRTY F0R, � SAL1L--FOB SALE s P acres .of land, clay los* food a seven- roomed � house with- fnrnmw, phone and rural mail buildings, eta , good poultry house a� drive shed; also strtall orchard. Close to school, 2 miles from Seaforth. Apply to JOHN McMILLAN, . R. R. No. 1, Seaforth, phone 20 on 2863 Seaforth Central. 2712-tf - --- - FOR, SAM -THE �EiGNED HAS for sale three Chatham incubators, 2 two hundred capacity and one, one hundred and twenty, in good repair. Also one coal range I hot water trout in good condition, 1 band power feed grinder, 1 garden cultivator and seeder and ,other gam tools. The above will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to JOHN McMILLAN, R. R. No, 1, (Seaforth, Oitt., phone 286, R 20 2716-tf =-I OR BAY cl+- YOUNG YORK SOWS ' DUE F to litter about the last of March, also some chunlsa about so to loo pounds. ROBERT CLARM IL R No. 2, Seaforth. Phone 1 on 246. 2726-tf - 1 ANTED AT ONCD O'P'ERATORS WITH wmftience on men's .and women's cloth- ing. Short hours and good wages. steady employment Apply ROSS LIMITED, Lon- don, Ont: ' 2725-1 ARM FOR SALE LOT 89, CONCESSION F 6, Mexillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 acres of bush, the rest in, a high state of cultivation : 5 miles- from Seaforth, 2 miles ljem• Constance, 124 miles from school. There are house,med the premises a► 64x76,5 a 1 Pageven e wire fences and ell undnk er P n Ma b tat. A l f_ ..i. yam. -, ly i,-, - I . - _ .. _ _ - - draught gelding 3 years old, driving mare 11 RESERVE FUND . . $15,0WW6 • 'a _ SI AFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. X47-1? stays, per .... `"(Ie y , p od = = old clue in March, cow 7 years old due in ' -. . -... I March, cow 4 years old due in April, cow BEAN MARKET .. 5 yearn old due in April, newly calved cow 8 last fall 3 - ' y .. ,-.. . - — - .. ...q - • ' years old, cow calved years old, 7 spring calves, 2 winter calves, 9 ewes, lased -picked. bushel. E6.00 to $6.25; primes, J5.50 to $6.76; Japans, $5.75 to $6.00; Cali- , - -. ... '. - ...-.�.m_.. ...'' ,: - . , -. ...,u•atLA*.#:'YS :..a , .3snw.:+•r sy.`?,n • - 1 . I . I I - . I- i � I . � I - - ­ 1, . � � I I I . I 'e & Wood mower, Deering hay rake, hay 1 r, .year mare, 5 year old brood registered mare, 2 cutter, land roller, walking plow, gang plow, cutter, set t scale, set iron harrows, BIRTHS - MARCH 5, 1220. , ON EosrrO , - 5,000 FACTS ,ABOUT CANADA nearly new, single walking plow, 1 AlasseT-Harris 12 hoe seed , . I . drill, 4 -section diamond harrows, 1 scuiliex ram. Pedigrees and transfers will be furn- animals. Con - o alar ,`5,000 Facts description of the p P annual i ished free with all registered y morning n Lodgings and e day About Canada," the thirteenth 1 ng mill nds bagger, at Shake:;peare of sle. for 0, s edition of Whish is out for 1920, pulper, 1 set beavY harness, I set single extension f HILLS GREEN , Good Horse sold.—Andrew Love Sons last week sold A Very handsome three year .old g@ltlitig tEl Mr. J&mss Hays of 'Ptlekersmith, the purcha0e rice being 25€1 p b $ This horse was- sired by Mr, T. J. Berry's Y gi�t?at stock horse, -ping Thomas, and his darn was by Cumberland's Glory, and when finished he will weigh over 1,84+0 pounds, . . HULLETT Fatal Accident. --George Farquhar,. a well-to-do Hullettrfar-m,*, fell throng$ a hole in a barn floor Thera- day of last week, a distance of about sixteen feet, 'and died within two koura from his injuries. De Ali on his feet and it is believed suffered concussion, of the brain. The accident occurred -at the Farquhar homestead now the r4 ' P I�r� Of Mr, Farquhar'$ son,, whom h8 was visiting at the time. The -late Mr. Farquhar i8 sur- - . vived, by Tris widow ,and several chi -. 1° dren. • He WAS about fifty y years of age Aird Weil-linOwn tri tih�art Of Huron. Z sic giv IoRTANT Nt�ICES • ' ' Fiuitgrowers '-' ' Better spray your orchard this year. Spraying ,and Dusting never paid larger dividends than, now. - N1agars, Brand spray Co., Burling- tion Ont., offers you at reasonable I)rlCBS: - ° .or DUSTING MACHINES 't SPRAYING MACHINES DUSTING MATERIAL SPRAYING. MATERIAL MACHINES AND -SPRAYS FOR EVERY PURPOSE - FOr information or any of the a- have writs or, phone ' GEORGE SLOAN Agent, + 2725$4 - BLYTH ONT. FARMS FOR SALE- Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of William McLellan, late of the Township of Hibbert in the County of Perth, farmer, deceased. All persons having say cIafa against t1�4 enUte of the above mated, William McLd- 1". deceased, who died on or about the Ota day of February, 1916, art required oa or before the 9th day of March, I890, to lead to Andrew McLellan, Dublin P. A., el to the undersigned, full particulars etf his ciaitn and of the security, if any, held by hien, duly verified by affidavit, After the said 8th day of- Marah, 1520, the Administrator will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having reference- only to the cheims of which he shall have received notice. After such dig trilsution the said Administrator will not be responsible for any part of the as to of said estate to any creditor, of whose claim he shall not have received -notice as afar+e-: said. This notice is -Published in pursuance of .the Statute in that behalf. Dated at Seaforth the ninth day of February, A. D., 1'920. F. HOLMLSTRD, Seaforth. 13olieitor for Andrew McLellan, the'Aamitr• istrator of the_ Estate of William McLellan,, deceased. i. 27224 , . • s 1WAAMS FOR SALE. - I HAVE SOME dhoieb farms. for .sale in the Townships of Usborne and 'Hibbe;et, all well built and improved, on easy terms *I Payment. THOMAS CAMERON, w Ont 265&tf STORE FOR BALE. --FCR SAX,E f�IENERAI; stare In the Village of Walton. For further p,irticuiiatls apply✓ to RICHARD PRATT, Walton, out. 2725-tf ___�._..__ SWAT CLOVER, SEED . FOR SATE. --- I have foie sale shout 12 or 13 bushels of Sweep Clover suitable for seed. Apply to JAM19S FiNLAYSOlV, R. R. No. a, Kippen, or phone 8 on 1x2. - 2726x2 . nROPBRTY F0R, � SAL1L--FOB SALE s P acres .of land, clay los* food a seven- roomed � house with- fnrnmw, phone and rural mail buildings, eta , good poultry house a� drive shed; also strtall orchard. Close to school, 2 miles from Seaforth. Apply to JOHN McMILLAN, . R. R. No. 1, Seaforth, phone 20 on 2863 Seaforth Central. 2712-tf - --- SHORTHORN BULL FOR SALTiL --SIX. teen months old Shorthorn bull, red in Dolor. Priced to sell. Phone 15 on 160 or address R. R. No. a, Seafortb. A. and 'J. S_k'OADFOOT. 2726-tf FOR, SAM -THE �EiGNED HAS for sale three Chatham incubators, 2 two hundred capacity and one, one hundred and twenty, in good repair. Also one coal range I hot water trout in good condition, 1 band power feed grinder, 1 garden cultivator and seeder and ,other gam tools. The above will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to JOHN McMILLAN, R. R. No, 1, (Seaforth, Oitt., phone 286, R 20 2716-tf =-I OR BAY cl+- YOUNG YORK SOWS ' DUE F to litter about the last of March, also some chunlsa about so to loo pounds. ROBERT CLARM IL R No. 2, Seaforth. Phone 1 on 246. 2726-tf - 1 ANTED AT ONCD O'P'ERATORS WITH wmftience on men's .and women's cloth- ing. Short hours and good wages. steady employment Apply ROSS LIMITED, Lon- don, Ont: ' 2725-1 ARM FOR SALE LOT 89, CONCESSION F 6, Mexillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 acres of bush, the rest in, a high state of cultivation : 5 miles- from Seaforth, 2 miles ljem• Constance, 124 miles from school. There are house,med the premises a► 64x76,5 a 1 Pageven e wire fences and ell undnk er P n Ma b tat. A l SHORT00RNS FO SALE. --Foil SALE two Scotch brecr Shorthorn bulls, one I8 months old, other 2 years old, also a boar Berkshire pigs, fit for service, 1 Clyde mare and a pair of #lilies. A i to JOSEPH miles west of Constance. THOMAS J. 2724-tf OF COMMERCE .1 I I I ; — I FARM'ERS'SALES � • .NOTES I Pair. lhave farm. Terms will be made to suit Farmers With -Sales Notes :will. be well advised to Spring chickens, 88 to 40e,; roosters, 25c; '68 turn them over to this Bank for collection. instructed to sell by public auction at Lot • The Bank will- relieve you of all trouble in mak•- ingpresentation, and payments will tPe crotlited tc>1 purchaser. implements, I will be home Monday. of each Your account promptly. ' to 40d;geese, Live poultry --Spring chickens, 30 to 32c; Sales Notes supplied without charge, ing- Horses -Heavy draught mare 8 years THE %�ANAD1AN BANK miles west of Constance. THOMAS J. 2724-tf OF COMMERCE .1 25c. L -5."40W . draught gelding 3 years old, driving mare 11 RESERVE FUND . . $15,0WW6 • 'a _ SI AFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. X47-1? stays, per .... `"(Ie y , p od = = old clue in March, cow 7 years old due in A pp y drained. owes n G rc DD y PREWSTER, R. R. No. 1, , Seaforth, or to SIRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth, James ` ► a t s on -'�`.� DUBLIN phone 14 on 235. 2725x8 2710-tf • . AUCTION SALES - Calder the fish man will be at Webber's EED BARLEY FOR SALE, THE UNDER- . �ARM-FOW SALE. -CHOICE GRASS FARM GENERAL IN$URA2�TCE AGENT Hotel Mondays and Fridays of each week signed hes for gale a quantity of /► UCTION' SALE OF PURE BRED SHORT- for sale in the Township of McKillop, with all kinds of fresh fish. 2724x4 hiauchuria Barley, long straw variety, suit- horn Cattle. --C. Robinson has been in- north half Lot ;24, Concession 13, containing REALE ENT Notes. --Mrs. L. Wolf i able for seed. Phone 11 on 248 or address struct6d to ` sell by bublim. auction on the 75 acres. It is well fenced with wire fence, STATE AND LOAN AG How to Make Your Old Sint Last Wolfe s nUYBing, never failing Well tile , R. R. No. 1, Seaforth. MELVIN J. BLANCH- , proprietor's farm, one mile south of Bruce- g ►ter, 40 acres are 1 at Mr. Hilk s home in Mitchell: Mr. ARD. 2725x1 field, on the London Road, on Friday, drained. It is all seeded to. grass and in DEALER IN SEWING MACHINES. "It is not every man that can afford to wear a shabby ,cgat;* James Jones, of Mitchell, Will be &Lit- -- -- March 12th, at 12 o'clock sharp, the follow Al shape for pasture. It is sitnatetl li�,i miles P,obert Colton once VVicOte. tioneer at Mr. Nagle'8 sale of --dairy OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, -FOR SALE Ing: Roan Duchess X160979 Queen But- from Walton Station. For further particulars Four good houses for Sale, y H apply to GEORGE DICKSON, Box 243, Blyth, The words hold as true now as when first written three-quarters cheap and on reasonable teams a good terfty X141810--„' Red Roan, born May :ird, Conveniently situated in the cows and heifers, On Friday, the 5th comfortable dwelling and lot on .morth aide 1918, a Crimson ” Flower; Princess Mary OnL 2721 -ti of a century ago. o Town of Seaforth. Terms Nevertheless it iA, needful to-do to Itlale the old slit last--- inst—lilt: and IUT9. Thos Connolly of ,fohu StrJet, Seaforth, Unt Conveniently �--106680- a May Flower; ,Ruby Queen - — r were presented with a brand new baby situat•eed to Main Street. Apply to JAMES -143939= ; Gloster , Bell -146507-, a Fi ARM FOR SALE. -=LOT 14, CQNCESSION - reasonable and possession n h ' boy on the 25th ult.—Mr. W. (x''orillel WATSON,.Insurance Agent, Seaforth: 2711-tf Nonpareil; Prince Duke -183743 =, a bulb 4, Stanley Township, containing 100 acres given promptly. though Ot at the e?ip@13Se Of beCOIT11T1g tattered. i kept y calf; Ringmaster -134876 male; Nonpareil more or less, of good farm land. This is Between the eostl'mess of clothing at the one extreme, and S k pt very' busy handling Vietrolns OR SALE. --ONE 'S$ORTHORN BULL, 12 Pride' -132•t87- male; Matchless Minnie No. 1 crop or grass land, having never - and pi:lnos. :141✓. Gibson of Strad- F — 153927—, red, born March :10th, 1918, a failing running water at either ends of the Appy at my ()sate for particulars. Shabbiness Of it at the Other, tilers .' a middle ground where coon- months old, Roan in color. A superior ford, representative for the Mason & ffnimal. Will be sold reasonable. Phone 14 matchless : Nonpareil Beatrice �lii3fl31� farm. Their is considerable cedar and hard Dins and good appearance meet, Fisch firm, spent on 181, ` or address R. R. No. 4, Seaforth. T. Bale, red, born February 5th, 1918 Jennette woad timber and Pair buildings on the pi'emi- You Can find 1Pria `tmddle grQul�d" at jrOii.r firs cleaner's. He fi p nt Tuesday and Wed- G. SHILLINGLAW. 272`L tf = 149988 = female, born June 3rd, 1918. ses, partly under cultivation. Parties want- zlesda in our Village.—Mr. O. Grad The above ar of noted family, such "ns in a goad grass farm would -do •well to see Can tune up your old clothes and preserve your new. Of Stratford was in our village part Matchless, Nonpareils, Crimson Flowers, May- this place, For � further particnlars apply to Every person realizes that bwiness advantage and the social 1? p ��RASS I`ARM FOR SALE. NORTH HALT' flowers, Roan Duchess and 'Princess Marys. J.A T. REID, C nton. f 2718-tf value of clothes well Cleaned and neatly pressed, but there is more ef of •Cho week in collnect+ion with his Lot 6, Concession 8, H. R. S„ Township ---.• � r__ FERTILIZER " business, -- The ood and of Tuekersmith, owned by James Unsworth, of The three -bull calves mentioned are of ser- in these details thazl improvement of looks" alone. MurrayY """able age and are an exceptionally good OR SALE. -HOUSE AND IiALF ACRE ASk Oil✓ tailor or Otlr clothier. IItCflll lilforiii ti thatapparel ` Montana, U. S., containing 50 acres without F y y Stock Company lately formed, are is- buildings, "A diamond in the rough." For lot, and the above females will either have of land in the village of Egmondville, The calves at foot or are in calf io Scotch bulls. property is situated on Centre Strept, close' frequently pressed and Cleaned at intervals �f .two til' three months, suing their certificate tq subscribers. particulars .apply to A. G.` sMILLIE, 24 The world. needs grain and food as �Y-.� . Dr. Murray Overworked from bus- Also 5 head, of Horses and 25 head of Dur- to the Presbyterian church and is known as will wear from 25 to- 50 per cent. lodger than clothes that are not 3r 1 Galley Avenue, Toronto. 2724-3 the ]Purcell property. Good, comfortable much if not more than.. during the i ham grade cattle and also Implements, ' so considerably cared for. • iness but seems to enjoy it.—Rev. Terms -Nine months' credit will be given on house, good shed, good well and cement war. Every one should do what they mere is a sound reason for this, You lvasll your lines wheri OAR FOR SERVICE• -THE UNDER- furnishing approved joint notes. A discount cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, Can to supply the need b using fertil- y �' Mother Anastasia was called to her of 5 per cent. straight off 'for cash. No e- Peet and nersdlnal! hygl@Ile signed has for service at his farm, Lot I raspberries, and currant bushes. This is a >p Y y g it beeomes soiled=it is• a matter of self res Mothers bedside at La ,Salette on 3, Concession 2, Tuckersmith. The Old. Colbert corner property with no breaks on front, and izev. It will not only help to Supply . Moeda serve as the proprietor has sold his farm. Of Course, but it is also true that if left unwashed. your shirts would y. --Mr- Hills new store is Carr m on the Mill Road, the thoroughbred Pure bred cattle will' be loaded on cars free the land is in a good state of cultivation. the need but will return you hand- wear out much more quickly. very y fitted up with modern rwhite Boar, Tauwa Iowa Farmer This is a bice property for a retired farmer p q y i I- , Ve artiS11Cc11+1 of charge. H. LDBEAU, Prop.; ; C. Robin- SOIY16 profits. All fertilizers are 2nd (17171) to whidh he will -admit a son, Auctioneer. ;?25x1 and the taxes are light.. For particulars Perspiration, oils, Breese and fruit juices have a corrosive fleet cases for everything that s good limiter number of pigs. This animal is apply on the premises or to JOHN RANKIN, strictly inspectedby the Government dust and dirt have A grinding action your anter Clothing n$ed;* hardware can handle.—Baled hay and 'from the Imported. Boar, Iowa Farmer - Seaforth. 2584-tf and all grades must come up to the purging of tl see equally a� much as does soil✓ linen. ' straw are being shipped by the ear (65247) O. I. C. and (16041) C. N. R. — - standard registered. The use of The eYeans�rrg gasoline baths'of the dry Gleaner, allot the pass - Phone 15 on 143, or uddress Egmondville P. UCTION SALE, OF FARM STOCK AND . A.RM FO$ SAME. -THE UNDERSIGNED fertilizer is far past the experimental lot almost daily from here -Mr. 2 offers for sale farm lot No. 1:8 •on the in Of the BSge;, with) hot StP.S211 wOsrii2Z1 tl',rotl O„ RICHARD JOHNSTON. 725x3 A Implements: -•Thos: Brown has been in- g g gh• tip; fabric bave Shea shipped two ear loads of hogs t stat conceasiem of the township o1 ray, on Btage, and by carefully selecting the .. s�ructed by the undersigned to sell by public the London Road, two miles south of HensalI brands that flat land a1>!d re a Sterilizing SCti021-•Four apparel i8 made as immaeuUte outside lit! on Monday last. PROPERTY FOR SALE -i -GOOD FRAME auction om Lot 15, Conceasion 4, McKiliop,l and three and three-quarter miles north of y �p inside, it l�ddpllks sha;W better} audit is Saved from tell -talo 4itnil1e". PROPERTY dwelling, stable hen house and, one•Iialf on Thursday, March 18th. 1920, at 1 o'clock quires you a> almost certain to get Eisler. ,There is a neat brick -cottage and • The oki Alt will laid icings✓, and ,your laeW suit Wal,dat douhk acre of land, corner lot,_ conveniently situ. the following: Horses •Une brood mare 11 frame barn with good stabling under it, and profitable Teti nlL Good g1�8fi of duty ti QOM �i 13iRl�B �BQtleQt�f p61}�OniZe Elie Illtldel'li e1�8TieC, antl� f ... ated on wait side of Centre' Street in the years old in 'foal to Lord Mansfield, 1 *mare other' Coed `out building✓. There are good fertilizer rise cbeapw ,than they werB " village of Egmondville, which will be sold 7 years old, I gelding colt riding 2 yeam,old 'wells on the property and, tine youag �rehard. the modern #rel ie L tet parted on the road to Clothes economy SEAFORTH MARKETS. - • cheap and on. raseonable terms. The dwel by. lord Mansfield, 1 gelding colt YVGg 1 The 'land it in a good :state a cultivation last Spring; flag lfOOrer ,I'r will be by calling 00' your. dry cleaner t0 -day. ' Seaforth March 4 11)20. ling ie ew iped with electric lights and the year old. Cattle- --One e`ow 11 yer�CW old to with five acres of bush *rid nearly all the fall Much the Sante price. _ • . property 'is in' first class condition. .Good calve in May. I cow 5 Years old t calve -in ploughing done, and it irell under drained. pleased to have your order and will DRY CLEANING, DYEING AND REPAIRING' Butter r Ib.• .. 55 to 57e- garden and fruit trees. Pdesession given May, 1' cow 6 years chi to calve in, June 2 Posseision can be arranged to suit the Pur- . Pe +.. ... do the best I can to give you what Spring eat, IiBr bushE� ., ..$1.9p promptly. For particulars apply, to JAMES farrow cows; 2 steam rising 3 years old, 2 chaser and ,rod terms of -sale offered, ADD17 fir lla WATSON, Insurance Agent, Seaforth. steers rising. 2 years old, 8 heifers rising 2 to -owner at said lot or' to his agent G. J. �I best suit yAiit needs. My Wardrobe I * . Wheat, ger bushel .... .. , •$1.95 2723-tf years old, 2 steers rising I year old, 3 heifers SUTHERLAND, Real Estite Agent at Hensall Cd AN. • - Eggs, per dozen .. , . , , •.......... G3C • r ainx 1 year old. ]logs -One brood sow bred P. 0. FRANK ROSS, Owner, Heatsall, R. F. . GODERICH STREET EAST, tSEA 'OJ= Data per bushel ..... ......•...955 • - • • � January 2nd. Implements --'One' McCoreaick D: No. 1. .. -, • •'2707-t! $axles. per 6usl►el .... , ...... $1.60 FARM AND IMTLEMENTS FOR SALE.-- binder 7 foot cut, 1 Deering mower 6 foot , Far sale Lot 4, Concession 4, H.R.S , cut, 1 Keystone hay loader on truck, I' aide �Bran, per ton..... • • ..........$45.00, Tuckerwnith, containing' 100 scree„ 3 miles delivery rake;, I Deering sulky rake, I steel - IN S ' � r � � - <L7�.1�9r�, pEr• foto. $510.00 from • Seaforth, . yi nu a from scho*1, good roller, 1 steel hoe ]flosses -Harris seed drill, 1 � � a , - - - - - , .............. w S GQRMLE"'Y� --� • _.._ . �'lOidr, per Glv�t. , ... • ..•$0.2(1 't0 $0.90 buildings, 10 •acres buslh, all good land; well cultivator, 1 set of iron harrows, 1 Fleury . . k Potatoes, r ITA .. • ........,;3.04 mined and well supplle d with water.. walkitffg plow, 1 2 -furrow gang' plow, 1 4• `� g Furnace and phone in house. If farm is horsepower International gasoline engine on EMBALMER �o�� Tr�Ck I t I Hoge, per Cwt......... ; ..... $17.50 not sold it wilt •be rented. • Also the 'fol ow- skids, 1 grain grinder; 1 -'truek wagon, I . 1 . ing • implements are for sale: Massey -Harris wagon box, I Kemp manure spreader, 1 FUNERAL' DIRECTOR . . 'L I• 18 hoe seeder alwost new, mower, wagon, circular saw steel frame, I straw cutter, I - ; Route . . I cultivator, weigh scale, 2,004 pounds capacity, Gllntori fanning will, 1 aeutAer, 1 cream UIIderbaking Parlors Above . I !A . - i I - DAISY MARKET fanning mill and other articles, For fur- separator, 1 wheel barrow, 1 set doublefe!!D SP` ther Particulars apply JAMES SPROA`t', htsrneste nearly new, , w.hifAetrees, doubletrees, M.Williams, �irOt`RTj1 $tOTB. { Toronto, Mar 2nd. --Cheese, New. large, Egmondvilie, or phone 13 on 160. forks, horse collars, and. other articles too Main Street'$ettiol'tlf. ' MONTREAL 1'QRI%1�T0 - ` 29 to 30c ; twrrrrs, 29`y5„to. 90jc ; triplets, 801,y numerous to mention, Terme-All sums. 'of ,'�: • - 10 and nester call+ + over `tat sat u t 8 to sic,' stilten,..ss to 84e.: old, �larxe. sl rt, g , h o n Flowers fnuiah bn.sl�clrt. notice DETROIT CHiCAtO 32;+c-. do., twins, 82,Eo'82>2c. Butter -Fresh months', credit will be giben 'on furnishing GhazgeP,iiod�eratA dairy, choice -SA - I . 11 , 63 to 546 t creamery prints, 62 rj OR SALE. -I HAVE SOME FIRST CLASS approved joint notes, A discount of 3 cents !--F--,EN I'... - t to 66c, Margarines $8 to 88c. ESb's-New farm implements= l3 hoe Alassey-Harris on the dollar off for cash on credit amounts. Unescelleti, DII�j Ci: 1 laid, 71 to 73c. Seed Drill with grass • seeder and broad cast No reserve as the proprietor 'has sold his Phone•-•N�i ht or Day 192 - . toes all in good shape, 1 Clover Lewy manure farm. JOHN McCLUSKEY, Proprietor; T. _ . Skeping em on Light train and . • _ •. �y I .` __ . spreader, 1 Deering mower 7 foot cut nearly Brown, Auctioneer. 2725-2 parlor Care on principal . day Genuine I have just received a ear- Genuine. new, 1 8 -section Deering land roller nearly new, 1 Massey -Harris binder 7 foot cut, 1. - ir T Y MARKET t -III a trains» FI'08t feIIC� FQSt femme Jr ky v R fanning mill, 1 road car. a n goo re- This stuff is all to be sold as I AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND ' Toronto, Marek 2. Dressed Poultry - Pair. lhave farm. Terms will be made to suit Implements. -Mr. Thos. Brown has been Spring chickens, 88 to 40e,; roosters, 25c; '68 sold my Anyone wishing to see those instructed to sell by public auction at Lot • fowl, 35c ; turkeys, to 60,c; ducklings, 88 32 to 35c; squabs, dor, $G. purchaser. implements, I will be home Monday. of each 29, Concession 13, McKillop,' on Monday, March 15th, at I o'clock sharp, the follow - to 40d;geese, Live poultry --Spring chickens, 30 to 32c; week. Lot 18, Concession 7, of Hullet, two - ing- Horses -Heavy draught mare 8 years fowls, .°,2 to 38c; ducks, 82 to 35c; geese, miles west of Constance. THOMAS J. 2724-tf old, heavy draught gelding 5 years old, heavy 25c. ADAMS, Clinton, Ont., R. R. No. 1. draught gelding 3 years old, driving mare 11 - 'a _ years old, aged driver. Cattle --Cow 6 years X47-1? stays, per .... `"(Ie y , p od = = old clue in March, cow 7 years old due in A - - ^- March, cow 4 years old due in April, cow BEAN MARKET AUCTION SALES 5 yearn old due in April, newly calved cow 8 last fall 3 Toronto, March 2.. --Beasts -- Canadian, sow supposed Leister- ewes supposed to be with lamb, GO years old, cow calved years old, 7 spring calves, 2 winter calves, 9 ewes, lased -picked. bushel. E6.00 to $6.25; primes, J5.50 to $6.76; Japans, $5.75 to $6.00; Cali- AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND 1 ram, all younxz ; 10 pigs 6 weeks old, 1 sow, 125 hens. 1 duck, 1 drake. Imple- fornia Limas, 171/2 to 181/_e ; Madagascar Implements. --Mr. Thos. Browri bus been by auction at Lot ments--One wagon 31/1✓ hay rack, gravel box. Limas, lb., 15e; Japan Lintas, IUs., 11c. instructed to sell public 13, McKillop, on Wednesday, Massey -Harris cutting box, fanning mill, set . 29, Concession March 10th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: -heavy sleighs, bunks and rack, drill, Frost cession 1 1, McKillop, Farm Scott and Sons, Props.; T• Horses ---One 9 old draft brood registered & Wood mower, Deering hay rake, hay 1 r, .year mare, 5 year old brood registered mare, 2 cutter, land roller, walking plow, gang plow, cutter, set t scale, set iron harrows, BIRTHS Standard bred mares, 1 driving mare in foal, 1 Glen Rae colt , disc, cart, top buggy, runabout buggy, demce- op g F-,ck'azt. In IvIcKiliop, on February 28th, to 1 blood mare 12 years old, rising 3 1 draft horse rising 6 years old; 1 crat, pole and shafts, scufller, grindstone, For further particulars apply to mp . instructed to sell by public auction on Lot load of genuine Frost fence 2 full No. 9 full NO: --9 any Grand Trunk . Tieket Agent or C.' E. Horning, District Passenger 32, Concession 6, McKillop, on Tuesday, March 16th, 1920, at one o'clock, the follow- Tight- Lock ' full No. '9. - Tight tock' Agent, Toronto, Ont. ing: Horses--U11e agricultural mare 8 years _ W. Somerville ..........Town Agent old, 1 agricultural mare 6 years old, I .heavy ��p t I '” .l I You can save from 4 to 7 cents r rod b W. R. Plant ..........Depot As+eat draft gelding 4 years old, 1 driving` mare, well bred, and reliable 5 years old, 1 driving buying for Spot Cash until April 1st, only.. _ ' 640-9 stays, -per rod ......5 �Illnlunl�nlnnnllnulmlmlinnllunf• a = D 1= � Flax X139799+- ; Red Duchess X139806- all bred Bull, Chal-. 740-9 stays, per rod.......58e 842-9 stays, rod,...., 04c :P to Escana Premier �11bb00-; lenge Plate 4th �106001�; roan bull born y per ., ..1x 'a _ February lath,- 1919-, dam No. ==138084==; roan dam X47-1? stays, per .... `"(Ie y , p od = = bull born March 23rd, 1919, No. =138083:-; roan bull born June 23rd, 9136-12llog fence, rod...: ie ' Farmers 1919, dam, No. .=139801 , all sired by bull born April Barb Wire per 100 lbs. $6.50 by thoroughbred stock. One . thoroughbred to be with pig, 8 thoroughbred Challenge_ Plate 4th; red 5th, 1919, 'dam No. =149163-, sire Remember our prices are for No 9 Mr: and Mra. John M. Eckait, a son• Glen Rae col; rising `2 years old, 1 blood emery stone, cream separator, 150 bushels n fi Mustard. In Barfield; an February 17th, to seed oats, 40 bushels seed barley. 10 tons ofW+•��U_S ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mustard, a daughter. colt rising 2 yearn old, two draft registered hay, 4,000 pounds chop, 500 pounds salt, set �IIIIIIIIii11llllllllili1ii1111i1111111111i1ililNL � - colts risirg 1 year old, 80 good ewes and 3 double li:srneas new. 1 set single 'harne.4s : -. - Heywoo&--In. Exeter, on February' 21st, ' to . rams. Implements ---One Masses -Harris binder = . -HENRY Mr. and Mrs. Hector Heywood, a son. new, set sinule harness, set plow harness, 2 - - = = _ Gardiner --At Cromarty, on Febru=Y 19th, to nearly new, 1 Deering mower, hay rake, 1 I1` fir• T. HOT.'}�E McCormick scufller, two small scuiflerr, ? grain bags, r i pounds of timothy seed horse C S. 1.11'irI17 = Mr, and 'Urs. Robert Gardiner, a daughter. clipper, 2 logging; chains,, necicyoke, saw, •� _a The Huron County Flax Milia Clarke --•In Usborne, on February .15th, to 1valkin„ glows, !rale harrow. Deering hay wagon jack, 'L sets of doubletrees robe, - loader, land roller, disc harrow, bean culti- t C = Ltd. are open to rent a limited Mr, and. Nlrs, Newton G. Clarice, a son. va+=�r, 2 sets iron harrows, 2 wagons, set of. wheelbarrow and other articles too numerous = Funeral Director and = aereage Of NO. one sod land for " .the BiLy Hardware " sleighs, cutter, fanning mill, set of 3 000 lb.- tCe mention. PaSitively no reserve fps the .a .: _, Licensed Embalmer ,., _ growing P�Po weigh settles, 1 bay rack, bug,„gy, hay fork., proprietor has sold his farm. Terms -All = ,� flaX rOwln Bea. The I 11 MARRIAGES slings, rope apd`pulleys, sugar kettle, inc-u- sums of $10 and under, cash; over 'that = Undertaking parlors in = = farmer to, plow, disc, harrow l E F - - - - __ ___ — - . ; -At the home of the Bator, ladder, set team harness, double set amount 8 months' credit on furnishing ap- Beattie Block, OppOBite iind prepare the land for a Armstrong - Reynolds. olds Henaall, driving harness, set single harness, neck- proved joint notes, or a discount of 4 per = = \ , -_ m _.._ _,-,.. brides moths r, Mrs. Ann Reynolds, � good level Seed bed. CO1npaI1 = —_ t 18th, Miss Beatrice, to Mr. yokes, wbiflietrees, crowbars,, shovels, forks, . cent, allowed aft for cash on 'credit amounts. The Expositor Ofl'1C8 = = will supply Beed and do th C on February = Residence Goderich St., = George Armstrong. of Say township' by also about 60 ihens.�Terms numerous sums of $10 SCOTT` Grain SON, GProprietors • Thos. Brown, = , = Bowing. For further particular ”' Rev, A. A Tramper. 2• = • Opposite Dr. -Scott B. � 5 11 Passmore- Muxwotthy. At the Methodist and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' Auetiorieer. 726x2 - pl - _ apply at t1�1Cg opposite Royal church, Forest, on February 26th, Mins La credit on furnishing approved joint notes, orSALE OF = = Hotel or to Land Agent, J. A. = 0 Vera Hopkins, eldest daughter of Rev. a discount of 4 per ent. Per annum al ow c Auc'rloN Gr rde GattleU HotsesE andH Pure = ' sh0 tenotice if3hed 017 Kerr,'BOX 532, Seaforth, =S 11 i and Mrs. S. W. Muxworthy, to Mr. garnet oil for canh onBred and t 1 66 H R SH i Samuel Passmore; son of the late Samuel CAECUM. Proprietor; Thos. Brown, Auct, Sheep:YThoshir Smithgs audo made hl Leias cester = _ AC Phone 168. 2717-tf = ; Passmore and Mrs. Paasrrtore, of Ex 2724x2 Phone Night OT Day 119 favored with instructions from the under- = = s . . - sinned 'proprietors to sell by public auction i111111N1111f111111111111111111f11111�1111f111U1= 1IIIIll11i111111IIi11111111111111111111H11111111F DEATHS on hat 21, Canesion 6, Township of North /t, LTCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Eaethope, on Wednesday, Marsh 10th, at 12 1 Ii•ll on March 1st, 1920, A I laments-hir Thos. Brown has been o'clock sharp, the following valuable property: tt B [� L� � Cel. 12 Q1, i3 [� 11 R Habkirk.-In h c r op, William Garnet Habkirk, aged 29 years,, 7 mp . instructed to sell by public auction on Lot Horses --1 driving horse 5 years old, a pair months and 23 days- Hulle tt township, on February 32, Concession 6, McKillop, on Tuesday, March 16th, 1920, at one o'clock, the follow- of Clydesdale geldings rising 3 . years old, 1 Clydesdale filly rising 3 years old by Knight McNeil. -In the home of her eon -in-law, L. ing: Horses--U11e agricultural mare 8 years of Glamis, 1 Entire colt rising 3 years old of 16th, at Peacock, Barbara Campbell, wife of Neil old, 1 agricultural mare 6 years old, I .heavy imported stock, sire Loeksley Imp. [152891, McNeil, Walton, aged 73 years- on February 19th, Sus- draft gelding 4 years old, 1 driving` mare, well bred, and reliable 5 years old, 1 driving dam Amulr ee Bell [310411. Shorthorns -Cow. Sue =11989..= heifers Amulree Lottie 2nd 1Keddy.-In Usborne, Sanah Down, widow of the late Ralph quiet colt 3 years old, 1 draft colt 2 years old, 1 X139799+- ; Red Duchess X139806- all bred Bull, Chal-. Keddy,^in her 80th year. 29th, February draft colt I year old. Cattle One cow 7 due to calve April 20th, 1 cow to Escana Premier �11bb00-; lenge Plate 4th �106001�; roan bull born yeLeod.-•--in Winnipeg, on McLeod, formerly of Seaforth. The years old 8 years old supposed to be in calf, 1 cow 6 February lath,- 1919-, dam No. ==138084==; roan dam Kenneth funeral will take place on Monday, March T. R. Depot on the arrival years old supposed to ,be in calf, 1 heifer 2 old, 1 heifer 1 year old, I steer 1 year bull born March 23rd, 1919, No. =138083:-; roan bull born June 23rd, 8th, from the G. a � the morning train from Toronto, to the years old, 3 fall calves. All these cattle are bred' 1919, dam, No. .=139801 , all sired by bull born April of Maitlandbank cemetery an February 21+ by thoroughbred stock. One . thoroughbred to be with pig, 8 thoroughbred Challenge_ Plate 4th; red 5th, 1919, 'dam No. =149163-, sire MesKibbin.-In Wallaceburg, Andrew McKibbin, aged. 65 years, 6 sow supposed Leister- ewes supposed to be with lamb, GO =1098`26=, Grades -13 milk cows and II be in bred to 1920, months and 10 days. -- -' hens, White Leghorn and Barred Rocks, 1 Leghorn • rooster and 1 thoroughbred heifers all supposed to calf, Challenge Plate 4th or Escana Premier, 1'2 White Tarred Rock, 1 turkey hen and gobbler, •'L heReis under 2 years, 10 steers 2 years SALE ducks and drake. Implements. -1 Massey- binder 6 foot cut trucks and sheaf old in good 'condition to finish in stable or put on grass, 10 steers under 2 years in .REGISTER On Monday, March 16th, on Lot 29, Con- Stock and Impie• Harris carrier,• new ; 1 McCormick mower 6 foot 1 ten Soot McCormick hay good condition, nearly all young stock sired by -Challenge Plate 4th, Registered York- cession 1 1, McKillop, Farm Scott and Sons, Props.; T• cut nearly new, rake nearly new, 1 Massey -Harris corn and shires --1 boar rising 2 years bred at O. A. C., tnents, WTn: bean rniltivator and attachment nearly new, 1 boar 8 months old, 30 brood sows supposed Brown, Auctioneer. I Coekshutt cultivator, - new; 1 steel land to . be with 'pig or having litters at time of roller nearly new, I Frost & Wood disc 1 furrow riding plow, 1 sale. All are bred of O. A. C. and John Duck of Port Credit stock. Sheep -25 grade 5,000 FACTS ,ABOUT CANADA nearly new, single walking plow, 1 AlasseT-Harris 12 hoe seed Leicester ewes and 1 registered -Leicester " t`Ganada in a nutsht*11 is an apt drill, 4 -section diamond harrows, 1 scuiliex ram. Pedigrees and transfers will be furn- animals. Con - o alar ,`5,000 Facts description of the p P annual nearly new, 1 three-quarter wagon nearly cutter. eChathmnfann 1,root ished free with all registered y morning n Lodgings and e day About Canada," the thirteenth 1 ng mill nds bagger, at Shake:;peare of sle. for 0, s edition of Whish is out for 1920, pulper, 1 set beavY harness, I set single extension conveyance to trains will be provided unable to tions until rwill cpu ,compiled by Frank Yei h, a is suTar kettle,ness ll snpspunlzird heater, 80 bu ketl be atain imalske nest day. The n, haser's to . ,, known Canadian authority- o and spiles, I grass seeder nearly new, 1 set ri4s as soon as bid is off. If any are for the striking lllustr'ation truck scales 2,000 11i. capacity, National be shipped they will be cared and most industries, and 2e- cream separator, I set bob sleighs, i,4asoline. work of loading on cm -z will be carefully trade, finances, in concrete stove 2 cross cut abee done free of charge. The above animals will sources of the Dominion to 2 {burineer sa d°tee umber of mpty, xn of bees positively be sold without reserve to stake ,.- form, and will -prove a revelation boxers 4 rack honey extractor, 120 egg Chat- room for their growing stock of Registered Yorkshire Pigs best i11f0rTTled• This new haze incubator anti brooder, 160 feet hay fork Glydesdales, Shorthorn Cattle, in. This even the a wealth, of new mat- rope, pulleys and slings, 300 feet of rock' ,about 25 grain bags, 1 Favorite and Leicc�ter Sheep.' No bidding sale will start sharp an time. Come. early. XSSue contains including final War facts. It elm plank, No. 2, 1 hashing machine, post hole Terms -10 month's credit will be given by ter, chapters Of no less than 50 n churn digger, shovel, spade, hoes and . other articles. Sale- giving t satisfactory approved joint notes, *as A <yontains T all told, ranging alphabetically • oo numerous to mention. Terms of and under, cash; over that bonafid& property owners security. discount of. 5 per cent. oft' for cash, Pur - tcAgrlCulture" to "Yukon." All sums of $20 10 months credit will be given on chasers from a distance will be required to :from newsdealer6 be had from amount furnishing approved joint notes. Three per furnish bank references as to their financial -& SONS, Copies nlay Can, 25 cents to the cent, discount off for cash. TRUEMAN standing. JAMES McGIL•LAWEE . lir b - ,. � v.,1,%xhinv CO., BRINTNE Door,-� cw.W. Atnnfinnapr. 272,1-2 J er ee a e e 11%J VT _ be said of any well dressed woman. 1 Our Women's Shoe Fashions are fortunate- ly not limited to any one style ---for no one model Will, fit every foot perfectly. . . Feet are in types --they very in slze, width shape, thickness, thinness, length --they vary in ways technical, but al are natural. This Home of Good Shoes is each - type of of foot perfectly, . Z , We've variations to meet -the special require- - - ments of different styles of f5et. NOT FINE -SPUN THEORIES, BUT SHOES T HAT VIT. $7.0o, ss.00, $10.00 to $15.00 1 The choice new models are very sttr<tetive and i . it will afford. � zi great pleasure to sbow the woiT ail ikrho steps in " just for a look. .- . H, Res S .. ,`THE HOME OF WOD S`HH 'r ¢`i Seaforth, W. Rubbers at Poplar P)d�, � - . '1