HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-02-13, Page 5BRUARY 13, 1920.
r Hea
t it pays to look after yora-
rays have dry feet and are
&• protecting your health as
. We have a complete stock
`amity—Guaranteed Rubbers,
AND noted for -their style,
7 style and shape or Rubber
to fitting the shoe properly.
'le purposes—every pair is
s, seven different lasts, per
,,,, * Ir wwwww • *1 • 15
is, per pair $1.45
• per pair ..U.50 and $1.75
r par
per pair .. $1.00 ant.' $1.25
s, per pair ......95 lents
..75 and 85 N...rits
Lordship of Christ;' evening=
t "The Ideal Man."—Mr. and
L. 3. Sproule; of Toronto, are
g‘ their daughter, Mrs. (Rev.)
Doan, at the Methodist par -
splendid series of services
;ing given at the Methodist k
. The men's choir are leading
ging for three Sundays and the
iS are on the. subject, "The
Men."—On February 24th the
ill give a splendid concert when
incipal speaker will be Lieut.- .
M. R. Graham, ex -Mayor of
who lecl his battalion through
ale of Amiens. His subject
"The Organization and Work
Battle of Amiens."
as and lots
Text week,
taFy 9th,we
n's Under -
in Ladies'
)cks. The
ncmg Feb.
least, A
?all price. 1.
Les, Caps,
t Shots.
ioes for Men
ows and
d soles and
Elal for the
The eountry
d. weather
foor work-
ri varlet y in
.•e1.1, each
, an you'll
s at Popular Prices.
FEBRUARY 1.3, 1920;
Notes. ---Rev., Mr. Shoupe, Bethel,
bud Fullerton, preached in the Meth-
odist church on Sunday morning last.
i'—.The regular meeting of the Ladies'
Aid of the Methodist church will be
teld at the home of Mrs. A. Hotham
On Thursday afternoon next, February
12th. --- The financial drive of the
Staffa Forward Movement was in-
augerated on Friday evening last with
a. congregational banquet provided try
the ladies of the congregation. With
Mrs. JosephWorden as convener of a
ladies' committee, the tables were
never more tastefully arranged. There
was music and addresses by - Rev.
Wren, •of Mitchell, and Rolston; of
Harmony, with Rev. A. J. Love as
chairman. The canvassers have reas-
on to be encouraged with a start of
more than half of the objective. One
party gave 4500, another $100. The
objective for Stara circuit is $1,800,
while Staffa appointment is expected
to raise $900.
efurray.—/n McKillop. on February 8th, te
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murray, a seri.
ericKegriey.—In Clinton, on February 4th, to
the Rev. S. E. MeKegney, M. C., rector
of St. Paul's chureh, and Mrs. McKegnee,
a daughter. (eel' born).
Johrison.--in Clinton, on January 18th, to
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Johnson, a daughter.
Fisher—Cole—In Clinton, on. Feb. 4tb, by
the Ree. S. Anderson, Olive Beatrice, daegh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. IL Ccile, to Rofbert
P. Fieher, son of Mr. and ma Seth Fisher,
Egerton, Alta.
Ildorrison—Tighe--At St. Joseph's church, Cline
tore on January 28th, by Rev. J. Hogan,
Florence, daughter of Mr. aed Mrs. *Thos.
Tighe, to Michael Morrison, both of Hul-
Johnston.—In Seaforth, on February 10th,
Mary Ann Ovens, beloved wife of Rolie.rt
.Tohnston, :teed 69 years.
Pridharte—In Seaforth, on February 9th, Irene,
eldest daughter of Mr; and .Mrs. W. C.
Pridhara, of Goderich.
Woodley.—At Ridgeway. on February 7th,
. Pearl C. Smith, beloved wife of 'Arthur M.
Woodley, aged 31 year and 21 days.
Walters.—Tn Tuckersmith, on February. 2nd,
to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waiters, a daughter.
niurray.—In McKillop, on February4th, to
Mr. and Mrs. James Murray, a daughter.
Jordan.—In Hibbert, on February -3rd, to Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Jordan, a daughter.
Hudson.—In McKillop. on January 31st, to
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Madsen, a son.
-Campbell.—In blefiCillop, on February 8th,
Minnie Campbell third daughter of Mr.
Robert Carnpbele aged 20 years: 10 months
and 21 days.
.Sparling.—In Toronto on February 9th,
Christopher Sperling, aged 56 Years.
Steele.—At St. Joaeples Hospital, London. on
. February lOtle Roy Steele, aged 31 years
and 8 months.
Seaforth, February 12, 1919,
Batter, per lb. ..... ; ... * . • .55 to 57e
Eggs, per dozen* . 63 to 65e
Spring Wheat, per bushel • $1.90
Wheat, per bushel $1 . 95
Oats, per bushel 90c
Barley, per bushel $1.50
Bran, per ton • $45 . 00
Shorts, per ton ..... ... '.. . . .........
Flour, per cwt. •. .$6.20'to $6.90
Potatoes, per bag 33.00
Hogs, per cwt. $18.00
Toronto, February 10.—Manitoba Wheat—
No. 1 Northern, 12.80; No, 2 Norehern, 12.771
No- 3 Northern. $2.78. uiitore Fort •_Wil -
limn, Manitoba Oats -leen 8 C.W., .91c; No,
3 C.W., 88e; extra No. 1. feed. 881,2e; No.
1 feed, 84eise: No, 2 feed, 82%c, in store Fort
*William. Manitoba J3erley—No. 8 C. W,
$1.64%; No. 4 C. W., $1.34%; in store Fort
William. American Corn—No. 3, yellow,
31-80; No. 4 yellow, 11.17, track, Toronto;
prompt shipment, Ontario. Oats „—
Niunber e white, 98c to 51.00, ' accord-
ing to freights outside. Ontario wheat—No.
1 winter per car lot $2.00 to 5201; No. 2
do., 11.97 to $2.03; No. 3, do., 11.93 to 11.99
f.o.b. shipping points, according to freights.
Ontario wheat—No. 1 spring, 12.02 to 12.08:
No. 2 spring, $1.99 to $2.05; No. 8 spring,
$1.95 to 52.01; f.o.b. shipping. points accotd-
ing to freights. Peas—No. 2, 53.00. Barley
—Malting. $1.76 to $1.77, according to
freights outside. Buckwheat—$1.45 to $1.48
according to freights outsiee. Rye—No. 8,
$1.77 to $1.80, according to freights
freights outside. Manitoba flour—Government
standard, $13,25, Toronto. .Ontario flour—Gov-
ernment standard, $10.80 to 111 Montreal
and Toronto, in jute bags. Prompt shipment
Millfeed—Car lots, Delivered Montreal, freighst
flags included—Bran, per ton, $45; shorts,
Per ton. 552; good feed flour, 58.60 to $3.75.
Hay—No. 1 per ton, $27 to $28; mixed, per
ton, $25, track, Toronto. Straw—Car lobs,
Per ton, 416 to $17, track, Toronto.
Buffalo, February 10. Cattle, receipts, 31700;
generally 25 to 50 cents lower. Shipping
ateers, $13 to $15.50; butchers', 39 to $12.75;
yearlings, $13 to $14; heifers, $6 to 111;
cows, 34 to $10,50; bells, $5.50 to $10,50;
stockers and feeders, $6 to $10; fresh cows,
and springers, easier, •$65 to 5170.
Calves—Receipts, 1,700; steady, 56.00 to
Montreal, February 10.—Cattle, •receipts,
1.04e. The price for butohers' cattle was
from 50 to 75 cents per cwt. lower than
those paid last Monday. Even at this re-
duction there was no. action to the maiket,
and between three and four hundred cattle
remained unsold. Canners and bulk; were
sold at prices about equal with those paid
last week. A few good young steers and
heifers riveragipg 970 pounds, wnre (sold far
112. Three oreeour fat heifers for $11.50
and a half dozen young cows sold as heifers
also at $11,50.
Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Feb. 10. --
The lightest offering of cattle on record foe
a regular Monday market far lone; time
penned this morning, but the pate,ty
ef rhc cons",rnments did not lutee aeY
er,(' to teprove the trade. Buycrs were a-
gain .1 er. easily satisfied, and e•hile valises
on the v vol.: were not any easier than t*t the
week end, trade was exceedingly slow. The
general quality of the offering was not vers.`
high, the top price for steer. being 317•75
paid for three small lots, while a few other
odd lots cashed in from $12.75 to 513.50.
The latter was not numerous. A fair per-
centage of the butcher cattle sold form $10.50
to $11.50. Cows continued a fair trade at
steady prices, but bulls were slow.
Stockers and feeders continued dull: and
there were few good milkers forward to meet
a fairly lengthy order list.
Over twenty-three hundred bead of hogs
reached the yards since Saturday morning,
bet the bulk were in order and sold onan
418.50 f. o. b. basis. For the very limited
number on the market this morning the
Packer -buyers *offered only 317.25 R. .o. b.
and $18.25 red and watered, a drop of $1.25.
Buyers would not offer a cent more, ,end
e no transactions were recorded as av-
ing been settled it looked this -morning as
if the eat would be forced all right.
The receipte were 121 carloads with 1,514
cattle, 20S calves, 2,385 hogs, 293 sheep and
lambs, and 19 horses.
The quotations were: Choice heavy steers,
313,50 to 313.75; good heavy steers, $12.60
to $13.00; butchers' cattle, choice, $1L50 to
e1e.25; do., good, 311.00 to 511.25; do.,
median, $9.50 to 310.00; do., common, 57.25
to $7.75; bulls, choice, $10.50 to 311.00;
do, medium, 39.50 to $10.00; do.. rough,
$6.75 to 57.00; butcher cows, choice, 310.50
to $11.00: do. good, $9.50 to $10.00; do.,
medium_ e8.00 to 32.50; do., common, $7 to
57.25; stockers, 37.50 to $10.00; feeders,
310.00 to $11.00; canners and cutters, $5.2e
to $6,50; milkers, good tc, choice, $110 to
$165; do. cornecton and medium. $65.00 to
576.00; springesee 590 to $165; sheep, 56.00,
to $11.00; Iambs, per cwt., $1400 to $20;
calves, good to choice, $18 to $21-50; *hogs,
fere and watered, $19.50; *do weighed off
cars. 515.'75; *do., f.o.b., $18.50; *Prices paid
be Packerbayers on _Saturday, but highest
bids on Monday's market were $1.25 below
week end quotations.
Notke is herein, given that it has been
deemed advisable by the Board of Health of
McKillop, Municipality to order the closure
from this date of all Public, Separate and,
Sunday Schools of the Township and to for-
bid the holding of public or private assemblies
and parties ' until further notice. Exception
Is made of regular cher& services which
may still be attended by those in good health
"dune homes are free from influenza or other
contagious disease. Any person violaing this
order' will be liable to penalty.' .
Trustees pf sehoo/s are requested to confer
with the Mellical Officer of Health as soon
as in their opinion circumstances in each
section would warrant re -opening of , the
school as it is desired to interfere with'school
attendance as little as possible.
As the above action has been taken for the
PurPcee of lessening the spread of intkienza
the co-operatiou of all residents of the town-
ship is respectfully solicited.
It is advised by the Provincial Board of
Heatth that provision be made for emer-
gencies and a list of volunteer helpers be
prepared. The Secretary will be pleased to
receive and keep on hand a list of the names
of all who will offer their services in nurs-
ing the sick and .earing for homes and live
stock should occasion arise.
FRANK MeQUAID, Chairman.
F. J. BURROWS, Medical.Officer af Health,
McKilloP, February 12th, 1920. -
The practice of' "listening in" . on
rural lines -does more, perhaps, than
any other to lessen the usefulness of
the telePtione to the farmer and his
.household. -
Upholding the aetion of the Sand-
wich West Telephone Company in re-
moving telephone equipment from the
home of Albemy Meloche because, it
was elaimed, meMbers of the faniily
had "listened in" on party lines Jus;
tice of the Peace Joseph White, at
Sandwich, Thursday, January 22nd,
dismissed the suit brought by Meloche
against the company.
" Testimony of twenty-seven witness-
es was heard before a decision was
reached. Some of the witnesses told
the. court the Meloche family had
interrupted calls- on party lines, dur-
ing which. strong language was used.
The court held that Meloche had
violated the company's rules in allow-
ing bis family to intrude on busy
On Monday, February 16th at 1 o'clock
'sharp en Lot 16, Concession 3, II. R. S.,
Tuckersimith, Farm Stock and Implements.
Tbomas Elgie, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auct,
On, Tuesday, February 17, at 1 o'clock
sharp. on Lot 11, Concession 5, H. R. Se
Tuekeramith, Farm Stock and IMplements.
Wjlhelmina Leatherland and John Doerr, Ex-
ecutors; T Brown, Auctioneer.
On Wednesday, February 18th, at 1 o'clock
sharp, on Lot 7. Concession 9, MeKillop,
miles north west of Dublin, Farm Stock
*and Implements: A. Herame, Proprietor; T.
Brow -n, Auctioneer,
On Thursday, February 19th, at 1 o'clock
on Lot 24, Concession 4, Z. R. S., Tucker.
smith, Farm Stock and Itnpleieents. Robert
McKay, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer.
On Tuesday, March 2nd, at 1 p.m. on Lot
18, Concession 5, pullett, clearing sale of
stock and implements. Richard Brennan,
Prop.; T. Brown, Auctioneer'
The annual meeting of the share-
holder a of The Robert Bell Engine &
Thresher Co., will be held in the Office
of the Company it Seaforth, on Wed-
nesday, February 25th, at 2 o'clock
in the afternoon. By order.
2721-2 Secretary.
.2- have at present a number of choice young
sows bred to litter in March . and April. J.
& W. HAY, R. R. No. 2, Kippen. 2721x2
ee Wright and family sincerelY Wish to
thank their many kind neighbors and friends
•for the kessineee nnd sympathy shown du
tneir recent bereavement. . 2722.,.1
months old, Man in color. A superior
animal. Will be sold reasonable. Phone 14
on 131, or address R. 11, No. 4, Seaforth. T.
of first class cement tile for sale. 3, 4 and 6
inch. Get your supply now. Prices right.
Ordere taken for cement blocks. It. FROST
& SON. 2721-3
'ee premises of the undersigned, at Chisel-
hurst, a bay horse, blind in both eyes and
touched in wind, weighs around 1800 popsies.
Owner may have sarae - on paying feed and
advertlising charges. W. J, VENNER,
Ch isel hers t. 2722-8
" and experienced foundry men. Good
wages and working conditions. Goderich af-
fords cheap rents andesplendid living condi-
tions. Please phone cer write NATIONAL
eliIPBUILDING COe'eLTD., Goderich, 'Ont.
acres of land, clay loam, good !seven -
roomed house with furnace, phone and rural
rnail, good buildings, stable, poultry house
and drive abed; also small orchard. Close Us
school, 2 miles from Seaforth. Apply to
JOHN MeMILLAN, R. R. No. 1 Seaforth
or phone -20 on 236, Seaforth Central.
1. The undersigned will keep for service
at his farm Lot 8, Concession 6, Tuckersmith,
the Imported Scotch bull, Conqueror (Ineee
:ne107873-es (135874). Terms -to ineure $10.
Also some young hulls from this sire fit for
service, will be sold reasonably and on terms
to suit purchaser. PETER McKAY, R. R.
No. 4; Seaforth. 2722-3
years 'old, due to calve in June; one
three year old with heifer calf by her side;
one choice young bull 12 months Did. Those
-are all good animals and will .be sold worth
the money. Apply to JAMES HILL, R. R.
1, Staff% Lot 27, Concession 8, Hibbert.
, • ' 2/19x4
. in the Township of McKillop, being. Lot
11, Concession 5, with bank been, 44 x 66
feet, frame drive shed -20 x 811 feet, cement
hen 'house and pig pen. also frame house and
kitchen. 2 acres of apple orchard, and spring
well. Apply to MRS-. PATRICK GIVLIN,
Beechwood, Opt. 2722x3
for sale three Chatham incubators, 2two
hundred capacity and one, one hundred and
twenty', in good repair. Also one coal range
with hot water front in good condition, 1
band power feed grinder, 1 garden cultivator
and seeder and- other garden tools. The
above will be sold on reasonable terms, Apply
to JOHN MeMILLAN, 11. R. No. 1, Seaforth,
Ont., phone 236, R 20. 2715-tf
es undersigned will receive tenders for the
building of a new brick school house at
Manley, McKillop Township. Tenders will be
received up to February 28th at 2 p.m.
Tenders th be opened- at the school holise.
Plans and specifications may be seen at Lot
.8, Concession 12, McKillop. Lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted. Each -tender
-must be aceompanied by 10 per cent of the
contract priee. GEORGE F. BENNEWIES,
R. R. No. 1, Walton. February 5th, 1920.
All members of the Fanners' Club
and others who wish to ship their
cattle and hogs through the Club
should communicate with George T.
Turnbull, who has been appointed
gent to look after sliipments.
;-= ,
."• Implements.—Mr. Chas. Robinson. auc-
tioneer, Exeter, has received instructions to
sell by public auction on Lot ID, Concession 1,
Hay, on Thursiday, February 19th, 1920, at
one o'clock sharp, the following: Horses -1
horse 5 years old, e mare 9 years old, 1
driving mare 5 years old, 1 aged mare, 1
mare 9 years old, 1 horse 8 years old. Cattle
—2 cows due to calf in March, 1 cow to cafe
in May, e two year old isbeer, 2 spring
ealves, 2 two year old steers, 1 sow to litter
in February. Implements—Massey-Harris
binder 7 foot out, Massey -Harris seed drill,
Frost & Wood mower, Frost & Wood hay
rake; Frost & Wood cultivator, Frost &
Wood disc, Cockshutt bean harvester, Fleury
-walking plow, single furrow riding plow,
steel' roller, wagon, Clinton fanning mill,
2000 pounds scales, diamond harrows, leaasey-
Harris root pulper, hay rack, pig rack, light
wagon, road cart, gravel box, sleighs, cutter,
buggy, cutting box, cedar posts, hayfork rope
125 feet, trip rope 50 feet, bidder, team
bermes new, set single harness nearly new,
sugar -kettle, barrel, wire stretcher, water
tank, forks, hoes, shovels and many other
articles too numerous to mention. About 11.
tons of hay, and a quantity of turnips. Posi-
tively no reserve as the farm has been sold,
Terms—All sums of $10 ,and under, ach ; over
that amount io months' credit will be given
on :furnishing approved, joint notes. 4 per
cent off for cash. G. and E. STANLAKE, Pro-
prietors ; C. W. Robinson, Auctioneer.
e-2. Bred Shorthorn and elrade Cattle,
Horses and Hogs on Lot 5, Se Thames Road,
Usborne, 1% miles east of Exeter N., on
Tuesday, February 24th, 1920, at 12.30 o'clock
the following: Gloster Ruby 2nd, 130981, 8
years old with 5 months' bull calf at loot,
and bred again te Major Mayflower, Import-
ed; Beauty 37th, 128489, 4 year raid. G. dam
imported, springing to calve: leatchlees Clara
58296, 2 year old, springing to calve; Corday
Prince, 133658, calved Februaey 1st, 1919, a
Charlotte Corday bred calf, sired by Diamond
Master 116276; Rosebud 2nd, 126741, 3 year
old, C. calf at foot and bred again; Roan
,'Belie, 150686, 2 year old, bred to Corday
Prince 133658; patty Mae 2nd, 122969, 9 year
old ; bull ealf at foot and bred again; Lady
Mae 3re 153159, calved December 6th, 1918,
sired by Diamond Master, 116276; Maid of
Usborne, 116995, due in April, with heifer
calf at foot; Mistletoe 21st, 116996, due in
April with bull calf at foot; Mayflower 17th,
116997, due in June With bue calf at foot;
4 Shorthorn bull calves from 10 to 20 months
old. Grade Cattle -1 cow due in April, 2
cows milking. 4 high class grade heifers sup.
posed with. calf; 1 fat_ heifer, 4 yearling
heifers, 4 yearling steers, `2 baby beefs.
Horses -2 agricultural geldings rising two
years. Hogs -2 brood sows- due ,in April, 35
York pigs 4 months old. Also a quantity mix-
ed grain. Positively no reserve. Terms—.
8 months' credit on furnishing approved joint'
notes. A discount of 4 per cent off foe cash.
CLIFFE, Proprietors; T. Cameron, Auctioneer,
411' Implements in Tuckersmith.—The Execu-
tor' of the estate of Robert E. Leatherland,
deceased, will offer for satiety public auction
on Tuesday, the llth day of February. 1920,
at one o'clock in the afternoon on Lot • 11,
in the Fifth Concession. H. R. S., of the
Township of Tuckeramith, in the County of
Huron, (two and one-half mike south' �f
Seaforth), the following farm stock, imple-
ments, hay and grain: Horses -One team of
aged mare, one supposed to be in foal to
Glenrae; 1 driving horse 4 yeare old, 1 geld -
Ing lsing 3 *ears old, I gelding rising 2
years old, I: filly rising 2 years old, 1 spring
colt.. Cattle -1 peffigreed Durham bull 15
months old, registered No. --t-_-125307-,-; 1
newly calved cow, 2 cows due to 'calve in
April next.- 4 cow due to calve in May next,
1 farrow cow, -1 fat cow, 4 heifers rising 3
years old, 2 heifers rising 2 years old, 1 steer
rising 2 years old, 9 .spring calves, 1 month*
old calf. Piga—Five pigs and about 50 hens.
Implements—One 6 foot cut McCormick bind-
er, 1 6 foot cut McCormick mower, 1 Cock-
shutt 18 disc drill, 1 Champion- cultivator,
1 .Cockshutt 1 furrow riding plow, 1 roller,
1 dipc harrow, 1 John Deere manure spread-
er, 1 Frost & Wood horse rake, 2 walking
plows, 1 gang plow, 1 scuffier, 1 set of diamond
harrows, 1 set of bob sleighs, 2 lumber wagons,
1 hay rack, 1 gravel box, 1 stock rack, 1
'wagon box, 1 Massey -Harris cutting box, 1
root pulper, 1 Clinton fanning mill, 1 set
2000 pounds capacity weigh scales, light
wagon, 1 buggy, 2 cutters, 1 stone boat, 1
grindstone, 1 set single harness, 1 set double
harness, 1 set plow harness'horse collars, 1
extension ladder, cedar posts, 2 sugar kettles,
1 spring wagon seat, 8 water troughs, 1 work
bench and vice 1 boring machine, 1 cross
cut saw, 1 mallet, 1 cream separator, 12 grain
bags, 1 grass seed sower, some scantling and
some lumber, a quantity of oats, barley,
and mixed grain. A quantity of hay;
neck yokes, whiffietrees, chains, forks,
shovels, spades, hoes, carpenter's tools, robe.
oilcloth, etc. Terms—The fat cow and the
grain and all suits of $10 and under, cash;
over that amount a credit of 8 months will
be allowed upon furnishing approved joint
notes. A discount of 5 per cent per annum
will be allowed ser for cash on all sums of,
over $101 except on fat cow and grain.
Nothing to be taken off premises until set-
tled for. For further particulars apply to
DOERR, Executors, or to J. M. BEST, Sea -
forth, Ont. Solicitor for Executors. Thomns
Brown, Auctioneer. 2721-2
ImplenseresseeMr. Thos. Brown . has re-
ceived instructions• from the. undersigned to
sell by public auction on Lots 18 and 16,
Concession- 8, McKillop, on Fridley", February
27th, at one o'clock sharp, the following:
Horses—One pair of agriculture' geldings 7
years old, reliable at all work; 1 agrisultural
colt by Glen Rae rising 3 years old, broken
single and double. Cattle—Registered Short-
horns—One registered cow 4 years old to
calve in March to registered bull; 1 registered
cow 12 years old got by Imported bull and in
calf to Pure Scotch bull, -due on May. 17th;
1 registered heifer due in July to service of
Imported bull, one registered heifer calf 9
months old. whose dam and grand -dam were
sired by Imported bull, 1 registered Hereford
bull 20 months old. Pedigrees will he furnish-
ed on day of sale, Grade Cattle—One' large
Durham eow 5 years old with calf at foot
and bred again, 1 Durham cow 5 years old
with calf at foot and bred again, 1Durbam
cow 6 years old with extra choice Angus
• calf at foot, 1 good Hereford cow 6 years
old with Angus calf at foot and bred again
to Hereford bull, 1 Durham cow 3 years old
will be calved at time of sale, 1 Durham
heifer 3 years old will be calved at time of
sale and a good one, Y Angus heifer, second
calf, due March 2nd; 1 Angus cow 5 years
old due March Oth, 1 Durham cow 7 years
old due April 7th, 1 Durham cow 5 years
old due April 19th, •1 Holstein heifer 3 years
old due. April 8rd, le Holstein heifer 2 years
old due 'April 21st, 1 Jersey cow 7 years
old due April 28th, one yearling heifer, 1
, Angus calf, e2 head of yearling steers. good
breedy stuff. These cattle are all in good
condition and strictly :as represented. Pigs -
10 pigs around 100 pounds each, 1 sow due
March 21st, 8 suckers, 100 pure Barred
Radios, 3 extra good Barred Rock cockerels.
Implements—Frost & Wood 6 foot cut binder
with Sheaf carrier, in good working order,
Deering 6 foot cut mower nearly new, Deer-
ing steel hay rake nearly new, elassey-liareis
13 hoe disc drill new, International cultivator,
Oliver single furrow riding plow, walking
plow, 2 sets of harrows, 3 and 4 sections,
disc harrow in good shape, scuffier, wagon,
set sleighs, -gravel box, pig box,- hay rack,
Portland 'cutter, good top buggy, knock-
about buggy, fanning mill and bagger,
Massey -Harris root pallier, set new sling
ropes, 50 feet of new hey fork rope, 14 foot
spruce gate and. binges Complete, a good one;
stone boat, neckyoke and whiffietrees, 2 sets
double harness, set plow harness, set single
.ss, good robe, pair horse blankets, mail
box, wheelbarrow, forks, shovels, and other
articles, a quantity of first chess •hay, 800
bushels of barley, 3001 bushels of oats, a
quantity of roots, 25 gallon oil can, collie
dog, good heeler. Terms—All purchases of
510 and under, cash; over thateamount 9
months' credit on bankable paper, or a
count of 5 per cent. per annum off for
cash. Hay, grain and roots cash. GEORGE
. LOWERY," Prokietor; Thos. Brown, Ana-
• .1
r'finv I me nts.-Mr. Thonsas brown has been
instructed to sen by public auction on Lot
16, COriceesion 8, Mils., Tuckeramith, on
Monday, February 16th, 1920, at one o'clock;
the following: Homes—One general Purpose
mare rising 5 yeate, 1 driving mare 8 Years
old, used to farm work: 1 lille rising 1 year
old, aired by Emperor McKinney. Cattle—
Two enee‘ rising 5 years. old, due to calve
abotit Mareh ist; 1 cow rising 5 years old,
due to calve April 15th; 2 cows rising 4 years
old, freshened in October and supposed to
be in calf; 2 heifers rising 2 years old, 8
heifers rising 1 year old, 2 October calves.
Pies—One sole due to litter March 8th, 8
pigs 4 months old. Insplernents—Deering
binder 'I foot cut complete with sheaf carrier
and trucks, Deering mower 5 foot cut, 10 hoe
drill with -celtivator teeth, 8 foot hay rake,
1 good top buggy, 1 cutter, 1 low down wagon,
1 set sleighs, 1 walking plow, 1 set harrows,
1 set team harness, 1 set single harness, 1
gravel box with hog rack, hay fork, slings,
rope and 2 cars. Terms—All sums of 510
and under, cash; o'er that monist 9 months'
credit will be given on furnishing approved
joint votes. A discount of 4 Per cent straight
albeived off far cash on oredit amounts. No
reserve as the proprietor is going West
THOMAS ELGIE, Proprietor; Thos. Brown,
Auctioneer. 2721x2
Implements.—Thos. Brown has been in-
structed to eell by public auction at Lot 6,
Concession 10, Ifullett, 234 miles north of
Censtance, on Wednesday, February 25th, at
1 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses—Driv-
ing mare rising 4 years old, brood mare 18
years old in foal to Bellmerrener, 1 heavy
draft gelding 6 years -old, 1 filly rising 3
years Old, 1- filly rising 2 years old, 1 filly
rising 1 year old. Cattle—One cow 7 years
old freshened in November, 1 four year old
cow due aboet time of gale, 3 four year old
cosys due in July, 1 ten year old cow due
in Augest, fat cow 6 years old, 2 steers -ris-
ing 3 years old, 3 steers rising 2 years old,
2 heifers rising 2 years old, 2 yearling steers,
3 yearling heifers, 4 fall calves, 1 winter
calf, also 1 brood sow, 9i small pigs, 9 breed-
ing ewes, about 80 hens. Implements—
Massey-Harris binder 6 foot cut, Deering
mower 6 foot cut nearly new, Massey-liarris
hay loader nearly new, Massey -Harris 11 -hoe
seed drill nearly new, McCormick 10 foot
hay rake nearly new, 18 -hoe cultivator with
wide pointe, manure spreader, roller, turnip
drill, grass, seed sower, Farmers' Friend rid-
ing plow, walking plow, set 4 -section diamond,
harrows, scuffier, fanning mill, root pulper,
set •2,000 lb. scales nearly new, wagon box
stock and hay rack, .gravel box, set bob-
sleighs and log bunks, stone boat wheelbarrow,
1 truck wagon, buggy, cutter, set double
harness, set single harness, set plow harness;
string of bells nearly new, crosscut saw, wire
stretcher, sugar kettle, some grain bags,
Massey -Harris cream separatist nearly new,
Aladdin mantle hanging lamp, 1 table lump,
2 milk pails, strainer pail, about 30 feet of
inch sha,fting, two pulleys and jack, 2 log-
ging chains, grain shovel, a quantity of hay,
hames and collar for single harness and
other articles too numerous to mention.
Terms—All sums of 510 and under, cash;
over that amount 8 months' credit on.furnish-
ing approved joint notes, or a discount of
8 per cent allowed off for cash on credit
amounts. Hay and fowl cash. FRED ROGER -
SON, Proprietor; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer.
Implements.—Mr. 'Thos.' Brown has been
instructed by the undersigned to sell by public
auction on Lot 24, Concession 4, L. R. S.,
Teckerernith, on Thursdity, February 19th,
1920, at one o'clock. sharp, the folloveing
farm stock and implements: Horses—
"Southend Belle Imported Clydesdale • mare
supposed to be en foal to Earl 0' Stanley;
one registered Clydesdale mare tupposed to
be in Iola, to COmmodore, 1 stallion colt, regis-
tered sired by Commodore; 1 agricultural grey
horse, 1 aged. driving horse, 1 aged general
Puriscse mare. Cattle ---One cow with calf at
sfoot, 1 cow to calve in March, 2 cows to
calve in May, 1 cow due to calve in October.
1 farrow cow, 8 steers- rising 2 year's old, 2
heifers 2 years old, 3 yearling steers, 1 yearl-
ing heifer. Fovel—About 60 bens and pul-
lets, 1 pair geese 2 guinea hens. Irrielements
—One 7 foot cut' Maissey.learris binder, sheaf
carrier and trucks complete, good as new;
1 six foot cut McCormick mower, 1 Sylveeter
spring tooth cultivator, 1 Massey-liarris corn
cultivator with bean harvester attachment,
1 land roller, I McCormick love down. manure
spreader. 1 'Maxwell hay loader, 1 Massey-.
Harris dise drill, 13 disc ,• 1 shay rake, one
pole truck, two sets of diantedd harrows, 2
Verity walking plows, 1 scuffier, 1 23/4 horse
power Gould, Shapley and -Muir' gasoline
engine also a douele gear pump jack, 1
three-quarter wagon, good as new; one truck
wagon, 1 set of bob aleighs, 1 democrat with
pole and shafts complete, -1 open buggy, 1
new top buggy, used only one season, 1 cut-
ter, nearly new; 1 fiat rack with sliding plat-
form, 1 gravel box, 1 Massey -Harris root•
metier, 1 80 -foot ladder, 1 set heavy harness,
1 set of single harness, 1 set plow harness,
also iv number of good horse collars, robe
and blankets, 3 sets of good whiffietrees and
neck yokes, also a quantity of .good pine
lumber 16 .feet long and some 2 inch rock
elm, pdank, 1 water trough, sugar kettle, 2
barrels, 1 Daisy churn, 1 National cream
seperator, 600 pounds capacity, 1 set weigh
srles, 2,000 pounda capacity, 1 dozen grain
b gs, 1 emery grinder, 1 work bench with
vise, scythe, spades, shovels, forks and other
articles too numerous to mention. Also a-
bout 15 tons good timothy hay, and about 400
busheks of good (sate. Terms—All sums of
$10 and under, cash • over that amount 12.
months' credit will I've given on furnishing
approved joint' notes. Five per cent. Mr for
cash. Hay and Grain cash. Positively no
reserve as the proprietor has sold the farm.
aonErer McKAY, Proprietor; Thos. Brown,
Auctioneer. 2721-2
Implements.—Thos. Brown has received
instructions to sell by public auction at one
o'clock sharp, on Wednesday, February 18th,
on Lot 7, Concession 9, McKillop, 6% miles
north west of Dublin, the following property,
viz.: Horses—One Clyde mare 9 years old,
1 Pereheron mare e years old, 1 general pur-
pose horse 9 years old, 1 general purpose
horse 10 years old. Cattle—One heifer due
to calve about time of sale, 1 heifer supposed
to be in calf, 1 heifer rising 3 years old, 2
newly calved cows, 3 milking cows, 1 farrow
cow, 7 steers rising 3 years old, 5 steers ris-
ing 2 years old, 1 heifer rising 2 years old, 5
steers rising 1 year old, 2 heifers rising 1
Year old, 2 calves 1 month old. Pigs—One
thoroughbred Yorkshire hog, bred from prize
winning stock, 3 Yorkshire sows- supposed to
be with pig, 17 Yorkshire hogs about 1e0
pounds, 16 chunks. Fowl—Two geese and 1
gander, 40 'hens. Implements—One `Massey -
Harris binder 7 foot cut nearly new with
fore carriage And sheaf carrier, 1 Deering
mower 6 foot cut nearly new, 1 Massey -Harris
side deliveey rake, 1 Massey -Harris hay
loader,- 1 Deering hay rake 12 feet wide, 1
Success manure spreader with end board for
unloading roots, 1. steel land roller 3 section,
nearly new; 1 Deering 13 disc seed drill, 1
Massey -Harris 13 spring tooth cultivator with
seed box, 1 Massey -Harris disc harrow, 1
Massey -Harris corn cultivator with bean or
turnip harveriter, 1 Massey -Harris 2 furrow
riding plow, 1 Good Luck, 2 furrow Fleury
gang plow, 1 single Fleury walking plow,
No. 21; 1 single Listowel walking plow, No.
21; 1 five section drag harrow with evener
16 feet in length, 1-2 section drag harrow
with evener, 1-4 section evener, 2 scuffiers, 1
circular saw on steel frame, 1 power drag
saw, 1 crosaeut saw, 1 wheel barrow, 1 Bain
wagon nearly new with box, 1 truck ewagon,
2 sets of double harness, 1 set of single
harness, 1 democrat, 2 buggies, 2 cutters, 2
seta of bob sleighs, 1 sleigh box, 1 combined
stock and hay rack, 16 foot; 1 stock reek, 1
flat bay rack with car, 1 set of slings, ex-
tension ladder 30 ft.,- 2 sugar kettleos 1 Monarch
gasoline engine 13 horse power, 1 speed
jack, some rubber belts, 2 galvanized gas-
oline tanks, 4 large sap pans, a-
bout 25 anchor posts and 200 cedar posts, 1
large pile of cedar rails, 5 rolls of wife, 0
lengths of galvanized water Pipes, 1 platform
iscale 2000 pounds capacity, 500 bushels of
seed oats, 500 builds of 5 rowed seed, barley,
60 bushels of beans, a quantity of hay, 1
collie dog, a good heeler, Household Effects—
One power washing machine with wringer, 1
Standard cream separator, 1 churn, 1 kitchen
range, 1 box stove, 1 kitchen glass cupboard,
1 ward robe, 4 bedsteads, 1 extension table,
1 sideboard, 1 dresser, 1 Mediu hanging
lamp, 5 cords of 16 inch wood, some rubber
hose 1 three burner gasoline stove, a quantity
of 1 and 2 ineh lumlser, barrels, chains,
shovels, forks, etc., and many other articles
too numerous to mention. Terms—All sums
of 510 apd under, cash; over that amount 9
month's credit on approved joint notes. A
discormt of three per cent, straight off for
cash on credit amounts. Grain and Fowl 10
be cash. Positively no reserve as the pro-
prietor' has sold his farm and formed a
stock company known as 'A, Hemme Sons, &
_co., Ltd., with headquarters at Elmira, Ont.,
to rnanufacutre Hemme's latest seeders,
weeders, etc. A few shares of this stock re-
mains to be sold. A. JIMMIE Proprietor
T. Brown. Auctioneer. _
The South Huron ' -Agricultural
Society will hold their 'Annual Seel
Show in the '
on t
The following pirzes will be award-
ed on the -best samples of seed. ex-
hibited in accordance with the rules
governing Seed Fairs:
2 bus. Spring Wheat an var., 11.50 $1.00 75e.
2 bushels White Oats, any var. 1.50 1.00 75c
- busbels No. 72 Oats 1.50 11.00 76e
2 bushels of Barley, six-rowed1.50 L00 15c
2 bushels of Field Peas 1.50 1.00 75e
bushel of Field Beans 1.56 1.00 75c
1 bushel of Thnothy Seed 1.50 1,00 75c
1 bushel of Red Clover Seed. 1.50 1.00 75e
1 bushel of Alfalfa Seed 1.50 1.00 75c
1 bushel of Alsike Seed , n1.50 1.00 75e
1 bus. Potatoes, any early var1.50 1.00 75e-
1 buspotatoes for general crop 1.50 1,00 75o
Peck of Onion, Deitch Setes 1.00 e .50
Most creditable showing of
Grain and Seeds .Sweepstake Badge
1:—All seeds entered for competition must
have been grown by the exhibitor within one
year previous to the exhibition. All exhibite
of seeds- shall be heid to be representative of
the total quantity of such seed offered for
sale by the exhibitor. The Secretary of the
Society may take and preserve samples from
each `exhibit for reference in case of dispute
arising from the sale of seed by exhibitor.
2.—Corapetitors must become members of
the Society by paying to the Treasurers there-
of, either previous to or at the tillsoof mak-
ing entries, the &sum. of $1.00 each, *Isiah will
also entitle such member to free entry in
the etock show.
3.—No premiums shall' be awarded on ex.
bibles that contain weed seed, which in the
opinion of the judge ere ofn noxious nature.
4. --No exhibitor shill receive' more than
one prize in hay class, .
5.—All samples met be -correctly eseelled
with tbe name of the variety, the amount
of seed for sale and the selling price. Grain
not less than 25 bushels for sale, exeept
Spring Wheat, 10 bushels; Alsike, Timothy
and Clover, not less than 3 busheces ; Alfalfa
3 leushels; Varly Potatoes, not less tban 5
bushels; Late Potatoes, not less than 25
bushels; Onions, not less than 1 bushels
6.--ln else of dispute, a statutory declasa-
tion Mot the above rules have been emnelied
with, may be required from each ens- any ex-
hibitor of -seed,
7,-- AM exhibits for competitions for :seizes
mint be detivered at the Town Hall, Hewn%
not later than 12 o'clock noon, and sestet
not be removed until the close of the fair
4 4 p in.
The Annual Spring Show of Stal-
lions, Bulls, Cattle " and Harness
Horses ,will be held at Hensel' on
Tuesday, April the 6th, 1920, Par-
ticulars later.
President, Seeretary.
The E. A. JAMEg Co., Limited
E. M. Proctor, .B.A.,Se., Manager
36 Toronto St, Toronto, Can.
Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks, sewer-
age Syeterns, Incineratins, Schools,
Public Halls, Housings, Nictories, Arbi-
trations, Litigation,
Our Fees:—Usually paid out of
the money we save our clients
Notice to
In the matter of the, estate of William
McLellan, late of the Township of Hibbert
in the County of Perth, farmer, deceased.
All persons having any elaims against the
estate of the above named, William, McLel-
lan, deceased, who died on or about the 9th
day of February, 1916, are required on or
before the 9th day of March, 1920, to send
to Andrew' McLellan, Dublin P. 0., or to
the undersigned, full particulars el his claim
and of the security, if any, held by him, duly
verified by affidavit. After the said 9th day
of Mame, 1920, the Administrator will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the estate
among the parties entitled thereto, having
reference only to the claims of which he
shall have received notice. After such dis-
tribution the said Administrator will not be
responsible for any part of the assets of
said estate to any creditor, of whose claim
he' hall not have received notice as afore-
said. This notice is published in pursuance
of the Statute in that behalf.
Dated at Seaforth the ninth day of
Famine', A. D., 1920.
F. HOLMESTED. eleaforth.*
Solicitor for Andrew McLellan, the Admin-
istrator of the Estate of William MeLellap,
deceased. * 2722-4
'Undertaking Parlors Above
M. Williams' Grocery Store.
Main Street, Seaforth, '
nowers furnished on short notice
Charges 2noderate
Phone—Night or Day -192
W .T. BOX & CO.
ErnhitImers and
Funeral Directors
Holder of Government Diploma
and License
Charges moderate
Flowers furnished on short notice
Night Calls
Phone 175
Day Calls
Phone 43
short notice.
Funeral Director and Er:
Licensed Embalmer
Undertaking parlors in =
Beattie Block, apposite
The Expositor 'Office =
Residence Goderich St., =
opposite Dr. Slott's.
Flowerfurnished on =
= Phone Night elf Day 119
Tanners with Sales Notes will be well advised to
turn them over to this Bank for collection.
• The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in mak.ingrpresentationand payments will be credited to
your account promptly.
Sales Notes suliplie4without charge.
PAID-UP CAPITAL • • $15,000.000
RESERVE FUND . . $15.000,000
ehoice farms th
for pale in e Townships
of Usborne and Hibbert, all well built and
improved, on easy terms of paymt...THOMAS
GAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2658-11
-2- for sale in the Township of MeXillop,
north half Lot 24, Concession 13, containing
75 acres. It is well fenced with wire f.euce,
never felling water, 40 acres are well tile
drained. It is all seeded to grass and in
Al shape for pasture. It is situated lee miles
from NValten Station., For further particulars
elmle to GEORGE DICICSON, 243, Blyth,
Ont. 272141
.21.: 4, Stanley Township, coetaining 100 acres
more or less, of good farm land. This is
No. crop or grass land, having never
ai ine running water at either ends of the
Lan. Their is considerable cedar and bard
wood timber arid fair buildings, on the premi-
ses, partly under cultivation. ' Parties want-
ing a good grass farm would do well to see
this place. -For further particulars apply to
J. T. REID, Clinton. _ 2718-tf
Je for sale, being north held of Lot 23,
Concession 9, Morris Township. AU cleared
eidelst 5 or 6 acres. Comfortable house, bank
barn, 60 feet square, orchard, well watered,
etc., immediate possession can be given.
Farm ig 2 unes from Walton, .5 miles from
Blyth -and 7 miles from Brussels. Formerly
owned by David Farquhertiori, of Seaforth,
For „thriller particulars as to priee, terras,
etc.,. apple on premises or Walton Post Office,
E. B.• No. $, DONALD lilciDONALD, Pro.
rietor. '
••• 6, 24oXillop, 106 acres of .the- best clay
land in hteKillop, 6- acres of bush, the rest
in a high state .pf cultivation: 6 miles *OM
nestorth: 2 miles from Constance. i4 miles
from school.' There are 'on the premises a
good. seven roomed 'itouse, large bank barn
6446, all Page wire fences, and well under -
drained. lemma M h
on g ven arc ist *wee
m; of landln the village of Egmondviile,' The
property, is situated • on Centre Street, dose
to the Presbyterian church and k known as
the Purcell property. Good, comfortable
house, good: shed, good well and Velment
&tern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries,
raspberries, and currant bushes. Thit is a
gotner property with 710 breaks on frpnt, and
the hind is in a good state of cultivation.
This is a Mee property for a retired farmer
and the taxes are light, For Particulars
apply int the premises or to JOHN BANXIN,
Seaforth, 25844?
offers, for sale farm lot No. 13 on the
first concession of the township of Ray, on
the London Road, two miles south of Henson
and three and three-quarter miles north of
Exeter. There is a neat brick cottage and
frame barnnith good stabling under it, and
other seed tiut buildings. There are good
wells qn the property and a fine yourg erehard.
The land is in a good state of cultivation
with live acres of bush and nearly all the fall
Ploughing done, and is welt under drained,.
'Possession can be arranged to suit the pur-
chaser and good terms of sale offered. Amilif
to owner tit said lot or to his agent G. J.
SUTHERLAND, Real Estate A.gerit at Howell
P. 0. FRANK ROSS, Owner, Hensel!, R. F.
D. No. 1. 21074?
The world needs grain and food as
much if not more than during the
war. Every one should do what they
can to supply the need by using fertil-
izer. It will not only help to supply
the need but will return you hand-
some profits. All fertilizers are
strictly inspected by the Government
and all grades must come up to the
standard registered. The use of
fertilizer is far past the experimental
stage, and by carefully selecting the
brands that your land. and crop re-
quires, you are almost certain to get
profitable returns. Good grades of
fertilizer are cheaper than they w.ere
last spring; the poorer grades are
much the same price. I will be
pleased to have your order and will
do the best I can to give you what
will best suit your needs.
wants a capable man in every town, to open
branch office and manage salenneve $300 ta
neeessaree Handle own ;money, 15120‘la
rrilte-$5,000 yearly; PresPeetive lialea In eeene
home. Expenses to Montreal allowed vases&
you qualify. Sales Manager 'Walker, 225 Wert
Not,, Dante Street, 3fontreaL 2710-6
Farmers Attention
iThe undersigned has for site some good
new and second hand windmills, also an II
horse power Brantford gasoline -engine Id*
Bosch Magneto, hopper cooled, and also some
new and second belting. I have the egeser
for Pairbanles mowers., ell engines Prestos/
steel barnssheds and steel roofing; also chess.
separaters. Prices on request Phone 14-2114.
2714.4f W. 'T.. 'GRUM
•1. R. No. 4. Waite:.
We have our Creamery now hi fun
operation, and we want your patron- ,
age. We are prepared to pay you
the highest prices for your cream, pay
you every two weeks, weigh, sam
and test each canof cream earefofl
land give you statement of the Ilan*
We also supply cans free Of CUM,
. and give you an honest business deal.
; Call in and see us or drop a card far
Seaforth Ontario
. - . . . .f ,
The Double Track
, Route
betwevi •
Unexcelled _Dining Car Service. .
Sleeping airs en night trains an&
Parlor Cars on principal day
trains.. ,
For further particulars apply to
any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or
C. E. Horning, District Passenger
Agent, Toronto, Ont
W. Somerville ..........TOWD Agra
W. B. Plant ....Depot Agent
s Farmers'
I ......
The Huron County Flax Mills .
Ltd. are open to rent a liMited ..1:
acreage of No. one sod land fer =
flax 'growing purposes. The 9,
farmer to Now, disc, hairow, =
and prepare tbe land for at 9
good level seed bed. con-4)mA ....
will supply seed and do the4 f,el
sowing. For further partieular04 ..92.1
apply at Office opposite Royal =
Hotel, or to Land Agent, Ji, A. =
Kerr, Box _5320 Seaforth.
Phone 168. 2717-tf 9
411111111111111111.1110 111111111111111111lliiiiiii-
Gasoline Engines and Separators -
for Sale
1-10 II.P. International Kerosene Engine, porta,b e,
on wheels, almost new.
1--i--10 H.P. -Ellis Gasoline Engine, almost new.
1-5 ILP. Type W Gasoline, engine, new.
1-5-10 Avery Tractor in good working order.
I1-12-251rour Cyl der Goold-Sh.apley & Muir Tractor
1-22-40 Lister Separator with strAw earners and hand
feed attachment, ahnost Dew, suitable for small
gasoline engine.
BELTING—A quantity of second hand belting, suit-
able for driving grinders, wood saws, and other
machines, also a quantity of shafting and pulleys.
BENCHES—A munber of workbenches for Sale. Every
farmer can have a work bench for a mere trifle.
The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher
Co., Limited