HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1920-02-06, Page 1RY 30, 1920
f Winghain General Hos..
Senday at her here._....:
oiled at Jahr Hutchinson
aneary 1f`h and pre.
with a baby girl.- -Miller
f W Tngham, visited at
. Miss Isla ';'arriek spent
'ter home here.—Mr. No
home from New Ontario.
rs. Jacc t t received the
the death of their little
ter at Preston, only child
. Jacques, formerly of
The . Guild Meeting on
t was taken by. Kathleen .
ses Cori and Ma Clubb
duet. The next Sunday
will be taken by Maggie
r. Archie Paterson has
re blacksmith shop front
tehinson and has started
We wish Nhim every suc-
ry to lose Mr. Rutchin..
anal congregational nieet.
resbyterian church was
lay afternoon with a very
nee. The past year was
sful one for the emigre-
total receipt.; amounted
Ma after oaring experts -
good balance on hand.
rnexnbersh'p_ is 207. The
session are Rev. James
rator; Mr. Ross, Clerk;
a Treasurer; John Eggle-
rid Kennedy. The Board
for 1920 is coin posed of
`hairman; John A. Simp...
ry; Duncan Kennedy,,
d F. Henry, John Gilles-
arbour, Thos. G. Gaunt,
son, MeK. Paterson, W.
Mr,_ Frank Henry, who
surer for a number of
io tiled the position- to
t of satisfaction to ail,
- esignation and as noted
mean Kennedy has b -`ea
Priced for
nd re -
11. -
a most
1 selection of
to choose
by a number
to gather
• most re-
selection of
4 are partic-
nd see them
) r.
to 11
st Se.
Greig Clothing Co
Second: to None "
bids Higher than
and naturally the goods go to the highest bid-
der. This fact accounts for the present high
‘prices and .will account for the higher prices
yet to come in everything woollen or cotton.
The public is warned to.he imepared for still
higher pric,es in woollen and cotton clothing.
The people may avoid having to pay these ad-
vanced prices by getting their requirements
for the next year or two supplied in the offer-
ings of our
Big Winter
We are selling Men's, Boys' and Women's
Clothing at prices below the manufacturer's
cost price to -day. Every purchaser of a Suit,
an Overcoat, Furs or Underclothing or any
garment of apparel Will make.a clear gain of
20 to 50 per cent. on what prices will be be-
, fore the end of this year.
Take the Hint and Buy Now
Greig Clothing Co.
The Council of the Corporation of
Huron met in the Court House, Gode-
rich, at 3 p.m. on Tuesday.
The following members were pres-
ent and made and subscribed the de-
claration of office: ,
Ashfield --Joseph Hackett, Thomas
Goderich Township—N. W. 'Ire-
Grey—John McNabb.
Hay—John Laporte.
Howick—Peter F. Doig, W. J.
Hullett—Matthew Armstrong.
McKillop—F. J. McQuaid.
Morris—William Easton.
Stanley—R. M. Elliott.
Stephen—Alex. Neeb, David Webb.
Tuckersmith—Herbert Crich.
Turnberry—James Moffatt.
Usborne—Arthur Mitchell.
Wawanosh (East)—W. J. Currie.
Wawanosh (West) -4. C. Purdon.
-Clinton—R. J. Miller.
Seaforth—Dr. John Grieve.
Bayfield—E. R. Merner.
Blyth—James Cutt.
Exeter—B. W. F. Beavers.
Hensall—G. C. Petty.
Wroxeter—John Douglas.
The Clerk 'presided and after call-
ing the roll stated the first order of
business was to elect a Warden to
preside over the deliberations of the
council for the present year.
It wastmoved by Messrs. Dr. Clark
and Morton Elliott dist George C.
Petty, Reeve of Hensall, be elected
Warden for the year 1920.
This being the only nomination the
Clerk declared Mr. Petty duly elected
Warden. Ex -Warden Campbell be-
ing 'present, escorted the newly elect-
ed warden to- the chair, where .he
made and subscribed to the declara-
tion of office before His Honor Judge
His Honor addressed the Warden
'elect, congratulating him upon this
mark of favor shown him by his
fellow couricillors arid bespoke for
him and his council a successful year.
The Warden briefly addressed the
council upon the work of the session,
and thanked them for the honor con-
ferred on him in electing him Warden.
In all the matters corning before the
Council, he trusted their best judg-
ment would be brought to bear end
that ony would be the keynote
of all denotation-
!inabiliq to be at the council meet-
mittes of. council:
From. S. T. Plum regretting his
ing owing to being quarantined on
account of illness in the family.
From Mrs. Laura Greenaway, of
London, regarding a deputation meet-
ing to the council to ask a grant for
the purposed Memorial Children's
Hospital to 'be built in that city,
From W. A. McLean, Deputy Min-
ister of Highways, regarding By-laws
15, 18 and 20, and also with refer-
ence to the Lake Shore Road being
',created a Provincial Highway.
The following were referred to the
Education Committee:
From the Deputy Minister of Edu-
cation inquiring what actioa the
council intended parsuink regarding
the formation of the new Inspectorate
wroposed of parts of Huron, Lambton
and Middlesex.
From A. Werner, of Elmira, invit-•
ing the "Council to send delegates to
the Ontario Education Association.
From R. R. Redmond regarding
forming an Entrance Centre in East
From the Clinton Collegiate Board,
including statement of maintenance,
attendance and fees payable by the
County fur County :pupils.
The same from, Goderich, Seatorth,
Wingham High School, Stratford, St.
Marys, Littowel High School and
Parkhill High School_
From Clinton Collegiate Board and
Winghamr high School Board asking
an increase in the special. grants.
The following were referred to the
Executivd Committee:
From the Navy League of Canada,
asking a grant of $2,500.
From Mrs. Greenaway, staking a
grant to the London Children's :Hos-
pital proposal ag mentioned above.
From A. M; Robertson asking a
grant of -4,500 to the Huron. Chil-
dren's Shelter. •
From Mra. C. Tate, of Bluevale,
asking a grant of $10 to the East
Huron Teachers' Institute. .
From A. F. Hess, asking a grant
to the Zurich Public Library.
. From Toronto Sick Children's Hos-
pital, asking, a grant.
From the Jailor and Matron of the
jail, asking an increase of salaries.
Prom Dr. Shaw, Clinton, and J. B.
Reynolds, of the Huron County Home,
asking an increase in salary.
From the HighwayS Department
notifying of the meeting of annual
conference of Road Superintendents
and asking the Cpunty to send the
for the delay in the matter a approv-• each Woman's Institute in County.
ing the Lake Shore Road as a Pro- Wallis—Clark—Granting $15 for
vincial Highway.—Ordeeed fded. flowers for Court House grounds.
From the Clerk of Larabton County Purdon—Douglas-s-Granting $25 to
inelosing By-law of that county .and each Public Library. ,
resolution re the Grand Bend bridge. Douglaee-HackettedGrantitig $25 to
. From Ex -Warden J. M. Govenlock, each Schad Fair in 1920.
re the appointment of Rev. McKenzie Douglas—Purdon. — Making usual
as Chaplain pro tem at the Huron 'grants to Contineation Schools.
County Home.—Referred to House of Neeb—Clark—That the auditors
Refuge Committee. • make a complete and concise state-
Frora the Clerk of Ashfield inclos- xnent of the assets and ou.standing
ing an' account of work done on the indebtedness of the. County and. that
'Lake Shore Road.—Sent to Road Com- the same be printed hi the minutes of
mission. the report. Sent to Finance Com -
The following were referred to the mittee. ,
Special Committee: ' The' following. were sent to the
From the Perth County Council re- Education Committee:
garding payment of County Comicii- Miller—Trewartha—That Mr. Sharp
lora, be made trustee of Clinton Collegiate.
From the County of Essex ine.los- Clark—Neeb--That Judge Dickson
ing a petition to the Provincial Gov- be appointed trustee of Goderich Col-
e/est/lent re dog taxes, asking that legiate.
the Counties have power to regelate Grieve—McQuaid—That R. S. Hays
the tax to be imposed. , be appointed' trustee of Seaforth Cols
From the Coun.ty of Kept regard- legiate.
ing increasing the grants to roads to Beavers—Tipling—That Rev. A,
70 per cent. and 50 per cent., instead Trumper be trustee for Exeter High
of 60 and 40 as at present. • School,
•From County of Ontario, regarding Douglas—Wallie—Thet this council
approval of the present dystem of regrets that Mr. Plum was prevented
highways. from- attending the Council meetings
From Ontario' Hydro Power Uni- and that his name be placed on the
form Rate Association asking County pay roll.—Carried,
to join the Association. Clark—Doig—That Hon. F. C. Biggs
Applications for the position of aud- be invited to visit Goderieh during,
itor were read from the following: the council meeting and addreas this
Frank Metcalf, Blyth; D. F. McGregor, county and that the Clerk be instruct-
Seaforth; G. P. •G'ould, Goderich; ed to call 'him by phone and make
G. Allen, Dungannon; Peter Cantelon, necessary arrangentents.—Crarried.
Clinton; John Cameron, Kitten; John Doig—MeNabb.—That the mainten-
Wilson, Auburn; Andrew Scott, Sea- ance of Mrs. Williams who has been
forth; R. F, Clark, Goderieh. , sent to the asylum at Loedon be paid by
Moved by Tipling and Beavers that :the county; she being a ward of the
- W. F. Vanstone be re -appointed county,—Referred to Special Commit -
trustee of the Wingham High School. tee.
Referred to Education Corrunittee. Spotton—Doig---That the County
Trewartha-e-Wallis—That each year Engineer examine the municipal drain
.all the connty treasurer's accounts, al- in Howick andi assesit the county its
so all Highway's accopets be audited portion of said drain. Referred to the
by a chartered accountant—Special Good Roads Commisstond ,
Committee. Beaders—Mitchell-e-That as the
Currie—Cutt—That Mr. R. - Red- village of Exeter intetitts butting down
mond be heard on Wednesday after- 1% miles of concrete road this year
noon as per his request—Carried, and as this road iseg connecting link
Elston—Curried-That as the grants in the Designated Road System orthe
for thee High Schools arid Collegiate county and ag the village of Exeter
Institutes of the County were emitted has passed by-laws to raise funds for '
for 1919, that the sum of $500 be said road that the county pass a by -
paid to each in the county as arrears. latV granting the village of Exeter
—Education Committee. the *urn Of $32,000 for this purpose,
Spotton and Mitchell -s -That Messrs. the dillage to pay the Comity the sum
Hackett, Beavere, Tritwartha, LaPorte ef $10,200 and the balance of the
and Clark be the Striking Conunittee grant, $12,800, to he made up by the
for the year 1920.---tost Government grant, the Government
Cutt• and Crich in. amendment that having already apprcorett the scheme.
Messrs: 'LaPorte, Meat Armstroeg, Referred to Good Rea& Conueission.
Mitehell /and Hackett be the Strik- Mr. 'Treleaven, B, of Clinttee
lug Committee—Carried. and Dr. Ennmerson, ederich, ad-
Mtuiro -and Itiferner—That Metered dressed. 'the counell, fer 'in-
ffackett, Doig and Neeb be the Geed creased grants for Collegiate Insti-
Roads Commission for 1920. tutes and High Scheele
Doig and Grieve—That Messrs. The Warden read a telegram from
Armstrong, Laporte and Hackett be Stratford, aeldng Huron Ceunty Coma
Good Roads Commission for 1920, cil to send a delegation to meet Hon.
Both motions were referred to the F. C. Biggs, who was attending a
Speecial Committee. meeting in connection. with Provincial
Neeb and Mitchell—That Dr. Clark Roads. On motion of figeseiorte and
and County Clerk Holman be appoint- Wallis; Dr. Clark and Gordon Young
ed to the Board of Criminal audit for were appointed to go to Stratford to
1920. attend said meeting.
McNabb and Armstrong moved in His Honor Judge Dickson and Rev.
amendinent that Messrs. Crich and j, E. Ford addressed the Council with
Holman be appointed to the Board reference tp the matter of aid in build -
of Criminal Audit for 1920. — The ing and equipping Hospitals through -
amendment carried. out the County.
On motion of McNabb and Doig Mr. Redmond, a teacher of East
the Council adjourned until Wednes- Wawanosh, was presented to the
day morning at ten o'clock.
A petition was presented to the
Council from Grand Bend asking that
'that village be created a police vil-
lage.—Referred to Special Committee.
Public School Inspector Field pre-
sented his report, ,which was read by
the Clerk and referred,to the Educa-
tion Committee.
The report of the Gadler was read
and referred to the County Property
• The report of the Registrar was
read and referred to the County Prop:
erty Committee.
The report of the Striking CoM-
mittee was presented and the council
went into committee of the whole, with
Dr. Clark in- the chair. The report
wee •adopted.
The Standing Committees are as
Executive Committee—Alex. ,Neeb,
John McNabb, Wm. Elston, Dr. Clark,
James Moffatt
Special Committee—N. W. Tre-
wartha, H. Crich, Joseph Hackett, J.
Laporte, J. Grieve.
David Webb, Thomas J. Richardson,
Education Committee—M. Elliott,
James Mills, A. Tipling, F. McQuaid,
Road and Bridge Committee—
.Gordon Young, A. Mitchell, Peter F.•
County Property Committee—John
Huron County Home—Dr. Clark,
N. W. Trewartha, James Moffatt, Dr.
Warden's Committee B. W. F.
Beavers, A. Mitchell, Dr. Clark, John
McNabb, John Laporte.
The report of the work done by the
Good Roads Commission was present-
ed regarding the .purchase of Read
Hones and crushers was taken up in
Committee with Mr. Armstrong in the
chain—The report was adopted.
Moved by Elliott and McQuaid that
R. F. Clarke be auditor for the year
Moved by lipling and Laporte that
D. F, McGregor be appointeu Auditor
for 1'120 —Carried.
The following motions were re-
ferre.: to the Executive Committee:
$1,500 to the Children's Shelter.
Armstrong—Tipling--Granting $25
to each spring seed and stock show
held in Hensall, Seaforth, Clinton. and
Wingham, also $25 to each Board of
Agriculture. e.,
- Clark—teporte granting $2_0. to
Red Cedar
The present cash price of
5 X Shingles—$.2.50 per
bunch — will only hold
good until the 15th of
this month. Anyone re-
quiring shingles should
secure their supply with-
out delay.
N. Cluff 8c Sons
the proposed establishing of a Chil-
dren's HosPital in London.
Councillor Doig brought up the mat -
„ter of providing an office for the
Connty Engineer, and suggested the
Good Roade Commission and Property
Committe,e make recommendations.
• Elliott arid McQuaid—That in re-
sponse to the appeal of Mrs. Edwards
on behalf of the Memorial Hospital
in London this' council make a grant
of $1,00d.—Referred to Executive
Committee. '
Beavers and Mitchell—That Exeter
having been made a high school, the
folloiving high echool entrance cen-
tres: Dashwood, Crediton, Zurich,
Hensall and Winchelsea be attached
to Exeter high school for examination
purposes. — Referred to Edacation
Cutt and Crich—That a committee
composed of Messrs. Beavers, Mitchell
and Tipling be a committee to take
up the matter of union jails with ad-
joining countiese--Referrect to Special
Doig and.Elliott--That all commun-
ications and requests in the hands of
the elerk on raising of salaries and
other money grants be sent to Execu-
tive Committee.—Carried.
Wallis and Miller—That a grant of
$1,000 be made to each hospital be
the county under Govermnent Inspec-
tione-Sent to Executive' Committee.
A communication was read from
Mr. J. A. Ford applying for the posi-
tion of .Inspector of the Huron Coun-
ty Home.
The Finance Committee reported
with Dr. Grieve in the chair.—The re-
port was adopted..
The Education Committee report
was read with Mr. Webb in the chair.
The report was adopted.
The Executive Coinmittee report
was read with Mr. Trewartim in the
chair. The report was adopted.
Doig and Wallis—That the Bank of
Hamilton be given a part of the
County business as it is a property
council and spoke of the need, of a owner in the County and has branches
throughout the northern part of the
McQuaid and Elston—That T. R.
Wallis Reeve of Goderich be appoint -
centre for Entrance Examinations in
East Wawanosh as a matter of con-
venience to pupils writing on this exe
The County Engineer's report and ted a *member of the Board of the
Children's Aid Society as the County
Council representative.—Carried.
Beavers and Cutt—That Mr. T. Roy
Patterson, County Ergineer, be a del-
egate to attend the Good Roads Con-
vention at Torento.-e-Carried.
Douglas and Doig --That the bridge
on Centre Street, Wroxeter, be re -
floored and painted; also the bridge
to be raised as it is lower than the
Beavers and Cutt—That a grant of
$2,500 be made to the Navy League.—
Referred to Executive Coxmnittee.
Robert McKay Esq., Ex -Warden of
the County, was an interested spec-
tator during the afternoon session.
The matter of a grant to County
Hospitals was taken up and referred
to a committee coxnposed of Messrs.
Young, Cutt and Trewartha to report.
The report of the County Property
Committee was read. with Mr. Elston
in the chair. The report was adopted,
Dr. Clark and Mr. Gordon Young,
who attended the Stratford, meeting
regarding Good Roads, gave excellent
reports of the proceedings. . A hearty
vote of thanks was tendered the dele-
gates on motion Of Messrs. Hackett
and Moffat, and their expenses order-
ed to be paid.
On motion of Beavers and Cutt the
council adjourned to meet on Friday
account of expenses for the•year were
read and referred to. the. 9ood Roads
MOved• by M. Armstrong, seconded
by 13. W. F. Beavers, that the Warden
and Clerk be authorized to sign and
submit to the Minister of Public
Works and Highways of the Province
of Ontario, the petition of the corpora-
tion of the County of Huron, showing
that during, the period, January 1st
to December 31.st, 1919, there has
been expended upon the County High-
way System the sum Of U31,399.09,
and requesting the statntory grants
on that amount as provided by the
act to aid in the improvement of
public highways.—Carried.
Inspector Tom presented his report
which was referred to the Education
Committee. •
Moved by Messrs. Clark and Neeb
that the County Engineer and Clerk
prepare a map of Huron County, thow-
fag all designated roads, with their
numbers and that every member of
the County Council be furnished with
a copy of the same,Carried.
Tipling and Beavers—That a grant
of $4,000 be made to Collegiate Inttie
tutes and High Schools of the Coun-
ty, to be divided according to attend-
ance of pupils from the county—Re-
ferred to Executive Committee.
McQuaid and Elliott — That the
boundary road between Huron and
Perth, north of Dublin, known as
•road No. 14, be extended for a distance
of five miles or a further extension
of 21/2 miles to the present system.—
Referred to Gpod Roads Commission.
Armstrong and Cutt—That the road
from Londesboro easterly to the
Grand Trunk System be a designated
road.—Referred to GOod Roads •Corn-
Beavers—Armstrong—That as the
number of prisoners in our jail is very
small during any time of the year,
that the matter of having several ad-
joining counties unite ,and have a
common gaol, be again taken up .by
a committee appointed by this coun-
On motions of Doig and Richardson
the council adjourned until Thursday
Inspectors Tom and Dr. Field addres-
sed the Council with reference te the
forming of a new Inspectorate as
brought before the Council at previ-
Mr. Edwards repreeentitti lixt-
The Huron County Home Committee
reported: The Council went into com-
mittee of the whole with' Mr. Miller
in the chair. The report was adopted
and its reconnnendation referred to
the. Executive Committee.
The report of the Good Roads Com -
'mission was read with Mr. Purdon in
the chair. The report was adopted.
Car of Sugar
expected next week.
Special prices off the car.
liumptaries & Co.
{Mama Nome Publishers
OM a Year Is Advance
Mr, Robert McKay, of Tuekersmith,
ex -Warden, was present, and asked
to addrees the council. Mr. McKee'
spoke feelingly regarding the; days
of the peat -mentioning that only two,
were present, viz., Warden Petty and.
Dr. Clark, of these who sat in coun-
cil when he occupied the warden's
The Executive Committee presented
the balance of their report. Mr.
Trewartha occupied the chair.
Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by
Mr. Tipling that Clause 9 be amended
by -making the grant $4,000 instead of
$3,000, as recommended. The amend-
ment carried, the, grant to be 14,000.
Moved in amendment to Clause 11
by Mr. Laporte and Dr. Grieve that
the grant be $500 instead of $1,000.
The grant is $500. Mr. Laporte and
Miller moved in amendment te clause
13, makin'g the grant $1,000. --Carried.
The report as amended was adopted.
Unanimous cement having been -ob-
tained, it was moved by Messrs. Clark
and Young that the coimeil make a
grant of $500 to the • Armenian Re-
lief Fund.—Carried.
Trewartha and Miller—That if a
epecial meeting of the council be call-
ed, that it be held at Clinton, it be-
ing more central.—Carried.
The Committee appointed re the
Hespital grant, reported recommend-
ing that the same Committee be. ask-
ed to make further report in June, as
the committee was not in position to
make complete arid definite report
Mr. Beavers and Mr. Currie were add-
ed to the first committee, maldng the
committee Messrs. Young, Cutt, Tre-
waxtha, Beavers and Currie,
The Himon CountseHome Committee
in their second report referred the.
appointment of an inspector to the
whole council.
In council Mr. Mitchell Moved, sec-
onded by Mr. Webb, that no action
be taken, and this was adopted.
After singing GOd Save the King,
the council, on motion of Messrs.
Armstrong and Cutt, adjourned to
meet the first Tuesday in June at
three p.m,
e Executive Committee
The Executive Committee rePerted
as follows: .
1.—Re annual Good' Roads Con-
vention, we• recommend that this
council appoint two members to at-
2—Re motion of Armstrong and
Cutt to grant e1,500 to Children's
Shelter. We recommend that $1,200
1-3e3—gr11111:em(Lotion of Armstrong and
Tipling to grant $25 to each Speing
Seed and Stock. Show and also en to
each Board of Agriculture in the
County, we reconunend that these
grants be made.
4—Re motion. of Clark and Laporte
granting $25 to each Agricultural
Society holding Fall Fairs,' we re-
commend that the grant be made.
5—Re motion of Cutt and Arm-
strong granting $10 to each Women's
Institute in the County, we recodunend
that these grants be -given.
6—Re motion of Wallace and Clark
that a grant of p5 be made to pur-
chase flowers for Court House
grounds, we recommend that the
grant be made.
7 ---Re motion of Purdon and Doug-
las to grant $25 to each public librarY,
we recommend that grant be made.
8 ---Re Motion of Douglas and Hack-
ett to, grant $25 to each School Fair,
we recommend that grant be made.
9—Re motion of Douglas an& Pur -
don tbat grant be made to continua- Wmg• bam, W. RiVanstozie; Exeter,
tion and fifth elass schools, we re- Rev. A. Trumper.
commend that grant be nuide as We recommend that the following
bills e paid: Wingliam $3 672 05.
1.0—Re motion of Tipling and Seafor h $5,829.58; Goderich $4,000.10;
Beavers that a grant of $4,000 be Clinton, $4,72495; Exeter, $1,004.52.
made to High Schools and Collegiate We recommend the payment of the
Institutes, we recommend that the following accounts for support of
grant_be $3,000. County of Huron puPils at 'High
11—Re motion of Elliott and Mc- Schools outside the countY: Strat--
Quaid that we grant $1,000 to Chil- ford, $66.50; Listowel, $271..32; St.
dren's Memorial Hospital, Londone we Marys, $24.62; Parkhill, $1828.
recommend same be paid. We recommend that $2,500 be paid
12—Re motion of Wallis and Miller to the five high sehoole and Collegiate
that we grant $1,000 to each hospital 'Institutes on a percentage basis of
in- the county. We recommend same
be paid. rtheceeirivecosunixtYmearittethsnidaarrneArsExfoerter191-r
13—Re motion of Beavers and Cutt Re recenimendation of Deputy Min -
that a grant of $2,500 be given Navy ister of Education asking that a new
League. We recommend grant be inspectorate be formed, we recommend
$1,000. • • that no action be taken for the fol.
14--4te salaries and expenses te be lowing reason; '
paid certain county officials. We re- 1st Your Committee feel that the
commend the following scale of sal, ratepayers of Stephen and Hay, ow --
axles be adopted: Warden, $100; ing to old associations 49 not feet
Treasurer, $1,650; Clerk, $1,350; Reid willing to be , separated from Huron
Superintendent, $1,500 for Good Roads Inspectorate.
and $200 for County Reads; Crown 2nd. We feel that the advent of
Attorney, $1,100; Auditors of Crim- consolidated. schools will have a large
inal Jtistice accounts, $5 per day and bearing on'this question in the near -
10 cents per mile each, one way; aud- future.
tors, $60 each; Ca.retaker of Court 3rd. The Committee also see
House and Registry Office, $700; this change a complete re-orga.niza-
spector of House of Refuge, $300; tion a both East and West Huron
Physician, $400; Manager, $800; Inspectorate:
Matron., $500; Assistant Matron, 1300; Re motion of Beavers and Mitchell
key, 1700; Matron, $225; Physician
Chaplain, $150; Gaoler, $800; Turn- that Daahwood, Crediton, Zurich,
afrillatiaonnd pWuirnpcohseelss.ea bve7eattar:cohnied_
a$n12d!e;xpSecnhsoesol;Icnosunpecetiloirosr,s,$$1,552p5eredacahy to Exeter High School for entrance
and 10 cents per mile one way. meni this be done -
Re recowitnergia.tion of R; R. Red-
mond asking for an entrance exam -
it -Jetfoil ecntre be located at S. S. No.
6, Beat Wawanosh,' wa recommend
that the request be granted.
Inspector Field's Report
Dr. Field, Inspeetor of Schools for
East Huron eenorted as follows:
There Were open in 1919 eighty-
four rural echools and six urban
schools, with a total of 122 teachers,
The achool in No. 10, • Tuekersmith,
wee closed during the fall term ow -
ng, to the building of a new sehool,,
and. the pupils were divided between
The regular Legislative grants this
year to rural echools amounted to,
440373.27; tItere was in ad(Etiou
bonus grant on salaries amounting to
Elliott *11859.17. Tho Parfet*, of this
Re motion of Beavers and ,Mitchelj
regarding grant for Exeter for con-
struttion of Main street., we recom-
mend that the same be granted _
condition-. that Exeter pays six per
cent. per sumum interest on amount
exceeding the BUM paid by them short
of • the 432,001 up to the time the
grant is received from the Depart-
Re claim of Charles Elliott for.
damage to auto -on North Boundary
between Huron and Bruce. We re-
commend, that same be referred to
Bruee County.
Re claim of R. A. Grant for 'damage
for 416.89, we recomeneael aetion.
Re claim of X. G. McLennan for
damage to auto, no action.
Re elaim of Dr. Hunter for dam-
ages to auto for am, no action.
Re claim of Westfield Threshktg
Company for damage for $50, no ac -
Varna, for damage to auto, no ac -
Re chilli' of 3. W. Ilizerdman for
damage to auto, no action.
Re claim of 3. H. McNabb. for
daraage to auto, no action.
Re claim of C. E. Marrley fer dam
age to auto, no action.
We recommend the purchase of eix
wheel scrapers, large capa.city, -12 .
slip scrapers, 4 pick ploughs and ene
gas tractor.
We recommend that the municipal
eouncils provide for connecting the
statute tabor on the county roads.
County Property
The County Property Connnittee res
ported having inspnacted the Omirt
House, Registry Office, Jail and Chil-
dren's Shelter, and found them all in
good condition and well kept, and re-
commended a number of iinprove-
ments and additiOn* to their furnish -
Re office for County Engineer, we
would recommend that the offide, now
occupied by a M. Elliott, be given to
Mr. Patterson, County Engineer, as
it is the only available tam in the,
Court House.
Special Committee ,
follows: Re conummication frondPeith de.
re legislation for 'increase in ses-
sional allowance, we recommend no
Re communica.tion front Perth for
legislation limiting the speed a motor
vehicles claiming damages to fifteen
miles, per hour, we recomniend MUM
Re communication from Duffer* re
dog tax, we 2e/commend no action.
Re etunthunication from Kent re *-
creasing the percentage, on Provincial
Roads from 60 to '70 per cent and
county roads frene 40 do 50 per cent.,
we recommend that the Warden and
Clerk sign the petition.
Re petition of ratepayers of Grand
Bend, we reconnnend timer request be .
Re motion of Cutt and Crich, we
regommend same.
Re motion ef Doig and MeNabb, we
recommeed that after -consulting the
county solicitor and finding that there
has been no pretedent in such a case,.
we refer the matter te the council as
a whole.
Education Committee
The Education Conunittee reported
as follows: 4
We recommend the appointment of
the following gentlemen to the posi-
tion of trustee fdr the eeveral
legiate Institutes and High Schools:.
Good Roads Commission
The Good Roads Commission re;
ported as fellows:
Re Grand Bend bridge. Since Lamb -
ton County has made applicition to
the Railway Board. to settle the dis-
pute in question, no other course is
left for Huron County but to defend
its. case.
Re request of County Engineer for
office and equipment we recommend
that the same be granted and that
the office be in the Court House, and
that the same be provided by the
County Property Committee.
Re expenses of County Engineer,
we eecemmend that a monthly state-
ment of his actual expenses be given
and tbe same ,paid with his monthly
salary. •
Re motion
regarding Bo