The Huron Expositor, 1920-01-23, Page 5lia Bill r one single five dollar bill 11can now buyour feet e protection, comfort and iivenience of the best pair Rubber Boots ever oiler - for sale in Canada the `PILGRIM' Rubber Boot the biggest value in foot- ar ever offered for five liars. Every man, whose work kes him out in the open in and conditions weather1itiof der-footin , needs a pair of 4 ese comfortable, ' enduring ots-needs ;;hem imore than can realize until he has d thele a year or so. Work the farm in cold, ugly ether is hard and uncolml- 'table enough at best. In ese days every farmer owes to himself -to give himself proctection and comfort ware, dry feet. rola and comfort at a price it bill now gives it to you ots made -water -tight, al - wring PILGRIM RUBBER tl or phone orders prompt- ERCIAL IfOTEL Femme cid the you medal for his olties Mr. Raney describes . Liberal. f as anindependent Ll oral. a Law student at Toronto lie h founders of the e of the z e Men's Liberal Club, but in ie lent his aid to bring in the key Administration, and from ate until the election of 1914 !x a supporter of that Govern - In 1914 he led a forlorn hope Mr. Gooderbam in Bsouth- . .aroato in a "Banish the Bar" ign. ays a crusader against wrong atever form he saw it, Mr.. directed his energies chiefly - t the drink traffic and the evil -track gambling. Some of his •egarded him as a "narrow=- ' reformer, but they had to ad- at he was a fair fighter. His and associates credit hint sanity and balance that great - died his fellow crusaders. is a true friend, a ``ibonnis . . never a quitter, and a horse 'k," is the sentence size -up ot In by one of his most intimate i. "He's_ not one of the `leave George' kind. Nothing makes mad as anything that savors fstice. If he sees anything u111r- wants to hit It." aas a )brother who is a Methe- mister, but the -new Attorney -- A. is a Presbyterian.--Torout. `eekly. Queen Maud. en Maud of Norway often wan hen she will get back to Eng - again to visit her mother,. Alexandra, says Tit -Bits. She happiest of married queens, ,as fond of her adopted people ✓ of her. Like a 'sensible wo- he took up sleighing, ski-ing, bating to please the Nor - s, whether it pleased herself The Queen still cycles whet tzlthe chance, and was the ` royal ladies to go a -wheel ieredibie as it may now seem, people were shocked when e started riding her bieyele f idri-ngham lanes. King Haar oposed to her, by the ways ley were cycling together woe • ad. if you wear Leep your feet eye through the , and note the rs }:MEN'S SHOES 5 to $3 SLIPPERS 1 to $2.00 EN'S HOUSE .IPPERS 25e ong Felt Lined 4.50, now $3, rT [OES" us at Popular Prices. • sEkvcarra MARKS s ,. Seaforth, Jry auu 22, 1919. Shorts, per toll .. , .....::. ,6p.Q0 Bran, r a , pe ton...- .....$45.00 Wheat,per bushel $1,95 $1.90 $1#50 .$6.20 to $6.91 55 to 57c 65 to 68c Spring 8 Wheat, per bushel Oats, perbushel Barley, per bushel Flour, per. cwt. Butter, per ib. . Eggs, per dozen Potatoes, per bag ......$2.25 to $2.50 Hogs, per cwt. .... DAIRY .MARKET Toronto, January 20. -Cheese -New, large, 313A to 32e; twins, - 82 to $2Vec ; triplets, 88 to 3Wje ; Stilton, 84 to 35c. Butter -Fresh dairychoice. 55 to 58e• creamery prints, 68 to 70c. Margarine, 33 to 8&c. Eggs -No. 1, Co to 62c selects, 68 to . 64e ; new laid, 88 to 85c. LIVE STOCK MARKET ; Union Stock Yards, Toronto, January 20. - Due chiefly to the heavy snowfall at : the week end, the cattle offering this Morning was limited to thirty-two hundred head, and the comparatively -light consignment together with the presence of some pretty fair quality steers and butchers resulted in a good mark- et. The trade was active all morning and while values generally were steady with those in force at the close of last week there were snob' where prices could be considered a trifle higher, There was still a good cull for heavy steers. With one load' of seven- teen, which averaged 1,200' pounds, Dunn & Levack topped the market at 315, but ether loads and small bunches 'cashed in from 313.75 to 314.25. Good steers and butcher, wrich- sold from 312.25 to 313.50: were a stronger show, but a goad proportion of the offering sold from 39.50 to $11.50. For every class of killer the demand was good and a- mong the bows and bulls were several nice cattle for which $11.50 to 312 was paid, Other cows from canners and cutters which sold from 35.25 to 36.50 up to fair cows which cashed in up to 310,50 were almost equally active. The call for stockers Seas still much be- low normal but several loads of light cattle which cost from $8,50 to -39.50 were shipped out. All small meats were active and steady, with best iambs selling up to 319 and top vents up to $22. Sheep sold all the way from 36 for culls to 313 for yearlings. Hogs held steady at last week's prices of 316.755 f. o. b. and 317.75 fed and wat- ered, which prices it is understood the packer 7auyeya are prepared to pay for the rest of this week. The receipts ,were 160 carloads with 3,226 cattle, 313 calves, 1,948 hogs,. 1,002 sheep and Iambs and 26 borse3. Fred Rowntree bought 40 milkers, 3100 to $165 each. • Joe Atwell. and Sons bought two loads of stockers, 500 to 600 pounds, 38.50 to 39.50. A. W. Talbot (for Win. Davies, Ltd.) bought 200 butchers at from 57.0.50 to 513. F. Hunnisett bought 100 butchers, 950 to 1.100 pounds, 314 to 514.50. H. P. Kennedy, Ltd., on Saturday shipped out ten carloads hie cost: -Good cos Goo TI d steers, 1,359 lbs. to 1,400 tbs. $15.50 to 316; good steers, 1.300 to 1.350 tbs.. $15 to 315.50: good steers, 1,250 lbs. $14.50 to 315: a load and a half of bulls, 311 to $12. Dunn and Levack sold: Steers and heifers -17, 1,300 tbs_ 315; 21, 930 IUs. 513; 14. 920 tris.. $12.75 ; 10, 650 tbs_ 312.75; 7, 920 Lbs. 312.15; 1, 780 lbs 39.25: 12. 670 tbs. 510.75. Bulls --1, 1.010 lbs. 312.50: 4, 1,580 lbs. 511.50; 1, 1,290 lbs. 39.50; 1, 1,640 lbs. $11.50. Cows -1, 860 lbs. 311.50: 1. 900 Ms, 311; 7, 1,180 lbs. 310.65 ; 2, 1,340 lbs, 311.25. - Lnited Farmers' sold: Butchers -1. 1,020 lbs. ..50 ; 95 10. 318.50; 313 2. 8502, .lbs. 313.5001. ;3113..59010; Lbs1,.880 513.!;lbs0 ; '2,910 lbs. 313.50; 1, 940.Lbs. 312 ; 1, 890 tbs. 513; 2, 880 lbs. 313 ; 1, 970 lbs. $13 ; 1. 840 lbs. 311.25; 1, 760 lbs. 512; 1, 510 lbs. 510: 1, 650 tbs. .59 ; .5. 850 lbs. $11.50; 1. 720 Tbs. $11.30; 1, 850 lbs. $11.25: 2, 900 lbs. $11.25; 1. 430 lbs. 58; 1, 600.tbs, $10.50 • Z 510 tbs. 59.50; 2, 620 lbs. 311.50; 1, 930 tbs. 310.. Cows -4, 1,690 lbs. 312; 1. 894 lfis. *12-; 1, 1,220 tbs. 33'4.50; 1, 1.400 Tbs. '38; 1, 900 tbs. 35.25; .1, 760 tbs. 34.25; 1. 920 tbs. 36; 1, 1,230 tbs. $12; 1, 1,020 tbsa 38.50: 1, 930 lbs, 58.75; 1, 810 tbs. 58.151; 1, 1:080 lbs. $10.50; 1. 990 lbs. 310.50; 1, 1,130 Tess. 310.60; 1, 1,060 tbs. 37; 1, 1,020 lbs. 38; 1, 1.200 Tris. $10; 1, 1,050 lbs. 39: 1, 1,160 tbs. 310.25 ; 1, 1,140 tbs. 311.50. Bulls -1, 1 r 70 Lbs. -10. 1,1 410 tbs. 3S.7u . 1, 1,440 tris. $11; 1, 1,360 tbs. 38.50. Quinn and Hisey sold: Steers and heifers -25, 570 its $8.25; 2, 905 itis 310,50; 2 1,070 lbs. 313. Cows -2, 1,130 tbs. -57.75; 1, 910 tbs. $6.75; 1, 1.170 lbs. 38.95: 1, 910 lbs_ 37; 1, '1,310 'tbs. 38.75: - 1. 1,050 lbs. 310; 3, 806 lbs. 35,50: 1, 1,120 tbs. 37;'6, 1,000 tbs. 57; 1, 93Q tbs. $9; 1. 1.100 lbs. 56; 1, 1,320 lbs. $11 . 511.00. Bulls - 1, 840 tbs. $9.25. Calves -87 to 318.50. Sparkhall and Armstrong sold: Steers and heifers -12, 1,170 tbs. 513.75; 3, 810" tbs. 510; '20, 980 tbs. 313.25. Cows -5, 1,100 tis. 35.75; 1, 820 lbs. 35.25. - Rice and Whaley sold: Steers and, heifers 1, 860 tbs. 58.60; 3, 830 lbs. $9; 1, .510 ,lbs. 57.50; 1, 550 tbs. 57; 10, 621 tbs. 38.25. Cows -4, 1,040 tbs. 38.50; 2, 1,110 -lbs. 36.50; 1, 870 tbs. 55.25; 1, 840 tbs. 35.25; 1. 1,170 Tbs. 56; 2, 94-0 lbs. 39 ; 1, 840 lbs. $6. Bulls -1, 1,300 Itis. $8; 2, 720 tbs. 36.50. Calves -$12.50 to 319.50: Iambs, 318.25 to 319; sheep, 37 to 312.50. J. B. Shield and Son sold: Steers and heifers -1, 1,090 tbs. 312.25; 7, 960 tbs. $1 1, 920 tbs. 312.50: 1, 890 tbs, 514 ; 1, 860 tbs. 514; 2, 980 lbs. 314.25; 6, 1.020 tbs. 314.25.' `2, 975 tbs. 314; 24, 815 lbs. .$12 : 1 980 lbs. 511.50. Cows -2, 1,045 tbs. 510; 3, 910 Itis. 37.25; Bulls -1, 1,070 tbs. $10.50: 1, 910 tbs. 39.50; 1, 1,400 Tbs. $9.50; 3 milkers, $125 each; 1 milker, 3105; 1 milker 3125; sheep, 56.50 to $12.50; calves, 38 to $19. - The quotations were: Choice heavy steers, 314.50 to $15.00; good heavy steers, 313.00 to $14.00; butchers' cattle, choice, 312.25 to $13.00; do. good,_ $11.50 to 312.00; do. medium, 310.25 to 311.00; do., common, 57.50 to 53.50; bulls, choice, $11 to 311.50; do.. medium, 510.50 to $11.50; do. rough, 37.00 to 57.25; butcher cows, choice, $9.50 to $10.00; do. good 59.25 to 310.25; do., medium, 38.75 to 39.25; do., common, 57 to 57.50; stockers, . 37.60 to 510.00; feeders. 510.00 to 311.50; canners and cutters. 55.25 to 36.50: milkers, good to elknice, 5110 to 3175: do- common and mediunis 565.00 to 575.00; springers, $90 to 3175; sheep, $6.00 -to 313.00; springs lambs, per cwt., $1.4.50 54 to to 319,00; calves. good to choice. 322.00; hogs, fed and watered, $17.73 ; do., weighed oft cars, $18; do., f.o.b., 316,75; do., do., to farmers, 316.50. Montreal, January 20. --Cattle, receipts 1,402. Prices were a lot firmer on "most grades of cattle to -day. The increase was rnost noticeable in prices paid for medium quality butchers cattle. j Twenty-five cattle averaging 1,275 'pounds made up of good steers and a pair of good oxen were sold for 313.25. Common light ,.tears from $S.50 up. Top cows and bulls. $111 to 315; common bulls, 37.50 to $9• Quotations: - - Butcher steers, good. 312 to 314.25; medium 510.50 to 511.75; common, 38.50 to 510.25; butcher heifers. good, $10.75 to 312.50; medium, 39.50 to 510.50; common, 56.50 to 39.25; butcher cows, good, 310 to $11.50; medium, 36.50 to $9.50; canners. $5.25 to 35.50; cutters, 35.75 to 36.50; butcher bulls good, 310 to 511.50; common, $7.60 to $9. Calf receipt,, 201. Quotations on calves remained about even with last week. Quota- tions: Good veal, 316 to 317; medium, 310 to 315: grass, 57.50. Sheep, receipts, 600; firm; quotations, ewes. 38 to 510: lambs, good, 316.50; common,. 315 to $16. Hog receipts, 657; selects and light mixed sold for 518.75 to 319, weighed off cava. Quotations, off car weights ; selects, $18.75 to $19 ; Iights, 516.73; heavies, 519; sows, $14.75 to 515. Buffalo, January 20. :Dunning & Stevens' live stock report: Cattle -100 cars; heavy grades steady; butchers' 25c higher prime shipping steers, $15 td 316; best shipping steers. 513 to 314; medium shipping. steers. $11.50 to 312.50: Canadian heavy steers, 313 to 314: Canadian steers and heifers $13 to 514; best native yearlings, 950 to 1,000 tbs. 315 to 516; light native yearlings, good quanty, 513 to 314; best handy steers, 511.50 to 512.50; fair to good kind310 $1 to Ito handy steers and heifers,mixed, 511.50; Western heifers, 511 to 312; State heifers, 39 to 510; best fat cows, 31.0 to 511; butchering cows,! 47.50 to $8.50; cutters. $6,50 to 37; canners, 34.50 to 55.25; fancy bulls, 310 to 511; butchering bulls, feeders, 9 to $10; common bulls, $7 to 58; best 900 to 1,000 lbs. 310.50 .to 311; medium feeders, 38 to 59; stockers, $6.50 to 37.60; Light common, 36 to $6.50; bast milkers and springers, 585 to $125; medium., $65 to• $75. Hogs ---80 dam; lower; heavy, $15.50 to 315.75; Yorkers and pigs, $15.75 to $16. Sheep -50 ears; steady; top lambs. $21 Yearlings, $15 to 318; wethers, 313 to $14; ewes. 511.50 to 312. : BIRTHS / !Lame e. In Me$iHop, . oar Jsnuar7,.48th, to Mr, and Mrs. '!$!titan* Xan1$}',.. a. son. We tiaice, I --- n lielmitnee on January 6th, to Mr, and bra. iiatrry Westlake, a daughter. ¥eAeh. In Varna, :oa January 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. John McAsh, a son. Stanbu rY .-At iinzeter, i a on � d Y, JanuanY Lith, to Mr. and Jens. J'. G. Stnnbury, daughter (Mildred Elaine). sloe• MARRIAGES Glen ---Coles In Clinton, on »ecember 31st, by 'rhe Rev. S. Anderson, Annie Henrietta, daeghter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Cole, to Henry Blew, son • of the late M. Glew and • Mrs.- Glew, rrf# Aullett. DEATHS Cowan. -In Toronto, on January 20th, Maggie Cowan, daughter of llir. and Mrs. James Cowan, Seafortle aged 29 years. Brton.-•-•In Seaforth, on January 17th, Eliza - 1 beth McAdam, beloved wife of the late Samuel Barton, aged 88 years, 8 months and 20 days. Jeffery. -In Seaforth, on January 16th, Lenora Crabb, wife of the late Win. Jeffery, aged 80 years and 6 months. Stevens. -In Clinton, on January 10th, Emily M. Stevens, daughter of Mr. Jas. Stevens, Of Clinton: Ruppe--At_ Lcndesboro, on January Gth, Louis Ruppe,. aged 93 years. 11IcDonelf.: In Detroit, Mich., on - January 12th, Fred C. McDonoll, formerly of Heiman. IMPORTANT, ® TANT NOTICES CATTLE FOR rr:ED. -THE UNDERSIGN - ed has feed enough for 10 or 15 head of cattle until spring. Apply on Lot 21, Concession 1, H.R.S., Tuckersmith or phone 4 on 616, Clinton. GARFIELD McMICHAEL, 2718-2 H:.OUSE AND LOT FOR SAL, -F011 SALld cheap and on 'reasonable terms a good comfortable dwelling and lot on north .side of John hn Street, Seafortht Oat. Conveniently nGnt 1 v 10 s,atea to Main Street. ry Apply to JAMES WATSON, Insurance .Agent, Seaforth. 2711-tf WOOD WANTED. -TENDERS WILL 'BE received up to January 31st, 1920, for 12 cords of 3 foot wood, 8 to be maple and 4 beech, all good body -wood, to be delivered at Egmondville church by April let. JAMES CAMERON, Chairman Managing Board, R. R. No. 4, Seaforth. 2718-2 F OR SALE. -ONE SHORTHORN COW 5 years old, due to calve in June; one three year old with heife-E calf by her side; one choice young bull 12 months old. These are all good animals and will be sold worth the money. Apply to JAMES HILL, R. R.- 1, Staffa, Lot 27, Concession eesion 8, Hibbert. 2719x4 FOR SALE. -THE 1INDERSIGNED HAS for sale three Chatham incubators, 2 two hundred capacity and one, one hundred and twenty, in good repair. Also one coal range with hot water front in good condition, 1 hand power feed grinder, 1 garden cultivator and: seeder and other garden tools. The above will be sold on reasonab terms. Apply to JOHN McMILLAN, R. No.; 1, Seaforth, Ont., phone 236, R 20. ", 2715-tf ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Public Hall, Farquhar, on Monday,- February 2nd, 1920, at 1 p.m. The business consists of receiving the directors and auditor'sreports, election of two direc- tors and two auditors and any other business that may be in the interest of the Company. The directors whose term of office expires, but who are eligible for re-election, are J. L. Russell and William Roy. W. A. TURNBULL, •2719-2 Secretary -Treasurer. AUCTION SALES eLEAl4ING AUffION SALE OF FARM • Steak and Implements. F. S. Scott, auc- tioneer, has instructions to sell by public auction for William A. Barron, nerthi half Lot 1, Concession 13, Township of Mullett, on Monday, January 26th, 1920, commencing 8'p.m.,sharp,the following:- at 1 clock :- g Horses -One mare. 13 years old, -1 horse 5 years old. Cattle -One cow due first April, 1 cow due 13th of June, 1 farrow cow, 1 steer rising 2 years old, 1 heifer rising 2 years old, 3 heifer calves. Implements -One McCormick binder 6 foot cut with carrier and trucks, 1 McCormick mower 5 foot put, 1 seed drill, 1 cultivator, 1 hay rake, 1 hay loader, .1 set of iron harrows, • 1 stuffier, 1 plow, 1 wagon, 1 sleigh, 1 buggy, 1 cutter, 1, fanning mill with bagger, hay fork, car, rope slings, 1 hay rack, 1 stock rack, 1 wagon box, 1 root pulper, 1 wheel barrow, 1 work bench, 1 ladder, 1 set whifiletrees, 1 neck yoke, 1 set double harness, 1 half set double harness, single harness; 1 well valve cistern pump, new, binder twine. 5 pieces timber, 3 logging chains, forks, shovels. saws, crow bar, and other articles, some turnips, quantity of hay to be cash, some hens and household furniture. Positively no reserve es the iiroprietor has sold his farm. Terms -All sums of 310 and under, cash ; over that amount ten months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 3 per cent off for cash on credit amounts. WILLIAM A. BARRON, Proprietor; F. S. Scott, Auctioneer. 2718-2 ::.1IuiiI111111I11111111UH111HH11111111111111111t' M▪ E▪ I S. T. HOLMES Funeral Director and MEI IMO IMMIL VON c`Licensed Embalmer • ' _ Undertaking parlors in - Beattie Block," - opposite - The Expositor Office ' _ Residence Goderich St., _ opposite Dr. Scott's. FIowers furnished on _ short notice. `" - Phone Night or Day 119 1i111111llIHIIIII11HIHIHIIIIllll111I1 HIH11 NINE min W.T.BOX&CO. Embalmers and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and License Charges nsoderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 43 W. S. . GORMLEY EMBALMER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street, Seaforth. Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate • Phone -Night 4r Day -192 Notice to Creditors In the mute. of . Robert 1i Leatherland, de- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the etatute in that -behalf that all persons 'bast- ing claims against the estate of Robert E. Leath 1 athe 5th Leatherland, who died on or bout day of "December, .1919,• at the Township of Tuckeremith, are required on or before the 7th dtY of February, 1920, to send by post or deliver to J. M. Best, Seaforth, Ont,, Solic- itor for the , Executors full particulars of - their claims. AND further take notice that after the said 7th day of February, 1920, the Execiitora will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons" entitled there- to, having regard only to 'the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Seafort,h this 13th day of January, 1920. J. M. BEST, 2718-3 Seaforth, Ort. Solicitor for Wilhelmina Leafhertarel, and John Doerr. Executors of said estate. Notice to Creditors NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statute in. that behalf, that all persons hav- ing claims .against the estate of Margaret Boyd, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County- of • Huron, widow, who died on or, about the 15th= day of August, 1919, at the City of Regina, in the Province of Saskatche- wan,'are required on or before the 7th day of February, 1920, to seed by post or deliver to J. M. Best, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Executors, full particulars of their claims. AND further take notice that after the. 7th day of February, 1920. the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which • they shall then have notice. Dated at Seaforth -this 13th day of January, 1920. J. M. BEST, 2718-3 Seaforth, Ont. Solicitor for Robert Boyd and David J. Boyd, Executors. Notice to Creditors - notice is hereby given pursuant ant to - the statutes in that behalf that all persona hav- ing claims against the estate of William Henry Reynolds, iate of the village of, Hen- aall, in the County of Huron, gentleman, de- ceased, who died at the said village of Hensall on or about the llth day of De- cember A. D. 1919, are required on or be - 'fore the 19th day of January, 1920, to send -post-prepaid or deliver to the undersigned full particulars of their claims duly verified byaffidavit and the nature of the security, u Y, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be die- tribu'ted among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Hensel!, this 27t'; day of De- cember A. D. 1919. MADMAN & STANBURY, Hensel) and Exeter, 2716-3 Solicitors for the Executors. Notice to Creditors IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE . COUNTY OF HURON. In the matter of the Estate of Frank Hogg, late of the Township of McKillop, ini the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chapter 121, that all creditors, and others having claims against the estate of the deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of June,, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, nine hundred and nineteen, are required on or be- fore the 10th day of February, - A. D., 1920, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the Administrator, Dr. James Scott Hogg. Pres- ton, Ontario, or to Charlie Guy Robertson, Solicitor for the Administrator, Preston, On- tario, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions and full particulars of their claims, and nature of .their security, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date, the• said Administrator 'will proceed to distribute the assets cif the said deceased among the' parties ,entitled thereto, have=regard only to the caims of which he shall then have notice, and that he will not be liable for such. assets to any person, of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution. CHARLES GUY ROBERTSON, Solicitor for the Administrator. DR. JAMES SCOTT HOGG, Dated 2717-3 rias r Attention ,The undersigned his for sale some good pew, and -seeded hand windmills, also an 8 horse power13rnntford gasoline engine; with Bosch magneto, hopper cowled, and alio some andsecond bel . I have• the enc new ting agency for Fadrbanle's mowers, oil engipes`, Preston steel barns, ebe and steel roofing ; also Cheam 'Cee on request: Phone separators. Pri 14-234. 2714-tf W. T. GRIEVE. R. R. No. 4, Walton. FARM FOR SALE IN' THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Lot No. 11, in the 5th Concession of the Township of Stanley, 100 acres, the property of the late George Elgie is offered for sale. There is a. comfortable dwelling" house and a good barn and other buildings on the place. The property is situated 3% miles from the Village of Versa on the Bayfield Road and '7%4 miles from the Village of Bruce - field on the London Road. The purchaser may leave from 32000 to $3000 on ,mortgage on the premises at 5 per cent. interest for a term to be agreed on. For further particulars apply to F. HOLMSTEAD, Barrister, Sea- forth, or. to Mrs. GEORGE ELGIE, Lot 16, Concession 8, Tuckersrnith, H.R.S., Seaforth P. 0., R. R. No. 3. 2718-3 F. HOMESTED. FARMS FOR SALE - V ARMS FOR SALE. - I HAVE SOME clhoice farmr for sale in the To enships of Usborne and Hibbert,all weir built and improved, on easy terms of payment, THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2658-tf CONSULTING E&GIN1 ERS ,. The E. AJAMES Co., Limited E. M. Proctor, KA,' Se‘, Manager- 36 anager36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can. Bridges, Pavementf;, Waterworks, Aewer- age Systems, Incinerators, Scheele,r Public Hails, Housings, Factories, Arbi- trations, Litigation. Our Fees : Usually paid out of the money we save our clients FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 14, CON{dISSION Stanley Township, containing 100 scree''!111111111111n111111i111111111111n11111111111111! more or less, of good farm land. This is sn No. 1 crop or grass land, having never failing running water at either ends of the farm. Their is consnlerable cedar and hard wood timber and fair buildings on the premi- ses, partly under cultivation. Parties want- ing a good grass farm would do well to see this place. For further particulars apply to J. T. REID, Clinton. 2718-tf = one O ▪ N▪ N Nom 41 Nos PROPERTY FOR SALE. -FOR SALE 8 - acres of land, clay loam, good seven - roomed house with furnace, phone and rural mail, good buildings, stable, poultry house and drive shed; Mao small orchard. CIose to school. 2 miles from Seaforth. Apply to JOHN McMILLAN, R. R. No. 1, Seaforth, or phone 20 on 236, Seaforth Central, 2712-tf losing Out Sale of $7000 C eneral Merchandise = Having bought the stock of Messrs. Korner and Ings we are ; putting it pn sale beginning Tuesday, January 27th, for four weeks. The stock con - .g of Dry' sistin Goods, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Underwear, Caps, Mitts, Sweaters, O veralls,zetc, Buy Goods' at less than cost. ' No goods on ap- proval and stI`rictl P h Y cash. E. A. IncAsh le Son Preston Ontario.. - VAIMA this 6th day of 'January, 1920,-A. D. t3 'hone 13-622, Clinthn 2719-3 MOO ante Piano to be stored for three ^„ months with a family who will - take -good care of same. Ar- rangements can be made at the end of this time for the pur- OE▪ N OWN W▪ W▪ I MIMI a▪ wl SONO 111.1.1 A SAVINGS ACCOUN1 It is always well: to have a. Savings Account upon which interest is regularly paid and from which you are free to draw at any time should you have a good oppor- tunity p r- tunity to buy stock or feed. A Savings Account is Ready Money. zsA THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID -'UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. MEETING OF HURON COUN1Y_ COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County ' of Huron will meet , in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at three o'clock) in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 27th day of January, 1920. All accounts against the Coun- ty must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of Council. GEORGE W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. Goderich, January 10th, 1920. 2718-2 Annual Meeting = The annual meeting of the members of = the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance. Com- party will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Friday, February 6th, 1920, at two p.m. The business of the meeting will be to re- cei,ve the annual statement and auditor's re- po}-t, the election of three directors and two auditors and other business which might be considered of interest to the Company. The retiring directors are. William Rinn, Robt. Ferris and James Connolly, who are eligible for re-election. JAMES CONN L O LY THOS. E. HAYS • President, 2717-4 MO MWIM▪ M1111, - chase of same in case the party ▪ having the piano desires to do so. • Address enquiries to IMO N NW S▪ IM i MEN BOX 435, STRATFORD.INN O MNI rminIHlnllli1111111nnnnlnusnun11n A • P . .. Practically new Mahogany piano, full iron. back, over - strung scale, quick repeating ac- tion, has only been in use for five months. For sale '-at $150. below selling cost. Address enquiries to THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, 2719x1 SEAFORTH. FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 14, CON{dISSION Stanley Township, containing 100 scree''!111111111111n111111i111111111111n11111111111111! more or less, of good farm land. This is sn No. 1 crop or grass land, having never failing running water at either ends of the farm. Their is consnlerable cedar and hard wood timber and fair buildings on the premi- ses, partly under cultivation. Parties want- ing a good grass farm would do well to see this place. For further particulars apply to J. T. REID, Clinton. 2718-tf = one O ▪ N▪ N Nom 41 Nos PROPERTY FOR SALE. -FOR SALE 8 - acres of land, clay loam, good seven - roomed house with furnace, phone and rural mail, good buildings, stable, poultry house and drive shed; Mao small orchard. CIose to school. 2 miles from Seaforth. Apply to JOHN McMILLAN, R. R. No. 1, Seaforth, or phone 20 on 236, Seaforth Central, 2712-tf losing Out Sale of $7000 C eneral Merchandise = Having bought the stock of Messrs. Korner and Ings we are ; putting it pn sale beginning Tuesday, January 27th, for four weeks. The stock con - .g of Dry' sistin Goods, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Underwear, Caps, Mitts, Sweaters, O veralls,zetc, Buy Goods' at less than cost. ' No goods on ap- proval and stI`rictl P h Y cash. E. A. IncAsh le Son Preston Ontario.. - VAIMA this 6th day of 'January, 1920,-A. D. t3 'hone 13-622, Clinthn 2719-3 MOO ante Piano to be stored for three ^„ months with a family who will - take -good care of same. Ar- rangements can be made at the end of this time for the pur- OE▪ N OWN W▪ W▪ I MIMI a▪ wl SONO 111.1.1 A SAVINGS ACCOUN1 It is always well: to have a. Savings Account upon which interest is regularly paid and from which you are free to draw at any time should you have a good oppor- tunity p r- tunity to buy stock or feed. A Savings Account is Ready Money. zsA THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID -'UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. MEETING OF HURON COUN1Y_ COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County ' of Huron will meet , in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at three o'clock) in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 27th day of January, 1920. All accounts against the Coun- ty must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of Council. GEORGE W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. Goderich, January 10th, 1920. 2718-2 Annual Meeting = The annual meeting of the members of = the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance. Com- party will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Friday, February 6th, 1920, at two p.m. The business of the meeting will be to re- cei,ve the annual statement and auditor's re- po}-t, the election of three directors and two auditors and other business which might be considered of interest to the Company. The retiring directors are. William Rinn, Robt. Ferris and James Connolly, who are eligible for re-election. JAMES CONN L O LY THOS. E. HAYS • President, 2717-4 MO MWIM▪ M1111, - chase of same in case the party ▪ having the piano desires to do so. • Address enquiries to IMO N NW S▪ IM i MEN BOX 435, STRATFORD.INN O MNI rminIHlnllli1111111nnnnlnusnun11n 41C"'",'*•OPP!-- THE Demand .Will Exceed the. Output -Place Your. Order Now! The Ford Company advise that, on account of the shortage -of raw material, they.entertain no hope of supplying the demand for Ford Cars during the coming season. Our allotment of -cars will be Small compared with the demand that; -will exist in - th is territory. In order to obtain this allotment it will be necessary to show the Ford Company the actual orders.. As Ford .Dealers in this district we are anxious to serve the com- munity to the: best of our ability. By placing your order- now you will assure yourself of getting your car 367 at a later date. J. F. Daly Dealer Seaforth Cook Bros. Dealers Hensall Secretary: CrAHU+TRUNK'svfi" M The a Double Track Route l ` between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cancan night trains` and Parlor Cars 'on principal day trains.. ` For further particulars apply to nny Grand. Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Somerville .... W. IL Plant ... • Notice The meetings of East Huron Board of Agriculture is as follows: FORDWC%H, Tuesday, January -1. MOLESWORTH, Wednesda., Jan.14. BLUEVAIJE, Thursday, Jan. 15th.. BRUSSELS, Friday, 'anuary 16th. ETHEL, Monday, January 19th,. WALTON, Tuesday, January 20th,. Speakers will be A. R. G. Smith,. of New Hamburg; Mrs. Jas. Patter-' son. of Gad's Hill, and County Repre- sentative, S. B. Stothers, of Clinton. Meetings at 2 o'clock and 8 p.rn. AMON SMITH. P. A. McARTIIIiIt President. Secretary' 2717-2 , 19n11I11111U1111111111I11II1nillii11111it1 t ase S Flax-Flaxf _ s Farmers' • 1.1▪ 6 s 061MW t= The Huron County Flax Mills s Ltd. are . open to rent a limited = acreage of No. one and land.f lr� flax 'growing - purposes. The ` f farmer to plow, .disc, barrow and prepare the ;land for .a • good level seed bed. Company • will. supply seed ;-and do the sowing. For further particulars B apply at Office apposite Royal EP `Hotel, or to: -Land Agent, J. A. • Kerr, Box 532, Seaforth. ow 3 Tops Age = 2,7r141 IuinJ11IIIIII `.. a I Il MIHM11 1111111I111Ii1 .m - 1 MM IOW 10.0 ONO MOO ONO 11 UMW- ONO .. M. an" WO! MO - 11.• ... AMP rs Mak rte" M. NOTICETO FARM.ERS Flax Land to Rent = lk The Canadian Flax Mills, Limited, are still open to contract for a limited acreage of Good Sod Land at attractive prices. Spring or Fall ploughed. Farmer will do the plowing, disc- ing and rolling, or the Company will rent acreage and do all the necessary work, Comp- any will supply the seed free to farmer and do the sowing. For further particulars apply to M. McCORMIC.K, Superintendent, Phone 202 or at the Mill Office T. PULLMAN, Mill Manager, Phone 212 2718-4 Gasoline Engines and Separators for Sale GASOLINE ENGINES 1-10 H.P. International Kerosene Engine, poi=tahie, on wheels, almost new. 1-10 H.P. Ellis Gasoline Engine, almost new. 1-5 H.P. Type W Gasoline engine, riew. 1-5-10 *`very Tractor in good working order. 1-12-25 Fbur Cylinder Goold -Shapley & Muir Traci SEPARATORS 1-22-40 Lister Separator with straw carriers and hand feed attachment, almost new, suitable for small gasoline engine. BELTING -A quantity of second hand belting, suit- able for driving grinders, wood saws, and other machines, also a quantity of shafting and pulleys. BENCHES ---A number of work benches for sale. Every farmer can have a work bench for a mere trifle. The• Robt. Bell Enke internal Co., Limited SEAFURTR, ONT. . LOGS WANTED _____ We will pay the highest cash price for all kinds cif Soft and Hardwood Logs, and will pay fifty cents each for Maple, Beech,' Ftock Elan and Hard and Soft Elni rtiiway ties delivered at our Bruceflgld Mill. Settle- ment made when wanted. The Geddes --Tyson LUMBER CO.• 2718-3 l 41C"'",'*•OPP!-- THE Demand .Will Exceed the. Output -Place Your. Order Now! The Ford Company advise that, on account of the shortage -of raw material, they.entertain no hope of supplying the demand for Ford Cars during the coming season. Our allotment of -cars will be Small compared with the demand that; -will exist in - th is territory. In order to obtain this allotment it will be necessary to show the Ford Company the actual orders.. As Ford .Dealers in this district we are anxious to serve the com- munity to the: best of our ability. By placing your order- now you will assure yourself of getting your car 367 at a later date. J. F. Daly Dealer Seaforth Cook Bros. Dealers Hensall Secretary: CrAHU+TRUNK'svfi" M The a Double Track Route l ` between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cancan night trains` and Parlor Cars 'on principal day trains.. ` For further particulars apply to nny Grand. Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Somerville .... W. IL Plant ... • Notice The meetings of East Huron Board of Agriculture is as follows: FORDWC%H, Tuesday, January -1. MOLESWORTH, Wednesda., Jan.14. BLUEVAIJE, Thursday, Jan. 15th.. BRUSSELS, Friday, 'anuary 16th. ETHEL, Monday, January 19th,. WALTON, Tuesday, January 20th,. Speakers will be A. R. G. Smith,. of New Hamburg; Mrs. Jas. Patter-' son. of Gad's Hill, and County Repre- sentative, S. B. Stothers, of Clinton. Meetings at 2 o'clock and 8 p.rn. AMON SMITH. P. A. McARTIIIiIt President. Secretary' 2717-2 , 19n11I11111U1111111111I11II1nillii11111it1 t ase S Flax-Flaxf _ s Farmers' • 1.1▪ 6 s 061MW t= The Huron County Flax Mills s Ltd. are . open to rent a limited = acreage of No. one and land.f lr� flax 'growing - purposes. The ` f farmer to plow, .disc, barrow and prepare the ;land for .a • good level seed bed. Company • will. supply seed ;-and do the sowing. For further particulars B apply at Office apposite Royal EP `Hotel, or to: -Land Agent, J. A. • Kerr, Box 532, Seaforth. ow 3 Tops Age = 2,7r141 IuinJ11IIIIII `.. a I Il MIHM11 1111111I111Ii1 .m - 1 MM IOW 10.0 ONO MOO ONO 11 UMW- ONO .. M. an" WO! MO - 11.• ... AMP rs Mak rte" M. NOTICETO FARM.ERS Flax Land to Rent = lk The Canadian Flax Mills, Limited, are still open to contract for a limited acreage of Good Sod Land at attractive prices. Spring or Fall ploughed. Farmer will do the plowing, disc- ing and rolling, or the Company will rent acreage and do all the necessary work, Comp- any will supply the seed free to farmer and do the sowing. For further particulars apply to M. McCORMIC.K, Superintendent, Phone 202 or at the Mill Office T. PULLMAN, Mill Manager, Phone 212 2718-4 Gasoline Engines and Separators for Sale GASOLINE ENGINES 1-10 H.P. International Kerosene Engine, poi=tahie, on wheels, almost new. 1-10 H.P. Ellis Gasoline Engine, almost new. 1-5 H.P. Type W Gasoline engine, riew. 1-5-10 *`very Tractor in good working order. 1-12-25 Fbur Cylinder Goold -Shapley & Muir Traci SEPARATORS 1-22-40 Lister Separator with straw carriers and hand feed attachment, almost new, suitable for small gasoline engine. BELTING -A quantity of second hand belting, suit- able for driving grinders, wood saws, and other machines, also a quantity of shafting and pulleys. BENCHES ---A number of work benches for sale. Every farmer can have a work bench for a mere trifle. The• Robt. Bell Enke internal Co., Limited SEAFURTR, ONT.