The Huron Expositor, 1920-01-02, Page 1*STY -FOURTH YEAR t e OLE NUMBER 2716 SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1920 McLean Bros., Publishers $1.50 a Year in Advance We Wish Our Many Readers A Very Happy New Year • Greig Clothing Co'y "Second to None " JANUARY SA Clothing and Furs.:. LATEDELIVERIES OF OVERCOATS, SUITS, WOMEN'S COATS AND FURS HAS LEFT OUR STOCK ALTOGETHER OVER LOADED FOR THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR. ARKFORCED TO UNLOAD -AND WE. RE- ' c-rei E THE FACT THAT WE SHALL HAVE TO SACRIFICE PRICE IN ORDER TO PLACE THIS SURPLUS STOCK WITH THE PUBLIC. WE HAVE NOT ROOM IN THIS SPACE TO NAME PRICES AS THEY SHALL APPLY TO THE HUNDREDS OF GAR- MENTS OFFERING FOR MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS. OUR ENTIRE STOCI IS INCLUDED IN THIS GREAT SACRIFICE SALE. DON'T ALLOW YOUR- SELF OR YOUR BOYS AND GIRLS TO GO WITH- OUT RESPECTABLE AND COMFORTABLE CLOTH- ING, WHEN THIS SALE GIVES YOU THE OPPOR- TUNITY TO BUY AT LESS THAN MANUFACTURE'S COST SALE NOW ON Greig Clothing Co. SEAFORTH OTTAWA IS IS READY FOR THE WORST The shock of the Ontario elections left the -Union Government (lazed but undismayed. As the sputtering wires spelled out the story the surprise was succeeded by a sort of stupor. The House adjourned early, partially' be- cause tbe members couldn't keep their minds on the argument, but more for the reason that the few lonely mini- sters on the front benclies wanted to ask their colleagues wl o were keep- ing tab on the return what it all meant. Hon. J. D. R,ei, I and Hon, C. J'`: Doherty tarried far few moments in the corridors. But a few volleys -1 from the telegraph booths drove them intoia retirement where their feelings • did not have to be maskel by- smiles. And surely a few of those volleys i were as surprising as the first cloud of German gas at St. Julien. They came something like this: "Tory To- ronto elects five Liberals," "Sir Wil- liam Hearst beaten by a Laborite by 1,200 majority," "Five Tory ministers among the slain"; and the volleys were succeded by a steady fire of "Farmer candidate defeats Tom Mc- Garry," "Farmer wins in Centre Grey," etc., etc. In fact it seemed • to rain farmers. Do you wonder that the ministers hived by themselves in an upper room while the corn:man every -day -members took refuge in Room Sixteen and gazed at each other in a sort of mute consternation? Only the French Canadians were jubilant They fail- ed to realize the true meaning of it all. They know that Ontario was slipping from the nerveless grasp of a Tory leader and that was enough for them. They shouted for pure joy when it was announced that H. Hart- ley Dewart, who made the last stand with Sir Wilfrid Laurier, was elected by 7,000 majority. They could see their ancient enemies being tumbled from power and they failed to realize that there were a few things ip con- nection with the tumbling that did not bode well for their own political future. So they rejoiced ,and *nlerrY. For a m• nt they o And then they began to figure the they are and were prepared to try situation at home. Here's how one something, or anything, else. They well -posted young Quebec member put that situation: "Gouin is going out, that's sure. Hon. L. A. A. Tascher- eau, who is, billed to succeed him, is far from popular. Hon. J. E. Caron, probably the best Minister of Agri- culture in all Canada, is able and ambitious. Also he is all for Caron and for Caron all the time. If he sheuld decide to start a farmer move- ment in Quebec no one can tell what might happen. Nor can anyone tell where we would get off at." So, with Quebec faces showing con- cern and Maritime members worried by ;reports that the farmer candidate in Oarleton-Victoria, N. B., was loom - in' up like a winner, deep 'gloom per - proved that they had .outgrown the idea that only lawyers can rule. Pos- sibly they -had looked at the country as it is after fifty years of lawyer 4111111111111 rule and concluded that Governments = made up of more common material = Could not have done much worse. And = surely Canada. could not have her E finances in a more deplorable condi- = tion or have a more complicated and expensiv'e railway problem on her hands if she had been ruled by gradu- ates of the work hours rather than by , the finished products of the law colleges. Anyway the first move in a con stitutional revolution has been made. Staid old Ontario, the most conserve- vaded the Opposition benches, replac- rive of all the provinces, has made ing permanently the momentary joy it and, though surprise is depicted on almost every face, to those who have been watching e trend of public opinion only the expected has hap- pened. Take Hon.' T. A. Crerar, for ex- ample. The night before Ontario ele.ction, I asked him how main" farmers would make the grade and he answered quite casually, f'About forty, I think." Consequently the news was no surprise to him. Neither did it excite him. When) the returns were coming in he was making a speech in the House, placing himself squarely on record as in favor of public ownership. He -smiled quietly as, after finishing his speech, he paused for k moment to bear the re- turns on his Way to catch a train. that - had followed the first reports' from Ontario. 'But, if the Grits were gloomy, the Unionists were vexed and angry. Every returned: warrior from the On- tario front, be he Liberal -Unionist, Conservative -Unionist o r straight Tory, brought the same story. "It's this outfit in here they're af- ter," said one of Hon: Wes y Rowell's few folloseers as he nod towards the holy of holies from which orders - in -council once flowed' in such pro- fusion. _ "Nothing but daylight -seeing and the Board of Commerce counted in my constituency/' reported a Tory of the Tories • who represents a dairy constituency. 1. $ And so it went ,all down the line. , He was even then tin his way to at - Summarized, those reports 'read:- 'tend a meeting of the farmer members "They struck at the Union Govern- at Toronto. That meeting had been i ment over Hearst's head." • arranged days before the election took And each group of Unionists, who place. . You may gather from this that the farmers are not going off at half- cock. Also rid your mind of the idea that the farmer with the wisp of hay in his whiskers or his pants tucked into red -topped boots is dm -ling to town The days of "Sockless Jerry Simpson" are past. The farmer of to -day is as well educated and well dressed as any other clam He drives an automobile instead of hitching "Old Dobbin to theShay." In the House of Commons he looks as well and talks quite as senate as his fel- low ariensber. Of emitelsr he is not so glib as trainedtalkeri, like the lawyers. But some of him have a habit of getting at the root of things instead of painting them over with words. Take a recent example. The House was having a nice debate on the Grain Act. It promised to last all afternoon and the Press Gallery adjourned to look for something more interesting -that is, all except Toni King. Tom stayed and listened. In about half an hour Tom rejoined the crowd. discussed the matter, arrived- at the same conclusion: "If we went to the country to -morrow not a corporal's guard would return." It is hardly surprising, under these circuinstances, that the unanimous verdict was to stay where they were till the last possible moment and there were anxious enquiries as to when that moment might occult It was finally discovered that the writs of the last election, were returned January 19th, 1918. ' Consequently the life of this Parliament will ex- pire OtejahiSa.ry 1,9th, 1923S *'"And on, that night," laughed a Western M. P. who had had more time to realize the significance of the farmer Move- ment and who had become reconciled to his fate, "we can stand up in our • places and sing 'Where do we go from here'?" Others more optimistic 'had hopes that the farmer tide would ebb as, fast as it had flowed, and that three years hence the agricultural movement would have gone the way of the' Populists in the U. S. 'or the Patrons of Industry in, Ontario. The farmers are a suspicious lot, they argued, and the best. thing that could have hap- pened to us is that enough of them were, elected to make them the dom- inating faction in the Ontario House. Now watch them quarrel among them- selves. By the time the three years' grace has expired, they'll be split and torn asunder till you can drive the awed into a strained silence by the news that Orange -Tory Toronto had elected John O'Neill, the Roman Cath- olic Liberal. But Hon. Wesley Rowell sifted through the door and towards the elevator at this time and in a moment Joe Archambault had turned their silence into .roars of laughter. "Did lyou hear the news ? " cried Joseph, as he burst into their midst. "The barber has just charged Rowell twq dollars for a shave. His face is that long." And, as the Chambly-Vercheres humorist credited the uplift leader with a countenance of which the lineal measurement was at least two feet, the joy again was unconfined. It was not till the next morning that the true significante of the Ontario happenings burst on all and sundry. Then the- Ontario members who had been taking .part in the. campaign be- . gan to drop in. Grit and Tory or Unionist each wore the same expres- sion and by no stretch of imagination could it be interpreted to mean in- ward happiness. With the farmers sweeping both the Lambtons, Fred Pardee confessed that he failed to see anything humorous in the situation. .Nor did Duncan Ross, back from Mid- dlesex, where the agriculturists hal devasted all three ridings, rediate anything that could be mistaken for good cheer. Then and only then did the French-Canadian statesmen begin to realize that their joy. had been pre- mature and possibly misplaced.. Fur- ther they began to have certain- mis- givings. For, be it known that a score of these young French-Canadian. statesmen are lawyers who have wandered out into the green field's and plucked for themselves daisies in the- form - of agricultural constitu- encies. What if this farmer epidemic which claimed Ontario as its own, and which was reported to be raging west of the Great Lakes, should jump the Ottawa River and gather the habitant into its clutches? The very thought was appalling. Nor did they gather comfort from the joker who figured it out: "Last fall it was the `Flu'; this year it is the -farmer. Did the over/00k Quebec?" "How's the debate, Tom?" queried one of the gang. "Oh, it was a real nice debate," Tom drawled, "till that man Crerar ,spoiled it." "What did Crerar do?" • "Why, he got up and told them the facts." That was the second debate Crerar spoiled the same week and. in the party wagon anywhere through their same way. He got up in his own ranks. Anyway they're not built on quiet way and made a statement of a solid foundation. The cancellation fact that killed discussion. Admit- tedly he's no orator. He's as differ - of exemptions under the military ser- vice order -in -council brought them in- to existence. The war is over. - In three years they'll have forgotten the M. S. A. and they'll drift back to their old parties like prodigals who have tired of the husks -of discon- tent and remember only-te 'delights of getting their legs under dad's dinner -table. And there may be something in this line of argument But it is also well to remember that a great war always carriers in its trail an unrest that makes for the betterment of human conditions. No observer of government in Canada will refuse to admit it is a long time since this colony, or nation, whichever it may be, has had representative govern- ment.- It voted the Liberals into power and got a Laurier dictatorship. Tiring of that it turned out the Lib- erals and got a Borden dictatorship in its place. The net result was al- ways the same. The lawyers, the representatives of privilege, were al- ways in command.", Each party, un- der command of its chosen leader, catered to a different group of favor- ites, but to each the'pee-pul" were a minor consideration. More than once I have heard a member . of the Press‘Gallery remark as some particularly atrocious meas- ure slipped through the HOuse, as if it were greased. "If the people could sit in this gallery for six weeks and see the meaning of everything that goes on they'd burn the building be- fore going home." Now this sounds like Bolshevism. It may even be as bad as that. But is it not a sort Of constitutional Bol- shevism that is sweeping Canada? The Anglo-Saxon does not try to get his rights by destroying property. The great majority of him awns a little property of his own. And when a man has paid local improvement tax he's mighty slow about tearing up the street and throwing it into the bay. But there is no denying the fact that constituted authority is more or less in contempt at the present time. You'll notice that the Ontario earth- quake was a protest not only against the Hearst Government, but against other Governments of a like kind. The people voted for farmers, returned soldiers and labor men. They show- ed that they were tired of things as i ent from those roaring agitators who headed the Populist movement as day from night. He's a big, lanky chap who looks as if he might be hard to handle in a fight but he.wears a boy- ish smile that assures you that if there is a fight, if won't be -of his making. He is forty-thiee years of age and doesn't look it. Neither does he look like the head of a business that has an annual turnover of a hun- dred million dollars. But that's what the United Grain Growers and. sub- sidiary companies have grown to. And T. A. Crerar, school teacher, farmer, etc., has been at their head since the days when he carried their mail to the post office to save the expense of an office boy. Some leader these farmers have got! You don't wonder that he could shed his -portfolio in the Union Cabinet without losing one inch of his political stature. Being Mini- ster of Agriculture was only an in- cident tin a career such as bis. So cheer up. All may not be lost even if the Ontario farmers have come to town. Of course, newspaper cuts are deceptive, but • unprejudiced critics who saw the group photo of the elected farmer legislators had no hesitation" in stating that they were quite as presentable a lot as either the Unionists or their hated rivals across the floor. But, as your gaze rests on that Opposition, you notice that one man is missing -probably the only man you wbuld really miss in the whole talented outfit. That man is Ernest Lapointe, the big Kamouraska lawyer. That is, he was from Kamouraska when, he last sat in the House. When he comes again his address will be Quebec East. He has succeeded to the seat of the late Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier. Furthermore, he is fast taking the Laurier place in the habitant hearts. When Ernest Lapointe came to Parliament in 1904, he was a big country lawyer who could scarce speak a word of English and who promised to cut as much figure in his country's history as the average mem- ber who blossoms for a Parliament or two and then vanishes from the political horizon or becomes a decora- tion of the Red Chamber. Lapointe was young, -the picture of smiling good nature, and so generally a pleasant part of the landscape that he grew . 11•111 MEI H1111111111! THANKING OUR MANY = FRIENDS F 0 R THEIR GENEROUR PATRONAGE .11$ =Eh MID N INI• imali 010$ alm▪ • = DURING THE PAST YEAR MON, 1••• AND Wale ME M. owls sm. mi. $1••• Am don am ..•. Wishing _ . . _ MO ma _ . _ am IBMI Me MIS N M ISM ma • You $10$ OM OM N M OM .... . ONE ....... . NM ... MO ... OM 'MI MO • 10$ ..... N MI Ma IMP NM II= =MI eta N NW VIM IMO - INNS •••• MIS MEN A Happy land Prosperous IMO AI▪ M OW =IN SON OMR ' •Mi IMO $11.1 - New Year = MOM , MD IMP E 110$11 NM . I OM . [Mt NM MN . OM •••• , OM NM . OM MU •••••••••••••.....••••••••• Me S P UM SW MB Fred S. Savauge OM OM MO MO MI. N M NM MIS SIM am OM MIN ed David arose and pleaded that, as no Frenchman was to be named for leader, Quebec should hold aloof and let the delegates_ from the English Provinces elect whom they pleased. Young Mr. David played his part well -so well that for a moment it looked as if he might stampede the caucus. It was Ernest Lapointe who rose to the occasion. Quietly and gently he pointed out the foolishness of Quebec further separating herself from the rest of Canada, and, when the vote was taken, David stood a- lone. All the others were with La- pointe. Also they stayed with him till, backed by Hon. Jacques Bureau, he accomplished the defeat of Sir est PUBLIC SCHOOL EXAMS ,The following are the results of the Christmas examinations in con- nection with the Seaforth Public School. Those marked with an asterisk were absent from one or more examinations, ROOM I Senior Fourth -Total marks, 600: Eva Fee 544, Fred Crich 543, Mar- jorie Bickell 540, Donald McKay 534, Keith Stogdill 529, Annie Brodie 525, Dorothy Kent 522, Fred Scott 519, Arthur Burrows 504, Wilfrid Smith 501, Erie Edwards 498, Keith Lamont 487, Whiter Hoegy 449, *Clair Merner 403, *Mary Dodds 396, *Evelyn Peter- Lomer-even if they had to elect W. son, *Vincent Paterson. L. M. King as one of the incidents Junior Fourth -Myrtle Sharkey 567, of that defeat. It might be added Arthur Beattie 556, Daisy Spain 551, at a sequel to the above that Mr. David has since been taken into Sir Lomer Gouin's Cabinet. The victory over Gouin caused dis- cerning people to look more closely at this man Lapointe. And the more they looked at him the better they liked him. He made what was eas- ily one of the best speeches M the Peace Treaty debate and did it with a simplicity and lack of affectation that is all too scarce in these days of pedantic orators.- Then one day he created a bit of a sensation, by rising M his place in the House and resigning his safe seat of Kamouraska. • .There was -trouble in Quebee East. A multiplicity of = candidates who refused to drop out Jeweler and Optician = made it appear that • Armand Lav- ergne, the Nationalist leader, had the best chance of election. Hon. Jacques Bureau, Lapotnte's inseparable friend, saw the chance -the double chance, in 10. 1 fact -grabbed it. Here was the op- portunity to establish Ernest La- pointe, not only as the head of the opposition to Gouin, but as the smasher of Nationalism for all time. MaYbelle Rands 293, Elva Jefferson 283, • Jim Hart 275, Fanny , Peterson 267.-M. W. Mnckay. ROOM III - We have a Xmas - waiting for you. Phon Calendar 194., -Residence Gmmummmummumummiimmin popular. But his knosifedge of the English language grew even faster than his popularity and heplodded a- long, gaining ground session by ses- sion. But it was only recently that it began to dawn on the House that a successor to Laurier was in its midst. • By this time Lapointe had not only learned but mastered the English laeguage. Mbreover, he was eloquent, with a Sound common sense: behind his eloquence, and a knowledge of constitutional government such as • is possessed by. few men in Canadian public life. Then 'eame the Grit Convention and coupled with it, Sir Lomer Gouin's attempt to hoist Hon. WsS. Fielding into the Liberal Leadership. Now Sir Lomer discovered that Fielding is not popular with the Frenchmen. And here it might be remarked that this little French capitalist, who rules his native province with a rod of iron, is a bit of a fox. So it is charged that he schemed to pull his own province out of the voting. With Quebec out, Fielding would have had a walkover. Anyway, when th-e Que- bec delegates caucused, a passionate and eloquent young Frenchman nam- CKE O. H. A. Goderich VS. Seaforth Tuesday JANUARY 8:15 P.M. ADMISSION - - CHILDREN - - Gordon Carnochan 55,14, Elva Grisnold- by 546, Kenneth .s Carrnschsien 537, Evelyn .Cudniore 536, Mar% 'Webster 514; Walter Bateman 51Q' Margaret * Grieve 508, Agnes Smith 504, Frank Cook 502, Margaret Case 496, Janet Cluff 484, Hector Hays 480, Walter Scott 459, Vera Hudson 411.-F. F. Fowler. ROOM 11 Total, 500; Honors, 375; 60%-300: Willie Hart 408, Sallie Egger 402, Anna Sutherland 393, Robert Willis 387, Pearl Carnochan 379, Edgar Brownlee 378, Greta Merner 374, Daisy. Hamilton 373, Jean Lowery 371, Jim Stewart 368, Jean Stewart 358, Eleanor Harries 357, Annie Egger 355, Karl Ament 349, Leslie Hogg 246, Evelyn Harburn 344, Murray Savauge 344, Jim Weir 340, Jean Brodie 331, Dorothy Kerslake 326, Stanley Nicholls 321, Margaret' Thompson 319, Elizabeth Charters 313, Elmer Beattie 309, Nellie Cook 307,_Billie Sutherland 304, Sidney Pullman 299, Irene Patterson 296, ° Henri Bourassa is in retirement. The only Nationalist leader in sight . is Lavergne. The habitant must have a hero to .follow else he finds one somewhere else.. Lavergne, elected in Laurier's seat, might well hope to be that hero. So Jacques Bureau slip- ped down to the ancient capital, the 'Woke Up 'Olie 1110tning- to 4 fllitt lilacSelt ;withdraw, and, Armand La.vefespe • othet candidates were induced to faced by Lapointe -who could Make him look foolish on the stump -and sure defeat. Lavergne did the only thing left. He funked the issue -and lost another chance 'to be a hero. On the other hand, Lapointe went on and was triumphantly elected. To- day he fills Laurier's seat; to -morrow he will have Quebec behind him as 'mildly as it ever was behind the Plumed Knight. There is also fur- ther political significance to all this. The farmers are coming down from the West and from Ontario in force after the , next elections Strong Unionists even now admit that the next Premier will smell, of the new - mown hay. But if Quebec . and the Maritime Provinces fail to come under the farmer epidemic they will hardly be strong enough to control the 'House. They can't tie up to the Unionists. This year's budget vote showed that. They can't cut in with the old line Grits, who are more re- actionary than the Unionists. But they may find. allies in the Lapointe - Bureau Liberals. You might have noticed that during his recent cam- paign, Lapointe went out of his way, to eulogize Hon. T. A. Crerar.' And this, at the time when the old' line Liberals had sent McMaster of Brome and Pedlow of Renfrew, away out to Assiniboia to he Motherwell, an old line Grit, lose ' is depdsit to Gould, a Crerar candida e. Just another in- dication-isn'ts it? -that the split in the Quebec Liberals is 'widening? Just .4 another straw *that shows which way the wind blOviss , - 50 CENTS - - 35 CENTS • War Tax Included This is the first game of the season and will afford an opportunity of sizing up the home team, admitted- ly a strong combination. COME , OUT AND ENCOURAGE THE BOY. A. W. DICK J. E. WILLIS Secretary President •••11•11111111M11$11M 111!$1.1,11.11., NOTICE WE EXPECT A CARLOAD OF FIVE ROSES FLOUR, BRAN AND SHORTS TO AR- RIVE AT WALTON THE FIRST WEEK IN THE- NEW YEAR. SPECIAL PRICES OFF CAR. ••••••••1•••••••••• W. G. Neal WALTON - - ONTARIO Junior Third -Total, 565; Honors, 424; Pass, 339: Mary, Jackson 494., Dorothy Robinson 43Z, Retta. Hogis garth 432, Gerald Snowdon 410, Ruc- sell Barrett 40'7, Vera Hulley 397, Jack Oughton -391, John Dennison 390, ,Gordets Rolph 376, Jack Frost s 37 Ahrin Sillery 375, 'Margaret Stewart 375, Dorothy Webster 364, Dorothy Frost 364, Mildred Johnston 358, Jean Cluff 353, Elroy Brownlee 351, -Jeanette Archibald 350, Jack Walker 342, Arthur Carnochan' 341, Edward Rankin 335, *Andrew McLean 334, Billy Barber 333, Laura Mole 321, Jack Crich 314, Russell Consitt 300, **Bertha Grieve 283, Margaret Armstrong 281, Mildred Turnbull 258, Clarence Muir 256, ****Carmon Ferg- uson 245, Arthur Edmunds 245, **Leonard Brown 230, *Wilhernine Thornton 217, ****Elsie Lowery 213, *Jack Cluff 177, **Myrtle Reeves 128, ***"*Anna Stephenson 89.-M. B. Habkirk. ROOM IV Second Book, Class A -Total, 400; Honors, 300; Pass, 240: Jean Murray 371, Mary Hays 359, Lillian Long- worth 356, Margaret Rolph 356, Mar- garet Daly .355, Evelyn Hiuser 336, Clarence Trott 332, Beatrice Merner 327,'Alice Walker 320, Earl Peterson 291, Leona Pearson 287, Margaret Beattie 278, Norman Jefferson 275, Annie Hulley 210, Fred Willis 262. Class B -Total, 320e Honors, 240; Pass, 192: Clarence Hoggarth 259, Nora Stewart 254, Ida Hiuser 247, Alvin Adams 244, Gordon Muir 237, Archie Somerville 237, Tom Thiel 227, Frank Lamont 221, Rosabel Cluff 216, Louie Jackson 214, Laura McMillan 199, Glen Smith 198, Jack Archibald 192, Roseline Thiel 190, Leslie Bate- man 187, Bessie Marriott 168, Char- lotte Powell 150, Ena Holmes 145, ***Marie McCormick 63. -Lynne Gil- lespie. - That wind, by the way, so close political observers will tell you, is blowing Hon. T. A. Crerar and Ernest Lapointe closer together every day. That's the combination that may form the next Federal Government. They're just about the two biggest men in Parliament. And they both make the kind of appeal that fits the circum- stances. Crerar appeals to the farm- ers. Lapointe is a heraeto a people who fall for hero worship even more easily than they become the victims of an epidemic such as is sweeping the rest of rural Canada. By the way, Sir Henry Drayton, the new Minister of Finance, paid the House a brief visit ere he started out to borrow the money to make his job worth holding. Rather a likely fel- low, Sir Henry, if he wouldn't try to look so blamed amiable. However, that's a fault peculiar to new politi- cians, Sir Henry may grow out of it. -By J. K. Munro. -The Clinton News Record of last week says: It would appear -that we might change it a little and instead of, or rather, in. addition to, saying "Pigs is Pigs" we might say "Turkeys is Turkeys." Mr. D. Churchill brought in a load of thirty-six turkeys to Gunn, Langlois and Co. the other day for which he received a cheque for 3246.96, and Mr. M. McGregor, for fourteen was paid the sum of $11.60. If the women on the farms still con- trol the egg and butter money and the fowl money, which used to be con- sidered the proper thing on farms, we believe, then we venture the opinion that many farmers' wives command a snug little bank account at the present time. J ROOM V Senior First -Total Marks, 260 Honors, 195; Pass, 156: Clifford Riley 233, Philip Egger 230, George Charters 216, Josephine Edge 213, Elizabeth McLean 209, Ruby Storey 209, Nora Hodgins 207, Russell lionises 206, Harold Cummings 201, George Parkes 198, Fred Huiser 196, Bes ie Cluff 195, Sadie Hart 195 Oliv alker 194, Evelyn Grieve 194, Edith Batenian 190, Thomas Goven- lock 184. Margaret Cudmore 181, Win- nifred Riley 180, *Mary Oughton 178, Leslie Knight 177, Jack Cudmore 169, Kathleen Calder 166, Charlie Stewart 150, Florence Spain 143, Joe Hart 138, Jim Pinder 133, *Grace Somer- ville 126, Bernice Joynt 119, Tom Cluff 106, Harold Henderson 99, Harry McLeod 98, , Junior First -Total, 140; Honors, 105; Pass, 84: Margaret Crich 116, Charlie Stevenson 99, Tom Hulley 93, *Charlie Reeves 90, Anna Edmunds 86, Alvin Knight 81, *Margaret Card - no 65, Nelson Cardno 62, Harry Work- man 60, *Clarence Stevenson 37, *Bertha Huiser 33.-G. GoRoss. • ROOM VI Senior Primary-Dordthy Wiltse and Eleanor Burrows, . equal, Borden. Merner, Anirew- Calder, Mary Archi- bald and Cecil Adans equal, Alfred 31? Murray, Margaret cLeiman, Amelia Ceoper, Charlie Piaui r, Herbert Peter- son and Jack Hodgins equal, George Hays, Mary Thompson, James Russell, Pearl Reeves, Bernice Dormice. Junior Primary -Mabel Bateman. and Jean Frost equal, Irene Ouff, Russell Allen and Frank Can: equal, Elva 0 k e, Bernice ' Stephenson, Dorothy Daley. Evelyn Riley, Leslie Hawes, Douglas Cook. -A. W. Woods, 1.‘ 7