HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-12-19, Page 5J9, 1919 II: of any Gift little as d yet be re- ater pleasure S and you are mg USEFUL, i!.1 AND AC - We are all ISTMAS with nent of SLIP - VERY MEM - [E FAMILY. our CHRIST- • R DISPLAY, -.-te early as Hes and prices a few f olr - , 1,50 "and 81,75. 1.75 1.50 and $1.75 g3 50 75e $1.00 . $1.15 . 75e to $1.15 • . . .. .$1.00 soles, ribbon R1.25 to $1.50. 2.00 75c ..75c to "$1.15 ...75 and 90c CIAL HOTBL 130X & CO. 'era and Directors BOX rmnent Diploma deense s moderate d on short notice Day Calls Phone 43 year. ,4s ' 1 ve serviceable is year and rviceable, use - Footwear? 4nas Footwear l)per, Rubbers, ,ieggings, etc., st complete we [ variety is the vn for a long o call and see in the Christ- inally 'making • give. FEAR XMAS 1 E Shoes for all Rubbers, Slip - 1.00 EN )es in all the dress shoes, ete. .00 D▪ REN ;hoes, Storm hoes, Rubbers, ;, etc., etc. hristmas than loice Stock of nothing more Ott M:3$ SHOES" clality PECEIVIIIElt 19, 1919 1101••••Noi.m.4. SEAFORTH IVIARKETS, Seaforth, December 18, 191 Shorts, per ton . .... .......$50. . Bran, per ton $45. Wheat, per bushel $1. Spring Wheat, per bushel Barley..... • • • • It • • $ -Oats, per bushel........ 8 Flour per cwt....—. .$5.50 to $5. Butter, per .. . 55 to 5 Eggs, per dozen 65 to 7 Potatoes, per bag........$2 to $2. Hogs, per cwt. BIRTHS Plant.—Trr Seaforth, on December 12t12, to M ztnd Mrs. W. R. Plant, a daughter, Doerrs--In Exeter, on November 28th, to M and Mrs. H. W. Doerr, a son. Durteinore.—At the Sarnia General Hespita on December lItie to Major and Mrs. L. Dunsmore, 187 Euphernia street, a son. Pinknese—In Stratford, on December 14th, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pinkney, a son. Marks.—In Detroit, on December 7th, to M and Mn, D. P, Marks, a daughter, Fowler.—In London, on December 12th, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fowler, a son. ,ft1A.RRIAGES Reid—Stewart.—.At Varna, on December 3r: by the Rev. D. Johnston, Margaret, (laugh ter a Mr. Walter Stewart, to lsieleon Reid • son of Mr. James Reid. Fitton--Titue..-- On October 30th, at St. Ann' church, Toronto. by Rey. Lawrence Skey Gladys Titus, Phm. 1e,, only daughter o Dr. and Mr. R. C. Tithe., of Trenton, • _ Thomas Gerald Fitton. son of Mr. an Mn. Saxon Fitton, of Exeter. Rope— Balsdene—In London, on December 10th by Rev. George McKinley, Ms e Elizabeth eldest dquehter of Mr. and Mrs. C. .1 Balsden, >of London, to Mrs Robert G. Boyd, of Sarnia. • DEATHS Cantelon--At Qu'APPelle, Sask., on Decembee 7th, Lieut. Harry Ray Cantelon, eon of Mr. David Cantelon, of Clinton, aged 26 years. IN MEMORIAM Note.—Items under this head will be charg- ed ZiO cents per single verse and 25 cents for each additional verse. In loving memory of Pte. John D. Laing, 24th Battalion, who died of pneumonia at Charleroi, Belgium, on •December 20th, 1918, While on the etriurnphril march into Germany. Not dead to •those who loved him; Not lost, hut gone before: Re lives with us in memory still And vviI1 forevermore. 2714x1 Lonely Parents, Sister and Brothers. ever loving memory of Robert Thomson, who departed this life one year ago, December 23rd, 1918. 2714xl. , Daughters. In loving remembrance of Mary Rebecca Bolton, who died one year ago, December 21st, 1918. Friends may think that we forget thee When at times they see us smile; But they little know the sorrow That the smile hides all the while. Yet again we hope to meet thee, When the day of life • has ffed, 'There in heaven with jay to greet thee Where no farewell tears are shed. 2714e1 Her Father, Mother and Sisters. IMPORTANT *NOTICES E1STRAY CALF.—STRAYED ON TO THE id" premises of the undersigned one yearling era, mostly red. Owner may have same by Proving property and paying expenses. W. W. Cooper. 2714-2 fPEACHER WANTED FOR UNION SCHOOL Section. Number 15. Hay- and .Stephen. Duties to commence January 5th; Apply stating salary and qualification to. JACO SCHROEDER, Secretary Treasurer, R. R. 2, Dashwood, Ont. • 2714-3 (IARD OF THANKS.—MRS. WILSIE DE - 71 -1 sires to express her heartfelt thanks to the gentlemen of Seaforth and vicinity who se kindly gave- her the Purse last week. All concerned will please accept this intima- tion. 2714x1 itiTOTICE TO TRESPASSERS.—NOTICE IS J-.‘ hereby given that any one found tres- passing on East half of Lot 11. Concession Z, Bulielt, will be prosecuted according to law. MRS. SANDERS. 2713-2 S TRAYED FROM EAST HALF LOTS 21 and 22, Concession 8, a yearling steer, ,rdd and white spotted. Any one found har- boring same after 23rd instant will be prose- •'euted, OSCAR KLOPP, Zurich; phone 18 - ea. 2713-2 'TEACHER WANTED. — A QUALIFIED "a• teacher for School Section No. 7, Tucker - smith. Duties to commence January 5th, 1920. Apply stating salary and experience to G. CAMERON, Secretary -treasurer, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth. 2718-3 140USE AND LOT FOR SAL.—FOR SALE cheap and on reasonable terms a good comfortable dwelling and lot on north •side of .r.h..1 Sereet, Seaforth, Ont. Conveniently sit:eat:et to .Main Street. Apply to J A.MES WATSON,•Insurance Agent, Seaforth. 2711-tf Farmers Attention `1. The undersigned has for sale some •good flew and second hand windmills, also an 8 horse power Brantford gasoline engine with Bosch mag-neto, hopper cooled, and also some new and second belting. I have the agency for Fairbank's mowers, oil engines, Preston steel barns, sheds and steel roofing; also cheam separators. Prices on request. Phone 14-234. 12714-tf W. T. GRIEVE. R. It. No. 4, Walton. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP A meeting for nominating a reeve and four bouncillon for the municipality of the Town- ship of McKillop for the year 1920, will be held at Calder's Hall, Winthrop, on Mon- day, the 29th day of DecernlaFr, 1919, at the hour of one o'clock p.m., an d in the event of more persons being nominated, than are required to 2111 the several offices, an elec- tion will be held on Monday, the 5th day of January, 1920, as follows: Polling Division No. 1, G. IC. Holland's house, Lot 10, Con- cession 5, James Evans •D. R. 0., Thomas Moylan, P. C.; Polling Division No. 2, Jas. Hilleris house, Lot 25, Concession 4, Joseph Dorrance D. R. 0., James Hillen, P. C.; Polling Division No, 3, Leo McKay's house, Lot 10, Concession 12, J. Leeming D. R. 0., J. Murray P. C.; Polling Division No. 4, School house No. 7. Lot 26, Concession 12, Thomas Archibald D. R. 0., A. McGavin, P. C. 2714-2 M. ,MURDIE, Clerk. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSIVIITH The annual meeting of the electors of the Township of Tuckersmith for the nomination ref candidates for the offices of Reeve and councillors for the year 1920, will be held at Walker's Hall, Brucefield, on Monday, De- cember 29th, 1919, at one o'clock p.m. If a poll be necessary sucJ poll shall be opened on Monday, Jinuary th, 1020, at the follow- ing Places and by tlfe following officers: 'No. 1, Hill's carriage shop, W, C. Govenlock, D. R. 0., John Rinke, poll clerk; No. 2, School House No. 8, Samuel MeGeoch, D. R. O.. H. M. Chesney poll clerk; No. 3. School Rouse No. 4, G. N. Turner, D. R. 0., George Lay- ton, poll clerk ; No. 4, School House' No. 3, D. M. Ross, D. R. 0. . J. W. McIntosh, poll clerk; No. 5 School House No. 1, Robert Fraquair, D. R. 0., Duncan Woods, poll clerk; No. 6 School House No. 9, William Poll open from 9 a.m. to 5 1;ern. 2714-2 lc " D. F. McGREGOR, „ :_ _ • Returning Officer. — _.....,.... , AUCTION SALES ,,.. OLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FAR. m NJ Stock and Implement:1.—W. E. Nairn, au )0 tioneer, has received instructions to sell 1 In public. auction for Russell Maudson on LI ,e''' 22, 001101/48i011 18, Hibbert, .2 Miles east a RI Ohiselhurst, .011 Monday, December 22nd, 191 5 - commencing at one o!`clock- sharp, the follov ing; Horses—General purpose mare 9 yea] '-` old supposed to be with foal, agricultura 6 gelding 6 years old, carriage gelding 8 yea re old, driver 8 years old, driving filly risin fr, a yeers old with filly foal. Cattle—Two Dur ' ham cows due to freshen in February, k 5 Durham cows due in March,, 1 Durham co, 5 due in; April, 1 Durham cow due in May, Durham heifers rising 2 years,- 4 yearlin 1 steere, 3 spring calves. Hogs—Brood, sow, 1 Pigs about 90 pounds. Hens -75 White Leg horn hens.- Implements—Deering binder 6 foo r. cut, Deering mower 5 foot cut, hay rola diso drill nearly new, disc harrow, set o • harrows, steel- land roller, Deering manur spreader nearly new, Oliver riding plow, singl , walking, plow, wagon and box, set of sleighs • cutter nearly new, hay reek, car, gravel box scuffier, 150 feet of rope, cream eeparato o Standard make, nearly new; 6 milk pails whitlietrees, neck 'yokes, 40 gallon steel tank . water trough, double set of harness, set o slings, 1 single set of harness, hay fork oforks, how, shovels and many other article useful on the ,farm. Hay, Grain and Roots— Five tons of mixed hay, a quantity of strain to be fed on the farm, 500 bushels of oats 30 bushels of barley, 500 bushels of turnips hlousehold Furniture.—Cook stove, heater sewing machine, 2- bed room suites, palet suite, parlor rug, 6 dining room chairs, 1 rocking chair, roll of• linoleum. Terrns—All s suers of $10 and under, casb ; over that arnountel2 months' will be given on furnish. ' ing approved joint notes or et discount of 6% f off for cash in lieu of notes. Positively no ' rwerVe as the proprietoll has •' rented the farm.. RUSSELL MAUDSON, Proprietor; W. *E: Nairn, _Auctioneer, 2712-2 . , . . SAVE AND PROSPER The companions of Victory are Work and Thrift. If the people of - Canada practise these essentials, our , great problems of reconstruction can be settled to the mutual benefit of all. Don't waste! Save an d prosper. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE . . .. FARMS FOR SALE 'FARMS FOR SALE. — 1 ];{AVE SOME -`-- choice farms .for sale in. the Townships of tisborne and Hibbert, all well built and improved, on easy terms of payment. THOMAS • CAMERON, lAroOdham, Ont. ' 2658-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE. --FOR SALE 8 1. Acres of land, clay loam, good seven- rooMed house with furnace, phone and rural mail, good buildings, stable, poultry house and drive shed; also small orchard. Close to school, 2 miles from Seaforth. .Apply to .JOHN McMILLAN, R. R. No, 1, Seaforth, or phone 20 on 236, Seaforth Central-. - 1 2712-tf "WARM FOR SALE.—BEING LOT 13, CON- --'s cession 8, Morris township, containing 100 acres, in good state of cultivation; good build- ings, abundance of water, convenient to school.' Possession any tithe. For further partigulare apply to ROBERT NEWCOMBE, Blyth, It. R. 2. • 2713x4 VARM FOR SALE.—LOT 33, CONCESSION -a• 6, McKillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 acres of besh, the rest in a high state of cultivation: 5 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from Constance, VA miles from school. There are on the • premises a good seven roomed house, large bank barn. 64x76, all Page, wire fences and well under - drained. Possession given March lst. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth. _ 2710-tf pOR SALE:—HOUSE AND -HALF ACRE -3- of land in the village of Egrnondville, . The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is known as the Purcell property. Good, comfortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern. Allkinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes.. This is a corner property with no breaks on front, and the laird is in a good state of cultivation. ' This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For ' particulars apply on the premises or to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth. • 2584-tf TN A WILT 'O1'tif0 0 ALT L. "MI TM TY -Kim -01-s es ye,. er.v... offers or sale farm' lot No. 13 on the first concession of the township of Hay, on the London Road, two miles south of Hensel' and three' and three-quarter miles north of Exeter. There is a neat brick cottage and frame barn with good stabling under it, "and other, good out buildings. There are good wells on the property and a fine young ,rchard. The land is in a good state of cultivation, with five acres of bush and nearly all the fall ploughing done, and is well under drained. Possession can be .arranged to suit the pur- chaser and good fermi; of sale offered. Apply to owner at said lot Or to his agent G. .1. SI1THERLAND, Real Estate Agent at. Hensall P. 0. FRANK ROSS; Owner, Hensel!, R. F. D. No. 1. •2707-tf pAnm FOR SALE.—BEING LOT 29, CON- '. cession 4, township of Tuckersmith, con- taining a hundred acres, 94 acres cleared, the balance in hardwood bush, principally maple. On the premises is situated an 8 -roomed house and woodshed, 1 barn 49x90 with stabling underneath, 1 'barn 30x60, 1 driving shed.' These buildings are in first class condition with water piped to house, and barn from a never failing spring well. Also two acres of good orchard and small fruit. This farm is sitdated 4 miles trim Seaforth, 2 miles, from Brucefield, about half mile from school, on• the Mill Road, known its the old Brock farm. For further particulars apply to RAINE'Y ARMSTRONG, R. R. No. 1, Brucefield, Ont.; or phone 13 on 137, Seaforth Central. 2707-tf M at. It 1 2 2 g0 e f • THE HURON EXPOSITOR Notice to Creditors Notice „Is • hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf that all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of Lavine Speakman, late of the village of Bayfield, in the county of Huron, married woman de- c.eased, who died at the village of Bayfield aforesaid, on or about the 14th day of Jt1lY A. D. 1919, are required on or before the 5th day of January A. D. 1920, to send post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned full particulars of their claims duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And further take notice that> after the said last mentioned date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Ilensall this 11th day of December A. D. 1019, GLADIVIAN & STANBURY, Hensel' - and pExeter, Solicitors for the Administrator. Notice- ,to Creditors Notice is' hereby given pursuant to the statutes in that behalf, . that all persons hay,. frig claims against the estate of Henry Colciough, 'late of the Township of Hallett, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died .at the said Township of Hullett On or about the 19th day self November, 1919, are required, on ce before the- 30th day o De- rember, 1919, to send by post, prepa d or deliver to the undersigned, full parti/ ulars of their clairris, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security., if any, held by them, Further. take notice that after the said last mentioned .date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the Parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Seeforth, Ontario, this Oth day of December, 1919. R. S. HAYS, 2713-3 Solicitor for Executors of said Estate. NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH Householders are; hereby notified that it is contrary to the Town By- laws to deposit. ashes on the streets in the Town of Seaforth. No objection will be taken if spread evenly on the travelled roadways.when no, snow on the 'ground. If put on when there is snow on the ground it causes trouble to teamsters with heavy loads, is apt to frighten horses and unsightly. BY ORDER. ' JOHN A. WILSON, 2711-3 Town Clerk. 41111111111‘ W. S. GORMLEY EMBALMER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street Seaforth. Flowers furnished on short notice • Charges moderate - Phone—Night or Day -192 Important Notice to Automobile Owners •••••••••••••• We have recently installed an up-to-date J3attery Charg- ing Plant, We will store your Battery until spring and charge the same for you for $2.50. A At this price it will not pay you to take the chance of get- ting your battery frozen. Best of service given to all car owners. Cook Bros. nensall Ont. he Bi ardware Store Extends Greetings to all See our many pretty and useful articles for Christmas Gifts. Re- thember 'Toyland' for the children. Edge, Seaforth tt 1 • Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager. Notice Anyone wishing to pay their assess- ment on the new school in Section No. 8, 1V1cKillop, in cash, may do so on or. before January 10th, 1920. 2714-3 M. MURDIE, Clerk, Clearing Sale. -.a. Contents of General Store at BRUCEFIELD ALL MUST BE SOLD 2,000 Rolls of paper at half price Men's $4 and $5 'Felt Hats half price Brantford Roofing, $2.19 per square. $3 Boys' Steel Sleighs for $1,25 McDonald, King George, Can't B. Beat, Payroll, Black Watch Tobacco, 2 for 25c. Baby Bat, 3 for 25c. Large Navy Plug 80c. Starches, all kinds, 2 pounds for 25c. &Sap, all kinds, 3 for 25c. Washing Soda, 10 pounds for 25c. 20c Rice, 2 for 25c. Package Teas, 65c pound. Loose Teas, 62V2c pound. - Good old Dyes, 4 for 25c. Matches, four 15c boxes for 50c. Extracts, 3 for 25c. Lux, 2 for 25c. Magic, Cow Brand and loose soda, 5 •for 25c. Tanlac and all $1.00 and $1.25. .Medicines, 87c plus stamps. All 25c medicines and pills, plus stamp, 19c. 50c X X X Spirit Vinegar, 38e. BUY NOW , $1 Gas Engine • Oil, 65e. 12 foot walnut top colmter, 4 kitchen tables, used for show tables; 1 large coffee grinder, .1 small grinder, 1 set Stenson's Computing Scales; 1 walnut top desk; 2 hot water drums and hun- dreds of other articles too numerous to mention. ' TERMS--CA.SIf a I BEANS aadoomm••••.= We are now open to buy beans. Mail or bring.us sam- ples,stating quantity you have and we wilt give you our best price. Cook gros. MILLING COMPANY Hensall Ont. 1111111V11111111111111111111-111111111111IIIIHIM anteir IMMR •••• •••• ann 1••• /OM ••• *MD MIN IMO IM/N 1••• flax‘LandOto -wars, Rent U MW U lf .oWe MEM nal • I•IN•••• MIN NM. 1111110 •IMI M▪ I▪ R •1▪ 111▪ 11 The Canadian Flax Mills Limited, Seaforth Ont., willsrent a'large acreage of sod land, spring or fall ploughed. Will furn- E ish seed free and do the seeding. Farmer will , plow, disc, harrow and roll. = MEI Apply to • ',The Canadian Flax Mills Limited T. Pullman, Mill Man. gi 2714-4 10.11N -1•11M . MJYTLsL • Propir4hi F. iinuminnumnnunnnunnumunnumi , Gasoline Engines and Sep- • arator for Sale .1•01120•1•1=1•11 GASOLINE ENGINES, 1-10 H. P. Jnternational Kerosene Engine, portable, on wheels. Al- most ,new. 1-10' H. P. Ellis Gasoline. Engine, almost new. 1-5 H. P. Type W Gasoline Engine, new. 1-5-10 Avery Tractor in good working order. 4 SEPARATOR 1-22-40 Lister Separator with straw carriers and hafeed at- tachment, ilAlmost new. Suitable for small gasoline engine. the Robt. Bell Engisne & Thresher Co., Limited SEAFORTH, ONT. , COMING ! CO/4I Opera House, Seaforth Wednesday, Dec. 24th ONE NIGHT ONLY ' GRAHAM :MOFFAT'S 'PLAYERS in the Greatest of all Scotch 'Comedies Bunty Pulls the Strin s I All the Original Glasgow Artists and, DAWSEY MeNAUGHTON - as "Bunty” Not a Moving Picture But a. Play Don't Miss it, because this is one of the best Comedies and one of the best Companies to be seen here this Season. PROGRAMME Castiof Characters as they Appear MINTY BIGGAR, daughter of Tammas Biggar - Rab Biggar, Son oeTammis Biggar.. —Mr. Jas. Clifford 'Templeton Miss Dawsey MeNaughton Susie Simpson, a visitor at Tammas Biggar's... —Kerstie Meldrum Tarnmas Biggar, a .leading elder Neil Benzie Weelum- Sprunt, a joiner, and newly appointed elder of the Kirk Gordon, Simpson Eelen Dunlop, from Glasgow ....Agnes Dolan Teenle Dunlop, Eelen's niece .. .... • .. ...Mary Agnes McCaa Jeems Gibb, the minister's man• Alex. Leishman Maggie Mercer, a village gossip Jennet Livingaton Daniel Birrell, the village policeman —H. Bell Nelson The Shepherd,. whose cow is better, but the wife's bad Sandy MacDonald ACT L—Tammas Biggar's Parlour in Lintiehaugh. ACT IL—Lintiehaugh Kiikyard ACT IIL—Same as Act I. Time about 1860 Crinoline Dresses for Ladies PRICES 25c, 50e, 75c, 95c.—WAR TAX EXTRA Seats now on Sale at Aberhart's Doors open at 7.30—Show at 8.15 GRANO TRUNK RAILWAY S Y The Double Trac Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and PArlor Cars on principal • day trains - For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or .C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent; Toronto, Ont. W.*Somerville . Town Agent W. R. Plant ....Deoot Agent • Stratford; Ont. 4•11* 'UM IOW The largest and hest Corn - E xnercial School in Western On- • tario. We give individual in- ▪ struction and students may = enter our Commercial, Short- = hand or Telegraphy Depart- - 111110 = ments at. any time. We asai!t IIIMOI 3 graduates to positions Write = now for our free catalogue and 0 Et learn the nature of our work. =i D. A. MeLACHLANI, Principal.= MOW 11111111111111111111ffi1111iiiIMMIUMM1IC Stationery Every Lady of refined tastes ap- preciates stationery which is just a little better—just a little more dis- thrtive—just fitting her personality, her preference and her. ideas of the nicer proprieties of polite correspond- ence. Our lines are exclusive and are found Only at our store. Give "Him" Something Useful AUTO -STROP RAZOR SHAVING SETS. ETC. TOILET SETS MILITARY BRUSHES FOUNTAIN PNS ir ETC., ETC. A THINK '()F TT! Only 4 More Days for Christmas Buying Every season invites your Kodak What could be more acceptable for NJ- nas Large_st,ock $5 to $25 - Calender and' kolder Mounts for your own interesting snap- shots 2 for 25c. writt .111see E. UMBACH Phm.,B. DRUGGIST AND STATIO14ER SEAFORTIt Silverware Coupons given with all purchases. French ivory ••••••,.....mmeme.alm In your selection of Gifts by aU means consider "FRENCH IVORY," the most Beautiful of all Toilet Ware. - We handle only the real "FRENCR IVORY -1' and each piece is stamped. Let us show you our attraetive assort. ment. For Milady's Merry Christmas POCI • ....WA: 4 TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES TOILET & MANICURE SET Nzwger nen= LIGGETT'S CHOCOLATE& 0 . . . , . . SAVE AND PROSPER The companions of Victory are Work and Thrift. If the people of - Canada practise these essentials, our , great problems of reconstruction can be settled to the mutual benefit of all. Don't waste! Save an d prosper. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE . . .. . Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager. Notice Anyone wishing to pay their assess- ment on the new school in Section No. 8, 1V1cKillop, in cash, may do so on or. before January 10th, 1920. 2714-3 M. MURDIE, Clerk, Clearing Sale. -.a. Contents of General Store at BRUCEFIELD ALL MUST BE SOLD 2,000 Rolls of paper at half price Men's $4 and $5 'Felt Hats half price Brantford Roofing, $2.19 per square. $3 Boys' Steel Sleighs for $1,25 McDonald, King George, Can't B. Beat, Payroll, Black Watch Tobacco, 2 for 25c. Baby Bat, 3 for 25c. Large Navy Plug 80c. Starches, all kinds, 2 pounds for 25c. &Sap, all kinds, 3 for 25c. Washing Soda, 10 pounds for 25c. 20c Rice, 2 for 25c. Package Teas, 65c pound. Loose Teas, 62V2c pound. - Good old Dyes, 4 for 25c. Matches, four 15c boxes for 50c. Extracts, 3 for 25c. Lux, 2 for 25c. Magic, Cow Brand and loose soda, 5 •for 25c. Tanlac and all $1.00 and $1.25. .Medicines, 87c plus stamps. All 25c medicines and pills, plus stamp, 19c. 50c X X X Spirit Vinegar, 38e. BUY NOW , $1 Gas Engine • Oil, 65e. 12 foot walnut top colmter, 4 kitchen tables, used for show tables; 1 large coffee grinder, .1 small grinder, 1 set Stenson's Computing Scales; 1 walnut top desk; 2 hot water drums and hun- dreds of other articles too numerous to mention. ' TERMS--CA.SIf a I BEANS aadoomm••••.= We are now open to buy beans. Mail or bring.us sam- ples,stating quantity you have and we wilt give you our best price. Cook gros. MILLING COMPANY Hensall Ont. 1111111V11111111111111111111-111111111111IIIIHIM anteir IMMR •••• •••• ann 1••• /OM ••• *MD MIN IMO IM/N 1••• flax‘LandOto -wars, Rent U MW U lf .oWe MEM nal • I•IN•••• MIN NM. 1111110 •IMI M▪ I▪ R •1▪ 111▪ 11 The Canadian Flax Mills Limited, Seaforth Ont., willsrent a'large acreage of sod land, spring or fall ploughed. Will furn- E ish seed free and do the seeding. Farmer will , plow, disc, harrow and roll. = MEI Apply to • ',The Canadian Flax Mills Limited T. Pullman, Mill Man. gi 2714-4 10.11N -1•11M . MJYTLsL • Propir4hi F. iinuminnumnnunnnunnumunnumi , Gasoline Engines and Sep- • arator for Sale .1•01120•1•1=1•11 GASOLINE ENGINES, 1-10 H. P. Jnternational Kerosene Engine, portable, on wheels. Al- most ,new. 1-10' H. P. Ellis Gasoline. Engine, almost new. 1-5 H. P. Type W Gasoline Engine, new. 1-5-10 Avery Tractor in good working order. 4 SEPARATOR 1-22-40 Lister Separator with straw carriers and hafeed at- tachment, ilAlmost new. Suitable for small gasoline engine. the Robt. Bell Engisne & Thresher Co., Limited SEAFORTH, ONT. , COMING ! CO/4I Opera House, Seaforth Wednesday, Dec. 24th ONE NIGHT ONLY ' GRAHAM :MOFFAT'S 'PLAYERS in the Greatest of all Scotch 'Comedies Bunty Pulls the Strin s I All the Original Glasgow Artists and, DAWSEY MeNAUGHTON - as "Bunty” Not a Moving Picture But a. Play Don't Miss it, because this is one of the best Comedies and one of the best Companies to be seen here this Season. PROGRAMME Castiof Characters as they Appear MINTY BIGGAR, daughter of Tammas Biggar - Rab Biggar, Son oeTammis Biggar.. —Mr. Jas. Clifford 'Templeton Miss Dawsey MeNaughton Susie Simpson, a visitor at Tammas Biggar's... —Kerstie Meldrum Tarnmas Biggar, a .leading elder Neil Benzie Weelum- Sprunt, a joiner, and newly appointed elder of the Kirk Gordon, Simpson Eelen Dunlop, from Glasgow ....Agnes Dolan Teenle Dunlop, Eelen's niece .. .... • .. ...Mary Agnes McCaa Jeems Gibb, the minister's man• Alex. Leishman Maggie Mercer, a village gossip Jennet Livingaton Daniel Birrell, the village policeman —H. Bell Nelson The Shepherd,. whose cow is better, but the wife's bad Sandy MacDonald ACT L—Tammas Biggar's Parlour in Lintiehaugh. ACT IL—Lintiehaugh Kiikyard ACT IIL—Same as Act I. Time about 1860 Crinoline Dresses for Ladies PRICES 25c, 50e, 75c, 95c.—WAR TAX EXTRA Seats now on Sale at Aberhart's Doors open at 7.30—Show at 8.15 GRANO TRUNK RAILWAY S Y The Double Trac Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and PArlor Cars on principal • day trains - For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or .C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent; Toronto, Ont. W.*Somerville . Town Agent W. R. Plant ....Deoot Agent • Stratford; Ont. 4•11* 'UM IOW The largest and hest Corn - E xnercial School in Western On- • tario. We give individual in- ▪ struction and students may = enter our Commercial, Short- = hand or Telegraphy Depart- - 111110 = ments at. any time. We asai!t IIIMOI 3 graduates to positions Write = now for our free catalogue and 0 Et learn the nature of our work. =i D. A. MeLACHLANI, Principal.= MOW 11111111111111111111ffi1111iiiIMMIUMM1IC Stationery Every Lady of refined tastes ap- preciates stationery which is just a little better—just a little more dis- thrtive—just fitting her personality, her preference and her. ideas of the nicer proprieties of polite correspond- ence. Our lines are exclusive and are found Only at our store. Give "Him" Something Useful AUTO -STROP RAZOR SHAVING SETS. ETC. TOILET SETS MILITARY BRUSHES FOUNTAIN PNS ir ETC., ETC. A THINK '()F TT! Only 4 More Days for Christmas Buying Every season invites your Kodak What could be more acceptable for NJ- nas Large_st,ock $5 to $25 - Calender and' kolder Mounts for your own interesting snap- shots 2 for 25c. writt .111see E. UMBACH Phm.,B. DRUGGIST AND STATIO14ER SEAFORTIt Silverware Coupons given with all purchases. French ivory ••••••,.....mmeme.alm In your selection of Gifts by aU means consider "FRENCH IVORY," the most Beautiful of all Toilet Ware. - We handle only the real "FRENCR IVORY -1' and each piece is stamped. Let us show you our attraetive assort. ment. For Milady's Merry Christmas POCI • ....WA: 4 TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES TOILET & MANICURE SET Nzwger nen= LIGGETT'S CHOCOLATE& 0