HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-12-05, Page 3c.
BER 5, 1919,
± tti n and practice.
it earnings in THE
retest which we pay°
Fs safe, and can be
ff G ace ou chit with us.
kton -
:at Exposition,
mical Industries form st.
)anada, that has become:.
development during the.
once idea of theprogress.
few months prior to the
roduced on than continent¢
was equally phenomenal-
'pied such an important
�eently held at Chicago,.
history'of that city.
go, over twenty thousand.
,, manufacturing concerns
e development, aktendecl
Institute, hirg and
aka' Society, Technical
of Ontario, realizing the -
he story of our resources.-
esourcetest men. The Canadiart
r mineral, forest wealth.
livered by C. Price-Oreen1.
'.than National Railways,.
Field afforded in Canary.
were widely reported I-
through .
brane of
lamed it
nners of
rtar de-
s Mouth
ens soft
ms that
into the
and the
e bout..
.r. ED,
CRs 5. 1919.
Saving and Reconstructjo:
The period of reconstruction brings
prosperity to those with money in r the
bank. Are you in that class
If not, make it a point to open, a savings
account to -day.
Money makes money.
R. M. JONES, Manager.
ILU 'HURON EXPOSITOE Ordinary wallpapers may be clean-
ed with douili, or ` rubbed with a soft,
clean flannel dipped in fine oatmeal.
Windows may be kept free from ice.
DISTRICT MATTERS and polished by `rubbing the glass
with a sponge dipped in. alcohol. - -
The Council, --Council met on Nov. f. Italy's graphic industries employ
11th, with all the members present, more than.35,000 women.
Minutes of last meeting were read, and In Egypt divorces can be obtained
adopted. Tenders were opened re tie for about 25 • cents, while marriages
letting of the contract for the Nichol- costrom $500 to $1,000.
.on dram and branch in Logan and: All moving picture 'films produced
Elma townships, Reeve Hagarty. was ` in Mexico are first censored by two
instructed to meet Reeve' Armstrong, women 11 iss •Adriana Si Ehlers and
of Ellice, in connection with complaint Miss Dolores L. Ehlers.
.of Lorne Hof reeler, for damages. su- Female laundry workers in Winri-.
stained to his car on, the townline of : Peg, Canada, receive a minimum
Logan and Ellice, with power' to act. ' weekly wage of $9.50.
'The clerk was instructed to prepare 1
by-law for making provisions for PATHETIC STATE OF OLD
holding nomination and elections for
reeve and councillors for the year POTSDAM
One cannot live long in Berlin with
Out making a visit to Potsdam, which
is to be the German capital what Ver=
sallies is to Paris. An hour distant
by suburban train, it offers in the
tropical heat of August days an invit-
ing excursion for nothing could be
more refreshing than the cool glades
and beautiful gardens, - the long
-stretches of 'green sward in the park
and the stately,• avenues ,of chestnut,
beech, and oak which invest the royal
'residence with a truly regal magnifi-
cence, says the correspondent of the
Philadelphia Public hedger.
1920, By-law No. 556, of the town -
„ship of Logan, re municipal elections,
-was introduced aid passed in all its
.stages. Wm. Gaffney was awarded
-the contract fon” the construction of
-the Nicholson drain and branch in the
-townships of Logan and Elma • The
reeve and "clerk were e instructdd i -o
:issue a cheque in favor of Porterfield
Coiquhoun to the amount of $833,
-.sane being Logan's share "stowards
inemorial monument erected in Mit-
chell. Accounts amounting to $1,92338
-were ordered to be paid. Meetiig ad-
journed - to meet again -at the visual
time and place on December 13th, --L. Potsdam! what a.world of meaning
4+G. Rock, Clerk, is bompressed into the two short syl-
` ) lables! There is a whole philosophy
- HONEY ` WELL SPENT in the name—the philosophy of the
'In these days of expensive living jackboot and the "pickelhaube," of,
the question with most people is to
-get the best value for one's money.
In the case of newspapers or, maga-
zines there can be no doubt about
"The Family Herald and Weekly Star
of Montreal giving the greatest -value
forthe money on the continent. The
Family Herald and Weekly Star is a
wonderful combination of newspaper,
magazines; and agricultural paper.
it cost only $1.25 a year and each
subscriber receives a handsome sou-
-venir portrait of the Prince of Wales,
16x22 inches. We learn the subscrip-
tion price will be $1.50 after ..De-
cember 31st. No better value can be
had than a year's trial of the big
Montreal Weekly. It consists . of 64
pages each week and every page 'in-
•teresting and instructive.
When buying mackerel remember
the mailed fistand the shining armor,
of the German sword and the German.
God—the. philosophy, in a word that
made the war. One may picture Pots-
- dam to- onteself in the first flush of its
fame when Frederick the Great, in his
own words, "lived here as a philosoph-
er"; or, again as it was only the oth-
er day . under the sway of the last of
the . Hohenzollerns. But always one
thinks of it as the stronghold of Prus-
sian autocracy and the inner citadel
of military despotism:
Not long ago its wall -still echoed to
the measured tread of the Imperial
guard; the .word of command rang
out in the old „sharp tone; bayonets
flashed in the sunshine and military
bands played the troops through the:.
quiet, old-fashioned streets. To -day all
is changed, and -chabod might well be
written on its gates, for verily the
glory is departed.
You walk through the streets and
-that if the gills are not red the fish notice that the old names perpetuate
-is stale. • _ a tradition. The Hohzollernstrasse,
Lemon juice well rubbed into lit- 'raiser Wilhelmstrasse and also
•then tables quickly removes all grease. ; the Junkerstrousse -and the rest re -
Do not clean shoes too often, soiree= rnain silent memorials of a regime
'times they only require rubbing up. which, to the openly expressed and
D,o this with a pad made of old vel- unconcealed regret of all true Dots -
ret, damers, has run its course and ceas-
Hang on a hook in the kitchen dos- ed to be. There is something almost
et a small dark colored cretonne bag pathetic, indeed, in the repeated an
made with a draw string. In this nouncenients in the leading shops that
'bag should be kept, protected from they are `court dressmakers," "court
dust and dirt, a spool of white cotton, tailors" "court" this and "court "that"
ball of white twine and a.• thimble. while the court itself has folded its
:Above it should bs hung a small pin tents like the' Arabs and as 7silently
cushion containing pins and needles. stolen away.
"This simple arrangement will save Potsdam was a town which lived on
much time and many steps. court patronage, and the lauSinesS
An economical idea to make silk which the presence of a cour4 brings
skirts and petticoats wear longer is with it. It had always among . its
to stitch a .piece of cloth or cotton residents during the Kaiser's reign
flannel the exact shade of the silk to a large number of princely and ifbble
the back of the skirt, where it is apt . families, to say nothing of the retired
to be kicked out by the heels of the officers and others functionaries who
shoes. This has the effect of defin- found.. here . a dignified and agreeable
itely prolonging the life of the gown retreat in the evening of. their 'days..
or skirt. The captains and kings departed wit
To. make kitchen aprons last twice the court, and all who are left of the
as long make a seam down the front. pensioned community. are looking to
Then when the front is .wearing thin the future with a justifiable and not
*sew the two sides of the apron to- unnatural anxiety. --
kether and open front seam and the In these circumstances it will ex -
apron is practically a new 'one. To cite no surprise to find that fidelity
prevent pockets from catching on door to kaiserism lingers in, the hearts of
knobs and tearing, put them on the the people of. Potsdam Evidences of
wrong side of the apron. its crop up in many unexpected quart-
Use a bicycle pump to clean such ers, and it is clear a wistful hope ex -
parts of the sewing machine as you fists that another turn in fortune's
cannot reach with a cloth. - .wheel will'' restore Potsdam to its
• Before peeling onions let theta former, proud position as the home of
stand in water, then peel and the eyes the Hoh`enzollerns. To give one in -
will not smart so badly stance only which 1 noticed -to-day
If alum is added to the paste used in a fashionable "Konditorei" close to
in covering boxes with paper or for thegates of Sans Souci. In this
Scrapbooks, moths or mice will riot in- establishment, where a bevy of laugh-
vade them. ing, chattering girls were eating ices
"For a rusty nail accideait, pour and cakes under the eye of watchful
turpentine at once " on the afflicted mammas, portraits of the. -Kaiser and
parts. It is better a great deal than Kaiserim occupied a place of honor.
carbolic acid for iron rust. Out in the sunshine. little knots
A clamshell placed inside the .ket- of visitors were wending their way
tle will prevent the formation of to the slopes of San Souci. In all
lime. Potsdam there was not a soldier to
Green window shades should pro- be 'seen. It was the most peaceful,
vide darkness for baby's daytime naps. unmilitary town it is possible to con -
Embroideries and colored garments c.eive. The 'gardens of Sans Souci,
should be ironed on the wrong side. with their trellises hung with trail -
Mica in stoves, when smoked; is ing vines and clematis, and brilliant
readily cleaned by taking it out and -with all the blossoms of late sum -
thoroughly washuig with vinegar a mer, seemed the home of peace it -
little diluted. If the black does not- self. -
come off at once, let it soak a little. As I walked through them chat -
Place two strong hooks a foot apart ting with a local inhabitant, a born
on the inside of the closet door to Potsdamer, who volunteered to act
your bedroom, says the housewife as my guide, I heard stories of the
magazine. - Attach a double strap to Kaiser and his Potsdam days. There
each hook and keep an extra blanket was no disguising the regret : with'
between the straps. This arrange- which this humble but faithful ad-
inent will save a good many `-steps. herent spoke of his late sovereign's
To clean pewter wash the articles such unwelcome changes to' his ' liege
with hot water and fine silver sand; subjects in Potsdam. "The last
then dry and polish them with a time i 'saw him," he ended pensively,
leather. "was in the spring of last year,.
Paint wooden pails and tubs with driving with the . Empress through
glycerine to prevent shrinking, the grounds of Sans Souci"—and.
Rub mirrors with methylated spir- there came to. me involuntarily, as
its and polish" with - a touch of blue he spoke, the story of Frederick the
powder. Great, who is said to have pointed to
Place all cakes to cool. on a wire his future tomb with the words,
sieve and never put them `away in "when I lie there I shall be sans
-.tins till perfectly 'cool. soueci!"
Inexpensive Presents of . Sterling Quality
Gi'Ve Useful Presents—This Year More Than Ever
Seaforth's Great Xmas Store Now at its Very
Men's ,
Every year we seem to
have nicer,prettier, better
Neckwear for Men. This
year will be no exception.,
We have a wonderful var-
iety of handsome silks and ,
knitted ties in special Xmas
designs and shadings. Prices
25c to $2.50.
If there is one department
that is better prepared than"
another to show you some-
thing really swell for Christ-
mas giving. it is the Mufflers.
Every known style is _here
in great variety of weaves at
from 25c to $4.50.
Smoking Jackets
Keep "him" at home with
the gift of .gifts for men.
What would you give that
would be more acceptable or
comfortable than one o f
these handsome smoking
jackets or house gowns. All -
sizes. Prices $5 to $10.
Braces 25c to $1
Fancy Sox... .... :25c to $1
Collar Cases $1.50
Aim Bands 25c to 50e
Garters 25c to 50c
Fancy Vests $1 to - $2 y
Fur Collars -$5.00
Pyjamas $2.50 to$3.50
Mail or phone your
orders; we will fill
them carefully and
pay Stage, Postfge
or Express charges.
The Handkerchief is probably the most popular of all
Christmas Gifts. Nothing has been left undone to get
an .assortment equal to the demands of the hundreds of
people who will make purchases here. Whether it be
the more costly or moderately priced handkerchief you
require you will rind very stuunning specimens here in
Silk, Irish Linen, Embroidered, Scalloped or Hemstitch-
ed Lace edges. Handkerchiefs of 'every known kind for
Mehr Women- and Children.
PRICE 5c to $1.50
Men's Shirts -
Handsomely Boxed ,
We have a special line of
Christmas shirts in pure`
white pique or silk plain or
in fancy patterns in all sizes
in a handsome Holly box. •
Prices $1.00 to $2.50.
Boys' Shirts
A special line of boxed
Xmas Shirts in all the good
shades and patterns. Price.
85c. .
Christmas Furs
There is no present so
highly prized or acceptable
or -lasting as a fur Ruff or
Muff. There is an excep-
tionally good showing of
small Furs here, bought ex-
pressly for the Xmas trade.
All furs guaranteed to be
first quality and so good in
appearance that you will be -
proud to give them.
Give Gloves for .Xmas
You will find an exceptionally good stock of Gloves
here always. But at Christmas time we are at our best.
The variety of styles and shades, the reliability of the
makes, the exceptionally - good quality at the reasonable
prices makes our gloves a favorite Xmas gift. We will
cheerfully exchange for proper sizes after Christmas.
Alen's 75c to $3.50
Women's .. ... 50c to $2.75
Children's 25c to 75c
Sweater Coats
For every one. No -matter
who you wish to give to, we
have a Sweater Coat to suit
Man, Woman or Child can
be fitted here in any wanted
color or weave. Every coat
a beauty. The prices - are
$2.50 to $12.00.
. Fancy Goods
Laundry Bags .. - .60c to $1
Tea Aprons .. ... 25c to 75e
Stamped Linens .50c to $1.50
Cushion Tops $1,25 to $1.75
Boudoir Caps ..50c to $2.25
Tray Cloths ...50c to $2.00
Lunch Cloths . ;$1,50 to $1.75
Bath Mats ...,....... $2,75
Hand Bags
Where is the lady who
would lot appreciate one of
our new style hand bags.
There is nothing hewer
made than tie ones we are
showing. A ,useful present
that.is sure to please, They
are from
25e to $9
Silk Underwear
Made of pink or white
haubiti and crepe de ehene
silk, trimmed with lace and
fancy ribbons—camisole and
envelope combinations.
Price $1.00 to $5.50
Fancy Linens and
Bath Towels
No more useful or sensible
. gift could be imagined than
these " beautiful Turkish
towels with their attractive
blue, pink, yellow or mauve
borders. Prices from
$1.00 to X3,50
Knitted Caps
All the new ideas in Boys',
Girls', and Women's Knitted
Caps are shown first in this
store. Our lines are very
complete with a splendid
Christmas Assortment. No-
thing _ would please a boy or
girl more. Prices are from
25c to $1.00
Neckwear has been a tra-
ditional gift for many years.
This year we have a most
fascinating collection of im-
ported novelties, fancy lace
collars, -and cuffs, fancy ties,
silk collars, roll collars, lin-
inen collars, of every kind and
size. Prices are
50c to $1.75
Shop early in the
day and early in
the week --and
above all, . shop
here. -
It will pay you.