HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-11-21, Page 8THE HURONEXPOS
In addition to our present
large stock of Groceries we
are now in a position to sup-
ply you with all kinds of
Fresh Meats
such as -Steaks
Etc., Etc..
We have a first-class meat -
cutter and we guarantee you
verything fresh and up -to -
{late and at right prices.
Dorsey and
-The Big Store on the Corner
Cold Weather
AUTO RUGS -Wool, plush and
shawls, all fancy patterns, $6 to $15.
ROBES -Artie, Saskatchewan, in-
terlined with- rubber, from $16 to $20.
WOOL -Fancy, square $4.50 to $10.
JUTE -Fancy, full lined quilted,
$4.50 to $6.00.
.i UTE--Plain 78 inch, 5-a stayon,
'li>l�ed, $2.50- to $4:75.
Male Buckskins, lined or unlined, 50
cents to $3..00
jde and Buckskin, $1.50 to $8.00.
HALTERS -Good strong shipping
halters. $1.50 to $1.75:
class halters, $M5` to $2.,50.
Oak Leather; hand made, goldine
trimmed, $28 to 537.00.
Trunks Club Bags Suit Cases
Prompt service -Shoe Repairing -Sat-
isfaction guaranteed.
Opposite Commercial Hotel
.e 'a,w._r.rir.
Orders are coming in now
for Christmas Photographs.
Better come in now and see our
New Styles in Folders and ar-
range to have a sitting. A
dozen Portraits will take care
of 12 friends. We can please
Seaforth, Ont.•
-leve kr acid f 1ptioian.
1.4Krier .c iri.Yrl:ftge Licenses
' A, 14%0 raii ONT
James - l atsorf
Ge: el-. 1 Insurance Agent
Real E. th - and Loan Agent
Dealer ;n ewirig Machines.
Four ood homes for sale,
conveniently situated in the
Town ' of Seaforth. Terms
reasonable and possession
given promptly .
Apply at my office for particulars.
A Piano or
Select for home a piano or phono-
graph providing such tonal effects as
to satisfy even the master musician.
I am pleased to state that I am. in a
position to give you the goods that
Don't be drawn into a hurried de-
cision by some traveling salesman or
agent pretending he has a better pro-
position for you. If he tells you our
goods won't stand and etc., look out
for him. Deal with one whom you
can place confidence
As I depend entirely on your confi-
dence far the foundation of my busi-
ness, I can assure you that no music
store in Canada can give you c. more
honest deal in Piano.;, Phorographs.
Violins, Autoharps, Records, Sheet
Music and Supplies. I have the sole
agency for Bell Pianos and when you
want the above goods be sure and call
here and -,cu will get them, There is
nothing on the market to -day thet can
surpass or -even equal the eaiek re-
,peatinie action uce:i in the Bill only.
Call and have a demonstra' Fon.
Jonathan � lug
Opposite Bank of Commerce
Mr Walter Robinson, who has been
conducting a most successful barber
shop in the Commercial Hotel build-
ing, is moving to more central and
spacious quarters in thestore former-
ly occupied by Mr. W. T% Hays, drug-
gist. On. and after Monday, Nov
24th his numerous customers may
look for the revolving red, white and
blue barber pole (the sign of constant
service) in 'the Cardno store, opposite
the post office, where he will have one-
of the most complete, sanitary and
well equipped shops in Western. On-
tario, which will be known as The
Central Barber Shop.
Navy League of Canada. -Will the.
farmers in the country to whom ap-
peals have been sent, kindly . hand in
their subscriptions- to • Mr. A. D.
Sutherland at the post office in Sea -
forth, on Saturday, November 22nd,
so thatthe amounts collected
may be forwarded to Toronto. -F:
Holmstede Chairman, Seaforth Branch.
Hockey. -At the re -organization
meeting of the Seaforth Lockey Club,
held on Friday evening last, the fol
lowing officers were elec ed : Presi-
dent, J. E. Willis; Secreta --Treasurer,
A! W. Dick; Managing Coilimittee, Jde
Sills, Dave Reid, Alex. M ir. Train-
ing will commence imm lately and
when the -time comes to ke the ice,
the yellow and black wi l be repre-,
sented in the Intermediate and Junior
O. H. A. by the strong t teams in
the history the he Club.
The War Loan in Huro In rais-
ing the fund of almost $5 000,000 for
the • Victory Loan in Hu n County,
everycanvassing district has won a
Prince of Wales - flag, - and in • addition
to this the Town of Clint n won ten
extra crests, Goderich a d Hensell
won four extra crests, orris and
Blyth, three:. Ashfield. U borne and-
ndExeter, Tuckersmith, Hu lett'. Grey
and Brussels, Turnbury, owick and
:Wroxeter 'and the Town of Wingham,
have each won two extra. \ Stanley
and. Bayfield, Stephen, Colborne and
Seaforth Town, onee crest each.
Thankoffering Meeting.; -The Sun-
shine Mission Band of First Presby-
terian church held their thankoffering
meeting on Monday evening. Mrs. S.
McLean. of Egrrondville, nave a most
interesting and helpful talk that was
much enjoyed by the visitors as well
as the mem : rs of the band. Certifi-
cates of ju ior: membership in' the
General Soc' ter true presented to
Miss Florenc . Beattie, Miss Mary
Hays, Miss Evelyn Adams, Miss Janet
Grieve and Miss Mary Laing. The
offering- amounted to 529.30. The
Mission Band, owing +s the untiring
efforts of the Pres'rle„t, Miss Bell.
Smith and her assistants, Miss Annie
Govenloek 'and - Miss Mary Habkirk,
has proved to be one of theiive•organ-
izatons of the church,
Death of Mrs. H. H. Ross. -Its was
with very sincere regret,. the people
of Seaforth and vicinity learned on
Fr: clay last of the__ death :of Mrs. H.
H. Ross, wife of Dr. H. Ae. Ross, of
this town, which occurred tut her home
that morning in her 33rd year. Mrs.
Ross had been in poor health for the
past three years and had been very
seriously ill for some weeks, but her
death, nevertheless, came as a great
shock to her family and friends. The
deceased who was Miss Gean Schaefer,
of Listowel, was united in marriage
to Dr. Ross seven years 'ago, and her
bright nature and very attractive per-
sonality made her a general favorite.
Beside her husband she is survived by
one daughter, Margaret, to both of
whom the sincerest sympathy of all
is extended in their -loss. The funeral
was held from her late home, corner
of Victoria. and Gouinlock streets, on
Sunday and was very ,largely attended,
interment being made . by motor to
the Maitlandbank cemetery. . -
Local Briefs. -Mrs. John Cowan,
of Sarnia, was the week end guest of
Mr. and !Mrs.- James Cowan. -Mrs.
R. Garner, of London, was the guest
of Mrs. E. J. Hicks this week. -Dr.
G. McIntosh, of Cattarangus, New
Yprk, Mr. Hugh McIntosh, of Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. , John McIntosh, of Lon-
don. and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McIntosh,
of Weston, were here last week visit-
ing their mother., Mrs. George'.Mc-
Intosh. who has been seriously ill for
some time, but whose many friends
will be pleased to learn is now iiiak-
ing favorable - progress towardsre-
covery.-Dr. and Mrs. A. .B. Smillie
and two children, of Galt, were week
end visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. Frost -Mr. C. Colbert, son of
Mr. Harry Colbert, of Egnrondville,
has joined the staff of the- Dominion
Bank in Seaforth.-Mr. A. D. Chap-
man, of Bridgeburg, and Mr. W. Chap-
man, of Hamilton, spent- Sunday at
their home in town. ---The Horticult-
tural Society bulbs that have been
held up in New York owing to the
strike, have at last been received and
are now. being ,distributed among the
members.-Mis Brown, of Toronto,
was the guest of Miss Madge Stew -art
this week, -Mrs. Turney and daugh-
ter, of Bluevale, and. Miss Jean Arch-
ibald, of McKillop, were the -guests
of Mr. and Mrs. William Archibald
this week. -Miss Schaefer of Listowel, -
was here this week attending the
funeral of her- niece, the late Mrs. H.
H. Ross. -Miss Millie Mason left on
Saturday to visit friends in Hamil-
ton. -Mr. and Mrs. R. T. McIntosh
were visiting with friends in London
this week. -Mrs. James D. McKay, of
Tavistock. was a guest at the home
of Mrs. George McIntosh this weep,
--Mr. Harold Frost, who spent the
hunting season in Muskoka, was suc-
cessful in bagging a fine deer, weigh-
i*qQ abeut 190 pounds. -J. F. Daly of
rete town Hydro Commission and
Ccunei'.lore Aberhart, Barber and
'`'' attie were in London on Tuesday
-.rending a Hydro . meeting: Rev.. S.
McLean. a .' Egmondville, occupied the
Pulpit in the Presbyterian church both
morning and evening on Sunday and
delivered two very able and earnest
F. '•" nun to large congregations. Dr,
Larkin occupied Mr. McLean's pulpit
in Egmondvilie. Mrs, George Murdie
is visiting with relatives in Mitchell. '
-Mr. E. { U'inbach made. `a businese-
tripe to Buffalo this week. --Mr.- E. J,
Barnett has leased 'his house on Rail-
way street to Mr. Makins. Mr, Barnett
intends moving to Detroit to reside. -
Mr. A. Crozier, of St, Marys, was a
town visitor this week, -Mr. Albert
Coates, who has been Spending some
months with relatives at Constance
and with Other friends in this vicinity,
returned last week to his :.home in
Iowa„ ---Mr. S. J. Merner, .M.P., re-
turned from his parliamentary duties
at Ottawa on Friday. Mr, and Mrs.
John Stogdill, of Orillia, are guests
at the home of .his `brother, Mr, Geo.
Stogdill.-Mrs. T. Elder, John street,
has returned from Hensell, where she
was. visiting her mother. -Miss Mary
Smillie, of Zurich, spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. R.
Smillie, --Mr. S. Clark and his.mother,.
Mrs. W. Clark, of Cleveland, were
guests this week at the home of Mrs.
S. Barton: -Mr, R. McKenzie, of Ham-
ilton, ` spent Sunday at the horns of
his mother in town. ---Mrs. Charles
Bartliff, of Clinton, I spent a few days
at the home of her brother, Mr. Win.
Thornton, this week. - Mr. Robert
Laird left this week for Toronto to
resume his studies at the University.
-Mr. G. T. Turnbull was in Toronto
this weekk with a shipment of cattle
for the Farmers' Club,
Stove For Side: -Coal Heater in good con-
dition. Apply to J. McNay, North Main
Street, Seaforth. 2710-1
Fowl Wanted. -Highest cash prices paid for
fowl at the Royal Hotel every Tuesday fore-
neon. James G. McMtthael. Phoae 6 on 247.
For Sale. Heintzman piano, almost new.
Apply to Mrs. E. J.' Hicks, West Goderich
Street, Seaforth. 2700-tf
House For Sale. -Four roomed frame house
on Isabella Street, Seaforth, and some kitchen
furniture. Owner leaving town. Apply to D.
Russell, Seaforth. • 2710 -ti
For Sale. -One bay driving hors three years
old and one general purpose horse three years
old. Will be sold cheap. Call at store. J. E.
Hugill, Sole Agent, for Bell Pianos, Seaforth,
Ont. - 2710-2
Auction sale of household furniture on
Saturday, November 22nd, at 1.30 p.m. at the
residence of Mrs. E. J. Hicks; West Goderich
Street, Seaforth. • 2709-2
A lovely drop head sewing machine, 'been
used 'only a few months, for sale cheap. A
guarantej with it. • Call at Jonathan %lugill's
music store, sole agent for the Bell piano,
Seaforth. Ont. 2710-2
Poultry Wanted. -The undersigned is pre-
pared 'to pay the highest cash price for any
quantity of live poultry delivered at his
grocery store, Main Street, Seaforth, every
Tuesday morning. G. D. Haiigh. 2697-tf
Half Price'Mftlinery Sale. -All Iadha ready
to wear trimmed and untrimmed hats in
velvet, satin, velours and hatters plush in the
latest styles. Friday and Saturday only at
half price See window display. Miss - M.
Johnston. 2710-1
Good steady man wanted on wood • work
of threshing machines. Steady, job for the
right man. The Robert Bell E. d, T 06. Ltd.,
Seaforth, Ont. • . 2679•tf
A Piano Bargrin.-A Bell piano iinright.
rosewood case, 7 1-3 octave, a sweet tone and
worth $250. ' Will' sell for $165 for quick
sale out of. -town prospects. Write for par-
ticulars to _Bell sales rooms, Seaforth, Ont.
Johnathan E. Hugill, Manager, Bok 229.
If labor were only organized for Peace
instead of; as they have been for war, 'how
much they, the real consumers most interest-
ed, can accomplish for themselves in -town
and city in solving problems of food dis-
tribution for themselves. Be sure "to read the
facts in RURAL CANADA November.
Farm for Sale. -For sale, Lot 20 on the
2ndconcession of McKillop, 100 acres, good
frame house and 2 good barns, never failing
spring, good rich land,- has been in 'grass
six years, 2 miles ' from. Seaforth, convenient
to school, rural mail and phone. Will be sold
on reasonable terms and at a low figure for
quick sale. Apply to Mrs, Thomas .McQuaid,
Goderich Street, West, Seaforth. 2 7 06-tf
Veteterans Protest -A large _num-
ber of veterans of the army and navy
in No. 1 Military District 'have sent in.
a protest to district headquarters a-
gainst the indiscrimate wearing of the
Kings' Uniform in public; also against
the wearing of symbols of service,'
wounded stripes, etc., by those not
entitledto wear them, Recently
young boys, and girls and women have
been wearing service badges and rib-
bons without realizing what these ar-
ticles represent. The veterans say
that the indiscrimate wearing of these
badges of service tend to belittle the
individual who alone may be allowed.
to wear them, and adversely , re:elects
on the legitimate veteran. They ask
that the a attention of the- public be
called to this matter and- their co-
operation requested that tke King's
uniform be worn only by those who..
have authority to wear it and only on
"suitable occasions, and secondly, that
the wearing of service badges, medals,
ribbons and wounded stripes by those
'who have not seen service, cease.
Good Horse Sold. -Mr. Alex. Sin-
clair, of the Kippen Road, last week
sold his registered horse, Favorite Bell
to Mr. Win. Buchanan, of Hensall, at
a big figure. This animal was the
winner of fpur sweepstake prizes at
the county fairs this fall and is. one
of the best .of the many good ones
that Mr. Sinclair has owned and
should prove a good investment to
his new owner.
Fatal Accident. Wesley Shean, of
Logan, died as a .result of injuries
sustained at the farm of. James Johns-
ton in Logan, when he fell from a
load of turnips which. he was driving.
A fractured rib pierced one of his
lungs, and death •followed in a short
time. Deceased had only returned
home from Cobalt about a month ago.
He was a son of Mrs. James Shean,
of Logan. A brother, James, a. re-
turned soldier,lives at Milverton.
Notice. -Would all persons •owing accounts
to the late Angus McKaig please call, and
settle before placing them in other hands
for collection. Mrs. A. MeKaig. 2709-1
Notes. -Mr.. 0. Bavington motored
to Toronto on business. -Mr. and Mrs.
T. Vennor have taken up :their resi-
dence on the farm they bought from
Mr. W. "Leitch. -The farmers - who
grew sugar beets are nearly through
drawing, and have been favored with
fine weather Mr. E. Dinnin has sold
his fine 100 acre farm to Messrs. Tay-
lor and Richardson, who take posses-
sion in the 'spring. -The contract to
erect the statue for the soldiers' mem-
orial has been let to a firm in Exeter,
Notes --Rev. Mr. Armstrong, of
.Toronto, preached in " our church last
Sunday 'morning in the interests of
Foreign Missions. Mr. Armstrong has
travelled 'extensively among the Mis-
sions in the Orient and his message
was one of deep interest and could
not fail to arouse enthusiasm for the
great cause of Missions in the hearts
of all present. At the close of the
r Solos were sung by Mrs. Lea Fortune
Framed -Picture3_Murray. The bridal'
couple Revels? 'White and • Goats
d t e mediate relatives p
took of a dainty wedding breakfast
at the home of the bride's parents
in Hibbert, and left in the afternoon
in their car for Detroit and other
western points. On. their return they
will reside on the groom's farm in
irn are
Small framed Pictures of an
different subjects : and designs.
These .come mostly in_ Brown
and dull Bronze finish, and
are square and oval;in shape.
Prices from 50c each.up.
Bookstore Seaforth
The GiftHouse
is all ready
Our stock was -never more
c o m p l e t e. notwithstanding
shortages and delays.
ShopNow. Don't WWait:
Pricewill not change but
come in while the picking is
Beatties' Fair
The Gift House, Seaforth.
Hear the Columbia Music.
service a Forward Movement- Commit-
tee was formed.--eItr. Thomas Laing
motored to Galt on Saturday and
spent the day with friends and
relatives -Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scott
spent the week end with relatives in
Galt. -Mr. Thomas Scott accompanied
by his mother, Mrs. James Scott, and
uncle, Mr. James Laing, motored to
Alvinston and spent:,a few days with
friends. -Mr. 'and : Mrs. Scott Barr,,
of Mitchell, spent Sunday with frien4.s
Devereux -Murphy.-A pretty�wed-
ding was solemnized at St. Coliimban;
Church on Tuesday, November 11th,
when Mary Teresa, oldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. F. Murphy, of Hib-
bert, was united- in marriage to John
L. Devereux, son of° Mr. Robert
Devereux, of Tuckersraith. Rev.
Father White, P. P., performed the
marriage ceremony and sang the
nuptial mass. The bride who was
given away by her father was neatly
dressed in a tailored suit of reindeer
brown, black dress:hat, sable furs and
wore a.corsage bouquet of white roses.
111iss Agnes Murphy, of New Liskeard,
assisted her sister during the cere-
mony, and wore pretty dress of
silver grey chiffon taffeta alid georg-
ette, black hat, and corsage bouquet
of pink roses. Mr. Harry Fortune,
of ' Seaforth, supported the groom.
Miss Minnie Carling, cousin of the
groom, played the wedding march:
In Kippen Hall
onTues. Nov. 2 5th
Ladies bring Lunch
Gentlemen 50c
O N▪ O
The Final Chapter of
will be . shown. in conjunction
Paramount comedy -drama
"Her Country First'
written by America's most
popular woman writer -Mary
Roberts Rinehart
Big Super Attraction
=At No Advance in Price=
Anita Stewart
A Midnight -
Romance "
in Six Parts.
Also ' -
A' Parmount •Sennett Comedy
.2 parts
In future starting at 8.15 p.m.
{we will show a two reel comedy
before our feature, so that you can
see a complete picture by getting
in at 8.45 p.m. any evening.
15c 8.15 p.m. ` 10e
't 1111H11111111illtlltluhIUhlt11I1111111illlttl$`
. else
Notes. -Mrs. H. Kenneclye of Cline
ton, is the guest of Mrs. Hotham this
week, visiting her many friends in
this vicinity. --Mr, , and Mrs, Baker,
St. Thomas& were visitors at the par-
sonage over Sunday last. -A good
number of people from tins appoint-
ment attended the fowl supper at Zion
church on Tuesday, evening iast.: eer.
and Mrs. George Thin entertained a
number of their friends on Friday
evening last, ---Mr. F. Hambly hag_ re-
turned frgin the hunting grounds,
bringing a deer home with him. -Mrs.
Mitchell is at present visiting friends
in this vicinity, being the guest of
her mother.
Serious Fire. -Fire early Thursday
morning last practically destroyed the
brick building occupied by Wm,• Moore
& Sons, hardware ' merchants, and J:
H, Leith's tinshop, with loss -of $17,000
or more. The blaze was discovered
about 5.45, in tat part of the build-
ing occupied by Mr. Leith, and, not-
withstanding a'prompt response from
the fire brigade, the upper story was
completely destroyed, and the interior
badly, damaged by fire and water. The
origin of the fire . is uukntowri. The
loss to Moore & Son and -Mr. Leith
is practically severe at this season
of the with as Zul h u n e
c rtain weather
it will be difficult to get the building
closed in before winter sets in. The
loss is as follows: Moore & Son,
hardware stock valued at $10,000, in-
surance, $5,000 J. T. Leith, stock and
tools, $3,000, insurance onl$200: The
building, valued at $3,500 was owned
by J. G. Moser, of Kitchener, and in-
sured for • $2,500.
Notes. -Mr. Earl Lawson has sold.
his fifty acre farm to Mr. J. Quigley
hnd has purchased Mr. Thomas Adams'
farm of one hundred acres. This
makes Mr. Lawson a very suitable and
convenient property. -- Mr. Joseph.
Riley, while working with the stone
crusher, met with what might have
been a more, serious accident. He
was putting 'on a belt and got his'
clothes caught in the machinery: His
leg was torn and he 'sustained sonic
other bruises, which will lay him up
for a few. days, -Sr: Albert Coates, of
Idaho, formerly of this place, has re-
turned home after spending a couple
of months with relatives and friends
here. Miss' Susie Linigstone and
Mrs. J. Rine. were ticketed' for Cali-
fornia this week where they will spend
the winter with their sister.--. Mr.
Robert McClure, having sold his farm
to Mr. Teter Lindsay_ has purchased
his brother's farm in Colborne town
ship. -Mrs. James Fowler, of Mather,
Man,, is visiting relatives and friends
here.-=-Hullett Township won the.
Prince of Wales' flag in the Victory
Loan Campaign and it can -be seen in
the council chambers at Londesboro,
They expect to receive a crest _also.
`Fatal Accident. - Mn. and Mrs.
Johnstone have been kindness itself
to the relatives and friends of Wesley
Shean, of Mitchell, His funeral to
Mitchell Presbyterian cemetery on
Monday was very largely attended.
Mr. Wesley Shean and Mr. Joe Stat -
ton were busily engaged on Friday
last on Mr. Johnston's farm, third
concession of, Hibbert, hauling in
turnips. ` On driving to the field both
young men were standing up and the
horses on making the short turn to
go into the field, caused the wagon
to swerve sideways,throwing both
jyoung men out of he wagon. Mr.
Statton fell out behind the wagon
while Mr. Shean fell in front of the
hind wheel, Mr. Shean's injuries prov-
ing fatal on Saturday. Rev. McGrae
officiated at the house and at the
grave. Much sympathy is extended
to Mrs. Shean as her son, Roy, of
Galt, who came to attend his brother's.
funeral is quite ill at Mr. Johnstone's
home. 'He is ' being . kindly nursed by
his mother and Mrs. Johnstone.
Notes. -Inspector Lee, .of Toronto
is visiting the Separate schools in
this vicinity.
Notes. -Farm. property is moving
lively here. David Thomson sold his
fifty acre farm on Hewick boundary
to James Ballantyne. The 100 acre
farm of George Hanley, -near Mon-
crieff, has been bought by Fred Cox,
a returned soldier, at $6,500. August
McFarlane purchased the , farm of
Duncan McKay, concession 13, Grey
township, paying t$,7,00O. On account
of ill health of his wife, Thomas Wil-
liamson, concession 14, Grey, has dis-
posed of his, farm " to William Baker,
Monkton; receiving $7,000. Mr. and
Mrs. Williamson will go to: British
Columbia. Emil Bufelz has sold his
100 acres, concession 9, Grey, to W.
Hutchinson for $6,200.-Fleteher Roe
has sold his 100 acro farm near Brus-
sels to Milton McVittie, Morris town-
ship, for the sum of $7,000, possession
to be given on January 1st. Mr. Roe
will retire from farming.. Mr. Mc-
Vittie disposed'- of his homestead on
which he lived for twenty-two years,
to Walter Davidson, his neighbor, for
$7,000. -The marriage ceremony was
performed between Eugene . Sharles
Knight, of Grey to ship and Miss
Ella Sholdice, of Walton. They will
make their borne on the groom's farm,
He is a returned soldier. -A short
time ago Mrs. John Hunter, Gran
brook, weiit to feed the pigs, and in
their rush to get to the trough they
swept her ' off - her feet. In the fall,
she injured one of her knees quite
severely, necessitating the use of a
cane. -Before moving to town from
the farm Mr. A, L. and Mrs. Kerr were
presented .with an easy chair by old
neighbors, accompanied by a kind ad-
dress -The Prince of Wales' flag was
won by Brussels for overtopping the
Victory Loan objective of $175,000.-
A canvass is being made here for the
benefit of the Canadian Navy League.
-The Thomas Maxwell house and lot
on John street has 'been sold to Con-
nor Bros.: of Grey township, who pur-
pose locating here.
Come and
•see our
Special Values
44' in
this month
Dress Goods
850 to 5.00 a yard
1.50 to :3.50 a yard
2485 to 4-1)0 a yard
1.50 to 3,50 a yard
1.50 to 2.25 ,a yard`
4.4)0a yard
Fringe .Trimming w . add
graceful charm to the. p-
pearance of your new gown.
We have the kind that will.
suit your fancy.
Weather that calls for the . Immaed-
iate Purchase of that New Coat
If you want to know what $15 to $65 can buy i0n one ofour
coats, you have just to examine the garments on their racks here -
each of which bears its own price ticket, This is important, for a sales-
person here does not base the price according to your enthusiasm for
•a certain style, -or on your appearance. There is one price for all.
So come to a one -price store, now that brisk, cold weather is here and
buy that coat.
The Newest Arrivals -Blouses of
Exceptional Charm
• Kind.I
1.50 to 11.50
Silk Blouses 3.25 to 8.00, Voile Blouses 1.50 to 5.50
Georgette Blouses 5.00 to 11.50
Oftimes a blouse will make or mar a costume.
Here are blouses smart.enough to be worn with the as-
surance that the wearer is quite correctly attired. The
workmanship and exquisite trimmings so' cleverly:doir-
with fine tucks, dainty laces, beads, silk floss and wee
pearl buttons are of the finest character.
While the colors rely mostly upon the simple beauty
of flesh and white as their leaders, there are other deli-
cate shades, as well as navy blue.
Do You Want to Make Your Last Year's Dress Look
Like New
Quite true, the designers did not consider last year's dresses in
designing the new neckwear --which is all the more reason why one
of these collars or a set or a vest following the prevailing modes will
transform the entire appearance of any frock.
The new Neckwear bears price tickets isf 25c, 35c and up to ;3,
Warm Things for Baby
Here are warm sweaters, sacques, caps, bootees, leggings and un-
der garments all ready for the cold days. Mothers who are critical
as to Baby's clothes should make immediate selection.
Baby's Sweatets $2.00. to $2.50
Good fitting, eleeves right length. Button down front, also
Bootes 25c to 50c
Keep baby's feet warm and let the blood circulate. They are very
pretty. -
Don't Strain. Your Eyes and Patience because of yo_fir
Knitting Needles
You may tot fully realize it, but the size and type of knitting
needle you use has much to do with the kind of sweater or other
article you are making. If you have laatting needles of the proper
shape and. flexibility, you will avoid annoyance and eyestrain.
Knitting Needles at 15c to 35c per set
Yarns for those who Knit -Complete Assortments
Not every knitter uses the same wool or the same qualities. We
have provided for a wide range of choice, including a great number
of shades.
Warm Sweaters for the Children to Trot Off to
School with
Those of us whose children have a long distance to go to school
must take especial care that they be warmly clad. A sweater serves
this purpose. -May be had in several styles including belted shapes
and pockets. Sweaters for children are carefully selected with a
view to service and measurements. $2 to $5.50. Ladies' Sweaters
!This is an "extra" sent out to our customers advising of the
stocks at this store, t.
When one woman comee to the store and says "I'm buying blankets
now for the simple reason that it is better to be safe than sorry," we
are zoing to allow this woman to pass her advice on to the rest of
our 'customers.
It's good advice, too.