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The Huron Expositor, 1919-11-21, Page 3
33 s in April these "eased. Restrictions by India on the of silver on pri- a on the export of United States. and ain, to Scandinavia At the end of the belief among mar - that in 1918 the e less keen. As a as less sensational pelts of actual dull- •ket, but this was © new restrictive. he opening of the: further rise from -gin=i or December to-- .Ian:arv, owing to the United States :sled to cotmnan-- tmerican output and. ice ;it $1 por ounce! • not done the Lon- to 42 1-2d, in. Feb - ti. ssing of the Vie United r,. ates i li lie: ' S£'dlili of r dollars fr sal they k i`a.e authorized,. r her r.ur.th �. b her Y Treasury easury .at $1 per them. This, of ie minimum world he British and Amer ireat unposed a max - ice, London's being and to New York's,. exchange, and from - k e:Rd of 1918 there - Lenges in the Londore- 'is, May 2nd, 491,[ d ; Jul,; 2nd, 48 13-16d.is [Ind.; November 12, Biber 6th, 48 7-16di eat year having ors en the London quo- -171,4d., uo- 47 ,4 d., on ..May 9tti_ `ices were taken off nerican and British' he London price in a. !once rose to 53%de. i, to 58d. From that fluctuations in the again began in Sep - culminated for the tber 3rd to 64%d.1,, again about 1d, the , own domestic car - it is necessary tee it at 66d. per riseounce,,, yr a f about 2d� Begin to pay to snelt fiver coins and sell This would result in: ng silver coinage out.: d compel the Govern - Lint something differ.: - tute paper notes. TOP : of this nature take - Chamberlain, Chan- hequer, announced Lr- enmons on Thursday- ler had been issued he melting or break - coin currency. Thee t silver coins is pro- s are being taken too ort of silver bullion ase. In France ft is to melt down silver• become necessary tri egisiatiore in Canada f lust, and ric lights. gears run Lrmgs.. ng life in you will ida cele, his fail ---- L< to your- it will do Ont, -Onto NOVEMBER 21,11919 Fortune Built On Saving if you havo to work hard for your money . mike your money work hard for y u. Our Savings Department pays 3% per *annum .,and this interest is added to your principal twice a ye*. - 456 SEAFORTH RRANCFk, -- R. M. JONES, Manager. SAFETY ,DEPOSIT- BOXES FOR RENT. fHE HURON EXPOSITOR DISTRICT ,MATTEIS MANLEY (Too late for last w ek.) Notes.—Mr. James O'L ughlin is still in a precarious- condition.—Mr. Leo Murray has returned home from the West.—Mr. and Mrs. A.. McKay, ,of Guelph, were visiting in,' our burg .during the week. -Mr. and Mrs. J. -Nolan, Mr. Terrance Flannery and family, Mr. and Mrs. Con. Eckert, and Mr. J. M. Eckert and family paid us a flying visit the past week. - 'THE FALL WEATHER HARD ON LITTLE ONES Canadian fail weather is: ektremely 'hard on little ones., One clay is warm and bright and the next wet and cold. These sudden changes bring on •colds, .cramps and colic and unless baby's little stomach is kept right the result may be serious. There is nothing to -equal Baby's Own Tablets 'in keeping the little ones well. - They Sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels, break up colds and make baby thrive. The 'Tablets are sold by medicine dealers nor by mail at 25 cents a boX. from The fir. Williairs' Medicine- Co., Brockville, Grit, HENRY FORD'S REMEDY FOR UNREST Americans have a very] important lesson to° • learn from the idisappoint- ent which the English people felt upon hearing -Lloyd George's recon- struction speech.. This ishan had so :marvelously led them thro gh all the emergencies of war: had met with such conquering 'initiative Il the sud- den and fatal problems -hich were thrust upon him,"that whe ,cit came to the great task of -reconst meting the life of the- nation the peop e expected' that he would open a magic box and announce a new formula o progress. Of course he could riot do that. No man could. - All that Lloy George had to tell the British peopl. , and all -that any sound leader can- tell his people, is simply this: the on y magic we can rely upon in these ini.es is Work.. The only reconstruct i n force is Work. The only cure or the troubles that are vexing the United States to -day is Work. We of the United States are in very much the same position .s th people - •of Great Britain, at least in ur ex- pectancy that some remedy outside, -of our individual responsibility may be :farms' for the high cost of livimg, the scarcity of houses, the decreasd sup-. ply of raw materials and ali tlje other hindrances to a full and free 4evelop- mert of our energies and. industries: 'ome eople have advised a wholesale reduction of wages. But that will not do it either—unless you mean by n'prices" a criminal profiteering ire the necessities of life. All high prices :are not profiteering. Indeed, good prices is one of the signs and, proofs -of good tunes all round. Some people have advised the utter destruc- tion of our • present methods and the :adoption of strange schemes which have never worked and never will, at least as long as human_ nature re- mnains what it is. Indeed, the air is full of counsel to- day, inconsistent, confusing, imprac- ticable; and every. doctrine which in ordinary tirnes would be thrust aside as preposterous is nowadays seriously ,considered as if it were a neglected pearl a wisdom. Now, the whol$ trouble .to -day is just a lack of things -to use: A shortage of food to eat; a shortage of houses to live in; a scar- city cif coal; a shortage of materials which may be worked up into articles of use and commerce; a scarcity of almost anything you - care to name. And what is the remedy.for any short- age of articles that can be ?Wade by the hands of man? Why, the answer is so simple that it seems frivolous even to make it. And yet in that answer lies all that the United States and the works needs to know for re= construction. The answer is this: the lab; r of man can fill up any lack Of those things which the labor of man produces. . There is no'. scarcity (YE icon. There is only a scarcity of rosre who believe that Work is a patriotic duty now as it vas during the war. There is no scarcity of lance. There is only a slump in the prcductivenese of labor. Even for tint higher wages, which it has a right to receive, labor is not producing as mu( -h as it did for lover wages.. It would he easy just at thisa point to steer this discussion off into- side_ is- sues. Any number of matters may be brought up, principally 'questions of last industrial dispute. We used to say, "Weide/will win the nem." Well. it is true now that Work will save the country.. Wages must be ker't as hig'h as possible. In many branches of industry wages' ought to be increased forthwith. It. is utterly feelieh to think that a reduction of wages would be followed by a reduc- tion of prices, because only an increase f'reduction can bring a decrease in prices, and a reduction of wages is t,re of the surest methods of prevent- ing- an increase in production. Men must be paid to work, they must be stir:}elated. to work, and more than that they must be shown that to -day the country's whole welfare rests on their working. Men Will not work with .a will if they believe that all their effort is merely going to increase the dividends of idle stockholders or the private. fortunes • of men already too ,rich for the good of society. But would they not work With a will if they knew that the country depended on their production.? This appeal -to patriotism cuts both ways. The employer who puts a damper on production by talking as if, his employees and never himself should bear the b den of cuts in prices, is not a patriot. His duty is to stimulate production and the one way this can be done is to make it Ewell worth while for the producer. The workingman hirnself must get rid of some very dangerous notions— dangerous, that is, to -the welfare of the country. It is sometimes said that* the less a worker does the more jobs ' he creates for other nen. The fallacy is that it assumes that idleness is creative. Idleness never 'created a job. It always creates burdens and only burdens. The industrious man never runs his fellow -worker out of a job; indeed, itis the industrious man who •is partner of the industrious man- ager who, creates more and more bus iness and therefore more and inure jobs. We cannot play fast and loose with economic laws, because if we do, they,. mishandle us . in very hard ways. It is a fact in the United States at this. time, that man- for man, we are not .l producing what we did for aevera1 years previous to the war, not to men- tion the speed-up of producti-on that occurred during the war. This niay be l;art'.y-accounted for by the natural relaxation which follows a long period of strain. But the relaxation has last ed pretty long now, so long that • the t United -States is more pinched re— garding e garding • supplies and prices to -day. than it was at the height of the war scarcity. Why should we be suffering more ._ now thee. we did then? Simply be- - cause we are not making enough of the article of livlihood, that is why. And the remedy for scarcity is equal- ly simple; it may be given in one word —production. And production itself may be reduced to a still simpler word 'vlork. And there you have the cause and the cu%e of a situation which has startled every man by its acute Less. Surely our country is as dear to us nowas it was in 191-7 and 19,18.' And it is a question of alar: country. You may inject "capital and labor," "the social question.," "the industrial' problem," into the discussion -as much as you please, it still remains • a ques- tion of Our Country. For..while we are w asting_ time on those issues the Country and every individual in it is . suffering. The same kind of patriot- ism that won the war—patriotism with its shoulder daily to the wheel—will win us deliverance. from this`'danger also. ; -The annual election . of ofacers' took place at' the meeting of the Menesetung Canoe Club. Goderich, on Tuesday night, and resulted as fol- lows: President, H. 'T. Edwards; vice-president, De. H. G. MacDonell; secretary, A. F. Sturdy; treasurer, W. T. Millar; commodore, J. A. Lawrence; vice -commodore, E. Pridham; chaplain, Walter Shipman; additional members of executive, W. H. Robertson, T.. Pritchard; auditors, 3. W. Fraser, L. G. Young. AN IDEAL TONIC - FOR WEAK PEOPLE Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Act Dir- ectly on: 'the Blood and - - . Nerves. . Food is- as important to the sick person as medicine, more so in most - cases. A badly chosen diet may re- tard recovery: In health the natural appetite is the best 'guide to follow; in sickness the appetite is- often fickle and depraved. Proper food and a good tonic will keep most people in good health. Dr. • Williams' Pink Pills are the most popular tonic medicine in the -world, harmless and certain. in their action; l which is to build up -the blood and store the vitality to the run-down sys- tem. For growing. girls who become= thin and pale, for pale, tired women, and for old people who fail in - strength Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are - an ideal tonic. Thousands of people have testified to the health -giving qualities of „Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and in many homes they are the only medicine used. Among the homes in which the' benefit of this medicine has been proved is that of Mr.. E. A. Underwood, Kingston, Ontario. who says:—"I have used Dr. Williams' Pink ;Pills with the most beneficial results. As the result eif hard work I was very much run dc.wn, and -my anpes;te was very poor.; I . oz a sup-, ply of • pills which I used regularly .for some weeks with ithe result that they restored me tdrmy old time strength. They also proved- a bless- ing to. my daughter, who was in a very anaemic condition, and who seemed not to get more than temporary re- lief from any medicine until she took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She took the pills for about three months, and is now enjoying the best of health. For these reasons I can strongly re-. commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." At the first- sign that the blood • is out of order take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and note the speedy improve-' meat they • make in. the appetite, health and spirits. You. can get these, pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail. at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from. The .Dr. liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. EXPOSITOR 3 SteWart's Sell it for Less1 M.a�l_ Mali or PhoneYour Orders tie_ prepay Carriage NO DOUBT ABOUT WINTER COMING --- THE QUESTION IS ABOUT WARM CLOTHES CQMFORT; PRACTICAL SERVICE, GOOD . APPEARANCE, BEST VALUES, AND GREATEST ASSORTMENTS ARE THE CARD- INAL FEATURES IN -OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF - Winter Goods COMFORT BECAUSE OF AN IDEAL - COLLECTION - OF THE VERY HIGHEST GRADES OF TILE MOST RELIABLE MERCHAN- DISE. PRACTICAL SERVICE BECAUSE THESE GARMENTS ARE MADE TO WEAR AND GIVE THE HIGHEST SATISFACTION. YOU • WILL NOT FIND MORE ATTRACTIVE GARMENTS - ANYWHERE NOR A GREATER ASSORTMENT TO CHOOSE FROM. BUT MOST INTERESTING OF ALL YOU WILL FIND OUR PRICES IN THE FACE OF RECENT ADVANCES TO BE .VERY REASONABLE Women's Fleece Cashmere Women's Fleece Lined Cashmerette - Hose, fast black, full fashioned. Sizes 81- to Io. A big bargain. 39c - `en's All Woo -1 Sox Made of pure worsted wool in fine ribbed knit, in black. All sizes, slight- ly damaged, worth $I. 79c Women's and Children's Overstockings 99c - Regular $1.25 to $I.75 Heavy ribbed worsted wool Over - stockings in white, red and black. Sizes 7 to io. Special Price 99c More New omen's Coats Beauty never lent itself more gracefully to the cause of comfort than in these latest styles of winter coats.' The cozy collars that spell pro• tection a n d comfort. The stylish belts that savor of the military idea. T h e beauty of designs a n d the re- splendence of color all tend to make these the host sensible yet most attractive of all t h e season's coats. -PRICES $20 to $65 Maish Comforters Warmth without Weight Made of high grade chintz, covering filler with best quality sanitary cot" ton fleece.. The very thing for the coaling cold night. $4.50 to $12.00. Flannelette Blank As White with pink or blue borders, size -1 /4, full double bed, very slightly damaged,. Regular Price $4.50. - Come Early. Special.Price $3.75 DRIED APPLES WANTED - IF WELL :DRIED 12 CENTS PER POUND New Designs in Sweater Coats There is no desirable style in Sweater Coats that does not find full expres- sion in our complete stock. Men's Coats for fine wear in a host of de- signs in fancy checks and color com- binations, all pure wool worsted yarns. PRICE $8.00 to $12 Men's Coats for working in heavy knit styles in fawn, grey, navy, tan, brown, all sizes. PRICE $2 50 . to $5.00 Women's Coats in all the new models of pull over and button styles in the latest color combinations. PRICE $3.50 to $10.00 School Sweaters and Sweater Coats for boys and girls, PRICE $1 00 to $5 00 Men's & Boys' Overcoats Stylish Belters, Com- fortable 'Ulsters, Dressy Chesterfields, New Waist Lines We never had a better supply of Coats than we have this season. Waist Lines and Bett- ers in fancy checks, in brawn, tan, green, dark grey in tartan and plaids. - All sizes and can be worn with or without belts. PRICE $20 to $40 Ulsters in grey, brown, Ox- ford tan, black navy, with big convertible storm collar. Price $15 to. $35 Chesterfields or walking CCoats in :black, light or dark grey, brown and navy in knee length with velvet oto self collar. Size 36 to 42. Boys' Overcoats in all Styles for the smallest to the larg- est in appropriate styles. Well made to stand hard • w ear,i warm and comfort- able. Pries $33.75 to $20.00 Warm, Cozy Underwear For Lan,Woman -acid Child You will find very few stores in- deed that will show you better Underwear 'than this store. Every reliable maker is represented here. Every possible weight or weave at a price to suit any pocket. Men's Underwear Stsnt'ieids - - $3.00 Tiger Brand, heavy rib -......... $2.75 Tiger Brand, medium rib ..... $2.50 Black Scotch rib - .. , $2,00 Red .Scotia rib { $1.50 Penman's rib $1.50 Penman's Sieece a $1.25 Tiger Fleece .... $1.50 Combinations in fine or heavy knit ....• •.,.i.•,.,..$2 to Boys' '}W" Wool . .:. 75c to $1..50! Boys' Fleece , • • . • • • s • s + • • r e . r . .75e Wo en's Underwear Stanielc s ... ..... . .4._.$3 to $4,50 Watson's ... , i, $1 to $3.50 Turnbulls ... $.1•.50 to $2.50 Combinations (all makes) $2.50 to Children's Ribbed cotton under- wear ..... .....Special 29c Men's Work Sweaters $2.50 Made of heavy cotton yarn in good shade of gr6y with 2 pockets, shawl or convertible collar. All sizes -1--a real bargain, tough and warm. Special Price --$2.50 Stewart Bros. SEAFORTH DRIED APPLES WANTED IF WELL DRIED 12 CENTS PER POUND 3