The Huron Expositor, 1919-11-07, Page 6aorr••••••-
England went after the rat last
week. Rat week was from October
1•20th to 27th, when, with traps and
terriers and ferrets, poison and poison
gas, she hoped, if lucky, to destroy
one-half or two-thirds of her large
and unwelcome rat population.
Whatever it is now, it was about
40,000,000 ten years ago; just about
one rat for every man, woman and
child in the country except the babies
under a year old. And they cost
about $5 a head every year. England
may have been rich enough in 1909
to apend all that on rats, but she
cant afford it. They eat a great deal;
they spoil more than they eat, and
they destroy buildings and all kinds
of valuables that are not edible.
No very serious attempt to kill
them off in towais, country or seaports
has been undertaken recently except
at London and Liverpool and Ione or
two other places where the extermina-
tion of rats was attempted as a safe-
guard to public health. The London
port authorities accounted for 1,000,-
000 or so in sixteen years, including
those destroyed by fumigating ships
entering the Thames and those 'killed
in docks and warehouses This is but
a poor showing against the estimates
of possible increase during the years
when the nation had mobilized almost
all its grown men for fighting and
making munitions, the rat catchers
among them. Some naturalists think ,
England may well have 160,000,004
rats at present. And those who are
not so cautious point to the calcula-
tion of the American expert, David
Lanz, which shows that a single pair
of rats might have 20,000,000 descend-
ants -in nine generations, or two years.
There are people who talk about
destroying nature's balance and argue
that even rats are good for something.
Nature's balance was destroyed. when
Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or
callus off with fingers
. w1-t•sprier•r-,,,,- • $:**•70..- A•
those aliens, the black rats, were im-
ported from the East at the time of
the Crusaders, and the larger, 'fiercer
brown rat from Sweden in the eight-
eenth century. The United States re-
ceived this latter immigrant about
1775, and now he is doing $200,000,000
'worth of damage per year, despite
the fact that America took serious
steps to exterminate rats while Britain
was still only grumbling at them.
asp -
Servants girls in Japan earn on an
average of 41.50 per month.
Of 40,000 hotel employees in the
United States only 16,000 are wome •
Wives are granted twice as man
divorces as are granted to husband*.
A new law in England allows ix?
men to serve as members of juries
in all cases.
There are more than 375 women's
clubs in the Philippine islands.
Nearly every woman in Japan
shaves but never brush their hair, al-
ways Using a comb, •
Nineteen out of every 100 women
between the ages of 24 and 35 work
for a living.
Between 6,000,000 and 7,000,000 wo-
men are eligible to vote at the coin-
ing election in England.
Saskatchewan, Canada, has for the
first time elected a woman to its pro-
vincial legislature.
In Rhodesia and British East India
women have recently won their elec-
toral rights, which gives them the
right of suffrage.
Londonpolicewomen work seven
hours per day and receive at the
rate of $10 per week.
The avergae daily wage of women
workers in Germany has increased 283
per cent. since 1914.
Esther Devilin and Alice Troski,
two Wilkes-Barre (Pa). girls, have
accepted jobs as hodcarriers.
Mrs. Margaret A. Waiston, of Jack-
sonville, Fla.., is the Only woman in
the world who makes rosin types.
Mrs. Melvin A. Paterson, the only
woman justice. of peace in Michigan,
bas just disposed of, her 50th case.
Of the 40,000,000 women in Italy,
3,000,000 are in agrieulture. 3,000 in
mines and 200,000 in industries.
Since the war ended, Sweden, Ger-
many, Italy, Austria, Hungary,
Poland, Italy and Czeeho-Slovakia
have extended the franchise to wo-
Groversville, Y, wiltre 07 per
colt Or the total output t*f gitnrt* for
the Vttiteil Steles is manufartured,
„e,e+alf t -t the retployece art ift-fineriL
3 *fl* t 40°4
-fw I V401 Affe* saeo r+
1 1T**.** t itt
44 ,
1-4 .11148. 11*:1 INA* 4*„.s*,__2 I
Naut4a* Specific
e moveps
24 1111ours
'Never -Failing Rem* for
Indigestion, Stomach Disorders,
Appendicitis and Kidney Stones
are often caused by Gall Stones,
and mislead people until those
bad attacks of Gall Stone Colic
appear. Not one in ten Gall
Stone Sufferers knows whet Is
the trouble. Marlatt's Specific
will cure without pain or oper.
For sale at all druggists.
Recommended by E. Umbach
Druggist, Seaf,rth, Oat
J.W. mAptularsto
public instruction in Buncombe county,
N. C., is the first woman in that state
to hold such a position.
Two-thirds of the police force in
Petrograd are women, all of -whom
wear long blue coats and dresses with
a badge on the right arm showing
the letter G, patrols in couples and
carry loaded rifles. .'
A Swiss milkmaid with a musical
singing voice obtains better wages
than one who cannot sing, as the cow
that is soothed with a pleasing melody
/during milking, it is` s id, yield one-
fifth more milk.
In New Zealand, one of the oldest
full suffrage countries in theworld,
women are not yet after 26 years eli-
gible for parliament, although they
are now pressing a bill to give them
parliamentary eligibility.
Invitation to attend the first inter-
ational congress of working women
ver held have been cabled by the
voirian's Trade Union League of
America to 34 similar organization
throughout the world.
Needy seven ver eent„ tlf 41 Ger-
miter* legislators are Avcreett., One
handfed slut Ofty itwe iitertiert ere
*mow A ii14113*ti 140,41 ViE-fol* MA'
Niw*ei'llit rttat**111u!„!-fl Op, th-IfI
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***" ' 4 - .1 i I 1 - ' ' +•• *144 w
4k. -, *3, 147•017.,^
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* ftl*
schools, of which nearly one-third are
in Berlin.
For picking up needles from floors
a magnet suspended by a cord has
been invented.
Two expensive deposits of white
marble of high grade have been found
in Guatemala.
Celluloid curtains operating on
spring,rollers have been invented for
In proportion to population Japan
has more suicides than any other civ-
ilized nation.
A new white enameled .steel kitchen
cabinet is made in units to fit any
desired space.
The fruit of a Brazilian tree which
resembles grapes, grows directly from
the bark.
A small lever operated wringer has
been invented for squeezing moisture
from towels.
Lightness and cheapness are the
chief advantages of paper coffins in-
vented in France.
There are, now 67 bird reserves in
the United States, where wild fowl
may live unmolested.
British patents cover a new process
for making seamless metal boats at
less costs than wooden ones.
All but ten states in the United
States have laws controlling the fit-
ting of glasses for the eyes.
Mail is being carried regularly by
areoplanejetween the Swiss cities of
Berne, Zurich and Lausanne.
A clockwork motor inside a new
decoy duck makes it swim slowly a-
bout and emit the call of living birds.
The South African government is
considering the establishment of uni-
versities at Cape Town and Pretoria.
Its inventor has patented a billiard
cue contained in a short tube, from
which it is propelled by a spring.
The apple is Finland's only impor-
NOVEMBER 7, 1919
tant fruit tree, but pears, cherries
and plums are also grown in the open,
To welcome persons entering busi-
ness offices; a Chicago inventor has
patentei a doorknob formed like a
Wireless stations powerful enough
to communicate with points 3,000
miles distant will be erected in Indo-
For thawing coal frozen in steel
cars a kerosene burner that can be
placed directly under a car has been
Deposits of lignite, similar to the
brown coal of Germany, but of less
heating value, .have been discovered
in Denmark.
An- inventor has patented an office
chair on wheels that can be moved
with a slight push and stopped with
a foot brake.
In Mount Sangary, South America,
has the most active volcano in the
world, as it has been in constant er-
uption. since 1728.
• A removable automobile seat has
been patented to enable touring mo-
torists to rest outside their cars when
they stop en route.
Potassium salts have been. found in
the brine of certain Chinese salt wells,
of which they are more than 1,000
in one locality.
Added to the list of motor farm
implements is a tractor binder, the
motor that moves it about also operat-
mg the binding machinery.
An .irrigation dam being built on
the Murray river in Australia will be
94 feet high and will impound 1,000,-
000 acre-feet of water.
An indexed case designed for checks
or papers of similar form has hinged
ends that are lifted to afford easy
access to its contents.
Hydroplanes will be used in a pro-
posed passenger service that will link
***te r•sarima it • • • **vitt
The Molsons Bank is ready to advise
merchants, manuf urers and farmers
how .to finance their requirements.
Brucefield St. Marys Kirkton
Exeter Clinton Hensall Zurich
several Swiss cities that are located
on the source of lakes.
Brazil has appointed a commission
to study and recommend uniform
types of equipment and material to
be used on the government owned
your tree! Ebrild.,
sure tolls, Distend ind
Eyes Frat«':;:vmtnt
just Ey* Comfert.• At
Your Druggists or by mail 60c per Bottle.
For gook el the Eye free write 1143
Muria. rye Remedy Co., Chicago.
Goitre or Thick
Neck Cured for $1
We have cured goitres of over 40
years standing in a few weeks time.
Our Remedy is harmless and does not
blister or discolor. Place a postal
note or money order for one doll
in a letter along with 25e for postam
packing and war tax, and our remedy
will be sent by return mail. Thia
amount is usually enough to cure -
ordinary goitre. Address
Dr. Stockton's Goitre Remedy,
Box 337, Torontd, Oat
with the
nothin', ai
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all right,
gun to thi
I never so
nicer, an'
level place
the best s
never Ivo],
Jinny don'
neither. I
reckoned 1
"Then th
with him.
Bisbee in I
'The i.e
was the n
David, "bu
the next al
it tett good.
. He w
got a mule
we then Ii
Wald, sir.
ked ince