HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-10-24, Page 5git 24 1.919 t ES 111, Jilig• NNW ,CITY suld put sufficient ens - d. to induce every wo- e to see oxr display e ° .lust to see there. DroughIy the Best Shoes sn produce. After you you'll appreciate the z 'duality* Shoes' -the :ad just the ordinary t you courteously, evil- many Styles as you we v on t_'-aek You, to :at to v4. We want • en valie and Shoes, t women;, care to wear. he season's newest Height of heel, at 0; the rich brown 001 or Sport heels Dots at $6.50 and uis heels at $7.50 )were you will get m OCTOBER' 4,1.919 EXPOSITOR SEA FORTH MARKETS. Seaforth, October 23, 1919. Butter. per lb,. ,..... , .. ..50 to 55e F,ggs, per dozen. 52 to 54c -Potatoes, per bag Barley .. : . .. . ...... Flour, per $6.90. 90 Torts, per ton $50.00 Bran, per ton ..... ........ . 445.00' Wheat, per bushel $1.95 Spring Wheat, per bushel $1 .20 Oats, per bushel 85c Bogs, per cwt. -$17.00 LIVE STOCK MARKET . Union Stock Yards, Toronto, -October 21. - The quotations were: Choice heavy steers, $12.75 to 513.00; good heavy steers, $12.00 to $12.50; butchers' cattle, choice, $11.25 to $11.75; do., good, . $10.25 to $10.75; do., medium, $9.25 to $9.75; do., common, $6.50 to 57.00; bulls, choice, $10.00 to $10.50; do.. medium., $9.50 to $9.75; do., rough, 37.50 to $8.00; butchers' cows, eheice, $1.0.00 to $10.50; do.. good, $9.00 to $9.25; do., medium, $8.50 to $9.00; do., common. $7.00 to $7.50; stockers, $7.50 to 510.00; feeders, $10.00 to $11.25; canners and nutters, $5.00 to $625; milkers, good to choice, $110 to . $150; do. common and medium, $65.00 to $75.00: springers, $90.00 to 5150.00; light ewes, $8:00 to $9.50; yearlings, $9.00 to $10•50; springs lambs, per cwt., 513.25 to $14.00; calves, good .to choice, 516.00 to $18.00; hogs, fed and watered, 518.50; °do., weighed off cars, $18.50; do., f.o.b., $17.25; do. do., to farmers, 317.00. By -Law No, 203 1919 OF THE TOWN OF SEA.FORTH Mc -Leans -In Goderich, October 18th, 'to Mr. and Mrs. Robertson Young McLean, of Button. -In Walton at the Methodist Par- stonage, on 'October 18th, to Rev. J. and Mrs. Button, e ditighter. Mcintosh.-In Henson, on October 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. T. E. McIntosh (nee Gladys C. Hardie), a son. Quance.---In Exeter,, on October 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Quance, a son. , HER HOTEL r articles 1 return iti aper es s. We • way. eing MARRIAGES Eadie-McDonand.-At the Manse Brucefield, on October 11th. MarY, eldest 'daughter of James McDonald, of Tuckersmith, to Wilfred Eadie. of London. Bond -Sinclair. -In Goderich, on October 15. by Rev, J. F. Reycroft, Isabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Sinclair, of Stanley, to Richard -Bond, of Goderich township. DEATHS Barron. -In Seafbrth. on Tuesday. October 21st, Margaret Barron, eldest daughter of the late Alexander Barron, aged 71 years Roweliffe.-In Usborne. on October 14th, Wm. Rowcliffe, aged 65 years. Beckers -In Clinton, on October iztrj, Carolina Rentgen, wife of Jacob Becket', in her 59th year. Oprien.-In Stratford, on Octobeti 10th, P. S. O'Brien, brother of the late T. O'Brien, of Tuckersmith. IN MEMORIAM Note.-Iterns under this head will be charg- ed 50 cents per single Irene and 25 cents for each additional verse. Int memory of Irene W. Hill, who died in Stratford on October 28th,e 1918. Sad and sudden was the call Of her so dearly loved by all, Her meraory still is ever dear. For oft is shed a silent tear, A bitter grief, a shock severe, To part with her we leered so dear. A by-law to provide for the borrowing o $18,000.00 upon debentures to pay for Memorial for "the Soldiers, who lost thei lives in -the Great War and also to provid a Building for the use of the Great Wa Veterans Association. S Council ofn the opinion of Town of Seaforth, bet It s fitt n� `and -proper fox the said Town to erect a suitable memorial for the Soldiers, who los their lives in the Great War, and also to purchase, alter and equip a suitable building for the use, of the Seaforth Branch of th Great War Veterans Association and for sail purpose it is necessary to raise by way o Loan, on the credit of the said Town, th sam• of $13,000.00, 46,000.00- of said cum to be used to erect said Memorial an $7,000.00 to provide said Building. AND WHEREAS it is expedient to rails the said sun. of 513,000,00 by the, issue of debentures at one time and to make th 'debt repayable, in yearly sums during th, period of. thirty (30) years, being the cur rency of such debentures, said yearly sums being of such respective amounts that. the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and interest in respect of said debt shall be, ets nearly as poesible, equal to the amount so payable in each of the other twenty-nine (29) years. AND WHEREAS pit, will be necessary, to raise annually the sum of $894.47, during the period of thirty (80) years, to pay the said Yearly sums of principal and interest as they become payable respectively according to the terms of this by-law. AND WHEREAS in order theretii it will be necessary to issue debentures of • the said Municipality for the sum of 326,834.10, as hereinafter provided (which is the amount of the debt .intended to be created ,by this by -lav), the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied�Lto the purposes• aforesaid and to no other. s . AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rable property of . the said Municipality, a cording to the last revised assessment roll is 3863,500.00. AND WHEREAS the amount of the exist- ing debenture debt of the said Municipality, inclusive of local improvement debts secured by special rates or assessments, is $198,097.08, whereon -there is no sum in . arrears for either principal or interest. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth enacts as follcws.: 1. That for the purposes aforesaid there shall be borrowed do the credit of the Cor- poration at large the sum of 318,000.00 and for the purpose of raising the said sum of $13,000.00 and paying the interest thereon, at the rate of live and one-half (Ws) . per cent. per annum, for the period of thirty (30) "" years as hereinafter and hereinbefore specified, debentures of the said Corporation •to the amount of 326,334.10, in sums of not Ieas than 3100.00, shall be issued, which said debentures shall all be issued at one time and dated on the .day of the issue thereof and shall be payable in equal amounts in each of thirty (30) successive years, on the Fifteenth (15th) day of October in each and every year of said term, at. The Dominion Bank at Seaforth, Ontario, such amounts being made up of the aggregate sum due in each year for ..principal and interest, as is particularly set -forth. namely: Total Year Principal Interest Annual payment: 1 5179.47 5715.00 2 189.34 705.18 3 199.75 694.72 4 210674 683.73 5 222.33 672.14 6 234.56 659.91 3 247.46 647.01 8 261.07 633.40 9 275.43 619.04 10 290.58 603.89 11 306.56 587.91 12 323,42 571.05 13 341.21 553.26 14 359.98 534.49 15 379.78 514.69 16 400.66 493.81 1? 422.70 471.^r7 18 445.95 448.52 19 470.47 424.00 20 496.35 398.12 21 523.65 370.82 22 552.45 342.02 23 582.84• 311.63 24 614.89 ' 279.58 25 648.71 245.76 26 684.39 210.08 27 722.03 172.4# 28 761.74 132:73 29 808.64 90.83 30 847.85 46.62 f a Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager 5 HELP HIM! Support the Boys' Naval Brigades BTcause these are the only, organizations training Can, adian boys for, service iii our merchant . fleet now being built. Canadians Must Sail the Seas Because we cannot leave our growing export trade at 4 • • DEBENTURES FOR SALE The Corporation of the Town of Seaforth has for sale debentures to the amount of $2,600, payable within ten years. Principal and interest payable yearly, interest at 51 per cent. For further particulars apply to JOHN A. WILSON, Treasurer. SALE REGISTER On Wednesday, October 29th, at 1.30 p.m. on Lot 28, Con. 1, Stanley, of farm stock and Irdplements. II. Livermore, Prop.; T. Brown, Auctioneer. On -Saturday, November 8th at. 1 p.m. sharp, at his premises, Railway Street, ;clearing sale of horses, wagons, harness and imple- ments. Ed. J, Barnett, Prop.; T. Brown. Auctioneer. I`t'Il`subbers m4 thatwill do. et. Our illlb- a protection Embalmers and Funeral Directors Holder of Government Diploma and License Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calls Phone 175 Day Calls Phone 43 W. S. GORMLEY EMBALMER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street, Seaforth. Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate Phone -Night or Day -192 ate irday i free ;inn; or ;t' ripe real t,r?^ Anew then The ^s l.. es this One a a IMPORTANT NOTICES 'FOR SALE. -e12 WELL BRED LEIS1eR ' ewe lambs and also a few breeding ewes. Apply to P. M. :CHESNEY, Egmondville. 2706x2 "FARM WANTED. --FIFTY Olt ONE MTN- ' dred acres Wanted, vood land and .good buildings. Communicate with J. P. COLE, ICippen, Ont. 2706x2 -VOLTS FOR SALE. -TWO YEAR OLD filly and a yearling gelding, both sired by Glen Rae. Apply to CECIL OKE, R. R. 5, or phone 11 on 235. 2705-3 qTRAYED ON TO THE PREMISES OF in' John Taman, Lot 4, Concession 4, Tucker - smith, about Juls the 1st, a cattle beast. The owner can have the same be Proving property and paying expenses. Phone 11-136. MACHINE OPERATORS. - WANTED A ' few girls to operate sewing machines. W. E. SANDFORD Mfg, Co., Seaforth. Phone 59. 2692-tf itrousE FOR SALE. -FOR SALE 7 ROOM- ' ed frame hou_se on George Street, Sea - forth, hard and soft water. For further particulars apply to J. R. ARCHIBALD or ESTRAY S IitaR.---STRAYED ON TO THE Premises of the undersigned, Lot IL Con- cession 1, L. R. S„ Tuckersmith, on Friday. October 10th, a two year old steer. Owner mast have same on proving property and Paying chargen Phone 9 on 91, Remain JAMES SMILLIE, Hensall. 2705-1 SHEEP FOR SALE. -SEVEN PAIRS OF breeding ewes and eix ewe Iambs, 1 shearlirtg and 5 young bucks. All registered Leicester. Apply to WILMA CHARTERS. Seaforth, or phone 12 on 13 2704-4 pop. SALE. -FRAME SCHOOL IIOUSE ON Lot 5, Concession 10, McKillop, (Manley's). The building is 48x28. The Purchaser 111aY get Posse9sion in July next. For further VARD OF THANKS. -WILL YOU KINDLY allow me spaoe in your paper to thank the people of Seaforth, especially the ladies. for the noble work they did on Monday in rolling up such a majority for the referendum& en ell four questions. R. J. McliiILLAN, Chairman, Seaforth Temperance Forces. 894 .47 394.47 394.47 894.47 804.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 -894.47 -894.47 894:47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 313000.00 $13834.10 $n6834.10 2. The ayor of the Corporation shall sign and iss the said debentures and the same shall al o be signed by the Clerk of said Corporati who will affix the Corporate Seal of the 'Corporation thereto. 3. ,During thirty (30) years, the currency of the ,said debentures, the said slim of $894.47, required as aforesaid to be raised, levied .and collected annually for the purpose of paying the said instalmenU of 'principal and- interest, shall be raised, lesied and collected in each and every year during the currency of said debentures, by a special rate sufficient therefor, on all rateable property in the said Municipality, at the same time and ins the same manner as other rates and taXes are levied and col lected. 4„ This by-law shall take effect on the day, of the final pessing thereof. Provisionally passed in open Council the 14th day of October A. D., 1919. Foster Harburn, Mayor; John A. Wilson, Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that the above is. a true copy of a proposed by-law, which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally Passed by the Council of the Town of Seaforth tin the event of the con.sent of the electors being obtained thereto) after one month from the first publication in The Huron Expositor newspaper, the date of whicli first publication being the 17th day of October, 1019. AND FURTHER' TAKE NOTICE that all leaseholders qualified under the provisions of The Municipal Act, section 265, S. S. 3, are required ten days, before. the day of voting to file with me a statutory declaration of Qualification, otherwise their naan will not almear on the voter's list for such voting. AND FURTTITER TAKE NOTICE that the sote of the electors of the said Town of Sea - forth. will be taken on the said proposed by- law on Tuesday, the 11th day of Nos ember, 1919, (Armistice Day). commencing at nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon of the :male day by the following Returning Officers and at the following places: North Ward, at 13eattie's Store, west side Main Street, by James liesehley, Is -surety Re- turning Officer; John H. Best, Poll Clerk. East Ward, at Town Hall, by Robert Smith, Deputy Returning Officer; William Bright, Poll Clerk. South Ward, at Public Library, by Williara H. Golding, Deputy Returning Officer; Charles Sills, Poll Clerk. On Monday. the 10th day of November, 1,910, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, she Mayor of the said Town of Seaforth will attend at the Council Chamber of the said Town to appoint persons to attend at the various poll- ing places aforaid and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of the said by-law re - The Clerk of the said Town of Seaforth will attend at his office. in the Towp Hall, on Wednesday. the 12th day of November, 1919, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to sum up the number of' votes for and against the said proposed . by-law. JOHN A. WILSON, Clerk. AUCTION SALES Dispersion Sale ibtegistA3recl Shorthorns D, M. Miltiay has instructed Capt. Robson eo sell by public auction at the farm of his brother, Mr. Peter McKay, Lot 8, Concession Noverober 13th, 1919, at 1.30 o'clock, his entire herd pf 20 Scotch Topped Registered Shorthorns. With some calves at foot. There will also be offered at the same time from the herd of Mr. Peter McKay, 1 young Registered cow, 2 two year old Registered heifers, and 5 young Registered bulls, rang- ing in age from 10 to 19 months. All these balls were sired by his imported "Conqueror." The 20 head are all females and some have been bred to Imported Conqueror." Terms - Six months oredit on furnishing approved joint notes. Six per cent. per annum off for cash. For particalara . and • Catalogue• s apply phone 8 on 181, • Auctioneer. Proprietors, to AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF CEMENT MACHIN- " ery, Block and Tackle, Gas Engine. Mr. Thomas Brown has been instructed to gell bit public auction on Lot 18, Concession; 6, McKillop, on Saturday, 'October 25th, com- mencing at 2 o'clock sharp, the following: Brantford gas engine 15- horse power, Me- Vicor 5 horse power gas engine, Brantford gas engine 31/2 horse 'lower, cement mixer, set forms for cement walls, 2 cement buckets, 2 cement wheel barrows, 6 cement shovels, cement brick maehine capacity 1000 per man jacks, capacity 28 tons, 4 heavy locrging chains, crowbars, blacksmith's vice, forge, set of 'fans for Brantford 15 foot power mill, with pulleys and pump jack block and tackle, set heavy blocks -for 114 inch rope, 2 and 3 pulleys, set of blocks for inch rope 2 and 3 pulleys, 2 snatch blocks, also a numlaer of small pulleys. 600 feet of 114 inch rope, 400 feet of 13/4 inch rope, a lot of smaller ropes, good buggy, light wagon, set good single harness, aged driving horse, collar and hames. driving colt two years old, heavy mare 8 years old supposed to be in foal, 16 foot hay rack, 15 hens, 4 passenger Peige car 1912 model, and other articles. No reserve as the proprietor is going out of business. Terms - All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A dis- count of 6% per annum off for cash. Terms on car made known on day of sale. LOUIS HOEGY, Jr., Proprietor; T. Brown, Auc- tioneer. 2705-2 A UCT1ON SALE. -THE UNDERSIGNED -c-k offers for sale by 'public auction on Lot 1, Concession i13, Tuckersmith, on Tuesday, October 28th, the following property: Horses - 1 good general purpose mare, horse five years -old, a good steady worker, / driver Colt rising two years old. Cows -1 cow rising 6 years old due to calve in December, 1 cow due in January, 2 cows due in Februarr. Young Cattle -3 steers rising 2 yeare old and 2 heifers rising 2 years old. Calves -4 good spring calves, also about 100 hens and pullets. Pigs -1 thorough bred Yorkshire white boar, young; 1 sow with litter at foot, 1 sow due about the time of sale, and 1 sow due to farrow in December, and 1 stere pig. Imple- ments and other Chattels -Massey -Harris binder, new, only cut about forty acres, Massey -Harris mower, new; Massey -Harris horse rake, new; Massey -Harris cultivator with seeder and grass seeder _attached, new; Chatham fanning mill with bagger, new; De Laval cream separator, aply in use a few months, disc harrow, seed drill, walking plow, Massey -Harris make, No. 21; scuffier, bob sleighs, 2 buggies, 2 putters, 3 incubators and brooders, set double harness, 3 sets single harness and a lot of other smaller articles not enumerated. There is also -a quantity of hay to be sold in the mow, also 3 acres of good turnips and mangolds. Everything to be sold without reserve as the farm is sold. Terms of Sale -Hay, roots and hens to be cash. On stock and other chattels, $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4% will be al- lowed off for cash. WILLIAM LEITCH, Pro- prietor; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. 2705-2 eLEARING SAI,P OP FARM STOCK AND se' Implements; James Jones, Auctioneer. has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public 'auction on Lot 12, Concession 6, Toisnship of Hibbert, on Friday; October 31st, 1919, the following property: • Horses - Span blaok horses 4 and 5 years old, weigh- ing 3,200 pounds, road horse .9 years old. -good to work double and not frightened of cars, filly rising 1 . years old, well broken. Cattle and Hogs --Registered cow due to calve November 5th, 1919. cow due in- January, cow bred October llth, 1919: 2 steers rising 3 years old, hpifer rising 3 years old. 5 spring calves. 1 yearling steers, yearling heifer, 15- store hogs.. Implements. etc.- Massey-Hereis binder, new, 6 foot cut, with sheaf carrier and trucks ; Maxwell mower, 5 foot cut ; Hay rake. Massey -Harris cli:•As, near- ly new; wooden land roller, seed- drill, 12 hue; cultivator, nearly new : cuffier. Fleury walking plow, s', -t harrows, 2 -furrow Fleury plow, new ; stoneboat, set and half double harnesss nearly new: hugg,y nearly. new, cutter, fanning mill, 2 wagons. 1 nearly new ; wzmon box, pig rack. hay rack, gravel box, 2 sets -doubletrees, "root pulper, set single harnses, set scales 2,000 tbs ,2 dozen grain bags, set sleighs, set slings, car, •144 • feet rope, new: and hay fork, 10 tons choice hay and some oats, wheeelbarrow, nearly new; 3 stooks sugar cane, 39 rows of turnips, rods long; 2 cook stoves, logging chain, ditching spade, crow bar, churn, De • Laval cream separator, nearly new; extension ladder 32 -feet long. and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale at 12:30 o'clock p.m., sharp. Terms -Hay and grain, cash. All sums of $10.00 and under, cash ; ovtsr that amount 12. months' credit will -he given on furnishing aPProved joint notes. Five per cent. allowed off for cash on credit amounts. Positively no res' erv.e as the proprietor hae ssld his farm, GEORGE GOLDING', •Proprietor; James Jones, Auctioneer. 2"/06-1 A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND •••=1. Implementee-Mr. Thomas Cameron has re- ceived inetruetions from the undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 37, Concision 2, eTuckersmith. L.R.S., on Wednesday; Nov. 6th, at 1 o'clock p.m., sharp, the follovsing: Homes -1 agricultural horse 10 years old, 1 filly four years old, 1 driving horse 10 years old, Cattle --1 Registered cow 3 year old to freshen Deserneer, 1 Registered heifer 1 year old. 1 Registered bull ten months old, 1 Registered heifer 'train 2 :trade cows to freshen -in Dec., 2 grade milk CIO wf5 supposed to be in calf. 1 farrow cow, 6 1 -year old heifers, 5 calves. PigS-7 good chunks, 1 brood sow, 10 Pigs weanel about time of sale. Hens --About 90 Pure bred Leghorns, and about 30 Leghorn implements. -1 McCormick binder 6 foot cut, 1 McCormick mower, Deering rake. 1 Massey -Harris steel ,roller, I. Massey - Harris seed drill, 13 hoe; 1 Masseiollarris cultivator, 1 single riding Cockshutt plow, 1 walking plowe 1 National gang plow, 1 3 - .sections harrelnie 1 stone boat, 1 set bob sleighs, 1 straw cutter, 1 root pulper, 3 grindstonee 1 Chatham fanning milt with bagger. 1 erass Seed Sower, pea harvester, 1 hay rack, 1 stock rack, 2 large chop boxes, 1 wheel barrow, 1 gravel box. lumber :for graeel box, scuffles'. hay lodge logging chains, I. democrat, 1 top buggy,, 1 top buggy nearly new. 1 cutter, 1 iron vice, some wire fencing, quantity of lumber, some plank, and some inch lumber, 2 ladders, 1 extension ladder, some three inch tile. barrels, Daisy shurn, Melotte cream separator, neck yokes, and whiffletrees. cedar pos, 3 end posts, Buffalo robe, scythes, corn in shock, some roots, hay. Grain -About 200 bushels of clean oats, about 100 bushels of mixed grain. collie dog, Berme hou.sehoid effeets. Terms - All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit 'will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, Four per centg discount will be 'allowed for cash on credit amounin. Hay and- grain cash. No reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. ALEXANDER GRAY, Proprietri: Thome; Cameron, Auctioneer. 2706:2 illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllltllit �'� S. T..HOLMES Funeral Director and Licensed Etnbalmer Undertaking parlors in nada fellows building opposite Stewart Bros. Resi- N MI IMM posite Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on short notice. Phone Night br Day 119 MM MM WM MIN WM Ma WM MM mmuumumunumnimumummunci FARMS FOR SALE a VARMS FOR SALE. - I _HAVE SOME &mice farms for sale in the Townships of •Usborne and Hibbert, all well built and improved, on easy tertils of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2653-tf WARM FOR SALE. -LOT 21, BAyFIELD -L Road, South, consisting of 120 acres. A well cultivated. farm and good buildings. Apply to RODERICK McKENZIE, Varna, Ont., or phone 6 on 626, Clinton Central. 2703x4 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 33, CONCESSION 6, MeKillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 acres of bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from Co/1st:111Se, Ws miles from school. There are on the premiees a. good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well under - drained. Possession given March lst. .4pply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth. 2627-tf "'WARM FOR SALE. -ONE HUNDRED AND •L'' forty-two acres of good land consisting of Lot 1, ConcesVon 1, and part of Lot 1, Concession 2, Stanley, Huron County, adjoin- ing the village of Kippen. Five minutes vralk to G. T. R. station, church or store; 6 acme of bush; water all the year round, and all seeded to grass ; 1 acre of good orchard; 2 barns, 1 on a stone wall; drive' shed; frame house. For temps and particulars apply to SAMUEL THOMPSON, R. R. No. 1, Bruce - field. 2694-tf "&nARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 85 Concession 2, McKillop, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a bank barn hay barn, hen house and pig house. good. 1% story -frame house; plenty of goad water; drilled well between house and barn with over 75 feet of water. The farm is well fenced with woven wire and is well drained. The land is all under cultivation and is a first class farm. Fon,further particulars apply on the premises or address Seaforth, R.' R. No. 2. JAMES McGILL. 26811 -ti T1OR SALE. -HOUSE AND HALF ACIkE of land in the village of Egmondville, The property isssituated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is known. as the Purcell property. Good, comfortable house, good shed, good well and cement. cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This is a corner property with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultivation. This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars "apply on the •premises or to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth. 2584-tf apitre or Thick Neck Cured for $1 We have cured goitres of over 40 years standing .in a few weeks time. OM' Remedy is harmless and does hot blister or discolor. Place a postal note or money order for one dollar in a letter along with 25c for postage, packing and war tax, and our remedy will be sent by return mail. This amount is usually enough to cure an ordinary goitre, Address Dr. Stackton's Goitre Remedy, Box 337, Toronto, Ont. The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day • For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent' or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Somerville Town Agent Beechwood October, 1919. The undersigned is still in the old stand and desires to thank. his manY customers for the generous patronage accorded him since last addressing them, a year ago. I am well prepared to supply my patrons with the best , the market affords in Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Dry Goo4, Groceries, Glass and Earthwear. Prices the best tke Market affords. Give ,me a call, Bring your live poultry on Thurs- day forenoon of each week. Cash or trade as you wish. No shrinkage taken. Highest market prices paid. My accounts are now ready. Yours Respectfully, G. K. HOLLAND 21844 the mercy of foreign seamen. Canada Needs Trained Canadian Seamen The Naval Brigades Train Our Boys Alms of the • NAVY LEAGUE To emphasise Canada's opportunities and resPers- sibilities on the sea. To raise funds lilt. the relief of our nserchaut seansen, injured its the mar, and for dependents of those who were ' To maintain sailors' homes in our ports. To train - boys and young mess for our merchant ships by the orgaoisatien of Boys' Navai Brigades. Patron !MINCE OF WALES Dominion President: !MS JARVIS $500,000 is Needed Because the work of the Boys'Naval Brigades and the other branches of the Navy League's activities are financed by Public contributkms. The Campaign Must Be a Success Because 'Canada must be assured that her ingreasing surplus products will -reach overseas markets. The Race for Export Markets is on. One quarter of the world's ships ping was lost in -the war. Canada cans not buy or rent ships and ,so is building them, and must be in a position to man them with trained Canadian seamen. IstELSON DAY CAMPAIGN for '500,0 , 212m Campaign Committee for the Province of Ontario : Chairman: SIR JOHN C. E XTON Vice•Chairnfian: A. M. HORBERLIN Hon. Treas.: SIR EDMUND WAI-kER Assist. Treasurer : N. L. MARTIN 34 King Street West, Toronth 11/4 condibb ns, and the telephone .44 e St 4 1 Reconstruction and Teleptione Service. MELEPHONE service, like other public 1, services, undoubtedly suffered through the war. liundreAls of skilled telephone workers went overseas. Many trained operators sought temporary positions in munition plants. There was a world shortage of -dip. materials that go to build a telephone sys- . tem. Out reserves of plant and equipment were drawn upon until they were practicay exhausted. Necessary repairs and mainten- ance work had to wait. Then. camethe armistice. The business world sprang into intense activity: The de- mand for new installations all over our system was enormous. - I Now comes the task of getting back to normal --restoring our reserve plant, pver- taking arrears of maintenance and repairs, hurrying new construction of local and long distance equipment to meet pressing demands for service. Our plans for this year involve an outlay for extensions and replacements of over .17,000,000'. We are giving intensive training in our operators' schools to hundreds of young women. to prepare them for central office positions. Our chief concern is that our subscribers shoukt - get the best possible service under all -conditievzs. our best, while ,realizing that we are all servants cc/ the public -these are the factors which, we hope iviTi 0, result in the maintenance of the pre-war stunt:14;rd of teleplume service. And we auk the kindly co-operation of all telephone, ERNMCS Malting sure of the number by consult- ing the directory before calling; Speeking distinctly, directlyinto the The Bell Telophone Company of Cana& SAVE AND PROSPER The companions of Victory are Work and Thrift. If the people of Canadapractise these essentials, our bgreat problems of reconstructiocan e settled to the mutual benefit of all. Don't waste! Save and prosper. . o THE CANADIAN BANK_ OF COMMERCE 12i Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager 5 HELP HIM! Support the Boys' Naval Brigades BTcause these are the only, organizations training Can, adian boys for, service iii our merchant . fleet now being built. Canadians Must Sail the Seas Because we cannot leave our growing export trade at 4 • • DEBENTURES FOR SALE The Corporation of the Town of Seaforth has for sale debentures to the amount of $2,600, payable within ten years. Principal and interest payable yearly, interest at 51 per cent. For further particulars apply to JOHN A. WILSON, Treasurer. SALE REGISTER On Wednesday, October 29th, at 1.30 p.m. on Lot 28, Con. 1, Stanley, of farm stock and Irdplements. II. Livermore, Prop.; T. Brown, Auctioneer. On -Saturday, November 8th at. 1 p.m. sharp, at his premises, Railway Street, ;clearing sale of horses, wagons, harness and imple- ments. Ed. J, Barnett, Prop.; T. Brown. Auctioneer. I`t'Il`subbers m4 thatwill do. et. Our illlb- a protection Embalmers and Funeral Directors Holder of Government Diploma and License Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calls Phone 175 Day Calls Phone 43 W. S. GORMLEY EMBALMER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Street, Seaforth. Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate Phone -Night or Day -192 ate irday i free ;inn; or ;t' ripe real t,r?^ Anew then The ^s l.. es this One a a IMPORTANT NOTICES 'FOR SALE. -e12 WELL BRED LEIS1eR ' ewe lambs and also a few breeding ewes. Apply to P. M. :CHESNEY, Egmondville. 2706x2 "FARM WANTED. --FIFTY Olt ONE MTN- ' dred acres Wanted, vood land and .good buildings. Communicate with J. P. COLE, ICippen, Ont. 2706x2 -VOLTS FOR SALE. -TWO YEAR OLD filly and a yearling gelding, both sired by Glen Rae. Apply to CECIL OKE, R. R. 5, or phone 11 on 235. 2705-3 qTRAYED ON TO THE PREMISES OF in' John Taman, Lot 4, Concession 4, Tucker - smith, about Juls the 1st, a cattle beast. The owner can have the same be Proving property and paying expenses. Phone 11-136. MACHINE OPERATORS. - WANTED A ' few girls to operate sewing machines. W. E. SANDFORD Mfg, Co., Seaforth. Phone 59. 2692-tf itrousE FOR SALE. -FOR SALE 7 ROOM- ' ed frame hou_se on George Street, Sea - forth, hard and soft water. For further particulars apply to J. R. ARCHIBALD or ESTRAY S IitaR.---STRAYED ON TO THE Premises of the undersigned, Lot IL Con- cession 1, L. R. S„ Tuckersmith, on Friday. October 10th, a two year old steer. Owner mast have same on proving property and Paying chargen Phone 9 on 91, Remain JAMES SMILLIE, Hensall. 2705-1 SHEEP FOR SALE. -SEVEN PAIRS OF breeding ewes and eix ewe Iambs, 1 shearlirtg and 5 young bucks. All registered Leicester. Apply to WILMA CHARTERS. Seaforth, or phone 12 on 13 2704-4 pop. SALE. -FRAME SCHOOL IIOUSE ON Lot 5, Concession 10, McKillop, (Manley's). The building is 48x28. The Purchaser 111aY get Posse9sion in July next. For further VARD OF THANKS. -WILL YOU KINDLY allow me spaoe in your paper to thank the people of Seaforth, especially the ladies. for the noble work they did on Monday in rolling up such a majority for the referendum& en ell four questions. R. J. McliiILLAN, Chairman, Seaforth Temperance Forces. 894 .47 394.47 394.47 894.47 804.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 -894.47 -894.47 894:47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 894.47 313000.00 $13834.10 $n6834.10 2. The ayor of the Corporation shall sign and iss the said debentures and the same shall al o be signed by the Clerk of said Corporati who will affix the Corporate Seal of the 'Corporation thereto. 3. ,During thirty (30) years, the currency of the ,said debentures, the said slim of $894.47, required as aforesaid to be raised, levied .and collected annually for the purpose of paying the said instalmenU of 'principal and- interest, shall be raised, lesied and collected in each and every year during the currency of said debentures, by a special rate sufficient therefor, on all rateable property in the said Municipality, at the same time and ins the same manner as other rates and taXes are levied and col lected. 4„ This by-law shall take effect on the day, of the final pessing thereof. Provisionally passed in open Council the 14th day of October A. D., 1919. Foster Harburn, Mayor; John A. Wilson, Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that the above is. a true copy of a proposed by-law, which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally Passed by the Council of the Town of Seaforth tin the event of the con.sent of the electors being obtained thereto) after one month from the first publication in The Huron Expositor newspaper, the date of whicli first publication being the 17th day of October, 1019. AND FURTHER' TAKE NOTICE that all leaseholders qualified under the provisions of The Municipal Act, section 265, S. S. 3, are required ten days, before. the day of voting to file with me a statutory declaration of Qualification, otherwise their naan will not almear on the voter's list for such voting. AND FURTTITER TAKE NOTICE that the sote of the electors of the said Town of Sea - forth. will be taken on the said proposed by- law on Tuesday, the 11th day of Nos ember, 1919, (Armistice Day). commencing at nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon of the :male day by the following Returning Officers and at the following places: North Ward, at 13eattie's Store, west side Main Street, by James liesehley, Is -surety Re- turning Officer; John H. Best, Poll Clerk. East Ward, at Town Hall, by Robert Smith, Deputy Returning Officer; William Bright, Poll Clerk. South Ward, at Public Library, by Williara H. Golding, Deputy Returning Officer; Charles Sills, Poll Clerk. On Monday. the 10th day of November, 1,910, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, she Mayor of the said Town of Seaforth will attend at the Council Chamber of the said Town to appoint persons to attend at the various poll- ing places aforaid and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of the said by-law re - The Clerk of the said Town of Seaforth will attend at his office. in the Towp Hall, on Wednesday. the 12th day of November, 1919, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to sum up the number of' votes for and against the said proposed . by-law. JOHN A. WILSON, Clerk. AUCTION SALES Dispersion Sale ibtegistA3recl Shorthorns D, M. Miltiay has instructed Capt. Robson eo sell by public auction at the farm of his brother, Mr. Peter McKay, Lot 8, Concession Noverober 13th, 1919, at 1.30 o'clock, his entire herd pf 20 Scotch Topped Registered Shorthorns. With some calves at foot. There will also be offered at the same time from the herd of Mr. Peter McKay, 1 young Registered cow, 2 two year old Registered heifers, and 5 young Registered bulls, rang- ing in age from 10 to 19 months. All these balls were sired by his imported "Conqueror." The 20 head are all females and some have been bred to Imported Conqueror." Terms - Six months oredit on furnishing approved joint notes. Six per cent. per annum off for cash. For particalara . and • Catalogue• s apply phone 8 on 181, • Auctioneer. Proprietors, to AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF CEMENT MACHIN- " ery, Block and Tackle, Gas Engine. Mr. Thomas Brown has been instructed to gell bit public auction on Lot 18, Concession; 6, McKillop, on Saturday, 'October 25th, com- mencing at 2 o'clock sharp, the following: Brantford gas engine 15- horse power, Me- Vicor 5 horse power gas engine, Brantford gas engine 31/2 horse 'lower, cement mixer, set forms for cement walls, 2 cement buckets, 2 cement wheel barrows, 6 cement shovels, cement brick maehine capacity 1000 per man jacks, capacity 28 tons, 4 heavy locrging chains, crowbars, blacksmith's vice, forge, set of 'fans for Brantford 15 foot power mill, with pulleys and pump jack block and tackle, set heavy blocks -for 114 inch rope, 2 and 3 pulleys, set of blocks for inch rope 2 and 3 pulleys, 2 snatch blocks, also a numlaer of small pulleys. 600 feet of 114 inch rope, 400 feet of 13/4 inch rope, a lot of smaller ropes, good buggy, light wagon, set good single harness, aged driving horse, collar and hames. driving colt two years old, heavy mare 8 years old supposed to be in foal, 16 foot hay rack, 15 hens, 4 passenger Peige car 1912 model, and other articles. No reserve as the proprietor is going out of business. Terms - All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A dis- count of 6% per annum off for cash. Terms on car made known on day of sale. LOUIS HOEGY, Jr., Proprietor; T. Brown, Auc- tioneer. 2705-2 A UCT1ON SALE. -THE UNDERSIGNED -c-k offers for sale by 'public auction on Lot 1, Concession i13, Tuckersmith, on Tuesday, October 28th, the following property: Horses - 1 good general purpose mare, horse five years -old, a good steady worker, / driver Colt rising two years old. Cows -1 cow rising 6 years old due to calve in December, 1 cow due in January, 2 cows due in Februarr. Young Cattle -3 steers rising 2 yeare old and 2 heifers rising 2 years old. Calves -4 good spring calves, also about 100 hens and pullets. Pigs -1 thorough bred Yorkshire white boar, young; 1 sow with litter at foot, 1 sow due about the time of sale, and 1 sow due to farrow in December, and 1 stere pig. Imple- ments and other Chattels -Massey -Harris binder, new, only cut about forty acres, Massey -Harris mower, new; Massey -Harris horse rake, new; Massey -Harris cultivator with seeder and grass seeder _attached, new; Chatham fanning mill with bagger, new; De Laval cream separator, aply in use a few months, disc harrow, seed drill, walking plow, Massey -Harris make, No. 21; scuffier, bob sleighs, 2 buggies, 2 putters, 3 incubators and brooders, set double harness, 3 sets single harness and a lot of other smaller articles not enumerated. There is also -a quantity of hay to be sold in the mow, also 3 acres of good turnips and mangolds. Everything to be sold without reserve as the farm is sold. Terms of Sale -Hay, roots and hens to be cash. On stock and other chattels, $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4% will be al- lowed off for cash. WILLIAM LEITCH, Pro- prietor; Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. 2705-2 eLEARING SAI,P OP FARM STOCK AND se' Implements; James Jones, Auctioneer. has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public 'auction on Lot 12, Concession 6, Toisnship of Hibbert, on Friday; October 31st, 1919, the following property: • Horses - Span blaok horses 4 and 5 years old, weigh- ing 3,200 pounds, road horse .9 years old. -good to work double and not frightened of cars, filly rising 1 . years old, well broken. Cattle and Hogs --Registered cow due to calve November 5th, 1919. cow due in- January, cow bred October llth, 1919: 2 steers rising 3 years old, hpifer rising 3 years old. 5 spring calves. 1 yearling steers, yearling heifer, 15- store hogs.. Implements. etc.- Massey-Hereis binder, new, 6 foot cut, with sheaf carrier and trucks ; Maxwell mower, 5 foot cut ; Hay rake. Massey -Harris cli:•As, near- ly new; wooden land roller, seed- drill, 12 hue; cultivator, nearly new : cuffier. Fleury walking plow, s', -t harrows, 2 -furrow Fleury plow, new ; stoneboat, set and half double harnesss nearly new: hugg,y nearly. new, cutter, fanning mill, 2 wagons. 1 nearly new ; wzmon box, pig rack. hay rack, gravel box, 2 sets -doubletrees, "root pulper, set single harnses, set scales 2,000 tbs ,2 dozen grain bags, set sleighs, set slings, car, •144 • feet rope, new: and hay fork, 10 tons choice hay and some oats, wheeelbarrow, nearly new; 3 stooks sugar cane, 39 rows of turnips, rods long; 2 cook stoves, logging chain, ditching spade, crow bar, churn, De • Laval cream separator, nearly new; extension ladder 32 -feet long. and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale at 12:30 o'clock p.m., sharp. Terms -Hay and grain, cash. All sums of $10.00 and under, cash ; ovtsr that amount 12. months' credit will -he given on furnishing aPProved joint notes. Five per cent. allowed off for cash on credit amounts. Positively no res' erv.e as the proprietor hae ssld his farm, GEORGE GOLDING', •Proprietor; James Jones, Auctioneer. 2"/06-1 A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND •••=1. Implementee-Mr. Thomas Cameron has re- ceived inetruetions from the undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 37, Concision 2, eTuckersmith. L.R.S., on Wednesday; Nov. 6th, at 1 o'clock p.m., sharp, the follovsing: Homes -1 agricultural horse 10 years old, 1 filly four years old, 1 driving horse 10 years old, Cattle --1 Registered cow 3 year old to freshen Deserneer, 1 Registered heifer 1 year old. 1 Registered bull ten months old, 1 Registered heifer 'train 2 :trade cows to freshen -in Dec., 2 grade milk CIO wf5 supposed to be in calf. 1 farrow cow, 6 1 -year old heifers, 5 calves. PigS-7 good chunks, 1 brood sow, 10 Pigs weanel about time of sale. Hens --About 90 Pure bred Leghorns, and about 30 Leghorn implements. -1 McCormick binder 6 foot cut, 1 McCormick mower, Deering rake. 1 Massey -Harris steel ,roller, I. Massey - Harris seed drill, 13 hoe; 1 Masseiollarris cultivator, 1 single riding Cockshutt plow, 1 walking plowe 1 National gang plow, 1 3 - .sections harrelnie 1 stone boat, 1 set bob sleighs, 1 straw cutter, 1 root pulper, 3 grindstonee 1 Chatham fanning milt with bagger. 1 erass Seed Sower, pea harvester, 1 hay rack, 1 stock rack, 2 large chop boxes, 1 wheel barrow, 1 gravel box. lumber :for graeel box, scuffles'. hay lodge logging chains, I. democrat, 1 top buggy,, 1 top buggy nearly new. 1 cutter, 1 iron vice, some wire fencing, quantity of lumber, some plank, and some inch lumber, 2 ladders, 1 extension ladder, some three inch tile. barrels, Daisy shurn, Melotte cream separator, neck yokes, and whiffletrees. cedar pos, 3 end posts, Buffalo robe, scythes, corn in shock, some roots, hay. Grain -About 200 bushels of clean oats, about 100 bushels of mixed grain. collie dog, Berme hou.sehoid effeets. Terms - All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit 'will be given on furnishing approved joint notes, Four per centg discount will be 'allowed for cash on credit amounin. Hay and- grain cash. No reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. ALEXANDER GRAY, Proprietri: Thome; Cameron, Auctioneer. 2706:2 illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllltllit �'� S. T..HOLMES Funeral Director and Licensed Etnbalmer Undertaking parlors in nada fellows building opposite Stewart Bros. Resi- N MI IMM posite Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on short notice. Phone Night br Day 119 MM MM WM MIN WM Ma WM MM mmuumumunumnimumummunci FARMS FOR SALE a VARMS FOR SALE. - I _HAVE SOME &mice farms for sale in the Townships of •Usborne and Hibbert, all well built and improved, on easy tertils of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2653-tf WARM FOR SALE. -LOT 21, BAyFIELD -L Road, South, consisting of 120 acres. A well cultivated. farm and good buildings. Apply to RODERICK McKENZIE, Varna, Ont., or phone 6 on 626, Clinton Central. 2703x4 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 33, CONCESSION 6, MeKillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 acres of bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from Co/1st:111Se, Ws miles from school. There are on the premiees a. good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well under - drained. Possession given March lst. .4pply to MRS. SAMUEL DORRANCE, Seaforth. 2627-tf "'WARM FOR SALE. -ONE HUNDRED AND •L'' forty-two acres of good land consisting of Lot 1, ConcesVon 1, and part of Lot 1, Concession 2, Stanley, Huron County, adjoin- ing the village of Kippen. Five minutes vralk to G. T. R. station, church or store; 6 acme of bush; water all the year round, and all seeded to grass ; 1 acre of good orchard; 2 barns, 1 on a stone wall; drive' shed; frame house. For temps and particulars apply to SAMUEL THOMPSON, R. R. No. 1, Bruce - field. 2694-tf "&nARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 85 Concession 2, McKillop, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a bank barn hay barn, hen house and pig house. good. 1% story -frame house; plenty of goad water; drilled well between house and barn with over 75 feet of water. The farm is well fenced with woven wire and is well drained. The land is all under cultivation and is a first class farm. Fon,further particulars apply on the premises or address Seaforth, R.' R. No. 2. JAMES McGILL. 26811 -ti T1OR SALE. -HOUSE AND HALF ACIkE of land in the village of Egmondville, The property isssituated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is known. as the Purcell property. Good, comfortable house, good shed, good well and cement. cistern. All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This is a corner property with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultivation. This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars "apply on the •premises or to JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth. 2584-tf apitre or Thick Neck Cured for $1 We have cured goitres of over 40 years standing .in a few weeks time. OM' Remedy is harmless and does hot blister or discolor. Place a postal note or money order for one dollar in a letter along with 25c for postage, packing and war tax, and our remedy will be sent by return mail. This amount is usually enough to cure an ordinary goitre, Address Dr. Stackton's Goitre Remedy, Box 337, Toronto, Ont. The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day • For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent' or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. W. Somerville Town Agent Beechwood October, 1919. The undersigned is still in the old stand and desires to thank. his manY customers for the generous patronage accorded him since last addressing them, a year ago. I am well prepared to supply my patrons with the best , the market affords in Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Dry Goo4, Groceries, Glass and Earthwear. Prices the best tke Market affords. Give ,me a call, Bring your live poultry on Thurs- day forenoon of each week. Cash or trade as you wish. No shrinkage taken. Highest market prices paid. My accounts are now ready. Yours Respectfully, G. K. HOLLAND 21844 the mercy of foreign seamen. Canada Needs Trained Canadian Seamen The Naval Brigades Train Our Boys Alms of the • NAVY LEAGUE To emphasise Canada's opportunities and resPers- sibilities on the sea. To raise funds lilt. the relief of our nserchaut seansen, injured its the mar, and for dependents of those who were ' To maintain sailors' homes in our ports. To train - boys and young mess for our merchant ships by the orgaoisatien of Boys' Navai Brigades. Patron !MINCE OF WALES Dominion President: !MS JARVIS $500,000 is Needed Because the work of the Boys'Naval Brigades and the other branches of the Navy League's activities are financed by Public contributkms. The Campaign Must Be a Success Because 'Canada must be assured that her ingreasing surplus products will -reach overseas markets. The Race for Export Markets is on. One quarter of the world's ships ping was lost in -the war. Canada cans not buy or rent ships and ,so is building them, and must be in a position to man them with trained Canadian seamen. IstELSON DAY CAMPAIGN for '500,0 , 212m Campaign Committee for the Province of Ontario : Chairman: SIR JOHN C. E XTON Vice•Chairnfian: A. M. HORBERLIN Hon. Treas.: SIR EDMUND WAI-kER Assist. Treasurer : N. L. MARTIN 34 King Street West, Toronth 11/4 condibb ns, and the telephone .44 e St 4 1 Reconstruction and Teleptione Service. MELEPHONE service, like other public 1, services, undoubtedly suffered through the war. liundreAls of skilled telephone workers went overseas. Many trained operators sought temporary positions in munition plants. There was a world shortage of -dip. materials that go to build a telephone sys- . tem. Out reserves of plant and equipment were drawn upon until they were practicay exhausted. Necessary repairs and mainten- ance work had to wait. Then. camethe armistice. The business world sprang into intense activity: The de- mand for new installations all over our system was enormous. - I Now comes the task of getting back to normal --restoring our reserve plant, pver- taking arrears of maintenance and repairs, hurrying new construction of local and long distance equipment to meet pressing demands for service. Our plans for this year involve an outlay for extensions and replacements of over .17,000,000'. We are giving intensive training in our operators' schools to hundreds of young women. to prepare them for central office positions. Our chief concern is that our subscribers shoukt - get the best possible service under all -conditievzs. our best, while ,realizing that we are all servants cc/ the public -these are the factors which, we hope iviTi 0, result in the maintenance of the pre-war stunt:14;rd of teleplume service. And we auk the kindly co-operation of all telephone, ERNMCS Malting sure of the number by consult- ing the directory before calling; Speeking distinctly, directlyinto the The Bell Telophone Company of Cana&