HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-10-17, Page 5GIRLS WANTED
aean, airy, sunlit workrooms.
Short -hours—a 47 -hour week,
with Saturday half -holiday.
,Valuable training in arrreeable
work for the, inexperientebd.
A good livingwage to beginners
which materially increases with
experience and-proficienc3r.
Hamilton . Ontario
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Seafer=tth, October 16, 1919.
Butter, per /b. 50 to 5e
eggs, per dozen 52 to 54c
Potatoes, per bag ,1, ,5
Barley ... .$►1,10
`lour, per cwt. ......—$5.00 to $5.90
Shorts, per ton `• $50.00
Bran, per ton $45. ( 0
Mrheat, per bushel , ........
Spring Wheat, per bushel . , . , .. $1.90
Oats, per bushel- . , . .. 85c
Ilogs, per cwt..', . . ,- .:17.25
*Union Stock Yards, Toronto, October 14e—
he quotations were: Choice . heavy steers
ii12,75 to $13.25; good heavy steers, 112.25 to
512.50; butchers' cattle. choice, $11.50 to VI;
do. good, '$11 to 511.25; do. medium, $10.00
to $10.50; do., common, $7.00 to *7.50;
bulls, choice, *10 to *10.50; do. medium
39.50 to 59.75; do. rough, $7.50. to *8.09.:
cows, choice, *10 to 310.75: do. good, *9.00
of $9.25: do. medium, $8.50 to $9; do. common
57 to 57.50; stockers $7.50 to 510; feeders
$10.00 to 111.25; canners and cutters, -$5.00
to 56.25; milkers, good to choice,- 5110 to
$150; do. cora. and med., 365 to 375; springers
$90 to 5160 light ewes, $8 to $9.50; yearlinee,
39 to: $10; spring lambs, per cwt„ *12.00
to $13.00; calves, good to choice, $16.00 rte
$20.00; hogs, ,fed and watered, 518.25: do.,
Weighed off dare, $18.50; do., f.o.b., $17.25;
do. do.. to farmer; $17.00.
• Buyers in search` of stocker had plenty
to work among, but the demand was far
from pronounced, the unsettled condition of
the trade and the fact that the Buffalo market
had declined 50 cents persuading buyers to
bald off for the time being. The loads of
cattle sent out showed values all the way to
25 cents Iower: Good milkers and springers
+were active and firm. There was practically
no demand for common cows.
The Iamb market dropped another dollar,
the best Iambs in an Offering of 6,200 head
selling from $12 to 518. Sheep were about
steady and a fair trade. Beet seals were a
normal market; but rough c#Ivea were slow
and easier.
Toronto, October 14.—Cheese, new large, 28
29; twins, 281,/, to 29%e; triplets 29c to
30e; Stilton, 81 to 32c. Butter Fresh dairy,
choice, 47 to 49c; creamery prints, 56 to 58c.
Margarine ---33 to 88c. Eggs No. l's, 58 to
59c; selects: 61 to 62e.; honey—extracted clover
5 lb. tins, 24 to 25c ; 10 Itee tins 231,E to 24e;
60 lb. tins 23 to 24e buckwheat, 60' lb. tins
18 to 19c: comb, 16 oz„ $4.50 to 55; doz., 1?
oz., $3.60 to 54.00 doz.
Toronto, October 14.—Dressed poultry spring
chickens. 30 to 35c; roosters, 23 to 25c; fowl
30 to 32e; turkeys, 50 to 15c; ducklings, 34
to 35e; squabs, doz., 56. Live poultry—Spring
chickens, 22 to 26c; fowl, 23 to 25e; ducks,
22 to 25c.
Weston.—At Bayfield, on October 4th, to
Mr: and Mrs. E. Weston. a son.
Wiggins, In Goderich,_ on September 30th to
Mr. and Mrs. John Wiggins, a son.
Coultis.—In Usbprne, on October 2nd, to
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis, .a son.
Scott, In Brussels, on October 6th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Walter S. Scott, a daughter.
Bond—Sinclair.—In Goderich on Wednesday,
October 15th, by Rev. J. F. Reycraft,' Isabel,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sinclair,
Stanley, to Mr. Richard Bond, of Goderich
Kelly—Devereaux.—In St. Jame? church. Sea -
forth, on October 14th, Margaret, daughter
of Mr. Robert Devereaux, to Mr. Thoanis
E. Kelly.
Davidson.—•In Wroxeter, on September 29th,
Bessie Tow, wife of John Davidson.
Card.—In Alexandra Hospital on Tuesday,
October 14th, Sarah Young, widow of the
late J Card in her1,77th year. 'Funeral will
be held on Suiday, .October 19th.
Note.—Items under this head will be charg-
ed 50c per single verse and 25c for each
additional verse.
In loving memory of Agnes Isabel Habkirk.
who died of influenza, on October 20th, 1918.
We miss her sunny smile,
But through life's little while
Heaven seems more fair -
Since she is there.
The Family.
On Tuesday, October 21st, at one p.m.
three-quarters of a mile east of Seaforth,
farm stock and implements. Jas. Devereux,
Prop.; T. Brown, Auctioneer..
On Thursday, October 23rd, at one o'clock,
Lot 34. Concession 1, eleKillop, farm stock and
implements. R. McKinIey, Prop.; T. Brown,
On. Saturday, October 18th, house and lot
and household effects, in Egmondville. J. H.
McCauley, Prop.; T. Brown, Auctioneer.
Auction sale . of Farm Stock and Imple-
ments. on Friday, October 24th, at one p.m.
sharp, on Lot 1, Concession 14, Hullett, Jas.
Nolan,- Prop.; T. Brown, Auctioneer.
On Saturday, October 25th, at 2 p.m. on
Lot 18, Concession 6, McKiIlop, cement ma-
chinery. gas engines and other attachments.
Louis Malty, Jr., Prop.; T. Brown, Auctioneer.
Notice to Creditors
In the estate of Robert Bruce Logan, late
of the Povince of Saskatchewan, farmer, de-
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the
Statute in that behalf that all persons hiv-
ing any claims against the estate of Robt. Bruce
Logan, who died somewhere in France, on or
about the 6th day of June, 1916, are required
on or 'before the 35th day of October, 1919, to
send by post or deliver to The London. and
Western Truett Company. Limited, London,
Ontario, the Administrator of the rotate of
the said deceased, full particulars of their •
claims, and that after the said last mentioned
date the said Administrator will proceed to
distribute the assets of the saki deceased
among the persons entitled thereto. having
regard only to the claims of which they 'shalt
then have had notice, and that the said
Administrator will not be liable for the
said assets or any part thereof to any per-
son of whose claim notice shall not then
have been received.
Dated at Goderich the 29th day of September,
Goderich, Solicitors for ,,paid Administrator.
2703-3 '
Undertaking Parlors Above
M. Williams' Grocery Store.
Main Street, Seaforth.
Flowers furnished on short notice
Charges moderate
Phone --Night or Day -192
The Corporation of ,the Town Of Seaforth
has for Sale debentures to the amount of
$2,600, payable within ten years. Principal
and interest payable yearly, interest at 51;
per cent, For further particulars apply to
JOHN h; WILSON,, Treasurer.
ESTRAY CALVES,_ STRAYED ON TO THE premises of Mrs. James Broadtoot, Lot
26, " Concession 14, north east boundry of
Hibbert.. Owner may have Baine by preying
property and paying expenses, 2705-1
filly and a yearling gelding, both sired
by Glen Rae. Apply to CECIL OKE, R. R.
5, or phone 11 on 235. °° . 2705-3'
John Taman, Lot 4, Concession 4, Tucker -
smith, about July the 1st, a cattle beast.
The owner can , $have the same by proving
property and paying expenses. Phone 11-136. I
few girls to operate sewing machines.
W. E. SANDFORD Mfg. Co„ penforth. Phone
59. 992-tf . i.
ed frame house on George Street, Sea -
forth, hard 'and soft water. For further
particulars apply to J. R. ARCHIBALD or
JOHN RANKIN. • 2693-tf
.a numbers of pure bred Shropshire Down
Ram Shearlings _for sale. Apply on Lot 20;
Concession 10, Hullett. W. G. ROSS, Londes-
boro. 2702x4
They are first class cream cows. and will
be sold cheap if taken in ..Septerniier. I am
out of pasture and have no stable for winter.
CHARLES BARNETT, Railway Street, Sea -
forth. , 2702-tf
breeding ewes' . and sib ewe lambs, 1
eihearling and 5 young buci e All registered
Leicester. Apply to WILLIAM CHARTERS,
Seaforth, or phone 12 on 137. • 2704-4
premises of the undersigned, Lot 17, Con-
cession 1, L. R. S., Tuekersmith, on Friday,
October 10th, a two year old steer. Owner
may, have same on proving property and
paying charges. Phone 0 Dei 91,.' Hensel].
JAMES SMILLIl , Hensel!. • 2705-1 '
Lot 5, Concession 10, Mcleillop, (Menley's).
The `building is 48x28. The purchaser may
get possession in July next. For further
particulars apply to GEO. F. BENNEWEIS,
No. 2, Walton, 2705x2.
Farm Stock, Implements and Household
Furniture. the property of the estate of A. E.
Naftel, :deceased, • on Friday, October 24th,
1919, at one o'clpek p.m., on Lot 31, Conces-,
sion 1, of the Township of Goderich. For
Particulars see poster`s, GEO. E. GREEN-
SLADE, Administrator; T. Gundry, auctioneer.
Shorthorn Cattle, twenty-one Registered
Leicester Sheep, twenty-six grade cattle, eleven
horses, one Yorkshire sow and litter, also
farm implements, etc., at Lot 4, Concession
2, Bayfield Road, Goderich township, one and
a half miles south ; of Goderich, on Tuesday,
October 28th, at one o'clock p.m. J. W. &
ISAAC SALKELD, Proprietors ; T. Gundry,
Auctioneer. 2705-1
half of Lot 1, Concession 13, Hullett,
containing 75 acres. On the premises are,,a
brick house with }hard and soft water insid�,,e,
a barn 38x72 with a cement wall and cement
floors and water in barn, 1 acre of orchard,
some wood, drilled well with windmill to pump
water, also spring creek. For terms . and
Particulars apply to WILLIAM A. BARRON,
Blyth, R. R. No. 1. , 2700-tf
purhey a seven roomed house, all in good
repair, newly painted this year; about two
acres of -land. There are a number of fruit
trees and berry and currant bushes, and a
,good barn with cement bottom. The stable
is 18x26, and there is a good hen house
and wood shed. The place is well fenced
with Page wire, and there is soft and hard
water in the house. *he whole place is, in
good repair and will be sold right for quick
sale. Apply on the premises to JOHN NASH,
Seaforth. 2704x2
hold effects. Mr. 'Thomas Brown has re-
ceived instructions to sell by public auction
at my residence opposite Routledge's butcher
shop, EgmondviIle, 'on Saturday, October 18th,
at one p.m.. the following: One Gurney
Oxford Prince cook stove with reservoir, near-
ly new ; 1 Laurel heater base burner, 1 lounge, .
1 ektension table, 1 -kitchen table, 1 cupboard
with. glass doors, nearly new; 1 bed room suit
nearly new, 2 small cupboards, window
screens, 1 wardrobe nearly new, 2 iron bed-
steads with -springs and mattresses, 4 dining
room chairs, 12 kitchen chairs, 2 stands, a
number of 7 inch'stove pipes, window blinds,
a number of fruit gems, pint, ,quart and half
gallon sizes, garden tools: a quantity of
jointers and stove wood, 1 copper boiler,' 1
ten gallon milk can, about 20 gallon coal
.oil tank. 1 barrel, about half ton of hay, 1°
bone grinder, about " dozen lens and other
small articles, also the house. Terms ---on
household effects, cash. Terns on house to
be made known on day of sale. J.' H. Mc-
CAULEY, Proprietot; T. Brown, Auctioneer.
ery, Block ani( Tacktu,' Gas Engine. Mr,
Thomas Brown has been •instructed to se't
by public auction bn Lot '.18, Concession 6,
McKileop, on Saturday, October 25th, com-
mencing at 2 o'clock sharp; the following:;
Brantford gas engine 15 horse power, Mc-
Vicor 5 horse power gas engine, Brantford'
gas engine 3% horse . power, cement mixer,
set forms for cement walls, 2 cement buckets,
2 cement wheel bar -rows, 6 cement shovels,
cement brick machine capacity 1000 per man
per day °and pellets, 2 boring machines,- 6
jacks, capacity 28 tons, 4 heavy to1zging
chains. crowbars, blacksmith's vice. forge,
set of fans for Brantford 15 foot power mill,
with -pulleys and pump jack block and tackle,
set heavy blocks for VA ineb rope. 2 aide 3
pulleys, set of blocks for inch rope 2 and 3
pulleys, 2 snatch blocks, also a number of
email pulleys, 600 feet of 114 inch rope, 400
feet of 114 inch rope, a lot of smaller ropes,
good buggy, light wagon, set good single
harness, aged driving horse; collar and harries.
driving colt two years old, heavy mare ' 8
years old supposed to be in foal, 16 foot has,
rack, 15 hers, 4 passenger Paige car 1912 •
model, and other articles. No. reserve as the
proprietor is going out of business. Terms—
All sums of $10.00 and under, cash ; over
that amount 10 months' credit will be given
on furnishing approved joint notes. A dis-
count of ,6% per -annum off for cash. Terms
on car made known on day df sale. LOUIS
IfteEGY,, Jr., Proprietor ; "l: .Brown, Auc-
tioneer. 2705-2
offers- for sale by public auction on Loi
1, Concession 13, Tucicersmith, on Tluesday,
October 28th, the following property: Horses -
1 good general pi rpose mare,/ 1 horse five
years, old, a good steady worker. 1 driver colt
rising two years old. Cows -1 cow rising 6
years old due to calve in December, 1 cow
Clue in January, 2 - cows due in February.
Young Cattle -3 steers rising 2 years old and
2 heifers rising 2 years old. 'Calves -4 good
spring calves, also about 100 hens and. pullets.
Pigs -1 thorough bred Yorkshire white boar,
young; 1 sow with litter at foot, 1 sow due
about .the time; of sale, and 1 sow due to
farrow in December, and 1 store pig. Imple-
ments and other Chattels—Massey-Harris
binder, new, only cut about forty acres,
Massey -Harris mower, new; Massey -Harris
horse rake, new; Massey -Harris cultivator
with seeder and grass seeder attached. new;
Chatham fanning mill with bagger, new ; De
Laval cream separator, only in use a few
months, disc harrow, seed,, ldrill, walking
plow, Massey -Harris make, No, 21; ecuffler,
bob sleighs, 2 buggies, 2 cutters, 3 incubators
and brooders, set double harness, 3 sets single
harness and a lot of other smaller articles
not enumerated. There is also a quantity of
bay to be sold in the mow. also 3 acres of
good °turnips and mangolds. Everything to
be sold without reserve as the farm is sold.
Terms of Sale -Hay, roots and hens to be
cash. On stock and other' chattels, 310.00
and under, cash ; over that amount 12 months'
credit Will be given on furnishing approved
Joint notes: A discount of 4% will be al-
lowed off for cash. WILLIAM LEITCH, Pro-
prietor; Thal. Brown, Auctioneer. 2705-2
inson'hi Steck has been instructed lements. Mr. C. W tructed to sell by nubile
auction on Lot 15, Concession 4; Hay town:
ship, on Thursday, October 23rd, oommencin
at 1.34 o'clock, the following: Horses --1
agricultural gelding 2 Yearn old aired by
Cumbelland Glory,- 1 agricultural filly 1 year
old, sired by Glenrae, 1 agricultural foal sired
by Commodore, 1 roadster, 811y 2 years ow, 1 _ -'. opinion - - -..� Municipal
roadster foal] Cattle --1 cow 6 years old due Donned of the Town of Seaforth, it is fitting
in March, well bred; 1 cow 4 years old, due and proper for the said Town to erect a
in 'April, 1 cow 9 years old supposed to be suitable memorial for the Soldiers, who los
in calf, 1 cow 3 years old supposed to be in their lives in the Great Var, and also
calf, 1 Mitch cow 10 years old 1 steer 2 Pnrebase, alter and equip a suitable buiIdin',
Year's old, 1 fat heifer 2 years old, 8 steers -1 for the Use of the Seaforth Branch of th
year old, 5 heifers 1 year old, 2 spring calves, Great War veterans Seaforth
ation and ;for sai�
implements—1 farm wagon; 1 Frost & Wood purpose it is necessary to raise by way oi
walking plow, 2 top buggies, 1 cutter, 1 acre Loan, on the credit of the said Town, th
of mangolds, a quantity of potatoes, 20. cords sum of 313,000.00, x$6,000.00 of said sum
of stove wood. Mangolds and potatoes can be used' to erect said Memorial an
be bought private on account of weather, $7,000.00 to provide said Building•,
Positively. no reserve as the proprietor has AND WHEREAS it is expedient" to raise
been burned out. Teresa -All sums of ;10,00 the said sum..of $13,000.00 by the issue of
and under, Dash ; over .that amount 12 months' debentures at one time and to make the
rtre.itt""'-"_` debt repayable in yearly sums during the
period of •thirty- (80) years, being the cur-
rency of each debenteres, said yearly sums
being of su0h respective amounts that the
aggregate amount payable in each year for
Principal and interest in respect of said debt
shall be, as nearly as possible, equal to the
j --_--__ amount so payable .in each of the other
' E=(POS1A 0R.
By -Law 'No. 203
Ai by-law te Provide for the borrowing of =
513,000,00 teion debentures to PaY for a
Memorial for the Soldiers, Who lost their
lives in the Great War and also to provide
a Building for the use of. the Great War
Veterans Association.'
on discount of 5% off for cash. Wood, mangoids
and potatoes to be cash. MRS. WILLIAM
COLEMAN & SON, Proprietors"; C. W. Rob-
inson, Auctioneer. e '2705-1
tap ements Mr. Thomas Brown has been
instrticted to sell by public auction on Lot
434, Concession, 1, McKillop, 2 railes west Of
Seaforth, on Thursday, October 23rd, com-
mencing at one o'clock sharp, the following:
Horses -1 mare .7 years old, 1 horse 6 years
old, 1 horse 3 years old, 1 driving mare, good
and geliable. Cattle -1 heifer coming 3 years
old due to calve in December, • cow with calf
at foot, fat eow, 4 farrow cows, 10 steers
and heifers 2 years old, 7 calves, also 1 brood
edw, 9 little pigs 2 months old. 1'ml:dements-
1 Deering 7 foot binder, Deering 6 foot cut
mewer, hay loader, hay rake, cultivator, har-
rows, disc harrow, bean cultivator, Massey -
Harris bean harvester, llassey-Harris 11 dis4
seeder, nearly new, land roller, Cockshutt
single furrow riding pldw No. 21 Verity
sower, 2 wagons, 2 top buggies, 2 cutters,
road cart, set sleighs, fanning mill, sugar
kettle, stone boat, stable boat, extension ladder,
gravel box, stock rack, hay. rack, wheel
barrow, set team harness, single harness, light
single harness, 2 robes, horse blankets.
quantity of haye erhifiletrees, neck yoke, forks,
spade, shovel, hoes, dhains, etc., ale° house-
hold goods consisting of steel range nearly
new for coal, Perfectien coal oil stove with
oven, heating stove for wood, a number of
stove pipes, half dozen dining room ahnirs,
lamps, lantern, 5 gallon coal oil -can, barrels,
grain bags. Terms—All sums of 310 and
under, cash over that amount 12 months.'
credit will given on furnishing approved
joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent. off
for cash. Hay to be cash. R. MeKINLEY,
Proprietor3 T. Brown, Auctioheer. 2704-2
e". Implements. Mr. Thos. Brown has been
instructed by -the undersigned to sell by
public auction on Lot 7, Concession 1, Tucker -
smith, three-quarters of a mile east of Sea -
forth, on Tuesday, October 21st, at one
o'clock p.m., sharp, the following: Horses -
1 heavy mare 5 years old, 1. driving mare.
Cattle -3 newly calved cows, 2 cows due
November 1st, 1 coer due in April, 1 heifer
eue in January, 1 cow due in March, 1 cow
due in May, 2 milk cows and 1 farrew cow,
13 steers and 'heifers two years old, 7 heifers
and steers one year old, 8 calves. Pigs -10
good chunks, 1 sow and 9 suckers, also a
number of hens. Implements -1 Massey -
Harris binder, 1 Frost & Wood mower, 1 horse
rake, 1 hay loader, 1 delivery rake, cultivator,
drill, roller, harrows, walking plow,
two furrow Perrin riding plow, 1 single
furrow Cockshutt riding plow (new), 1 disc,
1 Clinton fanning mill, 1 root pulper, 2
sclutilers, 1 wagon, 1 hay rack, 1 gravel box,
'1 set double harness, 1 set single harneris, 1
top buggy (nearly new), 1 rubber tire buggy
(nearly new), 1 cutter (new), 1 set of bob
sleighs, 3 pair 'of hey rack eillse 5 cement
sewer pipes, 15 inches •, a numbed of cedar
posts and anchor posts, grain -hags, horse
hide robe, paire of all wool horse blankets,
of slings, forks, spray pump, wheel barrow,
sugar kettle, 23 foot ladder, ice tongs, refrig-
erator, lawn mower, 75 feet of lawn hose
(new), 30 cords of 16 inch hard maple wood
and numerous other articles. Purnell/re—
Faeroe and dining room furniture, odd chairs
and tables, couches, ice cream freezer, lamps,
verandah eihairts and many other articles.
Terms of Sale—$fit and under, sash; over
that ainount 12 months' credit on approbed
joint notes. A discount of 6% f
on credit emounts. Wood cash. No reserve
aa the proprietdr has -eolti 'bis fetal. JAMES
DEVERE.A.UX, Proprietor; Thomas Biown.
Auctioneer, 2704-2
bd Horses, Registered and High Grade Short-
horn Cattle, Leicester Sheep, Yorkshire Hogs
and Implementa. William E. Nairn, suet-
ionee,r, has been favored with instructions to
sell by public auction for Thomas Kemp, on
Lot 10, Concession 8, Hibbert, lee miles east
of Staffa, on Tuesday, October 21st, 1019,
commencing at •one o'clock sharp. Horses—
Matched pair of draft horses, 6 years old,
weighing 3600 pounds. Registered Cattle-
-Queen of Cromarty. No. 111462, coloe red,
with bull calf by• her side, age 12 years ;
Queen of Stalea, No. 111463, color red, bred in
June, age '7 years ; Red Queen, No. 125302,
color red, age 3 years, with calf by her side,
bred in June; Daisy of Staffs, No. 125304,
color red, age 3 years, bred in July; Roselle,
No. 143651, • color red, age 2 years, bred in
July ; .,Refined Lady, No. 150212, coloe roan,
age 2 years, bred in September ; Rosebud, No.
143652, color red, age e year. Grade Cattle -
2 roan dews, due to calve in March, 1 white
cow due to calve in April, 1 yearling steer,
1 yearling heifer, 5 ehoiee calves, about 3
menthe old. Sheep -12 Leicester ewes from
1 to 3 years old, 6 Leicester ewe lembe. Hogs
—Yorkshire brood sow, 11 pigs, 7 weeks old.
,Hens -60 Rhode leland Red hens ; 25 White Leg-
horn hens. Implemente—Massey-Harre binder,
new, 6 foot cut, sheaf 'carrier; Maxwell mower,
nearly new ; hay rake, cultivator, set of har-
rows, ;steel land roller, seed drill, 2 Fleury
walking plowe, pea harvester, 2 furrow gang
plow, seurner, 2 wagons, 1 buggy, new dem-
ocrat with pole and shafts, 1 set af sleighs,
2 wagon boxes with seeing seat and shely-
ings, hay rack, root pulper, fanning mill,
nearly ne-w, cutting box; 2 sets of ' heavy
harness, 1 -set of light harnms, 2 Cauldron
kettim. 2 dozen grain bags, 2 laddere, 2 log-
ging chains, crow bar, pick, set of double
trees, cross-cet saw, set scales, 2000 lbs., road
cart, pig rack, forks, hoes, shovels and many
other articles useful on the farm. Terms—
All sums of 510 and under, cash ; over that
amount 12 months' credit will be given on
furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount
of 5 per cent, off for cash in lien of noted.
Positively no reserve as the proprietor has
sold the farm. ' THOMAS KEMP, Proprietor ;
Wm. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. 2704-2'
de- Implement -4 and Household Effect's. Mr.
Thos. Brown line received instructions from
the undersigned to sell by public auction on
Lot 1, Concession '14, in the township of
Hullett. on Friday, October 24th, at 1 o'clock
p.m., the following: -Horses-1 draught horse
6 years old, 1 driving mare 12 years old, quiet
and reliable. Cattle -1 cow 6 .years old thee
in November, 1 cow 5 yeitv old ,due in Dec..
1- eow '7, years old -due en eDecember, 1 cow
11 years old dee in February, 1 cow 6 years
old due filet of March, 1 cow 4 years old
due in. Mey, 3 steers and 2 heifers rising
2 years old, fat enough to ship, 5 winter
heifer calves, 1 spring heifer calf. Pigs -1
sow dee January 20th, second litter; 1 sow
with litter readi to wean time ot pale, a
number of hens- and' pullets. • Implem'entsd-1.
Massey -Harris binder 6 foot cut, truck and
bundle carrier, 1 Frost & Wood mower 6 foot
cut, 1 International hay rake, 12 feet, nearly
neav, 1 International hay loader nearly new,
1 Noxon seed drill, 12 hoe, grass seed attach
with diamond cultivating teeth, 1 three horse
cultivetor, 2 sets of teeth; 1 New Kemp
manure spreader, good -as new, 1 four section,
diamond harrows, 1 Oliver riding plow, near-
ly new, 1 walking plow, 1 gang plow, 1 land
sower, 1 cutting box, 1 root pulper, 1 hay
rack and truck, 1 wagon and box, 1 truck
wagon, 1 stock rack, 1 set bob sleighs, 1
gravel box. 1 wheel barrow, 1 McLaughlin
top buggy etearly new, 1 open buggy, 1
cutter, 1 set double harness, 1 set plow
harness, 1 eet single harness, horse collars
and sweat pads, 1 De Laval cream separatoe,
'700 Tbs. _capacity; nearly new, hay fork, car,
rope and pulleys, and sling ropes, 1 set weigh
eales, 2,000 tbs., 1 Clinton fanning mill, '1
hirty-two foot extension ladder, 1 sugar
kettle, 1 grieding stone, 2% dozen grain bags,
0 cords of wood, a pile of cedar rails, 1
cedar anchor post. forks, shovels, hoes, chains
and other articles too numerous to mention.
Household Furniture -1 Sherlock -Manning 6
ctaire organ piano case, 1 large hard coal
heater, nearly new, 2 bedsteads, 1 cupboard, 1
tore bureau. Terms—All sums of ;10.00
nd tinder, eash; ever that amount 12 months'
redit will be given on furnishing approved
oint notes. 4% discount will be allowed for.
cash on oreerit amounb. No Totem as tie
roprietor hail sold his fano. JANES NOLAN,
Proprzator, Thos. Brown, Auttioneer. 27054
Year Principal Inteeese Annual payment
a . 199.75 694.72 894.47
. 4 210.74 683.18 894.47
6 234.56 659.91 894.47.
7 247.46 647.01 894.47
8 . 261.07 633.40 894.47
9 275.43 619.04 894.47
10 290.58 603.89 894.47
11 306.56 587.91 894.47"
12 323.42 571.05 894.47
14 859.98 634e49 894t47
15 379.78 514.69 S94.47
17- 422.70 471.77 894.47
18 445,96 448:52 i 894.47
'19 470.47 424.00 894.47
21 623,65 370.82 894.4/
22 552.45 342.02 894.47
23 582:84 811.63 894.47
24 614.89 279,58 894.47
25 648.71 245,76 194t47
26 684.89 • 210.08 894.47
27 722:03 , 172.44 894.47
28 761.74 '182.78 -894.47
29 808.64 90.83 894.47
30 847.80 46.62 894.47
$13000.00 $13834.10 526884.10
2. !The Mayor of the Conerration shail
sign and issue the said debentures and the
same shall also be signed by the Clerk of
said Corporation, who will affix the Corporate
Seal of the Corpitration thereto. ;
3. During thirty (30) years, the currericy
of the said debentures, the said sum of
5894.47, required as aforesaid to be raised,
levied and collected' annually for the purpoee
of paying the said inetalments. of principal
and interest, shall be raised, levied
and collected in each and every Year
during the currency of said debentures,
by a special rate sufficient therefor, on all
rateable property, in the said Municipality,
at the same time and in the same manner
as other ratm and taxes are levied and col-
4. This by-law shall take effect on the
day of the final passing thereof.
Provisionally passed in open Council the
14th day of October A. D. 1919. Fester
Harburn, Mayor; John A. 'Wilson, Clerk.
TAIM NOTICE that the above is a true
copy .of a proposed by-law, which has been
taken into consideration and which will be
finally passed bey the Council of the Town
of Seaforth (in the event of the consent of
thie electors being obtailied thereto) after one
month from. the first publication in The Huron
Expositor newspaper, the date of which first
publication being the- 17th day of October,
leaseholders :qualified under the 'provisions
of The Municipal Act, section 265, S. S.3, are
required tete days before the day of voting
to file with me a stabatory declaration of
qualification, otherwise their names will not
appear on the voter's list for such voting.
vote of the electors of the said Town of Sea -
forth, wilf be taken on the said proposed by-
law on Tuesday, the 11th day of November,
1919, (Armistice Day), commencing at nine
o'clock in the foeenoon and continuing _until
five o'clock in 'the afternoon of the same day
by the following Returning Officers and at
the following placese
North Ward, at Beattie's Store, west side
'Main Street, by James Hinchley, Deputy Re-
turning Officer; John IL „Best, Poll Clerk.
East Ward, at Towel Hali, by Robert Smith,
Deputy Returning Offic r g William Bright,
-Poll Clerk.
South Ward, at Public ,ibrary, by William
Sills, Poll Clerk.
On Monday, the 10th day of November,
1919, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the Mayor
of the said Town of Seaforth will attend at
the Council Chamber of the sadd Town to
appoint persons to attend at the various poll-
ing places aforesaid ancl agave final summing
up of the votes by the Week, on behelf of
the persons 'interested in and promoting or
opposing the passing of the aaid by-law re -
The Clerk of the said Town of- Seaforth
will attend at his office, in the Town Hall, on
Wednesday, the 12th day of November, 1919,
at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to sum up the
number of votes for and - against the eaid
proposed by-law.
, JOHN A. WILSON, Clerk.
'-g• house, cement foundation, hard and sett
water, each part contains six rooms with
woodshed attached. Also 1 single dwelling
house, seven rooms, cietern, woodshed, etc.,
also one lot eeieh good well. All centrally
situated, on Jarvis Streets For further per-
ticulars apply to MR. WILLIAM MORRISON,
Jarvis Street, Seaforth. P. 0. Box 402,
Grain Wanted
We have a market for Fall
and Mpring Wheat, also Barley
and Oats .
Highest prevailing Cash
Prices paid.
Hensall, Ont.
Funeral Director and =
Licensed Embahner
Undertaking parlors in Odd= =
fellows building opposite' =
Stewart Bros. Resi- =
dence Goderioh st., op- E
posit° Dr. Scott's.
Flowers furnished on / =
short notice.
E Phone Night or Day 119 =
I have acme choice 'farms for sale in the
Townships of Usborne and Hibbert, all will
Road, South, consisting of 120 acres.
A well cultivated farm and good buildings.
, Apply to RODERICK McKENZIE, Varna, Ont,
or phone 6 on 626, Clinton Central. 2703x4
" forty-two acres of. good land consisting
of Lot 1, Concession 1, and Part of Lot 1,
Colicaltsion 2. Stanley. Huron County, adjoin-.
ing the village of Kippen. Five minutes walk
to G. T. Restation, church or store; 6 acres
of bush; water all the year round, anti all
seeded to grass; 1 acre of .good orchard; 2
barns, 1 on a stone wall; drive shed; frame
house. For terms and particulara apply to
SAMUEL THOMPSON, R. R. No. -1, Bruce -
field. 2694-tf
Cone.eission 2, McKillop, containing 100
acres. There are on the premises a bank
barn hay barn, hen house and Ohl MAW
good -1% story frame house; plenty of good
water; drilled well between house and barn
with over 75 feet of water. The farm is
well fenced with woven wire and is well
drained. The land is all under cultivation and
Is a.,first class farm. For further particulars
MAY en the premises or' address Seaforth, R.
" cession 2, H. R. S., Tuckersnalth, contain-
ing 100 acres, 9 acres of good hardwood bush,
the rest in good condition, clean, well fenced
and underdrained, with plenty of water and
good outbuildings, new 2 storey brick house
26x36 feet with kitchen 14x20 feet and all
modern conveniences, barn 48x56 feet with
cement stabling and T 36x60 feet with cement
stabling underneath and water sYsteue through-
out, cement silo 14x30 feet, hen house and
implement shed, 2 acres good orchard well
Protected 'with spruce hedge. The farm is
well situated, convenient to churches and
school, has mail route and telephone. 3%
miles from Seaforth station, 5 milee from
Brucefield. Also 50 acre* grass land being
east of Brneefield on Mill Road, well watered
end first class grass land. For farther in-
formation apply to S. CARNOCHAN, R.
Hotuse, 'and half acre of land in the
village of Egmondville. Thepropert,
is situated on Centre Street, close to
the Presbyterian church and is knows
as the Purcell property. Good, com-
fortable house, good shed, good well
and cement cistern. All kinds of fridt
trees, strawberries, raspberries, and
currant bushes. 'This Is a corner pro-
perty with no breaks on front, and
the land is in a good state of cultiva-
tion. This is a nice 'property fpr •
retired farmer and the taxes are Licht
For particulars appl# on the premises
or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-U
The companions of Victory an
Work and Thrift. If the people of
Canada practise these essentials, our
great problems of reconstruction can
be settled co the mutual benefit of all.
Don't waste! Save and. prosper.
Seaforth Branch, LG. Mullen, manager
The Double Tragic
Unexcelled Dining Car Service.
Sleeping cars on night trains and
Parlor Cars on principal day
For further particulars apply to
any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or
C. E. Horning, District Passenger
Beechw o o d
October, 1919.
The undersigned is still in the old
stand and desires to thank his many
customers for the generous patronage
accorded him since last addressing
them, a year ago. I am well prepared
to supply my patrons with the best
the market affords in Boots, Shoes
and Rubbers, Dry Goods, Groceries,
Glass and Earthwear. Paces the best
the market affords. Give me a call.
Bring your live poultry on Thurs-
day forenoon of each week. Cash or
trade as you wisk No shrinkage
taken. Highest market prices paid.
My accounts are now ready.
Yours Respectfully,
IN THE MA.TTER of the application
of The McKillop, Logan and EDI-
bert Telephone Co., Limited, for
authority to increase the charges
for telephone service in the ;Vil-
lage of Dublin from 812.00 per
annum to $18.00 per annum.
The Ontario Railwpy and Municipal
Board hereby appoints Wednesday,
the fifth day of November, A. IX, 191?,
at the how of half -past ten o'clock
the forenoon, at the Court House,. in
the City of Stratford -for tie hearing
herein. •
Dated at Toronto this Nimpteentle
Day of September, A, D., 1911.
(Signedy R. C. SMALL,
ntario's Golden Era
TF we have given worthy service during the trying time of war, may we not be relied upon to serve
the nation faithfully and ivell in hasteniug the time of still greater prosperity and happiness? " As
we have begnn, ,so we %sill ceriti nue; fearless in the di-,ebarge of duty and eyer alert in the service to the
people. Conscious of our shortcomings, and grateful eor the opportunities we have had to serve our
Provineei we submit our record with confidence to the electors for their consideration and approval,
and ask from a united people a mandate to carry on the Government of this Province.
Ontario gave in men
232,895; in contributions
loans $540,465,550. On-
tario provided 50 per
cent. of Caneda's war
effort. T Ontario
Government spent in war
work over $10.000,000;
maintained in. England
the most efficient military
hospital in Eurnpe; furn-
ished club houses for the
soldiers in London and
Paris; made gifts of food
and guns to the elother
Country; made large
grants to fee British Red
relief and rifled worthy
latio's war offert has
mede the name of On -
eerie resound in. 'every
corner of the world,
en 1904 the inenno. of
Ontario was 54.464,000;
in 1913 it \vat $11,1e2,-
302; in 191S it was .$19e
270,123. This hae been
accomplished mitheut re-
sorting to direct taxatitm
which hat been tepealed.
ni this rev.nno. the
Government 'has returie.d
to the lurg-r
Agriculture. The public
se rvicet have been en-
larged and ample grants
have enabled important
public duties to he under -
Ontario's educational
system is designAl to
provide the mo,,t efficient
training possible for the
boys and girls who are to
become the future citi-
zens of the state. Under
the leadership of the
Minister of Education en
expenditure has been de-
nied .to accomplish this
purpote. Generous grants
have been made for agri-
celtural, technical and
vocational training; re- ,
turned soldiers are en-
couraged to enter the
teachers' salai!es have
urated. This year nearly
$4,000,000 will he "spent
on education in Ontario.
Good roads add wealth
and comfort to rural *life.
The highway improve-
ment programtne of the
Ontario Government is
applied to both urban 'and
rural dearicts. A com-
plete system of reade, in-
cluding provincial roads,
provincial deuray roads,
county reads and town-
ship roads with a mileage
of 12,300 miles, has been
worked out and will be
constructed. The entire
meter license .reyenue,
with a large amount add-
ed, will le spent annually
on this work,
Hydro is to -day the
owner -lei) enterprise of
its kind in tee world;
Since its inception Hydro -
Electric has saved ,to the
consumers o f electric
power in ()Malin over
fifty. millions of dollars. -
Hydro eisplaces annually
5,000,000 tons of coal.
Hydro. develops and dis-
tributes 360,000- horse
power to over 230 muni-
cipalities, 175.000 do-
mestic ._ can:miners and
power. The Queenston-
.wilt provide an econome
cal dev,elopment 400,-
000i horse poe or, and, the
veloeinent in the whole
Province over 1,000,000
horse power.
Ontario's industrial lead-
ersliip in Canada has been
maintained by Vroad and
effective labor laws, Un-
der the Workmen's Com-
pensation Act $10.000,000
has been _paid out in
awards. Special safe-
guards haee'been provid-
ed for female and chile
labor. A minimum wage
in Ontario is assured, and
a direct representative= of
Labor will sit in the Cab-
inet. Free employment
agCncies have been es -
education, has been en-
The agricultural irides-
dustry in Ontario is in a
Prneperotes and thriving
condition, Appropriations
in 1904 amounted to
5475,000; in 1919, e1,675,-
000. Last year the value
of tbe farm if:reduces of
Ontario was 050,000,-000,
and the value of the com-
bined farm ;stets 'was
one end a half billion
dollars. Within the laet
three years ten thousand
farm mortgages have
been paid offe Encour-
agemeet has been extend-
ed to *very branch of
the industry, education
has been fostered, and
:social conditions have
been improved, „Agricub
ture has ree,ive tier 'leap,
nest and unrernitfiug at-
tention of the Govern -
Ontario', public health
rervice is not excefled on
-the continent. Public
health education, child
e•elfare, :dietary engin-
eering service, and the
free distribution of anti-
texine and serums have
c,niserved life and pre-
vented epidemic, A
eeheme of pendons fur
in alters it to he estab-
ell typh ea vaccine
used by the Canadian
troops in the war. This
feature of Cie werk has
brought about a saving of
ever $100,001 a year to
the people of the riTc,
As war measure the Ontario Temperance Act was so passed, suspending for the duration of the war the
retail sale of liquor. The promise was given that as soon as the war was over the whole question of the
character of the liquor legislation of Ontario would be submitted to the people by Referendum, and the
will of the people would prevail,. This prossiss is mow beimg '
Greatest possible assistance to Agriculture --Faithful enforcement of the Referendum—Support of Hydro -
Electric; cheap light and power for the fateser--Convert railway branch lines ino Hydro radials—Good roads
in every part of Ontario—State pension fund for asothers—Direct representation el Labor in the Cabinet—A
niiniamin *age—Housing accommodation --Legislation implementing the Ondings of the National Industrial
Conference—Considgration to 'returned soldiers vrith Cabinet representatiee—Educational progress, teal:Cleat
and agricultural instruction—Improved transportation in Northern Ontario,,Tiatber coeservation—Encour.
agemeot in mining developineat-rEnlargeasent of Ontario's free public health service.
W.T.BOX &CO. 1
Embalmers and
Funeral Directors
Holder of Government Diploma
and License
Charges moderate
Flowers furnished on short notice
Night Calls Day Calls
Phone 175 Phone 4$
Undertaking Parlors Above
M. Williams' Grocery Store.
Main Street, Seaforth.
Flowers furnished on short notice
Charges moderate
Phone --Night or Day -192
The Corporation of ,the Town Of Seaforth
has for Sale debentures to the amount of
$2,600, payable within ten years. Principal
and interest payable yearly, interest at 51;
per cent, For further particulars apply to
JOHN h; WILSON,, Treasurer.
ESTRAY CALVES,_ STRAYED ON TO THE premises of Mrs. James Broadtoot, Lot
26, " Concession 14, north east boundry of
Hibbert.. Owner may have Baine by preying
property and paying expenses, 2705-1
filly and a yearling gelding, both sired
by Glen Rae. Apply to CECIL OKE, R. R.
5, or phone 11 on 235. °° . 2705-3'
John Taman, Lot 4, Concession 4, Tucker -
smith, about July the 1st, a cattle beast.
The owner can , $have the same by proving
property and paying expenses. Phone 11-136. I
few girls to operate sewing machines.
W. E. SANDFORD Mfg. Co„ penforth. Phone
59. 992-tf . i.
ed frame house on George Street, Sea -
forth, hard 'and soft water. For further
particulars apply to J. R. ARCHIBALD or
JOHN RANKIN. • 2693-tf
.a numbers of pure bred Shropshire Down
Ram Shearlings _for sale. Apply on Lot 20;
Concession 10, Hullett. W. G. ROSS, Londes-
boro. 2702x4
They are first class cream cows. and will
be sold cheap if taken in ..Septerniier. I am
out of pasture and have no stable for winter.
CHARLES BARNETT, Railway Street, Sea -
forth. , 2702-tf
breeding ewes' . and sib ewe lambs, 1
eihearling and 5 young buci e All registered
Leicester. Apply to WILLIAM CHARTERS,
Seaforth, or phone 12 on 137. • 2704-4
premises of the undersigned, Lot 17, Con-
cession 1, L. R. S., Tuekersmith, on Friday,
October 10th, a two year old steer. Owner
may, have same on proving property and
paying charges. Phone 0 Dei 91,.' Hensel].
JAMES SMILLIl , Hensel!. • 2705-1 '
Lot 5, Concession 10, Mcleillop, (Menley's).
The `building is 48x28. The purchaser may
get possession in July next. For further
particulars apply to GEO. F. BENNEWEIS,
No. 2, Walton, 2705x2.
Farm Stock, Implements and Household
Furniture. the property of the estate of A. E.
Naftel, :deceased, • on Friday, October 24th,
1919, at one o'clpek p.m., on Lot 31, Conces-,
sion 1, of the Township of Goderich. For
Particulars see poster`s, GEO. E. GREEN-
SLADE, Administrator; T. Gundry, auctioneer.
Shorthorn Cattle, twenty-one Registered
Leicester Sheep, twenty-six grade cattle, eleven
horses, one Yorkshire sow and litter, also
farm implements, etc., at Lot 4, Concession
2, Bayfield Road, Goderich township, one and
a half miles south ; of Goderich, on Tuesday,
October 28th, at one o'clock p.m. J. W. &
ISAAC SALKELD, Proprietors ; T. Gundry,
Auctioneer. 2705-1
half of Lot 1, Concession 13, Hullett,
containing 75 acres. On the premises are,,a
brick house with }hard and soft water insid�,,e,
a barn 38x72 with a cement wall and cement
floors and water in barn, 1 acre of orchard,
some wood, drilled well with windmill to pump
water, also spring creek. For terms . and
Particulars apply to WILLIAM A. BARRON,
Blyth, R. R. No. 1. , 2700-tf
purhey a seven roomed house, all in good
repair, newly painted this year; about two
acres of -land. There are a number of fruit
trees and berry and currant bushes, and a
,good barn with cement bottom. The stable
is 18x26, and there is a good hen house
and wood shed. The place is well fenced
with Page wire, and there is soft and hard
water in the house. *he whole place is, in
good repair and will be sold right for quick
sale. Apply on the premises to JOHN NASH,
Seaforth. 2704x2
hold effects. Mr. 'Thomas Brown has re-
ceived instructions to sell by public auction
at my residence opposite Routledge's butcher
shop, EgmondviIle, 'on Saturday, October 18th,
at one p.m.. the following: One Gurney
Oxford Prince cook stove with reservoir, near-
ly new ; 1 Laurel heater base burner, 1 lounge, .
1 ektension table, 1 -kitchen table, 1 cupboard
with. glass doors, nearly new; 1 bed room suit
nearly new, 2 small cupboards, window
screens, 1 wardrobe nearly new, 2 iron bed-
steads with -springs and mattresses, 4 dining
room chairs, 12 kitchen chairs, 2 stands, a
number of 7 inch'stove pipes, window blinds,
a number of fruit gems, pint, ,quart and half
gallon sizes, garden tools: a quantity of
jointers and stove wood, 1 copper boiler,' 1
ten gallon milk can, about 20 gallon coal
.oil tank. 1 barrel, about half ton of hay, 1°
bone grinder, about " dozen lens and other
small articles, also the house. Terms ---on
household effects, cash. Terns on house to
be made known on day of sale. J.' H. Mc-
CAULEY, Proprietot; T. Brown, Auctioneer.
ery, Block ani( Tacktu,' Gas Engine. Mr,
Thomas Brown has been •instructed to se't
by public auction bn Lot '.18, Concession 6,
McKileop, on Saturday, October 25th, com-
mencing at 2 o'clock sharp; the following:;
Brantford gas engine 15 horse power, Mc-
Vicor 5 horse power gas engine, Brantford'
gas engine 3% horse . power, cement mixer,
set forms for cement walls, 2 cement buckets,
2 cement wheel bar -rows, 6 cement shovels,
cement brick machine capacity 1000 per man
per day °and pellets, 2 boring machines,- 6
jacks, capacity 28 tons, 4 heavy to1zging
chains. crowbars, blacksmith's vice. forge,
set of fans for Brantford 15 foot power mill,
with -pulleys and pump jack block and tackle,
set heavy blocks for VA ineb rope. 2 aide 3
pulleys, set of blocks for inch rope 2 and 3
pulleys, 2 snatch blocks, also a number of
email pulleys, 600 feet of 114 inch rope, 400
feet of 114 inch rope, a lot of smaller ropes,
good buggy, light wagon, set good single
harness, aged driving horse; collar and harries.
driving colt two years old, heavy mare ' 8
years old supposed to be in foal, 16 foot has,
rack, 15 hers, 4 passenger Paige car 1912 •
model, and other articles. No. reserve as the
proprietor is going out of business. Terms—
All sums of $10.00 and under, cash ; over
that amount 10 months' credit will be given
on furnishing approved joint notes. A dis-
count of ,6% per -annum off for cash. Terms
on car made known on day df sale. LOUIS
IfteEGY,, Jr., Proprietor ; "l: .Brown, Auc-
tioneer. 2705-2
offers- for sale by public auction on Loi
1, Concession 13, Tucicersmith, on Tluesday,
October 28th, the following property: Horses -
1 good general pi rpose mare,/ 1 horse five
years, old, a good steady worker. 1 driver colt
rising two years old. Cows -1 cow rising 6
years old due to calve in December, 1 cow
Clue in January, 2 - cows due in February.
Young Cattle -3 steers rising 2 years old and
2 heifers rising 2 years old. 'Calves -4 good
spring calves, also about 100 hens and. pullets.
Pigs -1 thorough bred Yorkshire white boar,
young; 1 sow with litter at foot, 1 sow due
about .the time; of sale, and 1 sow due to
farrow in December, and 1 store pig. Imple-
ments and other Chattels—Massey-Harris
binder, new, only cut about forty acres,
Massey -Harris mower, new; Massey -Harris
horse rake, new; Massey -Harris cultivator
with seeder and grass seeder attached. new;
Chatham fanning mill with bagger, new ; De
Laval cream separator, only in use a few
months, disc harrow, seed,, ldrill, walking
plow, Massey -Harris make, No, 21; ecuffler,
bob sleighs, 2 buggies, 2 cutters, 3 incubators
and brooders, set double harness, 3 sets single
harness and a lot of other smaller articles
not enumerated. There is also a quantity of
bay to be sold in the mow. also 3 acres of
good °turnips and mangolds. Everything to
be sold without reserve as the farm is sold.
Terms of Sale -Hay, roots and hens to be
cash. On stock and other' chattels, 310.00
and under, cash ; over that amount 12 months'
credit Will be given on furnishing approved
Joint notes: A discount of 4% will be al-
lowed off for cash. WILLIAM LEITCH, Pro-
prietor; Thal. Brown, Auctioneer. 2705-2
inson'hi Steck has been instructed lements. Mr. C. W tructed to sell by nubile
auction on Lot 15, Concession 4; Hay town:
ship, on Thursday, October 23rd, oommencin
at 1.34 o'clock, the following: Horses --1
agricultural gelding 2 Yearn old aired by
Cumbelland Glory,- 1 agricultural filly 1 year
old, sired by Glenrae, 1 agricultural foal sired
by Commodore, 1 roadster, 811y 2 years ow, 1 _ -'. opinion - - -..� Municipal
roadster foal] Cattle --1 cow 6 years old due Donned of the Town of Seaforth, it is fitting
in March, well bred; 1 cow 4 years old, due and proper for the said Town to erect a
in 'April, 1 cow 9 years old supposed to be suitable memorial for the Soldiers, who los
in calf, 1 cow 3 years old supposed to be in their lives in the Great Var, and also
calf, 1 Mitch cow 10 years old 1 steer 2 Pnrebase, alter and equip a suitable buiIdin',
Year's old, 1 fat heifer 2 years old, 8 steers -1 for the Use of the Seaforth Branch of th
year old, 5 heifers 1 year old, 2 spring calves, Great War veterans Seaforth
ation and ;for sai�
implements—1 farm wagon; 1 Frost & Wood purpose it is necessary to raise by way oi
walking plow, 2 top buggies, 1 cutter, 1 acre Loan, on the credit of the said Town, th
of mangolds, a quantity of potatoes, 20. cords sum of 313,000.00, x$6,000.00 of said sum
of stove wood. Mangolds and potatoes can be used' to erect said Memorial an
be bought private on account of weather, $7,000.00 to provide said Building•,
Positively. no reserve as the proprietor has AND WHEREAS it is expedient" to raise
been burned out. Teresa -All sums of ;10,00 the said sum..of $13,000.00 by the issue of
and under, Dash ; over .that amount 12 months' debentures at one time and to make the
rtre.itt""'-"_` debt repayable in yearly sums during the
period of •thirty- (80) years, being the cur-
rency of each debenteres, said yearly sums
being of su0h respective amounts that the
aggregate amount payable in each year for
Principal and interest in respect of said debt
shall be, as nearly as possible, equal to the
j --_--__ amount so payable .in each of the other
' E=(POS1A 0R.
By -Law 'No. 203
Ai by-law te Provide for the borrowing of =
513,000,00 teion debentures to PaY for a
Memorial for the Soldiers, Who lost their
lives in the Great War and also to provide
a Building for the use of. the Great War
Veterans Association.'
on discount of 5% off for cash. Wood, mangoids
and potatoes to be cash. MRS. WILLIAM
COLEMAN & SON, Proprietors"; C. W. Rob-
inson, Auctioneer. e '2705-1
tap ements Mr. Thomas Brown has been
instrticted to sell by public auction on Lot
434, Concession, 1, McKillop, 2 railes west Of
Seaforth, on Thursday, October 23rd, com-
mencing at one o'clock sharp, the following:
Horses -1 mare .7 years old, 1 horse 6 years
old, 1 horse 3 years old, 1 driving mare, good
and geliable. Cattle -1 heifer coming 3 years
old due to calve in December, • cow with calf
at foot, fat eow, 4 farrow cows, 10 steers
and heifers 2 years old, 7 calves, also 1 brood
edw, 9 little pigs 2 months old. 1'ml:dements-
1 Deering 7 foot binder, Deering 6 foot cut
mewer, hay loader, hay rake, cultivator, har-
rows, disc harrow, bean cultivator, Massey -
Harris bean harvester, llassey-Harris 11 dis4
seeder, nearly new, land roller, Cockshutt
single furrow riding pldw No. 21 Verity
sower, 2 wagons, 2 top buggies, 2 cutters,
road cart, set sleighs, fanning mill, sugar
kettle, stone boat, stable boat, extension ladder,
gravel box, stock rack, hay. rack, wheel
barrow, set team harness, single harness, light
single harness, 2 robes, horse blankets.
quantity of haye erhifiletrees, neck yoke, forks,
spade, shovel, hoes, dhains, etc., ale° house-
hold goods consisting of steel range nearly
new for coal, Perfectien coal oil stove with
oven, heating stove for wood, a number of
stove pipes, half dozen dining room ahnirs,
lamps, lantern, 5 gallon coal oil -can, barrels,
grain bags. Terms—All sums of 310 and
under, cash over that amount 12 months.'
credit will given on furnishing approved
joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent. off
for cash. Hay to be cash. R. MeKINLEY,
Proprietor3 T. Brown, Auctioheer. 2704-2
e". Implements. Mr. Thos. Brown has been
instructed by -the undersigned to sell by
public auction on Lot 7, Concession 1, Tucker -
smith, three-quarters of a mile east of Sea -
forth, on Tuesday, October 21st, at one
o'clock p.m., sharp, the following: Horses -
1 heavy mare 5 years old, 1. driving mare.
Cattle -3 newly calved cows, 2 cows due
November 1st, 1 coer due in April, 1 heifer
eue in January, 1 cow due in March, 1 cow
due in May, 2 milk cows and 1 farrew cow,
13 steers and 'heifers two years old, 7 heifers
and steers one year old, 8 calves. Pigs -10
good chunks, 1 sow and 9 suckers, also a
number of hens. Implements -1 Massey -
Harris binder, 1 Frost & Wood mower, 1 horse
rake, 1 hay loader, 1 delivery rake, cultivator,
drill, roller, harrows, walking plow,
two furrow Perrin riding plow, 1 single
furrow Cockshutt riding plow (new), 1 disc,
1 Clinton fanning mill, 1 root pulper, 2
sclutilers, 1 wagon, 1 hay rack, 1 gravel box,
'1 set double harness, 1 set single harneris, 1
top buggy (nearly new), 1 rubber tire buggy
(nearly new), 1 cutter (new), 1 set of bob
sleighs, 3 pair 'of hey rack eillse 5 cement
sewer pipes, 15 inches •, a numbed of cedar
posts and anchor posts, grain -hags, horse
hide robe, paire of all wool horse blankets,
of slings, forks, spray pump, wheel barrow,
sugar kettle, 23 foot ladder, ice tongs, refrig-
erator, lawn mower, 75 feet of lawn hose
(new), 30 cords of 16 inch hard maple wood
and numerous other articles. Purnell/re—
Faeroe and dining room furniture, odd chairs
and tables, couches, ice cream freezer, lamps,
verandah eihairts and many other articles.
Terms of Sale—$fit and under, sash; over
that ainount 12 months' credit on approbed
joint notes. A discount of 6% f
on credit emounts. Wood cash. No reserve
aa the proprietdr has -eolti 'bis fetal. JAMES
DEVERE.A.UX, Proprietor; Thomas Biown.
Auctioneer, 2704-2
bd Horses, Registered and High Grade Short-
horn Cattle, Leicester Sheep, Yorkshire Hogs
and Implementa. William E. Nairn, suet-
ionee,r, has been favored with instructions to
sell by public auction for Thomas Kemp, on
Lot 10, Concession 8, Hibbert, lee miles east
of Staffa, on Tuesday, October 21st, 1019,
commencing at •one o'clock sharp. Horses—
Matched pair of draft horses, 6 years old,
weighing 3600 pounds. Registered Cattle-
-Queen of Cromarty. No. 111462, coloe red,
with bull calf by• her side, age 12 years ;
Queen of Stalea, No. 111463, color red, bred in
June, age '7 years ; Red Queen, No. 125302,
color red, age 3 years, with calf by her side,
bred in June; Daisy of Staffs, No. 125304,
color red, age 3 years, bred in July; Roselle,
No. 143651, • color red, age 2 years, bred in
July ; .,Refined Lady, No. 150212, coloe roan,
age 2 years, bred in September ; Rosebud, No.
143652, color red, age e year. Grade Cattle -
2 roan dews, due to calve in March, 1 white
cow due to calve in April, 1 yearling steer,
1 yearling heifer, 5 ehoiee calves, about 3
menthe old. Sheep -12 Leicester ewes from
1 to 3 years old, 6 Leicester ewe lembe. Hogs
—Yorkshire brood sow, 11 pigs, 7 weeks old.
,Hens -60 Rhode leland Red hens ; 25 White Leg-
horn hens. Implemente—Massey-Harre binder,
new, 6 foot cut, sheaf 'carrier; Maxwell mower,
nearly new ; hay rake, cultivator, set of har-
rows, ;steel land roller, seed drill, 2 Fleury
walking plowe, pea harvester, 2 furrow gang
plow, seurner, 2 wagons, 1 buggy, new dem-
ocrat with pole and shafts, 1 set af sleighs,
2 wagon boxes with seeing seat and shely-
ings, hay rack, root pulper, fanning mill,
nearly ne-w, cutting box; 2 sets of ' heavy
harness, 1 -set of light harnms, 2 Cauldron
kettim. 2 dozen grain bags, 2 laddere, 2 log-
ging chains, crow bar, pick, set of double
trees, cross-cet saw, set scales, 2000 lbs., road
cart, pig rack, forks, hoes, shovels and many
other articles useful on the farm. Terms—
All sums of 510 and under, cash ; over that
amount 12 months' credit will be given on
furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount
of 5 per cent, off for cash in lien of noted.
Positively no reserve as the proprietor has
sold the farm. ' THOMAS KEMP, Proprietor ;
Wm. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. 2704-2'
de- Implement -4 and Household Effect's. Mr.
Thos. Brown line received instructions from
the undersigned to sell by public auction on
Lot 1, Concession '14, in the township of
Hullett. on Friday, October 24th, at 1 o'clock
p.m., the following: -Horses-1 draught horse
6 years old, 1 driving mare 12 years old, quiet
and reliable. Cattle -1 cow 6 .years old thee
in November, 1 cow 5 yeitv old ,due in Dec..
1- eow '7, years old -due en eDecember, 1 cow
11 years old dee in February, 1 cow 6 years
old due filet of March, 1 cow 4 years old
due in. Mey, 3 steers and 2 heifers rising
2 years old, fat enough to ship, 5 winter
heifer calves, 1 spring heifer calf. Pigs -1
sow dee January 20th, second litter; 1 sow
with litter readi to wean time ot pale, a
number of hens- and' pullets. • Implem'entsd-1.
Massey -Harris binder 6 foot cut, truck and
bundle carrier, 1 Frost & Wood mower 6 foot
cut, 1 International hay rake, 12 feet, nearly
neav, 1 International hay loader nearly new,
1 Noxon seed drill, 12 hoe, grass seed attach
with diamond cultivating teeth, 1 three horse
cultivetor, 2 sets of teeth; 1 New Kemp
manure spreader, good -as new, 1 four section,
diamond harrows, 1 Oliver riding plow, near-
ly new, 1 walking plow, 1 gang plow, 1 land
sower, 1 cutting box, 1 root pulper, 1 hay
rack and truck, 1 wagon and box, 1 truck
wagon, 1 stock rack, 1 set bob sleighs, 1
gravel box. 1 wheel barrow, 1 McLaughlin
top buggy etearly new, 1 open buggy, 1
cutter, 1 set double harness, 1 set plow
harness, 1 eet single harness, horse collars
and sweat pads, 1 De Laval cream separatoe,
'700 Tbs. _capacity; nearly new, hay fork, car,
rope and pulleys, and sling ropes, 1 set weigh
eales, 2,000 tbs., 1 Clinton fanning mill, '1
hirty-two foot extension ladder, 1 sugar
kettle, 1 grieding stone, 2% dozen grain bags,
0 cords of wood, a pile of cedar rails, 1
cedar anchor post. forks, shovels, hoes, chains
and other articles too numerous to mention.
Household Furniture -1 Sherlock -Manning 6
ctaire organ piano case, 1 large hard coal
heater, nearly new, 2 bedsteads, 1 cupboard, 1
tore bureau. Terms—All sums of ;10.00
nd tinder, eash; ever that amount 12 months'
redit will be given on furnishing approved
oint notes. 4% discount will be allowed for.
cash on oreerit amounb. No Totem as tie
roprietor hail sold his fano. JANES NOLAN,
Proprzator, Thos. Brown, Auttioneer. 27054
Year Principal Inteeese Annual payment
a . 199.75 694.72 894.47
. 4 210.74 683.18 894.47
6 234.56 659.91 894.47.
7 247.46 647.01 894.47
8 . 261.07 633.40 894.47
9 275.43 619.04 894.47
10 290.58 603.89 894.47
11 306.56 587.91 894.47"
12 323.42 571.05 894.47
14 859.98 634e49 894t47
15 379.78 514.69 S94.47
17- 422.70 471.77 894.47
18 445,96 448:52 i 894.47
'19 470.47 424.00 894.47
21 623,65 370.82 894.4/
22 552.45 342.02 894.47
23 582:84 811.63 894.47
24 614.89 279,58 894.47
25 648.71 245,76 194t47
26 684.89 • 210.08 894.47
27 722:03 , 172.44 894.47
28 761.74 '182.78 -894.47
29 808.64 90.83 894.47
30 847.80 46.62 894.47
$13000.00 $13834.10 526884.10
2. !The Mayor of the Conerration shail
sign and issue the said debentures and the
same shall also be signed by the Clerk of
said Corporation, who will affix the Corporate
Seal of the Corpitration thereto. ;
3. During thirty (30) years, the currericy
of the said debentures, the said sum of
5894.47, required as aforesaid to be raised,
levied and collected' annually for the purpoee
of paying the said inetalments. of principal
and interest, shall be raised, levied
and collected in each and every Year
during the currency of said debentures,
by a special rate sufficient therefor, on all
rateable property, in the said Municipality,
at the same time and in the same manner
as other ratm and taxes are levied and col-
4. This by-law shall take effect on the
day of the final passing thereof.
Provisionally passed in open Council the
14th day of October A. D. 1919. Fester
Harburn, Mayor; John A. 'Wilson, Clerk.
TAIM NOTICE that the above is a true
copy .of a proposed by-law, which has been
taken into consideration and which will be
finally passed bey the Council of the Town
of Seaforth (in the event of the consent of
thie electors being obtailied thereto) after one
month from. the first publication in The Huron
Expositor newspaper, the date of which first
publication being the- 17th day of October,
leaseholders :qualified under the 'provisions
of The Municipal Act, section 265, S. S.3, are
required tete days before the day of voting
to file with me a stabatory declaration of
qualification, otherwise their names will not
appear on the voter's list for such voting.
vote of the electors of the said Town of Sea -
forth, wilf be taken on the said proposed by-
law on Tuesday, the 11th day of November,
1919, (Armistice Day), commencing at nine
o'clock in the foeenoon and continuing _until
five o'clock in 'the afternoon of the same day
by the following Returning Officers and at
the following placese
North Ward, at Beattie's Store, west side
'Main Street, by James Hinchley, Deputy Re-
turning Officer; John IL „Best, Poll Clerk.
East Ward, at Towel Hali, by Robert Smith,
Deputy Returning Offic r g William Bright,
-Poll Clerk.
South Ward, at Public ,ibrary, by William
Sills, Poll Clerk.
On Monday, the 10th day of November,
1919, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the Mayor
of the said Town of Seaforth will attend at
the Council Chamber of the sadd Town to
appoint persons to attend at the various poll-
ing places aforesaid ancl agave final summing
up of the votes by the Week, on behelf of
the persons 'interested in and promoting or
opposing the passing of the aaid by-law re -
The Clerk of the said Town of- Seaforth
will attend at his office, in the Town Hall, on
Wednesday, the 12th day of November, 1919,
at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to sum up the
number of votes for and - against the eaid
proposed by-law.
, JOHN A. WILSON, Clerk.
'-g• house, cement foundation, hard and sett
water, each part contains six rooms with
woodshed attached. Also 1 single dwelling
house, seven rooms, cietern, woodshed, etc.,
also one lot eeieh good well. All centrally
situated, on Jarvis Streets For further per-
ticulars apply to MR. WILLIAM MORRISON,
Jarvis Street, Seaforth. P. 0. Box 402,
Grain Wanted
We have a market for Fall
and Mpring Wheat, also Barley
and Oats .
Highest prevailing Cash
Prices paid.
Hensall, Ont.
Funeral Director and =
Licensed Embahner
Undertaking parlors in Odd= =
fellows building opposite' =
Stewart Bros. Resi- =
dence Goderioh st., op- E
posit° Dr. Scott's.
Flowers furnished on / =
short notice.
E Phone Night or Day 119 =
I have acme choice 'farms for sale in the
Townships of Usborne and Hibbert, all will
Road, South, consisting of 120 acres.
A well cultivated farm and good buildings.
, Apply to RODERICK McKENZIE, Varna, Ont,
or phone 6 on 626, Clinton Central. 2703x4
" forty-two acres of. good land consisting
of Lot 1, Concession 1, and Part of Lot 1,
Colicaltsion 2. Stanley. Huron County, adjoin-.
ing the village of Kippen. Five minutes walk
to G. T. Restation, church or store; 6 acres
of bush; water all the year round, anti all
seeded to grass; 1 acre of .good orchard; 2
barns, 1 on a stone wall; drive shed; frame
house. For terms and particulara apply to
SAMUEL THOMPSON, R. R. No. -1, Bruce -
field. 2694-tf
Cone.eission 2, McKillop, containing 100
acres. There are on the premises a bank
barn hay barn, hen house and Ohl MAW
good -1% story frame house; plenty of good
water; drilled well between house and barn
with over 75 feet of water. The farm is
well fenced with woven wire and is well
drained. The land is all under cultivation and
Is a.,first class farm. For further particulars
MAY en the premises or' address Seaforth, R.
" cession 2, H. R. S., Tuckersnalth, contain-
ing 100 acres, 9 acres of good hardwood bush,
the rest in good condition, clean, well fenced
and underdrained, with plenty of water and
good outbuildings, new 2 storey brick house
26x36 feet with kitchen 14x20 feet and all
modern conveniences, barn 48x56 feet with
cement stabling and T 36x60 feet with cement
stabling underneath and water sYsteue through-
out, cement silo 14x30 feet, hen house and
implement shed, 2 acres good orchard well
Protected 'with spruce hedge. The farm is
well situated, convenient to churches and
school, has mail route and telephone. 3%
miles from Seaforth station, 5 milee from
Brucefield. Also 50 acre* grass land being
east of Brneefield on Mill Road, well watered
end first class grass land. For farther in-
formation apply to S. CARNOCHAN, R.
Hotuse, 'and half acre of land in the
village of Egmondville. Thepropert,
is situated on Centre Street, close to
the Presbyterian church and is knows
as the Purcell property. Good, com-
fortable house, good shed, good well
and cement cistern. All kinds of fridt
trees, strawberries, raspberries, and
currant bushes. 'This Is a corner pro-
perty with no breaks on front, and
the land is in a good state of cultiva-
tion. This is a nice 'property fpr •
retired farmer and the taxes are Licht
For particulars appl# on the premises
or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-U
The companions of Victory an
Work and Thrift. If the people of
Canada practise these essentials, our
great problems of reconstruction can
be settled co the mutual benefit of all.
Don't waste! Save and. prosper.
Seaforth Branch, LG. Mullen, manager
The Double Tragic
Unexcelled Dining Car Service.
Sleeping cars on night trains and
Parlor Cars on principal day
For further particulars apply to
any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or
C. E. Horning, District Passenger
Beechw o o d
October, 1919.
The undersigned is still in the old
stand and desires to thank his many
customers for the generous patronage
accorded him since last addressing
them, a year ago. I am well prepared
to supply my patrons with the best
the market affords in Boots, Shoes
and Rubbers, Dry Goods, Groceries,
Glass and Earthwear. Paces the best
the market affords. Give me a call.
Bring your live poultry on Thurs-
day forenoon of each week. Cash or
trade as you wisk No shrinkage
taken. Highest market prices paid.
My accounts are now ready.
Yours Respectfully,
IN THE MA.TTER of the application
of The McKillop, Logan and EDI-
bert Telephone Co., Limited, for
authority to increase the charges
for telephone service in the ;Vil-
lage of Dublin from 812.00 per
annum to $18.00 per annum.
The Ontario Railwpy and Municipal
Board hereby appoints Wednesday,
the fifth day of November, A. IX, 191?,
at the how of half -past ten o'clock
the forenoon, at the Court House,. in
the City of Stratford -for tie hearing
herein. •
Dated at Toronto this Nimpteentle
Day of September, A, D., 1911.
(Signedy R. C. SMALL,
ntario's Golden Era
TF we have given worthy service during the trying time of war, may we not be relied upon to serve
the nation faithfully and ivell in hasteniug the time of still greater prosperity and happiness? " As
we have begnn, ,so we %sill ceriti nue; fearless in the di-,ebarge of duty and eyer alert in the service to the
people. Conscious of our shortcomings, and grateful eor the opportunities we have had to serve our
Provineei we submit our record with confidence to the electors for their consideration and approval,
and ask from a united people a mandate to carry on the Government of this Province.
Ontario gave in men
232,895; in contributions
loans $540,465,550. On-
tario provided 50 per
cent. of Caneda's war
effort. T Ontario
Government spent in war
work over $10.000,000;
maintained in. England
the most efficient military
hospital in Eurnpe; furn-
ished club houses for the
soldiers in London and
Paris; made gifts of food
and guns to the elother
Country; made large
grants to fee British Red
relief and rifled worthy
latio's war offert has
mede the name of On -
eerie resound in. 'every
corner of the world,
en 1904 the inenno. of
Ontario was 54.464,000;
in 1913 it \vat $11,1e2,-
302; in 191S it was .$19e
270,123. This hae been
accomplished mitheut re-
sorting to direct taxatitm
which hat been tepealed.
ni this rev.nno. the
Government 'has returie.d
to the lurg-r
Agriculture. The public
se rvicet have been en-
larged and ample grants
have enabled important
public duties to he under -
Ontario's educational
system is designAl to
provide the mo,,t efficient
training possible for the
boys and girls who are to
become the future citi-
zens of the state. Under
the leadership of the
Minister of Education en
expenditure has been de-
nied .to accomplish this
purpote. Generous grants
have been made for agri-
celtural, technical and
vocational training; re- ,
turned soldiers are en-
couraged to enter the
teachers' salai!es have
urated. This year nearly
$4,000,000 will he "spent
on education in Ontario.
Good roads add wealth
and comfort to rural *life.
The highway improve-
ment programtne of the
Ontario Government is
applied to both urban 'and
rural dearicts. A com-
plete system of reade, in-
cluding provincial roads,
provincial deuray roads,
county reads and town-
ship roads with a mileage
of 12,300 miles, has been
worked out and will be
constructed. The entire
meter license .reyenue,
with a large amount add-
ed, will le spent annually
on this work,
Hydro is to -day the
owner -lei) enterprise of
its kind in tee world;
Since its inception Hydro -
Electric has saved ,to the
consumers o f electric
power in ()Malin over
fifty. millions of dollars. -
Hydro eisplaces annually
5,000,000 tons of coal.
Hydro. develops and dis-
tributes 360,000- horse
power to over 230 muni-
cipalities, 175.000 do-
mestic ._ can:miners and
power. The Queenston-
.wilt provide an econome
cal dev,elopment 400,-
000i horse poe or, and, the
veloeinent in the whole
Province over 1,000,000
horse power.
Ontario's industrial lead-
ersliip in Canada has been
maintained by Vroad and
effective labor laws, Un-
der the Workmen's Com-
pensation Act $10.000,000
has been _paid out in
awards. Special safe-
guards haee'been provid-
ed for female and chile
labor. A minimum wage
in Ontario is assured, and
a direct representative= of
Labor will sit in the Cab-
inet. Free employment
agCncies have been es -
education, has been en-
The agricultural irides-
dustry in Ontario is in a
Prneperotes and thriving
condition, Appropriations
in 1904 amounted to
5475,000; in 1919, e1,675,-
000. Last year the value
of tbe farm if:reduces of
Ontario was 050,000,-000,
and the value of the com-
bined farm ;stets 'was
one end a half billion
dollars. Within the laet
three years ten thousand
farm mortgages have
been paid offe Encour-
agemeet has been extend-
ed to *very branch of
the industry, education
has been fostered, and
:social conditions have
been improved, „Agricub
ture has ree,ive tier 'leap,
nest and unrernitfiug at-
tention of the Govern -
Ontario', public health
rervice is not excefled on
-the continent. Public
health education, child
e•elfare, :dietary engin-
eering service, and the
free distribution of anti-
texine and serums have
c,niserved life and pre-
vented epidemic, A
eeheme of pendons fur
in alters it to he estab-
ell typh ea vaccine
used by the Canadian
troops in the war. This
feature of Cie werk has
brought about a saving of
ever $100,001 a year to
the people of the riTc,
As war measure the Ontario Temperance Act was so passed, suspending for the duration of the war the
retail sale of liquor. The promise was given that as soon as the war was over the whole question of the
character of the liquor legislation of Ontario would be submitted to the people by Referendum, and the
will of the people would prevail,. This prossiss is mow beimg '
Greatest possible assistance to Agriculture --Faithful enforcement of the Referendum—Support of Hydro -
Electric; cheap light and power for the fateser--Convert railway branch lines ino Hydro radials—Good roads
in every part of Ontario—State pension fund for asothers—Direct representation el Labor in the Cabinet—A
niiniamin *age—Housing accommodation --Legislation implementing the Ondings of the National Industrial
Conference—Considgration to 'returned soldiers vrith Cabinet representatiee—Educational progress, teal:Cleat
and agricultural instruction—Improved transportation in Northern Ontario,,Tiatber coeservation—Encour.
agemeot in mining developineat-rEnlargeasent of Ontario's free public health service.