HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-10-17, Page 314.1919 t works one way only 2szmers concerned-- li,dvantage. ° - the war" Government ►i a vain hope ofre- discontent and tering throughout the -rcaking out here and we ask ourselves ;e drifting. Each D®g L p emitted. netari0 Tem-. -rontent t`, • Urehczry .-r-, TE °ca tor; SOLDIERS Cheques and money transfers representing payand allowances of soldiers of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, drawn in Sterling Exchange, will be cashed by this Bank at $4.66/ to the Pound Sterling. We will transfer money for soldiers, free of charge, %°' to an% point in Canada where we have a branch. THE LOMINION :BANH 683 R. M. JONES, SEAFOBTR BRANCH • • Manager, -- THE HURON EXPOSFIVE DISTRICT MATTERS ;WELL SATISFIED WITH BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. A. Bernard, La Presentation, due., writes: --"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my baby and am well satisfied with them. I have recommended them to several of my friends who have also used them with beneficial results." The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the stomach and bow- els and thus prove of benefit in cases of indigestion, constipation,¢ colic, colds, etc, They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by /nail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. erels,. crate :fed -and . ma,rketed. Such pullets .will be a bill of expense all winter and should not be kept on any excuse. - Crate feed surplus. • No matter what class of birds that are culled out for market, it will pay to finish then: -:before killing. Even with the high prides of feed one cannot afford to ` market poor stuff. For further particulars on crate feeding, write the -Poultry Division, Experimental Farm, Ottawa. i Keep accounts. We suggest that every person who wants to ;crake his peultry pay begin at once to keep track of receipts and expenditure. To assist in this, blanks have 'been pre- pared by the Poultry Division, Exper- imental Farm, Ottawa, which will be sent on application to those who will promise to return each month a copy :filled in. Those complying will re- ceive suggestions on how _to improve their results; based on the informa- tion given in their reports. TO POPULATE THE LAND ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN The Goverrunent puts through Par- liament an Act to assist the settle- Japan has twenty womene journal_-. ment of returned soldiers on the fists.. .. land. In short, a returned soldier Divorces are unknown to the women may select in any • of the Provinces inThere are over 600 woman ea. improved or unimproved land, physi- mitsub- the purchase to a committee ad- • cians in Japan. - ministering the Act and upon ap- The pty of cooks in China averages proval the Government will buy the $15 monthly, . land for the soldier on receipt of Women iii the United , States now ten per' cent. of the- purchase price number 30,000, 00. and lend a sum not to exceed $4,500 Elsie Janis, the actress, is an hon - to complete the purchase, repayable , orary captain f the American Ex - in annual payments of principal and peditionary for es. interest during twenty-five years. Practically a 1 of, the hard labor The Government will then lend the done in Bombay, India, is done. by soldier settler a maximum of $12,000 ! the women of that country. for stock and implements repayableAll the hotels for workers operated int four instalments, to begin the I by the United States government are third year after settlement, and the , Government will also lend a maxi -1 mum sum of $1,000 on improvements made or to be made to be repaid dur- ing twenty-five years. Interest in all cases is to be at five per cent. The Government undertakesalso s$per- -vision and oversight of the settlers , and for that purpose- has already ga- , tiered a staff of abeut five hundred , run by women, The women in -Corea are often com- pelled to harvest crops .in. the primi- tive way. • For the first time in the history of Washington, . D. C., there has, been opened a .woman's real estate ex- change. Over 80 missionary physicians; from the United States are now treating persons. The scheme has been in ; patients in China. force since March and 12,500 soldiers : Poland has seven woman members 'have been dealt with at 'a cost al- in the :national diet and all women ready of nearly fifteei million dollars.* in that country enjoy political liberty. Settlement is mostly in the West, in Petrograd,, Russia, has a police - British Columbia, 1,894; Alberta, 3,- woman arced with a loaded rifle, sta- 438; Saskatchewan, 2,025; Manitoba, toned on every street corner. _ -2,349-, Ontario, 723;. and ( uebec, 269. The women of Santiago, Chili, have - It is estimated that the number tak- started a feminist movement ' with ing advantage of the act will be from theequal aim of securing political •30,000 to 50,000 and the expense will -rights with the men. be from 200 to 300 millions.. Miss Mabel Weinant is manager of _ i the Van, Owners' Association in New. NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE York city and is claimed to know more about the moving game than any man connected with that business in For testing the dangers of mine : gases an Englishman has invented an New York. apparatus that photographically meas -f! Queen Wilhelmina, of •the' Nether - sires the duration of flashes of exnlo- ; lands, is a great lover of flowers and Bions. she takes great delight in watching Electric -hot plates have been in- ;the development of plants which she �e'nted to warm the feet el men on, has set,out with here own hands. < < watch on all passenger vessels of ; Hahnemann Medical college in Phila- 30t or mod. e so that compasses are delphia, which for years has been op`- not Greece has required radio equipment posed to opening its doors to woman Gre'students, now realizes the importance ;�; on all passenger.vessels of 300 or of the woman doctor and has, an - more tons dead weight capacity and , � nonnced the let%ingclown of the bars oil all cargo ships of 1,000 or more tons. i prohibiting the :female doctor from there.. By making two films at the _same grMrs.Woodaduating there. • . son has the hon - time from slightly different angles an or of traveling farther than any inventor claims to produce motion nic- other of the first ladies of the land. tures with the appearance of solidity. T p� . For treating victims of insomnia an When she com ewes the trip_ she is, now making with: the President she Englishman has invented an apparatus will• have traveled approxir�nately 25;- that flows water- through a pad, rr}as- X00 miles in considerably less than a salting their foreheads until sleep - sear. comes, Women are now being employed as hotel cooks, elevator operators, taxi- cab drivers and in other capacities too numerous to mention.._ Women employed in the dressmak- ing trade in Switzerland were recent- ly granted a twenty per cent. increase A handle and a suitable clamping ring has been' patented to enable any person to make his own brooms at home without special knowledge of the process. _ - The free . ends of a new English detachable rim for automobile wheels in `wages and a reduction in weekly overlap and can be drawn together with a jack to permit a, tire to be working hours "from fifty-six to fifty - easily removed. , two. START THE POULTRY YEAR' RIGHT The poultry year should begin No- vember 1st. At that time the old stock should be culled out, the cocker- els divided from the pullets and th4' a pain in the head or in the face, but pullets selected from the flock anal put into whiter,,quarters. neuralgia may affect any nerve in the Don't keep old hens. Only the best 1 body. Different names are given to �yf those hens that are one and a half wears old should be kept.. Most of it when it affects certain nerves. Thus neuralgia of the sciatic nerve is call - PAINFUL NEURALGIA Is Caused by . Thin, Watery Blood and Cured by Enriching the Blood. Most people think of neuralgia as ed sciatica, but the character of the pain and the nature of the disease are the same. The cause being the same, the cure to be effective must be the same. The pain in neuralgia is caused by starved nerves. The blood which carries nourishment to the nerves has become thin and im- pure and no longer does so, and the pain you feel is the cry of the nerves for their natural food. You may ease the pains of neuralgia with hot applications, but you can only cure the trouble by. enriching and purify- ing the blood. For this purpose we know of no medicine that can equal Dr.. Williams' Pink Pills. • These pills actually make new, rich blood and thus act as the u are ost efficient ntin of nerve tonics. If Yo. g from this most dreaded of trodbles, or any form of nerve trouble, give these pilin a fair trial, and see how speedily you will be restored to good health. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. :them with all the older ones should have been disposed of last spring but :n case this was not done do away with them now. Even if they were culled then, go over them again now and see that nothing that will not likely produce is retained. Cull the early moulters. In select- ing the hens that you intend to keep •do not take those birds that are -look- ing clean and well feathered. but rather those that are more or less shaggy in appearance. The ones that are still moulting, they are the layers; those that have moulted and have a nice new coat of feathers were not persist- ent layers. They quit laying too soon and had nothing to do but groky feathers. This explains Why they have their new coat before their more industrious sisters. Eearly pullets best. Select as win- ter layers, the early, well matured pul- lets. These should be calrefully handl- ed, put into their own, hOuse, fed well and given every opperttmity to pro- duce. Pullets that are but half grown or that will not be matured for months yet should be culled out with the cock - Stewarf' Sell it for Less Mail or Phone Your Orders We prepay Car ria e We announce a Special Fall Display Of Wearing Apparel for Men and Boys • INCLUDING AN ATTRACTIVE SHQWIITG OF OVERCOATS, SUITS, UNDERWEAR, HEAD - WEAR, FOOTWEAR, SHIRTS, GliOVES AND WORK CLOTHES, Clothes It is now for the Men's Store to demonstrate the Styles for Fall and. Winter. It will be a genuine pleasure for every Man and Boy to visit our Men's Store and view the delightful display of the Season's Newest Garments. Every one who sees this big in- formal OUR POLICY OF BUYING AHEAD AND OUR ABILITY TO BUY FOR CASH,. IS` DIRECTLY RESPONS- IBLE FOR OUR LOWER PRICES. • Men's and Boys' Underwear AT SLIGHT ADVANCES OVER LAST YEAR'S PRICES Do not come here expecting to pay exorbitant prices for underwear, based on the present prices of wool. The underwear we are selling was bought last December on the basis of last season's wool crop,' and while there are advances in prices they are so trifling that they are hardly mentionable. But . take a hint—buy your needs this season and buy , enough, to do you for the next season too. Below are a few prices. , Standfield Red Label $3.00 - Tiger Brand, heavy $2.50 Red Scotia $1.50 Scotch Knit $1.50 Fleece tined • $1.25 Boys' Fleece .50 Men's heavy ribbed wool and cotton $1 . 50 Warm, Cozy, Underwear _FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Every possible effort has b.een spent toward giv- ing yoU the very best possible underwear values. - To the end that by diligent searchink and careful - buying -we have assembled a stock that should prove of very special interest to every woman in Seaforth and vicinity. Space will not permit of description, and after all, seeing is believing. Come in and see. Special DISPLAY OF FASHIONABLE CLOTHING -AND FURNISHINGS will be delighted with% the luxurious cosy comfort of the Overcoats, the Smart Style of the Suits, the soft warmth of the Underwear and the snappy at- tractiveness,of the Furnishings. But the most pleas- ing feature of the whole display is THE REASONABLE PRICES ° Every Man and Boy—and Woman too—is heartily invited to call and inspect this magnificent stock. , When you have seen it, you will know there is no stock in Huron County to equal it for size, for variety or Low Prices. WE WILI,4 EXPECT YOU IN Child's white ribbed cotton Underwear, long sleeves and legs. a All sizes, regular 75c values Special Price 39c • New Sty e Caps Fall is the great Cap season. There.is noth- ing so ,comfortable or serviceable in the blow- ing, blustering. days of Autunan as a good Cap. We have some very at- . tractive new shapes in special fall patterns and PRICE 50e to $1.50 • Women's Coats in Styles You'll Like COATS' OF EXQUISITE DESIGN,CHARMING IN EVERY DETAIL, FRQM THE GRACEFUL FOLDS OF THEIR ATTRACTIVE LARGE COL- LARS TO 1THE BOTTOM HEM, AND EVERY GARMENT IS TEMPTINGLY PRICED. Surely not for many a season have Women's Coats ,been so attractive, so sensible, Old so eminently . comfortable—three reasons why -you should buy your, New Coat this season and buy it here. There is another reason, a dollars and cents rea- son. With the present unprecedented high price of wool which will surely present itself in -next season's garments, it is the very lighest economy to buy one of these sensible, comfrotable, attractive Coats 'now while you can procure one at comparatively reason- able prices. WE HAVE A COAT TO SUIT YOU $15.00 to $65 00 Scores of Modish New Fur Sets AT MODERATE PRICES Women's Cashmer- SLAM'S UNDERWEAR There is a genuine bargain in. kniOsilk fleece, all sizes. Special Price 39c This has always been an exceptionally good Fur Store. The superiority of our Fur Department was perhaps never so clearly demonstrated ais it is this Fall. Not only because of their* lustrous beauty, their artistic designs and genuine reliability, but especially because they are so attractively price But the great outstanding reason why you shoul buy here is because we personally guarantee every fur we sell. COME AND SEE Tli-EM DRIED APPLES WANTED 10 CENTS PER POUND Stewart Bros. SEAFORTIEI DRIED APPLES WANTED TO CENTS PiR •