HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-10-03, Page 6• • _ • 6 'MONEY SQUANDERED AS NEVER BEFORE - Is it a paradox that at a time when there is a greater outcry against the high cost of living than ever in his- tory, there should be a corresponding', revel in luxury? Is it- a contradietion or is one the cause or partly the cause of the other. Without attempt- ing to give a conclusive answer it is aevertheless interesting to call atten- tion to the observations of Remsen Crawforda writer in the New York Times, who gives some details of the unprecedented wave of spending that has swept the United States in the summer now passing. Never before was so much money spent upon the things that are not necessities than in the past four monthsand never before was so much money spent up- on the things that are necessities, but by the rest of the population. A photograph. is reproduced by the Times shoWing Broadway blocked by a crowd attempting to enter a mov- ing picture theatre, one of the places where tickets sell for a dollar or two dollars. There are hundreds in the A • picture, and most of them appear to be picture was. taken some time after Jute lst. Similar sights upon' a smaller scale are to be found in every other American and Canadian city. Have we not seen in Toronto long lines of people standing; maybe for hours, to enter a favorite theatre un - the spectator might suppose it to b a liquor. dispensary • in the days o the influenza epidemic? With the A-merican national debt eimbiug ,toward the thirty billion thark and the (cost of the necessar- ies of life from 80 per cent. to 100 Per cent, higher than they were four year ago, seven millions of dollars' worth of diamonds are entering the Country each month, in addition to the other millions' worth that are Smuggled. The editor of the Jeweler's Circular, official organ of the National )-ewelers' Board of Trade, .says that it has been one continuousi-Christroas ,season all summer. In the past there have been two main seasons of sale, Christmas and Easter, but there has Ogen no let up all this year. Men, women and children -in all conditions of life are putting money in pr e ous stones as never before. The editor believes that many of them are doing this for investment purposes, and not for nere vulgar display, but it has been Observed that many people who buy precious stones to decorate them- selves salve their consciences with the pretense that they are making a wise [investment The fact that diamonds are always easily pawned and that money an be raised upon them more rea,dilty than upon almost any other property, is a reason why certain s of people like to invest -in etas dia nds. Au omobiles are being sold far in advaijce of the factory output, and many peop hundreds ;,if not -thous- ands of them, who cannot find the preciee pitch of luxury and extrav- aganCe they require in any ready made car are 'having special bodies built. The motor market, of course, is not a, true index of the rise of luxury. Perhaps the great majority of people who drive cars can make moneY out of them. by saving time or labor, in which case the purchase pf a car is to be regarded as an • 'qFlifett-55MX.i...14MSAY zatt-MX.Efa.7.4;21, ' 7., ,,W.A.,-KlitICOS‘):,...! .• Toronto,_ se.p.tearbas lb Ileceilit ih'creby adknowlecged from .:ths..;..ONT AR T 0...13P,EITEMS. 1.330.0 1AT ..undAr...a._013.411sugs..,agrassient....ext.A.s....this_AVAQ..2111e 0111.ARIAL. . ..11137iiEREIta.mLc1iO:.grays....that .2411_ enb t Manager, Ontario Br Ettleh. • TO THE REFERENDUM C M ITTEE The Ontario Brewers' Association can no longer disregard the = attempts of the Ontario Referendum Committee tO mislead the peopleof this Province in the forthcoming ReferendUm. In its campaign literature the Referendum Committee has cor- rupted the statutory`-boilot as set out below, and its advertising positively asserts that the light beer to be voted. on is intoxicating. The Referendum Committee is either misinformed or is deliber- ately misguiding the people for a purpose. The purpose is to make the voters believe that they are voting for or against intoxicating, beer. Examine carefully the two ballots reproduced below. Government Statutory Referendum Committee's Ballot Paper Question 2. ARE you in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than two and fifty-one one hundredths per cent. alcohol weight measure through Government Agencies and amendments to the Ontario Temperance Act to permit such sale ? Question 3. ARE you in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than two and fifty-one one hundredths per cent. alcohol weight measure in Standard Hotels in local municipalities that by a majority vote favor such sale and amendments to the Ontario Temperance Act to permit such sale ? Question 4. ARE you in favor of the sale of spirituous and malt liquors through Government Agencies and amend- 4. ARE you in favor o !the sale of all ments to the Ontario Temperance Act to permit such kinds of spirituous and malt liquor in sale ? Government Agencies ? Distortion 2. ARE you in favor of the SALE Or INTOXICATING BEER in Government Agencies ? 3. ARE you in favor of the SALE OF INTOXICATING BEER in Standard Hotels ? The Government Ballot clearly shows that the public is only to vote for or against the sale of beer contain- ing not more than 2.51 per cent. alcohol by weight. BEER CONTAININC 2.51 PER CENT. ALCOHOL BY WEIGHT 18 NON-INTOXICATINC To establish that the 2.51 per cent. beer to be voted on is not intoxicating, the Ontario Brewers' Association have deposited $5,000 withlhe Canada Permanent Trust Company, and they hereby challenge the Ontario Refer- endum Committee to deposit an equal amount with the same Trust Com- pany to prove that beer containing, 2.51 per cent. alcohol by weight is intOxicating, or admit that their literature is deceiving the electorate. Upon tie investigation, the losers are to forfeit their deposit to a ,charity or charities to be named by the Investigating Board. The investigation is to take place before a nominee of the Ontario Referendnm Committee, a nominee of the Ontario Brewers' Association, and the third nominee to be agreed on by the two persons so, chosen -L --and if they fail to agree, to be named by the Lieutenant -Governor of Ontaiio. This Challenge to be answered immediately by the Ontario Referendum Committee. • Ontario Brewers ssociation -stoht•-1,M19110PW.ties - vat., .4.autaSt.d.att.Pw • .ftingt....• SINGS 01870 301M4C9U9HS economy, not, an extravagance. The hates, despite prohibition, are hav- ing the greatest season in their his- tory. Despite the fact that rates have gone up, summer hotels renting rooms at from $7 to $?5 a day have had an amazingly prbfitable sum- mer. It is said that in the United States not fewer than 350 new hotels November to May are simply too awful for words. The cold nearly killed me, and I still have to keep fires in the bedrooms on account of the north wind which blows _Cold at night. Then, the fogs, the rain and the snow] with the ice jammed up on the strip of the Zuyder Zee Which cuts off Wier- ingenefrom the Mainland make condi- tions so wretched that I thought I should die. It was literally impossible to keep warm.. The nights were long and I missed the society of cultured people. I am fond, too, of the opera and good music and scientific lectures on interesting subject—all lacking in Wieringhen." Plainly the sort of peace that the Prince is having has. it hon rors much greater than those to which' he was personally exposed in the war. have been planned for construction will ec)steach. Onae 7oiflliotnhe doeldliatro.srorofnitahree headquarters. At Wieringhen he leads' used frequently to entertain actresses It is well known that the Crown Prmce before next summer. Some of these and singers from Berlin at his field a blameless life, and he added with a Hotel Review, after a tour of the , country from coast to coast, includ- touch of regret."One has to." His ing some Western Canadian Cities, health appears to have improved, and reports a condition of prosperity many inquiring friends -will be glad to know that the former heir to the never approached in theepast. The German throne looks the picture o:! leading hotels have found it.. diffi- cult to find accommodation for their robust health and vigor, guests. People who a few years ago Apparently the Prince is not under would be looking for furnished rooms surveillance. There are no sentries al-, his door, andhe roams about -the are now demanding expensive euites. Y. little island pt will. To leave it he Although gaiabling is supposedly abolished in New York State where might require the permission of the most of the great tracks are situat- Dutch authorities. and he has made just one visit since he took up his ed, it is 'probable that never in the residence. That was to see his mother heyday of the sport has so much at Amersfort. He has not seen his money been wagered as in the pa-st season. It has been no uncommen father nor any other member of the ebbing for attendance to run„ to 25,- family since last November. He plans to return to Germany when the Peace 000 a day. At Saratoga the price of admission for club seats was 8, and Treaty is finally, ratified and antici- $3.50 for the grand stand, the cheap- pates no objection raised in any quer- est admission being $ 10. This ter, but his father, he says, will prob- 14. means that it was not imusual for ably stay in Holland for some years, the club to take in from $60,000 to he haying invested considerable money $100,000 in 'a day. Yet this was the at Doorn with this ed in view. The smallest indication of the money young Hohenzollern has large estates spent. One day when the betting was in Silesia and contemplates spending the rest of his life in looking- after unusually free an operator estimated that bout 2,000,000 had changed them, having no fear, apparently, that a$ hands. •Moreover, what is bet at a they will be confiscated by the German race is a fraction of what is bet Government nor that if he leaves Hol- land his extradition will be demanded elsewhere, -for there is hardly a trips large office building • in the United by. .the Allies. He declares ,that his Kaiser, States—and this goes also for Can- father, rather. than face a criminal in ada—that is not Visited daily by a trial, would kill himself, and added, on handbook man who takes bets on the "One has always cne's honor, -y rhaecldes. in New Cuba or wherevarl else they are being Yerk or Kentucky or having- ou ethe islan:. three wid There has - been an unusually lot of money spent in other forms of gambling, too, in the past year, and' while the games*are not conducted as they were in Canfield's day, pro- bably the stakes have been just as high in . bridge and poker. It is •to be noted that the big players are not as a rule the men and women who have been known as plunger.; in the east, but comparative strangers from all parts of the country about whom little is known except that they carry a big wad and the sky is their favorite limit. Only in one field of luxurious outlay has there been a marked diminu- tion. That is in yachting„ for not many of the yachts lent to the Gov- ernment by men of wealth have been put it cOmmission, but as the late Mr. Tarte observed, "Wait till you see us next year." One partial explanation . of the vast expenditure upon luxury is that while. the war was on there was a great campaign for economy. People saved as a Rational duty. Now they are break- ing loose. - Moreover, millions of them -invested in. • war bonds. The war being endedthey are selling their bonds and blowing in the proceeds. Others not having the opportunity to buy beer with their wages and thus deprive their families of the necessaries of life, are going to the movies and the races and buying their families diamonds and lim- ousines. 1123 Fresh, rich, full -flavored tea —the same every time SE EA:is good tea* & Sold onin sealed packages a 1 1 •1 1 • Comfort Lys is a very powerful cleanser. It' is used for cleaning up the oldest and hardest dirt, grease, etc. Comfort iirst is fine for making sinks, drains and closets sweet and clean. Comfort Lye Kills rats, mice, roaches and insect pests. Comfort Lys will • do the hardest spring cleaning you've got. Comfort Lyo is good for making soap. It's powdered , perfumed and 100% pure. is splendid for 1 1 11 11 40 a 1 EX -CROWN PRINCE ON BLEAK ISLAND - One gathers from an article in the New York Times by T. Walter Wil- liams that the ex -Crown Prince of Germany is having rather an uncom- fortable tune on the little Dutch island where he is marooned partly through his own desire and partly because of the wishes of the 'German Government. He is living in no guilty splendor, but in a four -roomed house, and the fact that it was formerly the resi- dence of the village pastor is suf- ficient guarantee of the extreme sim- plicity of the appurtenances. It has two bedrooms, one occupied by the Prince ea the other by the two Ger- man officers who share his exile. His valets live in adjoining quarters. There is no bathroom in the house, of course, and the kitchen, where a German chef presides, is situated in a small wooden structure built in the front garden. From photographs we .would gather that the place would rent for asbout $8 a month to a Hollander, and that the Prince may have to pay as much as $9. In the summer the village and the surrounding country are very pleasant to _ the eye, but in winter— Hark to • the wail of the Hohen- zollern: "The winter months from Mathes Specific 6alleones 24 liours THE Never -Failing Remedy for Appendicitis Indigestion, Stomach Disorders, Appendicitis and Kidney Stones - are often caused by Gall Stones, and mislead people until those bad attacks ofGail Stone Colic appear. NOt one in ten Gan Stone Sufferers knows what is tbe trouble. Illarlatt's Specific will cure without pale or oper- ation. For sale at all druggists. . Recommended by E. 'Limbach Diquist, Seaf‘rth, Ont $ .0R • vho is kept a virtual pris- castle.. The son takes s motorcycle,. although as is only six miles long and know." Ile would aot a.dmit e, and has only 3,000 in - the slighte• t.st political ambitions or there is - not much sport desire to re-establish the German tor always be reaiy to assist 'his country , sketches handball monarchy, but declared that he would in any way. At present he believes : has been that the best way to assist is to keep . presence, away, being no such numbskull as orite potn the cartoonists have represented him. • Points in Mr. Williams says that the Prince ' it ooners. does not take the war seriously and view ani comments upon it in the detached Dutch ne manner of an observer, rather than "treme in all , ed the world, topsy turvy, he said, hi as a conspicuous actor. It had turn- - and, it will be fully fifty years before WHY M normal financial. living and indus- trial coaditions are restored. If it had stoiiiped in 1917, before the Kant the Scoto-German philosopher began his name with an alien "k" on United States took part, hundreds of thousands of lives would have the same principle that caused Mur- dock, the Scottish coal gas discoverer been spared and conditions would be to bring his to an ena with a "k". If much better than they are to -day. you turnj to Murdock's biographers He seemed to think that the Allies you final them explaining that Mur - are to blame for having kept up the dock wits a "k" is the English form fight, and it is to be admitted that of kura ch with an ,,h." But the. Germany did everything in her power great gas man himself explained that to make the struggle short, and lie made the change in spelling "to had hoped to terminate it before the oblige th English among whom he winter of 1914. From what we lived." e found that they had a. dif- iersion cyclist. He also on the beach and plays in the garden. The place nut on the map by his and it has become a fav - for excursionists from other Holland and for' honey - The Prince is constantly on renays the. kindness of his ghbors by not resenting the uriosity which they evince s comings and goings. ea- -MOOCH WAS SPELLED WITH A "K" have learned hitherto of the charac- ter of the former Crown Prince it is hardly to he expected that he shorld realize that the war was the most terrible crime in history, and that history will hold his father primar- ily responsible' for - it while it will probably decide that the son contri- buted lergely to the plot against civilization. It is not sto ,be inferred from this that the Prince is insane. Indeed, he talks well and intelligent- ly ,about current affairs. The answer to the riddle appears to be that he in common with the junkers is un- moral. He is kept well supplied with reading matter, and has occasional visitors from Germany. One of them is Karl von Wiegang, the American newspaper . correspendent, who comes sometimes to spend the week end,, and who is regarded as a personal friend. He .reakes it a rule not to talk to newspaper correspon- dents, he says, because of the garbl- ed' accounts. of former conversatiops which have been published and be- cause they have injured Germany, and have made his father furious. His lot, though, is not as unpleas- ant, he believes as that of the ex - 111111M111111. 2111111111111111•1 1 IN 1 1 1 I 1 ett . . ficulty in nounciati so he ma THE ANI The sl at the ing to th long as and habi goes to head in visitors _ early ri and othe the nigh iving "the full guttural pro - n" to the last syllable—and e things easy. LEEPING HABITS OF IALS IN CAPTIVITY eping hours of the animals oo" vary as greatly accord - families to which they be - o their other characteristics s. The big orang-outang ied at sundown draping its blanket and refusing to see after dusk. It is also an er. With the lions, tigers, - members of the cat tribe, finds them at their liveliest, and they sleep most between midday meal and supper -time. The eagles go to sleepl just about the time their neighbours in the owl cage are waking up, whil' the bears, during the winter months, apparently sleep all day and all' night too. The residents of the monkey Ihouse object seriously to be- ing disthrbad -after dark, and if one of the keepers happens to take a light into their quarters they ,scold him unmercifully. On the other hand it would probably ,take as dynamite bomb to arouse ,the rhinoceros. "OASCARETS"' WORK Wiiitif YOU SLEEP For Sick' Headache, Sour Stomach. Sluggish Liver and Bowels— ' Take Cas -carets tonisht, Furred: Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges- tion, Sallow Skin and Alisera.blellead- aches come from a torpid „liver and clogged bowels, which cause -your stom- ach to beemhe filled wi undigested food, which sours and fe e ents like gar- bage in A swill barrel That'e the first step to untold miser indigestion, foul gases, bad breath, sellow skin, mental fears ; everything at is horrible and na.useatieg. 4 aaecaret to -night will give your eons .ated bowels a thorough cleansing; and straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep -- a 10 -cent box from your druggist will keep you feeling good. for months. LIFT CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or callusoffwith fingers . Don't Suffer ! A tiny bottle of, rreezone costs but a few cents at any icang store. Apply a, few drops on the corns, calluses and. "hard. skin' on bot tom of feet, then lift them off. When.Freezone removes corns froratolid. toes or talluses from the bottom of feet, -the skin beneath is left pink and health and never sore, tender or irritted ATTENTIO Sick Women re - ae, To do your duty during these trying times your health shou14 be your first consideration. These two women tell how they found heeilth. Hallam, Pa.—"I teak Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Coiapormd for female troubles and a dis- placement. I felt all rim do vvn and w .103 very weak. I had been treated by a physician without results, so decided to give Lydia E. Pinkham't a trial, and felt better right away.' since last April and doing all ntyhot I was unable to do any work. ?Lydia table Omni:mid is certainly the:best take when in this condition. I give yo this Ietter."—Mrs. E. R. CAVIEGING, Vegetable Compound I am keeping Ihouse sework, where before E. Fiuldram's Vege- nedicine a woman can permission to publish R. No. 1, Hallam, Pa. Mich.—"T suffered from raimps and dragging down pains, was irregular and had entale weakness and displacement. 1 began to take Lydia E. Finkham's Vege- table Compound which gave me reliefj at once and restored snyhealth. I should like torecom1nen1 Lydia E. Finkham's remedies to all suffering women who re troubled in a simi- lar way."—Mrs. Elim R.No, 6 Box ,Lowelljailoh• Why Not ry t. 1.••• .11.• 4.0 ow* IV* te••• Itt•• *Mt #0.• .••••• ••.• Wt. ma. l•t• OW. arm. at • woa ••••• Yew am••• "mi• Ma. IMP ;11011(lcitoi "You Ch bl r "W fell asit Those w will:Ane lkio :aal\d'' yourseif ee;enene i a ll it moIg.baste.,a ue• locee af fleets:- pap teiinnaaggine'a nlitonhnsre• icalteres One of I. wrialiPoLliieye at the f : doubt was taa apoplexy living ai len into you. Y scalp wo staggere to die. exceerat the ietec for you in hidin fordt oi nlredhhelad v slowl no sound even"risThe. how you stt le ler 1 new: n ht 'wee a portion, ;id ,:tgoorinlettinsrjoonntttg, c?autrse • bi t first we 1,velltmiil ar aw beck to NvirieeWC-0111.ke bit you f‘e f froi ed to giv the mat Wilsoi forward • 1= , •