HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-09-26, Page 5dyed and we are
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tould be without
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...SI .40. $1 50.
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— —73 cents.
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26, 1919
Barn Burned.—Fite from an unknoviix
-cause completely destroyed the -barn,
nevr driving shed, etc„ of Mrtertian'
tabilligan, 3rd concession of Logan, two
and one-half miles north of the vil-
lage,- at eight p.m., Thursday night
*The season's crop had been threshed
the previous day and much sympathy
is felt for. Mr. Mulligan* who is a
very industrious farmer.
Union Meetmg.—A joint.meeting of
the liberals and Temperance support-
ers will be held in the Po/Testers' Hall,
Constance, on Thursday evening, Oct.
-2nd, at 8p.m, for the purpose of
Oelecting delegates to attend the
Centre Huron Liberal Convention at
Seaforth on Monday, October 6th, and
the appointing of scrutineers for the
. Referendum on October goth, Thomas
Livingstone and George Stephenson,
nnouncement.-1VIr. John Smale, of
a, announces the engagement .of
his daughter, Isabella May,. to Wm.
Robt. Stephenson, of Varna, the mar-
riage to take place early in Octobers,. ,
Women's Institute.—The regular
kteeting of the Women's Institute will
J e held in the town hall on Friday
afternoon, September 26th. A good
programme is being prepared.. We
. also expect to have our district presi-
dent, Mrs. Currie, of St. Marys, pre-
Notes.—Mrs. Con. Eckert is at
present spending some of her time in
the nursing line. Mr. Thomas McKay
was presented last Friday with a
-bouncing baby bo‘y by his wife --Miss
Mary Ellen Dempsey is attending the
Seaforth Collegiate„ and seems' -to be
delighted with her work.—Miss 'Vera
Eckert is attending the Stratford
Normal School' ---Mr. C. Eckert and
son, J. M. Eckert, called on friends
last Sunday.
Thank Offering Meeting.—The an-
nual thank -offering meeting of the
W.. M. S. will be held in Union 6hurch,
Brumfield, on, October 5th, Rev. S.
McLean, of Egmondville, will Conduct
the services for the day. The mis-
sionary sermon will be preached in
the morning. The thankoffering en-
velopes are to be given out next Sun-
day, September 28th. We hepe all
the women will respond as the need is
so great. .We have been asked to
double our contributions this year.
' Blacksmith Shop to Rent—To rent in the
village of Chiselhurst a good blacksmith shop,
splendid location, excellent shoeing stand. The
late owner carried on business for Over 20
Years; There is on the premises a full set of
tools and a quantity of stock which would be
sold to renter. APPIY M. Anguk McKaig,
`Kippen, R. R. No. 2. 27024
Notes.—Robert Ross McLean -is
home again being amongst the lait to
return from overseas.—Gorclon Wren
has returned from the west after -
helping with the harvest.—The rains
of last week end have done a great
deal of good, putting the land in fine
condition for plowing.
A Good Show Record.—Messrs. T.
McMichael & Son, the well known
`breeders of this Township, 'made a
good show record at the reCent Ex-
hibitions in Toronto and London., At
'Toronto they took 4th and 5th for
aged Clydesdale stallions, 2nd and 4th
for two-year-old Clyde fillies and lst
for one -year-old roadster -fitly: This
-colt was sired by Mr. C. Ritl.ey's horse,
Emperor McKinney. At tondon they
captured lst and sweepstakes And
Clydesdale Association Prize u aged
stallion class, 3rd for three -Year-old
Clydesdale stallion, 2nd and 3rd for
two-year-oid Clyde filly and lst and
sweepstakes for year old roadster filly.
Thire will 'be sold by public auction at
Cromarty, on Monday, September 29th, at 1
o'clock, the old' store 60 feet long, in three.
divieions or in one parcel, also democrat wagon
with pole and shafts, 2 40-gallen steel ta:nks
an 1 galvanized water trougi. 2702-1
Notes.—At -Ehe Thank offering Ser-
vices on Sunday last, in connettion
with the W. F. M. S., Dr. Margaret
Patterson, of Toronto, gave an excel-
lent and very inspiring address. Mrs..
Patterson spent ten years in India
as a Medical Missionary. While there
has been a great work done among
the people of India, she expressed the
fact of the pressing need of teachers
and workers to carry on the great
work yet to be done among the people
of India.—Mrs. Donald McKellar is at
present visiting with her sister, Mrs.
George Hamilton, of Galt.—A number
of friends and relatives attended the
funeral of the late John Barr , of
Stratford. The remains were brought
to Roy's cemetery for interment. Mr,
Barr was born and lived near Crom-
arty and. was, a few 'years ago, a
resident of Cromarty. Mr. Barr had
been in poor health for some time but
his death came very sudden and un-
expected at the last.
Notes.—Mrs. William Kain is not
etei7oying very good health at present.
—Silo filling; is the order of the day.
Anybody who has iioos to fill would
be wise in getting Mr. Wm. Jarrott
at the job as he fills them up in 'half
day.—Don't forget the anniversary
services in Hills Green church on Sun-
day, September 2'Rth.—Mr. Roy Consitt
has the earpenters at work_ bungling
a place for his gasoline engine, which
he purchased the past week. Roy is
getting' ready to supply the farmers
With writer for threshing. Also Mr.
Webster Turner has invested in a
gasoline engine and washing machine,
-which When completed, will be taking
in viahinc.r. Webster likes to be kind'
to his neig-hIgn.s.—Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Troyer, frenq (7eurtland, and ]Jr. and
Mrs. Geerge Hudson and Mrs. Troyer
from liensall, visited at Mr. Edmund
Trop.r.1 cver Suh(Iay.—A few of our
neigl'beri are Wing in the Johnston
atr;,;! C, • Nv.e.ding near Seaforth
• Weddin P.: bells will be
rtagin' n Parr 'Line next week.
Bre,- --Mr. F. A, Eflwards is
sperteirf.,. t' -o v.-ec ks visiting friends at
London and Lobo.—Mrs. George Erwin
of Prince Albert, Sask., is visiting
friends in tl4r. village 9 t,
t 61- dnte of La5,-(1.,-to Fall
:Far, Tuesday an Wedneday. Sept.
and Ort. lst. Having increased.
the T0r.17:0 liSt this year we expect to
have a bigger and better fair than
ever. A grand concert will be held
in the town hall on fair night, when
a first class -comedian will take part
also a quartette of singers, ',dancers
and fun maker's. This will be 'the
treat of the season Mr. and Mrs.
Orval weston, of Detroit are at pres-
ent visiting' friends in the village.—
There are still a number of summer
visitors in the village enjoying the
scenery of the lake and the beautiful
breezes.—Mrs, Stott's _fine residence
on the Ilitnk will soon be ready for
occupancy and is a beautiful up-to-
date house.
Thames Road Notes.—TRev. J. Foote,
c,f Exeter, preached in Bethany last
Sunday afternoon. His discourse was
splendid and was much enjoyed by the
congregation. This was Mr. Footes
first appearance in this church but
it is hoped it will not be the
Mr. A. C. .Whitlock, of St. 'Thomas,
speniethe week end at his home here.
—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dennison, of
London', visited relatives here over
Sfinday. 1VIiss Pearl Cann, who is at-
tending Business College in London
was home over the week end.—Mrs
A. M. Wilson, of Greenway, district
organizer of the W. M. S.,' visited
Bethany Auxiliary on Monday aft,er- •
noon.—On Monday ,evening of last
week R. large number met in the Pres-
byterian church to accord a welcome
to Messrs. Cahrles 'Allison, Archie
Morgan and Leslie Harper, three sol-
diers of the congregation lately re-
turned. A varied programme was
given by local talent. The bos were
presented with a Bible and Hymn book
and they each expressed Ids thanks
and appreciation in a feeling manner.
A lunch was served itt the basement
of the church as a fitting climax._
Silo filling is very much the order of
the day in this vicinity.
t •
(Continued' from page 4).
Hess, J. G. Forrest; Battenburg l*c
J. G. Forrest, Miss G Hess; Tentriff
lace, T. Johnston; Irish crochet la
F. Keegan, W. L. Siebert; dra
threed work, Miss G. Hess, G. Glen
'fancy atIon, F. Keegan,. D. Koehle
kitchen a ron, T., Johnston, D. Decke
Sr.; linen laundry bag, J. G. Forres
T. Johnston; hand or fancy bag, Mie
C4.. Hess, H. 'Well; 12 button holes,
dress, 6 tailor, H. Well, T. Johnston
collection of tatting, W. L. Siebert,
Koehler; cushion for den, F—Keega
W. L. Siebert; hemstitched on pillo
cases, Ty. Johnston, R. Geiger; be
room slippers, F. Keegan; braided rea
F. Keegan,G. Glenn; dining room lin
en, 5. G. Forrest, W. L. Siebert
:crochet towel, W. L. Siebert, C. Eilber
day Slips and sheet it eroch.et, C
Eilber, J. G. Forrest; collection ladie
underwear in eralet, J. G. Forms
R. Geiger; infant's erahet set,' H. H
Neeb, M. Rader; table mats, J. Garch
G. Glenn; fancy table runner, F
Keegan, J. G. Forrest; pierced brass
J. G. Forrest; Roman cut work, 'Ja G
Forrest, Te Johnston; best and new
est collection ladies' work. R. Geiger
J. G-: Forrest,
Quilt Sewed on ground work, H.
Well, R. F. Stade; quilt, woollen,
coarse, T. Johnston, J. Decker, Sr.;
quilt, woollen, fine, 3. Decker, Sr., E.
Haberere coverlet woven wool, T,
johniton; log cabin quilt, cotton., H.
IL Neeb, J. Pfaff; patchwork ql.t
silk, T. Johnston, J. G. Forrest; pa, h
work quilt, cotton, R. Geiger, I. T.
Johnston; counterpane, tufted; W. B.1
& Son, II. Well; counter-
pane knitted, F. Keegan, H. Well;
counterpane, crochet, H. Well, J.
Decker, Sr.; counterpane etching work,
J. Pfaff, P. Haberer; counterpane,
dravm, J. Decker, Sr.; ladies' all wOol
cape, crochet, T. Johnston, F. Keegan;
home-neade` carpet, rags, T. Johnston'
H. Well; home made hearth rug, wool,
J. J. Berry, J. -•Gascho; home ". made
hearth rug, iF.. Keegan, J. J. Berry;
5 yards flannel, cotton warp, M. Rader,
H. H. Neeb; best wool yarn, homespun,
H. H. Neeb, M. Rader; tidy, crochet
cotton, H. Well, C. Eilber; tidy knnit-
ted cotton, T.' Johnston, M. Rader;
,Afgan Or slumber Tug in silk, Miss G.
Hess, C. Eilber; hand sewing, F. Kee-
gan, H: Well; woollen stockings, knit-
ted fine, II. H. Neeb, Well; Wollen
stockings, knitted coarse, W. B,
Blackwell & Son; woollen mitts knit-
ted fine, H. H: Neeb, T. Johnston;
woollen mitts knitted. coarse, W. B.
Blackwell & Son, T. J. Berry; wool
socks, T. 3. Berry, F. Keegan; fine
wool socks, H H. Neeb; best darned
stockings, D. Koehler, T. Johnston;
farmer's blankets home made, wool, H.
H. Neeb, farmer's blankets home made
union, M. Rader; collection crochet in
wool, 11. 11. Neeb; child's bonnet in
wool &Pellet, H, H. Neeb, M. Rader.
Judges—Mrs. R. Welsh, Exeter;
Mrs. S. Fitton, -Exeter.
Oil painting, portrait, J. G. Forrest;
oil painting, landscape, J. Preeter,
May Lamont;water coler, landscape,
T. Johnston, May Lamont; crayon
work, portrait, J. Ferrest, T. Johnston;
oil or water color flowers, J. G. For-•
rest; hair drester's work, H. H. Neeb,
J. Decker, Sr.; pencil drawing, W. L.
Siebert, J. G. Forrest; pen and ink
sketch. J. G. Forrest, T. Johnston;
penmanship, J. G. Forrest, T. Johns-
ton; painting on felt, J. G. Forrest,
T. Johnston; painting On silk, J. G.
Forrest, H. Well,
Collection of flowers, any kind not i
less than 6 pot grown n the house or
garden, 3. J. Berry, A. Johnston &
Son; maple leaf, T, Johnston, A.
Johnston & Son; bouquet of flowers,
J. J. Berry, T. Johnston; collection- of
Geraniums, 3 varieties, 3. J. Berry,
Wurm; collection of Cacti, 3 varie-
ties., T. Johnston, J. J. Berry; collec-
tion of Calla Lilies, 3 varieties, J. J.
Berry, A, Johnston & Son; collection
of Pansies. 3 varieties, D. A. McKin-
non, A. Johnston & Son; collection of
Fuchias, 3 varieties, A. Johnston &
Son, J. J. Berry.
Collection of garden vegetables, any
variety. H.. H. Neeb, 3. Decker, Jr.;
collectinn mounted weeds, L. Prang,
H. H. Neeb; collection weed seeds, F.
Kalbfleiseh, W. True-mner; doll outfit,
L. Prang, D. Canipbell; -writing, under
10 years old, D. Campbell, F. Mittle-
holtz; writing, over 10 years old, F.
Decker, Mrs. Heywood; art. under 10
years old F. Kalbfieisch, J. Black-
well. '
Judge—N. E. Dahms.
Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Sept. 23.—
The quotations were: Choice 12DIVY 'tarp
612.50 to $13; good heavy steers $12.60 to$13;
butchers' cattle. choice, $12.00 to. 612.60;
do. good, $11.25 to. $11.50; do. medium; $10
to 110.75; do. common, $7.00 to $7.50;
bulls, choice, $10 to $10.60; do. medium
19.50 to $9.75; do. rough, 37.50 to $8.00;
tom, choice. $10 to 610.76; do. good, $9.00
ot $9.25; do. medhen. $6.00 to $9 ;_09, eo_nln19,
$7 to $7.50; stockers ;7.50 to 110; feeders
$10 to 111.25; canners and cutters, $4.50
to $6.25; milkers, good to choice, $110 to
1140; do. ,coni. and med., $66 to $75; springers
$90 to $150; light ewes, $7.50 to $9; yearlings
*9 to $10; spring lambs,- per cwt., 112.00-1
to $12.75 calves, good to choice. $17.50. to,
$21.50; hogs, fed and watered, 118.25;- 40.0'
weighed off cars, $18.50; do., f.o.b., $17.25;
do., do., to 'farmers, 117.00.
Lamont—In Roxboro, on September 13th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lamont, a son (IlarveY,
Brown ---In Wroxeter, on September 12th,. to
Mr. and Mra. Thos. Brown, a daughter. '
Davis—In groderich, on Friday, September
5th, to Reeve Davis and Mrs. Davis, a
daughter. a .
IHarburn—At Staffa, on September iith, to the
late James Henry Harburn and' Mrs. Har-
burn, a daughter.
McCool—Miller.—At Wesley parsonage, on
September llth, by the Rev. 1), N. Mc-
Camus, Elsie May Miller, to lames Armand
McCool, all of Hullett
•Thompoon.---:In. Stanley township, on Sept
14th, Sarah • Baird, wife of Alexander
Thompson, aged 68 years and 11 months.
Haeburn.—At Staffa, on September 7th, Jas.
Henry Harburn, Aged 40 years, 9 months
and 23 days.
Note.—Items under this head will be charg-
ed 50c per single verse and 26c for each
additional yeree. •
In loving memory of Corp. William Hart,
who died of wounds at Cambria on Sept.
29th, .1918.
Freely he gave his life that we,
Might taste the sweets of liberty,
Thrice blessed be his memory
We' will not weep, a. iife so given
Will not forgotten be in Heaven.
Wife and FarnilY.
rooraed house on James Street, Seaforth.
Two lots- and good barn. Apply to MRS.
ROBERT. WILLIS, Seaforth. 27024
'TA few 01.14 to operate sewing machines.
W. E. SANDFORD Mfg. Co., Seaforth. Phone
59. 2692-tf
" a number of pure bred Shropshire Down
Ram Shearlings for sale. Apply oil Lot 20,
Concession 10,, Hullett W. G. ROSS, Londes-
bozo. . 2702x4
Mitchell and sons, Alex. and Donald, wish
to express their sincere thariks to (their many
friends and neighbors for the kindness shown
them during the illness and .death bf husband
and father. 2701x1
• our garden and orchards. Ask for our
; weekly price lista.. HEROLD'S. FARMS, Fruit-
land, Ontario. Niagara' District. 2690-12
-•-• pigs, about ready to wean. Apply to
forth; phone 19 on 614. • 2700-2
and family wish to express their sincere-
thanks to their many friends and neighbors
;for the kindness shown tkem during the ill-
ness and death of wife and mother.. 2702x1
1-1- They are first class cream cows and will
be sold cheap if taken in September. I am
out of pasture and have no stable for winter,.
CHARLES BARNE'lli, Railway Street, Sea -
forth. -2702-tf
'1. cottage in Egmondville containing, 4
•rooms with cellar, kitcheu and frame summer
kitchen, all in good repair; good frame barn.
The house is situated on one acre of. land.
Mao for sale Nil. 2 separator, Standard make.
For further par 'ciders apply on tht premises
or addrees Eg ondville post office. FERD-
INAND BURGARD. • 2692x4 tf
a half storey brick house in first class
repair, with electric lights, good cellar; also
lament cistern and back kitchen. The lot
hontains one acre land with chicken .fence,
also good stable and hen house .neaely. new.
Apply to the undersigned on the south-west
dorner of ?VIM Road, Egmondville, J. IL
VIcCATJ'LEY. 2702x2
, . house, cement foundation, hard and soft
f'water, each part eontains six rooms with
'woodshed attached. Aleo 1 single dwelling
Laso use, seven rooms, cistern, woodshed, etc,
one lot with good well. All centrally
4ituated, on Jarvis Street. For further par-
ticulars • apply to MR. WILLIAM MORRISON,
arvis Street, Seaforth. P. 0, Box 402.
, Club will hold its monthly meeting in
1 he Seliarate School Heil, Seaforth, on Wed-
esday, Oct. lst. Mr. Livingstone the U. F. 0.
andidate will address the meeting. A musical
rograrnme is being arranged for. Non-mem-
Lers as whll as members should attend this
eeting, as important bush -lee. will be dis
ussed. Ladies invited. Meeting at 8.15
harp. G. D. C. BARN, President; N. R.
ORRANCE, Secretary. - 2702-1
ture, on Monday. October 6th, at two
en.. on East Goderich Street, Seaforth, con-
sisting of kitehen range, side board, dining
oom table, .bedsteads, springs and mattresses,
arpets, and other household furniture. Terms
rietress ; 'le Brown, Auctioneer. 2702-2
-A-.' Scotch Topped Shorthorns, Registered
Leicester Sheep, Clydesdale Horses, Chevrolet
car and other articles. T. A. Robson and
los- Brown will sell by nubile auction. on
ot 32, Concession 6, L.R.S, Tuckersmith, 3
iles west of Seaforth, on Wednesday, October
1 te 1919, at 12.30 pee.. sharp, the following:
lydesdale Horses -1 'bay 4 year hld gelding
eight 1,550 pounds ; bay 4 year old, gelding.
veight 1,450 pounds, black 4 year red gelding
11 eight 1,400 pounds, bay 3 year old filly weight
1 450 pounds, brown 3 year old gelding weight
450 pounds, bay 3 year old gelding weight
1 400 pounds, brood mare 7eyenes old bred to
arl O'Clay, aged brood mare bred to Earl
'Olay. general purpose horse '7 years old,
b y 2 year old filly sired by Lord Malcolm,
by 2 yPar old slia sired by Earl' O'Clay, bay
11 year old filly sired by Earl O'Clay, bay 4_
y ar old gelding sired by Earl O'Clay, bay
hk,rse foal sired -by Earl O'Clay, black driving
are 9 years old, quiet and reliable, driving
e It 4 yelirs old. Cattle Scotch and &cite&
opped Shorthorns—Herd bull 4 years old,
Bold Boy by' Beet Boy; 10 year old cow dun
to calve in October, 9 year old cow due to
calve in April; 9 year old cow freshened in
j ly, 7 year old cow due to calve in March,.
7 year old cow due to calve in December, 7
y ar old cow due to calve in March, 5 year old
e ev due tocalvein October, 5 year old cow
d e to calve in March, 3 3 -year old cows with
c tlf at foot, 3 2 -year old heifers, i 1 -year old
h ifer, heifer calf 11 months old, heifer calf
7 months old, heifer calf 9 raontha ola, heifer
c, lf 8 months, bull calf 8 months, bull calf
e months, grade cow 3 years old due in
Diecember, grade cow 3 years due April 1.
Se catalogues for breeding. Registered Lei-
cter Sheep -20 breeding `ewes. 10 ewe lamb
2 two year old rams, 3 ehearling rams, 12
✓ m lamb. Pigs -1 Yorkshire sow due to
li ter in October- McLaughlin road wagon,
n arly new, 1 !cutter, set team harness, set
single harness, 1 Chevrolet car, new 4ast
Jane. Pceittively no reserve. I Terms—On
stock, mete or 6 or 12 months' credit to suit
parchaeer, on furnishing approved joint notes,
b aring intereet at e- per cent per annum.
S months' credit on Chevrolet car and other
a ticles. MRS. ROBERT CHARTERS, Pro- '
p etrese ; T. E. Robson and T. Brown, auc-
neers. • 2701-1
Auction sale of household furniture on
Monday, October 6th, on East Galeria. St.,
Seaforth, Mrs. Violet McLeod, Proprietress;
T. Brown, Auctioneer. -
Auction sale of House .and Lot and House-
hold .Furniture in Egmondville, known as
the Pottery Works, on Saturday, October 4th,
,at 1 p,nt. Ferdinand Burgard. Proprietor; V,
Brown, Auctioneer.
On Friday, Ogtober.10th, at 1 o'clock p.m.
on Lot 20, Concession 2, Tuckerarnith, .fartn
stockli ' implements, household effects and
fodder corn. S. A. Carnochanp Prop.; T.
Brown, Auctioneer.
On Tuesday, October 15th, at 1 o'clock,' on
Lot 3, Conceasion..11, Tuckersmith, ,farm stock
and implements. Gordon sl' A u a . prop,; T.
Cameron, AuCtioneer. ir
Auction Bele of , Parra Reek,' Implements
and Household, Effects on Friday, October 3r4,
onot 9, 'Concession 5. ILX.S., Tuckerstnith.
Willi Dobie, Prop.; T. Brown, Auctioneer,
On Thursday, Octoer 2nd, at' one o'clock
P.m., on Lot 7, Concession 12, H.R.S., Farm
Stook, Implements, Roots and Household
Furniture, -Henry Horton, Prop; Thomas
Cameron, Auctioneer.
fects. Mr. a W. Robinson has been in
structed by William Murdoch to sell by public
auction at his residence, Ilensall, on Wednes-
day, October 1st, at one o'clock the follow -
ug : Four bedroom suites, 1 antique bed-
stead, parlor 'furniture, hair cloth chairs,
rockers, arm chair, tables, sofa, book lease,
Good Cheer heater, kaohen chairs, solid oak
extension table, eight day clock, Good Cheei-
range, coal or wood, one perfection coal oil
stove with oven, 2 hanging lanips, 3 hand
lamps, 1 washing machine, the best on the
market, 1 wringer, pails and tubs, 6 gallon
coal oil can, 1 four frame honey extractor
and other bee supplies, linoleum, carpets, and
other household articles. Terms—All 8 WrIS of
$10 and under, cash; over that amount four
months' credit on furnishing approved joint
noteS. WILLIAM MURDOCIT,'Proprietor ; C.
W.. Robinson, Auctioneer. 2701-2
As -There will be sold by public) atietion on
Saturday, October llth, at 4 p.m., at the
Queen's Hetet, Seaforth,, the following prop-
erty: A story and a half franee
containing 6 bedrooms, also parlor, dining
room, kitchen and woodshed. There is also
a good cellar. The house is supplied with
plenty of hard and soft water, and electric
lights installed, fixtures to be sold with the
house. The property is situated on Goderich
Street, West, two doors east of Drs, Scott &
McKaY's office- This is a desirable property
for any one wishing to secure e. convienient
and comfortable home in Seaforth, Terms -
10 per cent, of the purchase money to be
Paid on day, of sale' and a 'further deposit
sufficient to make 1700 to be paid in thirty
days. Balance may be arranged on mortgage
with interest at 6 per cent, or the whole
amount may be paid in cash. ALEXANDER
STOBIE, Proprietor; Brown, Auctioneer.
Implements. Thomas Brown has received
instructions from. the -undersigned to, sell by
rffeblic auction on . Lot 8, Concession 4, Mc-
Killop, at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, September 80th,
the following: Horses—Mare 10 years old
supposed to be in foal; 2 mares rising 4 years,
one supposed to be in foal, 1 horse rising 3
Years, 1 filly rising 2 years, 1 filly colt 1
good driver horse, go single or double. Cows
—1 cow due October lith, 1 cow due September
8th, 1 cow due 'September 1801, 1 oow due
about lst of December, -2 cows freshened with
calves at foot, 5 sisring calves,14 head rising
2 years old, 10 stockers, 2 brood sows to litter
tirae of sale, 20 hens. Implements—MasseY-
Harris binder 7 foot cut nearly nevi, Deering
mower, Massey -Harris seed drill, land roller,
Keystone hay loader, Massey -Harris side rake,
horse rake, McCormick cultivator, 2 furrow
riding Plow, walking iplow.e set sharroWs,
seteRer, fanning raill, wagon and box, 1 single
rig, 1 set sleighs, 1 new cutter, gravel box,
wood rack, stock 'rack, hay rack, extension
ladder 32 feet, ladder 15 feet long, wheel
barrow, grindstone, 1- post hole auger, 1 crow-
bar, 1 wire stretcher, sugar kettle, 8 galvanized
pig troug,hs, 3, 4, and 5 feet long; 1 scythe,
30 oords of circular wood, about 4 cords of
20 inch maple, mime cedar posts, 1 set double
harBess, 1 set of single harness, pads, collars,
and horse, blankets, cook stove, 1 gasoline 3'
burner stove, some grain bags, forks, shovels,
chains, cross -cut saw and other, small articiel3
too nurnerous to mention, alio household furn-
iture. Terme:of Sale—All sums of 810 and
under, cash; over that amount 12 months'
credit on approved joint notes. A discount
of 6 per cent allowed for cash oh credit
amounts. No reserve as theeproprietor has
sold his farm, MICHAEL O'REILLY", Pro-
prietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer.
plernents, Roots and Househerd Furniture.
Mr. Themes Camero-n has received instructions
from the undersigned to sell by publie auction
on Lot 7, Concession 12, H. R. S., Tucker -
smith, on Thursday, October Vid, commencing
at 1 pen, share the following, viz., aforsee—
Agricultural brood mare rising 5 years, sup-
posed to lig in foal, pair of draft geldings
rising 5 years, 1 filly colt by Commodpre, driv-
ing mare quiet and reliable. Cattle -1 cow 6
years old,, due to calve in March. 2 cows four,
years old, due to talve in March! 1 cow- five
years old, due to calve in April, 1 Jersey
cow four years old, due to calve in May. 1
cow four years old, supposed to he in calf. 1
cow 3 years old supposed to be in calf, 1
steer and 1 heifer 2 years old, fat. 10 steers
1 year old, 7 heifers 1 year old, 6 spring calves..
125 fowl, consisting of hens, pullets, and pure
bred Rock spring chickens'. Ineplements—
Massey-Haeris binder fully equipped, Frost
and Wood meever, Deering steel rake, neerly
new; Cockshiitt 2 furrow riding plow, nearly
new; 2 .Walkingeblows, 3 horse spring tooth
cultivator, disc harrow, land roller. 4 section
harrows, 13 hoe Massey -Harris seed drTh, root
pulper; scalier, 1 lumber wagon, hay ,rack,
stock .rack, gravel box, pair of sleigh.,, 1 top
buggy, 1 open bleggY, butter nearly new, stone
boat, water tank, troughs, hay. rope, ear,
pulleys and sling ropes, fanning milr•whifile-
trees, neck yokes, grindstone, 2 aets of double
harness, 2 sets of single har.ns, horse collars,
robes, horse blankets, cream separator. Daisy
churn, ladder, la.wri rnower, grain bags, a
quantity of rock elm plank, an sere of good
Mangolds, a pateh of Potatoes. hlOck and
tackle, forks, shovels. hoes, etc., etc., severe'.
Pieces of furniture, including, a wireco 'range
nearly new, a great fuel saver, coal heater,
upright piano, xnuric cabinet. side board/some
dining room and parlor furniture, bedroom
suites, mattresses and springs. Positively no
outside stock Omitted at this sale, Terms—
All sums of 310 and under, cash: over that'
amount 12 months' credit on approvedjoint
notes. A discount of 5 per cent off for cash.
No reserve as the farm is sold. HENRY
HORTON, Proprietor; Thomas Cameron,
Auctioneer. . 2701-2
° Notice to Creditors
In the estate of William Makins. deceased.
Notice' ie hereby given that all persons
having claims against the estate of William
Makin.s. hire of the Township of Stanley. in
the County of Huron,- yeoman, deceased, who
died on or about the 15th of May. 1919, are
required to deliver to the administrator pf
the said estate or his solicitor on or before
the 15th day of October. 1919, a full state-
ment of their elainee together with partieulars
thereof, and the nature of the securities, lf
any, held by there, all duly verified by affidavit.
And take noticearhat atter the said keit men-
tioned date the said Administrator will pre-
ceed to distribute the estate of the said de-
ceased amongst the pereons entitled thereto
having regard only to such claims as he
shall have received dee notice and in ac-
cordance, therew th.
Dated at Clinton this; 22nd day of September,
A. D., 1910. JOHN E. SPARROW, Varna,
Ont., Administrator: W. BRYDONE, Clinton,
Ont., Solicitor for the Isola Administrator,
Notice to Creditors
Ettate of Margaret Dorsey, deceased.
Notice is herehy given pursuant to the
statute in that behalf that all persons hay -
claims against the estate of Margaret Dorsey,
late of the township of Hibbert, in the County
of Perth, spinster, deceaeed, who died on the
20th July, 1919, are required ori or before the
6th October, 1919, to deliver, to William Dorsey,
St. Coltunban, Ont., the Administrator, or to
the andersigned solicitors, full pertieulare
of their claims; and after the said 6th
October, 1919, the said Administrator will pro-
ceed to distribute the said estate among the
persons entitled thereto. heving rseard only
to the claims of which he shell then have
had notice, and that the said AdMinistrator
W111 not be liablefor the assets of the
said ertate to any person of whose claim netice
„shall not then have been received.
- Dated the 16th September. 1910.
rich, Ontario, Solicitors for said Administrator.
, The Centre Huron' Liberal
Association will hold a Con-
vention in Cardno's Hall, Sea.
forth, on
at 1 o'clock p.m.
to ;elect a candidate to con-
test the Riding in the Provin-
cial Election.
Women are equally as elig-
ible for delegates as men.
M. MURDIE - Chairman
A bank aecolUit is au assistant
„ In character building. It establishes the
confidence independence and _pride whidt
increases effort and paves the way to saccess.,
Open an iscount' to -day and be
- -
eaforth Bianch 1 G. Mullen, Manager
S. T. Holmes
, —
Undertaking partors in Oda& =0
lows building opposite
.otewart Bros. Resi- =
dence Goderidh st., .opp
Dr. Scott's
= .
Funeral Director and
Licensed Embalmer
1031 2, McKillop, containing 100
acres. Th e ae on the premiaee a hank
barn hay barn, *hen house and pig totuse,
good,136 ry frame house: plenty of good
water; dr" ed v;rell between house and barn
with over 5 feet of, water. The faun is
well fenced with woven wire and is well,
drained. T e land is all under cultivation and
is a tint cl s farm. For further particulars
apply on th .premises or address Seaforth, R.
R. No. 2. AMES McGILL. 2689-tf
Flowers furnished en = GIR
short notice,
-3 Phone I Night- or Day In. E
= -
Women with one or ,two years' experience
working on men's coats will be paid 315,00.
Per week while learning the operating of
women's coats. The work is yen' quickly'
learned by. tailoresses and with experienee
earn 320.00 to e85.00 per week. The worls is
attractive, no pressing, bright workrooms,
hours, eight to flee, closing Saturday .noon.
We will assist you in finding goodboarding-
house if desired. We also offer 'good oppor-
tunities to tailors.
91 Wellington Street West, Toronto
Refer to Stewart Bros. Seafortis, •
Notice to Contractors. •
Tenders will be received until Oct.
1st, 1919, for the .construction of
Winchelsa Creek Drain improvement
in the Township, oE Usborne. Plans
and specifications ay be seen at the
office of John Roger, O. L. S.,
Mitchell; or at the clerk's office,
R. R. 1, Hensall. A marked check
representing 10 % of the contract price
must accompany each tender. HENRY
STRANG Townshirf Clerk. 2700-4
. ,.
I have some choice firms for sale in the
Townships of Usborne and Ribbert, all well
built and improved, on easy terms of Purnente
• 2658-tt
-A' 4, Stanley Township, a well cultivated
farm with -good buildings Is offered for aale.
Apply to ANDREW SCOTT, Brueefield, Out
• 2700-4
-°•• acres of land, clay loam, good seven
roomed house with furnace, phone and rural
mail, good buildings, stable, poultry house
and drive shed; also small -orchard. Close to
school, 2 mike' from Seaforth. ADDIY to
JOHN MelVIILLAN, R. R. No. 1, Seaforth,
or phone 20 on 236, Seaforth Central.
. 270041
-a: half of Lot 1, Concession 13, Hallett.
containing 75 acres. On the premises are a
brick heuse with .hard and soft water inside,
a barn 38x72 with a cement wall and cement
floors and water in barn, 1 acre of orchard,
somewood, drilled well with windmill to pump
water, also spring creek. For terms and
Particielars apply to WILLIAM A.. BARRON,
Blyth, t R. No. 1. 2700-tf
forty-two' acres of good land consisting
of Lot 1, Conesion 1, and part of Lot 1,
Concession 2, Stanley, Huron County, adjoin
ins- the village of Kippen. Five minutes walk
to G. T. R. station, church or store; 6 acres
of bush: water a11. the year round, and all
seeded to grass; 1 acre of good orchard; 2
barns, 1 on a stone wall; drive shed; frame
house. For terms and partieulars apply to
SAMUEL THOMPSON, R. R. No, 1, Bruce -
field. 2694-tf
' 17 ole the 4th concession of Hibbert con-
taining 1.50 acres with all necessery
convient to schools and churches of all den -
mations with telephone and rural route; 21,-42
miles fropc Dublin market. This is a splendid
property ,,and will be sold to wind up the
estate or4ehe late William McLellan. Fot
further particulars apply to ANDREW Mc-
TAT,LAN, Dublin P. 0., R. la. 2. 2690-tf
Grain Wanted
We have a market for Fall
and Spring Wheat, also Barley
and Oatt.
Highest prevailing Cash
Prices paid.
Hensall, Ont.
Time Table
A change. of time will be made
, on
Sept 28th, 1919
For further particulars apply to
any grand Trunk' Ticket Agent or
C. E. Horning, District Passenger
Agent, Toronto, opt
W. Somerville . Town Agent
W. R. Plant ... .Denot Agent
Clean, iry, sunlit workrooms.
Short oursr-ja 47 -hour week,
with Sat , ay a f-hoday.
V 1 training in agreeable
work for tie inexperienced:
A good 1 vingwage to begin' ners
which niatierially increases with
experience land proficiency.
Write or ;cane—
Hamilton - Ontario
4' Cession 2, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, contain-
ing 100 acres, 9 acres of good hardwood hush,
the rest in good condition; clean, well fenced
and underclrained, with Plenty of water and
good outbuildings, new 2 storey brick house
26x36 feet with kitehen 14x20 feet and all
modern conveniences, barn 413x56 feet witli
cement stabling and 7' 26x60 feet with cement
stabling underneath and water system throttgh-
out, cement silo 14x30 feet, 'hart houseand
implement shed, 2 acres gond orchard
protected with /spruce hedget' The farm is
school, has mail route and telephone, 3
well situated, convenient 'to churthes and
miles, from Seaforth station, miles from
Brucefield. Also 50 acres grass land being
welt *. Lot 30, Concession 4, L. R. 5.,2 nig.**
east of Brucefield on 3/1111 Road, well watered
and first class ease land. For further in..
formation apply to S. A. GARNOCHAW, R.
3, Seaforth, . 0, or phone 8 on 150.
Q1ZES to Mit yank
1'1 opaline. Finial
willies*. Safe Jo.,
liyety eumenteeti.
Vititefor Poe' 41' LAI
lel Cut down fuel
. bilk. instee wietes
. comfort.
'The NM:LOMA' COMPANY, Lirriftecl
By 'remoifin all Aubbish and Litter. Have your furnace and stove
pipes in p oper condition. 'Properly pistalled Lightning. Rods are
more than 9 per cent -efficient.
By removin
oni the pren
factors in r
inspection a
Do not lea
fire. Do n
By teachi
night see t
the childre
Have chim
Never put
tend t� it.
Affiliated .w
* -
oily waste and other fire menaces. Prohibit smoking
'ses. Cleanliness, order and forethought are important
&icing fire wake. Provide better and more systematic
d watchman service and also more efficient fire -fighting
e lighted cigars or • cigarettes where "they may start a
t throw a lighted match into the waste -paper baske,t,
the cliildren the danger ▪ of Fire.. Before leaving each
at there can .be no overheated,stoves or furnace. Teach
not to play with matches.
eys properly cleaned out before starting your furnace.
fl an extra fire except when someone is on hand to at-
th Ontario Fire Marshal's Office, Department of Attorney -
General, Parliam.ent Buildings, Toronto,
GEORGE F. LEWIS, Set.-Treas.
14. Sc ool 7of Commerce
linion and Goderich, Ont.
Offers lhe following courges:
a d arranges special courses for students.
The foll
wing advantages:
ghly Qualified Teaching Staff
tual Business System of Bookkeeping
edential Typewriting Tests
sitions Guaranteed.
A Thisiness Education pays for itself in a few months
Now is he time for the young man or woman to ke an investment that will give splendid
returns in the years to come. ,
, For terms, etc., write
B. F. W D, B.A., M.Aects. - - - Principa
M. A. S NE, - - - - - , Vice Prin.
' PHONE 208 -