HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-09-26, Page 2•
IBER 26, 1919
SEAT ORTH, , Friday, Sept. 26, 1919, .
Part of Plant of FrestWire Fence Co., Hamilton. 22,000 so.ft. of Paroid on these buildings 1
Shingles' are scarce, high in price hnd uncertain of de-
livery. Consider the genuine "Neponset Paroid. " It is
used on the largest factories and most expensive. buildings.
We have a full stock in three weights,
Canadian Brand
Heavy 6' A
Slate Coated, heavy
Neponset heavy twin
2 75' per square
..,3;50 per square
.4.25 per square
4 5o. per square
_9,25 per square
Cnaff Baskets,
heavy corru-
gated sides,
double bottom,
rope handl2d.
2 bushel basket $2.50
for gathering leaves, will not
tear up grass, and extra wide,
Extra Special
Steel, immense
plated steel
hammer, livith
i unproved
handle 1 ,2
Tack Ham
mers loc.
land Butcher Knives.
'The fall 'killing iS
near, be prepared
with Sheffield knives
at old prices, joc to
Carving pairs 2.00
A. Sins,
I. Connolly, Goderich, President
ISIS. Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President
T. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secy.-Treas.
HInchley, Seaforth; John Murray,
muth, Brodhagen.
Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John
goechwood; m. McEwen, Clinton; Jas.
amnolly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor,
No. 4 Walton; Robert Ferris, IIarlock;
'George MoCartneSt, No. 3, Seaforth.
Trains Leave Seaforth As\ follows:
1.0.65 a. m. For Clinton Goderick,
Wingham and Kincardine .
LISS p. M. - For Clinton, Wingham
and Kincardine.
11,03 p. - For Clinton Goderich. Only Tablets ;t'.1 "Bayer Cross
6.36 a. rn.--For Stratford', Guelph,
'roma-co, OrMia, North Bay and i are ATi-rin.--No others!
points west, Belleville and Peter- ,
boro and points east.
0.16 p.m. - For Stratford, Toronto
Montreal and points east.
Going South a.m.i p.m.
From the report of the Committee E
on Education as presented to the
Ontario Provincial Convention, on 26th
June, by Mr. Thomas Marshall, M.P.P.
chairman of the Committee. -
The authorization of a particular
text -book can be justified only on the
ground of economy. Greater produc-
tion may so lower cost that the ad-
vantages of cheapness many outweigh
the evils incident to -text -book author-
ization. But to secure this advantage
text -books . should rarely, if' ever, be
changed. And;then only when the
-advantages of a chance are decided and
patent to all Whose judgment in the ti
matter would be entitled to any
Weight. But What can be said of a
Government which ten times in as
.many years has changed the text-
books in one particular subject? and
so far has each change been from corn -
Mending itself to all those qualified to
judge as advantageous that a majority
of competent authorities actually Pro-
nounce each and every change to have
been for the worse. Of such a Gov-
ernment one can only say. that it is
completely off the basic principles
Which should -direct its. administrative
A certain French writer once re-
marked that governmental systems of
education ,tended to educate (1) all
classes alike to one dead level of
mental impotence. No national sys-
tem of public education has" yet been
-volved which has been altother free
from this reproach. The demand,for.
a -government-controlled national sys-
tem of education was in its origin a
democratic one. - But the mast es, be-
ing ignokant of. the nature of ed uca-
tion, left all details of the scheme to
the influential Members of the privi-
leged classes, who virtually, though
secretly., controlled government.- They
were nothing loath to lend their ser-
vices in such a cause. Consegttently
national systems of education, though
democratic in origin, have always had
an oligarchic bias. Their details have
been shaped with a view `to make se-
cure the secret control of the few over
the nominal government of the many.
It is surely • time that the details of
national educational systems were re-
vised along democratic lines. It is all
very well to speak in . glowing terms
of glittering generalities and then
leave the details,to others. The iTr-
fluences which arrange the details al-
so fix. the general trend of an educa-
)111ake a beauty lotion for a few cents to
remove tan, freckles,., sallowness.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drng store or toilet 'counter will supply
, you with three ounces of orchard white
for a for tents. Squeeze the juice of
,two freSh lemons let° a bottle, then put
hi the Orchard white and shake well.
This makes 'a, quarter pint of the very
i best lemon skin whitener and complexion
• beautifier known. Massage. this fra-
grant, e,reamy lotion daily into the face,
neck, arms and -hands and just see how
freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and
roughness disappear and how smooth,
soft and clear pie skin becomes.. Yes!
It is harmless, and the beautiful results
will surprise you.
Apply few drops then lift sore,
touchy corns off with
Best Goods
Going Now%
3entralia 9.36
Exet% 9.47
Brucefield 10.14
Clinton 10.30
Londesboro 11.28
4.15 _net _Aspirin at an.
:,"-all ether tasb-
4.4g IetF are, ti•fly ions.
i6.13 it I-. ri,a1 A-piT•iii, for which there is
0.,rfitan but is made
`13ayer Tr.hlets of Aspirin"
.6.0, have ive.7 Ly millions for
'1.40 .7 of Salicylica cid.
Dodsn't hurt a, 'bit! Drop. a little
Freezone an aching corn, instantly
that corn stops hurting, then you lift
it right out. Yes, magic!
A. tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a
few cents at any drug store, but is suffi-
cient to remove' every hard. corn, soft
forn, or corn betwecn the toes, and the
calluses, _without soreness or irritation.
Freezone is the sensational discovery
pfa Cincinnati genius. It is 'wonderful.
Your.Granulated Eyelids,
Eyes inflamed by expo-
sure to Sue. Dust and Wind
squickly relieved by MUI1110
Eyeliemedy. No Smarting.
just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggists or by mail 60c per Bottle.
For Nook et the rye free write
Muria. Zye Remedy Co., Chicago
SINCE 01870
typed method of initructien, common
to teachers as a class. In such a sys-
tem a central governing beaureaucracy
would have no. place. Gone would be
the minister Who, with autocratic
power, issues ukase after ukase vitally
affecting ,the Most vital 'needs of the
commithity as the whim takes him or
as the influence of flattering subordin-
ates prevails with him. The central
Department'of Education would be a
centre of influence rathv than a seat
of power, May the members of the
next legislative Assembly of Ontario,
in exercising their legislative func-
tions where the interests of educatien
are.concerned, never give occasion for
dre 'reproach to be- hured at them,:
"The peeple asked for bread, and ye
gave them a stone."
-The fifteral of Miss Pearl Bate -
Man, of Brussels, took place Monday,
September 1st. Service was held in
the Methodist church, of which deceas-
ed was a.thember, and was conducted
by -her pastor, Rev. :Mr. O'Kell. A
large congregation was present to pay
tribute to the memory of one whom
all had learned to love and "esteeth.
Miss Bateman, or Pearl as she was
familiarly- called, was born in this
locality and fOr one- of her years was
widely known as she -had been sales-
lasly in W. T. Spence's store for some
time before her health failed. She -
.Was a member of the choir and presi-
dent of the Epworth League. Being
of a quiet, unassumine• nature she
sought no honors but ret them seek
her but ,by her consistent life and
cheerful ways made many true friends.
She was seldom long at a time with-
out a caller; many of them bringing
her dainties they thought she might
enjoy. Pearl was much interested in
the Peace Celebration and from her
• Self Service
Lowest Price
Be Prepared for the Long
Lamp Glass, large
Lamp Glass, smal
Lanterns, squat o tall
Burn6rs .
12c & 14c
A Few
S. Wheat
Rubber Jar Rings.....
Kippired .Herring
Pork & Beans, large --
Old Dutch Cleanser..- _fa*
Silver Gl OES Starch
Dates, package •,
The market shows an advance in T as and Coffees.
dold prices.
Have you tried o rs at the
Tea, Black, Green, Mixed...
Tea, Black, areen, Mixed
▪ IF
We are the only store in town handling -41e Cream of the West and Quaker
Flour. Your friends will recomm, nd theru.. Try a Sack.
nited Farme
little cottage sanopekurch of What was
going on and many called to let her
see their costumes? Deceased had been
ailing for abbut eight months and put
up a brave fight for her recovery, ,'
but aa she realized the end of the
struggle was near she was calm, re-
signed and told us she was not afraid
to cross the river and passed pea,ce-
fully away on the morning of August
29th. The floral offerings were many,
beautiful. and appropriate, attesting
the hie place she held in the hearts of
her relatives, friends and. the different
departments of the church.
s Co-operative Co.
Sc a Oackage
before the war
Make Every Hour Count
I -10R the saksman, collector, con -
.1! tractor -the' Man who "must get
there" -the :Ford Runabout.
Through the traffic of• the city, over
rough country roads to the outlying
town, the Ford Runabout tvvels
rapidly and economically.
Ford Runabout $660. Touring $690. . On
open models the Electric Starting and Lighting
Equipment is $100 extra.
Coupe, $975. Sedan, $1,1'75. (Closed model
prices include Electric Starting and Lighting
equipment). Dernonntable tiros, tire carrier
and non-skid tires on rear as optional equip-
ment on closed cars only at $25.00 extra.
These prices are f. o. b. Ford, Ontario and do
not include 'tirar Tax.
Butt centv Genuine Ford Parts
700 Canadian dealers and over 2,000 Servioe
Garages supply them. 151
sc a.package
during the war
gc a Package-
*, ---- NOW.
the bezt•kilnnen equipment that
can be had. The Pandoro saves
trouble, sn yes wori,:, and gives a
woman the joy of baking things
just as she wants them.
It is a woman's choice.
Let us show you th`e smoothly working
grates, the clear oven door, the fine ther-
mometer. Let us expl,5in why the, oven
is so evenly heated. You want the best
for your kitchen. Then st-e the Pandora.
re I
Sold by Henry Edge
ICook Bros,
Dealers . Hensall
tended tile
the advkait
• helped -ti)
building. of
fruckersin it ;1,
was unforto•
table to aoroe
it is expecte4
in good time.
lett,. were
lent crops o
boom to the.
winter feed:
prompt relie
• Baby's Own
are mild but
never fail to
stomach. thu
tion and ind
ple fevers.
Gasna'rd Dai
"Baby's Own
great benefit
was sufferin
him and no
medicine dea
cents , box
" The Port Bu
gives the f
Archie Naism
formerly of t
village friend
on Saturday
his son, Capi
handsome 21
ably inscribe(
esteem for -hi
War. Lieut.
aviation corps
delivered the
here to -night
Although thil
gathering has
we are none
short year a
proud. priviIel;-
ed heroes ',vat
has Arrived ix
the welcome
We would hav
indeed proud
have played
hearts were 1.
gaged in the
From conver4
turned heroe
-which you. Nn.
interminable 1'
sing stations.
the almost ir
only to the In
it was a. gla-
tary cross,
in this war h:
always create ,
-ever seen.
bration the ho
time personal!
shape and to -1
realiied Eve
of our rnanhei
with charade
is the Mothc-r
many of the
To Mrs. Nala
cordial weleez
no key, syra-bo
village, to off
a most heart
in our homes
"Though some
are the swill
Naisrnth, to
only as tin a
debt to you
esteem aril cir
after exprnssi
'kindness ma
narks. His I
won addre
In the proi
Unary of 4'i
a false
collar, Lut
was int.,
by peilt,le
ars at•tVeeel
can rent er.
called "falsr,
are still. t'a-
of colored.
zippy dresser
dred years
eollar wore
soiled the