HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-09-26, Page 1inery Merit MakagalteW t th • •••••••••0 1 1.11111111101111.111111111110 FIFTY-THIRD YEARWHOLE NUMBER 2702 1 -1HINIII11111111111111111111111111111111011,111111.11111l111111111,,IllillItitill1111111111111111111111e -SEAFORTH FALL FAIR, , * • , . r, . = Nt4Threelise:fulf0 lohrtAugriCli!tlkrai. Society - nate in their chbice . ' y = of dates for the Annual Fall Fair held = on Thursday arid Friday last, as Sea- ' E forth is the only fair so far this fall " $econd to .7Vone " r.: to be spoiled by' rain. On Friday a. • SEAFORT11, FitiDAY; SEPTEMBER 26; 1919. reigth Clothing Co iSmarf Suits for 411111• MON NM. •••• SNP INN •••• EEO 11•01 41.1. • IMO IWO Young en 3 E •••• VMS O MR MN. MOIR 111111•1. MIN .1•I•11 . 1011. — heavy dow ,pour arrived at noon, and frequent showers during the after- . noon made it very uncomfortable for E spectators, and spoiled the race 'tiro- = gramme and other special attrac- • , This is one of the popular styles • for g young men and we a show this style in the 3' different clot he s blues,, browns, greys E a n d fancy neat E stripes. These are cleverly E designed garments E. giving the wearer a -= decidedly smart ap- -pearance. The prices are mod-. E• erate—$25, $30, $35 E, tb $40, in all wool- E cloth. See our range of New. Top 1:4 Coats These are very E practical Coats for E the Fall season. .Good weight in the Tweed F. -- and. Dog Skin finish, a n d waterproofed," E a n d colors, grey, brown, fawn, green, dark gray, arid blue, gray.. Prices $12, $15, 818, $22 to $30 •••••.••••••••*a, Greig Clothing Co. SE AFORTH 111111111lillilltlifIllillifitili1111111l11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iie Second Hand En ines i Ea N. .... • I•• and Separators ... .. MIMS MM. Mall , 1..... MO OM •••• MD! - Om . • .......• • • ... t OM EWE ......-- ifor Sale ..▪ .▪ . , ... , .... .... , g CNN •ft O m* a = ' • 1•2 0 II. P. Clinton Traction engine, over -hauled, refitted and. re- = .... = painted. . = 1-18 H.• P. Compound Traction Engine with 18 inch wheels, over- :-...." .... .... — hauled, -1. nil t t ed and repainted. WO = fitted feel repainted. — 0 ... = 1-14 II. P. J. M. Ross & Sons Traction Engine, over -hauled, re- l... , .....= ' 1-16 H. P. Waterous Simple Traction Engine, thoroughly overs •••• ... OM hauled, refitted and eepainted. ....-- = 1-14 II. P. White Ttaction Engine, thoroughly over -hauled, refitted E.-.' = and rei.eillt ed. .s , = 5 1-20 11. P. Dell Traction Engi.ne, just as received -from the user, in = — ..., good workinit or ler. : .... re" I----20 11 P 7 1 reee, Traction Engine, just as received from the = .... ..... user, iti Lee, lewerking order. — — = 1-1P-2,‘ W:.tf'.,100 Traction Engine. boiler over -hauled. The engine = ,... ....— par, iten - •••• Mee ; :: rf: ceived from th• user. . P. Neve Hamburg Portable Engirte, over -hauled and re- = = pait.te 1. .... NMI 11.1. 0•1. PM WO 2 / ,•,' . f.S. te: In aueeeee = Tree -tier! F.f.gFrer-:, just as receivecl from the customer; which- we: — = will sc'S , ''.- Eire • IMO Z1.1 the 'he we have a number'of second hand Portable & : ... — . • _ .1=1,.... 111•0."....1. . 0 .... GASOLINE ENGINES i . MS ••••• tam FS 1-10 H. P. Irtereational Kerosene Engine, portable, on wheels. Al- = =, mot r ew • i•• -in Ti. P. 11:;5 Gasoline Engine. almost new. = 1 - -5 IL P. Ty ee W Gasoline Engine, New. s —tele vet- Traetor in good work-in order. SEPARATORS • NMI MON MM. MIMS IMO ••123 NMI NMI 11•10 AIMS MEM ... —.... .Z.,' 7-22-40 Lister Separator with Straw Carriers and hand feed = E attachment. -.Almost new. Suitable for small gasoline engine. = — E 1—John Goodison Separator with wind stacker and feeder. — — = 1—Monarch Separator' With wind stacker and hand feed attach- = — .....-- U na merit, rebuilt 5 All of the above machinery is in stock at our works in Seaforth, = and can be -seen by intending purchasers. Imo ORIN mai BIM font ono A• lso Individual Separators & Waterlbo Boy Tractors, Ei The -Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher I Co., Ltd., Seaforth, Ont. alin= INfts." ilir 111111111111 I 1111 • McLean Bros., Publishers $1.50 a Year in Advance Culloch & Son, Wm., Ballantyne; ( & ILL, J. McCulloch & Son and 2 Bronze Turkeys, W. Broadfoot; a other variety turkeys, E. and R. Sno den; Toulouse geese, D,' Douglas Son; Bremen geese, E. and R.. Sno den; any other variety geese, T. McMichael; Pekin ducks, D. Doug Son and 2nd; any other varie Orphingtons, (cr.), H. Edge, Willi Ballantyne; (p); Edge Willie cr: • al11111111Illi11111111111111111111M111111110116, w - s, Entire herd of Scotch and Scotch las topped Shorthorns, also Fifty Head tY os Registered Leicester Shiep, con - ani m. • silting of Thirty Ewes and a splendid lot of two Year old Shearling and Rale Lambs and Fifteen Head of Clydes- is, dale Horses, the property of the late DispersionSale 13allantyne; White Leghorns,' single tions. In spite of weather condittons &nub. I). liouglas St Son and 2nd. however, there was a big attendance and seine exceritionelly fine exhibits in all the live 4kIs chsses, and a good' indoor show. i The following is a list of the successful exhibitors: 'HORSES - . Agricultural—Brood mare with foal .ley her side, T, N. Forsyth, J. Dale, Jr., John McGavin; foal of 1919, Alex. Buchannan, J. Dale, Jr., ,John Mc - Gavin; filly or gelding, three years old,. Alex. Wright, Wm. Alexander, M. O'Rielly; filly or gelding, two years old, J. Dale, Jr., W. T. Grieve; filly or gelding, one year old, J. Dale, Jr., Jas. Carling, W. Alexander; team in harness, Junes Hay; sweepstakes, J. Dale, Jr., „ Heavy Draught—Registered heavy draught brood mare with foal by her side W. McAllister &• Son and 2n, John McGavine foal of 1919 from re— gistered mare, W. McAllister & Son, J. McGavin, W. McAllister/ & SOIP 13g.gest and best eollection pigeon lice Daly; Belgian hare, old buc James Weir; Belgian hare, old •dc J Tries .Weir; Belgian hare, youn buck, J. II. Knight, Jame S Weir; Be gian hare, young doe, James Weir,. H. Knighte any other variety rabbit young doe, John Walker and 2nd. An other variety rabbits, young bue James Weir, John Walker; any ot variety rabbits, Old buck, John Wal e any other variety rabbits, old doe, oh Walker; Guinea pigs, old uc Angora rabbit, J. II. Knight; a pine J. McCulloch & Son and 2nd. ,artridg Rocks, J. McCulloch & Son and 2nd. Judge—Williarn Yule, Fullerton. HORTICULTURAL‘PRODUCTS Apples --Collection of apples, 12 varieties, named, t8 consist of four of each variety, Geo. Laithwaite, H. Crich; 6 named varieties winter apples, Geo. Laithwaite, Crich; 4 named varieties fall apples, Geo. Laithwaite k' Robert Chartera, to be held on Lot • e, g 32, Concession 6, L.R.S., Tuckersmith, 1- on js: Wednesday. 1 t OCiebereistm. r; Sale to commence at 12.30 sharp n k, Catalogues can be had on application. s e See next week's edition "of this paper ' • for full list. • T. E. Robson Thos. Brown - Auctioneers MRS. ROBERT CHARTERS. '1111111111111111)111111111111111111111i111111,111111 brood mare with foal by her side, H. Crich; plate of Baldwins, W. El- , Alex. Buchannan; foal of 1919, T. N. coat, V, Terryberry; -Plate of King of Forsyth; gelding three years old, J. Thornpkins, W. Cameron, John Mur - Dale, Jr., W. T. Grieve; filly two years ray; plate of Northern Spies Geo 'old, T. J. McMichael & Son aid 2nd; filly or gelding one year old, W. T. Grieve; team in harness, G. J. Dow, W. T. Grieve; sweepstakes, T. Mc- Michael & Son. General Purpose—team in harness, George Penhale, George Thompson; Dominion Bank Special, J. Dale, Jr. Judge—W. L. 1VIossip, St. Marys. Roadster—Brood mare with- foal bY her side, T. J, McMichael St Son; foal of 1919; T. J. McMichael & Son; filly or gelding, three years old, John Lane .& Son, Jas. Park; filly or gelding, one• year old, T. J. McMichael & Son; Geo. Thompson; single roadster in harness, Jas. Heffernan, J. Byermari, John MccIavrorrieage_ Brood mare with foal by her side, C. McKay; foal of 1919, C. McKay; filly or gelding, three *ars •old, P. Grem, Fred Miller; filly or gelding, one year old, Geo. Thompson; single carriage horse, W. G. Broad - .foot, Louis Fortune, .Jas: Carling; Haigh's'Special, Rolph Hyslop. Judge—Robert Wilson. CATTLE • Shorthorrtee-Beet cone.W. Charters,/ 'tand 2nd; ,heifer, three years old, W. Charters; heifer, two years old, W. Charters; heifer, one year old, W. Charters; senior heifer calf, •calved after Sept. 1st, 1918, W. Pepper, W. Charters; senior bull calf, calved after Sept. 1st, 1919, W. T'eepere junior heifer calf, calved•after Jan. 1st, 1919, W. Charters, W. S. Broadfeoote junior bull calf, calved after Jan. 1st, 1918, W. Charters, We S. Broadfoot; bull 3 years old or over, W. Charters; herd consisting of four females and bull W. Charters, and. 2nd, Jersey—Best cow, Robert. Winter, j. R. Goveillock; heifer calf, J. R. Govenlock; Bank of Commerce Special, W. Charters. .Judge—William Waldie. SHEEP, Shropshiredoevns—Aged ram, shearl- mg ram, ram lamb, ewe having raised lambs in 1919, shearling. ewe, ewe - lamb, W. G. Ross took all the prizes in this class. • Lincolns—Aged ram, Geo, Penhale, T. M. Snowden; shearling ram Geo. Penhale; Tam lamb, 'T. M. Snowden, George Plenbale• ewe having raised lambs in 1918 Geo. Penhale; shearling ewe, T. M. Snowden, Geo. Penhale; ewe lamb, Geo. Penhale. Leicester—Aged ram, W. McAllister & Son, Geo. iVICCavtney; ram lamb, W. McAllister & Son and 2nd; ewe having raiittl lambs in 1918, W. Mc- Allester & Son and 2nd; •shearling lamb, W. dVIcAllister & Son E. Haberer; ewe lamb, SV, McAllester & Son, George McCartney. Dorset Horned—Aged ram, shear - ling ram, ram lamb, ewe having rais- ed Iambs in 1919, shearling ewe, ewe lamb, W. Pearce took all the -prizes in this class. J edges—Jam es D perance, Oliver Turnbull. PIGS * Berkshire—Boar twd years old and over', boar one year old and under two, boar -littered in 1919, sow two years pld and over, sow one year and under two, sow littered' in 1919, W. Pearce took -all the prizes in this. class. - Tamworth --Boar two 'years and over, boar one year old and under two, boar littered in 1919, sow two years old and • over, sow one year old and under two, sow littered in 1919. D. Douglas & Son took all -the prizes in this class. . e Judges—Oliver, Turnbull, . Jam es D orrance, POULTRY Barred Rocks, cock, hen, cockerel and pullett, -John McCulloch & Son; White Rocks (c), D. Douglas & Son, H. Edge, (h)i, D. Doug:1,es & Son and 2nd; (cr.), 11e -Edge, (n), D. Douglas & Son and 2nd; Silver Grey Dorkings, John McCullech -& 'Son; any other variety, Game Bantams, (cr), J. Mc- Cullogh & Son, (p). j. McCulloch & Son; any other variety Cochin Ban - terns, (c), J, McCulloch & Son, (h), 3. McCulloch & Son; Spangled Ham- burgs, .l-ohn McCulloch & Son; Buff Orphington.s, cOek, hen, cockerel and pullet, IL Edge; Minorcas, (cr), Wm. Ballantyne and 2nd, (p),. Wm. Bale lantyne and. 2nd; Silver Laced Wye'', dottes, (c), J. McCulloch & Son, P. - Daley & Son, (11). P. Baley & Son, J. McCulloch & Son; (cr. & p), J. Mc- Culloch & Seri; White Wyandpttes C. Barnett; Golden Laced Wyandoties, P.- Daley Son; Rhode !eland- -Reds, (c), 3, McCulloch & Son; (h), J. Mc - Laithwaite, W. Elcoat; plate of Ribs ton Pippins, G. Laithwaite, A. Hugill plate of Golden Russett, John Dale Jr. H. Crich; plate Westfield Seek -no - further, W. G. Broadfoot, J: J. Hugill; plate of Wealthy, V. Terryberry, H. Crich; plate of Pewaukee, H. „Crich; plate of Ontario, H. Crick Cam- eron; plate of Gravenstein, G. Leith- waite; plate of Duchess •iof Oldenburg, H. Crich; plate of Cayuga Red Streak or Twenty Ounce, Wm. Cameron, W. G. Broadfoot; plate of Fameuse or Snow apple, W. 'Elcoat; plate of Cot - vert, John Murray, H. Crich; plate of Mann, J. Dale, Jr., John Murray; plate of Blenheim Orange, G. Leith- waite; plate of Maiden' nude J. J. Hugill, V. Terryberry; plate of 12_ Grab apples, red, W. Elcoat, P. Cole- man; plate .of Rhode Island Greening, W. Elcoat, F. Coleman;,plate of Fal - NEM,* HERE'S A PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR .HARD COAL • _ ANTHRACITE ;I ,1 BRIQUETTES lawater, H. Crich, W. T. Fotheiing- ham; plate of Blenheim Pippin, W. Cameron, W. Elcoate. plate. of Fall Pippin, W. Cameron, H. .Crich; plate of St. °Lawrence, J. -J: Hugill; plate of Canadian Red, G. Laithwaite, P. Cole- -.men; plate. ast„ Tolman wet, W. G. tioadfool, J, Dale, Jr; Cardno Bars.' Special, J.' J. Hugill, H. Crich, Pears—Four varieties, of Winter pears, Geo, Laithwaite, H. -Crich; 4 varieties of Fall pears, Geo. Leith- waite; plate of Duchess of Agouline,4 of any H. Crichs plate of I3eurre Clairgeau, I Mrs. E. Daley. H. Crich, G. Laithwaite; plate * of 1 Grapes—Plate Made from anthracite dust, pressed into stove size and held together by fuel pitch binder. Gives equally good. heat and burns just as long as hard coal, leaves nothing but fine ashes. NO •CLINKERS -0 WASTE Cali at our office and see samples for furnace or range use. N. CLUFF s SONS SEAFORTII Clapp's Favorite, W.. Ballantyne; plate ..of Sheldon, G. McCartney, G. Leith- waite; plate of. Louis Bonne de Jersey, G. Laithweite; plate of Barlett, H. Crich, W. Baliantyne; plate of Seckele H. Crick W. Ballantyne; plate a Beton d' Anjou, G. •Laithwaite. • Plums—Plate of Imperial Gage, A. Hugill; plate of Lombards, MTS. E. Daley, A. •Elcoat; plate of Bradshaw, Geo. McCartney, Dr. Grieve; plate of German Prune, G. Laithwaite; plate variety, Laithwaite, other G. ega./1.41MIIRMINI of Moore'e Early, G. unday School ALLY D First Presbyterian Church,Seaforth Sunday Morning, September 28th Unveiling of Memorial Tablet in memory of the fallen / heroes of the church school, and an Honor Roll: The . Dr. Larkin. Children's church will be decorated with flowerS by the children Short interesting talks by Rev . Choir ' • / You are Specially Invited, Jas. Cowan, Supt. Jas. Robb, Sec. -Tres, • ....•••••me.g.mtmarlre•••••./.....o••• The Picture of theifour "MICKEY" is Coming Wherever you go you encounter MICKEY. They are all singing "Mickey," dancing " Mickey." Vs " Mickey " here and " Mickey there But the Best Bet of all is Mickey Herself Romping, Climbing,- Riding, Swimming, Racing Fight- ing. Through "Mack Sennett's )) Happy - Snappy. Comedy Drama "MICKEY" at the STRAND - Friday and Saturday, Qctober'3rd and 4th Afternoon 4 pan. Evening 7.30 and 9 p.m. • PRICES Matinees 26 & 35c, evenings 25 & 50c and War Tax Don't Miss "Mickey" THE GREATEST PRODUCTION ON EARTH Make every effort to come early --- Hundreds will be turned away. ••••••• 4••••••••.••*......Z....•••••••. Lait Lait cor of Rog war rim No. wai Abe pia G. waite; plate of•Niagara,. G. waite, H. Crich; plate of Con - G. Ieaithwaite, A. Hugill; plate eleware, G. -LaithWaite; plate of rs No. 15 (Agewan), G. Leith- ; plate of Rogers No. 19 (Mer- ), 0. Laithwaite; plate of Rogers 4 (Wilder), H. Crich, G. Leith- ; plate of Rogers No. 9 (Lidley), Hugill, George Laithwaite; , of Rogers No. 52 , (Salem) ithwaite; plate of any other vari ty, W. Elcoat, Dr. Grieve; best coil tion of grapes, G. Laithwaite, ich, J dge—J. M. Cardno. DAIRY PRODUCTS enty-five pounds butter in crocks ubs, R. A. Campbell; 5 pounds butter, sufficiently salted, J. J. ill, R. A.'Cempbell; pound rolls ints, (5 Ms.), J. J. Hugill; most y arranged plate of butter for use, R. Winter, G. T. Turnbull; of homemade bread, G. C. Dale, Dr. Grieve Robert Winters, Mrs. ; half dozen home made buns, Mrs Geo. Browniee, Mrs. Dr. Grieve; half *dozen home macle biSetlitS, MTS. Dr. Grieve, G. T. - Tutnbull; /oaf of . Gee am bread MTS' E. E Daley Mrs. Dr, rieve; half dozen home made tea bisc • its, Mrs. Dr. Grieve, G. T. Turn- bull; best lemon Die, G. T. Turnbull, Mrs, Dr. Grieve; best apple pie, MTS. Dr: rieye, G. Turnbull; best col- lection of fancy baking consisthig of one oaf of home made bread, buns, light cake, and a pie made byee. girl • sixte n years of age, Mrs. EADaley; .neat it and best arranged meal, con- sisti g of eight articles of food; suit- able or workingman's supper, cream, sug and tea to- count as one article, and bread and buter to. count as ne article, meats excluded, Mrs. Dr. Grieve; home made pickles, three varieties, Mrs. Ed. Daley; home made pickles, 3 varieties, Mrs. E. aley; best jar of catsup, home made Mrs. Ed. Daley, Mrs. S. A. Mille ;-best collection of jelly-, Mrs, E. D ley; best collection of wine, Dr. Griev ; maple' syrup, R. A. Campbell and d; canned peaches, Miss Dug- gan; armed Dears, Miss Duggan; -wild etraw erriei, Miss Duggan.. - or tabl Hu or p nea tabl loaf IVIrs Ros Ro Geo. pan o Ha toes, variet Came late p half b petato heads 2 head Edge; Daley; bage, flower stump 6 tabl table Hohlbe Edge, red, C. 12 tom E. Da.1 G. Bro field co corri, stalks Fotheri W. G. Dutch onions, peck Hoblbe. Hohlbei ray, W. Murray 0 Roy Special, pan of bread. Mrs. W. Elcoat, Dr. Grieve; collection pierced brass, Miss Livingstone, Miss mA nrise. nA. A.M t Judges—MisscLezman. rn C. Irene Pridhe, PLANTS AND FLOWER'S Cut Flowers—Dahlias, 4 varieties, R. Winter; Asters, six varieties, W. B. McLean; Asters, best eollection, R. Winter, W. B. McLean; Dianthus, best colkction, Dr. Grieve; Carnations aronnuondx, best collection, Dr. Grieve; Gladiolas, best collection, .11, Edge, R. Winter; Zennia.s, best collection, R. Winalie basket of cut flowers, G. T. Turnbull; best collection of annuals, W. B. ,McLean; best collection of Roses, H. Edge. • Flowers in Pots—Three double Geraniums in flower,. W. B. MeLeau; 3 single Geraniums in flon-er, W. B. McLean; hanging basket -of flowers, G. T. ;Turnbull; best and argest col- lection OT pot flowere, G. T. Turnbull, W. B. IVIeLean. LADIES' WORK . Embroidered centrepiece, whiteeMiss Ament, R. Winter; embroidered, cen- trepiece, colored, Miss Ament Mrs. J. Howrie; table doilies in linen 3 to 6, R. Winter, D. Symington; tray cloth, .Miss Ament, Miss, Livingstone; tea cloth in linen. Miss Ament, D. Syming- ton; sideboard scarf, Miss Ament, Mrs. Ruttle; scarf for library table in colored linen, Miss Ament, Mrs. Ruttle; set table cloths and napkins, Mrs.. Howrie; tea cosy, R. Winter, Miss Livingstone; tapestry, Mrs. M. Ross; applique, Miss Livingstone; Bulgarian, Miss Ament; convocation braid work, Miss Ament, V. Terryberry; eyelet work, Miss Ament, Mrs. Ituttle; Mount Melliek, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie; modern cross stitch, Mrs. Ross, Miss Ament; Roman tut work, Miss Symington; punched, Miss Ament, Miss Livingstone; Wallachin, Miss- Ament, Mrs., noverie; dress, -fancy, Miss "Livingstone, MiSS Ament; fancy shoppieg bag, Miss Symington, MSS Livingstone.' Limes—Irish chocbet, fine, Miss Liv- ingstone; Mrs. Ross- Irish. crochet, healy, Mts. Howie, Miss Livingstone; etting; Miss bymington, MTS. owrie; tatting) best eollar, Mrs. owrie; -crochet, thread lace, Miss * ymington, Dr. Grieve; knitted thread e, R. Winter, Miss Ament; Batten., rg with -machine made braid, Miss vingstone, R. 'Winter; Duchess, Miss ment, Miss Livingstone; Honiton, iss Symington, Miss Livingstone;. int, MTS. Ross, Mrs. Howrie. Ladies' ttriderclothing—TInderwaiet, oehet, „Miss A -molts -R. Winter; earl- rwaist, embroidered, Miss Ament, Winter; nightdress, embroidered, iss Livingstone Miss Ament; nighe- ess, crochet, Miss Ament, Mrs_ DitetpvmIee:e sqtu paEtceldied work in cotton, comforter, Dr. rs. Ross, Miss Sytnington; quilt, silk velvet, Dr. Grieve; quilt, silk or lvet, crazy, Dr, Grieve; quilt, cotton, azy, Dr. Grieve, V. Terryberry; quilt y otheP kind, Mrs. Ross; quilt patch - woollen, D. Grieve, V. Terryberry; unterpane, knitted, Miss Symington. . Grieve; counterpane crochet, Dr. leve, Miss Symington; mat, hooked oi,. R. Frost, Mrs. E. Daley; mat, oked rag, Miss Symington, •Mrs. E. ley; pair wool socks, heavy., hand de, Dr. Grieve, Mrs. ROSS; pair wool ks, fine, hand made, Mrs, Howrie,'rn • Grieve. pair woen'e woollen ckings hand made, Miss Symington; r wool mitts, fiine hand made, ;Miss mington, Dr. Grieve; pair wool M, heavy, hand made, Dr. Grieve, s. Ross; pair wool gloves, niid de, Miss Symington, Mrs. Rose. ofa Pillows—CoIored linen embroiti- d, Mrs. Ross, Miss Ament; silk broidered, R, WM-ter, Miss Ament; riotic, Miss Arnent, Mra. t.tattle; other kind, Miss Ament, 'Miss mington. rownlee, Jr.; Rob Roy Special, H buns, Mrs. Dr. Grieve, • H OTS AND VEGETABLES bushel Irish Cobbler.earlypotas lac • Eleroat; half bushel' any other Tun, early potatoes, J. Murray. W. ttel on; half bushel Green ,Mountain 'ter tatoes, J. Murray, F. Colenian; ' hel any other variety. of late 13° s, J. Murray, W. Cameron; 3 winter: e,abbage, Ilettibein; cr red cabbage, C. Ilohlbein, H. de 3 heads' fall cabbage, Met. E. R. 3 heads any other named cab- M . Hohlbeire IL Edge; 4 mune dr H. Edge; 6 table carrbts, Ru ooted, H. Edge, Mrs. E. Daley; carrots, long, W. Cameron; 6 Gr arrots, any other variety, C. M n; 6 turnip blood beets, H. or Mrs. E. Daley; 12 tomatdes, ve Hohlbein, W. Fotheringhem; cr. toes, pink, W. Cameron, MTS. an y; 6 ears sweet table corn, W. ed clfoOt, MTS. E. Daley; 6 ears co *n. J. Sholdice; collection of Dr Murray, G. Laithwaite; -six ,Gr odder corn, J. Murray, W. wo gham; 12 on ?rani seed, ee Broadfoot; 12 onions from Da etie G. T. Turnbull; peek red ma C, Hohlbein, W. G. Broadfoot; ape onions, white or yellow, C. Dr • peck pickling onions. C. seo ; two muskmelons, J. Mur- poi Cameron; 2 watermelons, J. Sy W. , G. Broadfoot; 2. citrons, rei right, R. A. Campbell; table ]'Ir 3 varieties, Dr. Grieve, A. ma Hubbard, squash,. Dr. Grieve; S ins for pies, A. Hugill, J. J. ere 6 winter radish, Dr. Grieve; em pat any Sy Aujilpegguxiim„iiii;p; squash, 3 cucumbers, Mrs. E. Daley, J. Mur- ray; qu rt butter beans, Dr. Grieve, W. G. roadfoot; quart White beans, J. Mum y Dr, Grieve; 6 sugar mari- golds, J. A. Beattie, G. T. Turnbull; 6 long ed rnangolds, W. G. Broad - foot; Int rmediate marigolds W. Cam- eron, W. G. Broadfoot; 6 dwede tur- nips, J, . Beattie, 3. Murray; 6 any other va iety turnips, F. Coleman, J. Murray; Ante sugar beets for -factory, G. T. T rnbulI; largest squash, G. Laithwai e, Dr, Grieve; largest pump- kin, R. ora -nee, ,J. Sholdice; collec— tion of arden produce, C. Hohlbein, Mrs. E. IlaIey. Judge oseph Atkinson. ESTIC AND OTHER . MANUFACTURES Set si set doubi set pari set bedro best one collection leather a Broderick gle harness, M. Broderick; team harness, M. Broderick; r furniture, John Walker; in furniture, John Walker; ozen bricks, R. Frost; best tile, R. Frost; assortment of d leather manufactures, M. FINE ART'S • Oil Paentingt—Landscape, Mrs. S. A. Miller, Miss Ltvingstonei marine, Mrs. Ho ie'Miss Livingstone; flowers, iss Livingstone, MTS. S. A. Miller; fr it, Mrs. Howrie, Miss Liv- ingstone; animal life Mies Living- stone, Mr .. S. A. IVIder; portrait, G. T. Turnbu I, -Miss Livingstone; figure, Mrs. S. A Miller, L. Bristow. Water olor—Landscape, L. Eris; tow, Miss Livingstone; marine, Miss Livingston L. Bristow; flowers, Miss Livingston -,Mrs. "Howrie; fruit, Mrs, Howrie; •mal life, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Ross portrait, MTS. Howrie; figure, Miss Livingstone, rayon -1 -Landscape or marine, Mrs. Ross; any subject, Mrs. Ross, Miss Livingstone. Pencil Drawing — Pen and ink sketch, sketch, M Howrie, Miss Living- stone; landscape or marine, Miss Liv- ingstone; ny subject, Mrs. Ross; hand painted tea set, 4 or more pieces, W. Moat, Dr. Grieve; painting on china, W. Elcoat Dr. Griev ; painting on glass, Mis Livingstone; painting on 4 panel or Jacque, Mrs. ,Howrie, Dr. I Grieve; co ketion hand painted china, Household Linen—Guest towels, fancy, Miss Ament, R Winter; guest towels initial or monogram, R Winter, MrS. Bettie; bath towels, faney, Miss Ament, Miss M. Duggan; jive otelock tea set, Mrs,'Howrie; centrepiece and two end pieces, Miss Ament; day slips any kind, Miss Duggan, Rifinter; dresser stand cover and pin eushion to /Dela., Miss Livingstone, Mrs. E. Daley, Crochet or knitted Work—Centre- piece, crochet, Miss Duggan, lilies Ament; table mats, crochet, Mies Symington, V. Terryberry; bedroom slippers, crochet, Miss Ament, Mrs. Hewrie; shawl or cape, crochet, Miss Symington, Miss Ament; motor hood, crochet, Miss Ament, Mrs. Ross; sweater, erochet, Miss Livingstone, Miss Ament; corset • yoke, drochet, Miss Ament, Mrs. Ross; filet, erochet, Miss Ament, J, Sholdice. Miscellaneous—Laundry bag, Miss Livingstone, Miss Ament; Boudoir cap, R, Winter, Miss Livingstone; knitting bag, Miss Ament, Miss Liv- ingstdne; kitchen. apron, plain, Re Winter, Dr, Grieve; kitchen apron, fancy, Miss Ament, Miss Liviligstone; baby's outfit, Mies Symington, Miss Duggan; gentleman's pyjamas, Mrs. Ross, Miss Ament; bead work, Miss Ament, Dr. Grieve; best novelty in fancy work, Miss Ament-, R. Winter; men's fancy nightshirt, Dr. Grieve; patcl3n old garment, Dr. Grieve, Mrs. oss; button holes worked, Dr. Grieve, Miss Livingstone; -work bag, fancy, Miss A.reent, Rei Winter; hardanchor, R. Winter; counterpane, R. Winter. Judge—Annie Ross; Brussels, CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT One handerchief, hemmed, Mrs. E. Daley, Mrs, Ross; wool work, Mrs, E. Daley, IVIre. Howie; crochet work, Mrs. E. Daley, R. Frost; doll outfit; Mrs. Ross; collection fancy articles, 6 or more, Mrs. E. Daley; blscuitss MTS, Z. Daley; cake, Mrs. Roes; 6 ears of corn, W. Fotheringham, Mrs. E, Daley; 6 tomatoes, Mrs. E. Daley. 4