HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-09-19, Page 8Poultry
We pay the Highest 'Cash
Price for Poultry every
We can 'supply you
with First - Class
Dairy Butter at all
We still have some
ofthosegood Brooms
on sale for Friday..
and .Saturday..
Our customers say our
Meats are delicious
Phone 58
Dorsey and
The Big Store on the Corner
Bell Piano
at Seaforth Fair
and don't forget that
you will save money
to buy from
Jonathan Hugill
Stratford, Ont. Ei
= The largest and best Com- E
mercial School in Western On- E
= tario. We give individual in- =
= struction and stuclente , may
= enter our Commercial, Short-
hand or Tel'egraphy Depart-
merits at any tine. We assist
E gradeates to positions. Write
= now for our free catalogue and
= learn the nature of our work.
D. A. McLACHLAN, Princip4. =
James Watson
Geneml Insurance Agent
Real Esta !and Loan Agent
Dealer in -iewing Machines.
Four good houses for side,
conveniently situated in the
Town of Seaforth. Terms
reasonable and possession
given promptly
Apply at my office for particulars.
12.00 to Winnipeg
Pius % cent' per mile beyond
August 19th from all stations be-
tween Lyn and Toronto, Weston; Pal -
grave and Nor htBay, including
Penetang, Meaford and. Miliand, Depot
Harber and intermediate statdons.
August 2Ist from Toronto and all
stations west and south thereof in
For further particulars apply to
any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent o
G. E. Horning, District Passenge
Agent, Toronto, Ont.
W. Somerville . Town Agen
W. R. Plant •Dertot Agent
Music Store
We can save you muney by
dealing with us on new and
slightly used Pianos. One
Heintzman piano used only 'a
few months, like new, well
Made and a fine toned instrum-
ent to sacrifice $35. One
square piano to go at $45, a
good practice piano.
If you buy from us you will
get what you want. We will
not handle cheap pianos at
any price, our reputation will
not permit. -Come in and get
,Jonathan E, Hugi11
Opposite Bank a Ccs
Successful Opening. -The formal
opening of the new clmich shed at
Egmendville took place on Tuesday
and 'was most successful. In the af-
ternoon the Ladies' Aid held a bazaar
which, was well patronized and hi the
evening the Maple Leaf Quartette. of
Galt gave an excellent. programme to
a vern large audience. The total pro-
ceeds of the day amounted to some-
thing over $00.
ass .
Lades' Auxiliary, G. W. V. A. -At
the lapt -regular meeting of the Sea -
forth Branch G. W. V. 'A. it was de-
cided to ask the ladies ,of the town
and district to erganize a Ladies'
Ausdliery to the local branch and for
that purpose a xneeting of the ladies
• intereSted will be held in the Carnegie
Library, Seaforth, on Tuesday ‘evema
ing neitt, the 23rd instant, at 7.30 p.m.
A. full attendance of the ladies of the
town and surrounding district interest-
ed in the returned soldiers is desired.
Death of Robert McMichael. -A de
sene of logs was brought to a wi
circle of friends by the death of. M
Robert McMichael, which took pia
at the age of seventy years, last Fr
clay, September 12th, at the home
his brther, Mr. el'ames McMichae
Harpurey. • Although an invalid f
twa or three year he bore his burde
of infunnity with a patience and thee
fulness nthat Woe the good will
ministering -friends, and his deat
came aS a surprise and shock. Bo
and beOught up - in Huron Coun
Mr. McMichael went to North Dakot
thirty-five years ago, where. he r
rnained eintil a serious illness .advise
his retiirn two years ago, and tla'd
closing rperiod of his life was Ina
as Ilea:* and comfortable as unsse
fish care could 'make it. Follevrin
the funeral services on Monday th
remains. were taken to Wahpiton, Da
kota for burial. Besides brothers an
sisters Mr. McMichael Is smnrived b
three sons and two daughters. Hi
wife, who was Agnea VanEgmond
predeceased him fifteen' Years ago.
LocaIlBriefs.-Monday, October 13t
has been fixed by the Domipion Gov
ernment as Thanksgiving Day.-Mis
H. I. Graham has been accepted as
candidate for the London Free Pres
campaign. The successful candidate
are to be given a free trip to th
European battlefields. -Mr. W. H
Henderon, for many years a wel
known resident of Seafortin died a
his hoxne in Hamilton on Saturda
,last -Miss Maud Hartry, who ha
been spending some months at he
home lere, returned to - Edmonton o
Wedneclay.-Mr. Hugh Welsh, o
Hamilton, spent the week end at hi
home nere.-Mrs. Andrew Archibald
of Lonnon, was the guest of her sister
Mrs. W Smithers this week.-Mis
Harris, of Toronto and formerly o
the Bell Telephone office heref. wa
visiting with friends in teem this week
-1VIrs.1 A. Georg and family mov
ed to their nw home in Yorktown
Sask., this week. -Miss Evelyn Card
no ha returned from Milverton Where
she w s visiting her sster.-Mr. and
Mrs. Chafer and two children. of
Gowa stown, and Mr. and, Mrs. Nor-
man Emens, of Oshawa. were visit-
ing at the home of their uncle, Mr.
J. S. W elslf this week. Mr. and Mrs.
Emene intend shortly removing to
13ritish Columbia, td reside. -Mrs. R.
Hays is in Detroit this week. -Mr.
Re E. Coates returned this week
nom p trip to • the coast. -Mrs. T
R. ThOmpson and Miss Margaret sneni
the week end with Goderich friends.-
Mr. and Mrs. A. Stone, of Norivich
are viaiting at Mrs. Stone's home h
Egmondville.-Miss Sadie Thompso
has r turned from a visit with rel
atives in Cleveann-Rev. F. H. Larki
will speak next Sunday evening o
Prohinition and the Soldier vote.-
Mrs. Snell and Miss Margaretta, o
Toronto, were here this ,week attend
ing the .funeral of the late' Rober
McMichael. -Messrs. Douglas Beattie
and Harry Hinchley left this week to
attend the eAgricultural College,
Guelph. -Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Shannon,
of Underwood, spent Sunday at the
home Of Mrs. D: Dorrance.-Mr. and
Mrs. geleman, of .Kincardine, are. the
guests of Mr. end Mrs. Thomas Daly.
-Mrs.I'Morrow- and Miss Hazel are
visiting friends in McKillop. -Mr. and
Mrs. YeateS, of Toronto; were guests
at the home or Mr, and Mrs. George
Brownlee last week. -Mr. ami Mrs.
S. .Cluff have sold their residence in
Seaforth and have purcl.ased a home
in Goderich where they intend moving
shortly. We are sorry to see them
leave Seaforth but their many friends
here hone they will be spared to en-
oy -their new home ,for many years.
-Mr. and Mrs. William Mills, of
Leamington, were visiting at the home
of Mr. Golding, North Main 'street,
in Ft ix.;re• It is 40 years sine Mr.
Mills ha e visited Seafortle-Dr. and
Mrs. Fester 'and Mrs. J. A, Kelly and
eon, Prank, were week end guests at
the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. D. Shan-
nahan.--Mrs, H. Beechley and daugh-
ter, of Flint, Michigan, and M. . Mc-
Donald of Clinton were guests at
the home (S Mi. and Mrs. Peter Daley
last week -Mr. and Mr. James Colou-
home of Niagara Falls: N. ,Y. return -
0 home c.n Saturday after spending
weel, with Mrs. Colquhoun'e. sister,
ire W. Krus.-The draw for the
ouvenir spoons dc;riated by '2ylis Lukes
or the ipurnose of securing: an invalid
hair fer Christie street hospital, To-
ont. -..,.-ai; made 'ths wek, the for -
mune winnerS being Mrs. E. J. Box,
Tree E.' Mullaly,Mr. E. Dunca-n. Miss
. Thenipson, Marearet Daly and Miss
. Fowler. The amount realized was
2, Misses M. Daly and M. Rolph
a.ving sold tickets amounting to
21. -Mrs. George Sillery and
O n lialeg moved to Mrs. Webb's resi-
ence on Louisa, Street. -Mrs S. Mara
n and family and Nursing Sister,
ettie McLeod, returned this week to
heir hem& in Des Moines, Iowa. -
Ire Urnbach is visiting at her home
Fergus. -Mr. A. Scott, of Windsor,
pent Sunday at the hoine of his fath-
, Mr. John Scott, of Roxboro. ---Mr.
homa. J. Stephens and Miss
tephens returned this . week from a
ery pleaaant motor trip to Tempt°,
uffald and AlbanynaMrs. George
urclie has returned from a visit with
knives, in Mitchell. - Mrs. Joseph
rieve returned to her home in De-
oit on Wednesday. She was ancom-
flied by Mrs. John Reinke, who will
sit; her brothers, Messrs. J. and Scott
- •„4--:-
Grieve. -Mrs, SidneY Deem' Was ViSt,
ing at her home in Mitchell'nhis weeke
-Messrs, Harvey Burrows, L. Colbert,
E.Rivers, G. Chapman and R. Bristow
left this week for Tronto- attend
the Ontario College" of • Dental Sur-
geonse-Itfr. and Mrs. G. E. Render -
son were in Haroiltbn on Tuesday at-
tending the faueral of Mr, gender -
son's brother, the Tate William Render -
son. -There was a very large attend-
atice and brisk bidding at the auction
sale of the McMichael estate on Sat-
eirday. last. The residence on Gode-
rich Street was purchased by Mr.
Andrew Scott for sz,180.-4Pr. Samuel
Carnochan has sold the homestead
farm on the seconticoncession of Tuck-
ersmith to Mr. Robrt Aberhart, of
Egmondville. Mr. Carnochan retains
possession until March ist next -Mr.
and Mrs. R. A. Wilson, who were visit-
ing Mrs. Wilson's mother, Mrs, W. E.
Sosithgate, Sr., returned t� New York
on IVIonday.-Miss Muriel Willis. is
viaiting with relatives in Detroit: -
Mr. Clyde Rankin, of Toronto is spend-
ing his holidays at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rankin.
-Mr. E. Davis. and son, of Detroit
-are at present visiting the formee's
mother, Mrs, E. Dais,
For Sle.-Fifty young White Leghorn her.
Apply'to F. X, Sprigs, Egmondville, Ont,
For Sale. -A Sherlock 3k/fanning oran, in
piano ease, 6 octave. Apply to G. D. Haigh,
For Sale.---Masaey-Haris cream sep7ri-air,
600 pounds capaciy, nearly new. R. H.
Govenlock, North Main Street. 27011
• For Sale.. --,-On Goderich Street East, com-
fortable cottlage and lot. For particulars
apply cin premises. Mm. Violet MeLeod, 2699-4
f"Dt.11' W. Griffith's favorite Star "DorothY
Gish" is now playing at the Strand in '"The
Rope Chest." By all means see this ;?icture.
Honse for Sale or Rent.--Conifortable house
an James Street near Public School. Posses-
sion September 1st. Apply to Sproat and
Sproat, or phone 18 on 160. 26954f
Fowl Wanted. -Highest cash prices paid for
fowl at the Royal Hotel every Tuesday fore-
noon. James G. McMichael. Phone 6 on 24.
House For Sale. -On Godericli Street, Sea -
forth, three doors east of Doctors Scott and
Mackay's office. Hnquire at house or market
scales. A. STOBIE. 2694-tf
"Dorothy Gish" the Star who played "The
Little Ditrber" in "Hearts of the' World" is
now playing at the Strand in a big Fair Day
Special. See it sure. Three shows Friday -
4 nni., 7.15 9 pM.
Poultry Wanted. -The undersigned is Pre-
pared to pay the highest cash price for anY
quantity of live poultry delivered at his
grocery store Main Stret, Seaforth, ever?,
Tuesday morning. G. D. Haigh. 2697f
Eight shows for $1.00. We ba-ve only a.
few books of tickeis • (8 tickets for $1) on
hand, and as -we do not intend to issue any
more of these 'books we would advise you to
secure. what yowant at The Box Office or
Cash Shoe Store now. -Strand..
The Alice Dunbar Company in Cardno's
Opera' Hall, Seaforth, Fall Fair night, Sept.
19th. You heard them 'last year. That is all
the announcement they need. Plan of hall
opens at Aberhart's Drug Store at noon, Satur-
day, September 18th.
Don't Burn Chaff or Straw. -Mx Cane
Mole. with old ha, straw, chaff, ensilage, etc.,
and feed to all your live stodk. Cane Mola
produces more milk, builds flesh faster, keeps
stock healthier and reduces feeding costa to
a minimum. 'Used by successful breeders all
over the Country. Sold by John McNay,,
Seaforth, Ont. e 2701-1
.Announcement. -Miss Annie G. Govenlock
graduate teachers' course Canadian Academy
of music announces the re -opening of her class -
”es in piano, organ and theory, on September
2nd, 1919. Pupils will be prepared for Can-
adian Academy of Music and Toronto Con-
servatory of Inligie examinations. Studio North
Main Street, 'hone 108. 2699-4 th
Lumber For Sale. -Having purchased e
flour mill at Winthrop we are taking it down
and have for sale timber,' matched fooring,
joit, rafters, sheeting, siding and matched
pine, all in good shape. If you are con-
templating • doing any building see us or
phone 61, Seaforth. It will pay you. The
•Big Hardare. H. Edge. 2699-3
Notice. -We are asking for voluntary con-
tributions to help us raise our share of the
funds for •the teMperance campaign. A
dornmit-tee consisting of Messrs. T. Purcell, .A.
Cuthill, John Boyd and Fred Scarlett. has
been appointed and contributions may be
handed to any of them. This is a worthy
e,ause. so let every one do his best. McKilloP
Temperance Organization.
Notes. -The Presbyterian church
will ll hold their anniversary services on)
Sunday, September 28th. Rev. Mr.
McLean, of Egmondville, will conduct
services. at 11 a.m, and 7.30 p.rn.-
The many friends of Mr. Robert Love
t will be sorry to learn that he still con-
tinues to be poorly. -Threshing is al-
most finished, for the season around
thesn perts,
West End ,Notes. -Mrs. V. Terey-
berry visited friends in London and
Kippen last week. -Quite a number
from here took in the London fair.
Mr. W. G. Nott was the winner of
several prizes for horses, -Mrs, G.
N. Turner is visiting in Clinton this
week. -Mr. J. Terr3rberry spent last
week with friends in Hamilton and
Caleionia.-Miss Myrtle Crich
on Tuesday to attend the Normtil
school at Stratford.
Note. -Miss Myrtle Sadler spent
Sunday with friends in Mitchell. -Mr.
William Sadler, Mr. Ed, Sadler and
Miss Emma Sadler, Hamilton, attended
the funeral of the late Mr. James
Harburn, whioh took place Tuesday
last, -Mr. and Mrs. J. S. 'Carr,' who
have been visiting friends here for
the last week, have retbrned to their
home in New York State. -Mrs. A.
Hotham visited friends in Galt over
the week end. -Mr. and Mrs. T. M.
Hamilton attended London fair on
Friday last. -The Hibbert school fair
including eleven schools, will hold
hold their fair on Monday 22nd. -
Rev. A. 3. and Mrs. Love went to
Chicago last week, returning on Tues-
day, 1th. -
• Motel- Accidents. -An Overland car
owned by Mr. James Paxman, of this
town, and driven by a young man
named 'McDonald, ran into the ditch
at Mair's Hill, near. Flolmesville, Sun-
day night, and turned over. A party
of five were returning from Goderich
in the machine, when something ap-
parently went wrong with the steer-
ing gear, and, with a wet road, caus-
ed the accident The five were pin-
ned beneath the automobile, but all
escaped iniuryn in am almost miracu-
lus mannee. The top of the car was
-Another accident occurred at the
very dangerous level crossing of the
Grand Trunk at the elevatcir on the
London Road, when Roy Plumsteel and
wife w- -e returning from town to tkeir
farm. Mi: Plumsteel slowed ,up to
get a view of the track, and the
Slackened speed just resulted in his
car being struck by a freight engine.
Mrs. Plumsteel, seated in the rear, was
• - ,
v• •
Set some of th Latest Fic-
tion: on display to, obr window.
Also a line of Thbinton Bur.
ges§ pid Time Story Books.
These are sure to please the
See our new line of Snap
Shot Albums
Bookstore Seaforth
001 OM
Your " Dollars " will reach
just a little bit further. here
than in any other store and
we carry just a little bit big -
gr variety than any other
,store in Huron County. We're
ready for the Fall trade.
'The Store that sells for Cash
Beatties' Fair -
bit by- the locomotive, thrown (mite
a distance, and suffered. a sevevely
torn shoulder. Roy Plumateel and
Mr. Henry were badly shaken u. It
is hoped that the town will take
action to render this crossing les0
Notes. -Another pioneer passed a -
ay last Saturday in the person of
Mr. William Mitchell, at the age of
87 years. The end did not confe un-
expected as he had been' ailing for
s,ome time with a worn our constitu-
tion. He has been a resident of this
place for 33 years, and run the saw
rnill business almost all his lifetime
and was a mill right by trade. He
was highly, respected by all who knew
him. The funeral took place on Mon-
day to the 1Vlaitlandbank cemetery and
was largely attended. • He is survived
by his partner in life and four sons
and one daughter: William, in Van-
couver; Robert, in Washington, and
Alex. and Donald, at home, and Mrs.
J. Rock in Dakota. Nellie and Dive
predeceased him some fifteen years.
The sorrowing family have the symp-
The Best Yet
Improve yeti., home by build-
ing a nice new veranda of cement
blocks. Orders taken for any de-
sign. We will tell you what looks
best. Call and see stock on hand,
also a. large quantity of 'cement
tile, 3, 4 and 6 **for sale guar-
anteed not to cefinble, well cured.
Larger tile made on order. Sea -
forth •Tile Works. <
R. frost Sc Son
The one most famous motion picture
- of all time.
The Birth of a
with synchronized music. '
This great spectacle will be shown in
two parts each in six aets.
Thurs. Fri. Sat.
September 25, 26, 27. -
Part 11 the week following.
This will permit showing at proper
speed a thing formerly impracticable
on account of its .great length'. So
eoine prepared to enjoy it better than
Admission 10 and 15 cents.
Saturday afternoon 10c.
Monday .. Tuesday .. Wednesday
You'll thoroughly- enjoy the new
World Picture,
Carlyle Blackwell
Evelyn Greeley
It is fast-moving, exciting and al-
together different fromt, the ordinary
run of pictures. See it.
also •
A Paramount Sennett Comedy
"Hide and Seek Detectives"
- (2 reels)
A laugh from Start to Finish.
15c 8.15 p.m. 10c
. .
athy of the whole -communiy in this(
theirehour• of pad aillictions-Mr. John'
Talbot has completed a drilled well
for George Inistner and struck- a good
spring at the depth a114 feet,
Notes. -M. Louis' Weiss, of To-
ronto, called on old friends here last
week. -Mrs, W. Fortune and children
returned tODetroit after a two months,
visit at the home of her mother, Mrs.'
M. .Lynch. She was accomp-
anied by her sister,' Miss Tessie
Lynch.---1%ss Leona Holland called
on Lonnsn friends recently. Mr. and
Mrs. ritilay McKercher and Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Moylan motored to To-
ronto and report a fine time at the
Exhibition. -Miss McJihargey, of
London, is the guest of here sister,
Mrs. Thomas Ryan--Misgr M. Gal-
lagher, of Strathroy, has resumed her
duties as teacher at the separate
schooL-Miss Gibbons, on Wingham,
is visiting her aunt, Mrs, John De-
,laney.-A number of our citizens I at-
tended the' London fain -Mrs. Joe
Ryan, of Detroit, renewed. old ac-
quaintances here since our last issue.
Notes. -Misses Ross, of Stanley,
Emma McDonald, and Margaret Ross,
daughter of Mrs. WilliamRoss, of our
village, left on Monday last for Lon-
don to attend the Normal school. -
The cement walls of the Presbyterian
church shed here are completed. They
are .50 by 230 feet. The shed will
have a metal real Deitee of
Zurich, has the contrat-John A.
MEWen, of Stanley, threshed sweet
clover off twelve acres last week. The
seed is very dear, being from $1.0 to
$12 per bushel. It was a paying crop.
-Mrs. Jones, of British Columbia, who
has been visiting her mother, Mrs.
Granger, has returned to her home. -
Alen. McKenzie and wife, Who spent
the summer at the Soo, have. returned
home. They look as 'though the change
had been a benefit to them. -A goodly
number from our village attended the
London Fair. -Goldie Graham 'and
bride returned from their wedding
trip spent at Hamilton and Toonto,
and have settled in their borne in
Stanley. -Sandy Grey, who recently
sold his farm, has bought a Wise in
Seaforth.-Rev. Mr. Bell, of Strat-
ford Presbytery, visited his parents
this week.
Notes. -Mrs. Hanna, of Wingharre
accompanied by her- son, John and
daughter, Miss Maude, were visitors
with the former's. sister, Mrs. A. Mc-
Kenzie during the pest week. -Mrs.
Hugh McDonald, of London, is visit-
ing with her mother, Mrs. John And-
erson, who for some time has not been
enjoying good health. -Mrs. A. Mc-
Kenzie has recently returned" from
London Hospital, and we are glad to
state is improving nieely.-The corn
harvest is now On the go and many
are busy filling up their silos. The
crop is a good average considering
the dry season. -Messrs, Aikenhead
and Deity have started threshing
beans. The samnles are of the very
best which indicates a good crop in
this section. -Mrs. George Taylor is
spending a two 'months' visit with her
sons, Fred. and Albert, in London.
Mr. , W. H. Johnston conducted the
services in the 1VIethodiet church on
Sunday last, their pastor, Rev. Wil-
son, being unable to take the ser-
vice. -Mr, John Deitz during the
past week disposed of thirty-five
spring lambs. Mr. Deitz says there
is good money in raising sheep. -A
number of horses are changing hands
in this vicinity. Mr. John Beln dis-
posed of a good gelding this week. -
The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's will
hold a Bazaar in the school room of
the church on Friday evening, October
1.0th. Further particulars will be
given laer.
Evans-Feeey.-A- pretty wedding
was solemnized at St. atrick's church
on Tuesday darning, Sept. 16th at
9.30 o'clock, when Miss Irene Feeney,
youngest daughter of Mr. and, Mrs.
James Feeney, Hibbert, became the
wife of Mr. Leo Evans. of Dublin.
High Mass was celebrated by Rev,
Father Noonan. The bride was neatly
dressed in a tailored navy bine serge
suit, grey fox furs, white hat and,
carried bridal roses. She was assisted
by her eousin, Miss Margaret Burns,
neatly dresed in blue silk and carry-
ing rose. The groom was supported,
by his cousin, Mr. Carl Stapleton.
The immediate relatives were enter-
tained at the home of the bride's par-
„ans. The presents were numerous
and costly. The honeymoon will be
spent in Detroit and other American
cities. The young couple will be at
home to their friends on the groom's
fine ifarin east of Dublin in October;
Fatal Accident -A serious runaway •
accident occurred on Friday last when
Mrs. Joleph Watters and her sister,
Miss Margaret Williams. of Chicago,
were driving to the home of their
sister,* Mrs. John McGrath. Their
horse took fright at a road scraper
leaning against a fence a shert dis-
tance from their home, both ladies
were thrown from the buggy and bad-
ly injured. Miss Williams was rend-
ered unconscious and removed to a
nearby home. Mrs. Waters was in-
jured internally so seriously that she
died the following Monday. A physi-
cian from Seafotth was summoned and
attended the ladies. The funeral of
Mrs. Watters took place on Wednes-
day morning, her forty-second birth-
day. The direct cause of the lady's
death was a failure of the heart Mrs.
Waters suffered a weak spell on Mon-
day morning and passed awayaat noon.
The funeral mass was celebrated by
Rev. Father Noonan. Deceased is sur-
vived by her husband and three daugh-
ters. Mrs. Pat -lick Flannery, St.
Columban; Mrs. J. McGrath, Hibbert,
and Miss Williams, Chicago, are
sisters.. The brothers arn Daniel, of
Chicago; Patrick, of Hibbert, and
Thos. of Inickersmith. To Mr. Watters
and his three lovely daughters, aged
fourteen, ten and seven years respec-
tively, the sympathy of the community'
is extended. The funeral, was one of
the largest ever witnessed here. Mrs.
Waters was conscious to the last, and
selected the pall bearers and was so-
licitous as to the welfare of her
(children. Miss Williams, who was
severely injured in the accident, is pro-
gressing nicely and was able to be
moved to tke room of her sister to,
say a few farewell words.
• --
of Style
of Merit
Sept, 19tb,and
1Saturday, Se
ress Good
pt. 20th
nd Ali Kinds of
Ladies' Apparel
are in the limelight
As usual this is the Fashion Event
the Season -and never more so than
s Fall. PEACE is here and once
ore Dame Fashion steps forth free
d untrammeled to "apparel herself
ehe likes.
1 No reason thisseason why every
oman cannot be welldresed, partice
larly if ber apparel is bought' here.
rin if this is your desire be sure to
c me to this event, which is really
SOCI.AL EVENT fee the women
.,oi this town and district. -
A 1111111111111111111111111110111111Min1iin -
We bid you
111111I11111111111111111111111111111111lin "
The Store that
Your Patronage
• *aga•
111•111 :
= 1-2�13, P
=1, p:a d. pp.
= fitted an
1=7 1-14 H. P.
0on d
good wo
user, in
=1 atiaition t
Traction E
an! 1-10 H.
most n
-10 P
1 -John Geo
ment, re
ne AII of t
= and can be
0 In
. Ss*
Business Change
Having purchased the
Feed business of W. E.
Kerslake, we are prepar-
ed to 'supply you with a
full line of Flour and
Feed and trast you will
find our prices reasonable.
-A call will be appreciated.
The one most famous motion picture
- of all time.
The Birth of a
with synchronized music. '
This great spectacle will be shown in
two parts each in six aets.
Thurs. Fri. Sat.
September 25, 26, 27. -
Part 11 the week following.
This will permit showing at proper
speed a thing formerly impracticable
on account of its .great length'. So
eoine prepared to enjoy it better than
Admission 10 and 15 cents.
Saturday afternoon 10c.
Monday .. Tuesday .. Wednesday
You'll thoroughly- enjoy the new
World Picture,
Carlyle Blackwell
Evelyn Greeley
It is fast-moving, exciting and al-
together different fromt, the ordinary
run of pictures. See it.
also •
A Paramount Sennett Comedy
"Hide and Seek Detectives"
- (2 reels)
A laugh from Start to Finish.
15c 8.15 p.m. 10c
. .
athy of the whole -communiy in this(
theirehour• of pad aillictions-Mr. John'
Talbot has completed a drilled well
for George Inistner and struck- a good
spring at the depth a114 feet,
Notes. -M. Louis' Weiss, of To-
ronto, called on old friends here last
week. -Mrs, W. Fortune and children
returned tODetroit after a two months,
visit at the home of her mother, Mrs.'
M. .Lynch. She was accomp-
anied by her sister,' Miss Tessie
Lynch.---1%ss Leona Holland called
on Lonnsn friends recently. Mr. and
Mrs. ritilay McKercher and Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Moylan motored to To-
ronto and report a fine time at the
Exhibition. -Miss McJihargey, of
London, is the guest of here sister,
Mrs. Thomas Ryan--Misgr M. Gal-
lagher, of Strathroy, has resumed her
duties as teacher at the separate
schooL-Miss Gibbons, on Wingham,
is visiting her aunt, Mrs, John De-
,laney.-A number of our citizens I at-
tended the' London fain -Mrs. Joe
Ryan, of Detroit, renewed. old ac-
quaintances here since our last issue.
Notes. -Misses Ross, of Stanley,
Emma McDonald, and Margaret Ross,
daughter of Mrs. WilliamRoss, of our
village, left on Monday last for Lon-
don to attend the Normal school. -
The cement walls of the Presbyterian
church shed here are completed. They
are .50 by 230 feet. The shed will
have a metal real Deitee of
Zurich, has the contrat-John A.
MEWen, of Stanley, threshed sweet
clover off twelve acres last week. The
seed is very dear, being from $1.0 to
$12 per bushel. It was a paying crop.
-Mrs. Jones, of British Columbia, who
has been visiting her mother, Mrs.
Granger, has returned to her home. -
Alen. McKenzie and wife, Who spent
the summer at the Soo, have. returned
home. They look as 'though the change
had been a benefit to them. -A goodly
number from our village attended the
London Fair. -Goldie Graham 'and
bride returned from their wedding
trip spent at Hamilton and Toonto,
and have settled in their borne in
Stanley. -Sandy Grey, who recently
sold his farm, has bought a Wise in
Seaforth.-Rev. Mr. Bell, of Strat-
ford Presbytery, visited his parents
this week.
Notes. -Mrs. Hanna, of Wingharre
accompanied by her- son, John and
daughter, Miss Maude, were visitors
with the former's. sister, Mrs. A. Mc-
Kenzie during the pest week. -Mrs.
Hugh McDonald, of London, is visit-
ing with her mother, Mrs. John And-
erson, who for some time has not been
enjoying good health. -Mrs. A. Mc-
Kenzie has recently returned" from
London Hospital, and we are glad to
state is improving nieely.-The corn
harvest is now On the go and many
are busy filling up their silos. The
crop is a good average considering
the dry season. -Messrs, Aikenhead
and Deity have started threshing
beans. The samnles are of the very
best which indicates a good crop in
this section. -Mrs. George Taylor is
spending a two 'months' visit with her
sons, Fred. and Albert, in London.
Mr. , W. H. Johnston conducted the
services in the 1VIethodiet church on
Sunday last, their pastor, Rev. Wil-
son, being unable to take the ser-
vice. -Mr, John Deitz during the
past week disposed of thirty-five
spring lambs. Mr. Deitz says there
is good money in raising sheep. -A
number of horses are changing hands
in this vicinity. Mr. John Beln dis-
posed of a good gelding this week. -
The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's will
hold a Bazaar in the school room of
the church on Friday evening, October
1.0th. Further particulars will be
given laer.
Evans-Feeey.-A- pretty wedding
was solemnized at St. atrick's church
on Tuesday darning, Sept. 16th at
9.30 o'clock, when Miss Irene Feeney,
youngest daughter of Mr. and, Mrs.
James Feeney, Hibbert, became the
wife of Mr. Leo Evans. of Dublin.
High Mass was celebrated by Rev,
Father Noonan. The bride was neatly
dressed in a tailored navy bine serge
suit, grey fox furs, white hat and,
carried bridal roses. She was assisted
by her eousin, Miss Margaret Burns,
neatly dresed in blue silk and carry-
ing rose. The groom was supported,
by his cousin, Mr. Carl Stapleton.
The immediate relatives were enter-
tained at the home of the bride's par-
„ans. The presents were numerous
and costly. The honeymoon will be
spent in Detroit and other American
cities. The young couple will be at
home to their friends on the groom's
fine ifarin east of Dublin in October;
Fatal Accident -A serious runaway •
accident occurred on Friday last when
Mrs. Joleph Watters and her sister,
Miss Margaret Williams. of Chicago,
were driving to the home of their
sister,* Mrs. John McGrath. Their
horse took fright at a road scraper
leaning against a fence a shert dis-
tance from their home, both ladies
were thrown from the buggy and bad-
ly injured. Miss Williams was rend-
ered unconscious and removed to a
nearby home. Mrs. Waters was in-
jured internally so seriously that she
died the following Monday. A physi-
cian from Seafotth was summoned and
attended the ladies. The funeral of
Mrs. Watters took place on Wednes-
day morning, her forty-second birth-
day. The direct cause of the lady's
death was a failure of the heart Mrs.
Waters suffered a weak spell on Mon-
day morning and passed awayaat noon.
The funeral mass was celebrated by
Rev. Father Noonan. Deceased is sur-
vived by her husband and three daugh-
ters. Mrs. Pat -lick Flannery, St.
Columban; Mrs. J. McGrath, Hibbert,
and Miss Williams, Chicago, are
sisters.. The brothers arn Daniel, of
Chicago; Patrick, of Hibbert, and
Thos. of Inickersmith. To Mr. Watters
and his three lovely daughters, aged
fourteen, ten and seven years respec-
tively, the sympathy of the community'
is extended. The funeral, was one of
the largest ever witnessed here. Mrs.
Waters was conscious to the last, and
selected the pall bearers and was so-
licitous as to the welfare of her
(children. Miss Williams, who was
severely injured in the accident, is pro-
gressing nicely and was able to be
moved to tke room of her sister to,
say a few farewell words.
• --
of Style
of Merit
Sept, 19tb,and
1Saturday, Se
ress Good
pt. 20th
nd Ali Kinds of
Ladies' Apparel
are in the limelight
As usual this is the Fashion Event
the Season -and never more so than
s Fall. PEACE is here and once
ore Dame Fashion steps forth free
d untrammeled to "apparel herself
ehe likes.
1 No reason thisseason why every
oman cannot be welldresed, partice
larly if ber apparel is bought' here.
rin if this is your desire be sure to
c me to this event, which is really
SOCI.AL EVENT fee the women
.,oi this town and district. -
A 1111111111111111111111111110111111Min1iin -
We bid you
111111I11111111111111111111111111111111lin "
The Store that
Your Patronage
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1=7 1-14 H. P.
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