HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-09-19, Page 5es from the out- 3rs of the BEST . selecting a pair ar. We've shoes !onstantly on his Men who go_ the for business and :re. It is a swell new, long vamp nes in Mahogany .$7•50 and $7.00. f on the English all the time we and radium toe c mfort and a ERCIA.L HUM, Iimemimmuitummollialmaimmink %ids, Sheep, le and horse ad the farm, rongest coal mange and scab, sheep g infee,tious this market. Le Canadian AFORni. an ar bu very ureni were best hides, 'reliable fall d children, .'ore of the ?ou purch- e now ervice get your sar)pint- t this corn - and y 0 ;i. EAFORTH MARKETS. Seaforth, Butter, per rb tggs, per dozen Potatoes, per bag Barley , per cwt. Sliorts, per ton,. Bran, per ton • . Wheat, per bushel Spring 'neat, per Oats, per bushel Hogs, per evrt... September 18, 1919. to 52c • • • , to 52c . • $5.00 to $5,90 , . ... •. .348.00 bushel I 85d • . ..... . . , $16 . 75 BEAN MARKET Toronth, Sept, 16. Be.ans, Canadian, hand. picked, bushel, $5.26 to 35,.75; primeio-$1.25 10 34,75; Imported hand picked, Banat, 34; Limas, 15 to 16o. POULTRY MARKET Toronto. Sept. 16. --Dressed poti1ty. spriner I eldokees. 38 to 40e; roostere. 25 to O8e; fowl, I 84 to 36e; turkeys, 40 to 450; ducklings, 34 i I to 86c; equabe. doze 37. Live poultry—Spring ehiekesn. 22 to 26c: fowl, 28 to 25c; ducks, 22 to 25e. LIVE STOCK MARKT Moutreal, September 16.—The aveek's offer- ings a live stock at the ovest end cattle market have amounted to "2,115 cattle, 2,820 elle%) and lambs. 1,065 hogs. and go calves. The receipts for the market to -lay were 1.600 cattle 2,240 sheeo and lambo' 870 hogs and 670 calves. t The feature of the market is the con.tin weakness in hogs, -which have again decli and choice selects to -day were sold freely 319 per 100 pounds. Supplies were not he locally, but were ample to meet all requi ments, as buyers are, *tot generally buying futere needs, owing to an anticthation further declines. The cattle section of the market does ahow much change. and ehoice eattle rather scarce. Prices remain firm in tine, but some cheaper grades are quoted . merely nominal prices. At the Canadian Pacific Stook Yards week's receipt) of live stock have been 2,1 cattle. 2.350 sheep and lambs, 1,250; hogs a 660 calves. The ofrerings to -day amounted 1,700 cattle, 1,800 sheep and lambs, 450 ho and 660 conies. Trading at the market w brisk, with prices unchanged except for lam which were higher and hogs, which declin to $19 for selects. off cars. Quotations :-.-Choice steers 312.50 to 313.5 good. $11 to $12 ; medium, 310' to 311; co • man $7 to 39; butcher cattle choice bulls, $ ta $11; good. 38.50 to $9.50: medium, $6 *9; oows, choice, $10.50 to 411.50; good, $9. • to 110; meditnn, •36 to $8,50; sheep, $8- 310.50; lambs, $10 to 313.50; calves, nailkef $12 to 315. Buffalo. September 16.—Cattle; receip 5,600: plow, good, steady; others 25 to 3 lower; prime steers, 317 to *17.50; shippin steers, 316 to 316.75 ; butchens 19.50 e15.50; yearlings, 38 -to 316; heifers 37 313; cows. $4 to 312; bulls, $6 to $11.50 Otockers and feeders, 56 to 311.50; fres cciwe and springers, $6.50 to 317.50. - Calves, receipts, 1.500; 50 cente highee 37.00 to 324.00. • Hogs, receipts, 13.800; slow; 75s to $ tower; heave,.$17.50 to $17.75: yorkers, $17.7 Pigs, $17-; roughs, 314.50 to 314.75; stags, 81 to 813. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, September 16 ---Hoge dropped to $18.75 fed and water and 317/75, f.o.b. this mn orping.- OWedne; day the packer-buyens will* repeat the 50 -cut of to -day, and at the week end will cora bine to further lower. values. Drovers an farmers this morning aPPeared resigned t 4 the recessiozt. but whether they will submit a quietly to- the pruning process at mid -week i another matter. During the week end fairi large sueedies of hogs reached the packin houses direct. For the 1,800 head on the -open market to -day the trade was , fairly active The cattle trade was only active so far as the small percentage of good killers in the .offering of 5,000 head was concerned. For these values were steady, some top grade heavy steers selling up to 314.50 and some fair steers at from 313 to 313.75. Choice butchers were an average demand at abbut steady pries, with a range from 312.50 'to 113, but for the rest of the butcher cattle offering trade was slow. In some cases a cut of front 10 'to 15c was re,gistered on raedium killers and "green" steers. Common killers were up to 20c lower. Good cows and 'buns and canners were firm and a fair trade, but in-between stuff was elow and a shade <easier. The receipte were 263 carloads, with 5,079 oa.ttle, 422 calves, 1.850 hogs and 5,224 sheep and iambs. nerclionald and •Halligan sold loadso— Butchers', 3, 1,190 tbs. 313; 7, 959 tbs. $11.50: 7. 800 tbs. 310; 25, 900 tbs. 311.60; 1, 1,050 tbs. $10; 1, 1,030 tbs. 39; 17, 1,150 tbs. 110-90; 11, 800 tbs. $8.70; 1. 940 tbs. 310; 22, 970 lbs. 311.50; 26, 900 tbs. $12; 2, 700 3101,;110. a, 780 Its. 39.50. Calves—Choice 20 to 21e e good 174 to 1814e; mediunt 14% to 16%c; grass 6% to 7% - cows -6, 1,080 311; 1, 1,080 tbs, 310.50; 1, 1,030 tbs. 310:50: 7, 1,090 tbs. 39.75; Io 1,000 tbs. 39; I, 960 410.. 38.50; 1, 850 tbs. *7.50; 1, 1,200 tbs. 38,50; 1, 1,230 lbs. 38.50; I, 1,120 lbs. 37.50; 11, 1,000 ties. 39.75 Sheep and lambs -300 iambs, $14 to e14.50; yearlings $10 to 31.1; good sheep 3810 $9; exit's, 34.50 bo 36; cull Jambe, 310 to 311. United Partners' Co-operative Company sold: Butehers-2, 930 tbs. 311; 3, sill tbs. 311; 1 680 tbs. 311: 1, 900 tbs. $11e a, 790 ibs- 31.0; I, 890 tbs. $11,75; 1, 740 tbs. 36.60 •1 910 lbs. 36; 1, 790 tbs. $9.25; I, 890 tbs. $9.25; I, 600 tbs. $7: 1, 650 lbs- $7; 1. 1,010 lbs. 310.50: I, 900 tbs. $10.50; 14, 760 tbs. 38.50; 2, 810 the. $10: 14, 670 tbs. $8.50; 2 810 lbs. 310 ; 14, 670 tles. $8.50; 25, 1.050 ez ma. $12.50; 7,810 tbs. 310; 12 930 tbs, $11. Cowa-1. 800 lbs. 36.25; 2 800 tbs. 36.25: 1 660 lbs. 55.25 ; I. 1,250 tbs. 310; 1, 1,080 itbs. ;10; 1, 1,140 tbs. 39; I, 990 Dec. 310,25; 1 1,044 1bs. 38.75: 1, 920 110, $10.25: 1, 1,000 I, 1,190 1.10. 310; 1,'1200 tbs. 9.50 1, 1,110 lbs. 311; 2, 900 tbs. 35.25; 1, 1r0 tbs. 39.75; lbs. 38.60; I, 1,180 tbs. $7.40; 1, 1,150 tbs. $1.0; 1, 1,100 tbs. 38.50 ;* I, 1.030 lbs. 37.50; 1, 1,160 tbs. $10.25; 1.. 1,230 lbs. $10.50. Buns -2, 910 tbs. 36.25 : 1, 1,250 tbs. 36.25; I, -1,030 tbs. 35.90; 1, 740 tbs. $5.90; .1, 610 1.10.. 35.80; I, 640 tbe. 35.99; 1,1,930 tbs $6.25. The quota.tions- were: Choice heaysr eteefe $13.75 to 314.50, good heavy steers 13 to 313.25; butchers' cattle, choice. 312.50 tO 313 . 00 ; do. good, $11.50 to 31.2;.do. medium; $11.00 to 311.25: do.' common, $7,00 to 38.00; bulls choice 310.25 to $10.75; do. medium, -30.50 to .30,75; do. rough, $7.50. to 38.00: cows, choice. 310 to 310.75; do. good. 39.00 et 39.25; do. medium, 38.50 to $9; do, common ,37 to 37.50; stockere 37.50 10 310 ; feedera $10 to 311.25: canners and eutters, $4.60 to 36.25; milkers, godd to choice, 3110 to 5/40; do. com, and med., $65 to $75 ; springers $90 to 3150 ; light ewes, $7.50 to 39; yearling springe 510 to 311.50; lambs per cwt., 313.2e 414.65: calves, good to choice $16 to $21.50: hogs, fed and watered. 318.75; do. weighed off cars, 3-19: do. _f.o.b., 317.75: do. do. to ftrreere, 317.50. - ued ned at avy re. for of not are this at the 00 nd to gs as be, ed 0; m- 10 to 50 to ed 15 5e to to 1 6 0 e o s s BIRTHS Pinkney.—In London ;:an August 31s1, to Mr. ..otri Mrs. William Pinkney, a daughter. Howe --In Wroxeter, on August 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Merton Howe, a daughter. Stewart—Near Cromarty., on Septetnber 7th, to Mr. and Mn, Alex_ Stewaft, a daughter. Adame—In Hallett, on September 4th, to Mr. ana Mrs. Ernest Adams, a daughter, Thompson...eon McKiIlop, on August 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson, a son. Grieve. -In Exeter. *on September .16th. to Mr. tind Mrs. F. L. Grieve, of London, a daterhter. MARRIAGES XVaits --Feeney- In Dublin. ov September 16th, Irene, young -eh!: ilauehter of Mr. and Mrs. Janus Feeney,. Of Hibbert, to Leo Evans. Lebb--Elliott.-- At The Maples, Coderich town- ship, •nt September 9th, by the Rev. J. F. Parke, Alma •Catherine, only daughter of 1;Irs• W. II. Elliott, te Frederick William Leble. Hoirtee—Lyon.----At Lendesboro, on September 2ndby the Rev. T. E. tiaWyer, Edna Myrtle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lyon. to Robert 'Holmes, of Dreidorn Ont. DEATHS - In Stanley, on September rahasied. wife of Xexandar Thcmpson, R8 year:. YeM:efel.sI-. Harpurhoi, on Frida-y, Sept. R4bert MeMiefin?l, aired 70 year. Mr.el -iI -In Logan, on Saturday,. SePterooer .13te William Mitobolt,' 'n his 87th year- Wat tens. —In Dublin. on Monday, September lr•to, Mary Williams, beloved wife .of ,Mr. Joseldi Wafers, in her 42nd year. Reid-era:in -In Hay -towns%ip, an August 28th. An' erl Iteldernan. :teed 30 years and 28 day Eiondereor -In Hamilton. )n September 13th, W'clhont liabkirk trenderson, formerly of '.;?Ifsrth, aged 38 yew-- um/ 10months. U1111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111)% PIN • - , . . Funeral Director and = . . Licensed' Embahner . .., . . . . ... - = Undertaking artors in Oddfel = . lows building opposite ra. .. ,atewart Bros. Real- . . .. . dt3nce Goderich st., opp – - Dr. Scott's . -. . ... ,...- . - -. Flowers furnished on -, . . . short notice. - - . - . Phone Night or Day 119 1 iiimmuuniimummumiummomma -, Vi T. 831' & 0 Embalmers and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX !folder %-f Government Diploma •and Liscense Charges Morlerate% Floweraturnished on short notice Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 phone 43 S, Gormley EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth Flowerfurnished on sh'ort notice Charges moderate Phone—Night or Day -192 SALE REGISTER Auction sale of House_and Lot and House- hold Furniture in Egniondville, known as the Pottery Works, on Saturday, October 4th, at 1 p.m. Ferdinand flurgard, ProOrietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer, Auction sale of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects on Friday, October 3rd, on Lot 9, Concession 5, II.R.S., Tuckersraith. Williara Dobie Prop.: T. Brown Auctioneer. On Thursday, October 2nd, at one o'clock P.m., on Lot 7, Concession 12, H.R.S., Parra Stock, Implements, Roots and Household •Furniture, Henry Horton, Prop; Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer. IMPORTANT NOTICES (tARD OF THANKS,—MRS. - WILLIAM Mitchell and soiis, Alex. and Donald, wish to express their sincere thanks to their Many friends and neighbors for the.kindness shown them during the illness and death of husband and father. 2701x1 paurrs AND 'VEGETABLES FRESH FROM A- our garden and orchards. Ask for our. weekly „price lists. HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruit- land. Ontario. Niagara District: 2690-12 HOUSE FOR SALE.—FOR SALE 7 ROOM - ed frame house on George Street, Sea - forth, hard rand soft water. For further particulers apply tor. J. R. ARCHIBALD oc, JOHN RANKIN. 2693-tf "• POR SALE.—TWENTY-TWO YORKS pigs, about ready to wean. Appy be IIIRE- FRANCIS J. COLEMAN, R. R. No. 8 Sea - forth ; phone 19 " on. 614. , • . , 271-2 , ;HOUSE FOR SALE.—FOR SALE 13 IOK " cottage in Egetiondville. containing 4 rooms with cellar, kitchen and frame summer kitchen, allin good repair; good frame barn. The house is situated on orte acre of land. Also for sale No. 2 separator, Standard make. For further particulars apply on the premises or addrees Egmondville post office. FERD- INAND BURGARD. 2692x4 tf HOUSE FOR SALE.—FRAME DOUBIIE house, cement foundation, hard and seft water, each part contains six rooms with woodshed attached. Also 1 single dwelling house, seven rooms, cistern, vroodahed, etc., also one lot with good well. All centrally situated, on Jarvis Street For further par- ticulars apply to MR- WILLIAM IVIORRISON, Jarvis Street, Seaforth, P. � Box 402. 2698-tf FARMS FOR SALE it • pAinft FOR SALE.—LOT 15, CONCESSION A- 4, Starfley Township, a well cultivated fartn with good buildings is offered for sale. Apply to ANDREW SCOTT, Brumfield, Ont. 2700-4 TIROPERT.f. FOR SALE.—FOR SALE 8' acres of land, clay loam, good seven roomed house with fu.rnacie, phone and rural Mail, good buildings, stable,- pqultry house and drive shed: also small orchard. Close, to school, 2 panes from. Seaforth. Apply to JOHN MciefILLAN, R. R. No. 1, Seaforth, or phone 20 on 236; Seaforth Central, 2700-tf pARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE NORTH -1- half of Lot 1e- Concession 13, Hullett, containing 75 •acres, On the premises are a brick house wibh hard and soft water inside, a barn 38x72 with a cement wall and cement floors and water in barn, 1 aore of orehard, some wood. drilled well with windmill to pump water, also spring creek. For tar71111 and particular; apply- to WILLIAM A. BARRON, Blyth, R. It. No. 1. 2700-1f pARM FOR SALE. --BEING 'LOTS 16 AND " 1'7 on the 4th concession of Hibbert con- taining 150 acres with all necessary buildings, convient to schdois and churches of all den- °mations With tel phone and rural route: 21A 1 a, miles frona Dublin anrket. This is a splendid property and will be sold .to wind up the eitate of the late William McLellan. For further particulars apply to ANDREW Mc- LELLAN, Dublin. P. O., It. R.. 2. 2690-1/ _ FARA! FOR SALE -10R SALE LOT 85 Concession 2, McKillop, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a • bank barn hay barn, ben. house and pig house. good' 11i, story frame house; plenty. of .good water; drilled well between house and barn with over 15 feet of water. The farm is well -fenced with woven Wire and is well drained. The land is all ander cultivation and is a first class farm. For further particulara apply on the premises or address Seaforth, 'Re R. No. 2, JAMES McGILL. 2689-tf , FARM FOR SAE.e—BFIIIG LOT 20, CON -- cession 2. H. R. S.. Tuckensmith, contain- ing 100 aeres. 9 acreof good hardwood. bush, the rest in good condition, clean, well fenced and underdrained, with plenty of water and good outbuildings, new 2 storey brick house 26x36 fe..e.t with kitohen 14x20 feet And all modern conveniences, harn 48x56 feet with cement stabling and T 36x60 feet'with cement ;tabling underneath and water :system through- out, cement ailo 14x30 feet, hen hoase and. impleraent shed, 2 acres good orchard well Protectefl with spruce hedge. The farm is well situated, convenient to churches and school, has mail route and telephone, 81/2 miles frcm Seafortb station, 5 miles from Brucedeld. Also 50 acres grass land being west 14 Lot 30. concession 4, L. ft. S., 2 miles eset of Brucefield on Mill Road, well watered and first cia.19 grass Ian,d. For further ito 'formation oprelsr to S. A. CARNOCHAN, R. R. 3, Seaforth. 0-., or phone 8 on 159. 2099-tf Notice to Creditors . of Margaret Dorsey, deceased. Notice Le hereby given pursuant -to the statuto n that behalf that all persona her -- claims against the estate of Margaret Dorseie late of the township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, spinster, deceaeed, who died on the 20th July, 1919, are required on or before the fith Qctober, 1819, to deliver M William Dorsey, St. Colurnban. Ont., the Atitninistrateineor, to the undersigned aolicitono full partieulars of their daises; and after the said 6th October, 1018, the said Administrator will pro. deed- to distribute the said estate among the Persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims -of which he shW1 then have had notice, and that the said A.dministrator will not be liable for the assets of the said estate to'ailer Person of'Whose claim notice shall not then . have been received* Dated the 16th September, 1919. PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE, Gode- rich, Ontario, Solicitors for said Administrator. 2701-8 AUCTION SALES A ITCTION SALE OE' LUMBER, MR. THOS. ddk 'Brown has received instructiona to sell by pabilc auction. at Egmondville Presbyterian church sheds on Tueodae, Ser•tember 16th, at 8' o'alock the following: Fence posth, ancor posts, good rock eira timber 10 by 10, inches, all lengths, one good frame -36 by 38 feet suitable for drive shed, 3 poles suitable for litter carrier, a quantity of other stuff for fire wood and a quantity of kindling. Terms—Cash. JAMES CAMERON, Chairman of Managing Board; T. Brown, Auctioneer, 2700.1 A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD feet). Mr. Thomas Brown' has been. in- structed to sell by public auction at the 1 AUCTION SALES IAlign" SALE OF VALUABLE "HOUSE end two, loth and household goods and furnituke in Seaforth. Thom will be offered for gale by Publie, auction on Saturday the egeh day' of Sentember# 1019, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on the Premises, lots number 6 and 7 on the smith side of Goderioh street, In r, G. Sparling's Survey of part of the Town of Seaforth, formerly the residence of the late jantes-Mehfichael. There are on this property a good frame house, kitchen, and stable, hard and soft water, and eoMe fruit 'trees,. This is a most flesh -able property ahd well situated, and there is ample- room for the erection of another residence on the property. Term TWenty per cent,' of the purchase money on the day of sale and 'the balance within one week thereafter, or at the option of the pur- chaser, part of the purchase money may re- main on mortgage. At the same time and Place there will HIA0 be sold all of the furnie ture and houshold goods in said house, con- sisting of (stoves, beds and bedding, bureaus* wash stands, tables, writing detsk, bureaus, dishes, chairs, carpets, Carpenters' tools, washing machine _and tubs, granite and tin- ware and numerous other artielee. See salt bills. Terms on personal property, cash. Real estate Will be offered for sale subject M a re- served bid and the .approbation of the Local Master at Goderzch. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply' to JOHN TURN- ER, Esq., Seaforth, Committee of the estate of Jane McMichael, or to J. M. BEST, his Solicitor, Seaforth. T. Brown. Auctioneer. Dated at Seaforth 'this 20th dayf).e August,- 1919, '• 2697-4 A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOOK AND Implements. Mr. Thomas Brown has bee* instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 3, Concession 18, Tuckersteith, half mile west of Chiselhurst, Thureday, September 25th, commencing at 1 eicolck sharp, the following: Horses --Agricultural horse 8 years old tcultaral horse 8 years old, pereheron horse Years old. Cattle—Cow 4 years old due to sive at time of sale, 'Cow 6 years old du.e to aloe at time of sale, cow 8 years old due to calve in February, cow 5 years old due to alve in January, cow, 5 year a old supposed be in calf, 2 steers 2 yeara old, heifer 2 year old, 2 heifers 1 year, old, 2 last fall 'calves and about 50 hens, lin.plements— lVlassey-Harris binder 6 ft. cut with sheaf carrier and trucks, Massey -Harris steel rake' nearly new, McCormick mower 5 loot cut, 11 hoe Deering seed drill. Frost and Wood disc, cultivator, land roller, set 4 section harrows, seuffler, riding plovr, walking Plow, gang r•low, three quarter wagon with gravel 10xand spring seat, truck wagon set bob sleighs, hay and stock, rack* Clinton fanning mill, Massey -Harris root outlier, set of teaim. breech- ing harness, set of single harness, set of odd • harness, collars, swea.t pads, 120 feet hay fork rope, set of 3 rope sling's, car and pulleys nearly new, wheel barrow, 2 dozen grain bags, bag truck and holder, 'large sugar kettle, 8 oak barrels, fence block and tackle with grips, nearly new; 8 logging chains, horse blankets 4 rolla of 2 -Ply ready roofing, robe, rug, cross cui saw, crowbar, shovel, spades, fork, hoes, 1 Eaton cream. separator nearly new, large milk can, milk pails and bttckets, churn, tables, couch, bedsteluis," diehes and other articles too numerous to mention. Poiitively no reserve as the proprietor is giving up fannhig. Terms —AU sums of 310 and under, cash; over'that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. off for cash.. WILLIAM 'LATTA, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auntioneer. r res mice of Mr. James Rankin, Railway' 12 Street. Seaforth,. on Saturday, September 20th, c I 1919, at one o'clock, the following: Large c ashsideboard, large extension birch table, kitchen tables, Crown Huron range', coal ' c heater (base burner), white bedroom sttite, 'to dinning ()hairs; 2 oak rockers, drophead Singer sewmg machine, quarter cut oak bed, gasoline Detroit stove, davenport, linoleum and other immereas useful household articles, also 2 Jersey coves4 milking, due in Aprilgood cream cows, and. 11 months' old heifer, also a num.her of large 1 year old White Wyandotte hens. Terms --Cash. No reserve as the proprietor is leaving town. JAMES RANKIN, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer. ' `• 2700-2 AUCTION SALE OF A CHOICE 100 ACRE "6 farm.There' will be sold by public tion at "Dickli Hotel, Seaforth, on Saturday, October lith, a choice 100 acre farm con-' sistieg of lot 8 on the 6th concession of Hullett. There are on the premises a good frame house, bank barn. 4842, driving house, water in house and barn, good drilled well. The farm is all well feneed and tile under - drained and .in a first class state of cultiva- tion Rural mailmile from the village of Constance, store, church and school. This is one of the best farms in the township and will be aold without reserve Possession given to do fall work. Terms—Terms will be.. made known ori day of sale or on application to the owner Or auctioneer, ALBERT COATES, Proprie tor; T. Brown, Atictioneer.1 2699x2 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF - fete, Mr. C. W. Robinson has been in- structed by William Murdoch to sell by public auction at ha' residence. Henson, on Wednes- day, October 1s1, at one o'clock the follow- ing: Four bedroom suite', 1 antique bed. stead, learIor furniture, hair cloth chairs, rockers, arm chair, tables, sofa, book ease, Good Cheer heater, kitolien chairs, solid oak extension table, eight day clock,. Good Cheer range, coal' or wood, one perfection coal oil stove ieith oven, 2 hanging looms, 3' hand lamps, 1 washing machine, the best on the market, 1 wringer, pails and tubs, 5 gallon coal oil can, 1 four frame honey extractor and other bee supplies, linoleum, carpets, and - other household erticles. Terms—All sums of 319 and under, cash; over that amount four months"' credit on furnishing approved joint. notes. WILLIAM MURDOCH, Proprietor; C. W. Robinson, Auctioneer. 2701-2 A UCTION SALE .OF CATTLE, PIGS AND "A• Sheep. James Jones, has received instruc- tions front Mr. William J. Flannigan, to sell by public' auction on Lot 2, Concession 6, Township of MeXCillosO on Friday, September 26th, the following: Cattle—Cow due to calve about time of sale, cow due to calve in November, -heifer due to calve ,in December, 2 cow % to ealve in March, 1. jersey oow due to calve in March, 4 steers rising 3 years old, 4 heifers rising 3 years old, 4 steerti rising 2 years old, 2 heifers rising' 2 years old, - 3 spring eaves. Swine arid Sheep -1 brood sow with litter at foot, 2 brood sows due to.litter in October, 6 Oxford -Down sheep 1 year old (well bred). Terms -12 months' credit on approved joint notes: 5 per cent. off for cash. Postively no rerve as the pro- prietor is short of feed and stabling. No outside :dock allowed on the premises. Sale at one o'cIook, WILLIAM J. FLANNIGAN, Proprietor; jamei Jones. Auetioneer, 2760-2 A UCTION SALE OF FARM- STOCK AND 4-11. Implements, Thomas Brown has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by pubfic auction on Lot 8, Concession 4, Mc- Killop, at 1 pan on Tuesday, September 30th, the following: Horses—Mare .10 years old supposed to be in foal, 2 mama rising 4 years, one supposed to be in foal, 1 horse rising 3 years, 1 filly rising 2 years, 1 filly colt, I good driver horse, go single or double. Cows —1 Ow due October llth, 1 cow due September 8th, 1 cow due Septeraber 18th, 1 oow due about lat Of December, 2 cows freshened with calves at foot, 5 spring calves, 14 head rising 2 years old, 1.0 stockers, 2 brood sows to litter time of •sate, 20 hens. Implements—Massey- Harris binder 7 foot cut nearly new, Deering mower, Massey -Hurts seed drill, land roller, Keystone hay loader, blassey-Harris side rake, horse rake, McCormick cultivator, 2 furrow riding plow, walking . plow, set .harrows, :muffler, fanning mill, wagon and box, 1 single rig, 1 set sleighs,. I new cutter, gravel box. wood rack, stock rack, hay rack, extension ladder 32 feet, ladder 15 feet long, wheel barrow, grindstone, 1 posthole auger, I crow- bar, I. wire stretcher, sugar kettle. 3 galvanized pig troughs, 3, 4, and 5 feet long; 1 scythe, 30 cords of circular wood, about 4 cords of 20 inch maple, some cedar posts, 1 set double harness, 1 set of single harness, pads, collars, and home blanket', eook stove, 1 gasoline 3 burner stove, some grain bags, forks shovels. chains, erose -cut saw and other smah articles too numerous to mention, also houtiehdld furn- iture. Terms of Sale—All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on approved joint notes. A discount' of per cent. allowed for caah on credit amodnth. No reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. MICHAEL O'REILLY, Pro- prietor; T. Drown, Auctioneer. 2700-3 °LEAPING SALE OF FARM STOOK, IM - elements, Roolti and Household Fiirniture. Mr. Thomas Cameron has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public; auction onLot 7, Concession 12. H. R. S., Tucker - smith. on Thursday, October 2nd, commencieg at 1 p.n. sharp, the following, viz., Horses— Agricuttural brood mare rising 5 years, sup- posed to he in foal, pair of draft geldings rising. 5 yeam, I filly colt by Commodote, drive fug mare quiet and reliable. Cattle -1 cow 6 years old, due to calve 'in March, 2 cows four, years old, due to calve in March, 1 cow five years old, due to calve in' April, 1 Jersey caw four years old, due to calve in May, 1 cow four years old, supposed to be in calf, 1 'cow 3 years Old supposed to be in calf. I steer and I heifer 2 years old, fat, 10 steers 1 year old, 7 heifers 1 year old, 6 epring calves. 126 fowl, consisting of hens, pullets, and pure bred Rock spring chickens. Implements— Massey-Harris binder fully equipped, Fros and Wood mower, Deering steel rake, oearle new: Cockshett 2 furrow riding plow, nearly new; 2 walkieg plows, 3 horse spring tooth cultivator, disc harrow. land railer 4 sect sr barrows, 13 hoe Maasey-Harrie seed drill, root pulper. scuffier, I lumber wagon, hay rack, stock rack, gravel box, pair of sleighs, I top buggy, I (Men boggy, cutter nearly new, stone boat, water tank, troughs. hay rope, car, pulleys' and sling -ropes, farming mill, whiffle - trees, neck yokes, grindstone, 2 ;sets of double harness. 2 sets of single harness, horse collars, robes, horse blankets, cream separator, Daisy churn. ladder, lawn; mower, grain bags, a (mar tity of i-nek enn plank, an acre of good . rnanvrthig. patch o1 potatoes block and tace, forlut, eeovele, hoes, eta., etc., several Pieees of furnieire, including a Fireco rupee neatly new, a great fuel saver, coal heater, upright pian.o, music cabinet. .ide board, some dinine room and parlor furniture, bedroom suites, -mattresses and :springs. Positively no outside stock admitted at this sale. Terms— All eume of 510 and under, caeh; over that amount 1.2months' credit on ap°pr ved joint notes. A diecount of 5 per cent offfor cash No reserve- as the farm ie eold. HENRY HORTON, Proprietor; Thomas Cameron. Agetioneer. 2701-2 r .1............... , C LEARING AUCTION' SALE OF FARM, farm stock, implements and roots'. Thos. Cameron has received instructions to ell by 1919, at 12.30 lona, the following: Horses— ( public auction on Lot West % IS, Con. 13, town- ship of Hibbert, on °Satin -dine, SePteMber2 Oth, .2 brood mares, agricultural; 1 filly 3 years, agricultural, 1.,.., gelding rising- 8 years, agri- cultural, 1 filly rising 2 years, agricultural; 1 gelding, 2 yelirs old, agricultural e 2 foal fillies, agricultural; 1 farmer's driven Cattle —Registered covOdue December 20th, register -- ed cow due April' 20th; registered heifer calf, grade cow due October 12th. cow due Januar,/ 12th, 3 grade cows supposed to be with calf, 2 yearling heifers, 1 yearling steer; 1 winter calf, 2 summer calves., Hogs -1.• pure bred Tam aow due time of sale, 2 pure bred Tam sows due lst week in November, 10 Tam hogs about 100 pounds ImPleMents—tioine mane golds and turnips, lumber wagon and box complete, top buggy,' 1' Mikado buggy with extra seat, light wagon, pair sleighs, cutter, road cart, binder mower, horse rake, single furrow riding plow, 2 furrow plow, 8 walking plows, 4 section herrows, land roller, seuffier, turnip -and mangbld seeder, disc, 8 horse cultivator, stock rack, spades, shovelscrow- bars, sugar kettles, cattle chains, barn and stable door hinges andother artioles too muneroge ,to mention. .Reol Eetate-eLot Iv 14 13 and Eye 14, Concession 13, Township of Hibbert. On the premises • is _a good brick dwelling, solidfraine drive house and re- mains of bank 'barn burned, 8 acre; of hard- wood bush and' balance all eeeded to grass ex- cept 15 acres. This faint is in good state of 'ultivation and well suited for grazing or mixed farming and will be sold in one or part, or buildings and land separately to suit purchaser. Terms, of Chattels—All uins of $10 and under, cash; ova- that amount 12 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes, a discount of 4 per cent, off for cam& ost credit amounts. Terms of Real Estate made known on day of ;sale or on , application to proprietor or auctioneer. -JOHN LEARY, Proprietor; Thos. Cameron, Auc- tioneer. • 27002 CENTRE HURON The Centre ,Huron Liberal Association will hold a Con- vention in Cardno's Hall, Sea - forth, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 6th a I' o'clock p.m. to select a candidate to con- test the Riding in the Provin- cial Election, Women are equally as eli ible foy delegates as men, M. NATEDIE - Chairman JAS. L. KILLORAli Sec. 111111111.111111MIMIli WINNIMININIMANIIM.1111111111■11 • SOUTH HURON Liberal Convention A Convention, as constituted for Provincial purposes, for the selection of a candidate to contest the riding of South Huron in the Liberal interests at the approaching Provincial Elec- tions will be held in the TOWN HALL, HENSALL SATURDAY, SEPT. 20th, at o'cl9c1t. p.m. The meeting -will be addressed by Major Tohnie, M.P.P., of Windsor, and others. A cordial in.vitation is extended to all Liberals to be present. JOHN ESSERY. - President. ,T. G. SHILLINGLAW - Secretary * God Save the King INIMIII111111111111a U.F.O. Convention A public meeting will be held in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, on Wednes- day, September 24th, at 1 p.m. under the 'auspices of the Centre Huron United Farmers Political Association for the purpose of nominating a candi- date for the Provincial Legislature and any other business which may a: - rise. R. W. Barnaby, of Toronto, and Mr. Saunders, .of Exeter, will be pres- ent. Everybody welcome. J. N. KERNIGHAM President, COLIN FINGLAND Secretary. VOTERS? LISTS REVISION NOTICE aPpearitig that it, is expedient, with of preparing full and complete lists of voters for the different polling sub -divisions in the electoral districts of North Huron, South Huron and Centre Huron that the tittle for delivering complaints and appeals against the voters' lists should be extended. The Voters' Regiatration Board for the County. of Huron have, ordered that the time for delivering the complaints and appeals to the Revising Officers Clerks be extended to the period of two days next before the times fixed for the sittings of the respective Revising Officers in the various municipalities in the said electoral distriets. LEWIS 11. DICKSON. Chairman Voters' Registration Board Count; ef Huron, 2701-1 Hibbert School Fair Remember Hibbert_ School Fair, to be held in St,affa on Mondo, Sept. 22nd, 1919 The following! is the Prize List : Class 1,—Poultry—Open to boys and Break, Break. giria in school. (b) Classes I. and II.—If I Were (a) Best Cockerel. a Rose. (b) Best Pullet. Class XIII.—Art. . (c) Best Pair. . (a) Classes III. and IV.—Print in Class IL—Live Stock. - capital letters the word "Draw - (a) Best halter -broken and groom- in." ed Golf under 1 year (light). (b) Classes L and II—Crayon draw - (b) Best halter -broken and groom- ing of Fruit or Vegetables. ed Colt under 1 year (heavy) Class XIV.—(a) Knitting. (c) Calf showing best care. 1. Scarf, giils 15-20. (d) Ducks -7 --best pairs 2, Wash Cloths, girls under 1• 5. Class III—Potatoes (% dozen tubers). (b) Crochet Work. Open to boys.ancl girls in school. 1, Yoke, girls 15-20. Class IV—Grain (best sheaf 3 inches 2. 1 yard of lace„ girls under 15. in diameter). (c) Sewing. (a) Spring Wheat. 1. Work Apron withbib, girls (b) Fall Wheat, (c) Oats. 2. Laundry Bag girls 8-11 (d) Barley. . 3. Hemmed handkerchief, girls (e) Corn -for ensilage ( % dozen under 8. stalks). 4. Sample of Patching, girls in Class V.—Vegetables, ° school. (b) Best collection of 5 Onions. (d) Embroidery. 1. White Doily, girls in school. (c) Best collection of 5 Beets, 2. Pillow saps, girls out of school (a). Best collection of 5 Carrots, 4 (d) Best Pumpkin. Class VT—Fruit ( 5. Greenings, 5 Apples), Class XV.—Cooking. 1• Spies. , 1. Loaf of Bread, girls out of . • 2. Baldwins, 6. Kings, school. : 1Russe7Alexanders. 2, Apple Pie, girls out of school, . ts. . . 4Snows8, Tolmon Sweets 3. Light Cake, girls in school. . . 9 4. , . Apple Naming Contest. Biscuits (% -dozen). Class VII.—Flowers, Class XVI. (a) Best bouciuet from horhe garden Strathcona Physical Exercises. (b) Best potted Red Geranium, Competition between schools. Class VIIL—Manual Work, Class XVIL—Publie Speaking. (a) Chicken Coop, boys out of school 1. How I grew my plot, (b) Bird House—boys in school.. 2. How I raised my chickens. Class IX.—Mounted Weeds. 1 A Canadian Hero or Heroine. 1 dozen, correctly nained. 4, European War 1914-1918. Class XI—Mounted Insects. •Canada and the War. Class XL—Natural Woods. 6, Wild Birds I know. 1 dozen, showing bark and grain, 7. Weeds of my section. Class X.U.—Writing. • (a) Classes III. and IV.—Brea14 Any topic of pupil's choosing. Booths, Lunch, Programme, Etc.—Lunch will be served at the Hall, Refreshment booths will be arranged. It is requested that each family bring lunch for the lunch de– partment. In the afternoon there will be a great variety of sports, such as races, tug-of-war, ,and baseball. Admission free. The afternoon itself wilf prove a treat but wait and have lunch to hear the St. Paul's Quartette" of Stratford, assisted by local talent, They are real artists, so everybody be sure and come. Concert begins at,8 o'clock Admission !35c. Children taking part free. E, NORRIS, Pres., H. HAY, Sec'y-Tres,s. r-ra— . esar-w- PREPNREDNES-FAILURE -S A bank- account is an_ amide= in character building. It establiihea - confidence, inde;pendence and pride which increases effort and paves the wayte success. Open an account 'to-4day and be prepared. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen Manager 'FARM FOR SALE.—ONE HUNDRED AND forty-two acres of good land consisting of Lot 1, Concession 1, and part of Lot 1, Concession 2, Stanley, Huron County, adjoin- ing the village of kippen. Five minutes walk to G. T. R. station, church or store; 6 acres of bush; water all the year round, and all seeded to grass; I acre of good oreheitelO 2 barna, 1 on a stone wall; drive shed; frame house For terms and particulara apply to E SAMUEL THOMPSON, R. R. No. 1, Bruce - fled. 269442 PAR* FOR SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 17 " Concession 6, MclCilIop, containing 100,4 Isores. There are -on the premises a good 60x54, on stone and cement foundation, and frame house and two burns; 1 large barn, 1 hay barn, 30x50; also a shed joining the two barns. The land is in good state of cultivation, well fenced arid drained, a good orchardT and two good wells, 1 drilled, water four feet from the top; also 15 acres of No. 1 hardwood maple bush. The farm is situated six miles from the town of Seaforth. For fUrther particulars apply to SAMUEL SMITH, Dublin. Lot 15, Concession 9, McKillop, R. Ri,6r8ola 1, FARM•FOR SALE Lot 88, Concession 6. McKillop, '100 acres of the best clay land in McKilkm, 4 sores of bush, the rest in a high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Seaferth, 2 MUNI from Con- stance, VA miles from school. There are en the premises, a good seven roomed house, large hank barn Meg. all Page wire fences 'and well underdrained. There are forty acres ploughed, 5 acres bush and the Wanes seed- ed down. There are two big springs, one piped to barnyard and in the other a dans with a hydraulic ram pmnping the water to the house and t• the barn. As bbs prig is in -the orchard pad near the heuse,asia few_ there is no waste land. There Is a graded and gravelled lane 'from the road to the buildings. APPIY to MRS. SAKUIL DORRANCIL Seaferth. 101141 Alf••••••••••111M.11.111IMIMMIII!. gig To Start mi-L‘F Tailoresses Girls 'with from one to two years' exrseri- ence in working on men's coats will „be paid this salary, with quick advances as they gain experience in operating on women's cloth. ate. No pressing. Hours 8 AM. 10 5 m. Saturday half holiday. Aindy to, JOHN z4ORTHWAY * SON Limited 91 Wellington Street - West, Toronto efer to Stewart Brox. Seaforth. 1 Notice to Contractors. Tenders will be received until Oct. ist, 1919, for the construction of Winchelsa Creek Drain improvement in the Township of. Usborn.e. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of John Roger, O. L. S., Mitchell, or at the clerk's office, R. R. 1, Hensall. A marked check representing 10 % of the contract price must accompany each tender. HENRY STRANG, Township Clerk. 2700-4 WINDOWS &DOORS ozts to suit' your 16" °Deane& Firea with elm. Sale as. livery gaerateee& Write for Lk Al. Cut -aloes bills. Insure white; corded. The HALLIDAY COMPANY, I.Intlitiod, -HAMILTON FACTO**. eistgileuroits CANADA GIRLS WANTED Clan, airy, sunlit Workrooms. Short hours—a 47 -hour 'week, with Saturday half -holiday. Valuable training in agreable work for the' inexperienced. A good livingwage to beginners materially _increases with exptrienct: and roficiency. Write or call— MER C6RY MlisLar LIMITED _-• Harniltpn Ontario o VANCOUVER Via the Scenic Route Leave TORONTO (Union Station!) 9.15 pan. Monday—Wednesday—Friday , Campartmen*Ob ervationt, Standard and Tourist Sleeping sad g Cars. Comfortable Coaches. SIX DAYS A WEEK SERVICE TO WINNIPEG AND EDMONTON MON., WED., FRT.—Via Can. National Rye, MI the Way.. TUE., TIM, SAT..z-Via G.T.$ &PLO. and Can. National Ita, For Tickets and Information; enquire nearest C.N. Rys. Agent' or write General Passenger Department, Toronto. School of Commerci Clinton and Goderich, Ont. Offers the following courses: BUSINESS STENOGRAPHER SECRETARIAL CIVIL SERVICE and arranges special -courses for students. he following advantages: Highly Qualified Teaching Staff Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Credential Typewilting Tests Positions Guaranteed • Business Education Pars for itself in a few months ow is the time for the young man or woman to make an investment that will give splendid returns in the years to come. For tern, etc., write J. F. WARD, B.A., M.Accts. vftinice printip . A. STONE, SCHOOL\OPENS ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER4 21 PHONE 20$