HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-09-19, Page 1Millinery
of Merit.
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11411111111111111111111111IIIVIIIIIIIIIIIMMM11111111111110111iMt111111111111111111111111111011111& in ,1919, shearling ewe, ewe lamb, .4111111111111111111111111111111111111f111111111h.
. .<
. Exeter 'was greeted with ideal. William McAllister & Sons took all • a
• , . L • , Coa = of its annual- fall fair held'on Monday
sist of 1 ram, 1 year or over; 1 ewe,
- One pen of sheep, any breed, to con- DispersionSale
weather for the second and big day the prizes in this class.
Greig Clotning , ... i
— and Tuesday and. as a consequence
y = 1 there was a record attendance. The
. 1 shearling ewe, 1 ewe lamb, George
e a ' '
Entire herd of Scoteh and Scotch
= ,
‘•. &COW/ to None 11 - W McAllister & Sons.
= exhibits for both inside and outside Penhale, •
21 shows were above the average, both Judge—Robert Bell. • topped' Shorthorns, also Fifty Head
.. , in number and - quality. In the indoor of Registered Leicester Sheep, con -
department there was a fine exhibit Light BrahaPrnOatal; POULTRY
C. Truee
sisting of Thirty Ewes and a splendid
of fruit and vegetables, and a mg- ninerp SilverGray Dorkings, J. Mc -
lot of two Lem. old Shearling and Ram
— nificent display of flower; whThe other
= departments were well filled with
. Culloch & Son, H. Roweliffe; (chicks),
Lambs aid Fifteen Head of Clydes-
... cattle,,d hwell,Laing,( h' "le )
E. Presented while the poultry show has J. McCulloch & Son and 2nd; A 0.V
. sheep an hogs were re- McCulloch & Son, T. c ic s 32, COneestion 6, L.R.S., l'uckersmith,
H. R:ewcliffe, W. IL Dearing; (chicks)-
S exhibits. Outdoors the number and Stathan ,& Quance and 2nd, H. Row- dale Horses, the property of the late
= quality of the horses on exhibit well cliffe; Orpingtons, H. Rowcliffe W. Robert Charters, to be held on Lot
• E sustained Exeter's high standard and Bowden; Barred Plymouth Rock's J.
. = never been excelled. Exeter has one
. . = it was in excellent condition for the
= of the best tracks in the county and C. Truemner; White Wyandotte; T. .
JL 1.
Plymouth Rocks, j. McCulloch & Son, 'Wednesday I if
heatrace which kept the large f Brock. A.. 0, V. WrI
Brock; (chicks), J. G. Stanbury, T. A
v, b
11100110 ,-.
ndottes, J. Me -'1 Cth en,
. .....
. 0 1 Women .
_ ,,
. .
crowd on the grounds until after six , Cullocb, & Son, W. nuttier 8z Son.
' oc . baby show for boys and
girls was one of the many interesting
events on the day's, pregramme. The
winners: Boys—Mrs. Jos. Northcott,
Mrs. Percy Dunsford, Mrs. Alvin Es-
s.ei•y; Jog. Grden, Mrs.
= Milton Russell, Mrs. CNC Walker.
The results of the 2.30 trot or pace
follow: First, Genteel De Forest (J
J. Miller); second. Teddy Gratton
(Top Yearly); thiid, Irish Bill (Frank
Taylor; fourth, Rhoda Mac (James
McFarlane); fifth, Silver Eel (B. Hod-'
/E2.1gins). .
•= •The following is a list of the sue-
cessful exhibitors:
General Purpose—Brood mare, ac-
a companied by foal, A. Hooper, J. A.
a Manson & Son, John Hey, Sr.; foal,
foaled in 1919, A. Hooper, Hey Sr.,
= G. Heywood, filly ,or gelding, 3. years
-old, W. Decker; filly or gelding two
years old, W. Decker;• filly or gelding
1 year eld, A. Hooper; team, W.
Decker, G. Penhale, G. Thompson;
diploma for best animal any' age, Geo.
Agricultural—Brood mare accomp-
anied by foal, T. -N. Forsyth: J. Rat-
cliffe; foal, foaled in 1919, J. Ratcliffe,
A. Buchannan; filly, or gelding, 3 yrs.
•old, W. Alexander, C. Truemner; filly
or gelding 1 year old, J. Alliston,
Alexander; team, J./sines Hay, C.
Truemner; diploma for best animal
• any age, R. Ratcliffe. -
Heavy Draught—Brood mare ,ac-
companied by foal, A. Buchannan, W.
McAllister & Son and 3rd; foal, foaled
in 1919, T. N. Forsyth, W. McAllister,
C. A. Bean; filly or gelding.' year Old,
J. Alliston; team, G. Dow; diploma
for best animal any age, G. Dow. •
Judge—D. Willoughby, Chesley.
Carriage—nroed mare acoonmanied liSsePlYnlonth•Roskg, Mitiedlloeh i&
by foal not less than 15.2 hands high, Son, (chicks), J. McCulloele & Son,
3. Grieve $1 .50 for, best pair of old -
birds and $1.50 for best pair of'1919
chicks, light breed, W. B. Battler &
Son; (chicks), Statham & Quance.
Judge—William McLeod, London.
Fall Wheat, white, C. Truemner,
James Shapton; spring wheat, W. B.
Battler & Son; two bushels 6 rowed
barley, C. Truemnee, W. B. Battler &
,Son; two bushels tailless barley, W.
H. Dearing; two bushels white oats,
Trueinner; foal, foaled in 1919, W. H. Dearing and James Shapton;
two bushels timothy seed, W. B. Bat-
tler and Son; Merchant's flour, Harvey
Bros.; •one bushel clover . seed, C.
Truemner; collection of grain in ear,
W. H. Dearing, Mrs. H, Neeb; ensilage
corn stocks and ears, 12 stocks, Jas.
,,Shapton, Thomas Laing; speltz, -W.
H. Dearing; two bushels small as,
Conrad Truemner.
G. Andrew, Judge.•
Stewart's stock tonic value $2 for best
roadster foal, I. Armstrong; ,
Gardiner, $3 worth of goods froin store Apples—Best plate 12 winter apples
for best matched team on the grounds, • any var ty, H. Strang; Rohde Island
William Decker. Greenings, H, Strang, T. Laing;
Judge—John Beattie, Chesley, Northern Spies, A. A. Doupe, C. True -
CATTLE • inner; Roxboro Russetts, A. H. Doupe,
C. Fisher, Spitzenburgs, H, Strange
Shorthorn—Aged cow, R. D; Hunter, Baldwins, Mrs. II. Neeb, H. Strang;
and 2nd, and 3rd; two year old heifer, Westfield Seek -No -Further, H. H.
R. D. Hunter; one year old heifer, -R. Brown; snow apples, C. Fisher. H. H.
D. Hunter;. heifer calf, Wm. Pepper, Brown; Gravensteins, H. R. Huston,
R. D. Hunter and 3rd; bull calf, Wm. Fall Pippin, B. Strang; Cclverts, A.
Pepper, R. D. Hunter; herd consisting H. Doupe, James Jeckell; King of
of four females and a bull, R.r D. Tompkins, Mrs. H. Neeb, E. Darling;
Hunter; -diploma for best animal any Alexanders, C. Fisher; Canadian Ited,
age, 'R. D. Hunter.
E. Westcott; Ribston Pippins, H.
Herefords -e -Aged cow, Jbhn Del- Strang, G. Etheington; Wagner; C.
bridge, and 2nd, and 3rd; two year old Truemner; Maiden Blush, G. Ethering-
heifer, John Delbridge; one year old top, J. Shapton, Golden Russett, C.
eheifer, John Delbridge, and 2nd; heifer Trueraner, A. H. Doupe, Ontario, W.
calf, John Delbridge and 2nd and 3rd.; H, Dearing; Wealthy, Jas. Jeckell, C.
bull calf, John Delbridge; herd con- Truerener.
John. Delbridge; diploma for best an- pears,. Mrs. A. McPherson; Duchess of
inia] any age, John Delbridge.
sisting of •four females and a bull„ Pears—Four varieties of winter
Anjouline. Mrs. E. Dignan; Beurs
Jersey—Aged cow, Thos. Brock and Clairgeau, Mrs. A. McPherson, Vicar
2nd; heifer calf, Thos. Brock.
Shipments of New Coats have been
si receive andplaced in stock,
ready for selection.
mu .
••• r
. •
•, There is no hall measute about them. New-
ness in design of this season's Coats and the
designer hadn't any regard for the scarcity' ot
, cloth for in many of the Garments there is a
huge amount of cloth worked in to get the de-
sired drapery and style.
We shall be glad t� show these new garments
and extend invitations to all shoppers to visit
= our show rooms And try on the different styles.
E Al! Wool Silvertones ....35.00 to45.00
All W9o1 Tweeds..
25.00 to 4.0.0o
All Wool Velours ..... OOOOO .•93o.00 to 45.00
Genuine Salts PluSh......" ....4opoo to, 7o.00
AllWool Beaver....• • • • • • • *** • • • • • • • • • 35.00 to 50.00
Blue and Black
and 'all the other popular cloths 30..00 to 40.00
Greig Clothiag. Co.
SEAFO tail
, E
• ISecond Hand Eng
_ ines '
and Separators
for Sale -
= .
= 1-20 H. P. Clinton Traction engine, over -hauled, refitted and re-
painted. —
= 1-18 H. P. Compound Traction Engine with 18 inch wheels, over- =
:-...- hauled, refitted and repainted. -
1-14 11. P. J. M. Ross & Sons Traction Engine, oVer-hauled, re- =
fitted and repainted. - ,
Er: 1-16 II. P. Waterous Simple Traction Engine, -lioroughly • over- Ei
1 .
1 0
11 NMI
= hauled, refitted and repainted.
1-14 H. P. White Traction Engine, thoroughly ovek-hauled, refitted
1-20 H. P. Bell Traction Engine just as, received from the user, in
good working order.
•= and repainted.
1-20 H P. J. T. Case, Traction Engine, just as received from the
user, in good working order. •
EF. 1-48-2o Waterloo Traction Engine, boiler over -hauled. The engine 'E.
part just as received from the user. •
EF. 1-18 H. P. New Hamburg Portable Engine, over -hauled and re- =
es. painted.
In addition to the above w,e have a number of second hand Portable
= Traction Engines. just as received from the eustorner, :which we
will sell cheap.
= 1-10 II, P. International Kerosene Engine, portable, on -wheels: Al-
= most new.
= 1-10 P. Ellis Gasoline Engine, almost new,
1-5 H. P. Type W Gasoline Engine, New.
Avery •Tractor in good working order.
. -
. —
1-22-40 Lister Separator with Straw -Carriers and hand feed
ese attachment. Almost new. Suitable for small gasoline engine. Ei
F. l —John Goodison Separator evitla wind stacker and feeder. e ....
— •
= 1—Monarch Separator With wind stacker and hand feed attach- =
— mentr rebuilt .....„
All of the above machinery is in stock at our works in Seaforth, E•
= and can be seen by intending purchasers. • •
... •
1.................Aiso Individual Separators & Waterloo Boy Tractors . 1—
I The Robt. Bell Engine Thresher i=
Co., Ltd., Seaforth,
(chicks), J. McCulloch & Son and 2nd;
S. G. Rhode Island Reds, J. McCulloch
8r Son: W, B. nuttier & Son, (chicks) Catalogues can be had. on- application.
J. McCulloch & Son and 2nd; R. C.
Rhode 'Island Redss .H. Roweliffe,
(chicks), Rowcliffe , Buff Leghorns
H. Roweliffe, (chicks), Statham &
Quance; White Leghorn; W. Bowden,
W. B. Battler Son, (chicks), W.
Bowden, G. Haywood; A. 0. V. Leg -
horns,' W. H. Dearing; Brown Leg -
horns, W. B. Battler & Son,. W. H.
Dearing, (chicks). W. H. Dearing and
,2nd; Black Minorca; T. Brock, W.
Bowden, (chicks)- T. Brock; Andalu- Folli&, G. Heywood; painting on
sians, W. H. Dearing, W. B. Battler I china, realistic from 3 to 8 pieces,
& Son, (chicks), W. H. Dearing, W. 1VIrs. A. McPherson, Mrs. Dore; paint -
B. Battler & on; Anemias, W. Bow- ing on china, conventional, from 3 to
den,' (chicks), Roweliffe; S. S. 6 pieces, Mrs. Dore, H, E. Huston;
Hamburgs, J. McCulloch & Son, W. hair dresser's work, Mrs. H. Neeb,
Bowden, (chicks), J. McCulloch & J. Decker, Sr.; collection of coins,
Son and 2nd.; Campines, Silver, J. Verne Roulston, Mrs. A. McPherson;
McCulloch & Son, W. B. Battler & specials, pen and ink sketch, Leon
Son, (chicks), J. McCulloch. & Son and Treble, •lst and 2nd.
2nd;. Silver 2 Polands, Statham & H. C. Becker, Judge.
Quance, (chicks), W. B. nattier and
,Son; A. 0. V. Polands, W. B. Battler . •
& Son; B. B. Red Game, W. B. Battler Five pounds butter, E. J. Hogarth,
& Son; A. O. V, 'Game, Statham & • Decker, Sr.; 10 pounds butter, H.
Quance; Bantams, Game, J. McCulloch Decker, pound 4roslis, J.
Bantams, W. Bowden, J. McCulloch arranged B. J. on, Hogarth;s
& Son, W. B. Battler & Son; A. O. V.
plate r,
& Sonr (Chicks), T. Brock. cheese, private, C. Truemner.
Turkeys—Bronze turkeys, W. Bow- W. G. Medd, Judge. ,
den, (chicks), W. Bowden and 2nd. . VEGETABLES
Geese—Tohleouse geese, W. B. Bat- Any variety potatoes, C. Truemner,
'tier & Son, :(chicks), W. B. Battler & J. Hey, Jr., C. Truemner; blood beets,
Son; -A. O. V. Geese, H. IL Brown, W. J. Cottle; Globe, beets, Mrs. C. Bir -
Bowden; (chicks), H. H. Brown. ney, C. Fisher; sugar beets, W. H.
Ducks—Rouen—ducks, W. Battler Dearing, R. D. Hunter, sugar beet
& Son, W. Bowden.; (chicks), W. B. mangolds, Sid Sanders, W. IL Dear -
Battler & Son; Guinea fowls,. ing; long mangoids, Sid, Sanders, W.
Dearing, (chicks), W. Dearing and H. Dearing; globe mangolds, W., H.
2nd; A. 0, V. rabbits, Willis and Dearing; intermediate, H. Dear -
2nd; Guinea pigs, F. Ingrain, E. Wil- ing,. W.eiteott• earlY horn..carrotal
B: 8. "Phillips, Westcott; Nantes,
C. Fisher, E, Westcott; long orange
or red, Sid Sanders, T. -Swale; white
field carrots, W. H. Dearing; sweet
corn, E. J. Hogarth; Indian corn,
II. Dearing; water melon, W. J. For
E. J. Hogarth; pumpkins, C. True
ner, L. Parsons; squash, Sid Sanders;
musk melons, WI. H. Dearing, W. J.
Ford, Swede turnips, E. Westcott, J.
Hey, Jr.; white or yellow 'onions, Mrs,
C. Birney; tomatoes, Mrs. C. Birney,
B. W. F: Beavers; celery, Mrs. H.
Neeb; citrons, Sid Sandees, George
Etherington; Hubbard squash, W. B.
Battler & Son, E. J. Hogarth; table
squash, Sid Sanders, Mrs, (Dr.) Sweet,
fall cabbage, T. Laing-; Collection veg-
etables, Sid Sanders, E. J. Hogarth;
cucumbers, Ed. Westcott.
'George Anderson, Judge. s
Collection canned fruit, J. Decker,
Sr.. collection home made wines, J.
Decker,'E. Darling; collection pickles,
J. Decker; collection canned vegetables
J. Decker, Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet; home
made buns, E. Westcott; home made
bread, W. H. Dearing, E. J. Hogarth;
bakers' bread, Mrs. E. Dignan; cured
ham, J. Decker, W. H. Dearing; cured
meats, J. DeCler, W. H. Daring, eggs
from light breed hens, H. H. Brown,
W. B. Battler & Son; eggs from heavy
breed 'hens, .E. J. Hogarth, W. B.
Battler & Son; special, maple syrup,
IL Strang, .
Sale to confluence at 12.30 sharp
See next 'week's edition of this paper
for full list.
T. E. Robson Thos. Brown
J. Decker, Jr.; foal, foaled in 1919, J.
Decker and 2nd; filly or gelding, 3
years old, Wm. C. Pearce; filly or
gelding 1 year old; Geo. Thompson;
single carriage horse not less than
15.2 hands high, F. Anderson, William
Kuntz, Wm. drieve; pair carriage
horses 15.2 hands or ove in harness
and carriage, J. Ortwein; diploma for
best animal any age, F. Anderson.
Roadsters—Brood mare accompanied
• by foal, J. Decker, Jr., and 2nd; .C,
Armstrong, J. Decker, Sr., W. Decker.
filly or gelding 2 years old, W. Decker;
filly -or gelding 1 year old, C. Truemner
G, Thompson, W. Decker; pair of
roadsters .in harness and' buggy, W.
Decker; single roadster in harness and
buggy, 15.2•hands high or under, H.
Copeland, R, Hislop, - J. McIver, D.
McDonald; ' diploma, I. Armstrong;
Ladies driver, R. Hislop; W. J. Beer,
• of Wakefield, W. J. Ford, II. E. Hus-
Grades—Aged Cow, John Delbridge, ton, Bell Lucrative, H. E. Huston, W.
R. D. Hunter, A. Fisher; two year old B. Battler & Son; Bureau de Anjou,
heifer, R. D. Hunter, John Delbridge; W. B, Battler & Son, Mrs. A. Maher -
one year old heifer, J. Delbridge and• son; Bartlett, Mrs. H. Neeb; Quince
2nd and 3rd; heifer calf, R. D. Hunter, Special, B. S. Philips.
Essery; two year old steer, Jr Del- Plums—Pond's Seeding, C. True -
'bridge and 2nd; one year old steer, W. mner; Bradshaw, Mrs. A. McPherson.
Essery, J.Delbrige and 3rd; steer calf, Grapes—.Niagara, Sid Sanders,
W. Essery and 2nd, J. A. Manson; Mrs. Birney; Concord, Mrs. McPher-
diploma for best animal any age, R. son, T. Smalei Deleware, T. Srnale;
D. Hunter; Heaman's-Hardware $1.50 Rogers No. 9, T. Sinale, H. E. Hus-
worth Royal Purple stock food for ton; Rogers, No. 45, Mrs. A. McPher-
best grade cow, 3. Delbridge; H. son, any other variety, Mrs. Dr. Sweet,
Eilber, M,P.P., $5. for calf of 1919, Mrs. A. McPherson; best collection of
any breed, • exhibited by boy or girl grapes, Mrs. A. McPherson.
under 16 year e of age R. D. Hunter; Peaches—Plate 6 Late Crawford,
Bankers' •Special, R. Hunter. Mrs. McPherson; plate of any other
Judge—William, Charters, Seaforth. variety, James Jeckell, E. J. Hogarth.
SHEEP Ed Stone, Judge:
Dorset Horned—aged ram, W. C. FINE( ARTS
Price; ram lamb, W. C. Price; ewe Painting in oil, landscape, Mrs. N.
having raised lambs in 1919, W. C. J. Dore, Mrs, A: McPherson; water -
Price; shearling- ewe, W. C: Price. color, landscape, Miss M. Follick, Mrs.
Shropshiredowns—Aged ram, A. H. N. J. Dore; watercolor, figure, Miss
Doupe, and 2nd; shearling ram, A. H. M. Folliek lst and 2nd; watercolor,.
Doupe, and 2nd; ram lamb, A. H. fruit or flowers, Miss M. Follick, lst
Doupe, John A. Manson & Son; ewe and 2nd; Sepia painting, Miss M. I
having raised lambs in 1919, A. H. Follick, ist and 2nd; best sketch of i
Doupe, and 2nd; shearling ewe, J. A. Huron County scenery, Miss Mable
Manson & Son,. and 2nd; ewe lambs, Follick, Mrs. Dore; pyrography, Jos.
A. H. Doupe,' J. A. Manson & Son. Senior, Mrs. Dore; crayon or pastello,
Lincolns—Aged ram, shearling ram, any. subject, Mrs. Dore; pencil sketch,
ram lamb, ewe having raised lambs in Miss - M, Follick, lst and 2nd; collec-
1919, shearling ewe, ewe lamb, Geo. tion of photographs,. Joseph Senior,
Penhale took all the prises in this Photographs, Joa. Senior, pohtographs,
class. amateur, Miss M. Follicle, collection of
Leicester—Aged ram,, shearling ram, photographic views', Miss M. Follick,
rani lamb, ewe having raised lambs Jos. Senior; pen and ink sketch, Miss
IMcLean Bros., Publishers
-$1.50 a Year in Advance
I Be s onias—Tuberous, W. H, De
fern Jr"Ford; foliage, J. Hunt
and rid; geraniums, J. Ford; ha
bask t, J. Ford; collection flowe
Ford novelty' in plants, Mrs. C.
'ley', . Ford; special—Begonia,
Lain ; potted plant, Mary Andr
Cu Flowers—Asters, Mrs. 'C.
ney, . Decker; Dahlias, stan
Dahli s, cactus, Dahlias, bouque
Dahlies, display, J. Cottle; Glad
Dr, yndinan; Nasturtiums,
Ford; Carnations, W. H. Dea
Petui as, single, Mrs. E. Dignan
H. Daring; Phlox Drunimondi
H. De ring; Stocks, 3. .Cottle, B
F. Bea ers; sweet peas, Dr. Hynd
Miss . Murray; Verbenas, W.
Dearin i ; Zinnias, J. Cottln; best ba
J. Fore; best arranged for table,
Anderson; collection annuals,
Cottle; design for funeral, J. F
bride's ouquet, J. Ford; novelty,
B. Mac II, E. Huston; Pansy,
L Mu ay; fern, B. S.
Dr. S veet, Judge.
Dome tic cloth, W. W. Taman, E.
Darling; wool blankets, J. Decker, Sr.
E. Dart" g; woollen yarn, E. Darling,
Mrs. H. eel); rag carpet, E. Darling,
Miss N. Tom; sewing machines, E.
Darling and 2; Organ, E. Darling 1
and 2; st ffed Mrs. Dr, Sweet 1
and 2; • ilor custom suit, W. Taman,
Southcott Bros.; general, goods, South -
Cott Bro.; tailors' goods, W. Taman;
boots an shoes, Southcott Bros.;
factory t'eeds, also assort. tweeds,
W.' Tama ; ladies' boots, also g nts'
boots, So thcott Bros.; furnit e—
special, . E. Gardiner; pleenogr ph
special, J. W. Powell.
BoUltnonde;rp*, cushion, G. Bolton; crochet
years—Dressed doll, G.
work, G. olton.
Under 1 and over 12—Sofa pillow,
L. D. Vin ent, Harvey Bros.;' centre
piece in w ite1 G. Bolton, L. D. Vin-
cent; cen e piece -color, Hary
Bros.; G. B Iton; hand worked tow
L. D. Vince t; fancy pin cushion, L.
Vincent; cr het work, L. D. Vince
'Harvey Bre: s.; fancy articles, L
Vincent, J. Decker, Jr.; button hol
L. D. Vine nt; knitted socks, G. B
ton; paint g, L. D. Vincent, Hary
Bros.; pillo cases, G. Bolton.
Mrs. Do glas, London, Judge.
Tray clo s, H. E. Huston, Mrs.
Welsh, E. Dignani. doylies, M
Dr. Sweet; dinner linen, H. E. II
ton, Mrs. R. Welsh; luncheon s
B. • avers, Ts J. Berry; p
low cases, broidered, IL E. Husto
Miss V. E sery, E. Darling; pillo
cases othe than embroidered, Lu
Hastings, iss. C. Sweet; Day sli
H. E. Hus on, Mrs. P. H. McEwe
W. dresser and stand cover, E. Darlin
Mrs. Georg Glenn; tewele, embroi
m- erad, Mrs. IcEwen, H. E. Husto
eete towels, other, Mi
rs. McEwen 2nd and 3rd
illow cases, E. Hu
astings; lunch cloth i
ch - cloth embroidere
on, E. Darling; drawn
s eW. Ft s,
R. Miss N.
ork, H. E. Huston; Mis
broidered centre piec
Irs. McEwen, Mrs. It.%
V. Essery; entbroidere
in color, Mrs. G. Glenn.
table runner, E. Merl
ohnston, B. S. Phillips
for parlor table, E. Dar
Huston; work on scrim
rs. Geo. Glenn, Lail
broidery, RomanE
. N. J. Dore; embroid
MisseM. Follick, Mrs. T
E. Dignan; embroidery
eyelet, II. E. Huston
an; embroidery, shadote
n, E. Darling; embrold-
ork, E. Darling, Mrs
n; embroidery, Walla -
Welsh, IL E. Huston;
Hardanger, MTS. T.
'tea shawl cape, or jacket, Miss Johm-
aring, ton, Mrs. Dr. Sweet; knitted fir-
er 1st tor, Miss N. Torn; knitted lace,
nging N. Tom; knitted pair of socks, T. J.
rs, J. Berry, E. Darling; knitted Thn2y
Bir- stockings, Mrs. Neeb; knitted
Thos. wool or sills mitts, Mrs. E. Digunn,
ewe, Miss Tom; men's wool mitts, T. .;,
Bir- Berry, Wm. Battier and Son; f;oor
dard, rug, 13. S. Phillips< E. Darling: n*r
t and mat, Mrs. George Glenn, Mrs. C. Ds-
iolus, i.ey; pair window curtains, Miss N.
John Tom; Wm. Decker; slumber rug or
ring; comforter E. Darling, Hector Row--
, W. tliffe; quilt, patched cotton, B.W. P.
W: eavers, E. Darling; quilt, patched,
W. silla -Miss N. Toni, Mrs. Dr. Sweet;
man, quilt, knitted, Miss N. Torn, E. Dar-
II. ling: quilt, crochet, Miss C. Sweet,
sket Roweliffe; band made bed spread,
Jas. W. B. Battler and Son; artificial
J. wers, Miss N. Torn, Mrs. Dr. Sweet;
ord; p tching, 3 pieces, Miss N. Tom, Wm.
Miss Decker; darning, 3 varieties, Miss N.
Miss Tom; buttonholes, three varieties, Misl.5
- Tom, E. Darling.
(By Donald Williams). -
Edmonton, Sept. 8th, 1919.
Alberta; leads all the provinces of ,
the Dominion in the matter of advanc-
ed health legislation, and organized
health endeavor. It was not always
thus. True we have had previously. a
health department but it was bandied
about from one minister to
ano ,er hidden, away in a remote
co er, and most tunes forgotten. It
rem hied for the man with call
it h bby if you will to bring it into
its wn. That man is Hon. A. G.
MeIC y, Minister of Municipalities and
of H alth in the Alberta Government
To p in the ministers own blunt
way we were devoting much attention
to and much money for securing
healthy horses and cattle, and doing
nothing for the mothers and the
babies. He is possessed of the idea
eeS' that our baby, healthy in body -and
els) sound* of mind, is of more value to
D• the province than many calves, and he
nt, set about developing and organizing
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Alberta has taken the lead. The
start has been made and made the'
right direction and along the right
lines. If the present minister does
nothing more he/will have the bless..
ing of the generation to come. But
be is not the man once be puts
his hand to the plow to turn back, so
that it would not be surprising ere
many more years we change our motto
of. "Sunny" Alberta to tbat tla*
land haPPrhomas and hog
by pupils of
Mr. A. T. Craig
Organist First Presbyterian Ckurch
Friday eve'g
Sent. 26th
conimencing at 8 o'clock
and -
• Miss Muriel Willis
Orgmist, Methodist Church
Miss Margaret Edge
Miss Annie Moore
Miss Mary. Stewart — .
Miss Dorothy Keislake
Mr Earl VanEgmond
Organst, Egrnondville Pres. Church
Master Gerald Stewart
Master James Stewart
Admission by compli-
mentary fic et only, which
may be ha by apply*
to Mr. Crai drawer 428,
S orth.
jesitw Sweet
.ton. Lulu
et/bite ries.
Newell; lu
treEaci wHotirs
George Gle
ton; Mrs,
tIlio.nEb. braid
N. Tom; el
in 1vhite,
Welbh, Mis
centre piec
Er- Darling;
ing, Miss
centre pieceE.
or canvas,
Hastings; e
Huston, Mr
ery, eyelet,
Newell, Mrs
French and
Mrs. E, Dig
Miss Jelinst
ery, punch
George Gle
chin, Mrs.
Newell; em
roidery, Bulgarian, H.
E. Huston, Lulu Hastings; tatting;
Miss 1.1". T in, E. Darling; mod-
ern dross tich, E. Darling, Miss.
Johnston; f ncy underwaist, Miss C.
Sweet, E. Darling; ladies' night
dress, MTS. . Newell, Miss C. Sweet;
Camisole, iss Johnston, Miss J.
Murray; fa ey waist, John Decker,
'Sr.; lace attesiburg, B. W. F. Bea-
vers; lace, 0/11t0/1, Miss C. Sweet;
stencilling, 1 . E. Huston, Miss M.
Follick; cro et, Irish, Miss C. Sweet,
lst and 2n.; crochet, Filet, MTS. P.
H. McEwen Miss C. Sweet; crochet
yoke, Miss Sweet, Lulu Hastings;
crochet and fancy 'braid, H. E, Hus-
ton, Wm. 1 eckerr centre piece with
crochet, Mi s C. Sweet, Lulu Hast-
ings; col. cr chet lace, Miss C. Sweet,
W. Decker best novelty in fancy
work not o list, Miss N. Tom; art-
icles for be 00121, MTS, P. H. IVIcEw-
! en, E. Dari ng; table mats, MTS. G.
Glenn, E. D rling; laundry bag, Miss
(M. Pellicle, ulu Hastings; _kitchen
apron, Lulu Hastings, J. Decker, Sr.;
plain hand ewing, Miss N. Tom; E.
Darling; elfsk holder, E. Darling;
ipheto tram:, H. E. Huston, E. Dor-
lin; case box for handkerchiefs,
Miss Tom, . Darling, 4 articles for •
dresser use, . E. Huston; fancy apron
Miss C: See et, Mrs. Dr. Sweet; hand
or falley ba Miss Johnston, Miss N.
Tom; sofa •illow, mounted, E. Dar-
ling, Miss B. Mack; sofa pillow,
washable, 1 s. Dr. Sweet, B. S. Phil-
lips; tea co y, Miss N. Tom, Mrs. G.
Glenn; fan y pin- cushion, Miss N.
metal craft,
infant's Jac
along lines -which have as their con
Onion, better homes, happier mothers,.
healthier babies.
The result—a full grown, energetic
department, with a capable doctor as
its deputy, tomptent sanitary en-
gineers, a corp of efficient trained
nurses, a group of hospital district
organiiers, the passing of a hospital
act, a nurses act and other legislation
to provide the machinery for these
different bodies to -work sintiotbbr
electively and suceessully.
The Hospital Act provides for the
Fstablishinent in. every town, village.
or municipal districts, which conform
most to the counties in Ontario, of a
municipal hospital. It is of course,
-necessary first that a majority of the
ratepayers, by their -votes, should
ow their desire for such an institu-
on. And it is here the work of the
spital organizers comes in. On the
ection of a municipal hospital the cost
constrution is borne by. the whole
ople )the district through direct
xation. While it remains optional
hether should be niaintained in the
me wav or partly by taxation and
rtly by fees, but in any case the
spitai is opened to any resident of
e district, and all are accorded the
sne treatment and care. If the
tient is unable to pay the province
ovides the money and in this con-
ction I might mention that already
s year has eost the province over
e hundred thousand dollars to pro -
'e proper medical treatment in hos-
als for those who were financially
able to secure this treatment for
The provincial nurses are always
dy for emergency service and dur;
the 'TOepidemc of last fall
tiered herculean srvice.. In fact I,
quite within the mark when I say
t bad as the epidemic Was it horrors
uld have been manifoldly increased
for the organized endeavor and ef-
ehnecayitho.r the provincial department
ut the work is not -all of a practi-
chavacter. It has its educative side
well, which in the years tocome,
I bear much good fruit. There is
pection in the scliool, addresses on
Ith, and advice to mothers by the
ses. Even the minister himself
taken a hand in the campaign and
spent niuch-tirne addressing meet-
s throughout the province, not on
jects politcal nor in mending polit-
fences in anticipating of an elee-
, but on health, the application of
Ith regulations and the benefits
ained by the districts through the
blisliment of hospitals. In
at every every local fair this season.
of the leading exhibits has been
from. the health department in
rge of a sanitary engineer arid two
ned nurses, whose duties were to
lain hygienic method; the benefits
resh air and clean home,
aturally such a campaign has not
ays smooth sailing, particularly in
untry where the population is as
niopolitan as is that of .A.lberta.
s surprising how many people are
id of a little fresh air in the home
who resent inovations the
oduction of new tangled ideas, as
incline to call them. Like Topsy
just grew up themselves and
consider if, they could survive
r children can too. But when one
les the appalling infant mortality
little lives eacrificed that by the
bon of eleanliness and vommon
e might have been saved, the in -
nee of this work is readily seen.
g; Boudoi
Boudoir cap Miss
ss N.rToen; infant's bon-
. Sweet, Mrs. H. Neeb;
ies, Mrs. McEwn, Mrs.
work, Mary Andrews;
Lulu 'Hastings, crochet
or Jacket, E. Darling,.
herson; trochet slippers,
OM; crochet underskirt,
Mrs. it Neeb; crochet!
Miss X. Tom;- crochet I
Mrs. R. Neeb; knit-'