HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-09-05, Page 13411111•1111111•11111MMIllmm4 12, 1919 " 111111111111111111M111111411.11MINIIIIIIIIR ties advantage id• Shoes are now you will tip, extension flexible soles $5,00 -plain vamps .$4.49 high toe last, school wear, r pair, $3.25 gh tops and $5.00 en Is, Sheep, ,nd horse the farm, gest coal oage and sheep nfectious market. janadian 4.)RTH Ind i-- very were x ery r6 were hidi.s. bie fall ildren. of the purch- now vice your Cts corn - d ain SEPTEMBER 12, 1919 DUBLIN Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. Walter Klink- tammer and two children, of Detroit, are visitine the former's parents here. a -The contihuation school has a large 'number of pupils from a distance. Among thetn are Elizabeth Regan and - Mary Nicholson, of Logan, Charlie Malone'of McKillop, and many others. a -Mr. Whiting and Mr. Robertson, electricians from Mitchell, are wiring Mr. Joseph Nagle's new house.—Mr. and Mrs. C. McDaid have moved to ?The Maples on Laurier Ave, west. Mr. McDaid purposes building down town next year whethelp and material pill surely be easier to get than at present.—Mias Mary Beale has re- sumed her duties at the telephone office.—Mr. L, Beale spent Wednesday with his mother mad sister here,— •r „ Frank McConnell lis still confined to his house. We hope for a speedy recovery for our genial bank manager, STAFFA Notes.—Mr. J. Livingstone is spend- , big a couple of weeks with his son and i wife in Hamilton.—Mr. and Mrs. Ache- • son, of McKiIlop, spent Sunday at Mr. L. Worderes.—Mr. and Mrs. Carr, of Le Roy, N. Y„ are spending a couple bf weeks with their many relatives and friends. They came over .in their -beautiful Chandler car.—A sad death took place in our village on Sun.day • afternoon when James Henry Harburn passed to that bourne from which no traveller returns. He had been i,11 only about two weeks, but he had been a_arippie for about 35 years of his in and from his health suffered more or less as the years went round, He was 49 years of age and had lived • nearly all of his Iife in Hibbert. His widow and five small children survive. His mother. who is 80 years of age also survives, besides three brothers and one sister. Interment took place in Staffa cemetery on Tuesday.—Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Love left on Tuesday for Chicago, where Mrs. Love will undergo an operation. CM:MARTY Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. Cuthill, of Winthrop, were visiting relatives in this vicinity last week.—Rev. Mr. McKay is able to be around again after his severe Illness.—An iiaport- ant event took place at high noon on Saturday last at the beautiful home of Mr. • and Mrs. Richard Hoggarthi when their adopted daughter, Miss May Hoggarth -was united in marriage; • to Mr. Henry Webber, lately returned from the war. After a short honey- moon spent at Brantford and London they will reside in Winehelsea, where the groom has bought out a black- smith's business.—Mr. and Mrs. E. • Graham of Avonton, spent Sunday with the latter's grandmother. Mrs. Currie, Sr.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ham- ilton and son, who motored all the way from their home in Seattle; Wash., • were calling on old friends here last week. It is nearlq forty years since M. Hamilton left here for the west. Their old homestead is now occupied • by Mrs, James Hocking. --Rev : Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie have returned from their months vacation at Bruce „Beach; and looking much better from the rest. —Mr. and Mrs. J. Ritelie, of Cleve- land, paid his brother and family at the Manse a visit last week—Mrs. 11. Currie, Jr., is suffering from an at- tack of appendicitis and is under the doctor's care at present. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Seaforth, September 11, 1919 Butter, per lb. 45 to 52c Eggs, per dozen 51 to 52e Potatoes per bag $2.50 Barley- ... ..... .......... Flour, per cwt $5.00 to $5.90 Shorts, per ton $50.00 Bran, per ton $48.00 . - Wheat, per bushel . . .... $1.95 Spring Wheat, per bushel - $1.90 Oats, per bushel 85c Hogs, per' ewt 18.50 POULTRY MARKET Toronto September 9. --Dressed poultry spring chiokene, 36 to 40c; roosters, 25 tee 28c; fowl, $4 to 35e; turkeys, 40 to 45c; duckling, 31 chicken, 40c; roosteze, 28 to 30c ; fowl, 34 to 38c; turkey, 40 to 45e; ducklings, Ib. to 35e nequabs. doz.. 37. Live poultry --Spring chicken, 33c fowl, 30 to 35c; duck. 27 to 800. DAIRY MARKET Toronto. September 0. --Cheese, new, large 23 to 29e; twins. 281f,- to 291/2c; triplets, 29 to 30c; Stilton, 29 to 30c. Butter—Fresh dairy, choice, 41 te t0; creamery prints, 57 to 58c. Margarine -36 to 3. Eggs—No. l's • 54 to 57e; eelects 60 to 61c honey—extraeted clover 5 lb. tins, 24 to 25c; 10 lb. tins 231/, to 24e:- 60 lb. tins el to 21c; buckwheat, 60 n). tine 13 th 19e; comb, 16 oz., 34.50 to $5; doz., 10 on, 33.e0 to 31.00 doz. LIVE STOCK MARKET Uniun Stoek Yards, Toronto, Sept. 9.— Another fifty cents drop in hog value Wa.-3 registeml this morning after the drovers had nut forward a elight but futile effort against the_recession, and while a few were inclined to holdup their shipments the bulk of a light Monday offering "(vas sold on an 318.75 f.o.b. basis, whieh neele the fed and watered price 319,75, and the weighed off car quotation 320. A few 'enr road- hogs cashed in, at $20. For to-dayn and Tueeday".4 loading the Pecker -buyer e have guaranteed :$18.25 to -be a further aut of fifty cents, which:reduction they might tine; be able to force it the Buf- falo market dees not move upward. In It little over a month the price of hog n on tife Toronto mereet has gone down 35, and there eoree talk of $15 huge beforipepteraber raonth has run ite course. Stockers line feeders -were slow and weaker. Milken and eprineera were but little in evidence though there were eeveral mils for efood cows. The wane. weather gave a boost to the trade in email meats. 13est veods advanced a good dollar and while choice calvee cashed in up to 19 cents per pound, a few extra vests sold at 20 cents. Lambs also Were' etronger at from 3/4.50 to $1L75 for the best. There were a. few 15 cent Jambe on the market. Sheen were Wady and- in fair demand. The receipts were 260 carload% with 4,799 cattle, 561 calenso 2,130 hogs and 3,700 sheep and Iamb, With ninety Per cent. of the cattle in an ..wW•wk NW NW NW NW S. T. Holmes Director and I,icetd Embalmer pari -,.r3 itt Oddfel • lovs,i building opposite .-Ii.t=wart Bros. Resi- tow *Ws Nom N W* donee Godertch .st., cpp Lr. •Scott.'s lelosvez.:, furnished cm ihtrt notice. .= Phytte Night or Day 1HIE- rtl as -4 - offering whieh totalled almost five 'thousand head, of corrinton to medium quality, a draggy triiile was to be expected The few good to - 'choice steers and heifers sold early at prices - about steady with the quotations of last week, but or the rest the Market was 10 to 15 cents easier. Even with the reeession, in force it was found difficult to secure nurchaeem for the fair qUalitY stuff and there were more common grade butchers "forward than the trade obuld absorb.* One load of choice heavy steers consigned by WllUayn, Ormston, of Brooklin, Ont., to the United' Farmers' Co” brought 114.50, the tore price of the day - One other. weighty- .steer casheij in at the sarne price. About four loads all told of other cattle sold at from 113 to 313450. Reei cows and 'nulls were about a steady- trade, but 'common to in-between cows and brills were 10- to /5 cents off front last week's clams The quotations were: Choice -heavy steers $1.3.75 to 314.50, good heavy steers 18 to 313.25; butchers' cattle, choice, $12.50 to 318.00; do. good. $11.60 to 312; do. medium, $11.00 to $11.25; do. common, $7.00 •to *8,00; bulls choice 310.00 to 310.50; do. nredium. 39.50 to $9.75; do. rough, 37.50 to 38.00 coma choice, 310 to 310.75; do. good, 39.00 ot $9.25; do. medium, 38.5010 39; doneommon 37 to 37.50; stockers $7.50 to $10; feeders 310 to $11,25 e canners and cuttens. $4,50 to 36.25; milkers, good to choice, 3110 to 3140; do. corn. and tned., 365 to $75; springere 390 to 315.0; light ewes, 37.50 to 39; yearlings $10..to 311.50; spring lambs per owt., 03.21. to 314.75; calves, good to ohoice, 315 to 315: hogs, fed and watered 319.75; do. weighed off cars 320; do. f.o.b. 318.75; do., to farmers 318.50. • BIRTHS Fisher—In, Hibbert, On Tuesday, September 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Fisher, a g On. Sander -1n Exeter, on Wednesday, September 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanders; a Son Dale.—In Rulleet on August 10th. to Mr. an and 1VIr;s Harold iDale, a elaMhter. ese MARRIAGES Luker—Love.—At Kippen, on Augtest 28th, by. the Rev. Dr. Aitken, Bessie Love to Lorne Luker, both of Ray, township. McKillop, on Wednesday September 3rd, Miss Ella Drager, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Drager, of the 12th concession, and Mr. Robert Ruffle, also of the 12th concession. DEATHS Scott—In MclCillop, on Monday, September 8th, Robert Scott, aged 46 years and- 8 months. Storey—In MeKillop. on Monday, September *8th, Isabella 'hair, beloved wife of Samuel Storey, aged 66 years, 4 months -and 18 days. IN MEMORIAM In remembrance, of Bernard Browp, who was killed in, action one year ago to -day,' September 121h, 1918, inT France. elle gave his life for his country's cauie. A tribute frora hie foster parents. 2700x W. T. BOX dt. CO Embalmers sand Funeral Directors ' H. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and Liscense Charges Moderate . Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 Phone' 43 IMPORTANT NOTICES lleireKILLOP COUNCIL MEETS AT • 651347:: mercial Hotel, Seaforth, on Monday, September 15th, at 1 p.m. MURDIE, Clerk. ' _ September 910, 1919. ' 2700-1 5 MACHINE OPERATORS. — WANTED A 'LT a' few girls to operate sewing machines. W. E. SANDFORD Mfg. Co., Seaforth. Phone 59.• • 2692-tf -- paurrs AND VEGETABLES FRESH FROM I- our garden and orchards. Ask for- our weekly 'price lists. HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruit- land, Ontario. Niagara District. 2690-12 Houaa FOR SALE.—FOR SALE 7 ROOM - ed frame house on George Street, Sea- fprth, hard and soft water. For further Articulars apply th J. R. ARCHIBALD or JOHN RANKIN. 2693-tf poR SALE.—TWENTY-TWO YORKSHIRE pigs, about ready to; wean. Apply th FRANCIS J. COLEMAN, 12.. R. No. 3 Sea - forth; phone 19 on .614. 2700-2 n -OUSE FOR SALE.—FOR• SALE BRICK cottage in Egmondville. containing 4 rooms with cellar, kitchen and frame summer kitchen, all in good repair; good frame barn. The house is situated on one acre of land. Also for sale No. 2 separator, Standard make. For further particulars apply on the premises or addrese EgmondvilIe post office. FERD- INAND iBURGARD. 2692x4 tf -1-1- OUSE FOR SALE.—FRAME DOUBLE house, cement foundation, hard and eoft water, each part contains six- rooms with woodshed attached. Also 1 single dwelling house, seven rooms, cistern, woodshed, etc., also one lot with good well. All centrally situated, on Jarvis Street. For further par-. ticulars apply to MR. WILLIAM MORRISON, Jarvis Street, Seaforth. P. CP. Box 402. •2698-tf t - AUCTION SALES A UCTION SALE OF LUMBER. MR. THOS. -`" Brown has received instructions th sell by Oubilc auction -at. Egmonciville Presbyterian church . sheds on Tuesday, September 16tb., at 3 o'clock the following: Fence posts, • ancor posts. good rock elm timber 10 by 10 inches, all lengths, one good frame 86 by 33 feet suitable for drive shed, 3 'pole, euitable for litter carrier, a quantity of other stuff for fire wood and a quantity of kindling. Terms --Cash. JAMES CAMERON, Chairman of Managing I3oard ; T. Brown, Auctioneer, 2700-1 NUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- .Lfects. Mr. Thomas Brown has been in- structed to sell by public auction at the residence of Mr. James Rankin, Railway Street, Seaforth, on Saturday, September 2010, 1919, at one o'clock, the following: Large ash sideboard, large extension birch table, kitchen tables, Crown Huron range, coal heater (base burner), white bedroom suite, dinning chair, 2 oak rockers, drophead Singer sewing machine, quartercut oak bed, gasoline Detroit stove, davenport, linoleum and other numerous useful household articles. • Terms— ash.. No reserve as the proprietor is leav- ng town. JAMES RANKIN, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioner. •2700-2 AUCTION SALES AtrOTIO-N SALE. OF A caotoE loo-ApRE farrn. There will be sold, by -public tion at Dick's Setel,- Seaforth, on Saturday, September 13th, a choice '100 acre farm eon - stating of ,kt 8 on the 6th concession of aullette There are on the premises a good frame house. bank barn 48x52, driving house, wathe in house and barn, good drilled well: The farm is all well fenced and tile under-. -drained and in a first elate state of cultiva- tion, Rural main -3A mile from the village of Conetance, store, church and school. This is one of the best farms la the township and will be -sold without reserve. Possession given to do fall work. Terms—Terms 'will be Made known on day of sale or on application to the owner or auctioneer. ALBERT COATES, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2699x2 A uarloN SALE OF CATTLE, PIGS AND Sheep. Jamee Jones, has received mstrue- Cone from Mr, Williant J. Flannigan, to sell •by _publio at -ration, on Lot 2, Conceesion 6. Rownship of McKillop, on Friday, September 6th, the following: Cattle—Cow due to calve about time of sale, cow due to calve in November, heifer due to calve in December, 2 cows to calve in March, 1 Jersey cow due th calve in March, 4 steers rising 3 years Old, 4 heifers rising 3 years old, 4--eteere rising 2 years old, 2 heifers rising 2 years old, 3 spring calves. Swine and Sheep -1 brood sow with litter at foot, 2 brood sows due th Utter in Oetober, 6 Oxfoed Down sheer) 1 year old (well bred). Terms -12 months' credit on approved joint totes. 5 per cent. of for cash. Postively no reserve as the pro- prietor is short of feed and »tabling. No outside stock allowed' on the premises. Sale at one o'clook. WILLIAM J. FLANNIGAN, Proprietor e James Jones, Auctioneer. 2700-2 A TICTION SALE OF FARM STOCK --AND .t" Implements. "Thomas Brown fins' received troctions from the undersigned th sell by • olio auction on Lot 8, Concession 4, Mc- Killop, at 1 p.m, on Tuesday, September 3010, the following: Homes—Mare 10 years old supposed to be in foaa, 2 Mares rising 4 years, one supposed to be in foal, 1 home rising 8, years, 1 filly rising 2 years, 1 filly aft, 1 good driver horse, go single or double. Cows —1 cow due October 11th, 1 -cow due Septeniber 810, 1 cow due September 18th, 1 oow due about lst of December, 2 cows freshened with calves at foot, 5 spring calves, 14 head rising 2 years old, 10 stockers, 2 brood sows to litter time of sale, 20 hens, Implements—Maasey- Harris binder.7 foot cut nearly new, Deering mower, Massey -Harris seed drill, land roller, Keystone hay loader, Massey-Harriseside rake, horse rake, McCormick cultivator, 2 furrcrw, riding plow, walking plow, set harrows, ;jetliner, fanning mill, wagon and box, 1 single rig, 1 set sleighs, 1 new cutter, gravel box, wood rack, stock rack, hay rack, extension ladder 32 feet, ladder 15 feet long, wheel barrow, grindstone, 1 post hole auger. 1 crow- bar, 1 wire stretcher, sugar kettle, 3 galvanized pig. troughs, 3, 4, and 5 feet long; 1 scythe, 30 cards of circular wood, about 4 cord.', of 20 leen-maple, some cedar posts, 1 set double harness, 1 set of single harness, pads, collars, and horse blankets, cook stove, a gasoline 3 burner stove, some grain bags, forks, shovels, chalns, crosinctit saw and other small articales too numerous th mention, also household furn- iture. Terms of Sale—All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on appeoved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent, allowed for cash on credit amounts. No reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. MICHAEL O'REILLY, Pro- prietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer, 2700-3 A1°N SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements. Mr. Thomas Brown has been instructed th sell by public auction on Lot 8, concession 18, Tuckersmith, half mile west of Chiselhurst, on Tarsday, September 25th, commencing at Is o'colck sharp, the following: Iforees—Agricultural horse 8 Years old, ag- ricultural horse 3 years old, Percheron horse 2 years old. Cattle Cow 4 years old due to • calve at time of sale, oow 6 years old due to • calve at time of sale, cow 8 years old due to calve in February, cow 6 years .old nue to •ealve in January, cow 5 years old supposed to be in calf, 2 steers 2 .years old, heifer 2 years .old, 2 heifers 1 year, old, 2 last fall calves and about 50 hen',. Implerneriti— Maeeey-Harris binder 8 ft cut with sheaf -Carrier and trucks, Massey -Harris steel raise eanla" new, ;McCormick mower 5 foot cut, 11 'tithe Deering. seed drill, Frost and Wood disc, cultiantor, hind roller, set 4 section harrows, eleuffleee riding plow, walking plow, gang Plow,. three quarter wagon with gravel box se_at, trunk WagOnia Set bob sleighs. andsthek rack. Clinton fanning mill. Massey-liareas root pulper, set of team breech - inn, harnese, set of single harnese. set of odd harness, cellars, eweat pads, 120 feet hay fork rope, set of 3 rope slings, car and pulleys nearly eeiv, wheel barrow, 2 dozen grain bags, bag truck and holder, large sugar kettle, 3 oak barrels, fence block and tackle with grips. nearly new; 3 logging chains, horse blankets, 4 rolls of 2 -ply ready roofing, robe, rug, cross out saw, crowbar, shovel, spades, forks, hoes, 1 Eaton cream separator nearla new, large milk can, milk pails and buckets, churn, tables, couch, bedsteads, dishes and other articles too nemerous th mention. Positively no reserve WS the proprietor is giving up farming. Terms —All :sums of $10 and under, cash e over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. off for cash. WILLIAM 'LATTA. Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2700-2 OLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, `-` farm stock, implements and roote, Thos. Cameron has received instructions to sell by public a action on Lot West ta 13, Con. 13, town- ship of Hibbert, on Saturday, September 20th; 1919, at 12.30 p.m., the following. Horses - 2 brood mares, agricultural.; 1 filly 3 years, agricultural, 1. gelding rising 3 years, agri- cultural, 1 filly Heine 2 years, agricultural 1 gelding 2 yeam old. agricoltural; 2 foal fillies, agricultural; 1 farmer's driver. -Cattle —Registered cow due December 20th, register- ed cow due April '20th; registered heifer calf, grade cow clue October 12th, cow due January 12th, 3 grade cows eupposed to be with calf, 2 yearling heifers, 1 yearling steer, 1 winter calf. 2 *slimmer calves. Hogs -1 pure bred Tara sow due time of eat% 2 pure bred ,Tam CMS due let week in November, 10 Ta.m hogs about 100 pounds. Implements—Some mari- golds and turnips, lumber wagon and box complete, top buggy, 1. Mikado buggy with extra seat, light wagon, pair sleighs; Cutter, road cart, binder mower, horse rake, single furrow riding plow, 2 furrow plow, 3 walking plows, . action harrows, land roller, seedier, turnip and mangold seeder, disc,, 3 horse cultivator, stock rack, epa.dee el-en/els, crow- bars, sugar kettles, cattle chains,' barn and stable door hinges and other artidlee • too numerous to rpention, Real Estate—Lot W 1.(e 13 and Ele:2 14, Concession 13. Township of Hibbert; On the premises is a good brick dwelling, solid frame drive house and re - Maine of bank bare. burned, 8 acres of hard- wood bush and balance all seeded to grass ex- cept 15 acres. This farm is in good state of (Cultivation and well suited for grazing or mixed farming and will be sold in °Tie or part, or beilaings and land. separately to • suit purchaser. Terms of Chattels -k -All sums ef' 310 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit. on furaishing approved joint notes, a disbount of 4. per cent, off for cash on credit amounts. Terms of Real Estate made known, on day of ;sale or on application to proprietor oe, auctioneer. JOHN LEARY, Proprietor; Thos. Cameron, Alec- tioneer. 2700-2 A UCTION SALE OF. VALUABLE HOUSE ' and two lots and household goods and furniture in Seaforth. There will be offered ,for sale by public auction On Saturday the 13th day of September, 1919, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on the premises, elots number 6 and 7 on the south side of Gdderich street, in F. G. Sparling's Surveyof part of the'Town of Seaforth, fornierly the residence of the late James McMichael. There are on this property a good frame house, kitchenand stable, hard and soft water, and some feuit trees.. This is a most desirable property and well situated, and there is ample room for the erection of another ridence on the property. Terms.— Twenty per cent. of the purchase money on• the day of sale and the balance within one week thereafter, or at the opti-on of the pur- chaser, part of the purchase money may re- main on mortgage. At the same time and iplace there will also be sold all of the furni- ture and houshold goods in said house, con- sisting of stoves, beds and bedding, bureaus, ,wash stands, tables,' writing -desk, bureaus,. ,dishes, chairs, carpets, carpenters' tools, -vem.liting• machine and tubs, granite and, tin- ware and nunferous other articles, See sale .bills Terms on personal property, cash. Real estate will be offered for safe subject to a re- served bid and the approbation of the Local Master at Goderich. For further particulars and conditioes of sale apply to JOHN TURN- ER, Esq., Seaforth, Committee of the estate af Jane McMichael, or th J. M. BEST, his a Solicitor, Seaforth. T. Brown, • Auctioneer. Is Dated at Seaforth this 20th day of August, 1 1919. 26974 olq.mosiTon W. S. GOrrn leY EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Willianis' Grocery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth„ Flowers furnished on short nolice • 'Charges moderate • Phone—Night or Day -192 FARMS FOR SALE • FARMS FOR SALE I have son,, choice farms for sale in the Townships o3 Usborne and Hibbert, all well built and int roved, on easy terms of payment. THOMAS C MERON, Woodham, Ont. 265842 FARM FOR SALE.—LOT 15, CONCESSION 4, Stanley Township, a well cultiaated from with good buildings is offered for sale. Apply th ANDREW SCOTT, Brucefield, Ont. 2700-4 DROPERTY FOR SALE.—FOR SALE 8 " acres of land, clay loam, good seven roomed house with furnace, phone and rural mail, good buildings, stable, poultry house .and drive shed; also small orchard. Close to school, 2 miles from Seaforth. Apply th JOHN McMILLAN, R. R. No. .1, Seaforth, or phone 20 on .236, Seaforth Central. 270042 "FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE NORTH half of Lot 1, Concession 13, Hullett, containing 76 acres. On the premises are a 'brick house with hard and soft water inside, a barn '38x72 with a cement wall and cement floors and water in barn, 1 acre of orchard, some wood, drilled well with windanill to pump water, also spring creek. For terms and particulars apply th WILLIAM A. BARRON, Blyth, R. R.. No, 1. 2700-42 pARM FOR SALE.—BEING LOTS 16 AND 1. 17 on the- 4th conceesion of Hibbert con- taining 150 acres with all necessary buildings, convient to schooll and churches of all den- °mations with telephone and rural route; 21A LIMITED miles from Dublin market. This is a splendid - property and will be sold to wind up the Hamilton estate of the late William McLellan. For further particulars apply to ANDREW Mc- LELLAN, Dublin P. 0„ R. R. 2. 269042 nae Notice to Contractors. Tenders will :be reeeived until Oct. ist, 1919, for the construction of Winehelsa Creek .Drain improvement in the Township of Usborne. Plans and, speeifications may be seen at the office of John Roger, 0. L S., Mitchell, or at the clerk's office, R. R: 1, Hensall. A marked check representing 10 % of the contract, price must accompany eaeh tender. HENRY STRANG, Township Clerk. - 2700-4 $15 To Start Tailoresses Girls with frona one to tWo years' experi- ence in working on men's coats will -be paid this salary, with quick advances as they gain experience in operating on women's cloth coats. No pressing. Inure 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday -'half holiday. Apply th JOHN NORTHWAY & SON Limited 91 Welliniton Street West, Toronto Refer to Stewart Bros. Seaforth. GIRLS W NTED Clan, airy, sunlit workrooms. Short hours—a 47 -hour week, with Saturday half -holiday. • Valuable training in agreeable • work for the inexperienced. A god livingwag-o to beginners which Jua.Leriaily, in with experwince and proficiency. Writh ca:!— MERCURY MILLS •••••••••••••••••• • paint FOR SALE. --FOR SALE ; LOT 85 " Concession 2, McKillop, containing 100 'acres. There are on the premises a bank barn hay barn, hen house - and Ss haus., good: 1% story frame house; plenty of good water; Jrilled well between house and barn with of& 75- feet of water. The farm is well fenced With woven *ire and is 'well ,drained. The land is all under (salvation and • is a first class farm. For further partieulan apply' on the premise* or address Seaforth. R. R.'No. 2. JAMES MAGILL. 2889-4/ pARM FOR SALE.—ONE 'HUNDRED AND forty-t*o acres of good land consisting of Lot 1, Concession 1, and part of Lot_ 1. Concession 2, Stanley, Huron County, adjoin- ing the village of kitten. Mee minutes walk th G. T. R. station, church or store; 6 acres of bush; water all the .year round, and all seeded th gaass ; 1 acre of good orchard; 2 barns, 1 on a stone wall; drive shed; frame houee. For terms and particulars apply th SAMUEL THOMPSON, It. R. No. 1, Bruce - field. •2694-tf VARM FOR SALE.—FOR RALE LOT 17. ' Concession 6, McKilkip, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a good frame house and two barns; 1 large barn, 50x54, on stone and cement foundation, and 1 hay barn, 80x50; also a shed joining the two barns. The land is in- good state of cultivation, weli fenced and dratned,, a good orchard and two good wells, 1 drilled, water four feet from the top ; alse 15 acres of No. 1 hardwood maple hush. Thalarm •is situated six miles from the town of Seaforth. For further particulars apply to SAMUEL SMITH, Lot 15, Concession. 9, McKillop, R. R. No. I, Dublin. • • 2698x4 FARler FOR SALE.—BEING LOT 24, CON- ooucession 11., township a Hibbert, con- taining 100 ecres, 90 acres cleared, the balance in hardwood bush principally maple On the premises is situated a large brick house, kitchen and woodshed, 1 barn 52x60, with stabling underneath, 1 strawshed and hay barn, 48x72, with hog pen, henhouse and driving shed underneath. House aed barn were all overhauled and remodelled three years ago, and are as good as new, nearly all !sew roofed. Th n farm is well fenced and drained, Mean from bad weeds, and in good order and well watered by two wells. Will be sold on reasonatne berms and possession given to suit purchaser. ROBERT HOGGA.P.TH7 Cromarty, P. 0., Phone 9 on 42. H. L. Me- Killop. 26974 FARM FOR SALE • Lot 83, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 acres of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 acres of bush. the rest in a high state of cultivation.; 5 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from Con- stance, 114 miles from school. There are en ; the premises, a good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and vrell underdrained. There are forty acres ploagheri. 5 acres bush and the balance seed- ed down. There are two big springs, ens piped to barnyard and in the other a dam with a hydraulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the spring Is in the orchard and near the bowie and line fence. there is no waste land. There is a graded and gravelled mane frem the road W the akuildings. Apply to 51118. SAMUEL DORRANCE. Seaforth. ' 2627-tf aARM FOR SALE.—BEING LOT 20, CON- ' cession 2, II. R. S., Tuekersmith, contain- ing 100 acres. 9 acres of good hardwood bush, the rest in good condition, clean, well fenced and underdrained, with plenty of water and good outbuilding's, new 2 storey brick house 26x36 feet with kitchen 14X20 feet and all modern conveniences, bare 48x56 feet with cement stabling\ a.nd T 36x60 feet with cement stabling underneath and. water system through- out, cement alio 14x30 feet, hen •house and - implement shen, 2 acres good orchard well protected with spruce, hedge. The 'farm is well situated,- convenient to churches and school, has mail route and telephone, 8% miles froin, Seaforth. atation, 6 miles from Brucefielda Ms Q 50 acres grass land being west Ye, Lot 30, Concession 4, L. R. Si, 2 miles ' east of Brucefield on Mill Road, well watered and first erase grass laud. For further in- formation apply to S. A. CARNOUHAN. R. R. 3, Seaforth, P. 0., or phone 8 on 150. • 269941 ows*.• VANCOUVE Via the Scenic Route Leave TORONTO (Union Station) 9.15 p.m. MondayL--Wednesday--Friday . Compartment -Observation, Standard and Tourist Sleeping and • Dining Cars. •Comfortable Coaches. SIX DAYS A WEEK SERVICE TO WINNIPEGAND EDMONTON MON., WED.., FRL—Via Ca -n. National Rya. AU the W*3re TUE., THU., SAT.—Via & N.O. Ind Can. Natiostal, Lys • For Tickets and Information; enquire nearest C.N. Rys. Agent or write General Passenger Department. Toronto, 131 Canadian Ni fort wags E NS Ontario Goderich Fair Next Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday September .15 16 17 Exhibition of the Products of the Far/21, Field, Orchard, Garden, Dairy, •• etc. Four Speed Tests — Purses $700. G.W.V.A. Exhibit of War Trophies. Good , program of grandstand at- tractions. DR. W. F. CLARK Secly-Trefisurer Goderach, UNPREPAREDNESS --NLFAILURE , A bank account is an -in character building. It establishes the confidence, independence and pride which Intreases effort and paves the wart* success. Open an account to -day and he - prepared. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen Manager School of Commerce Clinton and Goderich, Ont. Offers the following courses: BUSINESS STENOGRAPHER SECRETARIAL CIVIL SERVICE and arranges special courses for students. The following advantages: Highly Qualified Teaching Staff Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Credential Typewriting Tests Positions Guaranteed A. Business Education pays for itself in a few months Now is the time for the young man or woman to make an investment that will give splendid returns' in the years to come. For terms, etc., write B. F. WARD, B.A., MAccts. - Principal M. A. STONE, - - - - - Vice Prin. SCHOOL OPENS ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd. • PHONE 208 alerenereemeamrawammeme eeseateierreallierelee a Electric Starting and Lighting TITHE new Ford Electrical System is as great au achieve am ent as the Ford Motor. • 'No better s • ing and lighting system, is supplied Ivith any —at any price. See it for y urself. See it work." It is a complete two -unit sy em, Starting, Motor, Generator and- Battery—b it into the Ford Motor—a product of the Ford plant. • The Ford also equipped"withthe Standard 1Magneto to provide ignition independent of the batteries. The whole 17 stem is controlled from an instrument board on th c,owl. wa, It is now s 1.plied as Standard Equipment on all 'Ford Enefos -cl Models. in you yiI1 hone or call—we- will introduce you ito the Ford edan. You owe it to yourself to learrk ;why men w o can afford big costly ca. prefer the Torsi Sedan. PRICES—ine uding Electric Starting and Lighting,Ford Sedan 41.175. Ford Coupe WO, Lo. b. Ford, Ont. (War tax extra.) 205, "Demountable rims, tire carrier and non-skid tires- on rear as optional equipment on closed ars only at $25.00 extra." J. F. DALY, ,Dealer,Se forth. COOK BROS., Dealers, Hensel]] ,"4.` • 4 '0 1 r; i • •