HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-09-05, Page 11MEMBER , 1919 HMO IWO It Prices cn stock ces 40c peek for its kind of fresh priced r "rea.ort you to FARMERS! If you require ' money to raise more live»! stock, our local manager will be, glad to talk the -matter over with you. Beef, hogs, butter and cheese are big -nosey producers. Are. you getting your share of the profits from Them • SEAFORTH BRANCH: R.`M. JONES, Manager. y! P 4 Y inniii nix HURON EXPOSITOR DISTRICT MATTER; KE1 P CHILDREN WELL DURING ,HOT WEATHER Canada's innumerable scenic gems, while the hunte 's log cabin with its sporting trophieis is also utilized for the projection of dissolving •views and moving pictures of scenic and sporting and industrial life. Forestry, pulp and paper, minerals, Indian trophies and agricultural fea- tures complete an exhibit on which° there has evidently been much- careful Every indther knows haw fatal the preparation and considerable fore - hat summer months, are to small thought. Nor has the rpyal visit been children. Cholera infantum, .diary- . forgotten, for on top of the pyramid hoea, dysentry, colic and stomach devoted to a `beautiful display- of troubles are rife at this time and British Columbian fruit stands the Prince of Wales' forest the three, Often a precious little life is lost feathers worked in grain with the after only a few hours !illness. Ther motto, "Ich Dien," ; Altogether it is mother who keeps Baby's Own Tab- an exhibit which every visitor should lets in the house feels safe. The oc•- see if he would learn of Canada's easional use of the Tablets prevent national system of transportation. stomach and bowel troubles, or if trouble comes suddenly—as it getter - ally does!—the, Tablets; will bring the NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE baby safely through. They are sold A Frenchman has invented methods by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 for enlarging and reducing phono-. cents a box from The Dr. Williams' _Medicine Co Brockville, Ont. ' - graph records to obtain increased or. diminished sound intensity. BAYFIELD . - - (Too Late For Last Week). Breezes, Rev. J. C. Talrnie, of Windsor, who is summering here, preached in St. Andrew's church Sun- day evening last.—Baren Herry, who .os served in °the war for the past ur years, arrived here and visited 'his family last week: Harald King arrived home from overseas last week. 'He is the last to return of our boys who have been over.: Most of the cot •tagers and boarders have left for their homes, a few remaining to en- joy the beautiful /September weather. This season Bayfielel- has been more popular than ever, every available place being taken and many applica- tions being. refused. Several lots have been purchased by people who propose building summer homes. Mr. Meyers and family of Stratford; arrived Mon- day and have taken a cottage in Deer 'Lodge for a few weeks. ---Herb Mc- Gregor had the misfortune' to fall Mw ire working at Mrs. Stott's new use, Monday and. severely sprained 'his ankle: Rev. Mr. Torrance, of De- troit, preached in .Trinity church on Sunday morning:—Lucy and Jean Woods, Greta Baker and May Horard left for Clinton this week to - attend the collegiate, and Gretta Merner to attend Business College.—At last we are to have some lights to illuminate our dark etreets, the council having so decided at the regular meeting Tuesday' evening. A gasoline lieht has 'been in use at the Co-intnerc ai cot. ner ;on trial, and iect.e. are to be prciureci.—The Directors of the Bay- field Agricultural `Society are busy these days preparing for the fall ex- hibition to be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, Septeinber 30th and Oc- tober 1st. There will be speeding contests and at night a splendid con- cert in the town hall. Don't forget the dates and send your entries early. —On. Wednesday, September loth, Bayfield will have a Civic holiday. London Fair will be on and a number are planning to go. Remember Wed- recorder the operation of which de- nesday, Sept, 10th, every place of Monday which was labor Day passed pends upon the heat conductively of the gas of quietly here. A. number took inIn an English treatment for rheums - the sports at Zurich.—School reopened _ tism and certain other diseases of Tuesday, 2nd. with two new teachers the muscles and nerves patients are in charge, Principal Miss. Farr, of massaged while immersed in baths Bernie, junior room, and Miss Davey of Kincardine; H. McKay and wife were at T otonto a few days last week. I• The blade and its ' cover in a new safety razor are held in place by a 'magnetized -handle so they may be I easily removed for cleaning. Scotch experts have foundthat the African baobab tree yields a fiber that is one of the finest paper making materials to be found. A mixer for asphalt orconcrete has -- been added to .a steam roller by a Pennsylvania road builder, being oper- ated by the same engine. Expert butter testers in France claim they can detect the 'flavor of the soil -over which cattle, from which butter is produced, have fed. - An inventor has patented a fly swat- ter consisting cif a metal plate notched across its surface to hold rubber bands that act as cushions. French army surgeons have found that a. mixture of freshly slaked line and phosphorus will remove tattooing so that it cannot be detected. A patent has been granted for a hard surface roadway with depressions on each side to catch wheels of vehicles and prevent- them skidding. 'Small metal articles are -coated with tin by a process invented in Europe, 1 which revolves them in a centrifugal machine containing molten: metal,. A cover for sewer . outlets- has been invented that prevents the entrance of rats or other afiimals, yet does not . interfere with the flow of sewage. English scientists have found that glass can be permanently tinted by immersion in the hot mineral waters of Bath, long farnous as a health re- sort, A humane muzzle for dogs enables ! an animal to open 'its mouth as long as its . nose is pointed toward the ground, but closes it as it raises its head. The government of .Portugal has offered a prize - of .about $32,000 for the first Portuguse or Brazilian aviator who flies from Portugal to Brazil. • . . Experts of the United States bureau of standards have perfected a helium - BUILDS AND BINDS A NA'1'ION Truly national in character is -the exhibit of the Canadian National Rail - of liquid peat. A shaving brush intended to be thrown away after being used a sMgle time is made of scraps of sponge and soap bound by gauze to the end of a wooden handle. It has been demonstrated- by three ways in the Railway Building at ithe " English scientists that radium can be Canadian National Exhibition To- extracted from the waste that remains ronto. The ensemble is most Strik after vanadium has been removed ing, and the electric lighting of the from its ore. - dome, combined with roost artistic draperies, lends a spacious character to the whole exhibit, while the ar- rangement of the display in ge eral permits of freedom of movement to A Sure Sign That the Blood is view the various exhibits in detail. • Watery and Impure. The frieze decorations show ty ical landscape views of the nine Prov.i ices, , People with thin. blood are much with the coat ofarms of eae the more subject to headaches than full - connecting link bearing the h ghly' blooded persons, and the form of anae significant reminder that this is an mia that .afflicts growing. girls 'is al- exhibit of "a line that builds and bunds most always accompanied by . head - a nation "aches, together with disturbance of the F Three sides of the octagenal buidingjj digestive organs. . are occupied by a huge topogra hical Whenever" you have constant or re - ma ofthe Dominion. on whic are curring headaches and pallor of the p show in brilliant illuniinatiott the face, they s ow that the blood is thin names of the principal points reached and your efforts -should be directed to= by the Canadian National Railways, ward building up your blood. A fair "the great steel strand that threads treatment with Drs Williams' Pink the land" being indicated by a broad Pills will do this effectively, and the. band of red. . •• ; rich, red blood made by these pills Ne better or more comprehensive will remove the -headache. plan could have been adopted to! dem-More disturbances to the health ate onstratc: that :14,000 miles' of railway caused by their blood than most peo- are now under : Canadian National pie have any idea of. When your blood management, and that the Canadian is impoverished; the nerves suffer from Northern, the_Ititercolonial and Trans- lack of nourishment, and you may be eontinental railways have been famal- troubled with insomnia, neuritis, nen- gametes into one wast system. To ralgia or sciatica. Muscles -.subject to further cleinonstrate the fact th.t the strain- are under -nourished and you. system traverses every Province of may have muscular rheumatism or the Dominion and reaches every Pro- lumbago. If your blood is thin and ; incial capitl,the observer by en in- you begin to show symptoms of any • geninus arragement-of flashing 'lights of these disorders, try building up the; is tib<en in fancy right acmes the blood with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, cintinent from Halifax to Vancouver and as the blood is restored to its nor - eat/ Victoria, stopping moinenta1ily at mal condition every symptom of the the principal points enroute and then trouble will disappear. There are more people who owe their present state of good health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills than to any other medicine, and most of . them do not hesitate to say so. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills FREQUENT HEADACHES - brought back again. The map Should prove of much educational va ue in telling just what the Canadia Na- tional Railways are and the territory they reach. . A rustic centrepiece and, several through any dealer in medicine or by rustic lanterns contain some really mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for beautifulphotographic transparencies $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine which do not fail to call attention to Co., Brockville, Ont Stewart's Sell it for Less rand Naior Phone Your OrdersWe prepay re -... riage Friday and Saturd, y tewart BFO1 ** l - i n Vicinity a _Lav ahCo Will present to �erninine Seaforth; a d C ce tion of all tY ception that theMetropol- itan Letrt�pof itan Style Centres term Corr ct Our preparatiqns for this fashion event justifies us ferent from the ordinary,even different from any., To the ob erver��of Fashionsthere will be a distincti tion of exelusivenes which will iPress you with ti can always do better at Stewarts. Mil�ine�r� 1. of Surpassing Beauty Featuring the Newest Creations and Latest Designs of the hour f WOMEN who are desirous of knowing what the world of fashion will. wear --.`this fall, and seeing the new. est ideas exemplified, will de-, rive a world of pleasure from our Millinery display on the opening days. ` A wonderful- ly charming collection of new ideas in Faltgats awaityour approval. Wap wish to speci- ially invite every woman in this vicinity to be present at this the greatest openings we have ever had. Prices Reasonable Mail Your Orders .sayn ...:.it will be dil- e have eld in the past. e atmosphere, - a sug e - e idea, .that after all you Suits and Coats for Fall The most attractive designs ever assembled d at Moderate Pric .TN this magnificent display of 1. OA'l s. and SUITS will be featured a beautiful display. of - the - Very - Newest - Styles -. comprising the latest Brea- tions of the foremost -Cana- , Cana-, than and A.mericandesigns.: There are dozens of models, each with a different ex-' pression of distinguished style, reflecting the exclus- iveness that always charac- teriees this store. Come as offers as you wish. PRICES $25 to $50 F Cr�mpt�i,Bias NemVCorsets ,. THE exert designing of these Corsets *created a world wide reputation for tlrse leading lines. In their. great var- x iettof models and size they take care of. thfe'growing figure and give shapley lines - to the mature. 4' Everything'needed from childhood to motherhood keeping with good appear- ance, perfhealth and ..' absolute comfort. Prig $1 110 $5 Stew.. sEa '(` HIS fall, h j nature he w ing stia es and are presented i Dress Goods Velours, Gabe Worsteds, and autumnal shade beet, green, na sky and black, i' ways the case -- weaver's art has vied with. self in the creation of pleas- color corbinaticns which such charming `array in Department, Broadcloths, -dines, Serges, Poplins, Tweeds, in all : the new including plum, prune, bu rg u dy1•,L brown, tan, While .the prices -as it al - re a little lower a* Stewarts. •Pbon; Your Ordirs