HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-09-05, Page 5..11tt hoes Tork Shoes. represent - ever eom- wear well, We bus 'tabling us ar custom- -alues like made with 4.00. %er made --black or -eight, per leather -- brown on r the fall faction. IOThL Free NG you rext hor- for hoo1 sat Lc -fly vant fet a hang FORTH Free IES in and me >1 1 feet 7op. know .t ,e of -- 'tyle fua- the solid, and LOO • in rA -111'f'S , SEPTEMBER 5, 1919 ee?.•44•' SEAFORTH MARKETS, Seaforth, Septembe' r 4, 1919. toes, per bushel ... . ur, per cwt. . —$5,.109.to $5.90 $'-horts, per ton = . $50.00 I $48.00 $1.95 49 to 50e Butter, per lb 47 to 50c Spring Wheat, per bushel $1.90 Oats, per bushel 85c Hogs, per wt. - ... . .$19.50 BIRTHS: t MeDenaid.—In. Hullett, on Augest lith, to Mr. and M. J., D. Melnernzid, a daughter (still born). • Coe —At Cornwall, Ont. on Auguat 26th, 191, to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. De Witt Coeens. of Bryanston, a daughter (Katli\een `Moffat—In Terkersmith. on August 15t/ to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moffat, a son. - . . Bran, per ton Wheat, per bushel Eggs, per dozen MARRIAGES Livingstone—Brown.--In Seaforth, on Sept. ti.0111„, eil;,.s.risHu,Beroeelso,and, c:ifau.sghteorrttzf Rev. and C. Livingstone, of itoronto. Deeat—Siegel.---In Stratford, on September 2. Olive, youngest daughter of Mrs. Edward Siegel. to Mr. Sydney Deem. Of Seaforth. 'Graham—McIver.---At the Manse, Brueeffeld, on Friday. August 29th, by Itev: W. D. Mcin.toeti, Marjorie Z. eldestdaughter of Mrs. Berbera. ItSclver, of Clinton, to H. Geldiessersyrahana of 13rucefietd. • -enni ' ) DEATHS Mcj4eil—dn Clinton, on August 25th, Christina • ooper, wife of Mr. T. J. McNeil. Ester—At Varna, on Aukust 13th, Mrs. James Voter oged 86 years. Harvey—In Kxeter, on Friday, August 22nd. Sarah Ann Smith, beloved wife of Mr. Charles Harvey. aged 54 years. 11 months and 24 days. IMPORTANT NOTICES MACHINE OPERATORS. -- WANTED A few girls to operate sewing machines. V. E. SANDFORD Mfg. Co., Seaforth. Phone 59. - 2692-tf towns AND VEGETABLE'S FRESH FROM " our garden and orchards. Ask for our weekly Price lists. HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruit- land, Ontario, Niagara District. 2690-12 VISTRAY STEER.—STRAYED FROM TH-F. 2:f premise; of the undersigned, Lot 7, Con- tession 5, Hullett, on or about August llth, a dark red steer, dehorned, 2 years old. Any information leading to its recovery please phone 1 on 246 Seaforth. ROBERT CLARK, R. R. No. 2. Seaforth, t697-3 E0CISE FOR SALE.—FOR SALE 7 ROOM - ed frame house on George Street, Sea - forth, hard •and soft water. For further particularh apply to R. ARCHIBALD or JOHN RANKIN. 2693-tf • HOUSE FOR SALE,—FOR SALE 'BRICK cottage in Egmondville containing 4 rooms with cellar, kitchen andframe summer kitchen, all in good repair; good frame barn. The house is situated on one acre of land. Also for sale No. 2 separator, Standard make. For further particulars apply on the premises or address Egmondville post office. FERD- INAND BURGARD. 2692x4 tf Virr OUSE FOR SALE.—FRAME DOUBLE house. cement foundation, hard and soft water, each part contains six rooms with woodshed attached. Also 1 single •dwelling house. seven rooms, cistern, woodshed; etc., also one lot with good well. All centrally situated, on Jarvis Street. For further par- ticulars apply to MR. WILLIAM MORRISON, Jarvis Street, Seaforth. P. .0. Box 402. 2698-tf 141ARM FOR SALE.—LOTS WEST 1:1 13, -a- East -14 14, Concession 13, Township of Hibbert, County of perth, containing 100 acres. On the premises is a good brick dwel- ling, drive house, silo and foundation of bank barn which was burned, 8 acres hardwood bush, balance all seeded to grass except 15 acres which will be ploughed. This property is in first class state of cultivation and well suited for either mixed farming or grazing and will sell bush, building and land in one or two parts separately or in one lot to suit purchasers if not sold privately on or before -the 15th September, 1919. It will be -sold by public auction on the premises together- with the farm ,tock ,and implements on the 26th September, 101ff. For terms and particulars apply to JOHN LEARY on the prernism, Cromarty P. 0., or to THOMAS CAMERON, Auctioneer, R. R. 1, Woodham, Ont. 2699-2 AUCTION SALES A UCTX014 SALE OF A CHOICE 100 ACRE farm. There will be sold by public auc- tion at Dick's Hotel, Seaforth, on Saturday, ' September 13th, a choice 100 acre farm con- sisting of lot 8 on the 6th concession of Hullett. There are on the preiniees a good frame house, bask barn 48x52, driving houee, water in house and barn, good drilled well. The farm is all well fenced and tile under - drained and m a first cflass state of cultiva- tion. Rural mail' le mile from the village of Constance, store, church and school. This is one of the best farms in the township and will be told without reserve. Possession given to do fall work. Terms—Terms will be made known on day ,of sale or on application to the owner or auctioneer, ALBERT COATES, Proprietor_ T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2699x2 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSE and twe lots and -household goods and furniture in Seaforth. There will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday tbe lath day of September, 1919. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. on the premise, lots number 6 and 7 on the south side of Goderich street, itt F. G. Soarling's Survey of part of the Town of Seaforth, formerly the residence of the late James McMichael. There are on this property a good frame house, kitchen. and stable, hard and soft water, and some fruit trees.. This is a most desirable property and well situated, and there is ample room for the erection of another residence on the property. Terms.— Twenty per cent.. of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance-- within one week thereafter, or at the option of the pur- chaser, part of the purchase money may re- main on mortgage. At the same time and Place there will also be sold all of the furni- ture and houehoId goods in said house, con- sietine of :'tows, beds and bedding, bureaus, waah stands , tables, writing desk, bureaus, dishes, chairs, carpets, carpenters' tools, washing- machine and „tubs. granite and tin- ware anti numerous other articles. See sale bills. Term.; on personal property, cash. Real estate will bo offered for sale subject to a re- ssrved bid and the approbation of the Local! Master at Goderich. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to JOHN TURN- ER, Fee., Seaforth. Committee of the estate San» McMiettael, or to J. M. BEST, his Sol lei ter, Seaforth. T. Brown, Auctioneer. Dated at S.:I-C.)01i this 20th day of Augusts 1913. 2697-4 Ano•rea& SALE FARM STOCK AND Iraolsrn.!r.ts James .Tones, auotioneerS has zeoeised instruetions from Mrs. George Morenz 1.y puhlie auction on 'Lot 23 Concession a mile and a half west of Bornholm, os Friday, Sept -ember 12th, 1919, the follow - ng.: Is. -.Mar. rising 13 years old, geld - 1 sears old, driving horse rising ssars alit Cows- -Heifer due to calve be- ginnies Desember, cow due to calve in Felessary, cow fine t,, calve in April, jerses- s f'r heifers rising 2 years old, 2 ••";':'ers r'sirs 2 years old, 4 spring oalves. :-Sh000-ss. cassis and 1 ram lamb. ' Pigs, Fowl, s months' old, 1 brood sow to litter time S' about 80 hens. 2 geese. 1 dog. insalso Mas. ey-Harris hinder, 7 ft. cut, vs--arls sos. Massey -Harris mower, cultivator, rWit h!ttv.et4r. disc, harrow new, hay rake, walking -plows, riding plow, gang 'llsss. p.0- isirrawis land roller, scuffler, scram- er, mariors .'reader, high wagon, with. box, traek. waists !.'arty new, hayrack,. stock. rack, 'L'ntr boat, •Lt.,y) buggies. carriage with pole' ars! 41,afts, eaters, sleigh, Clinton fanning II1sottini; box. pulper, grindstone, wheel- b.ississ. frock, 2 horse blankets. 2 sets .insi• barrios", .et single harness with collar. 2 -este lo'hl' harness. 2 old collars, .scythe, 0:sadls. --sill,. can, cream can, churn, milk tank: Sistis •misat barrels, neck yokes, double sress, issi.".er, box Atove. ex -tension ladder. srow bar, chain. forks, shovels, tt OA: of other articles too numerous to snertion. 2s rows mangolds and a quantity of Tssrass -All sums of tIO and under, aser that amount 12 months' credit will `Ye 4tli .11 on furnishing approved. Joint notes oss 7ont, allowed off for cash. Sale at 1 o'clock p.m. -harp. MRS. GEO. MORENZ, .-ssciitrix. R. R. No. 1, Bornholm; James !•ives, Aostioneer., 3699-1 • • 1 THE HURON EXPOSITOR McKillop 2nd Annual School Fair, to be held at .S. S. No. 4, on Friday September 26th, 1919 . • PRIZE LIST CLASS I ---COLTS Best Heavy Draught, lst, Medal by Bank Commerce $3 $2 - $1 Best General Purpose,*1st, and 2nd by Dr, Burrows 3 , 2 1 .Best Roadster ............ ... .. .. . . ..... ..... - .. . ... ,. .... ,3 2 1 CLASS it—cALvEs Best Beef Steers, lst, $3 by J. J. Merner, M.11.i 2 1 Best Beef Heifers, lst, $3, by L, J. LoOby,2 1 , Best Beef Steer (pail fed), 1St, Cuff Links by F. S. Savauge . . • 2 1 Best Beef Heifer ,(pail fed), 1.st $3 by Farmer's Club 2 1 Best Dairy Heifers, lst and 2nd by Chas. Barber - 3 2 1 Best pair Beef Calves, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd by Standard Bank' 3 2 1 Best Fitted, Steer or Heifer, Medal by Dr. Harburn.. . Best shown and best halter broken calf, $2 by Jos: Dorrance & Son. . CLASS III—LAMBS Best Pair Lambs, lst, knife by Geo.. Sills, • 1 50 Best Wool Lambs, 1st $2 by J. C. Greig 1 50 Best Mutton type lamb, 1st $2 by R. Garrow ....... „ .. , • .,' 1 ' 50 •CLASS IV—POULTRY Best pair young turkeys, prizes by John Scott ...... .. 75e 60c 40c Best pair white geese, lst, 2nd, 3rd & 4th by. Thos, Smith 75e 60c 40c Best pair grey geese, 1, 2, 3, 4, by D. Shannahon ..... 75c '60c 40c Best pair Pekin Ducks, J. Mactavish • 75c 60c 40c Best pair Rout( Ducks, Cardno Bro, 75c 60c 40c -Best pair Indian Runners, W. R. Smith • t 75c 60c 40e Best (O. A. C.) Barred Rock Pullett, Jas. A. Dale 75c 50c 25c Best (0. A. C.) Barred Rock Cockerel, Dr. Ross 75e 50c' 25c Best'pair Barred Rocks . $1.00 75c 50c Best pair White Rocks 1.00 75c 50c' Best pair White Leghorns •f 1.00 75c 50c Best pair Rode I. Reds -I,. 00 75e 50e , . . - 1.00 75c 50c Best pair Black Minoreas 1 Best pair White Wtyandottes, H. Edg 1.00 75c 50c Best pair Brown Leghorns 1.00 75c 50c Best pair Belgian Hares 75c 50c 25c _Best pair Common Rabbits Best pair Common Rabbits, $1.'50 by W. E. Hinchley, 50c 25c • pair to be given to donor. . , Best pen of Pigeons, ` • ' 50c 30c 20c . t CLASS V—GRAIN " • Best sheaf Marquis Wheat .... : ... ............ 40c 30e Best sheaf Marquis Wheat (0. A. 0.) ... 40c 30c Best sheaf Barley (0. A. C.) ' 40c 30c Best sheaf - Barley 40c 30c Best sheaf Oats (0. A. C.), 40c 30c Best sheaf Oats . ....... . ... ......,. ...... 40c 30c Best (0. A. C.) 5 Ears Corn, Golden Bantam 40c 30c Best (O. A. C.) 5stalki Corn, ompton Early 40c 30c Best (0. A. C.) 5 stalks Ensilage Corn 40c 30c Best % gallon Marquis Wheat (O. A. C.) 40c 30c Best y2, gallon Oats (0. A. C.) 40c 30c Best % gallon Barley (0. A. C.) Best % gallon Field Peas 40c 30c 50c 40c Best pint Garden Peas. • 50c 40c .•CLASS VI—ROOTS & VEGETABLES Best 5 Yellow Mangels, F. Fowler (d,A.0.) ' 40c 30c Best 5 Mangels - 40c 30c Best 5 Turnips, (0. A. C.) 40c 30c Best 5 Turlliph 40c 30c Best .5 Beets, (0. A. 'C.) • 40c 30c Best 5 Beets ,40c '30c Best 5 Onions (0, A. C.) • 40c 30c Best 5 Onions ' 40c 30c Best 5 Parsnips (0. A. C.) 40c 30c Best 5 ParsnipsI 40c 30c Best 3 Cabbage 40c 30c Best 3 Pumpkins 40c 30c Best 3 Citrons 40c 30c CLASS VII --FLOWERS Bouquet of Asters, (12) 40c 30c 20c 10c Bouquet of Phlox . 40c 30e 20c 10c Bouquet of Sweet Peas 40c 30c 20c 10c Bouquet of Dahlias, Dahlia Bulbs by D. Grieve Bouquet of Gladiolii 40c 30c 20c 10e Foliage•• • 40c 30c 20c 10c Any other Potted Plant 7 40c 30c,, 20c 10c CLASS I/III-SCHOOL CONTESTS - Best collection. of at least 25 weeds $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 Best collection of weed seeds 1.50 1.00 .50 Best collection of Insects • 2.00 1.50 1.00 Best collection. of Leaves •1.00 .75 .50 Best Physical Culture, Dr. Field , , $4 S3 • $2 $1 Most first prizes won by any school, Shield, to be won 3 times before becoming property of any sohool. • CLASS IX—WRITING Verse of National Anthem, girl over 10, 1st, prize by Dr. Mackay, 50c. Verse of National Anthem, girl under 10 75c 50c Verse of National Anthem, boy ov4 10, prize by Dr. Mackay 50c Verse of National Anthem, boy ,under 10, 75c 30c CLASS X—DRAWING Best map of Hurdn, boy or girl under 12 yrs Mc- Lean Bros. , $1 75c 50c 25c Best map of Canada, boy or girl over 12 years 75c- 60c '40c 25c Best Pencil Drawing, (girl), Whip Cream set, J. Beattie 60c 40c 25c • Best Pencil Drawing, (boy), . ' • , 75c 60c 40c 25c Best Painting, water celors, ' book byW. Thompson "... 50c 25c Best Plan of Farm, Drawing to show House, Barn, Orchard, Driveways, etc., Dominion Bank 75c 60c 40c 25c • CLASS XI—COOKING Best- loaf White -Bread, N. Cluff & Sons 75c 60c 40c 25c Best loaf Brown Bread, 1st Cook Book, W. Stapleton60c 40c 25c Best 6 Graham Muffins, lst Cook Book, W. Stapleton60c 40c 25c Best 6 Oatmeal Cookies, lst Cook Book, W. Stapleton60c 40c 25c Best 6 Buns, 1st 50c by W. D. Klinkhammer 40c 30c Best School Lunch, lst Pen by E. Umbach 75c 50c Best 6 Tarts, 1st 1.,imoggse Cup, G. D. Haigh 40c 30c 20c Best Layer Cake, lst $1 by Chas. Aberhart • 75c 50c Cake to be given to doner. Best Apple Pie, lst 50c by Chas. Aberhart 40c 30c Pie to be given to doner Best Lemon Pie, 1st 50c by Chas. Aberhart 40c 30c Pie to be given to doner / Best Raisin 'Pie 50c 40c 30c Best pie any kind baked by teacher, 1st $1 by F. Fowler Pie to be shared with doner. 25e 25c 25c 25e 25c 25c 25c 25c: 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 20c 10c 20c 10c 20c 10c 20c 10c 20c 10c 20c 10c 20c 10c 20c 10c 20c 10c 20c 10c 20c 10e 20c 10c 30c 20c 30c 20c 20c 10c 20c 10c 20c' 10e 20c lOc 20c- 10c 20c 10c 20c 10c 20c 10c 20c -10c 20c 10c 20c 10e 20c 10c 20c 10c CLASS XII—SEWING & KNITTING. Best mended tear 40c 30c Best pair socks $1.00 75c Best pair socks knit by teacher , $1.00 75c Best sample of darning - 40c. 30c CLASS XIH—FANCY WORK Hemstitched handkerchief 50c 40c 30c 20c ,Crocheting, lace edgings 50c 40c 30c 20c Centrepiece 50c 40c 30c .20c Dollies 50c 4(k 30c 20c Cushion 50c 40c 30c 20c Yokes 50c 40c 30c 20c Pillow slips 50c 40c 30c 20c Pin cushion s 50c 40c 30c 20c CLASS XIV -MANUAL TRAINING Bird house, lst and 2nd by Stewart Bros. $3, $2. Hand sleigh, 1st boy's watch by J. F. Daly $1.00 a Box, not over 2 feet . 75c 50c 25e Milk stool _ 75c 50c 25c. Rope halter • 75c 50c 25c Hammer handle 40c 30c' 20c CLASS—XV—FRUIT Collection of 5 kinds winter apples . , 40e 30c 20c 10c Collection of 5 kinds fall apples 40c 30c 20c 10c CLASS XV1=-EGGS Best dozen white eggs 40c 30c 20c 10c Best dozen brown eggs 40c 30e 20c 10c • CLASS XVII—SPORTS Hitching Contests—The horse to be harnessed, hitched to buggy, then un- hitched and unharnessed. The horse must be held by- the bridle by some responsible party at all times. Boys $1.50, $1.00, 50c; Girls,,Aluminum tea pot by W. 'Hill, $1.50, $1.00. Boy's 50 yard race, over 10 years, knife by Geo. Sills 50c 25c Bo's 50 yard race under 10 years, knife by Geo. Sills 50c 25c Girl's 50 yard race over 10 years, running shoes, H. R. Scott 50c 25c Girl's 50 yard race under 10 years, running shoes, H. R. Scott 50c 25c Single men's race •Badges Married men's race Trustees race, 100 yards - Badges s Teacher's race, 100 yards Badges Exhibition Basket Bali game, two team, from No. 4. Football Match—Two evenly matched teams, Seaforth vs. McKi114. BOOTHS, LUNCH, ETC. Refreshment booths will be arranged. Lunch will be served in the basement of the school. All articles brought to the Fair will be care- fully protected from destruction this year. We wish to thank the public for their interest and assistance last year in. our work A brass band will be in attendance throughout. Parade at 1.50 sharp. Admission free. Come and enjoy another day with the little folks of McKillop. WILLIAM BEATT1E, President - - F. T. FOWLER, Secty-Treas. 20c - 50c 50c 20c' 10c 25c 25c lOc School of Commerce • Clinton and Goderich, Ont. Offers- the following courses: BUSINESS • STENOGRAPHER SECRETARIAL CIVIL SERVICE and arranges special courses for students. The following advantages : Highly Qualified Teaching Staff Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Credential Typewriting Tests • Positions GuAiranteed A Business Education pays for itself in a few months Now is the time for the young man or woman to • make , an investment that will give splendid returns in the years to come. • Foi terms, etc., write B. F. WARD, RA., M.Accts. Prin#ipal M. A. STONE, - - Vice Prin. SCHOOL OPENS ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd. PHONE 208 1'ARM FOR SALM—BEING LOT 20, CON - cession 2, H. Rf. S., Tuckersmith, contain- ing 100 acres, 9 acres of good hardwood bush, the rest ingood condition, Olean, welt f eed and underdrained, with plenty -of wate and good outbuildings, new 2 Story .brick louse 34x36 feet with kitchen 14x20 feet, and all modern conveniences, barn 48x56 feet with • cement stabling and T 3,6x60 feet With cement !stabling underneath and water sestem through- oht, cement silo 14x30 feet, hen house and implement shed, 2 acres good orchard well protected with spruce hedge. The farm is well situated, convenient to churches and school, has mail route and telephone, 3% miles from Seaforth station, 5 miles from - BrucefieId. Also 50 acres grass land being west % Lot 30, Concession 4, L. It S., 2 miles east of Brueefield on Mill Road, well watered and first class grass land, For further -in- formation aPply to S. A. CARNOCHAN, R. R. 3, Seaforth, P. O.; or phone 8 on 150. 2699-tf PARA& FOR SALE—.BEING LOTS 16 AND ••• 17 on the 4th concession' of Hibbert, cons taining 150 acres with all necessary buililings, content to schools and churches of. all den- °mations with telephone and rural -route; 2% miles from Dublin market. This is a splendid Property and will be sold to wind up the estate of the late William McLellan. For further partieulars apply to ANDREW' lins LEMAN, Dublin P. 0., R. R. 2, 2600-tf pAam FOR SALE.—ONE HUNDRED AND A- forty-two acres of good land consisting of Lot 1, Concession 1, and part of Lot 1, Concession 2, Stanley, Huron County, adjoin- ing the village of Kippen. Five minutes walk to G. T. R station, church or store; 6 acres of bush.; water all the year round, and an seeded _to grass; 1 acre of; good orchard; 2 barns, 1 on a atone wall; drive shed; frame house. For terms and particulars apply to SAMUEL THOMPSON, R. R. No. 1, Bruce - field. 2694-tf •-• 5 Seaf rth Brach 1 G. Mullen, Manager. Notic, to Creditors In the estate of John Scarlett late of the Township of .1. cKillop, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. • All persons laving any Claim against the estate, of the said John Scarlett, deceased, are required on or ibefore the 16th day of Sep-, tember 1919, to send to Robert Scarlett, Sea - forth post • offic the Administrator of the estate of said ohn Scarlett, deceased, full particulars of th ir claims, duly verified. Af- ter the said date the said Robert Scarlett will proceed to distri ute the assets of the estate among the part es entitled thereto, having reference only o 'the claims of which he shall have recei ed' notice. After ouch dis- tribution the aai Robert Scarlett will not be responsible f r any part of the assets of the said estate to any creditor of the said estate 'of whose claims he shall not have received notice aforesaid. This notice is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. • Dated at Seafo • the 14th. August, 1919. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor for Robert Scar- lett the Administ tor of the Estate of John Searlett, deceased 696-4 FAR 5 FOR SALE I have some ch ice farms for sale in the Townships of Us rne and Hibbert, all well built and imProv on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMEIgON, Woodharn, Ont. 2858-tf 1-- pARM FOR SLE..—BEING LOT 24, CON. aoncession 11, township of Hibbert, con- taining 100 acres, 90 acres cleared, the balance in hardwood bush principally maple. On the premises is situated a large brick house, kitchen and woodshed, 1 barn 52x60, with stabling underneath, 1 strawshed and hay • barn, 48x72, Witi hog pen, henhouse and driving shed un erneath. House and barn were an overhauled and remodelled three years ago, and are as kood as new, nearly all ricw- roofed. The farn is well fenced and drained, • clean from bad weeds, and in good order and well watered, by two wells. Will be sold on reasonable -terms and possession given to suit purchaser , ROBERT HOGGARTH, Cromarty, P. 0. Phone 9 on 42. H. L. Mc- Killcrp. 26974 A ilViitake Farmers you have made a mistake, all wise people do. It is oily the foolish who think they don't Did you ever draw a heavy load on a soft road? Wasn't that a mistake? Yhy not team your tile home now? You can 'dig when the ground is soft. We. have a large stock of Al tile from 3 inch to 8 inch. Our price is reasonable. You cannot buy good drain tile too dear. They always pay. We deliver at reasonable rate. Ask for quota- tion. William Sproat '4 R. R. No. 4, Seaford'. Phone 9 on 186. dinNonne• MTV CELERY PLANTS -80e. BEST varieties, all transplanted. Postpaid eleiP- Ped successfully everywhere. Ask for tithes, list of other vegetable plants ata fruits in, season. HEROLD'S _FARMS, Fruitland. Ont., Niagara District. •26813-tf UAW& FOR SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 174. -•'-• Concession C MeKillop, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a spood frame house and two barns; 1 lama barn, 80x54, on stone and cement foundation, and 1 hay barn, 30x50; also a shed joining the two barns. The land is in good state •of cultivation, well fenced and drained, a good orchard and two good wells, 1 drilled, -water' four feet from the top; also 18 Isere* of No. 1 hardwood maple bush, The farm is situated six miles from the town of &Worth- For further particulars apply to RAW= SKIM Lot 15, eCtintiession 9, McKillop, R. R. No. 1, Dublin. 21398x4 CITIZENS' BERTY E • Its Aim and Its Object e itizens) Liberty League is an sentative men and women throughoi necessity have banded themselves legislation (Dominion or Provincial the liberties and lawful rights of th In view of the imminence of. the 0 activities of the League will for directed to organization of repre- t Ontario, who through together to oppose all which tends to curtail citizen. ltario Referendum the the 'present be chiefly SANE LIQUOR LEGISL TION The Ontario Temperance Act, ado ted by the Government as a war measure—without the ote of the people—is legislation that does curtail perona liberty and one which has bred great dissatisfaction. The Citizens' Liberty League is absolutely opposed to a return of the open bar as it previously existed in Ontario under the old License Act. The League believes that The On- tario Temperance Act should be re- pealed and so enable the Govern- ment to enact a law in accord with the sentiment of the people, permit- ting the general sale of non -intoxicat- ing beer and light wines and the sale • of pure spirituous liquors o nly through Government agencies under proper restrictions.. • Now that a Referendum is about to -(5. b taken, the members of the Leag e feel that every citizen should clear y understand the meaning and significance of the questions asked in th Referendum Ballot._ hi brkier to accomplish this purpose the ,itizens' -Liberty League will disc ss all phases of this great issue in thie public press in the interests of sa e, moderate temperance 1atioi. CITIZENS' LIBERTY LEAGUE • 22 College Street, Toronto • T L CARRUTHERS, Seoretatry Hon. President .1 Sir EMU S. OSIER Ostimett. Alfred 0. Beardmore Aemilius Jarvis ReCeatity, K.C. Professor J. J. MacKenzie C. E. Lanka Major A. C. Ssively P. A. Manning • jamas Ince President: • 1.1 -Cal. H. A. C. MACHIN, M.111.13. Al, •I. F. HELLMUTII, K.C. F. GONINON.Sittl EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE James Bain, K.C. R. tti. Lyon E, B. Collett J. F. Marsh W. R. Johnston Dr. A, B. Wright Ernest Heaton V. Ilanes-Bsteisior h Frank Darling E, arrioft F. Thonxpson R. C. Wood C. Frederick Paul 0. J. Hemmings 3. Ralph . John T. Vick A. E. Dyment N. McConnell C. O'Donnell C. B. Cronin Lt -Col. W. G. Thompson . ,1116 *roots directly or Win** interested hi the Hofer easiness may beceas 4, a member of the Le.alue or ceesteilemie.t. iftleatia. ,• Vice -President: • Hon. Treasurer: 01111111•111111111111111111111111M111111110111111k, UNPREPAREDNESS FAILURE A bank account is an amistikaskt in character building. It establishes the confidence, independence and pride which increases efort and paves the way to success. Open an account to -day and be • prepared. HE CANADIAN BANK . \ OF COMMERCE- Seaf rth Brach 1 G. Mullen, Manager. Notic, to Creditors In the estate of John Scarlett late of the Township of .1. cKillop, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. • All persons laving any Claim against the estate, of the said John Scarlett, deceased, are required on or ibefore the 16th day of Sep-, tember 1919, to send to Robert Scarlett, Sea - forth post • offic the Administrator of the estate of said ohn Scarlett, deceased, full particulars of th ir claims, duly verified. Af- ter the said date the said Robert Scarlett will proceed to distri ute the assets of the estate among the part es entitled thereto, having reference only o 'the claims of which he shall have recei ed' notice. After ouch dis- tribution the aai Robert Scarlett will not be responsible f r any part of the assets of the said estate to any creditor of the said estate 'of whose claims he shall not have received notice aforesaid. This notice is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. • Dated at Seafo • the 14th. August, 1919. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor for Robert Scar- lett the Administ tor of the Estate of John Searlett, deceased 696-4 FAR 5 FOR SALE I have some ch ice farms for sale in the Townships of Us rne and Hibbert, all well built and imProv on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMEIgON, Woodharn, Ont. 2858-tf 1-- pARM FOR SLE..—BEING LOT 24, CON. aoncession 11, township of Hibbert, con- taining 100 acres, 90 acres cleared, the balance in hardwood bush principally maple. On the premises is situated a large brick house, kitchen and woodshed, 1 barn 52x60, with stabling underneath, 1 strawshed and hay • barn, 48x72, Witi hog pen, henhouse and driving shed un erneath. House and barn were an overhauled and remodelled three years ago, and are as kood as new, nearly all ricw- roofed. The farn is well fenced and drained, • clean from bad weeds, and in good order and well watered, by two wells. Will be sold on reasonable -terms and possession given to suit purchaser , ROBERT HOGGARTH, Cromarty, P. 0. Phone 9 on 42. H. L. Mc- Killcrp. 26974 A ilViitake Farmers you have made a mistake, all wise people do. It is oily the foolish who think they don't Did you ever draw a heavy load on a soft road? Wasn't that a mistake? Yhy not team your tile home now? You can 'dig when the ground is soft. We. have a large stock of Al tile from 3 inch to 8 inch. Our price is reasonable. You cannot buy good drain tile too dear. They always pay. We deliver at reasonable rate. Ask for quota- tion. William Sproat '4 R. R. No. 4, Seaford'. Phone 9 on 186. dinNonne• MTV CELERY PLANTS -80e. BEST varieties, all transplanted. Postpaid eleiP- Ped successfully everywhere. Ask for tithes, list of other vegetable plants ata fruits in, season. HEROLD'S _FARMS, Fruitland. Ont., Niagara District. •26813-tf UAW& FOR SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 174. -•'-• Concession C MeKillop, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a spood frame house and two barns; 1 lama barn, 80x54, on stone and cement foundation, and 1 hay barn, 30x50; also a shed joining the two barns. The land is in good state •of cultivation, well fenced and drained, a good orchard and two good wells, 1 drilled, -water' four feet from the top; also 18 Isere* of No. 1 hardwood maple bush, The farm is situated six miles from the town of &Worth- For further particulars apply to RAW= SKIM Lot 15, eCtintiession 9, McKillop, R. R. No. 1, Dublin. 21398x4 CITIZENS' BERTY E • Its Aim and Its Object e itizens) Liberty League is an sentative men and women throughoi necessity have banded themselves legislation (Dominion or Provincial the liberties and lawful rights of th In view of the imminence of. the 0 activities of the League will for directed to organization of repre- t Ontario, who through together to oppose all which tends to curtail citizen. ltario Referendum the the 'present be chiefly SANE LIQUOR LEGISL TION The Ontario Temperance Act, ado ted by the Government as a war measure—without the ote of the people—is legislation that does curtail perona liberty and one which has bred great dissatisfaction. The Citizens' Liberty League is absolutely opposed to a return of the open bar as it previously existed in Ontario under the old License Act. The League believes that The On- tario Temperance Act should be re- pealed and so enable the Govern- ment to enact a law in accord with the sentiment of the people, permit- ting the general sale of non -intoxicat- ing beer and light wines and the sale • of pure spirituous liquors o nly through Government agencies under proper restrictions.. • Now that a Referendum is about to -(5. b taken, the members of the Leag e feel that every citizen should clear y understand the meaning and significance of the questions asked in th Referendum Ballot._ hi brkier to accomplish this purpose the ,itizens' -Liberty League will disc ss all phases of this great issue in thie public press in the interests of sa e, moderate temperance 1atioi. CITIZENS' LIBERTY LEAGUE • 22 College Street, Toronto • T L CARRUTHERS, Seoretatry Hon. President .1 Sir EMU S. OSIER Ostimett. Alfred 0. Beardmore Aemilius Jarvis ReCeatity, K.C. Professor J. J. MacKenzie C. E. Lanka Major A. C. Ssively P. A. Manning • jamas Ince President: • 1.1 -Cal. H. A. C. MACHIN, M.111.13. Al, •I. F. HELLMUTII, K.C. F. GONINON.Sittl EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE James Bain, K.C. R. tti. Lyon E, B. Collett J. F. Marsh W. R. Johnston Dr. A, B. Wright Ernest Heaton V. Ilanes-Bsteisior h Frank Darling E, arrioft F. Thonxpson R. C. Wood C. Frederick Paul 0. J. Hemmings 3. Ralph . John T. Vick A. E. Dyment N. McConnell C. O'Donnell C. B. Cronin Lt -Col. W. G. Thompson . ,1116 *roots directly or Win** interested hi the Hofer easiness may beceas 4, a member of the Le.alue or ceesteilemie.t. iftleatia. ,• Vice -President: • Hon. Treasurer: 01111111•111111111111111111111111M111111110111111k,