The Huron Expositor, 1919-08-29, Page 5"1113=IMIIMMilimgaal 29, 1919 Selielesemoseselesseswesas Foot must now a sturdy pair Boys and Girls rt need shoes of ie* to stand the ey are bound to chool Shoes are fn, with all the back of it, the to please_ the U wear parents upon. The ox Calf, Gun - us. Calf, Box ble—black or or High ciit a waterproof reng shoe, at 3.50 to t $3.00 eght shoe at with sport shoe with. *th a pair ,-,,far• • AUGUST 29, 1919 lAL H Free y9 Li ext bii ior— for tool at ttiy -ant a ring TH ree _ foROMARTY 860 tbs. $12, CoWs-1, 920 lbs. $10.50 t940 Notes,—(Phe little son of Mr. and sirs, John Hamilton had his arm broken in two places. ---Mrs, Elmet 'Colquhoun and two children from the arrest are spending a few weeks with ter parents, Mr. and Mrs. -D. N. Mc- Kellar. -=-Rev. D. Dunseith a the State of Florida, occupied the pulpit here on' $unday last. Hissermon was very much enjoyed and was among the best ever given here. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs, Dunseith, Sr., and also his brother, Mr. J. Dunseith and wife and son: all of Stratford.—Rev. Kr. Kay, Jr., will preach here next Sunday.—Mrs. Wilson and niece, Miss Mary Bart, of Owen Sound, were re- cent visitors at G. Wilson's. Miss Barr sang a beautiful solo in our church a week ago, which was very much enjoyed. -- Mrs. McKay, of Alvinston, 4is holidaying at her par- i ent's home—Mr. Archie Currie, of St. Iviarys, is spending a few days in the village.—Mies Lily Park and two Aieees Jean- and Margaret Dunlap, of Detroit, are visiting their numerous relatives.—Pte. Fred Whyte, who is on his way home from overseas, spent a few days among relatives here before going to his home in Vancouver, B. AG. He is a grandson 'of Mrs. Thomas Scott, Sr.—Mrs. John A, Norris and daughter, Miss Barbara, returned to their home in Winnipeg this week af- ter an extended visit with the formers daughter, Mrs. H. Currie Jr., and other friends-, SEAFORTH MARKETS. Seaforth, Adgust 28, 1919. Potatoes, per bag Flour, per cwt 5 00 to 5.90 Shorts,. per ton $50.00 Bran, per ton • ... . . $48 .00 Wheat per bushel $2.00 Eggs, per dozen 47c Butter, per Ib48c Spring Wheat, per bushel $1 90 Oats, per bushel Barley, per bushel Hogs, p'er cwt. $1.25 85c $1 20 .$211. 00 BEAN MARKET Toronto. August 26.—Beane, Canadian. hand- picked, bushel, 95.25 to 55.75; praises, $4.25 to $4.75; Imported hand Picked, Burma, $4; Limas, 15 to 16e. . POULTRY MARKET Toronto, August 26.—Dressed Poultry spring Toronto, August 10—Dressed' poultry spring chicken, 45c; roosters, 28 to 30c: fowl. 37 to 38e: turkey, '40 to 45c duckling's, 34 to 35e; squabs, doz., 57.- Live poultry—Spring chickens. 33c; fowl, 30 to 35c; ducka, -t to 30e. DAIRY MARKET Toronto, Auiruet 26.—Cheese, new large, 28 Torooto, Augut 19.—Cheeae, new large, 28 to .29c; twins, 281A to 29c; triplets, 29 to 30c: Stilton, 29 to 30c. Rutter—Fresh dairy, choice, 46 to 48c; creamery prints, 55 to 56e. Margarine -36 to 38e. Eggs—No. l's 64, to 56e e selects 58 to 59c; honey—extracted clover 5 reetins. 24 to 25c; 10 lb. tins 23, .to 24e; 60 lb. tins 23 to 24c; -buckwheat, 60 lb. tins 18 to 19c: comb, 16 oz., $4.50 to 95; dos, 10 oz, $3.50 to $4.00 doz. • • GRAIN MARKE1' Toronto, August 26.—Manitoba wheat Fort William, No. 1 northern, $2.15; No..2 northern 52.12; No. 3 northern. -$2.08 ; NO. 4 wheat. 92.02. Manitoba oats—No. 2 C. W. 90' : No. 3 C W. 89e; extra No. 1. feed, 89%c; No. 1 feed, 881/.c; No. 2 feed, 861/4c. Manitoba Barley—No. 2 C. W. 51.37aa ; No. 3 C. W. $1.32.; rejected, $1.25/; fecea, $I.251,'.American Corn—Prompt shipment—No. 3ovel- loss- nominal; No. 4, nominal.. Ontario Oats —No. 3 white. 90 to .92e, according to freight. Ontario wheat—No. 1, winter, per car lot, nominal, No, 2, do 92.03 to ;52.08; No. 3, do. nominal, f.o.b. shipping poffits, according to freighte. Ontario wheat—No. 1, 2 and 3 spring, nominal. Barley—Malting 91.35 to $1.39. Manitoba, Flour—Government standard $11. Toronto. Ontario FlourWinter, in jut:- bars. Prompt shipment, Government standard. $10 delivered at Montreal and Toronto. Peas— No. 2 nominal_ Buckwheat—No. 2, nominal. Rye—No. 2,nominal. Hay—Track, Toronto, No. 1. 922 to $24; mixed $10 to 515. Straw— Carlota $10 to $11. Millfeed. --Carlots, de- livered Montreal freight bags included: Bran Per ton, 542 to $45; shorts, $44 to $50; good feed .fleur, per bag, $3.25 to $3.50. LIVE STOCK .,,MARKET Union Stork Yards, Toronto, August 26th. There Wag a pretty s.etive market this moni ing for the 4,800 .head erf cattle on offer, an before the noon our the pens began to tak on a deserted appearance. All grades of cattl were comparatively easy to market at pric steady with the stronger value: of last weel Choice steersandbest butchers were the firs enquiry, and the supply was far from sufficien to meet the demand. Real top-notch steer were lacking but some good steers cashed i from $13.'es to $14.35, thoucch the 14c stu required a lot of searching for. Choice butche caehed in from $12.50 to $13e and gomakiller up 10 12c per pound. Medium arid denim° butchers were more active than on Monde. Inst. and the earry-over prornieed to be of littl account. Several extra choice cows, Fold from 311 to $11.50, and two exceptionally good cow at 912 het the price range for the genera run of top- a4.' Cows wa, from 510,25 t 910.50. Canner; and cutters were active a from $5 to 96.75— The pick among the bull with few exceptions sold, from, $10 to $10.50 Improeed heavy consignment of small ineat,s brought about a weaker trade generally. Vealrie' s receded ra eeand lambe and sheep 25 to 50 cent& The market closed weak. There was pretty much of a tie-up in the hog market. Packer -buyers held to thei offer of 520-.2r, f.o.b. for hoga shieeed Setae day, and in view of a atronger trade on the Arnerican markets: the drover; were inclined to fight eolidly for a better price. The resui was that only a few small bunche-; of hogs were disposed of up to late in the afternoon. The receipte were 272 carloads, with 4,661 cattle, 776 calve:, 2,871 hogs and 3,910 sheep and Iambs. Frarac Hennisett boueht 100 butcher cattle 900 to 1.100 lbs., 512.25 to $13.10. J. Atwell and Sons bought 200 cattle:— Stocker; and feeders 800 to 900 tas. $10 to $10.50; fair to good stockers, 700 to 800 lbs. 98.50 to $9; common to medium stackers, $3 to 93.50; light mixed steers and heifers, $7.59 to 33. Corbett. Halt and Coughlin quoted: Good steer. $13.50 to $14; choice butchers, 912.75 te $13.25; good hutchere 512.25 to $13.25; mediem butchers, $11 to $11.50; common bot- chers. $10 to 510,25; chic e cows, $10'.50 to $10.7a • medium cows, 58 to $8.50; coramon cows, $7: eanners, 55 to 95.50; choice butcher 510 to $10.50; choioe heavy bulls, 510 to $10.50; ehoice yearling Iambs 511.50 to 512.50: tanks- Iambs, $15.50 to $1.6.25 ; choice veal calree. 919 to $21; medium calv, 517 to $10. Quirn and Hisey sold; Steers and heifers - 13. 880 lak. $1.1.25; 1. 700 tbs. 38; 1, 870 lbs. 910.50; 6, 940 lbs. $1.0.50; 3, 025 lbs. 810.50; 14. 805 lbs. 99.85: 18. see tbs. $7.50. Cows -4, 1,090 lbs. 98; 7, 1130 tbs. $6.15: 2, 325 tbs. 95.25: 2, 815 lbs. $550; -3 1,030 tbs. $8.50; 2, 1,150 -lbs. $9.75; 1 1.120 tba. 98.50; 1. 1,090 tbs. $7.50; 11, 980 lbs. $6.1.c: 1, 1,020 Me. $8; 1, 890 Tbs. 37.75. BuIls-1, 1,150 tbs. $0: it, 720 lbs. *6.50: 1.. 860 lbs. 57; 1. 870 tbs. 57.50. J. B. Shields and Sons sold: Steers and heifere---16, 860 111.50: 3, 955 late. $11.71,; 2, 81,0 lbs. .111.76; - 895 lbs. 311.751; 2, 975 tbe, 511,75: 2, 740 lbs. $11.75; ,83, 860 Ms. 310.75: 4, 670 lbs. $8; 9; 1,024 513; 8, 1,110 tbs. 513.50; 18, 820 tbs. $10. Cow -7, 1200,lbs. 510.50; 8 1,060 tbs. $9; 4. 1,030 MB. 56.75; 4, 1,020 Tbs. 39.50; 1, 1,000 tbs. 96.75; 11, 1,150 MB. 510; 1, 1,060 tbs. $9; 1,-.I,830 'lbs. 51:1; 2 milkers 282.59 eaeh ; Lambe, 516 to 516.25; sheen I 47.50 to 910.00. Rice and Whaley sold: Steers and heifers - 21, 750 Me, 8.95; 19, 990 lbs. 512.70; 22 1,090 Me. 113.10; 990 lbs. 512.75; '1, 020 Its. 99; 7, 810 lbs. 51.1.51; 21, 861 $1.1 12, 850 tbs. $11.90; 26, 810 tbs. $8.35:- 7, es if rss o • lbs. 58.25; 4. 1,320 Ibis. 511; 1, 1,200 lbs. $10; 1, 1,100 Ms. 57.50; 8. 1,160 Th. 510: 2, 1,015 lbs. 59; 6, 1,180 lbs. 510; 22 11_018 lbs. 59; 1, 1,290 Tbs. 510. Bulls -8, 810 Ibit. 58.s70:5ar;ktalnii ilaknedr Aanrrrici trocallifgsold: , $slai5; Steen) Val heifers -19, 890 lbs. 512.85. Cows -2, 815 s. 56.50, 4, 780 lbe, $5,50; 3. 950 lbs. - 35.75; 6, 950 lbs. $50/5; 5, 915 tbs. 510; 4, 1,070 lbs. 58.50. Dunn arid Levacic sold: Steers and heifers - 4, 1,210 lbs. 514.25: 24, 890 $18.25; 15 1,140 lbs. 513.25; 5, 1;050 lbs, 913; 9, 1,050 Tbs. $13; 19, 1,000 rbs. $12.59; 15, 970 tbs. ,870 , ,010 tbs. $11; 17 9 lb 25, 88 $8.75; 2, 1118.05.0 ;...21, 790' lbs3.058 a' 511.92750; tbs. 59.50'; lv,081rib$13. .7$57. 50"w887-591201,1Ab210 $5.50; 4,1,210 lbs. 510.501; 2, 1,160 tbs. 510,50; 4, 940 Its. 55.50; 2, 920 Ma. $5.50; 1, 1,040 tbs. $9.75; 2 springers, $8750 each; 2' springers, $150 each. • The quotations were: Choice hear steers 13.50 to.$14; good heavy steers 513 to $13.25, Irtgrost; ettlie, 512.50 to $13.00; .5 0 • e ; do, medium, 41.90 to 511.2'5: do. common, $7.00 to .00; bulls choice $10.00 to $10.50; do. medium 59-50 to 99.75: do. rough, 58 to 58.25: cow' e ehoiee, 510 to 510.75 : do. god, 59.00 ot $9.25; do. medium, $8.50 to ; do. common $7 to $8; stockers, $8.75 to $10.50; feeders 510.50 to- $11.50; canners and cutters, 54.75' to 56.75; milkers, good to choice, 5110 to 5140; do. com. and med., $65 to $75; springers $90 to 5150; light ewes, 58 to $10; yearlings $10.25 to $13; spring lOmbs, per cwt. 516.50 $211 hogs, fed and.watered 521.25; do. weighed off cars 521.50; do, f.o.b. $20.25. • Buffalo, August 26.—Cattle, Receipts, 5,500; good steers 15 to 20a higher; prime steers 517.50 to $18; shipping, 510.50 to $16; buteh- ers 515 to $17.25; yearlings $15 50 to 16* 8. •heifers, 58.60 to $13.25; cows, $4.50 to $11 bulls. $10 to 510.75; stockers and feedera, $ to 51.0; fresh cows and springers, 515 to $16 aalves—Recenoti. 1,600; good active, 58 to $24; hogs—Receipts, 7,000; pigs 50 to 75e higher; heaver, $22 t� 522.50; yorkers, 522,75 to *23; Pigs, 523; roughs, ,518.50 to $19; stags, 512 to $16.50; sheep and lambs—Re- eeipts, 6,000; lambs 75e lower, others 50e lower; lambs. $9 to $16; yearlings, 58 to $12; wethors, 910 to 51.0.50: ewes, '95 to $9.50; mixed sheep, 59.50 to 510. Montreal, August 26.—The ocerings of live stock at the west end cattle market this morning amounted to' 1,600 cattle, 3,065 sheep and lambs, 500 hogs and 750 calves. During the week the receipts of live stock at this market have been 1,985 cattle, 3,800 sheep and lambs. 1,050 hogs and 950 calves. There was a heavy run of cattle at this market to -day, which was too 'Much for the demand, and the general tendency in prices was towards somewhat lower levels. There were large numbers of inferior grade stock offered, which were taken to some extent by packers. Choice stock in the beef line is still unplentiful. Prices for this. grade holds well. Butchers' cattle met with god enquiry,' and the bulk of cattle trade is in these lines. Choice ateers sold at 512.50 to $13.50 per 100 poonds, while others Were down to $7 to $8. Butchers cows and bulls sold at 58.50 to $10 for the best per 100 pounds, while other grades were down to $5 to 56. In the small meat section there was little excitement, the bog market being fiat and the best selects sold‘at 921.50 to $22, with a slow, draggy trade. The offerings of hogs were not so heavy as have been recently. The quality ofEered was poor. Other small meats were plentiful, lambs being a little easier. and the demand for calves continuing strong. Prices in these two lines do not show a great deal of change. Lambs were from $12 to $15 per 100 pounds, sheep $8 to $9.50 per 100 pounds. Milk -fed ealves per 100 pounds, $12 to .516. IMPORTANT NOTICES VOR SALE. --A NUMBER OF BROOD SOWS with litters. Apply to GEORGE EBER. HART, Mill Road, Egmondvine. 2697x2 • MACHINE OPERATORS. — WANTED A ay" few girls to operate sewing machin. W. E. SANDFORD Mfg. Co., Seaforth. Phone 59. 2692-tf lanRUTS AND VEGETABLES FRESH FROM 'IL our garden and orchards. Ask for our weekly price lists. HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruit- land, Ontario. Niagara District. 2690-12 TORICKLAYERS WAN'teei.—FORTY BRICK- "' layers wanted immediately for Oshawa; 70 cents per hour. Apply DICKIE CON- STRUCTION CO. LIMITED.; Oshawa. Ont. • 2698-1 poR SALE. — IN EGMONDVILL11, 21,4 aeres of good pasture land. just south of school house) For patticulare apply to MRS.' HICKS, Egiaondville, phone 13 on 146, or to 11. S. HAYS, Seaforth. 2696-32 .1 rflEACHER WANTED.—NORMAL TRAIN - ed. for U. School Section No. 15, Hay and Stephen. Duties to commence September and. Salary 9600. Apply to JACOB SCEEROEDER, Secretary Treasurer, Dashwood, R. R. 2. 2696-3 pSTRAY STEER.—STRAYED FROM THE J" premises of the undersigned, Lot 7, Con- cedsion 5. Hullett, on or about August 11th, a dark red steer, dehorned, 2 years old. Any information leading to its recovery please Phone 1 on 245 Seaforth. ROBERT CLARK, R. R. No, 2, Seaforth. 2697-3 Tr OUSE FOR SALE.—FOR SALE 7 ROOM- -a" ed frame house on George Street, Sea - forth, hard and soft water. For further particulars apply to J. R. ARCHIBALD or JOHN RANKIN. 2693-tf FIFTY CELERY PLANTS -80c. BEST • varieties, all transplanted. Postpaid. ship- ped successfully everywhere. Ask for price list of other vegetable plants and fruits in season. HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruitland, Ont, Niagara District. 2688-tf -pep UM, FOR SERVICE.—THE RICHLY '" Scotch bred Shorthorn buII Royalist =130033= Only a limited number of cows taken. Terms to insure 95.00 Pure Bred cows, with certificate $10.00. payable the ist of January, 1920. JAMES HILL, Lot *27, Con- cession 8, Hibbert, Stelae, P. 0. Phone 13 on 48, Dublin. 2695x3 v OUSE FOR SALE.—FOR SALE BRICK cottage in Egmdndville. containing 4 rdYiens with cellar, kitchen and frame summer kitchen, all in good repair; good frame barn. The house is situated on one acre of land. Also for sale No. 2 separator, Standard.make. For further particulars apply on the Otemises or address Egmondeille post office. FERD- INAND BURGARD. 2692x4 tf U OUSE FOR SALE.—FRAME DOUBLE house, cement foundation, hard and soft water, each part contains six •rooms with woodshed attached. Also 1 single dwelling house, seven rooms, cistern, woodshed, etc., alao one lot with good well. All centrally situated, on Jarvis Street, For further .par- ticulars apply to MR. WILLIAM MORRISON, Jarvis Street Seaforth. P. 0. Box 402. 2698-32 "'WARMERS' NriENTION.—THE FARMERS' Club will hold its monthly meeting' in the Separate School Hall, Seaforth, on Wed- nesday eevening, September ard. A musical , Programme is being arranged for. Non-mem- bers as well as members should attend this meeting, as important business will be dis- cussed. A debate on hard coal mill be given. Ladies invited. Meeting at 8.15 sharp. G. D. C. IJEARN; President; N. R. DORRANCE, Secretary. 2698x1 'WARM FOR SALE.—ONE HUNDRED AND. -a- forty-two acres of good land cansisting of Lot 1, Concsion 1. -and part of Lot 1, Concession 2, Stanley, Huren County, adjoin- ing the villege of Kippen. Five ;minutes walk to Ge T. R. station, church or store; 6 acres of bush; water all the year round, and all seeded to grass; 1 acre of good orchard; 2 barns, 1 on a stone wall: drive shed; frame house. For terms and particulars apply to SAMUEL THOMPSON, R. R. No. 1, Bruce- ' field. , 2694-32 M FOR SALE.—BEING LOT 24, CON- 'ncession 11, township of Hibbert, con- tainiOrr 100 acres, 90 acres cleared, the balance in hardwood ,blish principally maple. On the' premises is siituated a large brick house, kitchen and woodshed, 1 barn 52x60, with stabling underneath, 1 strawshed and hay barn, 48x72, with hog pen, henhouse and driviog* shed (underneath. House and barn I' wereiall overhauled and remodelled three years ago, and are as good as new, nearly all new roofed. The farm Is well fenced and drained, clean from bad weeds, and in good order and 'well watered by two wells. Will be sold on reasonable terms and possession 'given to 1 suit purchaser. ROBERT HOGGARTR, , ,orounty, P. 0, Phone 9 on. 42. H.26L.Me- ( Kill,. . . 974 THE HURO EXPOSITOR W. S. Gortniey EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1) Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store, Main Strett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate Phone—Night or Day -192 W. T. B01 aid Gia Embalmers and Funeral Directors 11. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and Liscense Charges Moderate Flowers furniihed on short notice Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 43 1111111111111111111111111111 0111111111111111111a, S. T. 1141mes FE- = Who MO 1M▪ S OMNI = - Undertaking pariors in Oddfel = lows building opposite otewart Bros. Resi- - Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer denee Goderieh st., epp Dr. Seottlk, Flowers furnished on short notice. = Phone Night or Day 119 = mot o af Mor mo▪ o mho 1.10 Fiimmummumrimmilimmigwii SALE REGISTER On Saturday, August 30th, at 1 o'clock p. m. on Gouinlock Street, opposite the Flax Mill, household furniture. Miss F. Kehoe, Proprietress; T. Brown, Auctioneer. • HOME BUILDERS Write for our Free Book of house plans and information telling how to save ,from two to four hundred dollars on you new home- -Address HALLIDAY COMPANY, Box 61, Jackson St., Hamilton, Ont. 2686-32 SOW WHEAT Wheat will be needed as badly. as ever for afew, years yet.' Fertilizer will help to inereas,e16he yield - and pay well to use it. It helps the plant to withstand the winter and hetpa it to fill better. Contract now and insure getting it. Use phosphates for clover sod and stronger for crorad land. Have dif- ferent grades (and will be pleased to sell to those who would like to use it. 2694-32 JAMES COWAN HOUSE FOR SALE That very desirable property just off Main street, Eamondville. consisting of one-half acre of land, on which is situated a 1% story brick house with seven rooms and good cellar. There are also on the premises a stablegood well and cistern, also apple, plum and pear 'trees and other small fruits. This is a splendid property and the taxes are low. For further particulars. apply to Mrs. M. A. Charlesworth, Egmondville P. 0. 2650x2-tf FARMS FOR SALE FARMS IOR -SALE I have some choice farms for sale in the Townships of Usborfllr and Hibbert, all well built and improved, on easy terms of pAyinent. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2658-tf FARM FOR SALE.—BEING LOTS 16 AND 17 on the 4th concession of Hibbert. con- taining-., 150 acres with all necessary buildings, convient to schools and churches of all den- °mations with telephone and rural route; 21/2 miles from Dublin market. This is a splendid property and will be sold to wind up the estate of the late William McLellan. For further particulars apply e to ANDREW Me- LELLAN, Dublin P. 0., R. R. 2. 2690-32 pARM FOR SALE.—OR SALE LOT 35 " Concession 2, McKillop, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a bank barn. hay, barn, hen house and _ Pig house. good VA story frame house: Plenty of good water.; drilled well between ,house and barn with over '/5 feet of water. The farm is well fenced with woven wire and is well drained. The land is all Wrier cultivation and is a first class farm. For further particulars apply on the premises or address Seaforth, 14. P.. No. 2. JAMES MeGILL. 2613041 FARM FOR SALE. -.—FOR SALE LOT 17. Concession 6, MOKillop, containing 100 acres. There are oni the, premises a good frame house and two barns '• 1 large barn, 50x54, on stone and cement foundation, and 1 hay barn, 30x50; also a shed joining the two barns. The land is in good state of cultivation, well fenced and drained, a, good orchard and two good wells, 1' drilled, water four feet from the ,to; also 16 acres of No. 1 hardwood maple bush. The farm is situated six miles from the town of Seaforth. For further particulars apply to SAMUEL &LOUTH, Lot 15, Conasion 9, MeKillop, R. R. No. 1, Dublin. 2698x4 FOR SALE. House and half acre of land in tilt village of E.gniondvijle. The properte is situated !on Centre Street, close to the Preslekteriae church and is-knowe: as the Pin -cell property. Good, 'com- fortable house, good shed, good wel.; an&cement cistern. All kinds of fruit trees; strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This. is a corner pro- pirty with no breaks on front, ,,ane the land is in a good state of cultiva tion. This is a aka property for si retired farmer and the taxes are light For particulars apply on the promisee or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584 -ed FARM FOR SALE Lot 33, Concession 6, MeRillora 100 acres of the best clay land in Moltillop, 6 acres of bush, the rest in a' high state of cultivation; 5 miles from Seaforth. 2 miles from Con- stance, VA miles from school. There !ere on the premises, a good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well underdrained. There are forty acres ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance seed- ed down. There are two big springs, ens piped to barnyard and in the other a dans with a hydraulic rain pumping the water to that house and te the barn. As the Oda, Is in the orchard and near the hews and line fence. there h DO 'MU Then fa a etedurafeweedllaa• *elk& the ee ' D() At AUCTION SALES A UCTION SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSE -"`• and tvvo lokai and household goods and furniture in Seaforth. There will be offered for sale by publio auction on $aturday' the 13tli day of September, 1919, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on the premises, lots number 6 a.nd 7 on the south side of Goderieh street, in F. G. Sparling's Surveys of Part of the Town Of Seaforth, formerly the residence of the late James McMichael. There are on this property a good ftame home, kitchen. and stable, hard and softawater, and some fruit trees.. This is a most desirable property and well situated, and there la ample room for the erection of another residence on the property. Telma—,. Twenty per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale an,d the balance within one week ,thereafter, or at the option of the pur- Chaser, part of the 'purchase maneY may re- main on mortgage. At the same lime and Place there will also be sold all Of the furni- ture and houshold goods in said house, con- sisting of stoves, beds and bedding, bureaus, wash stande, tables, writing desk, bureaus, diehes, chairs, carpets, Carpenters' tools, washing machine and tubs, granite and tins ware and numerous other artieles. See sale bills. Terms on personal property, cash. Real estate will be offered for sale subject to a re- served bid and the approbation of the Local Master at Goderich. For further particulate and conditions of sale appla to' JOHN TURN- ER, Esq., Seaforth, Committee' of the estate of Jane McMichael, or to S. M. BEST, his Solicitor, Seaforth. T. Brown, Auctioneer. Dated at Seaforth this 20th day of August, 1919. 2697-4 A UCTION SALE OF' FARM STOCK AND ara Implemeate, Mr. W. C. Robinson has received inatructions from the endersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 16. Concession 17; Parr Line, Stanley are inile south of Verne, on Wednesday, September ard, at one o'clock, the following: Match team 5 years old, driving mare 3 years old, blood colt 2 years old, agricultural mare supposed to be in foal 3 years old, Registered cow 5 years old and bull calf '2 months old (Blarneylass), Registered cow due October 14th (Minnie Mint, 8 year old ; registered heifer due Oct, (Crimson Rose) 3 years old; grade cow due October 10th, 4 year 'old grade cow due in March, 7 years old; grade cow due in February 8 year old, '3 one year old heifers, 3 one year old steers, 1 spring calf, 4 Shropshire ewes, 1 Shea.taing ram, 3 ram lamas, 1 brood sow due October 18th, 3 pigs thtee numths old, 60 hens, most Rocks, bunch pf Rock spring chickens, a number of ducks, g&se and tutkeYs, Deering binder, ampst new, 7 foot cut, Deer- ing mower, 5 foot cut, Cultivator almost new, Massey -Harris Drip, harrows 4 section' Cock- ishutt bean puller, Deering side rake, 2set of sleigag, lumber wagon, truck 'wagon, hay fork, rope and slings, buggy, almost new, rubber tire; cutter, robe and horse blankets, set of heavy harness, set of plough harness, 2 sets of single harness, cream separator, De Laval; steel water tank, set,of 2000 lb. scales, Walk ing Ploughs, 4 horse power Ideal gasoline engine, eight inch Ooliet grinder, Oxford range stove, coal heater, coal oil' stove, churn, washing machine, dining room suite, and other household stuff to numerous to mention, 21/2 acres of feed corn, patch of potatoes, 7 loads of hay, Terms—All sums of 510 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' creclit will be given on approved joint notes, A diecount of 4 per cent, off for cash. CHESTER A. DUNKIN, Proprietor; W. C. Robinson, Auctioneer. _ 2696-2 A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURN1- d-a ture. Thomas Brown has been instructed to- sell by mean° auetion at the residence of the undersigned, GouinlOok Street, Seaforth, opposite the Flax Mill, on Saturday, August 30th, 1919, at 1 o'clock p.m. the following: Dining room. , furniture -1 side board, 1 ex- tension table, kitchen furniture, chaiee, tables and cupboards, bed room furniture, bed -steads, dresser stands, springs and mattress, also bed room dela, hall rack, two couthes, porch lounge and rockern; pictures and .pieture frames with glass, book shelf, 1 walnut book case and a number, of books, 1 square bureau, 1 organ, 1 camp bed, centre tables and small tables, 1 clock, a number of window shades and window .screens, 1 paper rack, 1 kitchen range, 1 coal self feeder, 2 coal heater, 1 wood heater, 1 coal oil stove with oven, nearly new; 4 etove boards, a number of stove pipes, a number of sealers, 1 crockery, 1 rokst pan, a number of _lamps, also -some dishes, 3 iron pots, 3. teapot, 1 coffee pot, 1 double boiler and a number of other kitchen articles; 1 ice box, wash tubs and rinsing tube; 1 washing machine, 3 yeasts benches, 2 wringers, 1 bake board, 1 ironing board, 3 oak barrels, 1 box with- galvenized lining, 1 -feed cutting box, 1 good cross cut saw, 2 hand saws; 3 buck saws; 1 -scoop shovel, 1 pick, 2 ladders, 2 sledge hammers, 2 squares, 1 sprayer, 1 tool box, a number of tools, 1 new waterime can, 1 brace with set of bite, 2 mallets, a piece of hay fork rope, 1 lawn ,mower nearly new, 1 gallon coal oil can; 1 new ,5 galore- cOal .oil can, a number of house plants with pots, 1 singing canary and cage, 2 suit cases, 1 double reed baby buggy, 1 set of irons, 1 grind stone, 1 coaster wagon, dnquantity of carpets, scythe, 1 sickle. 1 hammock, galvenized piping and troughing, a. quantity of lumber, 1 wheel barrow and a lot of other articles too numerous to mention. 30 balls carpet rags, 1 window with 4 large lights of glass; 1 electric lamp. Terms—Cash. MISS KATHERINE KEHOE, Proprietrs ; T. Brown, Auctioneer, 2697-2 A UCTION SALE 01? FARM IMPLEMENTS, aa Horses. The undersigned has instructed Mr. Thomas Brown to sell by public auction at the Massey -Harris shop, Main Street, Sea - forth, on Friday, August 29th, the following: farm implements, buggies, Clay gates, gas engines, etc., 1 seven foot Massey -Harris binder Complete, nearly new; 1 six foot Massey -Harris binder in good repair. 2 Massey-. Harris high spreaders in right good condition,' Deering mower 6 foot, McCormick mower 5 foot, Massy -Harris mower 5 foot, Gilson 10 inch silo filler with 35 foot pipe, mounted; 3 good used wagons, 1 single riding foot lift; Cockshut plow, rolling coulter; 1 Cockshut gang plow rolling coulters, a number of new walking plows, No. 21, No. 10 and 11: 1 disc harrow, used; 2 harrow carts, 1 etrong sleigh, pole and shafts and good box 1% ranner; 3 new clutters carried over frora last year, 2 new buggies steel tire, 1 nearly new steel tired buggy, red; 2 nearly new rubber tired buggies, red, latest auto seats; 1 tubber tire Standhope and a number of other good steel tired auto seat buggies. The above buggies all have tope; 2 used open buggies, gas engines -1 16 horse power mount- ed on splendid steel truck, 1 8 horse power Barrie, magneto and clutch pulley, in splen- did running order; 1 6 horse power Massey - Harris, just used one yean(customer bought O 12 H. P.), 1 two horse power Massey -Harris used three weeks,(cu.stomer bought 7 H. P.), 1 six horse power Gray Motor, new cylinders, never used; 1 there horse power Interna- tional, 1 two and one-half horse power Inter- national, 1 four and one-half horse power Waterloo, about 30 foot shafting and pulleys, fertilizer turnip seeder, second hand; used Massey -Harris 10 hoe drill, about 20 Clay gates, all lengths; Wartman and Ward hay forks and cars, pulleys, sling ropes, steel. hay fork track 60 foot and day, hangers, etc. to fit; used grain grinders, 1 fifteen inch used grinder good as new, for custom use; a number of extension ladders, 1 set single harness, new; 2 sets used single harness, 6 Keystone pole trucks, wagon jacks, a number of plush buggy rugs, also 1 coal heater which is clean and in good shape. Horses -1 three year old bay mare, 1 two year old bay mare. 1 two year old bay horse, 1 blue roan, 10 year old driving horse, 1 new 12 inch roller grain crusher, a used 12 inch roller grain crasher, 1 cylinder cutting box with 35 foot carriers, and e great many other, articles too numerous to mention. The above will all be sold as the agent is moving out of town and will be compelled to sell out everything. Terms—Twelve menthe' credit will be given by furnishing good paper. • A discount of five per cent. will be allowed off for cash on credit amounts. 510.00 and -under, cash, Do not forget the date, Friday, August 29th. R. C. HENDERSON, Agent; T. Brown, auc- tioneer. ' 2697x1 g•—.....oum IIn the .estate of John Searlett late of the Tovinship of MeRillop, in the County of tHuron, farmer, deceased. AU persona halving any claim against the estate of the sail John Scarlett, deceased, are -required on or before the 15th- day of Sep- tember 1919, to send to Robert Scarlett, Sea - forth post office. the Administrator of Ile estate of said John Scarlett, deceased, full particulars of their clainia, duly verified. Af- ter the said date the said Robert Scarlett will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having referende only to the claims of which he shall have received notice. After such dis- tribution the said Robert Scarlett will not be responsible for any part of the assets of the said estate to any creditor of the said estate of whose claims he shall not have received notice as aforesaid. This notice is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. Dated at Seaforth the 14th August, 1919. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor for Robert Sear - lett the Administrator of the Estate of John Scarlett, deceased. 2696-4 e Notice to - Creditors ••••••••••••• Notice to, Creditors In the estate of Patrick Givlin, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statute in that behalf that all persons hav- ing any claims against the estate of Patrick Givlin, who died on the 7th of May, 1919, are reepeired on or before the lst September, 1919, to .send by post or deliver to Mrs. Mary Givlin, Beeehwood, P. 0„ Ontario, Admini- stratrix, or to the undersigned solicitors, fall Particular.s of their claims, and that after the said let September, 1919, the said Admini- stratrix will distribute the assets of said de- ceased among the persons 'entitled thereto, having regard only to; the claims of which she shall then have bail nolica and that the said adrninistratrix will not be liable for the said assets to any person of whose claim notice :shall not then have been received. Dated at Seaforth, 6th August, 1919.• PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & .COOKE, Sea - forth, Ontario, 'Solicitors for said Admini- I 2696-3 CREAM WANTED We have our Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron - ,age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and test each can of pream carefully and give you Staiernent of the same. We also supply cans free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. 'Call in and see us or- drop a card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY S ealorth Ontario GIRLS WANTED Clean; airy, sunlit workrooms. Short hours—a 47 -hour week, with Saturday half -holiday. V-quable training in agreeable V; fo;: t::e inexperienced. A good li-vingwag-e to beginners which materially increases with expel -lei -ice end proficiency. cr call -- MERCURY MILLS LIMITED Hamilton Ontario ANOTHER BIG EXCURSION Goderich to Detroit AND RETURN Don't Miss This one Steamer Greyhound LEAVES GODERICH Thurs., Se0t. 4th a.m. old time, 10 a.m. new time. Arrives Detroit 5 pan. - RETURNING leaves Detroit on SATURDAY, SEPT. 6th, 1 p. m. Detroit time, (Detroit time, is the same as Goderich old thitie) $2.25 ROUND TRIP SINGLE $1.75 Children, between 6 and 12, Half Fare • Farmers you have made a mistake, all wise people do. It is only the foolish who think they don't. Did you ever draw a heavy load en a soft road? Wasn't that 'a mistake? Yhy not team your tile home nowt? You can dig when the ground is soft.' We have a.large stock of Al tile from 3 inch to 8 inch. Our price is reasonable.. You cannot buy good drain. tile too dear. They always pay., We deliver at reasonable rate. Ask for quota- tion. R. R. (S No. 4,.esfortk: ' Phone_ 9 ot! 136. ; I " tak William Sproat Visit America's most beautiful city. A city of beautiful parks, grand_ boule- vards and a: wonderful water front. Canadians coming to Detroit for a temporary stay are not required to pay a tax or make a deposit. U. S. Immigration officers on steamer to pass excursionists. Good Music . and Dancing enroute. Fine Cafe- and Lunch ROOM aboard steamer. See a real big league ball game with Ty Cobb in action- St, Louis Browns play the Detroit Tigers at Naviri. Field, Detroit, Friday, September 5th. BAND MOONLIGHT out of Goderich, Wednesday Dresing, September 3rd, 7.30 old time, 3.30 Goderich time, 25e. 3 hours on ballet- ' fill Lake Huron. Orchestra Mamie and 1 Dancing in Steamer's Ball Room. 1 [UNPREPAREDNESS ---FAILURE A bank account is an 4.saists4t In character building. It estabBilles the confidence, independence and pride vizi& increases effort and paves the wayto.sttocess, Open an, account to -day and be prepared. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, manager Ar AMATEURS We develop films and fin- ish jprints for amateurs in, a Iu11, glossy or phero- type finish. - Br ng your work to pro-' fessionals: D. F. BUCK Seaforth, Ont. AT YOUR SERVICE 13. R. ITICGINS BOX /27, CLINTON Phone 100 (formerly of Bracetleld) —Agent for— The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the Canada - Trust Company. Commissioner H.C. of J. Convey- ances. Fire and Tornado Insurance, Notary Public. Wednesday each week at Bruceliald School of Commerce Clinton and Goderich Ont. Offers the following courses: BUSINESS STENOGRAPHER SECRETARIAL CIVIL SERVICE • and arranges special courses for students. The following advantages: . , Highly Qualified -Teaching Staff Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Credential Typewriting Tests Positions Guaranteed ansissmememmewesemmo Business Education pays for itself in a few Anonths e Now is the time for the young man' or woman to make an investment that will give splendid returns in the years to come. For -terms, etc., write B„ F. WARD, B.A. M.Accts.• - Principal M. A. STONE, -------—--- Vice Prin. SCHOOL OPENS ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd. PHONE 208 1 • 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111 111111111i11111111,2'. 1 *pond Hand Engines i and Separators 1 1.1 for Sale IMO MOD 0 II. P. Clinton - Traction engine, over -hauled,' refitted and re- 9 ainted: . — — MI. '. = 1— 8 II. P. Compountl Traction Engine with 18 inch wheels, over- _ .7. auled, refitted and repainted. 4 II. P. J. M. Ross & Sons, Traction Engine, over -hauled, re- = tted and repainted. 6 II. P. Wateroas Simple Traction Engine, thoroughly over- = auled, refitted and repainted. • 4 H. P. White_ Traction Engine, thoroughly over -hauled, -refitted 0 H. P. Bell Traction Engine, just as.received from the user, in ood working order. 0 H. P. J. I, Case, Traction Engine, just as received from the E ser, in good working order. -20 WaterlootTraction Engine, boiler over -hauled. The engine = rt just as received from the user. 1-1 II. P. New Illamburg Portable Engine over -hauled and re- nd repainted. = painted. = In a dition • to the above we have a number of second hand Portable & = Tree 'on Engines, just as received from the customer, which we -4▪ :: - = will sell . cheap. GASOLINE ENGINES 1 1—iX H. P. International Kerosene Engine, portable, on wheels. Al- m st new. 1-10 H. P. Ellis Gasoline Engine, almost new, 1-5 E. P. Type W Gasoline Engine, New. 1-5 0 Avery Tractor in good working order. SEPARATORS' = 1-22J-40 Lister Separator with Straw Carriers and hand feect a, -.; ... a chment. Almost new. Suitable for small gasoline engine. = 16--- i—JoJhn Goodison Separator with wind stacker and feeder. = 1-11I narela Separator vritk wind stacker and hand feed attach- = nt, rebuilt. 5 ni of the above machinery is in stock at our works in &ear* E = ▪ and can be seen by intending mantes. F. Also Individual Separators & Waterloo Boy Tractors ONO MIN IWO MO IOW Robt. Bell Engine SE Thresher Co., Ltd., Seaforth, Ont %MUM MIRMWMIRMIRMIIMIIHRIMIMISMIIMMINRIMIROMNIND $15 to start Girls with from one to two years' experience in working on men's coa s will be paid this salary wit quick advances as they gain experience in operat- ing on Women's cloth coats. No pressing. Apply to JOHN , NORTHWAY & SON .91 Wellington St. West, Toronto , CREAM WANTED We have our Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron - ,age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and test each can of pream carefully and give you Staiernent of the same. We also supply cans free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. 'Call in and see us or- drop a card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY S ealorth Ontario GIRLS WANTED Clean; airy, sunlit workrooms. Short hours—a 47 -hour week, with Saturday half -holiday. V-quable training in agreeable V; fo;: t::e inexperienced. A good li-vingwag-e to beginners which materially increases with expel -lei -ice end proficiency. cr call -- MERCURY MILLS LIMITED Hamilton Ontario ANOTHER BIG EXCURSION Goderich to Detroit AND RETURN Don't Miss This one Steamer Greyhound LEAVES GODERICH Thurs., Se0t. 4th a.m. old time, 10 a.m. new time. Arrives Detroit 5 pan. - RETURNING leaves Detroit on SATURDAY, SEPT. 6th, 1 p. m. Detroit time, (Detroit time, is the same as Goderich old thitie) $2.25 ROUND TRIP SINGLE $1.75 Children, between 6 and 12, Half Fare • Farmers you have made a mistake, all wise people do. It is only the foolish who think they don't. Did you ever draw a heavy load en a soft road? Wasn't that 'a mistake? Yhy not team your tile home nowt? You can dig when the ground is soft.' We have a.large stock of Al tile from 3 inch to 8 inch. Our price is reasonable.. You cannot buy good drain. tile too dear. They always pay., We deliver at reasonable rate. Ask for quota- tion. R. R. (S No. 4,.esfortk: ' Phone_ 9 ot! 136. ; I " tak William Sproat Visit America's most beautiful city. A city of beautiful parks, grand_ boule- vards and a: wonderful water front. Canadians coming to Detroit for a temporary stay are not required to pay a tax or make a deposit. U. S. Immigration officers on steamer to pass excursionists. Good Music . and Dancing enroute. Fine Cafe- and Lunch ROOM aboard steamer. See a real big league ball game with Ty Cobb in action- St, Louis Browns play the Detroit Tigers at Naviri. Field, Detroit, Friday, September 5th. BAND MOONLIGHT out of Goderich, Wednesday Dresing, September 3rd, 7.30 old time, 3.30 Goderich time, 25e. 3 hours on ballet- ' fill Lake Huron. Orchestra Mamie and 1 Dancing in Steamer's Ball Room. 1 [UNPREPAREDNESS ---FAILURE A bank account is an 4.saists4t In character building. It estabBilles the confidence, independence and pride vizi& increases effort and paves the wayto.sttocess, Open an, account to -day and be prepared. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, manager Ar AMATEURS We develop films and fin- ish jprints for amateurs in, a Iu11, glossy or phero- type finish. - Br ng your work to pro-' fessionals: D. F. BUCK Seaforth, Ont. AT YOUR SERVICE 13. R. ITICGINS BOX /27, CLINTON Phone 100 (formerly of Bracetleld) —Agent for— The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the Canada - Trust Company. Commissioner H.C. of J. Convey- ances. Fire and Tornado Insurance, Notary Public. Wednesday each week at Bruceliald School of Commerce Clinton and Goderich Ont. Offers the following courses: BUSINESS STENOGRAPHER SECRETARIAL CIVIL SERVICE • and arranges special courses for students. The following advantages: . , Highly Qualified -Teaching Staff Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Credential Typewriting Tests Positions Guaranteed ansissmememmewesemmo Business Education pays for itself in a few Anonths e Now is the time for the young man' or woman to make an investment that will give splendid returns in the years to come. For -terms, etc., write B„ F. WARD, B.A. M.Accts.• - Principal M. A. STONE, -------—--- Vice Prin. SCHOOL OPENS ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd. PHONE 208 1 • 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111 111111111i11111111,2'. 1 *pond Hand Engines i and Separators 1 1.1 for Sale IMO MOD 0 II. P. Clinton - Traction engine, over -hauled,' refitted and re- 9 ainted: . — — MI. '. = 1— 8 II. P. Compountl Traction Engine with 18 inch wheels, over- _ .7. auled, refitted and repainted. 4 II. P. J. M. Ross & Sons, Traction Engine, over -hauled, re- = tted and repainted. 6 II. P. Wateroas Simple Traction Engine, thoroughly over- = auled, refitted and repainted. • 4 H. P. White_ Traction Engine, thoroughly over -hauled, -refitted 0 H. P. Bell Traction Engine, just as.received from the user, in ood working order. 0 H. P. J. I, Case, Traction Engine, just as received from the E ser, in good working order. -20 WaterlootTraction Engine, boiler over -hauled. The engine = rt just as received from the user. 1-1 II. P. New Illamburg Portable Engine over -hauled and re- nd repainted. = painted. = In a dition • to the above we have a number of second hand Portable & = Tree 'on Engines, just as received from the customer, which we -4▪ :: - = will sell . cheap. GASOLINE ENGINES 1 1—iX H. P. International Kerosene Engine, portable, on wheels. Al- m st new. 1-10 H. P. Ellis Gasoline Engine, almost new, 1-5 E. P. Type W Gasoline Engine, New. 1-5 0 Avery Tractor in good working order. SEPARATORS' = 1-22J-40 Lister Separator with Straw Carriers and hand feect a, -.; ... a chment. Almost new. Suitable for small gasoline engine. = 16--- i—JoJhn Goodison Separator with wind stacker and feeder. = 1-11I narela Separator vritk wind stacker and hand feed attach- = nt, rebuilt. 5 ni of the above machinery is in stock at our works in &ear* E = ▪ and can be seen by intending mantes. F. Also Individual Separators & Waterloo Boy Tractors ONO MIN IWO MO IOW Robt. Bell Engine SE Thresher Co., Ltd., Seaforth, Ont %MUM MIRMWMIRMIRMIIMIIHRIMIMISMIIMMINRIMIROMNIND