HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-08-22, Page 522;1919 Ewing fall s confident of her r. We showw only m behind theca--- des are beginning rs good shoes, to before the .recent and spools heels, with toe cap and $5.00 i toe, Spool heels ..$6.50 to $9.00 long vamps and - .$6.001 to $6.50 vamps rand Spool I -$7.50 $7.50 'to $9.00 .press, Georgina, ERC1A L MOTEL Brown - rest results. young and come. , ords. developing; :creased de- tegativ'eS. Id to please B SEAFORTH ,tention. - AUGUST 22, 1919 SEAFORTH MARKETS. Seaforth," August 21, 1919 Potatoes, per bag $1.25 Flour, per cwte .. ....5.00 to 5.90 Shorts, per ton$50.00 Bran, per ton$48.00_ Wheat, per bushel' $ L 0o Eggs, per dozen .... .............41c Butter, per lb, ........ 48c Spring Wheat, per bushel $1..90 Oats, per bushel 85c Barley, per bushel $1.20 Hogs, per cwt. • $22,75 BEAN'MAR,KET Toronto. August 19. --Beans, Canadian, hand- picked. bushel, $5.25 to $5.75; primes, $4.25 to $4.76; Imported hand picked, Burma, $4; Limas, 15 to 16d. DAIRY MARKET Toronto, Augut 19.-Minose, ueW large, . 28 to 29c; twins, 281/4 to 29%e: tritfielle. 29 to roc; Stilton, 29 to 80c. Butt-171eok dairy, choice, 46 to 48c; creamery prints, 55 to 56c. a argarine-36 to 38c. .Eggs No. 1'a 54 to 64e; selects 57, to 58e; honey -extracted clover 6 la. tins, 24 to 25c; 10 ib. tins 28% to 24c; 60 Ib. tine 23 to 24c; buekwheat, 60 1b. tine 18 to 19c; comb, 16 oz., $4.50 to $5; doz., 10 vz $3.50 to $4.00 doz. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, August :19 -Dressed poultry spring chickens, d5c ; roosters, 28 to 300; fowl. 37 to 38c; turkeys, 40 to 45c ; ducklings, Ms. 36 to 40c: squabs, doz., $7; geese, 28 to 30. Live poultry -Spring chickens, 35c; fowl, 30 to S5c ; ducks, 27 to 30. BIRTHS Carron. -In Seaforth, on Saturday,- August 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Carron, (nee Mildred Jones), a son.' Burns -In Hibbert, on Wednesday, August 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Burns, a son (John Gerald). DEATHS Montgomery. -In St. Joseph's Hoapita4 Lon- don. on Wednesday, August 13tlh. James Patriok Montgomery, formerly of libbert township, aged 62 year and 5 months. ill111111111111111(1.111111111111t1.11111t[tlt11111� C . T. Holmes E Funeral Director andJIM Licensed Embalmer E Undertaking pariors in Odd > - lows building opposite I r ote wart Bros. l ,esi- dence Goderich st. cpp Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on short notice. tow mot - Phone Night or � Day lig n 1111111111111111t111111111111111IIIIi11IiI11.IMIE IMO NMI .1.111 MIN mom PIMP MIN NIS suM IMPORTANT NOTICES TrOR SALE. -A NUMBER OF BROOD SOWS with litters. Apply to GEORGE, EBEP.• HART, Mill Road, Egmondville. 2697x2 ACHINE OPERATORS, - WANTED A few girls to operate sewing machines. W. E. SANDFORD Mfg. Co., Seaforth. Phone 59. 2692-tf FRUITS AND VEGETABLES . FRESH FROM our garden and orchard. Ask • for our weekly price list. HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruit- land, Ontario. Niagara District. 2690-12 JL'f)l SALE. - IN EGMONDVILLE, 21/4 -, a _s of good pasture land, , just .>cut h of <,ehrtol house For particulars apply to MRS. KICKS. Egmondville. phone 13 on 14a, -or to R. S. HAYS. Seaforth. f 2696-tf rpE ACliER WAN'itaD.-NOR.51AL TRAIN - tel jot- U. School Section No. 15. Hay and Stephen: Duties: ,to cummonce September 2r4 Salary $600. Apply to JACOB SCI>ROEDER, Secretary Treasurer, Dashwood, R. IL 2. 2695-3 ESTRAY' STEER.-aSTRAYED FROM Trit larer isss of the undersigned, Lot • 7, • Cone oesion 5, Hallett, on or about Attggust 11th, a dark xed steer, dehorned. 2 years -old. Auy information leading to its recovery please phone 1 on 245 Seaforth. ROBERT CLARIK, It. R. No.:.', Seaforth. 2697-3 OUSE FOR SALE. FOR SALE 7 ROOM - ed frame house on George Street. Sea- farth, hard /and r;oft water. • For further Particulars apply to J. R. ARCHIBALD or JOHN RANKIN. 2693-tf Fl IFTY CELERY PLANTS -80c. BEST varieties, all transplanted. Postpaid_ ship- ped successfully everywhere. :Ask for price Inst of other vegetable plants and fruits in ry<,un_ HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruitland, Ont, Niagara Dietruct. 2688-tf UL. FOR SERVICE. -THE RICHLY Sc Itch bred S!horthora bull Royalist =.1200,3= Only a� limited number 'of cows taken. Terms to insure $5.00 Pure Bred cows, with certificate $10.00, payable the 1st of January, 1920. JAMES' HILL. Lot 27, Con- • ee;.iion 8, Hibbert, Staii'a, P. 0. Phone 13 to 48, Dublin. - 2695x3 HOUSE FOR SALE. -FOR SALE BRICK cottage in Egmondville containing 4 rooms with cellar, kitchen and frame.summer kitchen, alI in good repair; good frame barn. The house is situated on one acre of land. Also for sale No. 2 separator, Standard make. For further particulars apply on the premises - or address Egmondville post office. FERD- INAND BURGARD. 2602x4 tf .1;' AR1C FOR SALE. -ONE HUNDRED AND forty-two acre.; of good land consisting of Lot 1. Concession 1, and part of LotF1, 9onCeiai,)n 2. Stanley, Huron County, adjoin -- au; the village of Kippen. Five minutes walk to 0. T. R. ,station, church' or store; 6 acres of birth; water all the year round. and all ceded to ...Tree,: 1 acre of good orchard; 2 barns, 1 on a stone wall; drive shed; frame house. For torma and particulars apply to SAMUEL THOMPSON, R. R. No. 1. Bruce - field. 2694-tf F -A RM FOR. SALE. -BEING LOT 24, CON- acmes eiun 11, township of Hibbert c•n- taining 100 acres, 90 acres cleared. the balance in hardwood. bu-;h principally maple- On the prem;sar; is situated a large brick house, kitchen and wood.;hed, 1 barn 52x60, with otablinx underneath, 1 strawshed and hay been. 48x72, with hog pen. hesthoase and driving abed underneath. House and barn were all overhauled and remodelled three years ago, and are a:, good as new, nearly all new roofed. The farm is well fen ed and drained, clean from: bad weeds, and lin good order and 07'1'31 watered by two wells. will be sold " reasonable terms .and possession given to Nutt /muchaser. ROBERT -HOGGARTH, emala� iy, P. 0.. Phone 9 en 42. H. L. Mc - 20974 AUCTION .SALES AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSE and two iota and household goods and furnttuxe in Seaforth. There will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday the. 13th .day. of September, 1919, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on the premises, lots number 6 and 7 ion the south side of Goderich street, in F. G. Sperling's Survey of part of the Town of Seaforth, formerly the residence of the late James McMichael. There are on this property a good frame house, kitchen, and .stable, hard and soft water, and some fruit trees.. This is a most desirable property and well -situated, and there is ample room for the erection of another residence on the property. Terms. - Twenty per cent. of the purchase money on. the day of sale and the balance within one week thereafter, or at the option of the pur- chaser, part , f the purchase money may re- main on mortgage. At the same time and place there will also be sold all of the furni- ture and houshold goods in said house, con- sisting of stoves, beds and bedding, bureaus, wash stands, tables, writing desk, bureaus, dishes, chairs, carpets, carpenters' tools, washing machine and tubs, granite and tin- ware and numerous other articles. See sale bills. Terms on personal property, cash, Real estate will be offered for safe subject to a re- served bbd and the approbation of the . Locale Mester at Goderich. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to JOHN TURN- ER, Esq., Seaforth, Committee of the, estate of Jane Mallichael, or to J. M. BES'* his Solicitor, Seaforite T. Brown', Auctioneer. Dated at Seaforth this 20�h day of August, 1919. �� 2697-4 AUCTION ;SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements. Mr. W. C. Robinson has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 1G, Concession 17, Parr Line, Stanley I!, mile south of Varna, on Wednesday, September 3rd, at oris o'clock, the following: Much. team 5 years old, driving mare 3 years old, blood colt 2 years old, agricultural mare supposed to be in. foal 3 years old, Registered cow 6 years old and bull calf 2 months old (Blarneylaas), .Registered cow due October 14th (Minnie i_Mint, 8 year old; registered heifer due Octal (Crimson Rose) 3 years old; grade cow due October 10th, 4 year old grade cow due in March, 7 years old; grade cow due in Fel)ruary 8 year old, 8 one year old heifers, 3 one year old steers, 'sprung calf-, 4 Shropehire ewes, 1 Shearling = ram, 3 ram lambs, 1 brood sow die October 18th, 3 :figs three months old, 60 hens, most Rocks, bunch of Rock spring chickens, a number.of,ducks, geese and turkeys, Deering . hinder, amort new. 7 foot cut, Deer- ing mower, 5 foot cut, cultivator almost new, Massey -Harris Drill, harrows 4 section, Cock- shutt bean puller, Deering side rake, 2 set of sleighs, lumber wagon, truck wagon, hay fork, rope and slings, buggy, almost new, rubber tire; cutter, robe and horse blankets, set of heavy harness, set of plough harness, 2 sets of single harness, cream separator, De Laval; steel water tank, set of 2000 lb. scales, walk ung ploughs, 4 hdrse. power Ideal gasoline engine, eight inch Joliet grinder, Oxford range stove, coal heater, coal oil stove, churn, washing machine, dining room suite, and other household stuff too numerous to mention, 214, acres of feed corn, patch of potatoes, 7 loads • of hay. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash ; ',over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on approved joint notes. 'A discount o€ 4 per cent. off for cash. CHESTER A. DUNKIN, Proprietor; W. '0. Robinson, Auctioneer. 2696-2 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture. Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction at the residence of the undersigned, Gouinlodk Street, Seaforth, opposite the Flax Mill, on Saturday, 'August 30th, 1919, at 1 o'clock p.m. the following: Dining room furniture -1 side board, 1 ex- tension table, kitchen furniture, chairs, tabu and cupboards, bed room furniture, bed steads, dresser stands, springs and mattress, also bed room delf, hall rack, two couches, porch lounge and. rock pictures and picture frames with glass, book shelf, 1 walnut book ease and a number of books, 1 square bureau, 1 organ, 1 camp bed, centre tables and small tables, 1 clock, a number of window shades and window screens, 1 paper rack, 1 kitchen range, 1 coal self feeder, 2 coal heaters, 1 wood heater, 1 coal oil stove with oven, nearly new; 4 stove boards, a number of stove pipes, a number of sealers, • 1 crockery, 1, roast pan, a number of lamps, also some dishes, 3 iron pots, 1 teapot, 1 coffee pot, 1 double boiler and a number of other kitchen articles ; 1 ice box, wash tubs and rinsing tubs ; 1 washing machine, .3 wash benches, 2 wringers, 1 bake board, 1 ironing board, 3 oak barrels, 1 Iiox with galvenized lining, 1 feed cutting box, 1 good cross cut saw, 2 hand saws; 3 buck saws ; 1. scoop shovel, 1 pick, 2 ladders, 2 sledge hamkners, 2 squares, -.1, sprayer, 1 tool box, a number of tools, 1 new watering can, 1 brace with set of bits, 2 mallets, a piece of hay fork rope, 1 Iawn mower nearly new, 1 gallon coal oil can, 1 new 5 gallon coal oil can, a number of house plant with pots, 1 singing canary and cage, 2 'suit cases, 1 double reed baby, buggy, 1 set of irons, 1 grind stone, 1. coaster won, a quantity of carpets, scythe, 1 sickle, 1 hammock, galvenized piping and troughing, ' a quantity of lumber, 1 wheel barrow and a tot of other articles too numerous to mention. 30 balls carpet rags, 1 window with 4 large lights of glass, 1 electric lamp,, Terms --Cash. MISS KATHERINE KEHOE. Proprietress ; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2697-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS, Horses. The undersigned has instructed Mr. Thomas BroWe to sell by public . auction at the Massey -Harris shop, Main Street, Sea - forth, on Friday, August 29th, the following: farm implemnents, buggies, Clay gates, gas engines, etc„ 1. seven foot Massey -Harris hinder complete. nearly new; 1 six foot Massey -Harris binder in good repair- 2 Massey - Harris high apreaders in right good. condition, Deering mower 6 foot, McCormick mower 5 foist, Massey -Harris mower 5 foot, Gilson 10 inch silo filler with 35 foot pipe,. mounted ; 3 good used wag0r$ 1 single le rSd' r foot lift Gockehut plow, roiling coulter: 1 Cockshut gang plow rolling coulters, a number of new walking plows, No. 21, No. 10 and 11: 1 disc harrow, used ; 2 harrow cart-, 1 strong light ,leigh, pole and shafts and good box 1aa runner; 3 new outte s carried over from last year, 2 new buggies steel tire, 1 nearly -new stool tired buggy, red; : 2 nearly new rubber tired buggies, red. latest auto seats ; 1 rubber tire Standhope and a number of other gpod steel tired auto seat buggies. The :above buggies all have tops 2 used open buggies, ga:, engine` --1 16 horse power mount- ed on splendid steel truck, 1 8 horse power Barrie. magneto and clutch pulley, in splen- did running order ; 1 6 home power Massey- Harris, just used one year,(customer bought a 12 H. P.), 1 two horse power Massey -Harris used three weeks,(custoener bought 7 H. P.), 1 six horse power Gray *Motor, new cylinders, never used; 1 there horse power Interna- tional, 1 two and one-half horse power Inter- national,,, 1 four and one-half horse power Wafierloo• about 30 foot shafting and pulleys, fertilizer turnip seeder, second hand; used Masaey-Harris 10 hoe drill, about 20 Clay gates, all lengths ; Wartmain and Ward hay forks sand cars, pulleys, sling ropes, steel. hay fork track 60 foot and car, hangers, etc. to fit: used grain grinders; 1 fifteen inch used. grinder good as new, for custom use; a number of extension ladders, a set single harness, new; 2 sets used single harness, 6. Keystone pole trucks, wagon jacks, a number of plush buggy rugs, also 1 coal heater which is clean and in good shape. Horses -1 three year old hay mare, 1 two year old bay mare, 1 two year old bay horse, 1 blue roan, 10 year old driving horse, 1 new 12 inch roller grain crusher, 1 used 12 inch roller grain crusher, 1 cylinder cutting box with 35 foot carriers, and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. The above will all be sold as the agent is moving out of town and will be compelled to sell out etierything. Terms --Twelve months' credit will be given bv furnishing good paper. A discount of five per cent. will be allowed off for cash on credit amounts. $10.00 and under, cash. Do not forget the date, Friday, August 29th. R. C. HENDERSON, Agent; T. Brown, auc- tioneer. - 2697x1 A Mistake Farmers you have made a mistake, all wise people do. It is only the foolish who think they don't. Did you ever draw a heavy load on a soft road? Wasn't that a mistake? Yhy not team your tile home now ? You can -dig when the ground is soft. We have a large stock of Al tile from 3 inch to 8 inch. Our price is reasonable. You cannot buy good drain tile too dear. They always pay. We deliver at reasonable rate. Ask for quota- tion. William Sproat R. R. No. 4r Seaforth. Phone 9 on. 13. THE =EON EITOR Plums and Pears FOR SALE AT - C. HOARE'S ORCHARD, NORTH OF CLINTON' ONE MILE, BEGINNING 15th OF AUGUST. BRING YOUR BASKETS. REASONABLE PRICES. "COME EARLY" 2696-2 SALE REGISTER On Thursday, 'August 28th, at 1 o'clock p. ire, on John Street, Seaforth, household furniture. William Dill, Prop.; T. Brown,' Auctioneer. On Saturday, August 30th, at 1 o'clock p. m, on Gou€Alock Street, . opposite the Flax Mill, househgld furniture. Miss K. Kehoe, Proprietress ; T. Brown, Auctioneer. Notice to Creditors + i 'In the estate of John Scarlett late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, 2arruer,.'deceased. - All persons having any claimagainst the estate of the said John Scarlett, deceased, are required on or before the 16th day of Sep- tember 1919, to send to Robert Scarlett, Sea - forth post office, the Administrator of the estate of said John Scarlett, deceased, full particulars of their claims, duly verified. Af- ter the said date the said Robert Scarlett will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the. claims of which he shall have received notice. After such dis- tribution the said Robert Scarlett will not, be responsible for any part of the assets of the said' estate to any creditor of the said estate of .whose Claims - he shall not have received notice as aforesaid. This notice is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. Dated at Seaforth the 14th August, 1919. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor for Robert Scar- lett the Administrator of the Estate of John Scarlett, deceased, 2696-4 - Notice ' to Creditors In the estate of Patrick Givlin, deceased. Nodee is hereby given pursuant to the statute in that behalf that all persons hav- ing any claims against the estate of Patrick Givlin, who died on the 7th of May, 1919, are required on or before the 1st September, 1919, to send by post or deliver to Mrs. Mary Givlilf Beechwood, P. 0., Ontario, Admini- stratrix, or to the undersigned solicitors, full particulars of •their claims, and that after. the said lst September, 1919, the said Admini- stratrix will distribute the assets of said de- ceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, and that the said administratrix will not be liable for the said assets to any person of whose claim notice shall not then have been received. Dated at Seaforth, 6th August, 1819. PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE, Sea - forth, Ontario, Solicitors for said Admini- stratrix. 26964 a Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statute in that behalf, that all persons hav- ing claims 'against the estate of Alexander McArthur,- late of the town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died in the 'township of Mullett in the County of Huron, on or about the 5th day of July, 1919, are required on or before the 25th day of August, 1919, to send postpaid or deliver to the undersigned full particulars of their claims duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And take notice that after the said last mentioned date the -assets of the said de- ceased will be distributed among the, parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 5th day of August, 1919. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for Executor of said estate. • 26954 GIRLS WANTED Clean, airy, sunlit workrooms. Short hours -a 47 -hour week, with Saturday half -holiday. Valuable training in agreeable work for the inexperienc(d. A goo(.! 1;:,jinn , ago to beginners incrcahcs with experience proficic ncy. 1 sir it c7_i- ERCU RY MILLS LIMITED Hamilton -- Ontario W. T. BOX& CO Embalmer.. and - Funeral Directors H.C.BOX Holder of Government Diploma and Weenie Charges Moderate Flowers furnished an short notice Night au PhoneCalls 175 PhoneDay Gaulle SOW WHEAT Wheat will be needed as badly as ever for a few years yet. Fertilizer will,. help to increase the yield and pay well to use 'it. It helps the plant to withstand the winter and helps it to fill better. Contract now and insure getting it. Use phosphates for clover sod and stronger for croped land. Have dif- ferent grades and will be pleased to sell to those who would, like to use it, 2694-tf JAMES COWAN HOUSE FOE SALE That very desirable property last off Main street, Egmondville, consisting of ane -half acre of land on whicha iss ted1 letterq!. story brie* house with seven rooms and good cellar. There are also on the premises a stable, good well and cistern, also apple, Plum and pear tress and other small fruits. This is . a splendid property and the taxes are low. For farther particulars, apply to Mrs. M. A. Charlesworth Egmondville P. O. 266022-d FARM FOR BALD. -FOR SALE LOT 06 Concession 2, McKillop, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises: a bank barn hay barn, hen house and pig house, gold 13 story frame house; Plenty ef goad water; drilled well between' house and barn with over 75 feet of water. The farm is• well fenced with woven wire and is well drained. The land hi all ander cultivation and ho a first class farm. For farther particular* apply on the premises or address Seaforth, R. R. No. 2. JAMBS McGILL. . 2589 -ti National Victory Celebration TO BE OPENED BY H.R.H., THE PRINCE OF WALES rcr+ EXHIBITION Aug. 23 TORONTO.. Sept. 6 British Grenadier Guards Band War Memorial Paintings Sensation of the art world, recording every phase of Canadian operations overseas. WAR TROPHIES Mammoth assemblage of monster guns, aeroplanes and all the instruments of hellish warfare captured by Canadian soldiers from the Hun. Canada's Flying Circus 'Cals. Barker and Bishop and other world famous aces in c:.irrendered Ger_,3an planes. WHIPPET TANK CAPTURED U BOAT Festival of Triumph The Moat .tirring or all Grand- Stand Spectacles The surrendef of the German Fleet Versnil:cs Castle -Victory Arch. AT'.e :'„y's ent y into. Jerausatem. And a score or other extraordinary features f112 GREATEST EXHIBITION OF ALL TiMES _'1111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,.. DEW IMO MEM IMO econd Hand Engines and Separators 11110 forUSale� 1-20 H. P. Clinton Traction engine, over -hauled, refitted and re- painted. , , -18 H. P, Compound Traction Engine with 18 inch .wheels, overEE - = hauled, refitted and repainted: mat MEM SMOI Mal Mma Ism mma • Mal 1-14 I. P. J. M. Ross, & Sons Traction Engine, over -hauled, re- ftted and repainted. 1-16 H. P. Waterous Simple Traction . Engine, thoroughly over- hauled, refitted• and repainted. H. P. White Traction Engine, thoroughly over -hauled, refitted and repainted _ 1-20 H. P. Bell Traction Engine, just as received from the user, in = good working order. • . • = 1-20 H. P. J. I. Case, Traction Engine, just as received from the = • user, in good working order. 1--18-20 Waterloo Traction Engine, boile over -hauled. Tke engine • part just as received from the user. 1-18 H. P. New Hamburg Portable Engine, over -hauled and re- ._ painted. = addition to the above we have a number of second hand Portable & Traction Engines, just as received from tke customer, which we r. maw MEI will sell cheap. GASOLINE ENGINES MEN IMO 1-10 H. P. International Kerosene Engine, portable, on wheels. Al- '= rnost new. - 1•=10 H. P. Ellis Gasoline Engine,\ almost new. 11-5 H. P. Type W Gasoline Engine; New. 1-5-10 Avery Tractor in good working. order. SEPARATORS tom MEI Ism _ _ MOW -:--22-40 Lister St-parator with Straw Carriers and hand- feed E• attachment. Almost new. Suitable for small gpeoline engine. = i -John Goodison Separator with wind stacker and feeder. = 1 -Monarch Separator - With wind stacker and hand feed attach. E Trent, rebuilt, VIM OEM All of the above machinery is in stock at our works in Seaforth, E and can be seen by intending purchasers. Also Individual Separators & Waterloo Boy Tractors • The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd,, Seaforth, Ont. IIINIIH111N111111111fJ1i111111Mi1I1111UIfN11M1111111,11111nf111A1111IIIi1111111111Ni111Mfw W.S G EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate Phone -Night or Day -192 $l5tostart ill111111111111111(1.111111111111t1.11111t[tlt11111� C . T. Holmes E Funeral Director andJIM Licensed Embalmer E Undertaking pariors in Odd > - lows building opposite I r ote wart Bros. l ,esi- dence Goderich st. cpp Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on short notice. tow mot - Phone Night or � Day lig n 1111111111111111t111111111111111IIIIi11IiI11.IMIE IMO NMI .1.111 MIN mom PIMP MIN NIS suM IMPORTANT NOTICES TrOR SALE. -A NUMBER OF BROOD SOWS with litters. Apply to GEORGE, EBEP.• HART, Mill Road, Egmondville. 2697x2 ACHINE OPERATORS, - WANTED A few girls to operate sewing machines. W. E. SANDFORD Mfg. Co., Seaforth. Phone 59. 2692-tf FRUITS AND VEGETABLES . FRESH FROM our garden and orchard. Ask • for our weekly price list. HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruit- land, Ontario. Niagara District. 2690-12 JL'f)l SALE. - IN EGMONDVILLE, 21/4 -, a _s of good pasture land, , just .>cut h of <,ehrtol house For particulars apply to MRS. KICKS. Egmondville. phone 13 on 14a, -or to R. S. HAYS. Seaforth. f 2696-tf rpE ACliER WAN'itaD.-NOR.51AL TRAIN - tel jot- U. School Section No. 15. Hay and Stephen: Duties: ,to cummonce September 2r4 Salary $600. Apply to JACOB SCI>ROEDER, Secretary Treasurer, Dashwood, R. IL 2. 2695-3 ESTRAY' STEER.-aSTRAYED FROM Trit larer isss of the undersigned, Lot • 7, • Cone oesion 5, Hallett, on or about Attggust 11th, a dark xed steer, dehorned. 2 years -old. Auy information leading to its recovery please phone 1 on 245 Seaforth. ROBERT CLARIK, It. R. No.:.', Seaforth. 2697-3 OUSE FOR SALE. FOR SALE 7 ROOM - ed frame house on George Street. Sea- farth, hard /and r;oft water. • For further Particulars apply to J. R. ARCHIBALD or JOHN RANKIN. 2693-tf Fl IFTY CELERY PLANTS -80c. BEST varieties, all transplanted. Postpaid_ ship- ped successfully everywhere. :Ask for price Inst of other vegetable plants and fruits in ry<,un_ HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruitland, Ont, Niagara Dietruct. 2688-tf UL. FOR SERVICE. -THE RICHLY Sc Itch bred S!horthora bull Royalist =.1200,3= Only a� limited number 'of cows taken. Terms to insure $5.00 Pure Bred cows, with certificate $10.00, payable the 1st of January, 1920. JAMES' HILL. Lot 27, Con- • ee;.iion 8, Hibbert, Staii'a, P. 0. Phone 13 to 48, Dublin. - 2695x3 HOUSE FOR SALE. -FOR SALE BRICK cottage in Egmondville containing 4 rooms with cellar, kitchen and frame.summer kitchen, alI in good repair; good frame barn. The house is situated on one acre of land. Also for sale No. 2 separator, Standard make. For further particulars apply on the premises - or address Egmondville post office. FERD- INAND BURGARD. 2602x4 tf .1;' AR1C FOR SALE. -ONE HUNDRED AND forty-two acre.; of good land consisting of Lot 1. Concession 1, and part of LotF1, 9onCeiai,)n 2. Stanley, Huron County, adjoin -- au; the village of Kippen. Five minutes walk to 0. T. R. ,station, church' or store; 6 acres of birth; water all the year round. and all ceded to ...Tree,: 1 acre of good orchard; 2 barns, 1 on a stone wall; drive shed; frame house. For torma and particulars apply to SAMUEL THOMPSON, R. R. No. 1. Bruce - field. 2694-tf F -A RM FOR. SALE. -BEING LOT 24, CON- acmes eiun 11, township of Hibbert c•n- taining 100 acres, 90 acres cleared. the balance in hardwood. bu-;h principally maple- On the prem;sar; is situated a large brick house, kitchen and wood.;hed, 1 barn 52x60, with otablinx underneath, 1 strawshed and hay been. 48x72, with hog pen. hesthoase and driving abed underneath. House and barn were all overhauled and remodelled three years ago, and are a:, good as new, nearly all new roofed. The farm is well fen ed and drained, clean from: bad weeds, and lin good order and 07'1'31 watered by two wells. will be sold " reasonable terms .and possession given to Nutt /muchaser. ROBERT -HOGGARTH, emala� iy, P. 0.. Phone 9 en 42. H. L. Mc - 20974 AUCTION .SALES AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSE and two iota and household goods and furnttuxe in Seaforth. There will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday the. 13th .day. of September, 1919, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on the premises, lots number 6 and 7 ion the south side of Goderich street, in F. G. Sperling's Survey of part of the Town of Seaforth, formerly the residence of the late James McMichael. There are on this property a good frame house, kitchen, and .stable, hard and soft water, and some fruit trees.. This is a most desirable property and well -situated, and there is ample room for the erection of another residence on the property. Terms. - Twenty per cent. of the purchase money on. the day of sale and the balance within one week thereafter, or at the option of the pur- chaser, part , f the purchase money may re- main on mortgage. At the same time and place there will also be sold all of the furni- ture and houshold goods in said house, con- sisting of stoves, beds and bedding, bureaus, wash stands, tables, writing desk, bureaus, dishes, chairs, carpets, carpenters' tools, washing machine and tubs, granite and tin- ware and numerous other articles. See sale bills. Terms on personal property, cash, Real estate will be offered for safe subject to a re- served bbd and the approbation of the . Locale Mester at Goderich. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to JOHN TURN- ER, Esq., Seaforth, Committee of the, estate of Jane Mallichael, or to J. M. BES'* his Solicitor, Seaforite T. Brown', Auctioneer. Dated at Seaforth this 20�h day of August, 1919. �� 2697-4 AUCTION ;SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements. Mr. W. C. Robinson has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 1G, Concession 17, Parr Line, Stanley I!, mile south of Varna, on Wednesday, September 3rd, at oris o'clock, the following: Much. team 5 years old, driving mare 3 years old, blood colt 2 years old, agricultural mare supposed to be in. foal 3 years old, Registered cow 6 years old and bull calf 2 months old (Blarneylaas), .Registered cow due October 14th (Minnie i_Mint, 8 year old; registered heifer due Octal (Crimson Rose) 3 years old; grade cow due October 10th, 4 year old grade cow due in March, 7 years old; grade cow due in Fel)ruary 8 year old, 8 one year old heifers, 3 one year old steers, 'sprung calf-, 4 Shropehire ewes, 1 Shearling = ram, 3 ram lambs, 1 brood sow die October 18th, 3 :figs three months old, 60 hens, most Rocks, bunch of Rock spring chickens, a number.of,ducks, geese and turkeys, Deering . hinder, amort new. 7 foot cut, Deer- ing mower, 5 foot cut, cultivator almost new, Massey -Harris Drill, harrows 4 section, Cock- shutt bean puller, Deering side rake, 2 set of sleighs, lumber wagon, truck wagon, hay fork, rope and slings, buggy, almost new, rubber tire; cutter, robe and horse blankets, set of heavy harness, set of plough harness, 2 sets of single harness, cream separator, De Laval; steel water tank, set of 2000 lb. scales, walk ung ploughs, 4 hdrse. power Ideal gasoline engine, eight inch Joliet grinder, Oxford range stove, coal heater, coal oil stove, churn, washing machine, dining room suite, and other household stuff too numerous to mention, 214, acres of feed corn, patch of potatoes, 7 loads • of hay. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash ; ',over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on approved joint notes. 'A discount o€ 4 per cent. off for cash. CHESTER A. DUNKIN, Proprietor; W. '0. Robinson, Auctioneer. 2696-2 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture. Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction at the residence of the undersigned, Gouinlodk Street, Seaforth, opposite the Flax Mill, on Saturday, 'August 30th, 1919, at 1 o'clock p.m. the following: Dining room furniture -1 side board, 1 ex- tension table, kitchen furniture, chairs, tabu and cupboards, bed room furniture, bed steads, dresser stands, springs and mattress, also bed room delf, hall rack, two couches, porch lounge and. rock pictures and picture frames with glass, book shelf, 1 walnut book ease and a number of books, 1 square bureau, 1 organ, 1 camp bed, centre tables and small tables, 1 clock, a number of window shades and window screens, 1 paper rack, 1 kitchen range, 1 coal self feeder, 2 coal heaters, 1 wood heater, 1 coal oil stove with oven, nearly new; 4 stove boards, a number of stove pipes, a number of sealers, • 1 crockery, 1, roast pan, a number of lamps, also some dishes, 3 iron pots, 1 teapot, 1 coffee pot, 1 double boiler and a number of other kitchen articles ; 1 ice box, wash tubs and rinsing tubs ; 1 washing machine, .3 wash benches, 2 wringers, 1 bake board, 1 ironing board, 3 oak barrels, 1 Iiox with galvenized lining, 1 feed cutting box, 1 good cross cut saw, 2 hand saws; 3 buck saws ; 1. scoop shovel, 1 pick, 2 ladders, 2 sledge hamkners, 2 squares, -.1, sprayer, 1 tool box, a number of tools, 1 new watering can, 1 brace with set of bits, 2 mallets, a piece of hay fork rope, 1 Iawn mower nearly new, 1 gallon coal oil can, 1 new 5 gallon coal oil can, a number of house plant with pots, 1 singing canary and cage, 2 'suit cases, 1 double reed baby, buggy, 1 set of irons, 1 grind stone, 1. coaster won, a quantity of carpets, scythe, 1 sickle, 1 hammock, galvenized piping and troughing, ' a quantity of lumber, 1 wheel barrow and a tot of other articles too numerous to mention. 30 balls carpet rags, 1 window with 4 large lights of glass, 1 electric lamp,, Terms --Cash. MISS KATHERINE KEHOE. Proprietress ; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2697-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS, Horses. The undersigned has instructed Mr. Thomas BroWe to sell by public . auction at the Massey -Harris shop, Main Street, Sea - forth, on Friday, August 29th, the following: farm implemnents, buggies, Clay gates, gas engines, etc„ 1. seven foot Massey -Harris hinder complete. nearly new; 1 six foot Massey -Harris binder in good repair- 2 Massey - Harris high apreaders in right good. condition, Deering mower 6 foot, McCormick mower 5 foist, Massey -Harris mower 5 foot, Gilson 10 inch silo filler with 35 foot pipe,. mounted ; 3 good used wag0r$ 1 single le rSd' r foot lift Gockehut plow, roiling coulter: 1 Cockshut gang plow rolling coulters, a number of new walking plows, No. 21, No. 10 and 11: 1 disc harrow, used ; 2 harrow cart-, 1 strong light ,leigh, pole and shafts and good box 1aa runner; 3 new outte s carried over from last year, 2 new buggies steel tire, 1 nearly -new stool tired buggy, red; : 2 nearly new rubber tired buggies, red. latest auto seats ; 1 rubber tire Standhope and a number of other gpod steel tired auto seat buggies. The :above buggies all have tops 2 used open buggies, ga:, engine` --1 16 horse power mount- ed on splendid steel truck, 1 8 horse power Barrie. magneto and clutch pulley, in splen- did running order ; 1 6 home power Massey- Harris, just used one year,(customer bought a 12 H. P.), 1 two horse power Massey -Harris used three weeks,(custoener bought 7 H. P.), 1 six horse power Gray *Motor, new cylinders, never used; 1 there horse power Interna- tional, 1 two and one-half horse power Inter- national,,, 1 four and one-half horse power Wafierloo• about 30 foot shafting and pulleys, fertilizer turnip seeder, second hand; used Masaey-Harris 10 hoe drill, about 20 Clay gates, all lengths ; Wartmain and Ward hay forks sand cars, pulleys, sling ropes, steel. hay fork track 60 foot and car, hangers, etc. to fit: used grain grinders; 1 fifteen inch used. grinder good as new, for custom use; a number of extension ladders, a set single harness, new; 2 sets used single harness, 6. Keystone pole trucks, wagon jacks, a number of plush buggy rugs, also 1 coal heater which is clean and in good shape. Horses -1 three year old hay mare, 1 two year old bay mare, 1 two year old bay horse, 1 blue roan, 10 year old driving horse, 1 new 12 inch roller grain crusher, 1 used 12 inch roller grain crusher, 1 cylinder cutting box with 35 foot carriers, and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. The above will all be sold as the agent is moving out of town and will be compelled to sell out etierything. Terms --Twelve months' credit will be given bv furnishing good paper. A discount of five per cent. will be allowed off for cash on credit amounts. $10.00 and under, cash. Do not forget the date, Friday, August 29th. R. C. HENDERSON, Agent; T. Brown, auc- tioneer. - 2697x1 A Mistake Farmers you have made a mistake, all wise people do. It is only the foolish who think they don't. Did you ever draw a heavy load on a soft road? Wasn't that a mistake? Yhy not team your tile home now ? You can -dig when the ground is soft. We have a large stock of Al tile from 3 inch to 8 inch. Our price is reasonable. You cannot buy good drain tile too dear. They always pay. We deliver at reasonable rate. Ask for quota- tion. William Sproat R. R. No. 4r Seaforth. Phone 9 on. 13. THE =EON EITOR Plums and Pears FOR SALE AT - C. HOARE'S ORCHARD, NORTH OF CLINTON' ONE MILE, BEGINNING 15th OF AUGUST. BRING YOUR BASKETS. REASONABLE PRICES. "COME EARLY" 2696-2 SALE REGISTER On Thursday, 'August 28th, at 1 o'clock p. ire, on John Street, Seaforth, household furniture. William Dill, Prop.; T. Brown,' Auctioneer. On Saturday, August 30th, at 1 o'clock p. m, on Gou€Alock Street, . opposite the Flax Mill, househgld furniture. Miss K. Kehoe, Proprietress ; T. Brown, Auctioneer. Notice to Creditors + i 'In the estate of John Scarlett late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, 2arruer,.'deceased. - All persons having any claimagainst the estate of the said John Scarlett, deceased, are required on or before the 16th day of Sep- tember 1919, to send to Robert Scarlett, Sea - forth post office, the Administrator of the estate of said John Scarlett, deceased, full particulars of their claims, duly verified. Af- ter the said date the said Robert Scarlett will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the. claims of which he shall have received notice. After such dis- tribution the said Robert Scarlett will not, be responsible for any part of the assets of the said' estate to any creditor of the said estate of .whose Claims - he shall not have received notice as aforesaid. This notice is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf. Dated at Seaforth the 14th August, 1919. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor for Robert Scar- lett the Administrator of the Estate of John Scarlett, deceased, 2696-4 - Notice ' to Creditors In the estate of Patrick Givlin, deceased. Nodee is hereby given pursuant to the statute in that behalf that all persons hav- ing any claims against the estate of Patrick Givlin, who died on the 7th of May, 1919, are required on or before the 1st September, 1919, to send by post or deliver to Mrs. Mary Givlilf Beechwood, P. 0., Ontario, Admini- stratrix, or to the undersigned solicitors, full particulars of •their claims, and that after. the said lst September, 1919, the said Admini- stratrix will distribute the assets of said de- ceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, and that the said administratrix will not be liable for the said assets to any person of whose claim notice shall not then have been received. Dated at Seaforth, 6th August, 1819. PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE, Sea - forth, Ontario, Solicitors for said Admini- stratrix. 26964 a Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statute in that behalf, that all persons hav- ing claims 'against the estate of Alexander McArthur,- late of the town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died in the 'township of Mullett in the County of Huron, on or about the 5th day of July, 1919, are required on or before the 25th day of August, 1919, to send postpaid or deliver to the undersigned full particulars of their claims duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And take notice that after the said last mentioned date the -assets of the said de- ceased will be distributed among the, parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 5th day of August, 1919. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for Executor of said estate. • 26954 GIRLS WANTED Clean, airy, sunlit workrooms. Short hours -a 47 -hour week, with Saturday half -holiday. Valuable training in agreeable work for the inexperienc(d. A goo(.! 1;:,jinn , ago to beginners incrcahcs with experience proficic ncy. 1 sir it c7_i- ERCU RY MILLS LIMITED Hamilton -- Ontario W. T. BOX& CO Embalmer.. and - Funeral Directors H.C.BOX Holder of Government Diploma and Weenie Charges Moderate Flowers furnished an short notice Night au PhoneCalls 175 PhoneDay Gaulle SOW WHEAT Wheat will be needed as badly as ever for a few years yet. Fertilizer will,. help to increase the yield and pay well to use 'it. It helps the plant to withstand the winter and helps it to fill better. Contract now and insure getting it. Use phosphates for clover sod and stronger for croped land. Have dif- ferent grades and will be pleased to sell to those who would, like to use it, 2694-tf JAMES COWAN HOUSE FOE SALE That very desirable property last off Main street, Egmondville, consisting of ane -half acre of land on whicha iss ted1 letterq!. story brie* house with seven rooms and good cellar. There are also on the premises a stable, good well and cistern, also apple, Plum and pear tress and other small fruits. This is . a splendid property and the taxes are low. For farther particulars, apply to Mrs. M. A. Charlesworth Egmondville P. O. 266022-d FARM FOR BALD. -FOR SALE LOT 06 Concession 2, McKillop, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises: a bank barn hay barn, hen house and pig house, gold 13 story frame house; Plenty ef goad water; drilled well between' house and barn with over 75 feet of water. The farm is• well fenced with woven wire and is well drained. The land hi all ander cultivation and ho a first class farm. For farther particular* apply on the premises or address Seaforth, R. R. No. 2. JAMBS McGILL. . 2589 -ti National Victory Celebration TO BE OPENED BY H.R.H., THE PRINCE OF WALES rcr+ EXHIBITION Aug. 23 TORONTO.. Sept. 6 British Grenadier Guards Band War Memorial Paintings Sensation of the art world, recording every phase of Canadian operations overseas. WAR TROPHIES Mammoth assemblage of monster guns, aeroplanes and all the instruments of hellish warfare captured by Canadian soldiers from the Hun. Canada's Flying Circus 'Cals. Barker and Bishop and other world famous aces in c:.irrendered Ger_,3an planes. WHIPPET TANK CAPTURED U BOAT Festival of Triumph The Moat .tirring or all Grand- Stand Spectacles The surrendef of the German Fleet Versnil:cs Castle -Victory Arch. AT'.e :'„y's ent y into. Jerausatem. And a score or other extraordinary features f112 GREATEST EXHIBITION OF ALL TiMES _'1111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,.. DEW IMO MEM IMO econd Hand Engines and Separators 11110 forUSale� 1-20 H. P. Clinton Traction engine, over -hauled, refitted and re- painted. , , -18 H. P, Compound Traction Engine with 18 inch .wheels, overEE - = hauled, refitted and repainted: mat MEM SMOI Mal Mma Ism mma • Mal 1-14 I. P. J. M. Ross, & Sons Traction Engine, over -hauled, re- ftted and repainted. 1-16 H. P. Waterous Simple Traction . Engine, thoroughly over- hauled, refitted• and repainted. H. P. White Traction Engine, thoroughly over -hauled, refitted and repainted _ 1-20 H. P. Bell Traction Engine, just as received from the user, in = good working order. • . • = 1-20 H. P. J. I. Case, Traction Engine, just as received from the = • user, in good working order. 1--18-20 Waterloo Traction Engine, boile over -hauled. Tke engine • part just as received from the user. 1-18 H. P. New Hamburg Portable Engine, over -hauled and re- ._ painted. = addition to the above we have a number of second hand Portable & Traction Engines, just as received from tke customer, which we r. maw MEI will sell cheap. GASOLINE ENGINES MEN IMO 1-10 H. P. International Kerosene Engine, portable, on wheels. Al- '= rnost new. - 1•=10 H. P. Ellis Gasoline Engine,\ almost new. 11-5 H. P. Type W Gasoline Engine; New. 1-5-10 Avery Tractor in good working. order. SEPARATORS tom MEI Ism _ _ MOW -:--22-40 Lister St-parator with Straw Carriers and hand- feed E• attachment. Almost new. Suitable for small gpeoline engine. = i -John Goodison Separator with wind stacker and feeder. = 1 -Monarch Separator - With wind stacker and hand feed attach. E Trent, rebuilt, VIM OEM All of the above machinery is in stock at our works in Seaforth, E and can be seen by intending purchasers. Also Individual Separators & Waterloo Boy Tractors • The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd,, Seaforth, Ont. IIINIIH111N111111111fJ1i111111Mi1I1111UIfN11M1111111,11111nf111A1111IIIi1111111111Ni111Mfw CREAM WANTED We have our Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and test each can of cream carefully and give you statement of the same. We also supply cans free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. Call in and see us or drop a card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Seaforth Ontario AMATEURS We develop films and fill - prints for amateurs in a- dull, glossy or phero- • type finish. Bring your work to pro- fessionals. D. F. BUCK Seaforth, Ont. AT YOUR SERVICE B. R. HIG GINS BOX 127. CLINTON Phone 100 (formerly of Brueefleld) -Agent for - The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the Canada Trust Company). Commissioner H.C. ef d., Canvey- anon. anveyaneea. Fire and Tornado Insurance, Notary Public. Wednesday each week at Brueefeld ANOTHER BIG EXCURSION Goderich to Detroit AND RETURN Don't Miss This one Steamer Greyhound LEAVES GODERICH Thurs., Sept. 4th 9 a.m. old time, 10 a.m. new time. Arrives Detroit 5 p.nl. RETURNING leaves. Detroit on ATURDAY, SEPT. 6th, 1 p. m. Detroit time, (Detroit time is the same as Goderich old time) $2.25 ROUND TRIP SINGLE $1.75 Children, between 6 and 12, Half Fare Visit America's most beautiful city. A city of beautiful parks, grand. boule- vards and a wonderful water front. Canadians coming to Detroit for a tenlporary stay are not required to pay a tax or make a deposit, U. S. Immigration officers on steamer to pass excursionists. Good Music and Dancing enroute, Fine Cafe and Lunch Room aboard steamer. See a real big league ball game with Ty Cobb in action. St. Louis Browns play the Detroit Tigers at Navin Field, Detroit, Friday, September 5th. BAND MOONLIGHT out of Goderich, Wednesday Evening, September 3rd, 7.30 old time, 8.30 Goderich time, 25c. 3 hours on beauti- ful Lake Huron. Orchestra Music and Dancing in Steamer's Ball Room. rNPREPAREDNESS FAILURE A bank aecouuat is au assiolnat In character .,1 Iteatrabana confidence,inde ► ' ' a. • a pride lob*/ increases,effort and paverthe wayto swam. .• Open an account to -day and be prepared. THE CANAEMAN BANK OF COMMERCE. eaforth Branch J, G.Mullen manager 1 NTED AT ONCE Three Experienced; First - Class Flax Scutchers Uighest Wages Paid. Railroad Fare Refunded Apply ROSE FLAX MILL - Pickering 21 Miles East of Toronto 15,000 Men Wanted. In Western Harvest Fields $I2.00 TO WINNIPEG Plus Heil a Coat par stile ksyead. Rouen, Hata Coit per mile tie Vilaa1 .g,p *MOO. Comfortable Trains, Through Service. Special aoosm a - tion for Wane*. Box 1~uraekss on Special Trains. EXCURSION DATES frogs TORONTO AUGUST i4th & 21ttsl Per Tickets cad inforicatien, apply neareatC.*. R,F% Ages*, or write Element! Passenger Department, Toronto. Canadian National Railways as School 'of ommerce Clinton` and Goderich, Ont. Offers the following courses: BJSINESS STENOGRAPHER SECRETARIAL CI IL SERVICE and arranges special courses for students. The following advantages: Highly Qualified Teaching Staff Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Credential Typewriting Tests Positions Guaranteed , A Business Education pays for itself in a few months Now is the time for the young man , or woman to make an investment that will give splendid returns in the years to come. For terms, etc., write B. F. WARD, B.A.; M.Accts. - M. A. STONE, - - - - - - - - Principal - Vice Prin SCHOOL OPENS ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd. PHONE 208 Having taken over a large part of the `output of one of Canada's largest tire 'factories at a quantityprice, and by selling direct to the user, we are able to offer these sizes Of fust -class Non -Skid Tires at the following prices:- 30 rices: 30 x 3% - $15.65(litl 32 x 3% - 1 95 31x4 _ 24.95 33 x 4 - $28.95 34 x 4Y - 39.50 35x5 - 44.95 These Tires are all firsts and fully guaranteed. SUDDEN RVICE TORE THE AUTO SUPPLY CO., LONDON Western Ontario's Largest Excluslae Tire Dealers TERN'--C.O.D. subject to examination. e 1 $l5tostart Girls with from one to two years' experience in working on men's coats will be paid this salary with quick advances as Wvgr gain experience in operat- ing on Women's cloth coats. No pressing. Apply to JOHN NORTHWAY & SON 91 Wellington St. West, Toronto CREAM WANTED We have our Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and test each can of cream carefully and give you statement of the same. We also supply cans free of charge, and give you an honest business deal. Call in and see us or drop a card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Seaforth Ontario AMATEURS We develop films and fill - prints for amateurs in a- dull, glossy or phero- • type finish. Bring your work to pro- fessionals. D. F. BUCK Seaforth, Ont. AT YOUR SERVICE B. R. HIG GINS BOX 127. CLINTON Phone 100 (formerly of Brueefleld) -Agent for - The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the Canada Trust Company). Commissioner H.C. ef d., Canvey- anon. anveyaneea. Fire and Tornado Insurance, Notary Public. Wednesday each week at Brueefeld ANOTHER BIG EXCURSION Goderich to Detroit AND RETURN Don't Miss This one Steamer Greyhound LEAVES GODERICH Thurs., Sept. 4th 9 a.m. old time, 10 a.m. new time. Arrives Detroit 5 p.nl. RETURNING leaves. Detroit on ATURDAY, SEPT. 6th, 1 p. m. Detroit time, (Detroit time is the same as Goderich old time) $2.25 ROUND TRIP SINGLE $1.75 Children, between 6 and 12, Half Fare Visit America's most beautiful city. A city of beautiful parks, grand. boule- vards and a wonderful water front. Canadians coming to Detroit for a tenlporary stay are not required to pay a tax or make a deposit, U. S. Immigration officers on steamer to pass excursionists. Good Music and Dancing enroute, Fine Cafe and Lunch Room aboard steamer. See a real big league ball game with Ty Cobb in action. St. Louis Browns play the Detroit Tigers at Navin Field, Detroit, Friday, September 5th. BAND MOONLIGHT out of Goderich, Wednesday Evening, September 3rd, 7.30 old time, 8.30 Goderich time, 25c. 3 hours on beauti- ful Lake Huron. Orchestra Music and Dancing in Steamer's Ball Room. rNPREPAREDNESS FAILURE A bank aecouuat is au assiolnat In character .,1 Iteatrabana confidence,inde ► ' ' a. • a pride lob*/ increases,effort and paverthe wayto swam. .• Open an account to -day and be prepared. THE CANAEMAN BANK OF COMMERCE. eaforth Branch J, G.Mullen manager 1 NTED AT ONCE Three Experienced; First - Class Flax Scutchers Uighest Wages Paid. Railroad Fare Refunded Apply ROSE FLAX MILL - Pickering 21 Miles East of Toronto 15,000 Men Wanted. In Western Harvest Fields $I2.00 TO WINNIPEG Plus Heil a Coat par stile ksyead. Rouen, Hata Coit per mile tie Vilaa1 .g,p *MOO. Comfortable Trains, Through Service. Special aoosm a - tion for Wane*. Box 1~uraekss on Special Trains. EXCURSION DATES frogs TORONTO AUGUST i4th & 21ttsl Per Tickets cad inforicatien, apply neareatC.*. R,F% Ages*, or write Element! Passenger Department, Toronto. Canadian National Railways as School 'of ommerce Clinton` and Goderich, Ont. Offers the following courses: BJSINESS STENOGRAPHER SECRETARIAL CI IL SERVICE and arranges special courses for students. The following advantages: Highly Qualified Teaching Staff Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Credential Typewriting Tests Positions Guaranteed , A Business Education pays for itself in a few months Now is the time for the young man , or woman to make an investment that will give splendid returns in the years to come. For terms, etc., write B. F. WARD, B.A.; M.Accts. - M. A. STONE, - - - - - - - - Principal - Vice Prin SCHOOL OPENS ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd. PHONE 208 Having taken over a large part of the `output of one of Canada's largest tire 'factories at a quantityprice, and by selling direct to the user, we are able to offer these sizes Of fust -class Non -Skid Tires at the following prices:- 30 rices: 30 x 3% - $15.65(litl 32 x 3% - 1 95 31x4 _ 24.95 33 x 4 - $28.95 34 x 4Y - 39.50 35x5 - 44.95 These Tires are all firsts and fully guaranteed. SUDDEN RVICE TORE THE AUTO SUPPLY CO., LONDON Western Ontario's Largest Excluslae Tire Dealers TERN'--C.O.D. subject to examination. e 1