HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-08-08, Page 5?a, .3th bate mans' Day prolises want to appear in Nr- about your i oot- us dress your ifeet all -theal-to-date Q ppartune 13tI3t1I2g, int of Oxfords and 2600. . W I Y to in Brown Kid 0 to $8.50; Bl - Calf' shoes with ' .00 up and with black shoes you'll all styles, at $5 00 better for Holiday stiassortment . with $1.25, $1.50 and s�1 TERM!, HOTEL Fak.tinie ie -of Brown rfect results. young and _> come. - .cords. developing creased de- negatives. and to please SEAFORTII lttention. earth your ,1 great (1(;a 0 your en - can( _ ''sIIiesw. 1 4 of .uiil•1' stili of th the (AES. AUGUST 8 191 THE HURON EXPOSITOR SEAPORT"( MARKETS. Seaforth, August 7, 1919 Potatoes, per bag $1,25 Flour, per cwt .... . ..5.00 to 5.90 Spring wheat, per bushel ......$2t06 Shorts, per ton............. $50.00 Butter, per lb. 40 to 45c Eggs, per dozen 45 to 46c Oats, per bushel 80c Bran, per, ton $48.00 Wheat, per bushel $2.00 Barley, per bushel $1.10 Hogs, per cwt. $23.50 DAIRY MARKET Toronto, August 5.—Eggs, No. 1. 53 to 54c; select, 57 to 58c. Butter, creamery prints 65 to 560; choice dairy prints, 48 to 49c; ordinary dairy prints 48 to 44e; bakers' $3 to 34c; oleomargarine (beat grade) 35 to .37c;" cheese, new large. 28 to 281Ae. ` e GRAIN MARKET Toronto. T . 5—Manitoba Wheat—No. i Northern. $2.241,%; No. 2 Northern. $2.21 No. 3 northern, 52.17/ ; No. 4 wheat, $2.11, in store Fort William. �Manitoba.Oots 9414c; No. 3 C.W. 84%; extra No. 1 feed 84%c ; No. 1 feed 82•7;c:' No. 2 feed 79%. Manitoba Barley—No. 3 C.W., $1.36%; No. 4 0.. W. $1.31 ,x, ; rejected $1.2514; feed $1.2514e American Cor -n ---Prompt shipment—No. 3 Yel- low, nominal; No. 4, nominal; ' Ontario Oats No. 3, white, 91. to 94c; according to freight. Ontario Wheat—(f.o.b. shipping points, ac- cording to freight)—No. 1 winter, nominal ; No. 2 hater $2 ; No. 3 wit ter, nominal; No. T. COC & Ci Q. Embalmers and Funeral Directors - \ H. C. Box Bolder of Government Diploma and Liscense Charges Moderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night=:Calls Day Calle Phone 175 Phone 43 IIIIINHi11111l1111111111i11111111C911111iIiiilp J .S.T. Holmes _:= Funeral Director and 'Licensed Embalmer Undertaking prlrlors in Odd f e t ... lows building opposite ,lows Bros. Resi- E dance Goderich et., cep Dr. Scott's • _ Flowers furnished on ei short notice. 1 pri nominal: No. 3 spring, nominal. Barley—Malting, $1.27 to $1.31. Manitoba ee Phone Night or Day 119 :. Flour=Government standard 411, Toronto. • Ontario Flour—Winter, in jute ba ------ --- gs, prompt shipment, Government standard, $10.25 . to $10.50, Montreal and Toronto. Peas No. 2 nominal. Montreal 2, nominal. Rye No. 2, nominal. ia y— traek Toronto, No. 1 =622. to $24 Mixed 310 to 319. Straw—carlots, $10 to $11 MiIlfeed—Carlots delivered Mon- treal freight, bag8 included: Bran per ton $42 to $45; shorts; $44 to $50, good feedflour per bag $3.25 to $3.355. LIVE STOCK MARKET Union Steck Yards, Toronto, Aug. 5.— Difficulty in shipping during: the week -end owing to the rush in passenger traffic, com- bined with the fact that yes-thrday was Civic Holiday, kept down this morning's cattle offering to within very reasonable numbers, AlI told, 2.600, head of cattle were penned, the smallest total for a Monday for many week-:. The consignment included some pretty fair butcher cattle and heavy steers; for which the trade was a shade ;stronger. The pick among the choice, finished heavy steers cashed in from 314.50 to $15 for odd cattle, while a. few loads of good steels sold at from 31:;.25 to 313.60. Anything good found a ready trade. but medium quality killera and thin common butchers again made up the bulk of the offering. • For these the market was steady at last week's closing prices, but the demand was .a little better. In spite of the improved demancl. some thin} cattle were held over. Good cows and bulls were active and steady - to strong. There was little done ;among stockers and feeders. Milkers found but a trifling enquiry and epringers were inclined to a slow- trade at 'last week's • lower values. Small mean generally were a firmer trade, *the pick among the lambs selling from 31 to 31.25 per 100 pounds above last week's close. Best veals opened 50c stronger and were cleaned up at the firmer tone. Hors opened strong. It was reported that drovers had asked 324.25 for f.o.b. hogs. and while no price was agreed upon • up to late in the afternoon, it was fully anticipated that the tickets when marketed would show an advance on last week's closing quotations, perhaps 321 f.o.b. and $25 fed and watered. The receipts were 151 carloads, with 2.609 cattle, 406 calves, 1,688 hogs and 738 sheep and lambs. J. B. Shields sold: Cows -15, 1,060 lbs. $9.10: 2, 990 tbs. 57.•50; 1, 960 lbs. 38: 1, 1,030 lbs. 38: 1, 1,050 tbs. 39: 1. 1,030 lbs. 38 ; I milker 3120; 8 hogs, $21:50 fed and watered. The quotations were: Choice heavy steers $14 to $14.75; good heavy steers $13 to $13.50; butchers' cattle " choice 312.75 t> 313.25 do. good `$12 to $12.50; do. 'medium $11.50 to $12;00; do. common $9.25 to 39.75; bulls choice 311.25 to $11.75; , do. medium $10.25 to 310.75; do. rough 38- to $8.25; caws choice, 310.50 to 311.25; de good. $10:25- $10.50; do, medium 59 .to $9.25; do. common $1,50 to $8; stockers 33.'75 to 311.75 ; feeders 311.50 to $12: canners and cutters 34.50 to $6.25 ; milkers good to choice $90 $150; do. common and medium 565 to $75 ; springers $90 to 3160 ; light ewes $10 to $11 ; yearlings $10 to 312: spring lambs, per cwt., $15 to $17.50: calves, good to. choice, 316 to $18.50 ; hogs, fed and watered, $24.50; do. weighed off cars $24.75: do. f.o.b., 323.50. Buffalo, August a.—Cattle: Receipts, 5,600; active,. steady to strong. Prime steers. 317 to 3.18; shipping steers, 316 to 316.50: butchers $9 , to $15.50; yearlings, $10.50 to 316 ; heifers $S' to 313.50: cows, 34.50 to $11 ; hulls,, $3 to 312 ; stockers and feeders,` $8 to 310; fresh cows and `springers active and strong, 350 to !$165. Calves—Receipts. 1,900 ; agtive and 50e higher. $6 to $21.50. Hogs—Receipts, 8,000 active; pigs 25c lower ; others 0 50c lower. Heavy mixed and yorkers $23.75; light yorkers $22 ; pigs, $22.75 to $23; roughs $21 to 521.25; stags 312 to $18. Sheep and Iambs—Receipts, 1,800. active: lambs 75c higher: others 50e higher. Lambs, 310 to $10.75; yearlings 58 to. 313.50 ; wethers $10.50 to $11 ; -ewes, $4 to 310; mixed sheep 310 to 50.50. Montreal, August 5.—The offerings of 1i•: e stock at the Canadian Pacific Stock Yards this morning amounted to 600 cattle, 900 sheep and lambs, 1.300 hogs and 650 calves. During the week the receipts of live stock at this market amounted to 1,350 cattle, 1,500 sheep and lambs, 2,150 hogs and 2,450 calves. • Theprinciple feature of the market con- tinues to be the strength in the hog market, where further advances are noted. Choice selects are now $24 to $24.50, weighed off cars. The market for calves is easier and choice milk fed are quoted at . $15. In the cattle section the market continues to be fair- Iy steady, although there is a wobbly feeling in the cheaper grades of butcher cattle. Of- "ferings of cattle continue heavy, which is tending to ease up on values. Quotations : ` Choice. steers. $13 to $14; good, 312 to 313: medium $10 to 312 ; common $7.50 to 1$9.50 : choice butchers brills, 310 to 311; good? 38.50 ' to 310: medium 87 to 38 ; choice butchers cotes, 310 to $12; good $8. S0 .to 310; medium 36 to 33: sheep, $$ to $10 ; Iambs, spring, per Pound, la to 16c. • • IN MEMORIAM Note.—Item: under this head• will be charg- ed50e per single verse -and 25c for each ac1-Iitional verse. •V4il son- • In loving memory of Lieut. W. B. Wilson. • who enlisted in the 161st Battalion end was killed in -action et LaQuensel, on August 9th, 1918. - Ttsr. a hallowed spot in Flanders, Far from town and busy mart, '1 hat ever will eh :sacred. and `Irta..uted in our hearts. -'Vr.•re ut•tt our thoughts will wander A. life's journey we pursue, lc i rig .tv. etest memories , and D; a.• -,t thoughts, of- you. . BIRTHS ..tt-• in Seaforth. un Augnit 51h. to Mr. -tr: s lir.;. %Villard Elliott, a son. C u::mil In `I'uckersmith, on, August. 2nd, to an:l Mrs. Sidney Gemmell, a daughter, •`' bern- A ` t:-rrr.nt to Exeter. on July 22nd. to Mr. ;:5,•4. W. H. Armstrong, a daughter. In Cartwright, Manitoba, on July te -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Habkirk. twin MARRIAGES A ' < ... At 13elgrave on July 12th, George 1 to Gertrude Isabel. eldest daughter tl ^c,,. and Mrs_ Joseph Robb, all of DEATHS • In Wood • tork, on Wedneday. August • • .. 1? •, J. Smith, aged 52 year:,. t'rt (Bron, on .July 20th. Catharine ta"ett wife of Chri: topher Eilber. asked 86 1t =-t=. "in G e1tpn:h. on • July. 23rd, Harry 'uteri 11 years- aY-Suddenly, in Toronto, an July 27, Tees. ' •.abelia, widow of the late John It ,1'46•1::4, formerly of Clinton. SALE REGISTER ) i :Saturday, Aug. 23rd, at the residence on Mee Street. Seaforth, clearing sale of house - furniture. Jas. Rankin, Proprietor ; T. Br.iwn. Auctioneer. W;SGorrnley EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on short notice Charges moderate Phone—Night or Day -192 CLERK'S NOTICE OF- FIRST POSTING OF -VOTERS' LIST Voters' ;List; 1919, Municipality of the. Township of Ribbert„ County of Perth. Notice is hereby- given, that • I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in section 9 of The •Ontario Voters' Lists Act, the copies required by said sections to he so transmitted .or delivered of the List, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appear- ing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality, at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said List was 'first posted up at my office at Dublin on the 2nd day of August 1919, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. Dated this 4th day of August 1919. JAMES JORDAN, Clerk of Hibbert,. IMPORTANT NOTICES OULDERS WANTED. — APPLY CAN- M'MADIAN ALLIS-CHALMI✓RS, Limited, Stratfprd, Ontario. 2695-1 110R. SALE.—AN ALMOST NEW NO. .4 560 capacity Massey Harris cream separe,' ator at at. Govenlock's sale, Saturday p. m. 2605x1 OUSE WANTED,—TO RENT OR FUR - .1 chase convient to Grand Trunk Station. Apply to EXPOSITOR OFFICE 2694-2 MACHINE OPERATORS. — WANTED A, few girls to operate sewing machines. 1 W. E. SANDFORD Mfg. Co., Seaforth. Phone 59. 269241 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FRESH FROM our garden- and orchards. Ask for our weekly price lists. HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruit- land, Ontario Niagara District. 2690-12 TEACHER WANTED. -NORMAL TRAIN - ed, for U. School Section No. 15, Hay and Stephen. Duties to commence September 2nd. Salary $600. Apply to JACOB SCHROEDER, Secretary Treasurer, Dashwood, 11. - R. 2. 2695-3 11OUSE FOR SALE.—FOR SALE 7 ROOM - ed' frame house on George Street, Sea - forth, hard 'and soft water. For further particulars apply to J." R. ARCHIBALD or JOHN RANKIN: . 2693-tf • HORSE FOR SALE.—THERE WILL BE sold :, at Mr. William Govenlock's auction sale on Saturday, August 9th, on North Main Street, Seaforth, - one grey gelding 1,400 pounds, six years old which will be sold to the highest bidder without reserve. -Terms— Cash. T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2695-1 F IFTY CELERY PLANTS -80c. BEST varieties, all transplanted. Postpaid, ship- ped successfully everywhere: Ask for price list of other vegetable plants and fruits in season. HEROLD'S FARMS. Fruitland, Ont, Niagara District. '2688-tf BULL FOR SERVICE.—THE RICHLY Scotch bred." Shorthorn bull Royalist =130033= Only a limited number of cows taken. Terms to insure $5.00 Pure Bred ,cows, with certificate 310.00, payable the 1st January, 1920. JAMES HILL, Lot 27, Cori cession 8, Hibbert, Staffs, P. O. Phone 13 on 48. Dublin. 2695x3 ° OUSE FOR SALE.—FOR SALE BRICK cottage in Egmondville,. containing 4 rooms with cellar, kitchen. and frame summer kitchen, all in good repair ; good frame barn. The house is situated on one acre of land. Also for sale No. 2 separator, Standard make, For further particulars apply on tire premises or address Egmondville post office. FERD INAND BURGARD. 2692x4 tf A DMINISTRATOR'S. SALE OF, FARM farm stock, implements and etc. Estate of Robert John Richardson, deceased, by public :ruction, will be held at Lot 10. 13, R. .N. Concession, Stanley township. on Satur- day, August 23rd, 1919. at one o'clock, p.m. For particulars see posters or apply to THOS. BROWNETT, Administrator; W. BRYDONE, Solicitor: T' GUNDRY, Auctioneer. 2693-4 TENDERS FOR CHURCH SHED. -- THE building ,comm"ittoe cif Union Church; B ucefield, call for the following tenders: lit; 200 barrels of cement laid down at Bruce - field. 2nd - Erection of concrete work. 3rd. To supply material and complete the building including Sof doors, and windows, Sealed tt-nclets for above work to be in the hands of the $ecreary not later than August 1t. For plans and specifications appiy to J. A. McEween, Secretary `Building Committee, R. R. No. I, Brucef1eld. 2692x3 1t ARM FOR SALE.—ONE HUNDRED AND forty-two acres of good land consisting of Lot 1, Concession 1, and part of Lot 1, Concession. 2. Stanley, Huron County, adjoin- ing the village of Kipper. Five minutes walk to G. T. 1 R. °tation, church or store; 6 acres of bush : water all the year round, and all seeded to grass: 1 acre of good orchard; 2 barns, 1 on a stone -wall ; drive ;shed ` frame house. For terms and particulars apply to SAMUEL THOMPSON. R. R. No. 1. Bruce - field. 2694-4 MENDERS WANTED:—TENDERS FOR THE furnishing of material and erection of a memorial hall in the village of Londesboro, in the Township of Hallett. according to plans and specifications which may be seen at the clerk's office in- the village of Londes- boro. will be received until August 12th next at 2.30 p. m. when said tenders will be opened at. township hall, Londesboro. A marked cheque for five per cent. of . amount of tender to accompany same. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, JOHN FIN -GLAND, CIerk of Hulled. 2694-2 SOW WHEAT Wheat wilt be needed as badly as ever for a few years yet. Fertilizer will help t9 1hcrease thei yield and pay well to use it. Itheirs the plant, to withstand the winter and hel$s it to fill better-. Contract now ° and insure getting it. Use phosphates for clover sod and stronger Per crowed land., Have dif- ferent grades and will be pleased to sell to those who !would like to use it. 2694-tf JAMES COWAN AUCTION SALES UCTION • SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fects. Mr. - Thomas Brown has received instructions to sell by public auction at the residence of Mr. John A. Stewart, High Street, on Saturday, August 16th, the , follow- ing : 8 bed room suites, chairs and oak din- ing table, two gasoline stoves, cook stove, one sewing machine, spring and mattress two lawn mowers, velvet aette and other articles too numerous to mention. JOHN A. STEWART, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2695-2 AUCTION SALE OF FRAME RESIDENCE arld two Lots. Thos. Brown o has beenin- structed to selll by public -auction at the Queen's Hotel, •Seaforth, on ' Friday, August 15th, at 2 o'clock p.m., the frame storey and a half residence on William Street, dontain ing 8 rooms ; also 'small frame "barn 16x24; good orchard. This property is in a good residential section and will be sold without reserve as the owner is leaving town. Terris— Terms made known on . day , of sale • of on application to owner or auctioneer. JAMES H. WRIGHT, Proprietor ; Thos. Brown, Auct. 2694-2 AUCTION SALE OF FRAME CHURCH, Stable and Lot. Mr. Thomas Brown . has been instructed by the undersigned to sell ,by public auction on the o'hurch ground in Mc- Killop, on Tuesday, August 19th, commencing at 4 o'clock. The lot comprises about one- fifth of an acre, being south west corner of Lot 20, Concession 9, McKillop. The church is frame, 42 feet long by 28 feet wide. The stable is frame 80' by 16 feet, 40 seats, stove and pipes, table, two- hanging lamps, a number of other lamps; a cord of soft wood, 1 organ, a number of chairs, Terms -8 - months' :credit on approved °'olnt notes. Discount of 6 per cent. per a num off for caash, WILLIAM HANNA, Seer they of Trustee Board. 269 -2 AUCTION SALE OR HOUSE, HOUSEHb LD Roods. Mr. Thomas Brown has been in- structed by the undersigned to sell by p blic auction at his residence, North Main S eat Seaforth, on Saturday, August 9th comm nee, ing at 1 o'clock (sharp, as there is a lost of stuff to sell) - .as follows : The " house and property will be offered for sale if not previously sole]. Quartered oak sideboard, • extension dining table, ch irs, rockers, refrigerator, carpets, inlaid linole ms,8 day clock, leatherette couch, high 'oven , teel range, (nearly new) Jubilee range, heater (all .for coal or wood), self generating gasoline range, lawn swing, barrel soft soap, 900 washer, wringer, tubs, clothes horses, 2 .ak whiskey barrels, lot of wine kegs and g ass demi-johns, 6 or '8 cords of stove' wood • (s •lit and piled), several cords of cedar stove ki dl- ing, tables, 40 gallonoil tank and cans, iron bedsteads and springs, 3 -sets scales, 25 .ap buckets and spiles, lhorse plow and Karr. ;v, horse scufer, garden roller, hand seeder tnj harrow, lot of lumber, extension ladder :al step ladder, 40 foot hose, tank pump, 'ab ut 50 Grey Dorking hens, 1 co*, grind stot`r?s, logging chains, wheel barrow, -hand slei+hs, 2 grain cradles, baby cradle, grass scythe, shovels, hoes, picks, forks, axes, lamps nd dishes and no end of ,tools and other articl_• Terms—On chattels, cash; property, 25 er cent, cash at time of sale, the balance. 25 Der cent. yearly with interest at 51.e ler cent. or all cash if desired. W. GOVENLO K. Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2694 - ANOTHER BIG EXCURSION -j Goderich to Detroit AND RETURN Don't Miss This one Steamer Greyhound LEAVES GODERICH Th.rs., Sept. 4th 9 a,m. old time, 10 a.m. new time. Arrives Detroit 5 Pan.. RETURNING leaves Detroit SATURDAY, SEPT. 6th, 1 p, Detroit time; (Detroit time is the as Goderich' old time) $2.25 ROUND TRIP SINGLE $1.75 Children, between 6 and 12, Half Fare on m. same_ Visit America's mostbeautiful city. A city of beautiful parks, grand boule- vards . and a wonderful water front. Canadians corning to Detroit for a temporary stay are not required to pay a tax or -make a deposit. • U. S. Immigration - officers on steamer to pass excursionists. Good Music and Dancing lenroute. Fine Cafe and Lunch • Room aboard steamer. See a real big league ball game with Ty Cobb in action. St. LQuiS Browns play the Detroit Tigers at Navin Field, Detroit, Friday, September ` 5th. • BAND .MOONLIGHT out of Goderich, Wednesday Evening. September 3rd, 7.30 old time, 8.30 Goderich time, 25c. 3 hours on beauti- ful Lake Huron. Orchestra Music and Dancing in Steamer's Ball Room. $15 to start Girls with from one to two years' experience in working on mens coats `will be paid this - salary with quick advances : a they gain ex•er'ience in operat- ing on Worrien's , cloth coats. No pressing. , ` Apply to , JOHN 1 NORTHWAY & SON 91 Wellington St. West, Toronto r, ARM FOR SALE.—FOR < SALE LOT 05 Concession 2, McKillop, containing 100 acres. There - are bra the premise, a bank barn hay barn, hen ho`nse and pig home, - good -1% story frame house; plenty of good water ; drilled well between house an4 barn with over 75 feet of ma- ter. Thefarm Weis ll fenced- sd with woven Wire drained, .-The and {s all under cultivation and is a first class '!'arm. For farther pargoulars apply on the premises or address Seaforth. 96 L R. No. 2. JAMES McG1LL. PROCLAMATION Town Of Seaforth CIVIC •HOLIDAY Mr. A. D, Sutherland and other citizens having petitioned - to have Wednesday, -August 13th,. 1919, pro- claimed a civic holiday, I hereby pro- claim that the said Wednesday, Aug. 13th, 1919, be Civic Holiday for the Town of Seaforth and request that the citizens- observe the same by clos- ing their places of business, and in honor of the War Veterans to decorate their residences and places of business for that day. Dated at Seaforth this 29th day of July, 1919. - , F. HARBURN, Mayor. Notice , to ` Creditors Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statute in that behalf, that all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of Alexander McArthur, late of the town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Gentle an, deceased, u]lett in the the 5th day or before the send postpaid 11 particulars who died in the township of County of Huron, on or about of July, 1919, are required on 25th day .of August, 1919, tq or deliver to the -undersigned f of their claims duly verified by affidavit and the nature ef the security, if any, held by them. And take notice that fter the said last mentioned date the assets o' the"said de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having •regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have .been - given. - Dated 'at Seaforth, Ontario, this 5th day of August, 1919. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for Executor of said estate. 2695-3 Notice to Creditors In the matter of .the estate of Christena Stephens, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the county of Huron, married woman, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 56 of The Trustee Act, R. S. O. 1914,. Chapter. 121, that all ereditors end others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Chrietena Stephens, who died on or. about the' 9th day of February, A. D. 1919, are requested, on or before the 23rd dap of August 1919, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver,to Amelia A. Stephens, Queen's Hotel, Seaforth the Executrix of the estate of the said deceased, their christen and surnames, addresses and descriptions? the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held • by them. And take notice, that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the.iassets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, •having regard only to t€+i<' claims Of which they shall then hare notice; and that, the said Executors .will not be •liable for the said assets or any part thereof. to any Person or persoi of wh a claim a notice" \shall not have been receided by it at the time of such distribution. Dated the 22nd day of July, 1919. PROUD - FOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE, Goderich, Ont. Solicitors for the Executors of the said estate. , 26913-3 CREAM WANTED We have our Creamery now in full operation, and we want your patron- age. We are prepared to pay you the highest prices for your cream, pay you every two weeks, weigh, sample and test each can of cream carefully' and give you statement of the same We also supply cans free of chaxge, and give you an honest business deal Call in and see us or drop a, card for particulars. THE SEAFORTH CREAMERY Seaforth Ontario GIRLS WANTED Clean, airy, sunlit workrooms. Short "hours—a 47 -hour v. eek, with Saturday half -holiday. Valuably: training in agreeable \vor k. for '-.1e:cperiei ced. A good. 1 _ . -.' l; tr rage to beginners t: Bich 11:t_•_ I1.t I[11t' with exp r ienc2 a d proficiency.. % MER U Y MILL - 1.1iiIsTED Harnilto! - . Ontario •ti 15,000 Men Wanted In Western Harvest Pields $I2.00 TO WINNIPEG Plus Half a Cent per mile beyond. Return, Half a Cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $18.00. Comfortable Trains. Through Service. Special accommoda- tion for Women. Box Lunches on Special Trains. EXCURSION DATES from TORONTO AUGUST 14ttr & 21st 7 P.M. TO 10 P.M. For Tickets and information, apply nearest C.N. Rys. Agent. or -write General Passenger Department, Toronto: Canadian National Railways 110 AMATEURS We develop films and fin- ish prints for amateurs in a dull, glossy or phero- type finish. Bring yq?r work to pro- fessionals. D, F. BUCK - Seaforth, Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE That very desirable b1e property lust off Ma{ street, Egmondville, consisting of one-half a of land, on which: is situated a 1% story brio house with seven zooms and good cellar. Ther are also on the premises a stable. good w and cistern. also' apple, plum and pear trees and other small' fruits. This is a splendid property andltheltaxes are .low. For further particulars. apply to Mrs. M. A. Charleswsrt,;h. Egrnondviils f P. 0. • 2650x2-tf AT Y6U1 SERVICE ,,B. R. HIG GINS . BOX 127, CLINTON Phone 100 e(form rl y of -_ BrueeSeld) —Agent for— J The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the Canada Trust Company,. Co> tmissionin H.C. of J.. Convey- ances, Fire and Tornado Inaaranc e, Notary Public, Wednesday each week at Brucefield National Victor I c. I y Celebration TO BE OPENED 131( I.R.H., THE PRINCE OF WALES EX 1B1 JON Aug. 23 TORONTO, Sept. British Grenadier Guards Band War Memorial paintings Sensation of the , art world, recording every phase of Canadian operations overseas. WAR TROPHIES Mammoth asseinhlage of monster guns, aeroplanes and all the instruments,of hellish warfare captured by Canadian soldiers from the Hun. Canada's 's Fig Circus CiAs. Barker arced Bsshop' and cther wcri'd sICazrious ";aces in si rrendere l German Wanes. WH I! P_E., B TANK CAPTURED U BOAT Festival of Triumph Tho- Mott £t]rring 01 all Grand Stand Spzctaese., nsi Ve:sz:::es Castle—Victory Arch: i dcnby's entry into Jerausalem: The surrender of the German neat And a scorn of other extraordinary features > I1 GREATEST EXHIBITION OF ALL TIMES 7 1[UNPREPAREDNESS. —FAILURE 1 A bank account is an assistant in character building. , It establishes the confidence, independence and pride which , increases effort and paves the way to •success. Open an account to -day and be prepared. THE CANADIAN BANK OF commEREE Seaforth Branch Manager J. �.11�IuII erg, Manager 11 1 5,00Q Men Wanted Western Harvest Fields IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE $12.00TO W!N:NJPEG Plus half if cent per mile beyond. Return, half a center mile to Winnipeg, plus $18.01. Comfortable Trains --Through Service—Special Accommodation for Women. Fort r particulars sesem nearest G. N. ltys. Agent, or write G.s�l raesessae� A�sstt. Tares,<te. Schad of Cnmnerc:e Clinton and Goderich,' Ont. Offers the following courses: BUSINESS STENOGRAPHER SECRETARIAL CIVIL SERVICE and arranges special courses for students. The following advantages: Highly Qualified Teaching Staff Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Credential Typewriting- Tests - Positions Guaranteed A Business Educationa- s for itself p y in a few xuonths Nov is the time for the young Man or woman to make an, investment that will give splendid returns in the years to come. For terms, etc., write B. F. WARD, B.A., M.Accts. - - - - Princip • M. A. STONE, - - - - - Vice Priv. SCHOOL OPENS ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd. PHONE 208 ti •- -----fir � Many Farm Laborers forHarveS f •-n :is— , 4 •..�1 .!s � "Going Trip West"—$1? to WINNIPEG. -' "Return Trip WI -1101m GOING DATES August 12th. August 14th TERRITORY From nations in Ontario 'West of Smith's Falls to and including Toronto on 7, ke Osstarie Shore Linc and Havelock-Peterboro' Line. Froin stations Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inolusiye. • Fran stations Toronto to Parry Sound. laciusite. Frear stiona Bethany Junction to Port MONiooIl and Burketon to Bobeaygeoa, fiino1areive, From stations in Ontario West and South se Toronto to and including Hamilton -and Windsor, cin, 11'rom, atption' en Owen Sound, Walkerton, Teeawater, Winghem, Elora, Listo►rei, Gahelob,-St, Mary'%, Port Burwell and St. Thanes braaahea, From stations Toronto and North to Bolton, inclusive. SPOCIAL T141RO5Si'ii4 'TIMING PROM YOKOINTO Canadian Pacific Mint Agesats. W. B. HOW.l D..District Pasecaiger Asset.'i` to Having taken over a Large part of the output of one of Canada's largest tire ,factories at a quantity psi , and by selling direcit to the user, we are able to offor these sizes of first lass non -Skid Tires at the following prices : St -30 x 3Y2 1 . 32 x 3% 17.9 31x • 4 - 24.9: These Tires are ,a, UDDEN ERVICE TORE THE AU Riede F) 33 x 4 $28.95 34x4Yz.. 39,50 35 x 5 44e95 firsts and fully guaranteed. O SUPPLY .CO., LONDON Ontario's Largest Exclusfive Tire Dealers TERMS-=C.O.. subject to examination.