HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-08-01, Page 5ST I, 1919 imtnient on the face sure of wearine our be ,of great interest hoe is a triumph. of - ad Durable and our possible: - last with. leather .....$5.50 t04$8.00 lish last with Acme $7.00 English last with air..... - $7.50 n high ie.& last with ....4.$5.00 to V.00 OUZ kind of Shoes IMERCIAL HOTEL dairtime of Bro -)erfe4 results. id yjoung and to ome. I - ree6rds. or Oeveloping inereased de - t ne!gatjves. ou4d topleas EAFORTII atention. eaforth (le your pre- ji great deal to your en - arid diffor- • ti(1Iar srt Of fq.t.: with the ' T CASES. ••• !AUGUST i„ 1919 teliesieeterwewariemewisima.. 1.800 cattle, 1,400 sheep and Iambs,' 2,550. - theirs and. 3,200 calves. There Wan an active deniand for cattle' shown by buyers this' mornine and "ample bull" and cows were stronger, ice ing an advanee. Steers are holding steady, 1 Xt other lineti of cattle. are very -firm. There is a good demand or small meats and hogs are still being absorbed as rapidly as they are put go; the market. The price is still high, selling at $23.60 to $24 per 100 pounds for choice seleets off cars. Lambs are more plentiful and are selling at from 16 th 18 cents Per Pound. 'There is not muct demand for sheep and this section of the market is quiet. Buffalo, July 29. -Cattle -Receipts, 5,800; good, 25c to 85c higher; other e 25 to 60c lower. • Prime. steers $16.50 to $18.10; shipp- ing steeis 115.50 to $1.6.25; butchers $9 to *15.50; yearlintra $10.50 to $16; heifers $9 to $14; COWS, $4.50 to $11.25; bulls $8 to 112; stockers and feeders 48 .to $10.50; fresh cows and springers 160 to $165; calees-Re- eeiPh; 1,700; salve:. 50e lower; $6 to $19.50- Hogs--Reseipis, 6,400; 25c lower; heavy nix- ed and "yoricers, 128.75; light yorkers 122.75 to 123; Pigs- *22.50 to $23; roughs $21 to *21.25; stags $12 to $18. heep and Iambi - receipts, 1,400; yearlings st'eady; others strong; Lambs $12 to 817; yearlings $8 to $14; wettime $10.55 to $14; ewes $9 to $10; neteced rig ; geese ts. Live _ poultry epring chicken.e 40 to 45e; fowl 33 to rite SEIAFORTII MARKETS. -- ............. st Seaforth, July 31, 1919 Bran, per ton • $42.00 Shorts, per ton $44,00 Potatoes, per bag $125 Flour, per cwt .. . .5.00 to 5.90 Spring wheat, per $216 Edd, per 486. Butter, per . • 45e omz, per buthet ....... . . . . 80e Wheat, per bushel .ggr,'00 Barley, per bushel $1.10 .Per cwt. .•: .. • ... . . $23.00 BEAN MARKET Toronto, July 29, -Beans ----Canadian, band - picked, bushel. $4.25 ces $4.50; primes $3.00 to 13.25; Imported hand-picked, /3urem ot Indian, $3.00; Linias, 120. •• POULTRY MARKET Toronto, July 29. -13r -cased Poultre:-SPrieg chickens 55c; rooters 28 to SW; fowl Wt to Sec; turkeys 40 to Ilk; duclelingit lb. 40c; uabs doe $7 28 to 30een sheep $10 to $10.50. DAIRY MARKET Toronto. July 29.-Cheene-,-'New,. large. 28 to 29; twins 28% te 2914c: trinlets 29 to 30c: Stilton 29 to 30c. 'Butter -Fresh dairy choice, 46 to 48c; ereamery prinie 55 to 56c. Margarine -36 to 38e. Egg -No. l's. 54 to t 5e selects 67 to 6Se. Honey-e-Extraeted clover 5 le- tins, 24 to 25c: 10 M. -tins 2314 to 24c; 60 lb. tins 23 to 24c; buckwheat 60 Ib. -tins 18 to 19c; comb 16 oz. $4.50 to $5; doz., 10 oz., $3.50" to 14 doz. GRAIN MARKET Toronto. july 29. --Manitoba Wheat Northern, 32.2414; No. 2 Northern, $2.2114; No. 3 northern. $.171/2: No. 4 wheat. $2.11 V2. lit Store Fort William. Menitoba ()ots 94v e 3. C.W.. 90t4c: extra No 1 feed 901ec: No 1 -feed 89c; No. 2 feed 86c: Manitoba: Barley -No. 2. C.We 81 .43: :No. 4 C. W. $1.38: rejected $1.20 -ft e feed. $1.2974. American Corn -Prompt ehlpment-No. 3 yel- low, -nominal; No. 4. tioreinal. Ontario OZI.P3 No. 3. white. 91* to 94c; According to freight: Ontario Wheat-(f.o.b. ehipping pointe, ac- cording to freight -No.. I winter. nominal; No. 2 winter $2; No. 3 winter, nominal; N. 1 pring, nominal : No, 3 snring, nominN.1. Barley -Malting. $1.22 to $1.26. Manitoba. Flour-Gowernment etandard 'eel. Toronto. Ontario Flour -Winter. in jute- kegs, prompt shinment. Goeernirenti fl(1or(N 811 To- ronto. Peas -No. 2, nominal. )4,-nelcwheat-- No. 2, nominal. Rye -No. 2, nominal. Hay -Track, Toronto. No. 1. $21 to $23: miKed $10 to 810. Straw-Carlots, $10 to 311. Mill- feed-Carlots delivered Mohtreal freight. bees incieded: Bran, per on. $42: shorts. .144: good feed flour. per. bee. $2.90 to 53. LIVE STOCK MARKET If aion Stork Yerds. Toronto. -July 29.-- To-4nv`4. ofeerire of 4 enn heed et estee, be. ing made up largely of common and me- ,...” -14- 1-;i1.,-- fn..' ,..t. 4...4% thaot:e. ..., ••-1 but a poor demand. the market was woefully sloe. lehereter ened oreeev was centerned the trade was active and firm, and that top graele catfia a,,,,) ..fil i R•o1-4olo Creortri evidenced by the fact that Dunn and Levack -marketed '19 finished steer t weizbing 1 21,1 pounds eech at • $15 Der 100 votinds and 20 steers, wh'ob averaged 1,300 pounds. at $14.75. The local acking houcattle , which told from 813.45 to -.3 tes also absorbed several toads of 1 513.60, aitcl a larger. offering of this quality of cattle could readily have found purchasers. Gocel butcher cattle were slow and barely steady. Common to medium grade killers did riot seem to be wented at any price, and even after values had been reduced up te 50 eerie; below last "week's closing quotation. in many instances heldovers were numerous at the close- Best cows apd bulls were a fair trade at steady prices, but other. grades in both sections were slow and weaker. ; . Goqd stockers and feeders were wanted at! uteady prices, while commoeeight stockers . which were. plentiful,. were not marketable. Springers and milkers were only a fair steady trade. Big „reductions in quotations on small meats were recorded. Calves were. 50 to 75c off • front last week's close, and here's were re- ported a dollar cheaper. This lattee reces- sion was to be expected, with the eheep and lame 'offering totalling over 2,400 head. Sheepe also were a weakermarket. . °In addition to considerably over 3,000 head of hogs shipped in during the week end for the open market, heavy consignments went direct to the packer -buyers. who made an effort this morning to cut -vale' - In a few iselated cases they were eucces, ful in pur- chasing small lots at $23.25 f.o , but the belk of the offering sold at $24. 0 fed and watered, which price was on a par with the closing quotation of last week. The receipts comprised 267 carloads, with 4,271 cattle, 859 calves, 3,266 hogs and 2,412 sheep and lamb's. , J. Atwell and Sons bought 175 cattle: Butches - 1.000 th 1,200 pounils $12 to $13.50; one load steers 800 tbs., 39.50 to $10; steers, 700 to 800 tbs. $8.00 to $8.50. Dunn and Levack sold 21 steers, 1,300 tbs. $14.75; le steers, 1,210 tbs. $15: 1 -steer 1,150 lbs. *13.50; 3 steers 630 tbs. $13.50. Betchers-14, 1,020 lbs. *11.50; 25, 1,070 lbs. 511.50; 2, 620 tbs. 57.25. Cows -2 790 tbs. 55.75; 1, 1,050 tbs. *7; 1, 1,150 tbs. 512: 1, 1,320 tbs. 39:50. 1, 610 tbs. $10. Corbett, Hall and Coughlin qdoted; Good heevy steera $13.7e te 514.50; choice butcher $12.75 to $13.25; good butchers 112.60 to $12.75; medium butehers $11 to $12; come men butchers $10 to 311; choice cows $10 to 510.50: good cows, $9-.50 to *10; medium cows 58 to $9; common. cows $7 to .18: canners $4.50 to .$5; choice heavy bulls 310 to ' 510 .50 : choice butcher bulls $9.50 to 510.25; bologna bulls. $8 to $9. Quinn and Hisey sold: Steers and heifers- , 8, 1,207 lbs. 513.50; 9, 850 tbs. 511; 8 960 lbs. $12.50; 3, 1,020 tbs. $13.50; 7 810 lbs. $10.50; 1 1,070 tbs. $12; 1 980 ' tbs. $9; 1, 760 tbs. $9; 1, 750 lbs. 59; 6, 815 tbs. $9; 2 775 tbs. $9; 1; 980'- tbs. 512; 8, 775. lbe. $9; 1, 980 tbs. $12; 8 790 tbs. $8.50. COW3-1, 960 lbs. $6.75; 1, 1,040 tbs. $6.75 1. 950 lb. 56.75; 4, 1,090 tbs. $9.50; 1, 1,130 tbs. 56.75; 1, 820 lbs. 57; 9 1,060 lbs. $9; 1 790 Ms. $9; bulls -1, 940 tbs. $8.50; 1 780 lbs. 58.50; 1, 880 tbs. 510.75. Sparkhall and Armstrong sold: Steers and heifers -6, 990 tbs. $12.50: 1, 1,220 lbs. el0.50; 36, 985 tbs. $12.75: 3 .850 !b. $11.75; 8, 550 lb. $6,60; 3 860 tbs. $10.25; coma -3, 1,010 lbs. $5.85-; 2, 980 tbs. 56.50: 3. e25 tbs. $e.50; 5, 870 Ms.. 55.50; 1 680 lbs. 55.50: 2, 780 Ib. 55.50. Bulls -1, 1,400 lbs- $11: 1. 1,040 lbs. 59.50; 5. 1.070 tbs. 58.e0; 1, 700 tbs. 58.80; 1 SIO Tbs. 58.50: 1 649 lbs. 57.50; 2- springers 5132.25 each. J. B. Shields and Son sold: Butchers -18 900 ell : 1. 850 tbs. $12.50; 2, 990 Ite. 512.50: 2, 545 tbt. 53; 1. 750 tbs. $9. Cows - 1, 1.320' tbs. 510.85; 2. 900 lbs. 59.50; e 774 tbs. 58: 2, 850 lbs. $9. IMPORTANT NOTICE'S HusE WANTED. -TO RENT OR PUB,- chase convient th Grand Trunk Station. Apply to EXPOSITOL1 9aFFICE 269415. • MACHINE OPERATORS. -. WANTED A few girls to operate sewing machines. W. E. SANDFORD Mfg. Co., Seaforth: Phone 59. 2692-tf VOUND.--ON FRIDAY., NIGHT, &IX itith, ' betvieen Sea -forth and Clinton', a ladle's 1 summer coat. Owner can have isanae by proving property and paying for this ad- vertisement. ROBERT RITCHIE, Harpur- hey. . 2694-1 '. WANTED. -A QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR '7' S. S. No. 9-, McKillop. Duties to coni- neence September lst. State salary and ex- perience and address I§AA0 BOLTON, Walton, Ont 269e-tf leeRUITS AND VEGETABLES FRESH•FROM " our, garden and orchatds. Ask for our weekly price lists. HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruit- land, Ontario: Niagara District. 2690-12' ,•; nUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED FOR School Section No. 7 Hallett. Apply stat- ing salary to S. McVITTIE, R. R. No. 1, Blyth. Ont. 2693x2 1 1110USE FOR SALE. -FOR SAE 7 -ROOM- " ed frame house on George Street, Sea - forth, hard earie soft water. For further Particulars apply thJ. R. ARCHIBALD .or JOHN RANKIN. - 269344 lheARte WANTED --WANTED TO •RENT for term of years good farm, 100 or 150 acres; buildings must be in good repair with plenty of accommodation for stock. Address -box 157, Expositor Office. 2689x5 F IFTY CELERY PLANTS -80c. BEST varieties, all transplanted. Postpaid ship- ped successfully everywhere. Ask for price 'list qf other vegetable plants and fruits in season. HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruitland. One Niagara District. 2688-tf ANTED. -SEVERAL STENOGRAPHERS experienced. Speed, aecuracy, and good vocabulery are essential. Workiek conditions ideal. Apply stating experience tesSales Man- ager Chevrolet Motor Company, Oshawa, Ont. ' 2688-6 HOUSE FOR SALE. -FOR SALE BRICK cottage in Egmotuiville. containing 4 rooms with cellar, kitchen and frame summer kitchen. all in good repair; good frame barn. The house is situated on one acre of land. Also fon sale No. 2 separator, Standard make. For further particulars apply on -the premises or address Egmondville- post office. FERD- INAND BURGARD.2692x4 tf .; VOR SALE. -IN EGMONDVILLE-EIGHT acres of land with frame house and kit. chen, good cement cellar, also woodshed, stable and smell barn Good well. Chem to school. ,church and .stores. email orchard. Possession can be had in March. For .particulars apple- to i..HENRY FORSYTH, legmoudvilleror phonee10 on 134,, Seaforth- 2668-tf felIALIFIED TEACHER WANTED. - FOR Yee schoce section No. 2 McKillop. Applica- tions stating salary and experience' will be viewed by the undersigned up to August ist 1919. Duties to commence' September 1st. A. S. BROWN, Secretary. R. 2R69.1.4No. 2, Seaforth. A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE' OF, FARM .CL farm stock, implements and etc., Estate of Robert John Richardson. d eased, by public auction, will be held at Lot1 No. 10, B. R. N. Concession, Stanley tow -hip, on Satur- day, August 23rd, 1919. itt he o'clock, .p.m. For particulars see posters or apply to THOS. BROWNETT, Administrator; W. BRYDONE, Solicitor; T..GUNDRY, Auctioneer. 2693.4. ?VENDERS FOR CHURCH SHED. - THE -1- building committee of. Union Church, Brucefield, call for the following tender: lst, 200 barrels of cement laid down at Bruce - field. 2nd Erection of concrete work. 3rd. To supply material and complete the building including roof doors, and windows. ;Sealed tenders for above work ,to be in the hands of the Secreary not later than August lit. For plans and specifications apply to .1._ A. McEween, Secretary Building Committee, R. R. No. 1, Brucefield. 2692x8 VARM FOR SALE. -ONE HUNDRED AND • forty-two acres of good land consistieg of Lot 1, Concession 1, and part of tot 1, Concession 2, Stanley, Huron County, adjoin- ing the village of Kippen. Five minutts walk to G. T. R. station, church or Store; 6 acres f b h II th d d 11 O US : waxer e year eoun , an a ; seeded te grass; 1 acre of geed orchard; 2 barns, 1 on a stone wall; drive shed; frame house. For terms and particulars apply th SAMUEL THOMPSQN, R. 'R. No. 1, sBruce- 26'94-4 , Rice and Whaletesold: Steele • aria heifereat 42. -1-70 lb. 512; 7 760 tbs. 510: 16, 990 lbs. $12.50; 2, 775 is, $9.50: 15, 810 tbs. 510.75; -1. 750 tbs. 510.75 ; 1, 1,070: tbs. 510..75. Cows 1.000 Am 57 : 8, 1,250 11e.- $10.25: 3 1.060 tbe. 57: 8..1.150 lbs. $e .25; 2, 1,050 lbs.,. $7: 3 1,240 tbs. $7; - 5 1, 1,024 tbs. $8.75: 3, O lbs. - 58-; 1. 1,360 154. 39; 1 1.Q60 11. -510 ;- 1. 1,210 tbe. 57: 4, 1,030 is. $9.75 : :1, 1,055. tbs. 58: 2, 1.085 tbe• 57; 3. 1.100 lbs. 59.50. • Unifeit Farmers' Co. sold: Butdhers-17 1,10e nee' 313.50; 19, 1,140.. lb -se $13.50; 17 1,150 !too 513.50;e1 860 lbs. $8.50; 1 750 - Ms. $7: 5, 750 tb-s. $10.25; 3, 740 Ms. 510.25: 1 e20 tbs. 510.25; 1, 750 tbs. $8.50; e. tat lbs. $12; 1,080 Ms. $12,50; 2, 950 lbs. -510.75; 2, 9... tbs. 511: 1, 1,120. tbs. - $1.2.00. ArDonaid and Halligan sold: Butchers -- t5. 1.070 lbs. $13.60; 17 980 lbs. $12.85: 13 ete ti,. $1.2.e0; e 970 lbs. $12:' e0 890 lbs. .ee ; 16 940 tbs. $11.75; 1.;' 800 rbs- $10; 13 300 tbs. $11'.10; 19 540 tbs. 57.65; '7 580 tbs. $7. Cow -se -2; 1,240 tbs. $11 ; 1 )2Uibs. $9.75: 1 1.050 lbs. $8; 4 1;110 Ms. $9-.10-; 1 450 -lbs. $8; 4- 1,110 lbs. 59.40; 1 et() the. $e: 1 1.080 Mt.. 59.; I 1.160 Ms. ek •1, a70 lbs. $7; 8 860 lbs. 55.75. - The quetations were: Choice heavy steers 314 taa 511.7:,; good heavy steers. 513 to 513.50; kvitehera* cattle choice 512.7e to 513.25 :teed 11210 $12.60; do. merliura 511.50 $12.00: do. common $9.25 to 50.75; .boice $11.25 to 511.75; do. medium to $10.75: do, rough $8 to $8.25; twe ehoice, $10.50 to $11.25; do. good $10,25 4t-te•e0; do, medium 59 th $9.25; do. common 57 1•0 41 SS : stockers 53.75 to $11.75; feeders S-11.:;0 to $12; canners,. and cutters Stele to $6.25; milkers good to choice $90 5110: do. -common and rnediurn $65 to 175; 'orvers 19(). th $160: light .ewes elt) th $11; exerting.' $11L50 to e14 tO - -spring' lambs: per tvee 517 to:!..$1.S calve-, good to :choice 517 ewe $19 to' $20; calvee good to .;;..hoice 317 te $19; hogs, fed and watered "$24.50; do. ‘veighed off cars e24.75: do f.o.b. $23.50. • Montreal. July 29. -----The offerings of live s"eck at the west end market thie 'morning eniounted10 Lieo cattle, 1,200 sheep and fertile. 1,700 hogs and 9,750 calves During - the week the receipt)* were heavy, numbering field. MENDERS WANTED. -TENDERS FOR THE furnishing of material and erection of meizort1whnasliio hall othfe ofacijco°rndcliesngb o flt plans and specifications which may be seen at the clerk's ofRce in the .village 1f Londets- born will be received until August 12th next at 2.30 p. m. when said tenders will be opened .at township hall, Londesboro. A marked cheque for five per cent. of amopnt of tender th accompany same. Lowest or ally tender not necessaiely aceepted. JOHN FINGLAND, Clerk of . Hullett. 2694-2 - Write for our Free Book of house tilahs and information telling how th save from two th four hundred dollars on you new home. Address HALLIDAY COMPANY, Box 61. Jackson St., Hamilton, Ont. 2686-tf HOME BUILDERS Noti:ce to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Christena Stephens, late of the Town of Seaforth, the county of Huron, married woman, deceased. Notice is hereby given, Pursuant to section 56 of The Trustee Act, R. S. 0. 1:91.4, Chapter 121, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Christena Stephens, who died on or about the 9th day of February, A. D. 1919, are requested, on or before the 23rd day of August 1919, eo send by post, prepaid, or deliver th Amelia A. Stephens, Queen's Hotel, Seaforth the Executrix of the estate of the ; said deceased, their christian and surnames, addressee and descriptiont, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their account*, and thetnature of the securities, if ere,, held by them. And take notice that, after -inch lazt mentioned date the said Executers proceed th distribute the assets of the 4.aid deceased among the parties entitled theeto, having regard only .to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Eeecutors will not be liable for , the said assets or any part thereof th any person or Persons of whose claim a notice shall not. have been received by it at the time of such di8tribution. Dated the 22nd day of July, 1919. PROUD - FOOT, KILLORAN & COOKE, Goderich, Ont. Solicitors for the Executors of the said estate. 26934 •‘• 71.1.1,E HURON EiPOSITOR BIRTHS Armstrong -In Exeter on July 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Armstrong, a daughter. Pear -In H. ott July 4th, to Mx. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce, a daughter. a Goforth -In Grey etovrnship, on JUly ar.d. to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Goforth, a daughter. MARRIAGES - Potter -Powell -At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank H. Powell, • Goderich township, on July 23rd, by Rev. • S. 'Andersim, 'Edna J. to Clarence V. Potter of the Huron Road. , DEATHS • Dorsery-tn Seaforth,; On July 27th, infant diaghtet of Mr. and Mrs. John Dorsey. Harina--4n Morris thwnship, on July' .18th, Annabel/it' Hanna, widow ,of the late' 1111gb, ROAM* in 'her 'T7th year. Sinclair -In.' Brussels, on July 21st, .Mar? McNeil, voidayr Of Adam Sinclair, aged '75 'Years, 1 Month 'rind 19 days. Eibler-1n Crediton, on July 20th, Catharine Eilber, wife of Christopher Eilber, ageiii 86 years, 1 month and' 8 days. Forrest -In Cheeley on July 9th, Isabella Fraser, widow of the late Ge,orge Forrest, formerly of Brucefleld, aged 84 years • and 6 months. ....ft....ft • 1....00mmimpilimmiummimiimmiN„ .... _ - iT S. , . Holmes z.". ... . , - _ _ . _ Funeral Director and ' -. _ Licensed Embalmer - 01.1 IMO dime Man N MI 11.11 11.11. 1111 O M. N NW MEM man 1•11M. •••• OEM Undertaking pat tors in Oddfel = lows building opposite • Flowers famished cn = short notice, - - Phone Night or Day 119 = itewart 'Bros. Resi- dence Goderich at., cpp Dr. Scott'.- - 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i71 • W: S. Gormley FOESIRBAALL TEX:ECM' Undertaking Parlors Above K. Williams' Grocery Store. '1 Main Strett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on short notice Charges' moderate. Phone -Night or Day -192 almemenommIlassr. Ammar - SOW WHEAT Wheat will be needed as badly. 'as ever for a few years yet. Fertilizer will help th „increase•,tha. yield and pay well. to we 4t. It helps the plant to withstand the winter and helps it th fill better. Cantract now and insure getting it. Use phosphates for clover sod and stronger' for croped land. Have dif- ferent grades and will be pleased ito sell to those who would like th u.se it. JAMES COWAN. APOLOGY Charles Rode vs. George D. Benneweis and John Leonhardt, Jr. This matter Nis been settled by. the defendants paying all costs and signing an apology as follows: - Logan, July 12th, 1919. Mr. Charlee Rode, Logan, Ont. Dear Sir: In conneetion'ivith your demand for an apology from us regarding certain statements made by us which you claim re- flected on your Character, we hereby apologize for any statements which we may have made in any way reflecting -upon your character and we also wish th say that there was no ground for any such statements. Yours truly, George F. Benneweis. John Leonhardt, Jr. Witness: F. H. Thompson. • ‘,4 PROCLAMATION Town Of Seaforth CIVIC HOLIDAY Mr. A. D. Sutherland and other citizens having petitioned to have Wednesday, August 13th, 1919, pro- claimed a .civie holiday, I hereby pro- claim that the said Wednesday, Aug, 13.thi, .1919, be Civic Holiday for the Town of Seaforth and request that the citizens observe the same by dos- ing their places of business, and in honor of the War Veterans to decorate their residences and places of business for that day. Dated at Seaforth this 29th day of July, 1919. F. HARl3IJRN, Mayor. AUCTION SALES A TICTION SALE OF FRAME RESIDENCE and twoLots. Thos. Brown has been in- structed to . selll by public auction at the Queen's „Hotel, Seaforth, the -frame story and aa half reisidenee on William Street contain- ing 8 rooms; also small frame barn 16x24: good' orchard:. This property is in a good residential section and will be sold without reserve as the owner is leaving town. Terms - Terms . made known on day of sale or on application th owner or -auctioneer. JAMES H. WRIGHT, -Proprietor; Thos. Brown, Auct. 2694,2 A UCTION SALE OF HOUSE, HOUSEHOLD .goods. Mr: Thomas Brown has .been in- structed by the undersigned to sell, by Public auction at hie residence, North Main Street SeafOrth, on Saturday, August 9th commenc- ing at 1 o'clock (sharp, as there it a lot of stuff to sell). as follows: The house and property will be , offered for sale if not previously sold. 'Quartered oak sideboard, extention dining table, chairs, rockers, refrigerator, carpets, inlaid lint:ileums, 8 day clock. leatheeette couch, high oven steel range, (nearly new) jubilee range, heater (all for coal or wood). self generating gasoline range, lawn swing, barrel soft soap, 1900 washer, wringer, tubs, clothes horses.- 2 oak whiskey lberrels, lot of wine kegs and glass demi-johns. 6 or- 8 cord.s of stove wood (split and piled), seyeral cords of cedar stove kindl- ing, tables. 40 gallon oil tank and cans, iron bedsteads and springs, 3 sets scales, 25 sap r• 1 sn:jas, lhor=e plow and hrrroc,v, ho. te tce 11 es .7a,aien teller, hand sead, r and harrow, lot of lumber. extension ladder and step ladder, 10 foot hose, tank pump, about 50 Grey Dorking hem, t cow,. grind stones, logging chains, .wheel barrow, hand sleighs, 2 grain cradles. baby cradle, .grast tcythe, shovels, hoes, picks, fork, axes, tempt and dishes and no erle of tools and other articles. Terms -On chattels, ctieh; Property, 25 per Cent cosh at time of sale, the balance 25 Per cent; yearly witheenterest at 5 r cent. or all cash if desired.' W. GO Proprietor, T. Brown, Auctioneer 2694-2 .111. ..•••••••••••••1 Popular Stallions The followingpopular stallions will stand for theeimprovement of stock as follows: THE PTYRE BRED PERCHERON .STALLION INDEX Passed Enrolment No. 868 Form 1 (Imp.) [5140]..,(83420). 0.5 to' insure Monday. -Will leave his Own sthble, pruees field and go west to Varna at Chris Ward's for moon; then north into G•oderich township to the sBayfleld Line and west to Arthur Welsh's .for night. Tuesday. -West to the Eitft• concession, north to *ortere's Hill at George 'Vanderburg's for noon; then north by way of 6th concession to James Mc- Millan's for night. -Wednesday.-North to Huron Road lw way of Jewell's Corners and Benmiller to William •Hill's saw mill, Colkerne, for noon; then by.way pf Maitland concession to Harry Sweet's Holmesville, for night 0Thursday.-North 2 miles, east 2 miles to Albert Townsend's, 16th concession of Goderich township for neon; then by way of Huron Road th Graham House, Clinton for night. Friday. -South by. way of the London Road to his own stable Brucefield until Sat- -urday morning. Saturday. -South 2% miles by way of the London Road ‘and east to Robert Elgie's, for ;loon; then north 2% miles to the Mill Road and west to his own stable where he will reinain until the following Monday morning. ' WM. BERRY, _Prop. and Manager. ' 2682x12 MAKWIRA 15279 (f5938) VOL. XXXII' Passed EnrolMent No. 3e67 Form 1 • $16 to insure. Monday May 5the-Will leave his own stable at Staffa, and go west th James Hill's, for noon; then south th the Cromarty line, then east to Cromarty th his own stable for night. Tuesday. -South to Alfred Hunkinse TJsborne, for noon; then west along the , Thames Road, for 3% miles and south on the 4th concession to John Kleinfeldt, for night. Wednesday. -East to the Elimvilla Line and south th Elimville, and east to Winchelsea to John Delbridge's for noon; then south to ,to Breck's, for night. Thursday. -South and east on the 11th concession of Blanchard, to A. j. Muxworthy's (Wallace's old farm), for noon; then' north to the Kirktoh Line and west th Taylor's Hotel Kiekbon, for night. Friday. -North along the Mitchell Road, to Mount Pleasant, and west to jasper Prid- hame for noon; then west and north to John Hamilton's, 10th concession of Hibbert for night. Saturday. -North 214 miles to Mac Grey's 7th concession for noon; then wait to the '7th.- concession, th Centre Road, then south to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morniig. JOHN LIVINGSTONE, Pro'. and Manager, 0 2q82-12 t, TEE IMPORTED CLYDESDALE STALLION EARL O'CLAY (12035) (13458) Approved, Enrolment No. 699 Form 1 Terms to insure $15. Monday, May 19th. -Will leave his own stable Brucefield• and, go west th the 2nd concession of Stanley, then north to John Butchard's, :for noon; tben -north and west to Ed. Glenn, ("Jr's, for night. Tuesday. -By way of Ban- nockburn th Verna at the Temperance Hotel for noon; then by way. of the Baytleld Road to the Goshen Line te Arthur. mcclinchey's, for night. Wednesday. -By MeClymones side Road to the Parr Line, then south to William Foster's, for noon; then to William Me- Kenzies, 2nd concession of Stanley,for the night. Thursday. -North th the Bayfild road to les own stable for noon; remaining until the following Friday morning. Friday. -To George McCartney's; Mill Road. for noon; then to McAeam's side -road, and north th the 2nd concession H. R. S.e3Tuckeremith, then west th James Carnochan's for night. Sat- urday. -West by Broadfoot's bridge, then south to the Mill Read, th his. own stable, where he will remain until the following Menday morning. R. D. MURDOCR, Prop. and Man- ager. THE GREAT YOUNG -CLYDE STALLION .. EARL .OF $FANLEY Enrolment No. 5051 Approved Form. 1 Terms to Insure $15. Will stand for the improvement/4,f etock this season at lila own stable, Breeefield, where Mr. Murdock will Meet horse owners on Thureday tafternoons and Saturdays of each week. R. 'D. MURDOCK, Prop. and Manager. CUMBERLAND GEM (13978) [16986] Enrolment No. 1367 Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock during the season 1919, at John j. McGavin's stablee, Leadbury, Lot 22, Concessr 13, Mc-, February 1st, 1920. J. J. McGA He Pro. Killop. Terms --$12 insur . 's\payable EMPEROR McKINNEY Standard Bred Trotting Stallion No. (54151) 1653 Enrolment No. 4075 Form 1 Terms to insure 513. 'Emperor McKinney, son of the world's greatest speed sire, McKinney 8818, 2.11%, is a black horse 16 hands high and weighs 1,250 pounds with the best of feet and legs. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at Lot 8, Concession 4, tucker - smith. Mares from a distance will be met. For further particulare apply th owner or phone 7 on- 136. CHARLES RILEY, Prop. and 'Manager. I 2683-12 • TRUWORTHY Enrolled and, Inspected Bay horse, foaled 1916, standard and reg- istered, Vol. XXII. Bred by the late John L. Snyder, at Park Faim, Springfield, Ohio. Sired lay Ortolan Axnorthy, 3 year old record 2.071/eft-Dam, Trussoca, 2.(e7 by Moko. Bern of Trujolla 2' year old record 2.2014, raced in 5.07 at three years. Last season as a two • year old Truw,otthy trotted the farm half mile tracic in 2.27. Truworthy was brok- en th harness' in May in his yearling form and trotted a quarter in 38-eaeconds, one- eigth in 18, with no intention searching hint. He- is gaited th go .very fast and he has' the inclination to stay on the trot and do ;the right thing at all times. He is one of the first crop of foals 1»' Ortolan Axworthy 3 years, 2.0714, and considered by many the best individual son of his sire, Axworthy 3 years 2.1514. Remember the Axworthy Moko cross produced the world's champion the Real Lady 3' years, 2.03. Don't miss seeing Tru - worthy as I cannot say too much for him. Terms -Will stand at his own stable at Hill's Green at $15 to insure a living foal. GEORGE E. TROYER, Prop. , DEXTRO Pare Bred Percheron Enrolme it No. 5185 • Form 1 Terms th insure $15. Monday. Will leave his own stable, lot 3, concession 3, McKillop and go west to E. Johnston's for noon, then to Clinton at Commercial Hotel for night. Tuesday. -North th James Snell's for neon; then east to Oliver Anderson's for night. Wednesday. -East , to John Grieve's for noon; then east to William Manley's, McKillop, for night Thursday. - To ' for noon, then th Dublin at Webber's Hotel for nigbt1 Friday. -To Sea - forth where he will remaiij at the Dick House until Salarday morning. Saturday. -West to George ,Dale's for noon; then th his own stable where he will rema is until the follow- ing Monday morning. McMICHAEL & FISHER, Prong. LORD MANSFIELD . (Imp.) [21667] (16303) The Pure Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion Passed Enrolment No. 1734 Forrn 1 $13 .to insere. Monday. -Will leave his own stable, Beech- wood, and go to Pat Wood's, Logan for' noon; then to hi4 own stable for night. Tuesday. -To John urray's, concession 11, McKillop, for noon; then west to Allan Ross'_ concession 10, eKillop, for one hour, then -to hie own stable for night. Wednes- day. -To Frank Mahar'e, concession 3, Logan, for noon; then to Weber's Hotel, Dublin, for eight. Thursday. -To Joseph Nagle's, for noon; then to Joseph • Atkei3son's, for night, Friday. -Te Martin Curtin's, 114 miles east of Seaforth, for noon; then to William. Anderson's, Lot 29, Concession 6, McKillop, for night. Saturday. -Will proceed to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning James Evans. Propnetor and Manager. ▪ • V ' GIRLS WAN Clean, airy,sunlit work Short hours --a 47 -hour With pat urday half-holicla ED °orris. week, • Valuable training in agr able work for the. inexperienced, • ,. A good tiving, wage to beg.nner mg Which materially increases with - , 1 experience anciproficiency. VVrite or call - MERCURY MILS LIMITED Hamilton - Ontario AMATEUR We develop films and n- ishprints kir amateurs in a dull, glossy or phe o-. type finish. Bring your work to p o- fessiOnals. D. F. BUCK Seaforth, Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE. • That very desirable property just o streeteEgmondville, consisting of one-li of land, oe which is situated a 1% sto house with seven rooms and good cellar are also on the premises a stable, g and cistern, also apple, plum and, pea and • other small fruits. This is a. s Property and the taxes are low. For narticulart. apply th Mrs. M. A. Cherie; Egmondville P. 0. 26 Main If acre brick I There , • d well ' trees lendid urther worth. 03(2-tf FARMS FORSALE FARMS FOR SALE I have some choiee' farms for sale in the 'Townships of Usborne and Hibbert, a I well 'built and improved, on elisy terms of pa ent. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. , 26 )8-tf pARm FQR SALE. -BEING LOTS 1 AND 17 on the 4th concession of Hihhe con- taining 150 -acres with all necessery bui"dizets, convient to schools and churches of al den- omation.s with telephone and rural rout ; 214 miles from Dublin market. This is a s lendid property and will be sold to wind u • the estate of the late William McLellan. For further particulars apply to ANDRE Mc- LELLAN, Dublin P. 0.. R. R. 2. 26t0-tf FARM FOR SALE Lot 83, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 of the beat clay land in Marino% 6 ao bush, the rest in 'a high state of cultiv 5 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from stance, 114 miles from school. There it the premises, a good seven roomed house, bank barn, 64x76, 'all Page wire fenc well underdrained. There 'are forty ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance ed down. There are two. big springs. piped to barnyard and in the other a. With alrYdraulic ram ptimPing 110 the house and to the barn. As the is in the orchard and near the house an fence. there is no waste land. There graded and gravelled lane frem the ro the buildings. Apply to MRS. SA DORRANCE, Seaforth.. 2 acres of tion; Con - en large and acres seed - ens dam 10 ring line bit to EL -tf FORSALE. House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The pro rty is situated, on Centre Street, dos to the- Presbyterian church and- is wa as he Purcell property. Good, oni- fortable house, good shed, good and cement cistern. All kinds of ride trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This Is a corner pro - pity with no breaks on front, and the land, is in a good state of cultiva• tion. 'This is a nice property f r a retired farmer and the taxes'are lih 'For particulars apply on the pre ass or to JohniRankin, Seaforth. 25 1 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES Convenienee, securky and economy are secured by the use of 4;heques issued -by this Bank. They enabie the bear.' er to identify himself and are readily converted into the current coin of any foreign country.. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. Seaforth Branch J Q. Mullen Manager migenemee 15,000 .Meit.: Wanted Western Harvest FIeids IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE •$12.00 TO WINNIPEG Plus half a cent per mile beyond. Return. half a cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $18.00. Comfortable Trains --Through Service -Special • Accommodation for Women. Fit furtlaitr particulars apply nearest it Rye. Agea.t, sr- wilts General ser Canadian National Railwatis School of Commerce Clinton and Goderich, Ont. Offers the following courses: - BUSINESS STENOGRAPHER SECRETARIAL CIVIL SERVICE and 'arranges special courses for students. The following, advantages: Highly 'Qualified Teaching. Staff - Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Credential Typewriting Tests Positions Guaranteed temeatemelisemielmsmormo A Business Education pays for itself in a few mo Now is the time for the young man or woman to make an investment that will give splendid returns in the years to come. For terms, etc., write B. F. WARD,B.A., M.Accts. - - Princip M.A.STONE, - - - Vice Prin. SCHOOL OPENS ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd; - PHONE 208 1 Many arm Laborers Wanted for Harvesting in Western "king Trip West" -$12 to mimic - "Mao Trip foor-in tem U. Gol NG DATES Aullust 12th TERR ITORY From 'statione in Ontario West of entitles Valle to sad including Toronto on Lake Outwit) Uwe Line and Ilavelock-Peterberce Line. • F om etatiops Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inolusire. From atilt -Jona Tomato to Parry Sound, hugs:Iva. stations Bethany jun a to Port IfoNiooll and Burketon 40 Boboaygoon, /retailer. August { 140h stations in Ontario *est and South of Tonaneo to and Inaluding'Ilamilion and Windsor, Ont, m stations on Owen Sound, Walkerton, Toeswater, Wingtam, Elora, Listowel, Godericte St. Metnes; Port Burwell end St. Thomas hru.ohes. oat stations Toionto and North to Bolton, inclusive. Fug particatais from SPIIIIOIAL. THROUQH TIMM* FROM Pacific Ticket Arrests. 00WA11,11, District. Pameoger A;P;Stylisomoto Having taken over tire factories at a q able to offer these s 30 x 32 x 3Y2 31 x 4 These T SkCicENE TH TORE a large part of the output of one of Canada's largest antity price, and by selling direct to the user, we ate z s of first-class Non -Skid Tires at the following prices: $15.65 Mr:1) 17:95 24.95 33 x 4 34 4Y2 35x5 $23.95 39.50 44.95 res are all firsts and fully guaranteed. AUTO SUPPLY CO., LONDON Western Ontario's Largest Exclusive Tire Dealers RMS-C.O.D. subjeWto examination. - Embalmers and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and Liscense Charges Moderate FloWers furnished on short notice Night Calls Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 43 , ....ft....ft • 1....00mmimpilimmiummimiimmiN„ .... _ - iT S. , . Holmes z.". ... . , - _ _ . _ Funeral Director and ' -. _ Licensed Embalmer - 01.1 IMO dime Man N MI 11.11 11.11. 1111 O M. N NW MEM man 1•11M. •••• OEM Undertaking pat tors in Oddfel = lows building opposite • Flowers famished cn = short notice, - - Phone Night or Day 119 = itewart 'Bros. Resi- dence Goderich at., cpp Dr. Scott'.- - 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i71 • W: S. Gormley FOESIRBAALL TEX:ECM' Undertaking Parlors Above K. Williams' Grocery Store. '1 Main Strett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on short notice Charges' moderate. Phone -Night or Day -192 almemenommIlassr. Ammar - SOW WHEAT Wheat will be needed as badly. 'as ever for a few years yet. Fertilizer will help th „increase•,tha. yield and pay well. to we 4t. It helps the plant to withstand the winter and helps it th fill better. Cantract now and insure getting it. Use phosphates for clover sod and stronger' for croped land. Have dif- ferent grades and will be pleased ito sell to those who would like th u.se it. JAMES COWAN. APOLOGY Charles Rode vs. George D. Benneweis and John Leonhardt, Jr. This matter Nis been settled by. the defendants paying all costs and signing an apology as follows: - Logan, July 12th, 1919. Mr. Charlee Rode, Logan, Ont. Dear Sir: In conneetion'ivith your demand for an apology from us regarding certain statements made by us which you claim re- flected on your Character, we hereby apologize for any statements which we may have made in any way reflecting -upon your character and we also wish th say that there was no ground for any such statements. Yours truly, George F. Benneweis. John Leonhardt, Jr. Witness: F. H. Thompson. • ‘,4 PROCLAMATION Town Of Seaforth CIVIC HOLIDAY Mr. A. D. Sutherland and other citizens having petitioned to have Wednesday, August 13th, 1919, pro- claimed a .civie holiday, I hereby pro- claim that the said Wednesday, Aug, 13.thi, .1919, be Civic Holiday for the Town of Seaforth and request that the citizens observe the same by dos- ing their places of business, and in honor of the War Veterans to decorate their residences and places of business for that day. Dated at Seaforth this 29th day of July, 1919. F. HARl3IJRN, Mayor. AUCTION SALES A TICTION SALE OF FRAME RESIDENCE and twoLots. Thos. Brown has been in- structed to . selll by public auction at the Queen's „Hotel, Seaforth, the -frame story and aa half reisidenee on William Street contain- ing 8 rooms; also small frame barn 16x24: good' orchard:. This property is in a good residential section and will be sold without reserve as the owner is leaving town. Terms - Terms . made known on day of sale or on application th owner or -auctioneer. JAMES H. WRIGHT, -Proprietor; Thos. Brown, Auct. 2694,2 A UCTION SALE OF HOUSE, HOUSEHOLD .goods. Mr: Thomas Brown has .been in- structed by the undersigned to sell, by Public auction at hie residence, North Main Street SeafOrth, on Saturday, August 9th commenc- ing at 1 o'clock (sharp, as there it a lot of stuff to sell). as follows: The house and property will be , offered for sale if not previously sold. 'Quartered oak sideboard, extention dining table, chairs, rockers, refrigerator, carpets, inlaid lint:ileums, 8 day clock. leatheeette couch, high oven steel range, (nearly new) jubilee range, heater (all for coal or wood). self generating gasoline range, lawn swing, barrel soft soap, 1900 washer, wringer, tubs, clothes horses.- 2 oak whiskey lberrels, lot of wine kegs and glass demi-johns. 6 or- 8 cord.s of stove wood (split and piled), seyeral cords of cedar stove kindl- ing, tables. 40 gallon oil tank and cans, iron bedsteads and springs, 3 sets scales, 25 sap r• 1 sn:jas, lhor=e plow and hrrroc,v, ho. te tce 11 es .7a,aien teller, hand sead, r and harrow, lot of lumber. extension ladder and step ladder, 10 foot hose, tank pump, about 50 Grey Dorking hem, t cow,. grind stones, logging chains, .wheel barrow, hand sleighs, 2 grain cradles. baby cradle, .grast tcythe, shovels, hoes, picks, fork, axes, tempt and dishes and no erle of tools and other articles. Terms -On chattels, ctieh; Property, 25 per Cent cosh at time of sale, the balance 25 Per cent; yearly witheenterest at 5 r cent. or all cash if desired.' W. GO Proprietor, T. Brown, Auctioneer 2694-2 .111. ..•••••••••••••1 Popular Stallions The followingpopular stallions will stand for theeimprovement of stock as follows: THE PTYRE BRED PERCHERON .STALLION INDEX Passed Enrolment No. 868 Form 1 (Imp.) [5140]..,(83420). 0.5 to' insure Monday. -Will leave his Own sthble, pruees field and go west to Varna at Chris Ward's for moon; then north into G•oderich township to the sBayfleld Line and west to Arthur Welsh's .for night. Tuesday. -West to the Eitft• concession, north to *ortere's Hill at George 'Vanderburg's for noon; then north by way of 6th concession to James Mc- Millan's for night. -Wednesday.-North to Huron Road lw way of Jewell's Corners and Benmiller to William •Hill's saw mill, Colkerne, for noon; then by.way pf Maitland concession to Harry Sweet's Holmesville, for night 0Thursday.-North 2 miles, east 2 miles to Albert Townsend's, 16th concession of Goderich township for neon; then by way of Huron Road th Graham House, Clinton for night. Friday. -South by. way of the London Road to his own stable Brucefield until Sat- -urday morning. Saturday. -South 2% miles by way of the London Road ‘and east to Robert Elgie's, for ;loon; then north 2% miles to the Mill Road and west to his own stable where he will reinain until the following Monday morning. ' WM. BERRY, _Prop. and Manager. ' 2682x12 MAKWIRA 15279 (f5938) VOL. XXXII' Passed EnrolMent No. 3e67 Form 1 • $16 to insure. Monday May 5the-Will leave his own stable at Staffa, and go west th James Hill's, for noon; then south th the Cromarty line, then east to Cromarty th his own stable for night. Tuesday. -South to Alfred Hunkinse TJsborne, for noon; then west along the , Thames Road, for 3% miles and south on the 4th concession to John Kleinfeldt, for night. Wednesday. -East to the Elimvilla Line and south th Elimville, and east to Winchelsea to John Delbridge's for noon; then south to ,to Breck's, for night. Thursday. -South and east on the 11th concession of Blanchard, to A. j. Muxworthy's (Wallace's old farm), for noon; then' north to the Kirktoh Line and west th Taylor's Hotel Kiekbon, for night. Friday. -North along the Mitchell Road, to Mount Pleasant, and west to jasper Prid- hame for noon; then west and north to John Hamilton's, 10th concession of Hibbert for night. Saturday. -North 214 miles to Mac Grey's 7th concession for noon; then wait to the '7th.- concession, th Centre Road, then south to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morniig. JOHN LIVINGSTONE, Pro'. and Manager, 0 2q82-12 t, TEE IMPORTED CLYDESDALE STALLION EARL O'CLAY (12035) (13458) Approved, Enrolment No. 699 Form 1 Terms to insure $15. Monday, May 19th. -Will leave his own stable Brucefield• and, go west th the 2nd concession of Stanley, then north to John Butchard's, :for noon; tben -north and west to Ed. Glenn, ("Jr's, for night. Tuesday. -By way of Ban- nockburn th Verna at the Temperance Hotel for noon; then by way. of the Baytleld Road to the Goshen Line te Arthur. mcclinchey's, for night. Wednesday. -By MeClymones side Road to the Parr Line, then south to William Foster's, for noon; then to William Me- Kenzies, 2nd concession of Stanley,for the night. Thursday. -North th the Bayfild road to les own stable for noon; remaining until the following Friday morning. Friday. -To George McCartney's; Mill Road. for noon; then to McAeam's side -road, and north th the 2nd concession H. R. S.e3Tuckeremith, then west th James Carnochan's for night. Sat- urday. -West by Broadfoot's bridge, then south to the Mill Read, th his. own stable, where he will remain until the following Menday morning. R. D. MURDOCR, Prop. and Man- ager. THE GREAT YOUNG -CLYDE STALLION .. EARL .OF $FANLEY Enrolment No. 5051 Approved Form. 1 Terms to Insure $15. Will stand for the improvement/4,f etock this season at lila own stable, Breeefield, where Mr. Murdock will Meet horse owners on Thureday tafternoons and Saturdays of each week. R. 'D. MURDOCK, Prop. and Manager. CUMBERLAND GEM (13978) [16986] Enrolment No. 1367 Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock during the season 1919, at John j. McGavin's stablee, Leadbury, Lot 22, Concessr 13, Mc-, February 1st, 1920. J. J. McGA He Pro. Killop. Terms --$12 insur . 's\payable EMPEROR McKINNEY Standard Bred Trotting Stallion No. (54151) 1653 Enrolment No. 4075 Form 1 Terms to insure 513. 'Emperor McKinney, son of the world's greatest speed sire, McKinney 8818, 2.11%, is a black horse 16 hands high and weighs 1,250 pounds with the best of feet and legs. Will stand for the improvement of stock this season at Lot 8, Concession 4, tucker - smith. Mares from a distance will be met. For further particulare apply th owner or phone 7 on- 136. CHARLES RILEY, Prop. and 'Manager. I 2683-12 • TRUWORTHY Enrolled and, Inspected Bay horse, foaled 1916, standard and reg- istered, Vol. XXII. Bred by the late John L. Snyder, at Park Faim, Springfield, Ohio. Sired lay Ortolan Axnorthy, 3 year old record 2.071/eft-Dam, Trussoca, 2.(e7 by Moko. Bern of Trujolla 2' year old record 2.2014, raced in 5.07 at three years. Last season as a two • year old Truw,otthy trotted the farm half mile tracic in 2.27. Truworthy was brok- en th harness' in May in his yearling form and trotted a quarter in 38-eaeconds, one- eigth in 18, with no intention searching hint. He- is gaited th go .very fast and he has' the inclination to stay on the trot and do ;the right thing at all times. He is one of the first crop of foals 1»' Ortolan Axworthy 3 years, 2.0714, and considered by many the best individual son of his sire, Axworthy 3 years 2.1514. Remember the Axworthy Moko cross produced the world's champion the Real Lady 3' years, 2.03. Don't miss seeing Tru - worthy as I cannot say too much for him. Terms -Will stand at his own stable at Hill's Green at $15 to insure a living foal. GEORGE E. TROYER, Prop. , DEXTRO Pare Bred Percheron Enrolme it No. 5185 • Form 1 Terms th insure $15. Monday. Will leave his own stable, lot 3, concession 3, McKillop and go west to E. Johnston's for noon, then to Clinton at Commercial Hotel for night. Tuesday. -North th James Snell's for neon; then east to Oliver Anderson's for night. Wednesday. -East , to John Grieve's for noon; then east to William Manley's, McKillop, for night Thursday. - To ' for noon, then th Dublin at Webber's Hotel for nigbt1 Friday. -To Sea - forth where he will remaiij at the Dick House until Salarday morning. Saturday. -West to George ,Dale's for noon; then th his own stable where he will rema is until the follow- ing Monday morning. McMICHAEL & FISHER, Prong. LORD MANSFIELD . (Imp.) [21667] (16303) The Pure Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion Passed Enrolment No. 1734 Forrn 1 $13 .to insere. Monday. -Will leave his own stable, Beech- wood, and go to Pat Wood's, Logan for' noon; then to hi4 own stable for night. Tuesday. -To John urray's, concession 11, McKillop, for noon; then west to Allan Ross'_ concession 10, eKillop, for one hour, then -to hie own stable for night. Wednes- day. -To Frank Mahar'e, concession 3, Logan, for noon; then to Weber's Hotel, Dublin, for eight. Thursday. -To Joseph Nagle's, for noon; then to Joseph • Atkei3son's, for night, Friday. -Te Martin Curtin's, 114 miles east of Seaforth, for noon; then to William. Anderson's, Lot 29, Concession 6, McKillop, for night. Saturday. -Will proceed to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning James Evans. Propnetor and Manager. ▪ • V ' GIRLS WAN Clean, airy,sunlit work Short hours --a 47 -hour With pat urday half-holicla ED °orris. week, • Valuable training in agr able work for the. inexperienced, • ,. A good tiving, wage to beg.nner mg Which materially increases with - , 1 experience anciproficiency. VVrite or call - MERCURY MILS LIMITED Hamilton - Ontario AMATEUR We develop films and n- ishprints kir amateurs in a dull, glossy or phe o-. type finish. Bring your work to p o- fessiOnals. D. F. BUCK Seaforth, Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE. • That very desirable property just o streeteEgmondville, consisting of one-li of land, oe which is situated a 1% sto house with seven rooms and good cellar are also on the premises a stable, g and cistern, also apple, plum and, pea and • other small fruits. This is a. s Property and the taxes are low. For narticulart. apply th Mrs. M. A. Cherie; Egmondville P. 0. 26 Main If acre brick I There , • d well ' trees lendid urther worth. 03(2-tf FARMS FORSALE FARMS FOR SALE I have some choiee' farms for sale in the 'Townships of Usborne and Hibbert, a I well 'built and improved, on elisy terms of pa ent. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. , 26 )8-tf pARm FQR SALE. -BEING LOTS 1 AND 17 on the 4th concession of Hihhe con- taining 150 -acres with all necessery bui"dizets, convient to schools and churches of al den- omation.s with telephone and rural rout ; 214 miles from Dublin market. This is a s lendid property and will be sold to wind u • the estate of the late William McLellan. For further particulars apply to ANDRE Mc- LELLAN, Dublin P. 0.. R. R. 2. 26t0-tf FARM FOR SALE Lot 83, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 of the beat clay land in Marino% 6 ao bush, the rest in 'a high state of cultiv 5 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from stance, 114 miles from school. There it the premises, a good seven roomed house, bank barn, 64x76, 'all Page wire fenc well underdrained. There 'are forty ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance ed down. There are two. big springs. piped to barnyard and in the other a. With alrYdraulic ram ptimPing 110 the house and to the barn. As the is in the orchard and near the house an fence. there is no waste land. There graded and gravelled lane frem the ro the buildings. Apply to MRS. SA DORRANCE, Seaforth.. 2 acres of tion; Con - en large and acres seed - ens dam 10 ring line bit to EL -tf FORSALE. House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. The pro rty is situated, on Centre Street, dos to the- Presbyterian church and- is wa as he Purcell property. Good, oni- fortable house, good shed, good and cement cistern. All kinds of ride trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This Is a corner pro - pity with no breaks on front, and the land, is in a good state of cultiva• tion. 'This is a nice property f r a retired farmer and the taxes'are lih 'For particulars apply on the pre ass or to JohniRankin, Seaforth. 25 1 TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES Convenienee, securky and economy are secured by the use of 4;heques issued -by this Bank. They enabie the bear.' er to identify himself and are readily converted into the current coin of any foreign country.. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. Seaforth Branch J Q. Mullen Manager migenemee 15,000 .Meit.: Wanted Western Harvest FIeids IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE •$12.00 TO WINNIPEG Plus half a cent per mile beyond. Return. half a cent per mile to Winnipeg, plus $18.00. Comfortable Trains --Through Service -Special • Accommodation for Women. Fit furtlaitr particulars apply nearest it Rye. Agea.t, sr- wilts General ser Canadian National Railwatis School of Commerce Clinton and Goderich, Ont. Offers the following courses: - BUSINESS STENOGRAPHER SECRETARIAL CIVIL SERVICE and 'arranges special courses for students. The following, advantages: Highly 'Qualified Teaching. Staff - Actual Business System of Bookkeeping Credential Typewriting Tests Positions Guaranteed temeatemelisemielmsmormo A Business Education pays for itself in a few mo Now is the time for the young man or woman to make an investment that will give splendid returns in the years to come. For terms, etc., write B. F. WARD,B.A., M.Accts. - - Princip M.A.STONE, - - - Vice Prin. SCHOOL OPENS ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd; - PHONE 208 1 Many arm Laborers Wanted for Harvesting in Western "king Trip West" -$12 to mimic - "Mao Trip foor-in tem U. Gol NG DATES Aullust 12th TERR ITORY From 'statione in Ontario West of entitles Valle to sad including Toronto on Lake Outwit) Uwe Line and Ilavelock-Peterberce Line. • F om etatiops Kingston to Renfrew Junction, inolusire. From atilt -Jona Tomato to Parry Sound, hugs:Iva. stations Bethany jun a to Port IfoNiooll and Burketon 40 Boboaygoon, /retailer. August { 140h stations in Ontario *est and South of Tonaneo to and Inaluding'Ilamilion and Windsor, Ont, m stations on Owen Sound, Walkerton, Toeswater, Wingtam, Elora, Listowel, Godericte St. Metnes; Port Burwell end St. Thomas hru.ohes. oat stations Toionto and North to Bolton, inclusive. Fug particatais from SPIIIIOIAL. THROUQH TIMM* FROM Pacific Ticket Arrests. 00WA11,11, District. Pameoger A;P;Stylisomoto Having taken over tire factories at a q able to offer these s 30 x 32 x 3Y2 31 x 4 These T SkCicENE TH TORE a large part of the output of one of Canada's largest antity price, and by selling direct to the user, we ate z s of first-class Non -Skid Tires at the following prices: $15.65 Mr:1) 17:95 24.95 33 x 4 34 4Y2 35x5 $23.95 39.50 44.95 res are all firsts and fully guaranteed. AUTO SUPPLY CO., LONDON Western Ontario's Largest Exclusive Tire Dealers RMS-C.O.D. subjeWto examination. -