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The Huron Expositor, 1919-07-18, Page 5
ce *sand xfords e've ever experienc- 'umps. inti ©.fords s neve adP: than e've Style creations a the Country. Here less. and Fine White Canvas. as well as en the newest Jasts and with Sport or ...4, 50 to $6.00 c ;port or Spool heels, ,.....$4.50 to $6.00 ps and Sport heels, $4.50 Lps and Spool heels .. .<<. .$5,00 1i1<ain toe and Spool ...$3.00 and $3.50 Spool heels, tarn rtcl heels, turn. soles, ...$3.75 to $6.04 Eamps and Sport car .$2.50 to $3.50 EN Rl IAL HOTEL h, 1919 MM MMit mria AMY mM MW IMM WM mW MW AWM mm Mm MM lemt MW MW ULTURAL ONTARIO Johnny J. Jon Midway Exposition Ivery Night nonstrations al entrance at the 1.;' -ozn the Secretary k. M. HUNT, SecretarY D TA Molif IMO Malt sae Day except Surslai. for Montreal, Quebec, St. ind Maritime and New I States Points. Railwaws dak-time trio feet resul.. ri)r- (lovelorn e.it negatives. SEAFORTII zu attention. JULY 18, 1919 SEAFORTH MARKETS. Seaforth, July 17, 919. Bran per ton $42.00 Sheri-% per ton $44.00 Flour, per ewt ..........5.00 to 5.90, Spring Vheat, per bushel $2.06 Butter, per lb . 40 to 45c Eggs, per dozen c 44 to 45c • GRAIN MARKET Toronto, July 15.—Ma.nitoba Wheat—No. 1 in store Fort William. Ontario wheat— Nominal. Manitoba Oats—No. 2 -C. W. 88%c ; oata—No. three white, 78 to 80 cente =lording' to freighWee 'American corn—Nom- inal. Manitoba barleyl—No, 3 C. W, 1.261/4; remittal. Peas—No, n mina': Buckwheat Ilarley—Maltingi) $1.18 to 11.22, —No. 2, nominal. Mantic/ha flour gov- ernment atom:lard 511 Toronto. Ontario flour— ,Government standard $10.50 to.$0.75 in jute , (bags, Toronto and Montreal, prompt shipmen lVfillfeed—Car lots delivered Montreal freigh bags bacluded: bran 340 to $42 per ton; shor $42 to 544 Per tone good feed flour $a.90 per 518 to 319 Per ton trock Toronto. StraW— car lots 310 to 511 Der ton. .„ LIVE STOCK MARKET Union Stock Yards, Toronto, JulY 16,—Trade in cattle: started very slow this morning, and in the face of an unusually heavy run prices for all gradea with the exception of heave butte, fell front 25 to 50 tents per owt. Only it: the ease of ooe consiating of 34. head, averuging 1.100 pounds, was the top ,price of; Inet week's cloee maintained when a con- signment by Alex. Campbell, of Shedden, Ont. handled by Dunn and 'Levaelo sold at 514.75 Per ewt. The quality of the cattle offered nas thoueand heed too heavy for the demand. Small meats bold freely and the offerings was cleaned up before the close. Calves were ite strong demand. with Prices holding even -with Iast leeek, the tot price being 22V2 cents per pound, and the 'g eral raoge between 17 and 2111! cents.. Ther was a heavy run of 'wen fed spring lambs and price were a lit- tle eaeier, 'from 18 to 20-ef! cents being paid for the better qualito. earitoge were in faeor at from 14 to' 15 eents, light sheep from 10 to 41 cents •nd heavtee trom 8 to 9 cents. Reeeipts were -280,/c rs, with 5.318 cattle. 370 calves, `2,2t5 hiege and e352 sheep and Hogs Were firm 41 23 cents f.o.b., and 24 centa fed and wa‘te4red. There were verY few canners in the day's offering of cattle. Milkere and springers 'were also a light run with the later selling freely, but milkere were not wanted to any great extent Harris Abattoir bought 300 head before noon, with butchem at $10.50 to 512.75: eaves 55 to $1.1, and bulls 37.50 to all per cwt. Ganne Ltd, bought BOO head: Cattle 512 to $11 per cwt. Quinn and Hisey sold 10 loads; Butchers steers and heifers -4, 950 tbs. 513 ; 5 840 °calve: 16 to 21 cents ; sheep and Iambs 10% Corbett Hall and Coughlin sold ;44 curse Good steels $13.25 te 513.50; choice butchers 512.50; medium butchera 511.60 $12; corn - mon butchers 310.75 to 311.50; choice cows 310 to $10.25; good sows 39 to $9.e0; inediurn cowa 38 to 52.50; cornmon cows, V to 37.50 ; canners 35; choice butcher bulls 51G to 510.50; bologna bulle 88 to 59; choice yearling lambs $20 to $21 ; choice sheep, $10 to 311; choice veal calves,r520.50 to 521.50; medium crelves 517 to 519. C, Zdagman and Sons sold: Cows -4 969 United Farmere' Co-operative Co., Ltd., sold. Butchere-20, 1.140 Des. 313.50 ; 720. tbs. H. P. Kennedy Ltd., sold 22 loads: StCers The quotations were: Choice heavy ethers $14 to $14.75; good heavy steers $13 to 513.50 e butchers' cattle choice 51_2.75 to 313.25 do. good 512 to $12.50; do. medium e11.50 bulls choice $11.25 to 511.75: do. medium cows choice, 310.50 to 511.25 ; do. good 310.25, al0.50; do. medium 59 to $9.25; do. common feeders 312.50 to $13; canner's and cutters 54.50 to 36-.25; milkera good to• choice 590 5150: do. common and medium 365' th $75; springers $90 to $160; lieht ewes 310 to 511; yearlinge 518.30 to 51.4.5(); spring lambs per ewt. 320 ,to 322; calves good to choice $18 weighed off cars 524.25; do. f.o.b. 523. Montreal. auly 15. --The week's receipts of 'live stock at the West End cattle market amounted to 1,300 cattle 1,700 sheep and Iambs, 3.100 hoses and -2',1.00: calteee. Thia Morning there tvas a large increase in offer - Ines on this merket, receipte consisted of 1,050 cattle 1,400 sheep and Lamle+. 2,450 hogs ind 1.650 calves. The large increaee , in offering:: of '''hogs in a weaker feeling in the market end ehoice eelects were quoted at 523 th i23.50 per 100 pounds otT ears. eThere were otferinirs of Iambs, also and this se,ction IC 511. market is uneertain. too the rest of the- nieat s..-iction firth tone prevails trd changes ere small. Cattle was in good lernand, i..*pecially butchers' cows, and, tire vele else k -sen demand far .choic:: e-nitele were a little more plentiful, At the 0 P. Et. stock yards there were alio tieavy rum', i.i.eek's receipts having" lean 700 cattle. 1,2D0 sheep and lambs, 1,650 hogs .100 To -day's otTeeings 'were 1,200 settle, RV sheep end Iambs, 1 300 hogs and '790 calves. Trading at this market was all lines, and priceo while easier, ow- ing to the better ,4uppli. did noi deetine -nue:. Quotations: Choice steers 512.50 to 413.50; good $11 to 512.59: ntedium 310 to 511; common 38 to 39.50. choice butcher _cat- ty% cows 3,10 to 311.50; good 39 to 510; med. ni.50 to $10; medium 36.50 to 37.50; sheep ;10 to 31.2: lambs 312 to 311; calvos, milk fed ,ctit 50e to $1 higher. Prime steers, 316.25 317..25; shipping steers 315.60 to 316.60; liu t,Aii:rs' 39 to 315 .70 ; yeearliiigs 310.50 to to 512; stocker% and feeders 38.50 Dia-: Calves -Receipt's 2,100: )0c lower; 313 312: fresh cows ft ud sprrgers. 350 to to 50c ,higher; Iambs ;1'.1 to 314: yearlings 38 to 314 ozwethere $9.50 • MARRIAGES ' se- Alexander—At Tharnet Road Manse, on Auly 2rid by Rev. Dr. Fletcher, Miss Agtn, V. Alexander to S. George Davis. both of the Manse, Brussels, .41 Rev. is... lYlann, B.A., on June 25th, Mr. .N.rthur Hall, of Grey township, to Miss liadys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McNeil, of Morris townehip. "I • BIRTHS Doraey—At Clinton RoaPital, on Tuesday, July 8th, to Mr. and Min. John Doreen a Whitley. --On Sunday, July 6th, ,to Me. and Mrs; C, L. Whitley, of the Canadian Batik of Commerce, (nee Ella Robb) Morse, Sask., a daughter. Cooper—In Goderic'h, on June 24th, to Mr. Nickle—In Clinton. JU1Y 9th, to Mr. and Laidlaw -4n Morrie township, on June 26th, to. Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Laidlaw. a sett Reanolds—In Usborne on July 5th. to Mr* and Mrs. Luther R:synolda; a Ron. Govenlock—In Saskatoon, Sask. on Thursday, -Ally 10th, James Scott Goveidock, aged 87 years, 1 month and 15 dean- McCaier—At Chiselhurat, on July 4th: Angus McCaig, aged 51 Years. S. T. Holmes ; Licensed Embalmer uneral Director and ., = MINS _ tows building opposite — _ s orb notice. 111111111111 immimilimmiliiiiimmulai wM MEM mW mot mM 6011 MM WM MEI MEI WIW W. S, Got' mley UNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above , .M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on short notice . 'Charges moderate Phone—Night or Day -192 HOME BUILDERS' Write for our Free Book of house plans and ioformation telling how to save from tee() to foue hundred dollars 'oh you new home. Address HA,LLIDAY COMPANY, Box 61, Jackson St., Hamilton, Ont. 2686-1f IMPORTANT NOTICES few girls to operate sewl1:11g machines - W. E. SANDFORD Mfg. Co., Setforth. Phone ' 269241 Good milker. Appy to GEORGE TURN - BULL', S'eaforth. 2692-1 mence September lst. State salary andl ex- perience and address ISAAC BOLTON, W 1ton, Ont. 269 -tf -Emma's_ AND VEGETABLES FRESH F OM our garden. and orchards.' Ask for sour weekly price lists. HEROLD'S 'FARMS, Frtiit- QEPARATOR SALE.—FOR SALE A "-A1 Renfrew Standard cream separator, guar- anteed good condition; 650 capacity; also set double driving harnese complete with polie Phone 17 on 143. S. TOWNSEND, Egmond- • NIARAS WANTED.—WANTED TO RENT -IL for term of years a good farna, 160 or 150 acres : buildinge must be in good repair with plenty of accommodation for stock. Address box 157, Expositor Office. 2689x5 ' IFTY CELERY PLANTS -80c. BEST -2- varieties, all transplanted. Postpaid, ship - Ped successfully everywhere. Ask for price list of other vegetable Plants and fruits in season, TATFIROLD'S FARMS, Fruitland, Out, Niagara District. 2688-tf WANTED.-eSEVERAL STENOGRAPHERS " experienced. Sneed, aceuracy and good vocabulary are esstotial. Working conditions ideal. Apply stating experience to Sales Man- ager Chevrolet Motor Company. Oshawa, Ontt 2688-6 • tes, tent teacher for sehool section No. 61 McKillop. Duties to commence September 2nd: Applications, stating salary and ex- perience to be received leefor.,e July 23rd. ALBERT E. GODKIN, Secletvy Treasurer, HOUSE FOR SALE.—FOR SALE BRICK rooms with cellar, kitchen S.nd frame summer kitchen, all in good repair: good frame barn. The houae- is situated on one acre of land. Also for eale No. 2 separator, Standard -make. For further particulars apply on the premises ANTED.—MEN TO ESTABLISH SMALL local plants in every county 'to handle the FAunous European Retreads ea_1..sr automobile tires ; puncture' and blowout proof. Cost half a's much as. new tires and wkar longer. Xoney 'maker for live men._ DOMINION' GENERAL,. SUPPLY CO., 114 ',Confederation 'Life Bldg._ Toront(). 2101-2 tiOUSE FOR SALE.—FOR SAE, A GOOD 'frame house eituated on Ettet William St., ene block from high school.. with heed and eoft. water, furnance and telephone. There are twd lobs of land•,contaieing a good garden 'and small Orchard. Also re einall barn. For further particulars, apply to JAS'..WRIGHT, Seaforth, or phone 115. 2680-tf VOR SALE.—IN EGMONDVILLE--EIGHT acres of land with frame house and kit- chen, good cement cellar, also woodshed, stable and small barn Good well. Close to school, church and stoies. Small orchard. Possession can be had in March. For particulars apply to HENRY FORSYTH, E,g-moodvilie, or phone 10 on 131, Seaforth- 2668-tf (11.TAL WEED TEACHER WANTED. — FOR 44, school- eection No. 2 McKillop. Applica- tione stetting salary and experience will be viewed by the undersirened up to August est 19/9. Dutiee to commence September 2, Seaforth. 2691-4 TENDERS FOR CHURCH SHED. — THE -I- building committee of Union Church, Brucefield, call for the following tenders: 1st, 200 barrele of cement laid down at Bruce - field. 2nd Erection of concrete work. 3rd. To supply material aod complete the building including roof doori, and windowa. Sealed tenders for at:aye work to be in the haods of the Secreary not later than August lat. For plans and specifications apply to j. A. lY1cEween, Secretary Building Committee, R. R. No. 1, Brucefield. 2692x3 THE A:MON EXiOSITOR AtCTION SALES. ture. The date of the' auction sale ad- erthed in The Exp8eitor. of July llth, for Sat -Urdu* July 19th, has been changed to the following household arieles will be offered without reserve; Quarter cut- oak -buffet, quarter cut oak china cabinet, oiik extension toble, mahogany Rowe, nuthogany parlor chair, table, mahogany wash stand, a number of oak chains; coal oil stove with oven, oil heater, talking machine,- refrigerator, Monde chair, sewing Machine. rug 8x4 yards, 2 office desks and a number of other artielei too ntunerous to mention. Terms—Cash, CHAS. LAYTON, Proprietor; T.' Brown, Auctioneer. Shorthorn 'Sale will offer. to ithe. public at auetion at The Fair Grounds ,SEAFORTH, ON Wednesday at 1 o'clock pan.e2lsharp, (new time) The entire herd _of A. 41,. McLachlan, of Renfrew, whie he purchased. We believe these catt le are one of the strongest iota pre ented for your ap- praisal for some t me, a herd of big roomy breading co s corning off the grass in br eding orm. 59 LOTS comprising 5 cows with 25 calvee at side and mosti3r 1e -bred, some 20 cows and young h ifers 'and , all of breediTrg age, bred t high class eires, and 5 young, bulls. We believe you will be surprised en you see the possess, about one -I alf are of pure Scotch pedigree, the balance'lan arr of grand Scotch -top ed cattle, Br'e ers great and steal can secure seed stock which -we be ieve is right in every wayi. For articulars write Mr: Merner and ectire catalogue. Terms—Cash or 6 ntonths' credit with 6 per cent. per anemm on bankable paper. J. J. sME17,NER, Proprietor, Seaforthe' Capt Robs.on, 0.• W. Robinson,. Frank Taylor Thomas Brown, Auctieneerst 26924 TEN ERS Sealed tenders IA the Town Clerk's eluding Monday, J drawing gravel fr quired by the CO' Town of Seaforth f . at 350 yards. Te 'yard: By order, S 1919. JOHN A ,Town of Seaforth, ill be received at y 21st, 1919, for m Case's pit re - oration of the 1919, estimated de s to be per le July 15, N, Clerk, 2692-1 TENDER Tenders will be received • by the Public School Board for the erection and completion of a 'new lavatory at the pubc school. All tenders must state the emount for the whole work complete., Plans and specifications may be had from the Secretary of in the bands of the secretary not later than 5 O'clock p.m. on the 26th day a July, 1919. The Board reserves the right to, reject any or all tenders. Dated at Seaforth this 16th. day of July 1919. JOHN RANICIN, I FARMS FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE I have some choke farms for sale in the Townships of Usborne and Ilibbert, all well built and improved, on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2658-tf PARM FOR SALE.—BEING LOTS 16 AND 17 oh the 4th concession of Hibbert con- taining 150 acres with -all necessary buil-dings, convient th schools and churches of all elen- omatione with telephone and rural route; 23/4° miles from Dublin market. This is a,splendid property and will be !sold to wind up the estate of the late William McLellan. For further .particulars apply to ANDREW. Mc- VARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 35 Concesaion 2, McKillop, containing 100 acr. There are on the premises a bank barn_ hay barn, hen house and pig house, good 13/4 stfory frame house; plenty of good water; drilled Well between house and barn with over '76 feet of water. The farm is well fenced with woven wire and is well drained. The land is all under cultivation and is a first class farm. For further particulars ' apply on the premises or address Seaforth, R. R. No. 2. JAMES McGILL. 2689-tf HOUSE FOR SALE That very desirable property iust off Main street, Egmondville, consisting of one-half acre of land, on which is situated a 1% story -brick „house veith seven roome and good cellar. There are also on the premises a stable. good well and cistern. also apple, plum and pear trees and other small fruits. This is a splendid Property and the taxes are kw. For further particulars. apply t•co Mrs. M. A. Charlesw,orthe Egmondville P. 0. 2650x2-tf VI OR SALE.—ONE HUNDRED ACRES CON- -11- setting of Lot 27, Concession 3, Tucker- ernith,'Huron county; close to school and church; 5 miles to Seaforth, Clinton and Brucefield ; on fine grayel roads. Eighty acres cleered; twenty acres of bush and pasture; three hundred hard maples ; sugar cams; spring, no pumping for stock, '7 acres of orchard, ten roomed brick house, furnance, 'telephone. large barn stabling underneath, shed, pig pen, drivehouse, beautiful yard, evergreens, shade trees. J. TERRYBERRY, R. to 3, Seaforth. 2685-tf FARM FOR SALE Lot' 33; Concession 6, ,McKillop, 100 acrm of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 acres of bush, the rest in a high,state of cultivation; 6 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from Con- stance, 11/4, miles from school, There are en the premises, a good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x76. all Pege wire fences and well underdrained. There are forty acres. Ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance seed- ed down. There are two big springie one -piped th barnyard and in the other a dam with a hydraulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the. spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence. there is no waste land. There is graded and gravelled lane from the road th the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL FOR SALE. House and half acre of land in tht village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is knowr as the Purcell property. Geod, com- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern, All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This Ls a corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultiva. tion. This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises „.Populart The following popular stallions will stand for the improvement of- stock *nil follows: THE PURE BRED PERCHERON STALLION _ INDEX Passed Enrolment 363 Form 1 ffloerd ona non ndY;* g—tohWewni le el5n11051: t hton Vilinitiinia°GrwileodaterisCtibrisleto; WurnsBruarhdciei to the Rayfield Line and nvest to , Arthur Welsh's for night. , Tiiesdai.—West th the 6th concession, north ..to Porters's. Hill- at George Vanderbures tor noon; then north . by way of 6th conceal/all to Jarnes Mc- Millan's for night. --Wednesday.—North th Huron Road by way of Jewall's Corners and Benmiller to' William Millis saw xaill, Colborne, for noon; then be way `of Maitland concession to Harry Sweet's Holmersville, for night. Thursday:—North 2 miles, east 2 miles to Albert Townsencns, 15th concesaion ,of Goderich 'township forenoon.; then by way of Huron Road to 'Grah'suneaganthe 'Clinton for night. Friday.—South by, way Of the London Road to his own stable.Brucefield until Sat- urday morning. Saturday,—South 2% iniles by .way of the London Road and east to Robert Elgie's, for, noon; then north 23/2 Miles to the Mill Road and 'west to MS own stable where he will remains until the following Monday morning. WliL BERRY, Prop. and Manager. ,2682x12- 15279 (153913A8)1C: VOIR. AXXXHI at Staffa, and go west to James' Hill's, for noon; then 'south to the;Cromarty line, then east to Cromarty to his own stable for night. Tneeday.--South to Alfred liunkinif, theo west along the Usborne, for noon; Thames Roads for 3% zniles and south on night Wedneaday.—East to the Elimville Line end south to.Ellinville, and east to Winchelsea th John Delbridge's for noon ; then south to William Brock's, for night. Thursday.—South and east on the flth concession of Blanchard, ni A. S. na worthy's (Wallace's old farm), for noon; th .n north to the Kirktont Jane and west to T ylor's Hotel. Kirkton, far night Fridaye—Nort along the Mitchell Road, to Mount- Please t: and west to Jasper Prid- ham's__ for n on; then west and mirth to John Hamilto 's, 10th concession of Hibbert for night. Sa urday.—North 23/4 miles to Mac Grey's 7th cei cession for noon; then west to the 7th eorices ion to Centre Road, then r , t to his own sta le, where he wilt remain ectiii the following Monday morning. 'JOHN LEVIN STONE, Pro. and Manager. 2682-12 THE IMPOR D CLYDESDALE STALLION RL O'CLAY ,12035) [18458] Approved E rolment No., 699- Form 1 Monday, May 1,9th.—Will leave his own stable Bruconeld and go west to the 2nd concessfon of Stanley, then north to.,. John Butcharel's, for noon; then north and west to Ed. Glenn, Jr's, for night. Tuesday:—By Way of Ban- nockburn to yarnaeat the TemPeratice Hetet. ,for noon their:04f. way of -the Bayfield Road to the Gonffieti Line Arthur McClinchey's, Road to/ the Parr Line, then south to William Foster* for noon; then' to William Mce Renzi 2nd concession of Stanley for the night. Thursday.—Nerth to the Bayfield road to his own stable for noon; remaining until the f 'lowing Friday morning. Friday.—To George,M1cCartney's, Mill Road, for noon; then to McAdam's side road, and oorth to the 2nd concession H. R., S., Tuckersmith, then west to James Carnochanni. for night. Sat- urday.—West by Broadfooes-bridge, then south to the MilidRoad,, to his 'own stable, where he will rernain ^until the following Monday :morning. R. -D. MURDOCK,. Prop. and Man- • THE. GREAT YOUNG CLYDE STALLION EARL OF BIVILEY Will staid the improvement of stock this season at own stable, Brucefield, where Mr. Murdock will meet herse owners on Thursday afternoons and Saturdays of each week. R. D. MURDOCK, Prop. and Manager. CUMBERLAND GEM (13978) [16986] Form 1 Enrolment No. 1367 Will stand for the imprevement of stock during the season 1919 at John J. McGavin's stables, Leadbury, Lot 22, Elencession 13, Mc- Killop. Terms—$12 to insure, payable Fcbruary 1st, 1920. s'e 3. McGAV1N, Pro. EMPEROR McKINNEY Standard Bred Trotting Stallion No. (54151)- 1658 Enrolment. No. 4075 Form 1 Terms to insurp $13. Einperor McKinney, son of the world's greatest Speed sire, McKinney 88f8, 2.114/4, is a black horse 16 hands high and weighs 1,250 pounds with the best of feet and legs. Will stand for the improvement of stock this spason at Lot 8, Concession 4, Tucker - smith! Mares from a dista'nce 'will be met.' For further particulars apply th owner or phone '7 on 136. CHARLES RILEY, Prop. arid Manager. 268'3-12 TRUIVORTIIY Enrolled and Inspected Bay horse, foaled 1916, Standard and reg- istered, Vol. XXII. Bred by the late, John L. Snyder, at Park Farm, Springfield, Ohio. Sired by Ortolan Axworthy,' 8 year old record 2,0714; Dam, Trussoca, 2.07 by- Moko„ Dam of Trujolla: 2 year old record 2.203/4, raced ,in 2.07 at -three yeers. Last season as se two year old Truworthy trotted the farm half 'mile track in 2.27,, Truworthy was brok- en th harness in May in his yearling fotm and trotted a quarter in 38 seconds, one- eigth in 18, with no intention of searching hirn He is gaited to go very fast and he hag the inclination to stay on the trot and do the right thing at all times. He is one of the first crop of foals by Ortolan Axworthy 3 years, 2.073/4, and considered by Many the best individual son of his sire, Axworthy 3. years 2.1534. Remember the Axworthy Moko cross produced the world's champion the Real Lady 3 years, 2.03. Don't mitts seeing Tru - worthy as I cannot say too 'much for him. Terms—Will stand at his dem stable at Hill's Green at $15 to insure a living foal. GEORGE E. TROYER, Prop. DEXTRO Pure Bred Percheron Enrolment' No. 5185 Terras to insure $15. Form 1 Monday. --Will leave his own stable, lot 3, concession 3, McKillop and go west to E. Johnston's . for noon, then to Clinton at Commercial Hotel for night, Tuesday.—North to James Snell's for noon• then east to Oliver Anderson's for /night. Wednesday.—East to John Grieve's for ndon; then east th William Manley's, McKillop, for night. Thin:titian.— To for noon, then . to Dublin at Webber's Hotel for night. Friday.—To Sea - forth where he will remain at the Dick House until Satueday morning. Saturday.—West th George Dale's for noon; then to his own stable where he will remain until the follow- ing Monday morning. McM1CHAEL & FISHER, Preps. LORD MANSFIELD The Pare Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion Passed Enrolinent No. 1734 Form 1 $13 to insure. Monday.—Will leave his own stable, Beech- wood, and go to Pat Wqod's, Logan for noon; then to his own etable for night. Tuesday.—To John Murray'S, concession 11, McKillop, for noon; then , west to Allan Ross' con4ssioo 10, McKillop, for one hour, then to Ins own stable for night. Wednes- for noon e then to Weber's Hotel, Dublin, for night. s Thursday.—To Joseph Nagle's, for neon; then th Joseph Atkinson's, for night. Friday.—To Martin Curtin's, 1% mum east of Seaforth, for noon; then...to Williain Anderson's, Lot 29, Concession 5; McKilloP. for nigbt Saturday.—Will proceed to his own stable where lin will remain until the following Monday morning. James Hwang, Froierietor and Manger- . AT YOUR SERVICE 1101 127; CLINTON - Phone 1011 (formerly of Brucefield) —Agent for— The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the Canada Trust Company,. _ ‘Consmiuloner LC. ef J.. Cony's, - once', Fire and Tornado Insurance, - • Notary Public. Wednesday each week at Brumfield TENDERS FOR COAL EALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO undersigned and endorsed "Tender f r Coal for the Dominion Buildings, -Ontario and Quebec," will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, July 25th, 1919, fdr the suPPler,of coal "'or the Dominion Buildings throughoun„ the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Combined specification and form ef tender can he obtained. at this office:, and from the Caretakers of the differeat -Dominion Build - Tenders will not be considered. unless made on the forme supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. • Each tender, must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered in!nk payable to the order of the Minister of P4blic Works. equal to 10 per cent..,of the arnbunt of the tender. War Loan Bonds of the., Dominion will also be accepted as security or war bonds and cheques if required to make up -en odd By order, R. C. DESROCIILRS, Depar ment of Public Works, Ottawa, July Srd, 1919. 2691-2 Autos for Sale Two Ford Touring Cars,,- 1.912 Models, with license; two Ford -Touring Cars, 1914 model's, #ith license; two Ford Touring C'ars,1918models,slightly used. with license; one Ford Tour -'.'k, ing Car, 1917 model, with lic- I enSe; one Gray Dort Touring.' 'Car, fully equipped, in splen- did -condition, with license. The above cars have been all over- haule:d and are in good condition. It will pay you to'leok Over our stock of used cat's before purch,asing. You , will receive good value for your money if you buy 'used cars from us. Studebaker, Ford & Gray Dort Dealers HENSALL 1 5 1 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES Convenience, securit3r amid econolity are securedt by the use of Travellers' Cheques issnaby this Bank. They enable the beaii- er to identify himself and. are readily converted into the current coin of any foreign country. Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen manager Embalmers and Funeral Directors Holder of ,Government Diploma Charges Moderate Flowers fernished on short_ notice Night Calls Day Calls_ Phone 175 Phone 43 S. T. Holmes ; Licensed Embalmer uneral Director and ., = MINS _ tows building opposite — _ s orb notice. 111111111111 immimilimmiliiiiimmulai wM MEM mW mot mM 6011 MM WM MEI MEI WIW W. S, Got' mley UNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors Above , .M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth Flowers furnished on short notice . 'Charges moderate Phone—Night or Day -192 HOME BUILDERS' Write for our Free Book of house plans and ioformation telling how to save from tee() to foue hundred dollars 'oh you new home. Address HA,LLIDAY COMPANY, Box 61, Jackson St., Hamilton, Ont. 2686-1f IMPORTANT NOTICES few girls to operate sewl1:11g machines - W. E. SANDFORD Mfg. Co., Setforth. Phone ' 269241 Good milker. Appy to GEORGE TURN - BULL', S'eaforth. 2692-1 mence September lst. State salary andl ex- perience and address ISAAC BOLTON, W 1ton, Ont. 269 -tf -Emma's_ AND VEGETABLES FRESH F OM our garden. and orchards.' Ask for sour weekly price lists. HEROLD'S 'FARMS, Frtiit- QEPARATOR SALE.—FOR SALE A "-A1 Renfrew Standard cream separator, guar- anteed good condition; 650 capacity; also set double driving harnese complete with polie Phone 17 on 143. S. TOWNSEND, Egmond- • NIARAS WANTED.—WANTED TO RENT -IL for term of years a good farna, 160 or 150 acres : buildinge must be in good repair with plenty of accommodation for stock. Address box 157, Expositor Office. 2689x5 ' IFTY CELERY PLANTS -80c. BEST -2- varieties, all transplanted. Postpaid, ship - Ped successfully everywhere. Ask for price list of other vegetable Plants and fruits in season, TATFIROLD'S FARMS, Fruitland, Out, Niagara District. 2688-tf WANTED.-eSEVERAL STENOGRAPHERS " experienced. Sneed, aceuracy and good vocabulary are esstotial. Working conditions ideal. Apply stating experience to Sales Man- ager Chevrolet Motor Company. Oshawa, Ontt 2688-6 • tes, tent teacher for sehool section No. 61 McKillop. Duties to commence September 2nd: Applications, stating salary and ex- perience to be received leefor.,e July 23rd. ALBERT E. GODKIN, Secletvy Treasurer, HOUSE FOR SALE.—FOR SALE BRICK rooms with cellar, kitchen S.nd frame summer kitchen, all in good repair: good frame barn. The houae- is situated on one acre of land. Also for eale No. 2 separator, Standard -make. For further particulars apply on the premises ANTED.—MEN TO ESTABLISH SMALL local plants in every county 'to handle the FAunous European Retreads ea_1..sr automobile tires ; puncture' and blowout proof. Cost half a's much as. new tires and wkar longer. Xoney 'maker for live men._ DOMINION' GENERAL,. SUPPLY CO., 114 ',Confederation 'Life Bldg._ Toront(). 2101-2 tiOUSE FOR SALE.—FOR SAE, A GOOD 'frame house eituated on Ettet William St., ene block from high school.. with heed and eoft. water, furnance and telephone. There are twd lobs of land•,contaieing a good garden 'and small Orchard. Also re einall barn. For further particulars, apply to JAS'..WRIGHT, Seaforth, or phone 115. 2680-tf VOR SALE.—IN EGMONDVILLE--EIGHT acres of land with frame house and kit- chen, good cement cellar, also woodshed, stable and small barn Good well. Close to school, church and stoies. Small orchard. Possession can be had in March. For particulars apply to HENRY FORSYTH, E,g-moodvilie, or phone 10 on 131, Seaforth- 2668-tf (11.TAL WEED TEACHER WANTED. — FOR 44, school- eection No. 2 McKillop. Applica- tione stetting salary and experience will be viewed by the undersirened up to August est 19/9. Dutiee to commence September 2, Seaforth. 2691-4 TENDERS FOR CHURCH SHED. — THE -I- building committee of Union Church, Brucefield, call for the following tenders: 1st, 200 barrele of cement laid down at Bruce - field. 2nd Erection of concrete work. 3rd. To supply material aod complete the building including roof doori, and windowa. Sealed tenders for at:aye work to be in the haods of the Secreary not later than August lat. For plans and specifications apply to j. A. lY1cEween, Secretary Building Committee, R. R. No. 1, Brucefield. 2692x3 THE A:MON EXiOSITOR AtCTION SALES. ture. The date of the' auction sale ad- erthed in The Exp8eitor. of July llth, for Sat -Urdu* July 19th, has been changed to the following household arieles will be offered without reserve; Quarter cut- oak -buffet, quarter cut oak china cabinet, oiik extension toble, mahogany Rowe, nuthogany parlor chair, table, mahogany wash stand, a number of oak chains; coal oil stove with oven, oil heater, talking machine,- refrigerator, Monde chair, sewing Machine. rug 8x4 yards, 2 office desks and a number of other artielei too ntunerous to mention. Terms—Cash, CHAS. LAYTON, Proprietor; T.' Brown, Auctioneer. Shorthorn 'Sale will offer. to ithe. public at auetion at The Fair Grounds ,SEAFORTH, ON Wednesday at 1 o'clock pan.e2lsharp, (new time) The entire herd _of A. 41,. McLachlan, of Renfrew, whie he purchased. We believe these catt le are one of the strongest iota pre ented for your ap- praisal for some t me, a herd of big roomy breading co s corning off the grass in br eding orm. 59 LOTS comprising 5 cows with 25 calvee at side and mosti3r 1e -bred, some 20 cows and young h ifers 'and , all of breediTrg age, bred t high class eires, and 5 young, bulls. We believe you will be surprised en you see the possess, about one -I alf are of pure Scotch pedigree, the balance'lan arr of grand Scotch -top ed cattle, Br'e ers great and steal can secure seed stock which -we be ieve is right in every wayi. For articulars write Mr: Merner and ectire catalogue. Terms—Cash or 6 ntonths' credit with 6 per cent. per anemm on bankable paper. J. J. sME17,NER, Proprietor, Seaforthe' Capt Robs.on, 0.• W. Robinson,. Frank Taylor Thomas Brown, Auctieneerst 26924 TEN ERS Sealed tenders IA the Town Clerk's eluding Monday, J drawing gravel fr quired by the CO' Town of Seaforth f . at 350 yards. Te 'yard: By order, S 1919. JOHN A ,Town of Seaforth, ill be received at y 21st, 1919, for m Case's pit re - oration of the 1919, estimated de s to be per le July 15, N, Clerk, 2692-1 TENDER Tenders will be received • by the Public School Board for the erection and completion of a 'new lavatory at the pubc school. All tenders must state the emount for the whole work complete., Plans and specifications may be had from the Secretary of in the bands of the secretary not later than 5 O'clock p.m. on the 26th day a July, 1919. The Board reserves the right to, reject any or all tenders. Dated at Seaforth this 16th. day of July 1919. JOHN RANICIN, I FARMS FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE I have some choke farms for sale in the Townships of Usborne and Ilibbert, all well built and improved, on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2658-tf PARM FOR SALE.—BEING LOTS 16 AND 17 oh the 4th concession of Hibbert con- taining 150 acres with -all necessary buil-dings, convient th schools and churches of all elen- omatione with telephone and rural route; 23/4° miles from Dublin market. This is a,splendid property and will be !sold to wind up the estate of the late William McLellan. For further .particulars apply to ANDREW. Mc- VARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE LOT 35 Concesaion 2, McKillop, containing 100 acr. There are on the premises a bank barn_ hay barn, hen house and pig house, good 13/4 stfory frame house; plenty of good water; drilled Well between house and barn with over '76 feet of water. The farm is well fenced with woven wire and is well drained. The land is all under cultivation and is a first class farm. For further particulars ' apply on the premises or address Seaforth, R. R. No. 2. JAMES McGILL. 2689-tf HOUSE FOR SALE That very desirable property iust off Main street, Egmondville, consisting of one-half acre of land, on which is situated a 1% story -brick „house veith seven roome and good cellar. There are also on the premises a stable. good well and cistern. also apple, plum and pear trees and other small fruits. This is a splendid Property and the taxes are kw. For further particulars. apply t•co Mrs. M. A. Charlesw,orthe Egmondville P. 0. 2650x2-tf VI OR SALE.—ONE HUNDRED ACRES CON- -11- setting of Lot 27, Concession 3, Tucker- ernith,'Huron county; close to school and church; 5 miles to Seaforth, Clinton and Brucefield ; on fine grayel roads. Eighty acres cleered; twenty acres of bush and pasture; three hundred hard maples ; sugar cams; spring, no pumping for stock, '7 acres of orchard, ten roomed brick house, furnance, 'telephone. large barn stabling underneath, shed, pig pen, drivehouse, beautiful yard, evergreens, shade trees. J. TERRYBERRY, R. to 3, Seaforth. 2685-tf FARM FOR SALE Lot' 33; Concession 6, ,McKillop, 100 acrm of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 acres of bush, the rest in a high,state of cultivation; 6 miles from Seaforth, 2 miles from Con- stance, 11/4, miles from school, There are en the premises, a good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x76. all Pege wire fences and well underdrained. There are forty acres. Ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance seed- ed down. There are two big springie one -piped th barnyard and in the other a dam with a hydraulic ram pumping the water to the house and to the barn. As the. spring is in the orchard and near the house and line fence. there is no waste land. There is graded and gravelled lane from the road th the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL FOR SALE. House and half acre of land in tht village of Egmondville. The property is situated on Centre Street, close to the Presbyterian church and is knowr as the Purcell property. Geod, com- fortable house, good shed, good well and cement cistern, All kinds of fruit trees, strawberries, raspberries, and currant bushes. This Ls a corner pro- perty with no breaks on front, and the land is in a good state of cultiva. tion. This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For particulars apply on the premises „.Populart The following popular stallions will stand for the improvement of- stock *nil follows: THE PURE BRED PERCHERON STALLION _ INDEX Passed Enrolment 363 Form 1 ffloerd ona non ndY;* g—tohWewni le el5n11051: t hton Vilinitiinia°GrwileodaterisCtibrisleto; WurnsBruarhdciei to the Rayfield Line and nvest to , Arthur Welsh's for night. , Tiiesdai.—West th the 6th concession, north ..to Porters's. Hill- at George Vanderbures tor noon; then north . by way of 6th conceal/all to Jarnes Mc- Millan's for night. --Wednesday.—North th Huron Road by way of Jewall's Corners and Benmiller to' William Millis saw xaill, Colborne, for noon; then be way `of Maitland concession to Harry Sweet's Holmersville, for night. Thursday:—North 2 miles, east 2 miles to Albert Townsencns, 15th concesaion ,of Goderich 'township forenoon.; then by way of Huron Road to 'Grah'suneaganthe 'Clinton for night. Friday.—South by, way Of the London Road to his own stable.Brucefield until Sat- urday morning. Saturday,—South 2% iniles by .way of the London Road and east to Robert Elgie's, for, noon; then north 23/2 Miles to the Mill Road and 'west to MS own stable where he will remains until the following Monday morning. WliL BERRY, Prop. and Manager. ,2682x12- 15279 (153913A8)1C: VOIR. AXXXHI at Staffa, and go west to James' Hill's, for noon; then 'south to the;Cromarty line, then east to Cromarty to his own stable for night. Tneeday.--South to Alfred liunkinif, theo west along the Usborne, for noon; Thames Roads for 3% zniles and south on night Wedneaday.—East to the Elimville Line end south to.Ellinville, and east to Winchelsea th John Delbridge's for noon ; then south to William Brock's, for night. Thursday.—South and east on the flth concession of Blanchard, ni A. S. na worthy's (Wallace's old farm), for noon; th .n north to the Kirktont Jane and west to T ylor's Hotel. Kirkton, far night Fridaye—Nort along the Mitchell Road, to Mount- Please t: and west to Jasper Prid- ham's__ for n on; then west and mirth to John Hamilto 's, 10th concession of Hibbert for night. Sa urday.—North 23/4 miles to Mac Grey's 7th cei cession for noon; then west to the 7th eorices ion to Centre Road, then r , t to his own sta le, where he wilt remain ectiii the following Monday morning. 'JOHN LEVIN STONE, Pro. and Manager. 2682-12 THE IMPOR D CLYDESDALE STALLION RL O'CLAY ,12035) [18458] Approved E rolment No., 699- Form 1 Monday, May 1,9th.—Will leave his own stable Bruconeld and go west to the 2nd concessfon of Stanley, then north to.,. John Butcharel's, for noon; then north and west to Ed. Glenn, Jr's, for night. Tuesday:—By Way of Ban- nockburn to yarnaeat the TemPeratice Hetet. ,for noon their:04f. way of -the Bayfield Road to the Gonffieti Line Arthur McClinchey's, Road to/ the Parr Line, then south to William Foster* for noon; then' to William Mce Renzi 2nd concession of Stanley for the night. Thursday.—Nerth to the Bayfield road to his own stable for noon; remaining until the f 'lowing Friday morning. Friday.—To George,M1cCartney's, Mill Road, for noon; then to McAdam's side road, and oorth to the 2nd concession H. R., S., Tuckersmith, then west to James Carnochanni. for night. Sat- urday.—West by Broadfooes-bridge, then south to the MilidRoad,, to his 'own stable, where he will rernain ^until the following Monday :morning. R. -D. MURDOCK,. Prop. and Man- • THE. GREAT YOUNG CLYDE STALLION EARL OF BIVILEY Will staid the improvement of stock this season at own stable, Brucefield, where Mr. Murdock will meet herse owners on Thursday afternoons and Saturdays of each week. R. D. MURDOCK, Prop. and Manager. CUMBERLAND GEM (13978) [16986] Form 1 Enrolment No. 1367 Will stand for the imprevement of stock during the season 1919 at John J. McGavin's stables, Leadbury, Lot 22, Elencession 13, Mc- Killop. Terms—$12 to insure, payable Fcbruary 1st, 1920. s'e 3. McGAV1N, Pro. EMPEROR McKINNEY Standard Bred Trotting Stallion No. (54151)- 1658 Enrolment. No. 4075 Form 1 Terms to insurp $13. Einperor McKinney, son of the world's greatest Speed sire, McKinney 88f8, 2.114/4, is a black horse 16 hands high and weighs 1,250 pounds with the best of feet and legs. Will stand for the improvement of stock this spason at Lot 8, Concession 4, Tucker - smith! Mares from a dista'nce 'will be met.' For further particulars apply th owner or phone '7 on 136. CHARLES RILEY, Prop. arid Manager. 268'3-12 TRUIVORTIIY Enrolled and Inspected Bay horse, foaled 1916, Standard and reg- istered, Vol. XXII. Bred by the late, John L. Snyder, at Park Farm, Springfield, Ohio. Sired by Ortolan Axworthy,' 8 year old record 2,0714; Dam, Trussoca, 2.07 by- Moko„ Dam of Trujolla: 2 year old record 2.203/4, raced ,in 2.07 at -three yeers. Last season as se two year old Truworthy trotted the farm half 'mile track in 2.27,, Truworthy was brok- en th harness in May in his yearling fotm and trotted a quarter in 38 seconds, one- eigth in 18, with no intention of searching hirn He is gaited to go very fast and he hag the inclination to stay on the trot and do the right thing at all times. He is one of the first crop of foals by Ortolan Axworthy 3 years, 2.073/4, and considered by Many the best individual son of his sire, Axworthy 3. years 2.1534. Remember the Axworthy Moko cross produced the world's champion the Real Lady 3 years, 2.03. Don't mitts seeing Tru - worthy as I cannot say too 'much for him. Terms—Will stand at his dem stable at Hill's Green at $15 to insure a living foal. GEORGE E. TROYER, Prop. DEXTRO Pure Bred Percheron Enrolment' No. 5185 Terras to insure $15. Form 1 Monday. --Will leave his own stable, lot 3, concession 3, McKillop and go west to E. Johnston's . for noon, then to Clinton at Commercial Hotel for night, Tuesday.—North to James Snell's for noon• then east to Oliver Anderson's for /night. Wednesday.—East to John Grieve's for ndon; then east th William Manley's, McKillop, for night. Thin:titian.— To for noon, then . to Dublin at Webber's Hotel for night. Friday.—To Sea - forth where he will remain at the Dick House until Satueday morning. Saturday.—West th George Dale's for noon; then to his own stable where he will remain until the follow- ing Monday morning. McM1CHAEL & FISHER, Preps. LORD MANSFIELD The Pare Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion Passed Enrolinent No. 1734 Form 1 $13 to insure. Monday.—Will leave his own stable, Beech- wood, and go to Pat Wqod's, Logan for noon; then to his own etable for night. Tuesday.—To John Murray'S, concession 11, McKillop, for noon; then , west to Allan Ross' con4ssioo 10, McKillop, for one hour, then to Ins own stable for night. Wednes- for noon e then to Weber's Hotel, Dublin, for night. s Thursday.—To Joseph Nagle's, for neon; then th Joseph Atkinson's, for night. Friday.—To Martin Curtin's, 1% mum east of Seaforth, for noon; then...to Williain Anderson's, Lot 29, Concession 5; McKilloP. for nigbt Saturday.—Will proceed to his own stable where lin will remain until the following Monday morning. James Hwang, Froierietor and Manger- . AT YOUR SERVICE 1101 127; CLINTON - Phone 1011 (formerly of Brucefield) —Agent for— The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the Canada Trust Company,. _ ‘Consmiuloner LC. ef J.. Cony's, - once', Fire and Tornado Insurance, - • Notary Public. Wednesday each week at Brumfield TENDERS FOR COAL EALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO undersigned and endorsed "Tender f r Coal for the Dominion Buildings, -Ontario and Quebec," will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, July 25th, 1919, fdr the suPPler,of coal "'or the Dominion Buildings throughoun„ the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Combined specification and form ef tender can he obtained. at this office:, and from the Caretakers of the differeat -Dominion Build - Tenders will not be considered. unless made on the forme supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. • Each tender, must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered in!nk payable to the order of the Minister of P4blic Works. equal to 10 per cent..,of the arnbunt of the tender. War Loan Bonds of the., Dominion will also be accepted as security or war bonds and cheques if required to make up -en odd By order, R. C. DESROCIILRS, Depar ment of Public Works, Ottawa, July Srd, 1919. 2691-2 Autos for Sale Two Ford Touring Cars,,- 1.912 Models, with license; two Ford -Touring Cars, 1914 model's, #ith license; two Ford Touring C'ars,1918models,slightly used. with license; one Ford Tour -'.'k, ing Car, 1917 model, with lic- I enSe; one Gray Dort Touring.' 'Car, fully equipped, in splen- did -condition, with license. The above cars have been all over- haule:d and are in good condition. It will pay you to'leok Over our stock of used cat's before purch,asing. You , will receive good value for your money if you buy 'used cars from us. Studebaker, Ford & Gray Dort Dealers HENSALL 1 5 1 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES Convenience, securit3r amid econolity are securedt by the use of Travellers' Cheques issnaby this Bank. They enable the beaii- er to identify himself and. are readily converted into the current coin of any foreign country. Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen manager Good ooks ][(ritted in nd Long Wear Stockings Fine appearance and d rability are knitted' right into Buster Bro n Stockings. ur employees have had yefs of special t aining in knit mg Buster Brown hosiery. \-„.$ We use ex ra-long karn.- e spins it ourselves to be sure it's right. We designed these*stoc ings with a two-ply leg and three-% ply heel and toe—to itand, the ard usage of the average boy., Because we do all these t ings, Buster Brown Stockings are harder wearing. They make f wer tripi to the m2nding basket. They cost tess in the end. BUSTER BROWN'S Buster Brown's Sister' Stock- ing for the girls is a ti lendid price.. A two -thread English merc.erixed lisle stocking, that is shaped to nt and wears very well indeed. Cadent—Black, Leather Shade Tan Pink, Blue and White. Special too. The his opinio Ask yo attention is given their appearance, are exceptionally well -made and . Try your boy with a pair and get dealer for Buster, Brown n durable id everYwhere. The Chipman -Holton Xnirting Co.; Limilted Ifamilton, Onr.---Mills also at Welland • 1111 School Clin STENOGRAPHER : , and a The follovvin Highl Actua Crede 'Positi A Busines ISTo.w is the ' make retur SCHOO of Commerce on and Goderich Oni. . . ranges special courses for students. advantages: . Qualified Teaching Staff Business System of Bookkeeping tial Typeviriting Tests ns Guaranteed 1 if I.' ill ii 1 ducation pays for itself in a few months • nue for the young man or woman to an investment -that will give splendid in the years to come. - OPENS ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER itia. Good ooks ][(ritted in nd Long Wear Stockings Fine appearance and d rability are knitted' right into Buster Bro n Stockings. ur employees have had yefs of special t aining in knit mg Buster Brown hosiery. \-„.$ We use ex ra-long karn.- e spins it ourselves to be sure it's right. We designed these*stoc ings with a two-ply leg and three-% ply heel and toe—to itand, the ard usage of the average boy., Because we do all these t ings, Buster Brown Stockings are harder wearing. They make f wer tripi to the m2nding basket. They cost tess in the end. BUSTER BROWN'S Buster Brown's Sister' Stock- ing for the girls is a ti lendid price.. A two -thread English merc.erixed lisle stocking, that is shaped to nt and wears very well indeed. Cadent—Black, Leather Shade Tan Pink, Blue and White. Special too. The his opinio Ask yo attention is given their appearance, are exceptionally well -made and . Try your boy with a pair and get dealer for Buster, Brown n durable id everYwhere. The Chipman -Holton Xnirting Co.; Limilted Ifamilton, Onr.---Mills also at Welland •