HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-07-11, Page 6r_y 6 H ExpR 'ULY 11, 1919 - n't Miss`' the Closing Days Sale Ends Saturaiay, July 12th enu i n When we (lock the ' oors Saturday night July 12th, the opportunity of securing your unrestri tc - ed choice of a .stock of over $20,000 worth, of the highest grade footwear that money can buy, Appeal Of r ximately 50 cent, will have assed Tou by. If you wish to at �. s�.ving tc� you approximately -perVou p �work for °ou and make. -our dollar do the work of two- dollars or more will be here before Saturday night . and make money y y , will stock up -in footwear as you never did before. Do not be misled by the talk of lower prices'on footwear this fall We y0up o you and convinceyou that shoes this Fall and coming Winter will cost more than ever they did before, We have already assure E .F �. placed some orders for fall delivery -.--therefore we know ,what vie are talking 'about. SATURDAY JOEY 1 th---THELAST DAY , ... COME — — -You will notbe •"NOW .FOR 1A WHIRLWIND FINISH " Come you Money Savers MEI 4 WITH ALL THE FORCE AT OUR COMMAND WE ADVISE YOUPEOPLE TO VISIT THIS BIG FOOTWEAR SALE THIS WEEK, THERE IS GOING TO BE THE GREATEST S LLAUG HTERING OF FOOTWEAR PRICES .EVER KN OWN IN THIS DISTRICT DURING THE CLOSING DAYS OF THIS BIG BARGAIN EVENT. THOSE THAT DON'T COME ANIS BENEFIT ARE GOING ,TO BE SORRY AS.LhNG AS T IIEY LIVE, FOR SUCH AN OPPORTUNITY WILL NOT PASS YOUlt WAY AGAIN. A° story of High-grade footwear at before the war prices THERE WII,L BE THRiLLING EXCITEMENT OVER THE WONI>ERFUI� MYSTERIOUS PRICE CUTTING EVFIL'Y DAY UNTIL SATURDAY NIGHT.: THE STOCK MUST BE RE- DUCED TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE NEW STsDCK WE ARE EXPECTING ALMOST DAILY NOW. MANY PEOME HAVE BEEN HERE AND HAVE BOUGHT ENOUGH— SHOES' FOR THEMSELVES AND FAMILY TO LAST FOR A WHOLE YEAR. WISE OLD OWLS, THEY KNOW A GOOD THILVG WHEN THEY SEE IT. HOW ABOUT YOU READER, HAVE YOU GOT YOURS? HAVE YOU 1VIADE YOUR MONEY MAKE MONEY FOR YOU? YOU STILL HAVE THAT OPPORTUNITY IF YOU HURRY. GOODS NOT APPROVED OF WILL BE EXCHANGED OR MONEY REFUNDED DURING SALE BU1! NO EXCHANGING AFTER SALE IS OVER. Here are a few of the many Bargains for the closing days of this big sale Special Lot 945. Children's white Canvas strap shoes, oxfords and bar shoes, and some sizes in women's canvas pumps and oxfords, clear 'sweep at 99c Men's { oxfords and hoots, values up to $7.00, sale price $1.98. The leathers are black kid, black and tan calfskin and patent leather, low and military heels, pointed, round and broad toe lasts, extraordinary value at the sale price, $1.98 N.B.--,4ATURDAY ABSOLUTELY LAST I)AY OF SALE. We have a few oddments in children's boots which we will offer while they last at the ridiculous price of 79c N.B.—SATTURDAY ABSOLUTELY L A,ST DAY t)F SALE. - Special Lot 400. Boys' and youths' heavy farm shoe's for real rough,. hard ss ai solid leather; and worth 4.00 tc) .5.00;. also women's milking shoes and taro.` shoes,all at the reduced price of S1.99 Girls, misses and children's ankle strap' pumps at a big saving in price. Ankle strap pumps in patent leather, gunmetal calf and black kid, neat bow on vamps, perfect fitting, .Misses' sizes 11 to 2, worth $3.25, sale price $i.78 Girl's sizes; 8 to 101fz, worth $3.00, sale price S1.58 +C`hiidr.en's sizes in 3 to 711/2; Worth '$2.25, sailer price 99c N.D,-SATt RDAY ABSOLUTELY LAST DAY OF SALE. 'Women's boots, ialues from „$3.50 to $10.00, sale -price 98- cents. Odds and ends of limes - in women's boots lace arid button styles, in. many leathers, high and low heels, plain ramps and with toe caps, pointed and medium vamps, values run from 83.50 to $10.00 in the lot. Tell your friends. 98c WAY ABSOLUTELY LAST DAY - OF SALE. Women's patent caltskin anal gun metal calf- skin boots, values up to $7.00, sale prcee $11i98. The wise woman will buy four or .five pair -of these and stock up for future as Well as for present needs, finest of leathers in many styles and all sizes m -the lot, values up to $7.00, sale price $1.98 N.B.—SATURDAY ABSOLUTELY LAST DAY OF SALE. insomilmmilliwwwwwwwinimmimmemmemoisslim This is your last chance Don't Delay Early.an0 Qften. dome Wonderful 'Values to the woman who can wear a small sibed sitoe.—We have gathered over 600 lpairs of women,'s boots and shoes in sizes 21/2, 3, 31/2 and 4. The leathers are patent coltskin, gunmetal calf, black .kid, etc., also 'many suedes and fabrics both in low cut pumps arid oxfords and high shoes, in button and lace stylds? values in the lot run as high as $10. Out they 'go at, N.B.—SATURDAY ABSOLUTELY LAST DAY pF SALE. 500 pairs Waimen's low shoes pumps and oXfords. values up to $6.00, Sale pried 99 cents. Just think of it people right 'in the middle of the , summer oeason we make this extraordinary an- ,npuncement, the price we name would not even cover the cost of material. Many leathers, -styles and sizes to select from in the lot, Values up to 99c N.B.—SATURDAY ABSOLUTELY LAST DAY OF SALE. 1 0Q. pairs of women's boots and shoes, in all . Many styles and leathers to select from at this low price, all goods made especially for Our trade and everyopair perfect as to material and work- ' manship, we ogre determined to clear the decks, so out they -go at • $1.99 N.B.—SATURDAY ABSOLUTELY LAST DAY OF SALE. • WoMen's high grade boots in 1919 styles, value "$12.00, sale price $5.98. Nothing finer made than these high grade women's boots, made of a fine quality of kid and calfskin in the new govern- ment brown shade, lckng plain vamps, beautifully curved, Louis and low walkins; heels, all sizes and $5.98 N.B.—SATURDAY ABSOLUTELY LAST DAY OF SALE. 7 500 pairs -men's boots, in values up to $7.00, sale price $2.98.—Leathers of black or tan calfskin, also black kid and patent caltskin, fine quality of the best known of Canadian and American makes, broken sizes only, w00% $7.00, sale price S2.99 N.B.—SATURDAY ABSOLUTELY LAST DAY OF SALE. 300 pairs men's high *grade boots in values up to $9,00, sale price $4.99.—Men make yotir dollar work.double time and secure a pair of these boots, fine quality Of leathers in many styles, Neolin or leather solesorubber or leather heels, sizes in the lot 51/2 to 11i, out they go at, S4.98 N,B.-7-SATURDAY- ABSOLUTELY LAST DAY OF SALE. Boys and'youths school boots values up to $4.60, sale price $1.99.—The parent _will be well advised to l7 a pair or two of these while the getting is g od, box calfskin leather, blucher style, the har knock kind, soles of solid leather, sizes 11 to 13 in youth's, and 1 to 5 in big boys, out they go at, $1.99 N.B.—SATURDAY ABSOLUTELY LAST DAY OF SALE., Special:Lot 1000. A miscellaneous lot of small size women's, also some children's and infant's boots, slippers, etc., all worth 2.00 to 5.00; clean them up at 50c Boy's, Misses, GirPs and Children's boots and shoes, at the wonderful price of 98 cents. A big lot of oddments far the little folk in sizes from 3 in the little tot to 5 in the big boy, many leathers and styles in ifigh and, low shoes, values up to $5,00, sale price, 98c N.B.--SATURDA Y ABSOLUTELY LAS OF SALE. DAY Sr1ecial lot 634. Infants vici Lid,'-'buffon and. lace, ankle straps, Roman sandals, chocolate kid, . lace and button; all sizes 2 to 7 'out they go at 99c N.B.—SAT'URDAY ABSOLUTE Y LAST DAY Special Lot 491. Men's slippers for the house and iarden. These are low cut slippers in chocolate kid and black kid, leather soles; also 'choco- late and 'black Ro.meo. These go at • Si 99 I Watch for Big Sale Sig The Home of Good Shoes over :the entrance SEAFORPI ONTARIO. sales to be strictly cas TAKES 1 15.11/6 your of Diu 1)air 1:71 There #1 the hair o life; eveh ness and not reined Wls out your hair. Get a Danderjne sumly can DR Eye, Gradual Late AI mei and Eye .and Hotel, Se g3 Water Phone 26' Notary F minion Ba minion B oan. Barristi . and Nob over Wal Street, SI PROUI Barristo lie, etc. on Mond/ Kidd Blo L. Killora Henor ary the Medic Veterinar ,a)1 dorhas ern print Fever a Dick's H AU order ceive pro received a Honor ary animals tended to and resicl door east forth. Osteopl Speeialist and nerv and thro above Un Tuesdays C. 425 Ria Specialisl McGill 1)1 of Onfari ell of Ca' Resida Office east of it Phone 4 College Ann Arl lege of ity Univ Trinity the Coll geons of Gradui Faculty lege of Ontario; Chicagn Royal 0 England England Bank, S Calls an toria Box The Hur ation an Fire an Public, Bonds b farms f week at Licenq Hura of the c satisfac forth, R Salford Licen of Hursl arrange made b's erate Liaen of Hur parts ci perienC wan. 175 r R. No.