HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-07-11, Page 5iesin )es Shoes, ea depend tide shoes that will shoes are made te, re 'Iris calf, Men- ek. ath thus enabii in. would be plea and large eyelets,, . .. D05, Tan or Black, ...... $4.00 Rst with plattoe, • l keep soft and We have the sole just received our -an Leather made at $G.00. Nothing imerce h On . for s udents. aff ookkeeping in a few months as or woman, to ill give splendid. Princip Vice Prin. 14=BER 2nd. , ••••• ak-time ie of Brown - f,‘ ect results. d young 'and to come. ords. developing ncreasod de - t negatives. ound to please SEAFORTH attention. JULY 11, 1919 • lee , ,TEE HURO'N EXP0SIT0R- 5 SEAFORTH mARKETs. Seaforth, Suly 10,1919 B6n, 'per ton ... . $42.00 Shorts t per ton . . .. $44.00 Potatoes, per bag *1.25 Flour, per cwt Wheat, per bushel Spring wheat, per bushel Butter, per lb. 5.00 to 5.90 $2.12 $2.06 40 to 450 Eggs, per dozen .........39 to 40c Oats, per bushel ........ .. . .... 70c BarleY, per bushel. . .... .. .$1.10 Hogs, per cwt. . . $22.50 DAIRY MAB.KET Toronto, July 8. --Cheese New large 32 to 82Use: twins 32% to 83e; triplets 83 to 3816; Stilton. 33 to 34c. Butter-Eresh dairy choice 44 to 46c; crearaery prints 52 to 54e. Margarine -36 to 38c. Eggs -New laid, 43 to 44c; new laid in cartoons, 47 to 48e. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, July 8. -Dressed Poultry-epring chickens 60c: roosters 23 to 30e; fowl 45 .6) lee ; hurkely 4; dueldings lb. l40c squabe doz $7; geesse 28 to 20cents. Live poultry spring chickens 40 to 45e; fowl 38 to 33e- ' GRAIN• MARKET Toronto, July 8.-Manitobo wheat -No. 1 Northern, $2.241,j: No. 2 Northern, $2.213/4; No. 3 northern, $2.17%; No. 4 wheat, $2.11171, in store Fort William. Manitoba oath -No. 2 C. W. 771n'ic; No. 3 C. W. 75c: Extra No. 1 feed 75c No. 1 feed 73%e; No. 2 feed 68itte; in store Fort William. Manitoba barley -No 3 C. W. $1.26%; No. 4 C. W. $1,211,S; rejected $1.151e: feed 51.15ttin :store Fora William. Arnerican corn -Nominal. Ontario oats -No 3 white, 77 to 78 cents, No, 1 winter, per car lot $2.14 to $2.20; No. no, 52.11 to $2.19; No. 3, do. $2.07 to $2.16: f.o.b. skipping ,Pointe Recording to freights. Ontario wheat -No. I Spring $2,09 to $2.17; No. 2 do. $2.96 to $2.14; No. 8 do., $2.02 to $2.10 f.o.b. shipping pointe accordingto freighte. Peas -Nominal. Barley-MaTting $1.16 th $1,20, nominal. Buckwheat No. 2 nominal. Rye No. 2, nominal. Man, flour gov- ereu-nent standard $11 Toronto. Ontario tlour- G4vernment standard $10.50 to 310,75 an jute bare. Toronto and Montreal, prompt shipment. Millfeed-Car lots delivered Montreal freighte hags included: bran $40 to $42 per ton; shorts $42 to $44 per ton: good feed floret- $2.90 per bag. Hay -No. 1. $20 to $23 per nton; niixed ele to $19 per ton track Toronto. Straw - car lots $10 to Sle per ton. •i LIVE STOCK 7MA.RKET Union Stock. Yards Toronto, July 8. -With akatest thirty-eight hundred head of cattle on - "the market thie ,morning it would not have surprised many drovers and commission men bad the trade weakened and it came as a pleasant surprise to find the market a shade better in every respect than on the beet day during last week. The trade was aCtive and eteady to a little stronger for the better grades of butcher cattle. Straight- loads of ' steers cashed in from $13.75 to $14.75, while beet butchers met a good demand at from $13.25 to $13.50. Common to fair butchers while not so active is the better class stuff were fairly easy to market at corresponding values. Top quality cows were a shade strong- er than. at last weeks close and several choice cows sold from $11.50 to $12, though the general run of quotetions for the good to cheice cow e rano-ed from 510.50 to $11.0. &ins nlso were sotive pncl steady. Thero wog o onocl ciorprtnd for stockers, avec-Poing fro+o 700 +o 30 pcpcnds, which sold frora round $10 to 311.21. Common stockers w»r. pni r-fivn, tepee bettor fwcaincr that prieee will have to be rut materially before the fsrmers; eon he incipoed to hPridle the Iigt cattle. Mane0 eaorakeens feeders were very °eg rec.. Good inners 1-44 springers were otp41,, prig wontoci hut eornmon cows were no+ in des000d For small meats generally the market *wee • steady to etronger than last week. Some eetee e'eoceo c^thed in from $19 tcs $20 and these rart +1-e norrte+:004 for bet' veele roncoocl ‘1S.5° +0 31.8.75. Top lambs sold from 520 to 321. The hocc trogo .r1•11. 1-11,-;1.- rapyttz sellinn st$23.<11 "00 foil Erna Niv.41-”rrt1l 7t 323.50. A few emell tote of hogs off the roars coshed b-4. of M.I.5 Hicihor iirtees may be at- orier.tien before the veeek 4resswer: The receipts were 200,- carloads with 3,758 cattle 574 calves, 2,141 hogs and 733 sheep and Iambs. . J. Atwell and Sons bought 250 cattle.-.„ Steers 750 to 850 Ibs. 810.7510 $11.25: steer 650 to 750 the. $9 .26 to 310.25. Quion Pnd : Brif114-4l4 950 tbs. 312: 11. 790 tbs. $12: 3 710 Th. a10.50: 8 6an tbs. 59.50: 4 ro lbs. $12.25; 3; 1.080 Arig.gr0 4350 P 4-19. 10 7cf-: $14.35 1 140b Th :C14.,75; 7 09k rim. 514.75; /2 1 010 lb-. stsa.ee: se 1015 res. 38 .85: 8 895 lbs. 313.85; 3 3790 Ms. -1 830 Ms. 447: r" '075 +Ts% $10."co: 2 1 233 Zs. 312.50: 1 970 Ma 50.25 ; 1 8011 Ths. $5: 14 1 1 09' The a12 1 127(4 s, ls.75; 35 • • sheep $5 to 314; 8 lambs 65 las. 320. „- Dunn and Levee]: sold: - .But4liers-21 1 180 tbs. $14; 20 817 Tbs. 811: 1 1360 tbs. 312: 20 1,125 lbs. 312; 2 1,026 Ma .512: 1. 11 12s tbs. gr) 7 1925 It"- $1.2'e 1 7410 INs. 312.25; 1 1.410 Ms. 512.25: 79 935 Ths, 312.85: 2 716 lbs. $13.50; 1. 920 110. $13.25; 1 790 110, 311.25: 33 750 Thn, 510.75: 12 940 110. 512.50; 17 1.020 lbs. $la 95 In 951 'are $13.25. Cows -3 1 110 tbs. $10.90; 9 1.000 lbs. a10.5a • 1• 1.200 Ms Pa • 2 1.015 Ms. 39; 2 1,100 tbs. 311;„ 3 1.085 Ibd. $10.60. BuIls-1 1,220 lbs. $8.50;0 1 1,340 tbs. $10; 1 970 lbs. $10.75. and heifers -2 320 the. t11.9: 1. 870 tbe. $11.85; 2 7711 The. eel ci4 1 97n 110. $18 • 1 530 Ms. $13.00; 1 710 Tbs. 310,50; 3 740 tbs. $10.26; 7 760 Iles 310.25; 6 1,000 tbs. *11.90 • 2 87. thft. 512.011: 9 840 Ms. 310.75: 2 770 Ms. $10.75: 3 800 Mi. 510.7.5. 19 1.000 Ms. $13.35: 3 8811 Theo 510-75; 1 1,040 lbs. $13.25 2 940 lbs. $13:25: 1 1,390 tbs. $14: 2 1,0541 Um 513.25; 4 056 Tbe. 512.50; 5 1.060 tbe. 513.70; 2 730 Ibis. 511.2e; 1 1,100 tbs. $13.23: 1 9:4) lies. 512.00:1 800 110. $11.25:1 870 110. 511.50: 1 faa lbs. $11.85; 2 770 lbs. *11.85; 0 1.640 tbs. 318.50; 5 1.120 the: $12.75: 1 730 lbs. $10.50: 10 1.280 tbs. 514: 4 800 tbs. 510.75: 3 730 tbs. $10.75; 15 1,060 tbs. 312.75. Cows -1. 530 lbs. $10; 1 970 tbs. $11; 2 1,140 tbs. • 511 1 1,310 lbs. 511 : 1 1 260 Tbs. $11.00; 2 1,070 The. $11: I 1,130 lbs. SIG; 1 1.030 Tbs. 38.75; 1e1,010 tbs. 310; 1 960 tbs. 55.75, 2 I 190 lbs. 411; I. 1,20 tbs. $10: 1 1,030 lbs. 58.75. Bulls -I 1,320 tbs $10.59,; I 1,150 \The510; 1 1.590 tbs. $11: 1 630 tbs. $7.50: 1N,,32� Tbs. $10.50; 1 1,180 tbs. 510; 1 800 nm. so. Lambs -10 80 tbs. 520.50; 3 75 tbs. '514: 3 70 lbs. 590. Hay --$22.50 f.o.b. The quotations were: Choice heavy steers $14 tx 515; good heavy steers. 513.50 to 513.75: butchers cattle choice $13.25 td 313.50; g sod 312.25 to $12.75; do, medium $11.50 to 511.75; do. common. 59,75 to 310.25; bulk choice 311.25 to $11.75; do. medium $10.25 to 510.75: do. rough 58 to $8.25; COWS choice 511 th 311.75; do. good 310.25 to 510.50; do. medium $9 to 39.25; do. con-imon 37.50 to 58; stockers 33.75 th 311.75; feeders $12.50 to canners and cutters 54.50 to $6.25; milkers good to choice 390 5150; do. common and medium 365 to $75; seeringens 590 to 3160; light ewes $10 to 311: yearling a $13,50 to 514.50; spring lambs 1:0 "Cwt. 519 to, $21: calves good to choice 318 th 520: hoge fed and watered 523.50; do. weighed off cars 523.76: do. f.o.b. 322.50. Buffalo, July 8.- Cattle Receipts 3,500;. active 59c to 31.00 higher; prime teers $15.15 to $16.25; shipping steers $15 to 515.50; butchers $9 to $15; yearlings 51050 to $15.50; heifer6 $10 to $13.50; cows $4.50 to $11.50; butte 38 to- 511.50; stockers and feeders 39.50 312;10 fresh cows and springers receipts light: active; steady 550 th 5150. Calves- Receipt:3 1,700; active 50e tower $6 tote$12. Hoes--Receipth 1,400; active: pigs $1 higher; others 60c higher; heavy and mixed 324.10: Yorkers $24: light yorkees 523.50 to 523.75; pan 323.50: roughs 521.; stags 312 th 318; state 323.75. Sheep and 1ambt3-S-Receipts---- 800: active. Lambs 'steady; others unchanged: Iambs 512 to $19:1 yearling 58 to • $14.50: wethers 39 to 50.50: ewes 34 to $8.50; few at 59: mixed sheep $8.50 to 19.00. Montreal, July 8. -The receipts of live stock at the West End cattle market during the past week amounted to 1,000 cattle, 1 000 oheep and lambs, moo hogs and 2,000 calves. 'itedcw the offeringe were 700. cattle 700 eheep and Iambs and 1,200 calves. The -prices at this market were decidey firm in cattle litresand higher quotations were noted in some lines. Hogs were plentiful the run being quite heavy, but the price held steady at round 523 per 100 pounds for choice selects off ear.3. Calves were ,a little easier. The run was heavy and Some were of rather poor utility. The majority of milkers 'sold at rom $8 to $12 per 100 pounds. Sheep and lea were also plentiful but the demand was o ily moderate for sheep although there was enquiry for Iambs. At the C. P. R. yards the week's receipts were 700 catple, 600 Efheep and Iambs, 1950 hoga and 1,600 calves. This morning the mark- et consisted of 600 cattle 750 sheep and lambs. 500 hogs and 800 cattle. The demand for catle was fair but the demand for sheep and lambs was not equal to the heavy offer- ings and them was an. easing up- of prices here, area held steady for choice aelecte. Cattle quotations were; choice steers; $1,2.50 to $14; good 311 to $12.50; medium, 5/0 to $11 and common 'down to 38-10 59; butchers cattle, bulls and owns ranged from $10.ata to $12 for choice, while others. were down to $6.50 to $8.50. BIRTHS Gladman-In Exeter on Sunday, June 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman. a daughter. Stelk-At Edmonton on June 18th, th Mr. Ind Mrse P. Stelk, (nee Flossie Stanburya a d Alcock -In Morris township on June 22nd, to Mri. .and Mrs. Alcoek, a daughter. • Johnstone -In Goderieh on Thennday, July 5th to Mr. and Mrs. j. E. .)-ohnston, a !ion. MARRIAGES \Clegg-Farouhar-At,the home of the bride's . parents Faithythe, Hullett township, by the \ Rev. Elsie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George J. on June 28th, Isabel . E. Hogg, ' M. Farquhar, to joseph Clegg of Morrie township. Wightman-Smith-At the home of the bride's Parents, by Itev. A. J, Mann) B.A., on June 19th, Mr- George D, Wightnan, Wawanosh toeveiship to Miss Marion Thabelle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliphant Smith, Grey township - DEATHS l3urgard-In F.,iemondyille on • Fridey, julY 4th, Catharine McKay. beloved wife of Ferdinand Burgard, aged 64 years. Wright -In Morris township, on June 27th, Rosina Wilma, youngest daughter of W. If and Mrs. Wright, aged .7 years, 9 months and 5 days. - Straiton -In Goderich on June 19th, Alexander Straiton, "formerly of Clinton. 1 „ WT. 80X 8t. CO. Embalmers and . Funeral Directors H. C. BOX \ Holder of Government Diploma ' and Liscense Charges Moderate Flowers furnished on short notice Night Calls Day .Calls Phone 175 Phone 43 tiii1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111de% ee S.T. Hoirnes - - - - -.. - - - - Funerld Director and - - - - , - - - - Licensed Embalmer - - - - - - ee Undertaleit4 parione in Ocidtel - - - - - - - lows building opposite - - _ - zitewart Bros. Resi- - - - - - _ dence Godepch et., cpp - - _ - Dr.Scott' - - - _ - - - - - - Flowers furnished cn - - - - - - short notice. - - - - - - - - - - Phone Night or -Day IN. = ..., mIMMI1U1111111111111111111111111111111111114 Gormley -E`MBAI.;Mtte FUNERAL DIRECTOR Undertaking Parlors 'Above M. Williams' Grocery Store. Main Strett, Seaforth, Flowers finmished on short notice Charges moderate Phone -Night or Day -192 AT YOUR SERVICE - B. R. HICGINS% BOX 127, CLINTON ' Phone 100 (formerly of Brucefield) 7 -Agent for- , The 'Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the Canada Trust Company. Commissioner H.C. of L Conveys ances, Fire and Tornado In.sitrence, Notary Public:" Wedneeday each week at Brucefield AUCTION SALES A UCTION, SALE OF HOUSEHOLD -EF- fects, on Saturday, July 19th, 'at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth. at 2 p,rn., household effects, consisting of choice oak furniture, stoves, springs, mattresses, and other effects. No reserve as the proprietor is leaving own. CHARLES LAYTON, Proprietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2091-2 HOME BUILDERS - Write for our Free -Book of houee plans and information tellinhow to save from two to four -hiendred dollars on you new home. Address HALLIDAY COMPANY, Box 61, -Jackson St., Hamilton, Ont. 086-tf - • • fuevezi 3:1) 1 TENDERS. FOR COAL SEALED TINDERS ADDRESSED TO THE undersigned. and endoreed "Tender for Coal for the Dominion Buildings, Ontario- and Quebec," wilt be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, Friday; July 25th, 1919, for the supply of coal for•the Dominion Buildings throughout the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. . Combined specification and form of tender can be obtained at this office and from. the Caretakers of the different Dominion Build- ings. Tenders will not. be censidered unless made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth - therein. Each .ender must be accompanied by an _accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works equal to 10 per -cent. of the amount of the' tender. War - Lpan Bonds of the Dominion will also be accepted as security or war bonds and cheques tif required to make up an odd amount. - , By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, '• • . OenasaanY4 Department of Public Works, Ottawa, July 3rd, 1919. 2691.2 I Studebaker, Ford & Gray DoWDealers ' HENSALL ' IMPORTANT NOTICES \ PopularStallions PRITaIS AND VEGETABLES FR1S1t FROM '6- our garden and orchards.' Ask for our weekly price lists. HEROLD'S FAItMS, Fruit- land, ;Oritario. Niagara. District. 2600-12 1 1 The following. popular stalliens will Stand for the unproyement of stock as follows: , -,---- 1111 PURE BRED PERCH:BROX STALLION is INDEX Pi1aased ' Enrolment NO. 863. Form 1 (Imp.) [81401, (88420) s *15Monday.-Will1thinu leave hsisorWen stable, Bruce - 1141d and go west.to Varna at Chris Warda fo noon; then north intik Goderich township to the Baylield Line and west to' Arthur Welsh's for night. Tuesday. -West to the fith concession, north to Portera's Hill at .by way of 6th concession- to James Mc- Glorge Vanderbnrg's for noon; then north Millans for night. --Vaednesday.-North to Mixon Road by way of Jewell's Corners and Bennaillei to William Hill's saw mill, Coborne, for noon; then ay way of Maitland co cession to Harry Sweet's Holmesville, for niutht. Thureday.-North 2- Miles, eiat 2 milee te I Albert Townsend's, ].6th concession 'of Goaerich township for neon; then by way of Htiron Road to Graham House, Clinton for night. Fridety.-South by -way of the London Rod th his own stable'Brucefield until Sat- urday morning. Satuaday.-South 2a4 miles by way of the London Road and east to Itcesert Elgie's, for noon; then north 21/2 miles to the Mill Road and west- to Ins own stable evh re he will remain until the following Mo day morning.' WM. BERRY, Prop. and 2682x12 Ma ager. s .. VOTICEsTO DgRRYPICKERS,-ALa, PER - 'Immo found trespassing on lots of thelunder. signeilawill be prosecuted as the law airecian 'WILLLAM LEITCH and WILLIAM, WILK- INSPN. 2690-2 • QEPARATOR FOR SALE. -FOR SAVE A ad` Ranfrew Standard cream tieparatof, guar- anteed good condition; 650 capacity.; alike set double driving harness complete with poll. Phone 17 on 143. S. TOWNSEND, Egmond- ville. 2691x2 irARD OF THANKS. -MRS„ ANGUS. Me- ' Kaig an$14, family desire -to express their heaetfelt thanks th all th,e kind friends who showed them in great sympathy and kindness in their sore bereavement at the death of a husbartd.and father, 2691-1 e CIARD OF THANKS.-allt. FERDINAND • Burgard and family-, Egmeedville, desire to convey. through the eolumns of The Huron Expositor their grateful acknowledgment of the kindness shown them by. their friends and neighbors during their recent sad be- reavement, "1ARIV1 WANTED. -WANTED TO. RENT for term of years a good farm, 100 or 150 acres; buildings must be in good repair with plenty of accommodation for stock. Address box 167, Expositor Office. 2689x5 pIFTY CELERY PLANTS -80c. BEST varieties, 'all transplanted. Postpaid, shin- ned successfully everywhere. Ask for Price list of other vegetable plants and fruits in season. HEROLD'S FARMS, Fruitland, Ont, Niagara District. 2688-tf WANTED. -SEVERAL STENOGRAPIMRS " eperienced. Speed, acouraey and goad vo ulary are essential. Working conditions idfal. Apply stating experience tp Sales Man- ager Chevrolet Motor Company, Oshaw2a6,880.6nt. QTRAY CATTLE. -.STRAYED FROM TILE aa East1,4 Lot 21, Concession 8, township of- Hay, three young ,cattle, two red and one spotted. Any information leading to recovery of same will be suitably rewarded. OSCAR KLOPP. Zurich; Ont. Phone 18-93, Zurich Central. 26894 TEACHER WANTED. -MALE OR FEMALE Piotestant with second class permanent, for School Section No. 6, Stanley_ in the village of Varna. Duties to begin Sept. 2nd.. 1919. Applications recent( d up to July 15th. State salary and experience. CHARLES C. PILGRIM, Secretary, Varna, Ont. 2690-2 TEACHER WANTED. -QUALIFIED PRO- ' testant teacher for school 5eation No. 6, Duties- to commence September 2n4. Applications, stating salary and ex- perience to be neceived before July 23rd. ALBERT E. GODKIN, Secretary Treasurer, R. R. No. 2, Walton, Ont. 2691-2 VIOUND.-BETWEEN TRE 2nd AND 3rd concessions TuCkersenith, on Monday last, license number 85814 for car., Owner may have. same by paving, for this ad and applying to ROBERT DALRYIVIPLE, No. 3, Kippen, or phone 11 on 132, Seaforth Central. 2691x1 WANTED. -MEN TO ESTABLISH SMALL " local plants in every county to handle the Famous European Retreads for automobile tires; ,puncture and blowout proof.' Cost half as much as new tires and wear longer. :i.loney maker for live men. DOMINION GEniaRAL SUPPLY CO., 144 Confederation Life Bide. Toronto. 291.-2 •MOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. -ANY PER- -t` son found trespassing in the berry bush of Mr. John Klein McKillop, on Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesilaas will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. JOHN KLEIN. 2690x2 F°'" SALE. -IN EGMONDVILLE---EIGIIT acres of land with frame house arid kit- chen', good cement cellar, also woodshed, stable and small barn, Good well. Close to school, church and stores. Small orchard, Possession can be had in March. For particulars apply to IHENRY FORSYTH, Egesondeille, or phone 10 on 134, Seaforth. 266841 nTJAI.IFIED TEACHER WANTED. FOR NI' school section No. 2 McKillop. Applica- tions stating salary and experience will be viewed by the undersigned up to -August' lst 1919_ Duties to commence' Septerribfr let. A. S. BROWN, Secretary. R. It. Na. 2, Seaforth. 2691- 1a1OR SALE. -THRESHING OUTFIT CON.. sisting of a 20-22 horse power Stratford traction engine and Stratford separator, com- plete with feeder, cutter, blower and grain elevator, all in first class condition. Used only six seasons.. For particulars apply th ED. REIC 4 CRT, Zurich, Ont. Phone Zurich Cetnral, 10r94. 2686-tf HOUSE FOR SALE. -FOR SALE. A GOOD "'frame heusts situated on East William St, one block from high -school, with , hard and soft water, furnance and telephone.' There are two lots of land containing a good garden and small orchard. Also a small barn. For further particulars, apply to JAS. WRIGIIT, Seaforth, or phone 115. 2680-tf rrENDERS WANTED. - TENDERS FOR constructing the Dolmage drain in the township of McKillop will be reoeived by the undersigned until Monday the 21st_ day of July 1919, a cheque for five per cent. of con- tr 'ett price to aceompany each tender. Loweist or Y tender not necessarily accepted. Plans, rofiles, estimates etc., of drain may be seen a he clerk's office, Lot 24, Concession 7, IVIcKilloin tenders to be opened July 22nd a 2 p.m. at Seaforth. M. MURDIE, Clerk Seafoith, P. 0. a 12690-2 milmmmemmmimmk .mlimmmpummmimm FARMERETTES *anted for Fruit -Work Girls are wanted to pick fruit'for summer months. Camps are -being established in various districts and girls, are much needed for short and long periods. 150 girls' wanted for strawberry picking -about June 17, for three wee -is. Good wages. For further inforthation as to wages, hours', board, etc, apply:, -Miss Kate S, Harte, Women's Farm Dept., Ontario Govt. Em`ployment Bureau, 45 'King St. W., Toronto-. ••••••••••014••••• Autos for Sale Two Ford Touring Cars, 1912 Models, with license; two Ford Touring Cars, 1914 models, with license; two Ford Touring Cars,1918modo1s,s1ight1y used with license; one Ford Tour- ing Car, 1917 model, with lic- ense; one G -ray Dort Touring Car, fully equipped, in:splen- did condition, with license. Theiabove cars have been all over- hauled and are in good condition. It will ;pay you to look over our stock of used cars before purchasing. You wilI receive good value for your money if you. buy used cars from us. •••••11.60•INNIFOINP•I COOK BROS,/ a _ MAKWittA., 15279 (16938) VOL. XXXIII Pased Enrohnent No. 3267 Fatal 1 $15 to insure. Monday May 5th. -Will leave his own stable at ptaffa, and go west th, jamfet Hill's, for noon, then south to the Groraarty line, then east to Ceomarty to his own stable for night. Tuesday. -South th Alfeed Hunkinsa -Usborna for Man; then west along the Thanes Road, for 3Vi, miles and south on the 4th concession to John Kleinfeldt, for nigat Wednesday. -East th the Elimville Line and south to Elirnville, and east to Winchelsea th aOhn• Delbeidge's for neat • then south th William Brock's, for night. Thursday. -South and east on the 11th concession of Blanchard, th Muxworthy's (Wallace's old- farm), foe (noon; then north to the Kirkten Line and !west to Tayler's Hotel Kirkton, fors -night t FridyPleasant, and west th Jasper Prid- .-North along the Mitchell Road, th Mou hams for noon; then west and north th John Hamilton's, 10th concession of -Hibbert for night. Saturday. -North 21/2 miles to Mac Grey's 7th concession for noon; then -tercet to the 7th concession to Centre Road, then south to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. JOHN LIVINGSTONE, Pro. and Manager. 2682-12 THE IMPORTED CLYDESDALE STALLION EARL O'CLA.Y (12035) 118458] -Approved Enrolment No. 699 Therm 1 Terms to insure 515. Monekty, May 19th. -Will leave his own stable Brucefield and go west to the 2nd concession of Stanley, then north tei, John Butchard's, for noon; then north and west to Ed. Glenn, Jr's, for night. Tuesdayo-Byway of Ban- nockburn to Varna at tint Temperance Hotel for noon; then by -way of the Bayfield Road to the Goshen Line to Arthur McClinchey's, for night Wednesday. -By McClymont'e, side Road to the Parr Line, then south to William Foster's, !for noon; then to Willialla MV- Kenzies, 2n4 concession af Stanley for the night. Thursday. -North to`the Bayfield road to hthe &lowing Friday morning. Friday. -To ; own stable for noon; remaining until George McCartney's, -Mill Road, lor.noon; then th McAdam's side road, and north to the and aoneession H. R. S., Tuckersmith, then west th James Carnechanaa for night. Sat- urday. -West by Broadfoota bridge, then south to the Mill Road, th _his 'own stable, where he Will remain until this ,following Monday morning. R. D.MURDOCK, Prop. and Man- ager: THE GREAT YOUNG CLYDE STALLION EARL OF. STNNI4EY Enrolment No. 5051 " .APiii•Oved Venn 1 Terms to Insure $15 a I Will stand . for the napreivemait of stock this ,season at his own itable,. Baucefield, where Mr. Murdock will meet horse owners on Thhthelay aftetnoons and Saturdays tif each week i R. D. MURDOCK, Prop. and 'Manager. CUMBERLAND GEM (13978) [16986) Enrolment No. 1367 , Form 1 , Will stand for the improvement of stock during the season 1919 at John J. McGavina stables, Leadbury, Lot 22, Concession 13, Mc- Killots. Terms -512 to insure, payable Febrtiary 1st, 1920. J. J. McGA.VIN, Pro. EMPEROR McKINNEY Standard Bred Trotting Stallion No. (54151) 1653 Enrolment No. 4075 Form 1 Terms th insure 313. Emperor McKinney, son .of the world's greatest speed sire, McKinney 8818, 2.114. is a black horse 16 hands' high and weighs 1,250 pounds with the best -of feet and legs. Will Stand for the improvement of stock this season at Lot 8, Conceesion 4,. Tucker- smitht. Mares from a distance Will- be met. For further particulars sepia thowner or phone 7 on 186. CHARLES RILEY, Prop. and Manager, 2683-12 ' TlitWORTHY Enrolled and Inspected n Ba' horse, foaled 1916, standard and reg- istered, Vol. XXII. Bred by the late John L. Snyder, at Perk Farm, Springfield, , Ohio. Sired, by Ortolan Axworthy, 3 year' old record 2.071/4; Dam. Trussoca, 2,07 by Moko. Dam of Trujolla 2 year old record 2.2014, raced in 2,07 at three -years. Last season as a two year old Truworthy trotted the farm hall mile track in 2.27. Trdworthy was brok- en to harness in May in his yearling form' and trotted a quarter in 38 seconds, one- eigth in 18, with -no intention of searching him.He is gaited 'to go eery fast and he has the inclination Ito stay on the trot and do the right thing at all times. He is one of the first crop of foals by Ortolan Axworthy 3 years, 2,074, and considered by many the beet individual son of his sire, Axworthy 3 yeath 2.153/4. Itemember the Axivorthy Moko erase produced the world's champion the Real Lady 3 years, 2.03. Don't miss seeing Tru - worthy as. I cannot say too- much for him. Terms -Will stand at his own stable at Hill's Green at 515 to insure a living foal. GEORGE E: TROYER, Prop. DEXTRO , Pure Bred Percheron Enrolment No. 5185 Form 1 Terms to insure $16.- Mouday.-Wil1 leave his own stable,, lot 3, concession 8, McKillop and go west to E. • .Johnston's for noon, then to Clinton at Commercial Hotel for night. Tuesday. --North to James Snell's for noon • then east to Oliver Anderson's .for night. Wednesday. -East to John Grieve's for noon; then east to William Manley's, McKillop, for night Thursday. - To , (or .noon, then to Dublin at 'Webber's Hotel for night. Friday. -To Sea - forth where he will remain at the Dick House until Saturday morning. Saturday. -West tcs George Dale's for noon; then th his own stable where he will remain until the follow- ing Monday morning. McMICHAEL & FISHER, Props. LORD MANSFIELD (Imp.) (21567] (16303) The Pure Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion Passed Enrolment No. 1784 Form 1 $13 to insure. Mondays -Will leave his own stable, Beech- wood, and go th Pat Wood's, Logan for noon; then to his own stable for night. Tuesday. -To John Murray's,- concession 11, MeKillop, for noon; then west te Allan Ross' concession 10, McKillop, for one hour, then to his ownzistable for night. Wedries- day.-To Frank ahar's, concession 8, Logan, fpr noon; then to *bees Hotel, Dublin, for night. Thursday. -To- Joseph Nagle's, tbr noon; then 'to Joseph Atkinson's, for sies'eht. Friday. -To Martin Curtin's, 11/2 nillee gust of Seaforth, for oon; then to William Anderson's, Lot 29, ,Concession 3. Melealop. or night Saturday. -Will proceed to leis lawn stable where be will remain until the following Monday morning. .Jameto EMU, Proprittor and Manlier. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given pursuant to ,the Statute in that behalf, that all penes= hex- ing sow claims against the estate of -Agnee B. Wilbse, latii of the town of Seaforth, in the county of Huron, widow, deceased, who died at the village of Brussels, in. the 'coital' of Huron. on of about the 8th day ef June, 1919, are required on or before the 16y.h day sef Juin 1919, to send postpaid or deliver to the undersigned full particulars of ilusir claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the, aecurity, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after the said last mentiOned date the 'assets of the said deceased will be distributed among ethe parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of. which notice shall then have been given. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 24th day of. .Tune, 1919. R. S. HAYS, -Solicitor fer Executor of said estate. 2689-3 HOUSE FOR SALE That very desirable property jest off Main street, Egniondville, consisting' of one-half acre of land, on which is situated a We story brick house with seven rooms and good cellar. There are also on the premises a stable, good well and cistern. also apple, plum and pear trees and other small fruits. This is a splendid oroperty and the taxes are low. For further partieulars. anply to Mrs. M. A. Charlesworth, Egmondville P. 0. 2650x2-ta .N. FARMS 110I1 SALE .FARMS FOR SALE 1.?lave some choice ferrets for sale in the Townshipti of %borne and Hibbert, all well built and improved, on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Orit-, 2658-11 Evutm FOR SALE. -BEING LOTS 16 AND " 17 on the hth concession of Hibbert con- taining 150 acres with all necessary buildings, con's/lent to schools and churches of all den- °mations with telephoneand rural route; tet. miles from Dublin market. This is a splendid property and will be sold to wind up the estate of the late William McLellan. For further paeticulars apply toANDREW Mc- LELL0AN, Dublin- P. „ R. R. 2.. 2690-tf• lalARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 35 Conceal= 2, McKillop, containing 100 acres. There are on the premises a ,-bank barn. bey barn, hen house and pig house, good 11/2 story frame house; plenty of good water; drilled well between house ,and barn with over 75 feet of water. The farm is .well fenced with woven wire and is well drained. The land it all under cultivation and is a first class farme For further particulars apply or the premises or address Seaforth, R. R. No. 2. JAMES McGILL. 2689-11 .TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES Convenience, .security and economy are secured by the use of Travellers/ Cheques issued by this Bank. They enable the bear- er identify himself and are readily convertecl into the current Coin of any foreign country. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen Manager FAM FOR SALE, LOT 29, CONCESSIpIel 2, Tnekersmith H. R. S., containing 100 acres, 95 cleared; -5 acres hard -wood tirn1er; 1 acre diehard; )35 acres under cultivation: balance in hay and grass: mostly tiled drained; also a running stream across one cornere 13/4 storey brick house; brick kitchen, 14x18; also good woodshed; hard and soft water inside; bank barn 36x56 with,water inside; barn No. 2 36x50, up on stone0; also flowing spring 8 rods from barn with cement trough; large hen house. This farm is well situated being 5 miles from Clinton and 6 miles from Seaforth, 5 miles from Brucefield 1 mile from school and across the road 10 church. This farm will be sold reasonable if gold at once. pply -to Francis .T. Coleman, Sea - forth, R. R. No. 3.' Phone 19 on 614, Clinton. ' 2688x4 pARM FOR SALE. -FOR. SALE LOTS 17 tu and 18 on concession 3, McKillop, contain, ing 200 acres, There are on the premises a good brick house 26x36, a good driving shed 36x60, good bank barn 58x06; good orchard, 2 good_ wells with 2 steel windmills; well under- deained and 'fenced and in a good rAtate of cultivation; 16 acres of hardwood bush; 3 miles from Seaforth; rural mail and tele- phone. For further particulars apply to JOHN NASH, 934 Vernon St, Vancouver, B.C. 2686-6 FARM FOR SALE Lot 33, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 aerie of the best clay land in McKillop, 6 acres of bush, the rest in a hiab state of cultivation; 5 miles from Seaforth. 2 tales from Con- stance, 134 miles from school. There are en the premises, a good seven roomed house, large bank barn 64x76, all Page wire fences and well underdrained. There are forty acres Ploughed, 5 acres bush and the balance seed- ed down. There are two big sPaings. On* piped to barnyard and in the other a dam with a herciraulie ram pumping the water to the house and tothe barn. .As the spring is in the orchard and near the house and. Mpg fence, there is no 'saute land. There lista graded and gravelled lane from tbe mad tO the buildings. Apply to MRS. SCRUB DORRANCE, Seaforth. 2627- 1'on SAL --ONE HUNDRED ACRES CO sisting of Lot 27, Concession 3, Tucker- sPnith, Huron county; elope to school and church; 5 miles th Seaforth, Clinton and BruceflePe' on fine gravel roads. Eighty acres cleared; twenty acres of bush and pasture; three hundred hard maples; sugar earays; spring, no pumping for stock, acres of orchard, ten roomed brick house, furnance, telephone, large barn stabling underneath, shed, pig pen, drivehouse, beautiful yard, evergreens, shade trees. 3'. TERRYBERRY„ R. R. 3, Seaforth. • 2685-11 • ' 11 Steele 1111111101 iiii 1 WOULDyou experiment with such an important thing.as the heath4 of your home? It is a job for experts. The comfmt of your home for years depends oa it. You can call oa us to -sell you not a furnace, but COMFeRT-gi engineerratiltadviso you and plan your heating systetie without charge. 4. a I' A* about the LITTLYt DR,AFTBRAPI diattami ea the drafts auel regtdaten talon .136011111411NRIN ,For: Sale by HENRY EDGE, SEAFORTH Hard -Wearing Stockings _ that Require,' Less Mending - That's what Buster 13rown Stockings are, for we designed them specially to stand the boisterous games your boy loves. Made them - with a two-ply leg and three-ply 'heel and toe. Made them from extra -long yarn spun in our own factory. Our employees have had years of special training in knitting Buster Brown quality and good looks into hosiery. Your boy will appreciate their snug -fitting, comfart and neat appearance. Buster Brown Stockings are young gentlem.en's stockings -suitable for all occasions. And you'll find they do wear longer -they require less mending. You'll find it takes less money to clothe Our boy. Ask your dealer for "Buster Brown " durable hosiery. Slid everywhere. The Chipman -Holton Knitting Co., Limited Hamilton, Ont. -Mills alsoatWelland C'h USTER BR BUSTER BROWN'S , SISTER'S STOCKING,' Busier Brown's SI ster' a Stotk- inesfor the gifia is a spiendid looking stocking at a moderate price, • A two -thread Rutile,. mercerized lisle etocking, that le shaped to fit and wears v well indeed. Colora-Black, LeatherSharle Tan, Pink, Blue and White. C'h USTER BR