The Huron Expositor, 1919-07-11, Page 31919. .1 • 919 4 Pr ces In Jem on - 5 N r doz. and guard Aors ng 3 00 . e Co,we PHONE `11'7 :PT secret nd special ersonal for a - tight i cackage. pdd that is ' of your regard use of its g quality, • • Regular ,deposits cf Ina an ► u 3 often .accomplish more :thaninfrequent deposits of larger- amounts. The 'regular saver finds inspiration in watching his balance : grow. Interest lowed at 3 annum added to the principal half yearly. THE DOMINION BANK w, SEAFORTH BRANCH: R. M. JONES; Mya(na/gyeyr/yyy�y� y� selKe.Nelaem 1l�leSi ere**/R 0 P17114 1+ ll/fitllXIMIA�\[INIKKIIA11' IIIE HURON EXPOSITOR mosor DISTRICT MATTERS RED HOT JULY' DAYS HARD ON THE BABY duly—the month : of oppressive. heat; red hot days and sweltering+.: nights, is extremely hard on little ones, Diarrhoea, dyseutry, colic ant cholera infantum carry off thousands of precious little lives every summer. June the uian wonders whether he shall tether his watch to the lapel of his coat and let it joggle around. in the breast pocket, or etbether he'll` try .it once more in the -'waistband pocket of his trousers and look. upon its face only after an• exhibition of gymnastics. Shall the fountain pen be attached to the coat pocket or laid away until autumn? Man suffers for a while. He finds himself . without matches when he has cigar or without a pen wheal he has i`linut the power of Christ. Be says: a "My conviction is thatwhen, in ' reti- a blank cheque, His watch spoils -the anee upon the Holy Spirit, hands are fit of his coat. His memoranda book" laid upon the sick in the name of 1 gets lost in the bottom of his coat !. Christ, the patient Is brought into pocket. He is all at sea' and merely I• as•' forth troubled with callers... Hickman had ansther remarkable cure on this visit. It was that of an old woman, who was helpless •through rheuma*m and dropsy. She weighed about 260 ,pounda, and -her joints were so inflarnied that it :n to. rayed her ble to the etters e• cure hat it relief acting rs . of New . been es, the he was by ap- aedical took the strength of , two move her. Mx. Hickman . Over her; placed his hands o and in a few days she was move about without help, an swellings : had departed. -written some months after t in both these gases indicate was notmerely teripporary that had been seciited, but benefit. There are many oth course, and in Boston and York, where Mr; Hickman h practising. under Church auspi crowds have been so great that obliged to receive his patients pointment daily like a great specialist. His own explanation of his pow- ers is simple. He claims no credit for himself, any more thee.,a tall man might claim credit febeing more -than six feet. He believes that 'the only, thing he has to help him is his faith. The miracle, .codes from¢ God, He is the mereedium. To be a medium faith is- the chief requisite; and the more a man be- lieves tn God the greater should 1 be his pwersi Thus!, Mr. Hielgman does not admit that Organic diseases :are incurable, for, as he says, to make this admission' would be to The must be constantly on her;, het theffi " t commanicP- they come on suddenly to fight themthefaithful h ndb 1 alit .planes of l f . No other medicine is of such aid to Fashions ehange in clothing and in mothers during the hot summer as is bags but the mess of small belonging Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate is always carried in- the same way. the bowels and stomach, anal an occa- If man would ape woman in this re- sional dose given to the :dell child spect he would be more comfortable. will prevent summer complaint, or if He need not carry i silkenreticule; ever, then.I believe that touch still has the trouble does come suddenly will a canvas sack would do, with a strap ! . „ - banish it. The Tablets are sold bat. to go over the ehouldel.!. Perhaps its ancient power, .medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents, some of the fellows who carry brief 1 - a box from The Fr. Williams' Medi- cases are secretly taking a leaf from , NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE eine Co., Brockville, Ont, woman's n's book. Al Smith once said i Most of the cigarettes posing as: that if you held up a reformer and !Egyptian are made from Greek • to- i STANLEY looked in his brief case you would find bacco. - _ . t t t public doc- Electrically driven ventilating fans e mother . ', because is no efficient creature with the highest guard to prevent these troubles, or if woman is. She puts all her junk and i spiritual forces and thus h ped upon e Don't ell me a t all her worries in sal a a• healer. To the truly spirituel there • is but one ,healer--Chist. .No anedhum worthy the name would attempt` to claim credit for himself. If the Lord healed all manner of diseases, and is the same yesterday, to -clay and. for - • ODOR sandhviches in it. no gree p lit Death of William Stephenson.—W,,'' uments. A brief case would hold cigars, . have been , installed in, the ,Simplon . are sorry to have to report the unci- pencils and handkerchiefs. Maybe in tunnels through the Swis-Italian Alps petted death of Mr. William Stephen- time all men will carry these leather to keep the air moving. ; son of the Babylon Line, which tools - pluoe at the hospital . at Aliment, Dvcn:., vase' just as all women carry bags. j For� household use a handy opexat ; •4 ed darning machine has. been invent - a few days ago. He went there to HEALS MANY HY 'LAYING ed • that mends - hole`s in almost all I take treatment l./lr, -Stephenson had kinds, of -textiles quickly and neatly not be6n well for some time but his ° ON OF HANDS An institution 'has been established sudden passing cast a gloom over the , There are many who believe that in England in °which women nurses entire neighborhood He was born, on tone of .the reactions frons the war will are , given three year courses in the ' the Babylon- line sixty-sixgears ago ; be a world-wide spiritual revival which care of dogs and other .animal pets. on the old homestead now owned b3- : is likely to take many forms. One of 1 A fabric a device that forms webs his brother George. He was an i- ' them we already see in the tremendous between the fingers when worn on dustrious, hard working man and Wad increase of interest in spiritism. An- the • hand has. been invented by an untra-rried. He was keel, neighborly !ether to which the attention .of Nun- `Indian man to 'give swim -niers addi- and loved and respected by the entire ' dreds of thousands have been called tonal power. neighborhood. He leaves four brothers: ' lately is that of faith healing. GreetAccording to a Eurrp Robert, John: George and Edward, and audiences in Boston and New York linoleum on the floor o° three sisters, Mrs .Walter Stewart, of have been attending the discourses bacteria that may be Varna; Mrs. William Rider, of Almont, and/ demonstrations of dames Moore shoes with the linseed;' oil it con- Michigan, and Sarah J. at home. In Hickson, who heals by the laying on. tams. religion he was a Presbyterian and in of hands, and -t whom hundreds of` i X-ray apparatus- has been designed politics a Conservative. The remains people both in the United States andfor detecting defects in concrete, ships were brought home for burial. The 'n - the British Isles look almost as as they are being built and to find bearers were: George Beatty,. John to a Messiah who raised- them frons hidden effects of strain in service. Reid, William Rathweli, William Reid, the dead. The miracles :that Mr. -1-• earl: scientist e: room - kills -light in on ei , John Turner, and Henry Erratt. The Hickson is performing are siimilar_ _1 ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN,: ,- shr me esteem in which the deceased was held was shown by the large cortege that followed his remains to its bast resting place in Bayfield cemetery. The ser- vices were conducted, by the Rev. Dr. Aikens, of Kippen, assisted by Rev.to those that have made „tie Dr: Catharine B. Davis', formerly,, of Lourdes and St. Anne de t3eaupre New York . commissioner of corree famous - the world over. There- and tion has .returned to this_country ' at many other holy p1Les are to be after spending five .monthst in Europe • seen crutches, plaster of paris casts, i Selecting in fifteen countries dele- anci various mechanical appliances gates for the social hygiene congress friends Mrs.hung up as, curios to prove that pis- of women physicians to be held here from a distance .were: Mrs. iilliaan Brims hobbled t© the Sacred waters in, autumn. Mr. Johnston, of Varna. The Rider and son and daughter of Almont, or Breves and then cast away what Margaret Bonfield, one of Britain's Michigan, and her nephews, Messrs- ' they needed no longer. most forceful labor leaders, • looks for Medical men may laugh James and Thomas 'Walker, Marlette. anda Socialist commonwealth' in England Michigan, John Turner of . Seaforth and ! psychologists and physiologists' nlay in the near future. Mr. Rufus Keys, of London. I try to explain that the people thus , Miss Helen H. aft, daughter of . 4►r cured were really never in need of former President t a for but that their aiflic= : af` , arid two shear _ crutches, years clean of Bryn Mawr College, has t ;tion was a mental one, and could _ been named by the board of directors KIRKTON Jubilee Services.—A series of specie services and gatherings are being held this week to celebrate the separate organization of Kirton circuit from St. Marys in 1869. The pastor, with his quarterly official board, haie been • the committees of arrangement' and have interested the whole countryside. in the events. The first of the gather- ings atherings was held on the lawn of Record- ing Stewart 3, J. Bellany on Saturday evening, when a large crowd from all parts of the circuit gathered to renew T� YJ acquaintance with the Rev, man wilts nls=�i{,,•"'�' --_ - linoks, D. D., of Toronto, and other old pastors. Dr. Hinek's recital' of his orthodox first prescriptions. , Of , weakness to get the upper hand of er ences on this circuit when he course, there have been many i her.' If she does worry will mar her 1 his expfakers, perhaps : a hundred of them work in the home and torment her,in was "the greenest of green yowler he to one who has displayed genuine . body and mind. Day after day spent , crowdnier�" was relished : by power, and who works more for the amid the .. surto surroundings is i crowd and particularly his references love of the working than for'the , enough to cause fretfulness and de- 1 'to his ridiculous blunders with hitch- money he makes out of it. Geri pression. .But there are other causes j ing horses and' the time when he fell many has contributed more than I. as every mother. knows, that tend to asleep in the Kirkton church in the middle of his sermon—a sermon that her fair share of these imposters in ! make.her nerves :run down. A change .,n the past, and one recalls Schlatter 1 would benefit her jaded system, and I he had committed to memory. U whose powers` and sincerity were , rest aright -improve her . blood so as t Sunday in the Kirkton church ne ,. alike open to question. Mr. Hick- j to give the nerves, a batter. tie. But ' preached at the jubilee celebration en- vices for the circuit morning and even- son is honest in his beliefs, and - he !rest and change a$e often impossible, ! �. has hundreds' who will swear that I and it is thee that all worn out we- mng. The congregation overflowed the i and there were eighty-three, he is under:. no, illusion when he i naen should take a short trealenent : building,claims to have healing powers. with Dr. Williams' Pink Pals, which i caws and over two/ hundred buggies He has had , remarkable success male new blood, rich with the ele- lined up outside the church on Sunday i• n the Highlands of ,Scotland, and nients COI which the nerves thrive. 1 evening. The Njethodist church at he explains this on the ground that Ire this way these pills restore regu- 1 Kirkton has just undergone', thorough renovation and the reopeh}ng coincided the people there are deeply religious. lar health, increased energy, new xenon They are apt. to believe Hickson 1 ambition and steady rery : ' There is with the jubilee services. The sum of when he recalls old Bible stories a leasont�t rr� for ber 'women in nide x' the Orate 83,000 has been expended, part o.L it for -a new organ and part for war `ybinnd,beinga thus be cured by mental means, , ot that institution to serve As actm.g Thus Chrfstian. Science is explained. president of Bryn Maavr next year It is nat the_ explanation that eAs during the abeence- of Dr., M. Caxey comes so much as the eure. Thomas, who is going. ab oad for a a man thinks so is he," and it he thixiks he is ill, he is, and if hie ill- neg is such that he expects it to ' e_ -.ea end speedily in 'his death, so it is WEAK MOTHERS likely to do, - and the man who i thus restores his. health is surely Throuigiahntat,hepinNuewp illBsid°Adc'tuDraliyi Wil - as ;much entitled to be called a healer . as REGAIN HEALTH • about , the and was at its height he was traveling to a remote spot in Scotland in or- der to rest, and it happened that he sat in the same compartment with two Scotchrnen. One of' them seemed to be at the fibiae- of death. The ether, who turned out ta be the son, told Hick -min that he was -taking his father home to die, and had removed him front .141ae hoepital because the venerable Scot , had been given up for dead . and wanted to pass his few remaining (lay% in the -cot where he was horn. The healer said he believed that by lay, ing his hands on the old man he could do him good. The son con- sented, and the father being too eeble to resist, Mr. Hickman. made him kneel dawn and pray, and thue ministered to him. In. about two niinutes the supposedly dying man spraag to his feet, thumped* himself on the chest, and Mid: "Mon, hut 1 feel warm!" Tingling sensations were shooting through him, and within half an hour he an.L nounced that he felt wela/end asked for a pipe. News of this amazing, cure spread rapidly ,and 'naturally the remote island that Mr. Hickman had sought became something like the door of the gentleman who invented the bet- ter 111.01.1S0 trap, and who wae thence- AtIMAN'S VEST This is meli's moulting seo.son and his feathers'are his waistcoat. The male "biped does not shed this garment because he dislikes it af itself. It is a useful thing, handier than. a pocket in a 'shirt. He takes it off because of the heat, and not without regret. The waietcoat holds so, Aatny things. The uaper left hand pocket was made foe peacils and fountain pens and 'elgare. Since the top of the ear was eilecarded as a pencil -holder there has been nothing half so good as ithat pocket. The opposite upper pocket is just the place for the memoranda beak. The watch sleeps alone in one of the lewer pockets, \across from the home of the man's kaife roatehbox. inside pocket of the waistcoat is • peculiarly adapted to carryieg money. A thief cannot get it without cutting. When the waistcoat is hung up for the summer its working coetents must be put elsewhere. The coat, already overloaded with handkerchiefs, letters, cigarette cases and com- mutation tickets, is asked to talie:tro what theturf reporters call a stagger- ing impost. The trousers, with their standard burden of rn.oney and keys,' .can make little room for the articles evicted from the waistcoet. Se every of Mrs. P. who says:—"Five yeees ago my twin babies were barn, and I was left very weak and very miserable, hardly fit to do anything. The- clegtor gave xne medicine but ti.t did not help me. Then I tried another deaor, but with no better results; One day / went home to my mother., telling her how miserable I felt; and that the doctor's medicine bad not done me any gooct'. Mother asked' me why I did. not try Dr. Williams?* pita Pills, and as I:, was. glad to.,try enything that might; help me, t. got three boxes when- X went back By the time these, were u.sed there, was no doubt they were helPing me, and I got three more boxes. But I did not need them all, for by the time the fifth box- was used, I was entirely cured, and never felt better in rny life. Now when 1 hear peaple talk about feeling weak or miserable I always recommend Dr. Willia/ns' Pink Pills, and tell what they did, for me, and in. 5imilar cases I shall continue to recommend At the first sign that the blood is out of order take Dr. Williams' Pin Pills, and note the speedy improve ment they make in the appetite health awl spirits. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer Or mail. at 50 edits a box or six boxes • .47 Nail or Phone Yow Orders We prepay Ca CKS Summer Trade 10 Foll. enls Summel]r• Furnishings New Black and White stripes, Plain White Spott or Outing Shirts, Soft Collared Shirts with collars to match. Price $1 to $2.26 Neckwear New Silks inthe latest colors,, in special new shapes, Price 75C tO $1: 09) Wash Ties in light cool ma-• 110C t 25 Panamas,' Manillas, Sen. ates, Split Sti-aw in Sailor or Snap Prent Shapes, black or fancy bands, si,z,es fit• inth:tis.maillrest,..bo;il,to teh,eillargregt Price Lat, LU - • If it's New irs here Men's Suits of If it's here it's Nsw special Intercst AmmilommimoW Work Shirtsz Overalts Sts *41 There is no deparirrient in any store that wilt give _you value equal to what we give tin work- men!s clothes. PEABODY'S OVERALLS AND SANDOW •§HIRTS, for. instance .are two lines which We are sole agents tor in' 'Sea- torth, You get the best wearing,. best fitting work Clothes here AND WE SAVE YOU MONEY AS WELL. The New Silk Dresses Good Values iniStylish Garments • 1" Wc never had prettier dress- es than the new ones owe have just received. Th e y are made of very finesilk and silk crepe of a specially good: weave,. 'particularly adapted., for- good They are bLUtifully trim- med with embroidery.,, bead— ing, silk tassels. Stme have large fancy collars a d others have georg-ette crepe sleeves. They, are ptocurable in naVy, greem, brown 'and: black. All beautifully cut and carefully made and just filled with stY,le. PRtCE $15 to $30 Middy Blouses • When considering the pur- chase of a new suit our stOck of stylish suits should be of special'interest to you. • The New Worsteds are at . tracting a good deal of atten- tion. All bright, neat pat, terns, in stripes, checks and handsome mixtures, beauti- fully lined throughout. Sizes SIO $15 to S3 Boys' Cotton Sweaters just the thing for the holi- days, in navy, white, rGed, with short or long sleeves. c JOC - Men's Undirwear, French Balbriggan ot Egyptian, twisted thregd, the coolest yet, the; best wearing of all summer underwear. • Sizes 34 to 48. Light cotton wool mixtUre, Penman's ma e mottled cOlor, all sizes. Price....$1 to $1.2i Natural wool, grey shade pure fine wool, in - light weight for sumMer, all sizes. Price $1.25, Latest Wash Materia New Designs that are Different Nothing. serves so well for' Canadian summers than the Middy. We have all the usual kind and in addition r to s4 50 we are showing some select new ca styles. Ask to see them. Price inj,, 6 • You will be surp ised as weli as delighted with the many new wash materials that have come on the Market this season. Materials that vie and compare favorably% 'with the more expensive silks and satins. There is a world of beauty in these new cotton goods. You must see them to appreciate their real beauty, The new Cotton Voiles and Crepes are attracting un- usual attention. a4d see them Crompton Corsets terompton Corsets fit perfectly. They gain the 41e -- sired figure without injury or discomfort, and they cost no nune thkn the ordinary kind. I tO ss • Mail - Your Orders Phone Your •