HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1919-07-04, Page 8Highest. Cash Prices for Butter 0a n d Eggs We stilly, have a few 65c Brooms ridaFor Saturday Try our Teas and Coffee Our customers say our Meats are delicious All kinds of Fresh Fruit ommmomoommml Dorsey & McCuai The Big Store on the Corner S _ ai▪ m flimm amel llems ROW loom Mak ivmm Stratford, Ont. SUMMER SCHOOL Central Business College -of Stratford has a large registration of returned 7 1: NMI RIMVIM Nair aim mie MIN Min 1.1111, mom MEVMOD IMO iMa IMO • soldiers and the College Will be Sept ISM • opened during the summer months. Re- i turned men or others wishing a course mays enter the C411Ege at any time. 1 61111111111111111tfl-itliiitHI tIIHIt11111tft11E rriE nU iON EXPOSITOR James W atson Gener.l Insurance Agent Real Esta .' and Loan Agent Dealer in Sewing Machines. Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms reasonable and posson given promptly Apply at my office for Particulars - GRAND TRVN'"' The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car, Service. Sleeping cars on night- trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains.. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. W. Somerville ... _ Town Agent W. R. Plant ...... ....Depot Agent Hensall Tile and Block Works We have just received a fresh car Toad: of, St. Marys Portland Cement. If you `want good fresh cement call on us. We handle only the highest grade Portland Cement. We are agents for all C. C. M. Bicycles. Clevelanis and Brantfords are our specials. s Supplies, always l.ept on hand Phone;' 7 W. E. PFAFF .�3ugi11's Music Store We are agents for the Ph.onolt: talking machines made in $25.00 up. Will, play any niake of record. The Phonola ipeopie received an order from Belgium for 12,000 Phon- olas to be -delivered this fall, after their consideration of other Canadian makes. This alone should concern you in buying to see us before making your purchase. We will have over 200 copies of all the latest and best in sheet music in stock by Saturday. Come in and get your choice. models fronP Jonathan E. Hugill Opposite Bank of Gomm • D1 TRICP MATTERS Local Briefs. -Mr, Ray Carpenter, nter, of Niagara Falls, spent the week end at the home of his uncle, Mr, C- . A. Sills. -Mr. Fred Larkin, l, of Toronto, ront at, spent the holiday with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Larkin at the manse. - Mr. and Mrs, A. Scott, of Toronto, are visiting at the home of his uncles, Mr. Arch. Scott, town, and Mr: Jahn. John Scott, Roxboro.Mr... and Mrs. John Broadfoot .and 'daughter'Mrs. Cunningham, of Seattle, are gudsts at the home of Mr. and.. Mrs. G. M. Chesney, Goderich Street. Mr. Chesney ' and Mrs. Broadfoot who are brother and. sister have not seen each other for over thirty years. -Miss Annie Archibald. of Toronto, is spending the (holidays et the home of her parents, Mr. anal 'Mrs. -Andrew Archibald, in town .--Miss , Belle Ballantyne, of Waterloo= is spending the holidays at the home. of her father, - Mr, William Ballantyne. -Miss Levis, of Clinton, is the guest of Miss Sparks. -- Mrs. Partridge, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr. -Miss- Gertrude Carclno, of Milverton, spent Sunday at her home here. -Mr. and Mrs. ; John MV[ilverton , -Mr . and Mrs. John Beattie and daughter motored to Owen Sound on Tuesday where they will take the boat for Mindemoia where they will spend a couple of weeks with their son Mr. • Douglas Beattie, who is manager of a large creamery there. -Mr. Arthur Deem, who was spending his . holidays at Walkerville, has returned home.- Miss Madge Stewart, of Waliaceburg, is spending the holidays at her home here. -Mr. ' Donald Shaw, son of the late Rev. Neil Shaw, of Egmbndville, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Finlayson. -Mrs. George Black, of Tuckersmibh, who has, been visiting friends in Buffalo, has returned home. -Mr. J; R. Arichbald has purchased the old Coleman hometead on Goderich Street, East, from Mr. Nilo.! Goven- lock. -Mrs. W. D. McLean. of Edmon- ton, is - visiting with relatives and friends in town. -There will be special Thanksgiving services for the return of peace at St. Thomas' church .•ext Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 pen. A11 are welleome .-Mr. and Mrs. John Walton, hof Coleman. Michigan, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Butt ,in town. Mr. Walton was formerly an old resident of this district hang farmed in both McKillop and Tucker - smith before his removal to Michigan, and although he has not been here for forty-two years, he has met many old friends, of his younger days who were all pleased to see him again. -Mr. George Klein, of Brantford, is visiting his brothers in `McKillop . -The new G. T. R. timetable went into effect on Monday morning last. The only change on this line is the early morn- ing train from Goderich which now arrives at 6.51, fifteen minutes later than formerly. --'Phe coat donated by Miss Lukes to the War Veteran's fond, was won by • Mrs. P.- u McGrath, of +St. Columban, whose tidket was number 421. -Mr. Weir Thomson, of the Exeter high school staff is visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. T. R. Thomson, Rev. Mr. Scott, who has just returned from overseas, was a guest at the home of Mr. John. Scott, Roxboro, this week.' -The McKillop council will meet in Seaforth on July. 22nd. -Mr. Murray, of Philadelphia, is visiting, at the home of Mr. A. Davidson.. -Mrs. McLeod ,and Mrs. Martin and family, of Des Moine, Iowo, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McLennan at the C -e m ercial .-Mr. Peter 'Ander- son, of Toronto, was th' guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.' Wilson over Sunday. -Miss Sadie Campbell, of Hamilton, weevisiting.at the home of her aunt, Mr. Sidney Johns this week. -*r. and Mrs. E. McFaul are visiting friends in St. Thomas. -Mr. A. K. Chitten- nen is visiting- at' the home of his sister in Brantford -Miss Belle Cum- mings and Miss Marion Sclater have returned from visiting Mrs. E. Law- son in Auburn. 'Pte. Harold Deere re- turned to Toronto this week to', under- go treatment at the military hospital. -Mr. W. Brine, of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of his mother. Mrs. J. P. Brine.-Mis§Jessie Scott, of Holstein, is spending the hol- idatys at the home of he parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott, Thornton Hall. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Twiss and son, of Brantford, spent the holiday; at the home of his mother, Mrs. ' Twiss, Rail- way Street. Mr. S. Deem spent the holiday with friends in Brantford .- Mrs. -Mrs. Harry Beattie has returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs, (Dr.)' Ireland in Harriston.-Mr. and Mrs. George Seip spent the holiday with friends in New Hamburg. -The garden party held under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid on the Egm.ondville church lawn Friday evening last was a com- Mete success and very largely attend- ed in spite of the cold weather. The Misses B. and M. _McClure: spent the holiday with friends in Goderich.- Mr. James Gillespie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie, Louisa Street, was first inhe on t honor list in the 2nd year Civil engineering course at the School of Practical Science, .Toronto. Mr. Gillespie'sshowing is a very unusual one as he took a two years' course in one and did not enter the school until (December last, on his return from overseas. -Mrs. H, R. Scott and son returned 'on Tuesday evening from a visitwith . s friends in Welland and Stratford—Pte. 0. McCormick arrived home from overseas on Monday night. —Mil's Lizzie McCowan, of Toronto, is spending her holidays at her home in McKillop.—Mr. W. Mackay, barrister of Toronto. spent the week end at the home of his another, Mrs. Mackay, Goderich street—Mrs. S. T. Holmes and daughters are spending the sum - A -ter at Bayfield.—Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Box spent the week end in Galt.— Mr. F. S. Sauvage has on exhibition in the window of his jewelry stare a very interesting display of German war souvenirs, collected by Lieut. Harvey Dorrance.—Rev. H. D. Moir and family left this week. for their new home in Goderich.-Mr. Harry Grieve, I of Brampton, spent the.holiday at his home in Egnaondville.—Miss Wilson and Miss- Buck, of Mitchell, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs. D. F. Buck. -Mrs. Francis and daughter, of To- ronto, are visiting at the,home of her brother, Mr. L. T. De Lacey.—Miss Mary Gillespie, of St.., Thomas cal- leigate staff, is spending the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and iMrs. James Gillespie. - Mr. Bert Speare, of London, spent the week end i-[ with friends in town. The many .I friends of Miss Hms,-of Egmondrville, Who is in Wellesley; Hospital, Toronto, will be,, pleased to learn that she is recovering from a serious operation. - Miss Mulholland) is visiting with friends in London•-M'iss Jennie Gov- enlock, of the Goderich Collegiate staff, is spending the holiday$ at her tome here. -Mrs. C. Blansba.rd, Mrs. S. Campbell and Mrs. H. Revell, of Hamiltoll<, Mr. F. Burgard, of Gal- gary and Mr. J. Burgard, of Cali= fornia, are here visiiting their mother, who is very seriously ` ill . -Mhr. W. J. Walker has purchased the two frame houses on John Street belonging to the Cardno estate. -Mr. Fra!ikSills is moving into the west houee in the Daly Terrace, vacated: by Mr. S. Mc- Intosh who is taking. apartents the Stephens block. --Miss Rre Woods, the holi- rs. John home of town of French River, is spending days at her home here. ---1V Warwick is visiting at the her daughter in Toronto.--' and county pupils were writ ng their Entrance Examinations at t e Collegi- ate Wednesday, Thursday, d qday of this week, -Mr. John;:II kirk',and daughter, Miss Mary, spent the week end with relatives in Grims y. -Mrs. A; Dickson. and son, of B •ale were guests at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Adam Dickson this week, Mrs . R. E. Johnston and daughter, of Cleve- land, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hunt in McKillop. -Mr. 'Ed. Mole returned last week from at nditng the annual convention of the ssociation of Municipal Electrical Eng neers held at- Niagara Falls. He al paid a visit to his brother in Roch ster.-Mr. H. Deem, of Ingersoll, spe t Sunday at the home of Mr. John B tton.-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reid and li le son, of Orillia, who have been visi ing at the home of Mrs. Reid's uncle, r. George Stogdill, left for their ho e Wednes- day • morning. -Mr. Step en Godkin returned on - Wednesday I : st from a trip to- the West. He in =gds to re- turn next week to Calg : where he has purchased a farm. of :400 acres, including fifty acres of ' heat, farm stock, implements and thr shing. out- fit. -Miss M. Neely, of N a ' York, is visiting' at the home, of her mother. - Dr. James Hogg, of Preston., vitas here on Monday attending the funeral of his brother, the late Fra Hogg. - Mr. S. T. Holmes, Und rtaker, has secured! the services of first-elass motor hearse to be used t any time when desired. -Mr. J. W. Button and family moved to Walton; this week where Mr. Button will .enter upon his new duties as pastor of Walton Meth- odist Church on Sunday next. -Miss Eve Holmes, .of Boston, S. spending o .- the holidays at her home hereMrs. - Lillie and daughter, of Sturgeon Falls, are visiting at the home of Ther mother, Mrs, Carnochan, in Tuckersmith -- • Miss Jessie McMillan, of the a Stratford Normal, is spending her holidays at her home in Egmondvill . - Miss Anona Dale, daughter o Mr. and Mrs. George Dale, Alma, is visiting with relatives in Detroit -I -Miss Cla- rissa Scott. of Ottawa, is visiting at her home here. -Miss Ethel Beattie, of Part Burwell, is spendi g the holi- days at the home of her p ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. 3. Wesley B attie.-The many friends of Mr. F. G. Neelin, Customs Officer who h s been in Toronto for some time recuperating from his recent serious illness, are pleased to see him back in town again. --Mr. Jam Hinchley is spending the holidays ate his home in town. -Miss May M lhichey, of Odessa, is holie (laying at her home here -Mr. W: Habkirk and his mother ba -ye returned. from a trip to Chicago. ,HURON EX •0 R Summer Reading The Story of a Rogue. more f'• einating than R.efR,w-13ert Lytell in Blaekie's edemytion—• At flocIA/Ones:- Strand Monday, Tuesday and 'ednes:- Lost—On Friday last an automobile license number and tail Iight somewhere between Chiselhuxst and Seaforth. No. 86025. Finder please leave same at The Expositor Office. 2690-1 Summer Dances every Tuesda Jowett's Pavilion, 8:80 to 12 o' stone Buckley Orchestra, No packing cars. Follow the cro Dance - to .the Goderich Groh violin cornet, trombone, drum• at Bayfield every Wednesday ni Girl Wanted.—Good 'girl for g work. Highest wages, or wOma the day. ,Apply at The Exposito evening at lock. Black - charge for d. 2686-tf tra, piano, and traps, ht. 268'7-4 neral house - to work by, Office.. 2683-tf Lost.—On Tuesday, July 1st, at Cases' Grove two deeds of property. Finder please leave same at Sills' Hardware Store and receive reward. I 2690x1 = Death of a Former Resi ent:-The death occurred at Drayton o Wednes- day morning, July 2nd, of Louisa S. Atkinson, wife of Mr. James McEwing ex-M.P.P., for West Wellington, at the age of sixty-eight ye rs. Mrs. McEwing was a daughter o the late Thomas Atkinson, former; of Sea - forth, and resided here for a number of years, and was well kilo ) to many of our readers in this •dis 'jct. The funeral services were held t -day, Fri- day,. interment being made in Drayton cemetery. St. James' Parish Picnic The old time picnic held in Case's Grove, just east of- town on Tuesday last, Do- minion'Day, under the ausp'ces of St. James' Parish, Seaforth, was the greatest success of the kill that has beenfeatured here for m ny years, in fact it is doubtful if any entertain- ment of the kind in this di trict ever had an equal attendance. The day was 4deal and from early mo ing- until dark the grove was thro ged - with people from this and adjoi ing coun- ties. In spite of the crowd however, there was abundance and to spare for all at the two excellent eals pro- vided on the ground. Bes des these there was dancing and ath tic sports, a tug-of-war ' between !McKillop, Tuckersmith and Hibbert, !.fine baby show, • and excellent a Jdrsesses by Major (Rev.) McCarthy, M. C., Chaplain with the Princess Pats; Capt. (Rev.) F. P. White, St. Columban, Chaplain of Field Artillery; Capt. (Rev.) Thomas Hussey. of Kinkora, Chaplain of the Third Division, Mr. J. J. Merner, M.P., Mr. Thomas Mc- Millan and others. The different , committees in charge of the day were perfectly organized and left nothing to be desired in the way of entertain- ment. Mrs. E. C. Case's baby won first prize in the baby show. and the tug-of-war was won by McKillop. BRUCEFIELD Sunday School Convention.—At the convention in Brncefield of the South Huron Sunday School Association the following officers were elected for the year: President, J.: 11). Holtzman, Crediton; Vice President, C. H. Haugh, Brucefield; Secretary Treasurer, W. G. Medd, 'Exeter; Sup. of Children's There is ` nothing like a Good Book to pass the time away.` We have thesein both Light Fiction and ' 'Adventure stor- ies. They come in different bindings from the paper cov- ered novels at 10c each to the newer fiction from $1.50 up. Thoripson's Bookstore Seaforth Summer -- Gift Giving ,X! .x , An inexpensive Gift to your Summer visitors is very much appreciated and rakes 'firmer the ties of friendship. This store places before you a won- derful range to select from. Learn the joy of -Summer Gift Giving- See Souvenir Goods BEATTIE BROS. "The Fair" Department, Mrs. T. 0. Southcott, Exeter; Supt, • Young People's Dept. Boys, J. M. Southcott, Exeter; Supt. Young People's Dept. Girls, Miss Jean Murray, Exeter; Supt. Adult's Dept., J. B. McLean, Kippen; Supt. Home Dept., J. W, Ortwein, Hensall; ,Supt. Teacher Training Dept., William Rob- inson, Zurich; Supt. Missionary Dept., W. H. Johnston, ' Kippen; Supt: Temperance Dept., Rev, F. B. Meyer, Zurich. CONSTANCE Notes. -The' lawn social on Friday evening last ,was a decided success in every particular. The conunittee de- serves great credit in giving such a good evening's, lentferitainmerete The proceeds in all amounted in the neigh- borhood of 4190. -Mr. Charles Rogers, of Oshawa, spent over' Sunday with Mr-. and Mrs.. Charles MacGregor. - Mrs. Ed. $ritton and Miss Margaret Love are visiting at Mount Pleasant, Michigan, this week. • They went by motor with their uncle; Mr. Kirconnel, who had been over attending the funeral of Mr. Dow, of Cromarty. - Mrs. William Britton is visiting home panstminlonn Close agent fo Chalmers - anci Maxwell` Cars Goodyear Tires STRAND Here is one . of the mostattractive ro- grammes ever of fered movie fans July 7-8-9 Bert Lytell in 'Blackie's Redemption' July i5-11-12 Charlie Chaplin in 1"A Dog's Life' July 14-15-1.6 Dustin Farnum in "Light of the Western Stars" July 17-18-19 Hale Hamilton in "That's Good" July 21-22-23 . Kitty Gordon in "Adele" Jury 24-25-26 - • Viola Dana in "The Gold Cure' July 28-29-30 Anita Stewart in -"Virtuous Wives". July 31 August 1-2 May Allison in "In for 30 Days" August 4-5---6 1-Iarold Lockwood in "The Great Romance" Au -u-at 7-8-9 I. Berl Lytell in "Blind Man's Eyes" August 11-12-13 �I3ustin Farnurn in 'A Man in the Open' August 14---15---16 Anna Q. Nielson in "The Way of the Strong" The greatest Serial on earth "'he Lure of the Circus" starring Eddie Polo; every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. STRAND • } friends in Lambton County this week, -Mrs; Nelson. Askin, of Grey . town- ship, formerly of this place Was call- ing on aid friends" last week. -Miss Maple Livermore, of Toronto spent the week end with her friend, Mrs, Austin Dexter. USBORNE Thames Road Notes. --Mr. and Mrs. John Francis and Mrs, Will Butler, of ,London, visited relatives here over the holiday. - ' Mn and Mrs. Herald Lawrence, of Seaforth, spent Sunday at Mr. H. Francis, -A large number here -spent the holiday at Goderich, others attended ' the celebrations . at Kirkton and` Centralia. - Q HULLETT Good Flak.-MiL William Rinn, the well known farmer and stock man of this township, took a sample of flax grown on his farm, to they Canada Flax Mills, Seaforth, on June 24th, that beats anything seen . about here this year. The sample measured 36 inches in length and Mr. Rinn has six acresjust as good. He would like td hear from some of the:; McKillop and Tuckerstnith growers. - BLAKE Anniversary Services. ---Anniversary services in connection with Blake Presbyterian church, will be held on Sabbathnext, July 6th, when Rev: J. E. Hogg, of Clinton, will preach at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. In consequence of the anniversary services at Blake there will be 'no services in Varna -Presbyterian church on Sunday. On the Tuesday evening following the annual gardenparty of the Blake congrega- tion will be held on the • lawn of Mr. Peter Manson, Goshen Line. Supper will be served from seven to nine, and the Hensall band will be in attendance. A good programme will also, be pro- vided. USBORNE -School Re rt.= -The following is the report 1 o school section No. 10, Usborne, for J e. The names ,re in order of merit:,Entrance Class - Hattie Etheringtn, Mary Horney, Ella Horney, Louisa Anderson. Sr. IV -Victoria Bolton, Bert Horton, Maud Miller, Evelyn Whitlock, Alvin Alexander, Glenn Broadfoot. Sr. II -Violet Westlake, Ethel McDougall,- Leslie cDougall,Leslie Thomson, Willie Westlake. Sr. II -Calvin Westlali€, Lizzie Thomson, Harry Anderson, Doris Bolton, Ruby Alexander, Cal Horton, Carman Cann. Primer --Charlie Westlake, Mervin Rickman, Mary Kerslake. Irene Douglas, Teacher. ' TUCKERSMITH West End Notes. --A Inrge number of the people of this vicinity spent Dominion Day at Bayfield.- - Miss Myrtle Crich returned home on Mon- day, and will spend the holidays at her home here. -Miss North, of Lon- don, who has taught in No. 6 for the past year, has resigned, having se- cured a situation in one of the, city schools. -Mr. John Turner is visiting relatives - at . St. Catharines. -Mr. and Mrs. Eli Crich visited relatives at Owen Sound last week.-Sergt., Harold Turner arrived home last week, having spent the past three years overseas. - Mr. M. Whitmore is , spending„ the week at Wingham . . HIBBERT _ School Report. -The following is the report of school section No. 7, Hibbert• `The following are the marks taken in June examinations: Promo- tion to Sr. IV Marks to pass 498- I•'lorerihe Verner 645, Alberta Douglas. 601, Lloyd Benner 562: Promotion to Jr. IV Marks to pass 438. -Edna Sararas 574,* Mary McDougall 536, Gladys Wr n 505. ',Promotion'`to Sr. 'III. Marks to pass, 438. -Lloyd Hog- garth 578,*, Mary McKaig 565,* Wile son Brintnell 480. ' Promotion to Jr. III. Mark to pass 390 -Vera Treffry 518,* Hilda Robina 492,* Girdwood McKaig 467, Greta Sararas 435, Leola Glanville 438, Wilbert Chappel 399, -Eddie Chappel 279. ,Those marked with asterisk took honors. -E. Norris, Teacher. JULY 4, 1919 STAFFA ' Notes. -Mrs. Laura Rose Stephens of Huntingdon, Quebec, addressed the Women's Institute on Friday evening last. Her address was along practical lines of work and was much appreciate ed, Miss Hay, teacher of school sec- tion No. • 3, has been re-engaged for another year and we congratulate the section. -About 75 or 80 of the resi- dents of school section No. 4 assembled at the home of Mrs. McVey and ,pre- sented resented Miss Chrissie McDonald, the retiring school teacher of the section with a most beautiful caserole. Miss McDonaldhas taught here su'ccessfuliy for the past four year and it was with genuine regret that bei resignation was accepted, , She hasproved herself to be a painstaking and efficient teacher and her place will not easily be filled 1 f • ETHEL No es A. McLelland is home from 'Toronto for the holiday -Miss Rhea McLelland is writing at her exams this week. We wish her suc- cess. -James and Mrs. Davidson and family, Stratford, are visitors at G. W. Pollard's.=Dan Falconer, of the Bank of Hamilton, spent Sunday at his home near Wingham.-Dr, and Mrs. Shine and family, West • Monkton, spent Sunday at W. H. Lo've's. -Miss Hilda Cober and twin brother, of To- ronto, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Laing. -J . K. Hall and family made a motor trip to Port Elgin to spend the holiday and eiait relatives in the locality. -Miss Ella Hansuld and Miss Mary McLelland are home for holidays. -.-After : spending the winter` in Stratford William and Mrs. Clark have returned to Ethel and will occupy William Eckmier's house on the river bank. -Thursday evening of this week a red hot game of foot ball will be played here between Brus- sels and Ethel teams and a big crowd 1 is expected to witness the match. - Thursday evening the disputed game between Brussels and Ethel will-- be played here. It will be the fastest game of the season as we want first place in this district so come out and support the boys of the blue and white. -Ethelites are glad to welcome How- ard, son of William and Mrs . Strachan home from. overseas. He was both wounded and gassed while fighting but has regained his old time vigor fairly well. .After a holiday for a few weeks here purposes going West where he has interests and from where he en- listed at the call of the Empire. • 1I;11; 111111I 11111111 1 (Ifilll 1 S cash Sale of Milliner y Trimmed Hats Ralf Price -Going on your Vacation Soon? Then Take Our Advice -Don't Leave Everything for the Last Moment. Start Planning To -day. Many a person has found that late preparation spoil- ed the a vacation tripcompletely. Besides. why rush and h when you canpurchase your every need now, leis- urely and with greater deliberation 1 ee- 'bar Ns. ,r• te • '0;',• '#f . -,x Something New for the Sport and: Bath pg Girl Sport Model Corsets ,$1.00 to $2.00' If you want your waist line -to look trim and neat ev 14n during strenuous exercise, or even in your . bathing, suit, you will =find this elastic sport ort . model corset :spleen J didly adapted, and what is more, extremely , comfort- able. They fit snug over the abdomen and ' over th -` hips. and ,also have hose supporters.: Ask to ,see them a our corset counter. - New-Sliiprne .ts_ 'Offer Q u i .e. Sullen - did. Choiceto buy Undermuslins Whether it is because we have specialized on =flee muslins that has 1brought to us such a substantial vol- ume of business, r whether increased sales has compell us to give pa icular attention to this department— it is never,thele a fad that ,women give this store firs preference.: These include underskirts, corset covers, drawers, gownsand camisoles. 'Price -range 20e. to $5 Cool White Skirts Made of Excelfeen . . q Materials at $2 to $4 They lander beautifully: Materials are rep an rep and pique. Others of a new cotton material that are also washable, attractively trimmed with pearl but- tons and attractive pockets. .` If you want to be truly economical, you can find no better way than to have two or moreof these skirts in your Summer wardrobe. Summer Dresses at $L75 and.u._ _ This manufacturer, by the way, has the re utatio for being the most particular in his field. So this care fulness finds clear reflection in the garments themselves.° Prepare to buy liberally and be on hand soon., The style are those you will find in models at twice the price. Splendid quality gg nghamrs used in the making; tri; me. in' white and various arrangements of materials, , Summer Underwear Stocks Full and -Complete Here In this day and time the merchant who is able to keep his stocks complete, offers a service to you that is worthy of your serious consideration. Being able t select from compete stocks of Summer underivear in al the various qualities and at prices affording the same kind of values' you have been accustomed to heretofore.; is an example of the service rendered at this store, Dainty Wash Fabrics Sheer Voiles, in scores of lovely patterns; checks two-tone stripes, plaids, floral effects, Grecian scrolls, Oriental designs, scores of patterns in beautiful colors eombination.s. A great variety at from 35c to 715c. A S lendidQua1it'Irish Lop . �nen at 65c .a yard. There come days during, duly and August . when yo simplymust have at Least several u wash skirts. This is a' materialparticularly desirable for skirts ; washes splendidly and in a fashionable crash effect. Colors--•� Rose, Grey, Copenhagen, Helio and Pink, Irish Linen, Pongee, Extra Quality at 05e a yard. • J. MACT,AVISH #'11■011A FIFTY- WHOLE IlllllllIII 31116, }.Y 11/0 VFWIONS_ .a • dim mos MOS AmOV Alm ANSeSIN VIOM 0.03 yom vmme AIMS AMP AMY 91110. sum Mins IMO mvmm Wei mvmm Mvmm *303 SEW welvv INNIC 4/12/6 i•11135 1M* i.. 01331.eat VOIR .Smnte Sumrner „Summer Summer E summer E Summer - = Summer E. Sununu E- : Sununer low Summer, 11.30 Sureraer bilk Shi s Yalu). Eve M .e INS 3 asc r= MAW ;� sNMIVOW falia VALEI We have; a leading nobody win States since not even Pr ed such a {'amonn De ident of th Tremendous him and the pearance their enthu personality mands this he represen the English; dreams of Millions o difference i land to -da Poland befo their inteelli concerned. portant, a that this f. may not that more terested in in any' ot..he except, of ca This expiaii vast-Amerik Valera. " There as. Irish pa: Sinn Fein i York City. it would tal to say. . Hi some South: mother •was' in Rocheste after De boy was at years old, ex.'s family there that 1 England, a dream of .a educated : at the Frene} County, Dut lectures at As a stud prize after ter schola science ani nlatica.l scie honorsco the -late Rock, St. Street, Lo..': turer in t* College• fessor at t+ for prima_ inatical exa and nation. in Irish f+ Surgeons, that, like C drawn eons teomparati�a- De Vale enee in the when the S tempt to s command • it is said't an unusual`- AMATEURS We develop'films and fin- ish prints for amateurs in Ja dull, glossy or pnero- type finish..' , Bring your work to pro- fessionals. D. F. BUCK Seaforth, Ont. Close agent fo Chalmers - anci Maxwell` Cars Goodyear Tires STRAND Here is one . of the mostattractive ro- grammes ever of fered movie fans July 7-8-9 Bert Lytell in 'Blackie's Redemption' July i5-11-12 Charlie Chaplin in 1"A Dog's Life' July 14-15-1.6 Dustin Farnum in "Light of the Western Stars" July 17-18-19 Hale Hamilton in "That's Good" July 21-22-23 . Kitty Gordon in "Adele" Jury 24-25-26 - • Viola Dana in "The Gold Cure' July 28-29-30 Anita Stewart in -"Virtuous Wives". July 31 August 1-2 May Allison in "In for 30 Days" August 4-5---6 1-Iarold Lockwood in "The Great Romance" Au -u-at 7-8-9 I. Berl Lytell in "Blind Man's Eyes" August 11-12-13 �I3ustin Farnurn in 'A Man in the Open' August 14---15---16 Anna Q. Nielson in "The Way of the Strong" The greatest Serial on earth "'he Lure of the Circus" starring Eddie Polo; every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. STRAND • } friends in Lambton County this week, -Mrs; Nelson. Askin, of Grey . town- ship, formerly of this place Was call- ing on aid friends" last week. -Miss Maple Livermore, of Toronto spent the week end with her friend, Mrs, Austin Dexter. USBORNE Thames Road Notes. --Mr. and Mrs. John Francis and Mrs, Will Butler, of ,London, visited relatives here over the holiday. - ' Mn and Mrs. Herald Lawrence, of Seaforth, spent Sunday at Mr. H. Francis, -A large number here -spent the holiday at Goderich, others attended ' the celebrations . at Kirkton and` Centralia. - Q HULLETT Good Flak.-MiL William Rinn, the well known farmer and stock man of this township, took a sample of flax grown on his farm, to they Canada Flax Mills, Seaforth, on June 24th, that beats anything seen . about here this year. The sample measured 36 inches in length and Mr. Rinn has six acresjust as good. He would like td hear from some of the:; McKillop and Tuckerstnith growers. - BLAKE Anniversary Services. ---Anniversary services in connection with Blake Presbyterian church, will be held on Sabbathnext, July 6th, when Rev: J. E. Hogg, of Clinton, will preach at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. In consequence of the anniversary services at Blake there will be 'no services in Varna -Presbyterian church on Sunday. On the Tuesday evening following the annual gardenparty of the Blake congrega- tion will be held on the • lawn of Mr. Peter Manson, Goshen Line. Supper will be served from seven to nine, and the Hensall band will be in attendance. A good programme will also, be pro- vided. USBORNE -School Re rt.= -The following is the report 1 o school section No. 10, Usborne, for J e. The names ,re in order of merit:,Entrance Class - Hattie Etheringtn, Mary Horney, Ella Horney, Louisa Anderson. Sr. IV -Victoria Bolton, Bert Horton, Maud Miller, Evelyn Whitlock, Alvin Alexander, Glenn Broadfoot. Sr. II -Violet Westlake, Ethel McDougall,- Leslie cDougall,Leslie Thomson, Willie Westlake. Sr. II -Calvin Westlali€, Lizzie Thomson, Harry Anderson, Doris Bolton, Ruby Alexander, Cal Horton, Carman Cann. Primer --Charlie Westlake, Mervin Rickman, Mary Kerslake. Irene Douglas, Teacher. ' TUCKERSMITH West End Notes. --A Inrge number of the people of this vicinity spent Dominion Day at Bayfield.- - Miss Myrtle Crich returned home on Mon- day, and will spend the holidays at her home here. -Miss North, of Lon- don, who has taught in No. 6 for the past year, has resigned, having se- cured a situation in one of the, city schools. -Mr. John Turner is visiting relatives - at . St. Catharines. -Mr. and Mrs. Eli Crich visited relatives at Owen Sound last week.-Sergt., Harold Turner arrived home last week, having spent the past three years overseas. - Mr. M. Whitmore is , spending„ the week at Wingham . . HIBBERT _ School Report. -The following is the report of school section No. 7, Hibbert• `The following are the marks taken in June examinations: Promo- tion to Sr. IV Marks to pass 498- I•'lorerihe Verner 645, Alberta Douglas. 601, Lloyd Benner 562: Promotion to Jr. IV Marks to pass 438. -Edna Sararas 574,* Mary McDougall 536, Gladys Wr n 505. ',Promotion'`to Sr. 'III. Marks to pass, 438. -Lloyd Hog- garth 578,*, Mary McKaig 565,* Wile son Brintnell 480. ' Promotion to Jr. III. Mark to pass 390 -Vera Treffry 518,* Hilda Robina 492,* Girdwood McKaig 467, Greta Sararas 435, Leola Glanville 438, Wilbert Chappel 399, -Eddie Chappel 279. ,Those marked with asterisk took honors. -E. Norris, Teacher. JULY 4, 1919 STAFFA ' Notes. -Mrs. Laura Rose Stephens of Huntingdon, Quebec, addressed the Women's Institute on Friday evening last. Her address was along practical lines of work and was much appreciate ed, Miss Hay, teacher of school sec- tion No. • 3, has been re-engaged for another year and we congratulate the section. -About 75 or 80 of the resi- dents of school section No. 4 assembled at the home of Mrs. McVey and ,pre- sented resented Miss Chrissie McDonald, the retiring school teacher of the section with a most beautiful caserole. Miss McDonaldhas taught here su'ccessfuliy for the past four year and it was with genuine regret that bei resignation was accepted, , She hasproved herself to be a painstaking and efficient teacher and her place will not easily be filled 1 f • ETHEL No es A. McLelland is home from 'Toronto for the holiday -Miss Rhea McLelland is writing at her exams this week. We wish her suc- cess. -James and Mrs. Davidson and family, Stratford, are visitors at G. W. Pollard's.=Dan Falconer, of the Bank of Hamilton, spent Sunday at his home near Wingham.-Dr, and Mrs. Shine and family, West • Monkton, spent Sunday at W. H. Lo've's. -Miss Hilda Cober and twin brother, of To- ronto, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Laing. -J . K. Hall and family made a motor trip to Port Elgin to spend the holiday and eiait relatives in the locality. -Miss Ella Hansuld and Miss Mary McLelland are home for holidays. -.-After : spending the winter` in Stratford William and Mrs. Clark have returned to Ethel and will occupy William Eckmier's house on the river bank. -Thursday evening of this week a red hot game of foot ball will be played here between Brus- sels and Ethel teams and a big crowd 1 is expected to witness the match. - Thursday evening the disputed game between Brussels and Ethel will-- be played here. It will be the fastest game of the season as we want first place in this district so come out and support the boys of the blue and white. -Ethelites are glad to welcome How- ard, son of William and Mrs . Strachan home from. overseas. He was both wounded and gassed while fighting but has regained his old time vigor fairly well. .After a holiday for a few weeks here purposes going West where he has interests and from where he en- listed at the call of the Empire. • 1I;11; 111111I 11111111 1 (Ifilll 1 S cash Sale of Milliner y Trimmed Hats Ralf Price -Going on your Vacation Soon? Then Take Our Advice -Don't Leave Everything for the Last Moment. Start Planning To -day. Many a person has found that late preparation spoil- ed the a vacation tripcompletely. Besides. why rush and h when you canpurchase your every need now, leis- urely and with greater deliberation 1 ee- 'bar Ns. ,r• te • '0;',• '#f . -,x Something New for the Sport and: Bath pg Girl Sport Model Corsets ,$1.00 to $2.00' If you want your waist line -to look trim and neat ev 14n during strenuous exercise, or even in your . bathing, suit, you will =find this elastic sport ort . model corset :spleen J didly adapted, and what is more, extremely , comfort- able. They fit snug over the abdomen and ' over th -` hips. and ,also have hose supporters.: Ask to ,see them a our corset counter. - New-Sliiprne .ts_ 'Offer Q u i .e. Sullen - did. Choiceto buy Undermuslins Whether it is because we have specialized on =flee muslins that has 1brought to us such a substantial vol- ume of business, r whether increased sales has compell us to give pa icular attention to this department— it is never,thele a fad that ,women give this store firs preference.: These include underskirts, corset covers, drawers, gownsand camisoles. 'Price -range 20e. to $5 Cool White Skirts Made of Excelfeen . . q Materials at $2 to $4 They lander beautifully: Materials are rep an rep and pique. Others of a new cotton material that are also washable, attractively trimmed with pearl but- tons and attractive pockets. .` If you want to be truly economical, you can find no better way than to have two or moreof these skirts in your Summer wardrobe. Summer Dresses at $L75 and.u._ _ This manufacturer, by the way, has the re utatio for being the most particular in his field. So this care fulness finds clear reflection in the garments themselves.° Prepare to buy liberally and be on hand soon., The style are those you will find in models at twice the price. Splendid quality gg nghamrs used in the making; tri; me. in' white and various arrangements of materials, , Summer Underwear Stocks Full and -Complete Here In this day and time the merchant who is able to keep his stocks complete, offers a service to you that is worthy of your serious consideration. Being able t select from compete stocks of Summer underivear in al the various qualities and at prices affording the same kind of values' you have been accustomed to heretofore.; is an example of the service rendered at this store, Dainty Wash Fabrics Sheer Voiles, in scores of lovely patterns; checks two-tone stripes, plaids, floral effects, Grecian scrolls, Oriental designs, scores of patterns in beautiful colors eombination.s. A great variety at from 35c to 715c. A S lendidQua1it'Irish Lop . �nen at 65c .a yard. There come days during, duly and August . when yo simplymust have at Least several u wash skirts. This is a' materialparticularly desirable for skirts ; washes splendidly and in a fashionable crash effect. Colors--•� Rose, Grey, Copenhagen, Helio and Pink, Irish Linen, Pongee, Extra Quality at 05e a yard. • J. MACT,AVISH #'11■011A FIFTY- WHOLE IlllllllIII 31116, }.Y 11/0 VFWIONS_ .a • dim mos MOS AmOV Alm ANSeSIN VIOM 0.03 yom vmme AIMS AMP AMY 91110. sum Mins IMO mvmm Wei mvmm Mvmm *303 SEW welvv INNIC 4/12/6 i•11135 1M* i.. 01331.eat VOIR .Smnte Sumrner „Summer Summer E summer E Summer - = Summer E. Sununu E- : Sununer low Summer, 11.30 Sureraer bilk Shi s Yalu). Eve M .e INS 3 asc r= MAW ;� sNMIVOW falia VALEI We have; a leading nobody win States since not even Pr ed such a {'amonn De ident of th Tremendous him and the pearance their enthu personality mands this he represen the English; dreams of Millions o difference i land to -da Poland befo their inteelli concerned. portant, a that this f. may not that more terested in in any' ot..he except, of ca This expiaii vast-Amerik Valera. " There as. Irish pa: Sinn Fein i York City. it would tal to say. . Hi some South: mother •was' in Rocheste after De boy was at years old, ex.'s family there that 1 England, a dream of .a educated : at the Frene} County, Dut lectures at As a stud prize after ter schola science ani nlatica.l scie honorsco the -late Rock, St. Street, Lo..': turer in t* College• fessor at t+ for prima_ inatical exa and nation. in Irish f+ Surgeons, that, like C drawn eons teomparati�a- De Vale enee in the when the S tempt to s command • it is said't an unusual`-