The Huron Expositor, 1919-06-27, Page 8••• • t • • - - = THE HURON EXPOSITOR seareettait JUNE 271,1919 • Highest. Cash Prices for Butter a n d Eggs 11•=••••••••••• We still have a few 65c Brooms Friday & For Saturday Try our Teas and Coffee Our customers say our Meats are delicious All kinds of Fresh Fruit /4414m./.4=04.44444 Dorsey & McCuaig The Bag, Store on the Corner Stratford, Ont. SUMMER SCHOOL Central Business College of Stratford has a large registration of returned soldiers and the College will be lase Eopened during the summer months. Re- = SEM Sam ass Am. San mon mos MSS 1nm, smol MIS SMIS 1M• MS. ISM turned men or others wishing a course may enter the College at any time. James Watson Geneml Insurance Agent Real Esta t and Joan Agent Dealer in Sewing Machines. Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms reasonable and possessiou given promptly Apply at my office. for particulars. CR AND ,TRUNIVs'VsTRfa The Double Track Route between MONTREAL, TORONTO. DETROIT & CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day traine.., Full information from any- Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger et, Toronto. W. Somerville ..........Town Agent W. R. Plant ..... ....Depot Agent Hensall Tile and Block Works • We have just received a fresh car load of St. Marys Portland Cement. If you want good fresh ceetent call on us. We handle (Fray the highest grade Portland Cement. We are agents for all C. C. M. Bicycles. Clevelands and Brantfords are our specials. Supplies always kept on hand. Phone 7 W E. PFAFF Hugill's Music Store We are agents for the Phonola taliking machines made in models from $26.00 up. Will play any make of record, The Phonoaa people received an order from Belgium for 12,000 Plion- olas to be delivered, this fall, after their consideration of other Canadian makes: This alone shauld concern you in buying to see us before malting your purchase. We 'will have over 200 copies of all The latest and best in sheet music in stock by Saturday. Come in and get your choice. 0 Jonathan E. Hugill , Opposite Bank of Commerce VEE ON EXPOSITOR I so tiale y of. Fort George, is , Mr. J. W. Iaitten.—Mr.j tiang at the home of his father, Mr Adam McCay.—Miss Mugford, o et!thoiitso wri a few DISTRICT MATTERS Baseanal.—The following is the schedule of games for next week at the Race Track Diamond: Junior Series—July 1st, North Ward vs. East Ward; July 3rd, East Ward vs. South Ward. tSenior and. Juvenile Series—July 3rd, North Ward vs. South Ward; July 4th, East Ward vs. South Ward. These weekly games are causing considerable interest in town and some excellent games have already been played. Huron Old Bays' Excursion.—The Toronto Harm- Old Boys' Association intend running their annual excursion to Queenston Heights. and Niagara Falls on July 9th. The boats leave -Yonget street wharf at seven -thirty, nine -thirty and two o'clock on that day and anyone wishing to go to the Falls will be allowed stop. over priv- ileges at Queenston Heights on the return journay. A programme of games, speeches, etc., will be given during the afternoon. This excursion has been running for the past couple of years, since it has not been possible to arrange an excursion to the old hoine county. Decoration Day.—Sunday last was observed as Decoration Day by the local lodge of Ocldfellows; when a large number ef the members of Fidelity Lodge and a number of visiting breth- ren from adjoining ,towns marched in a body to the Maitlandbank cemetery, where the graves of all the deceased members were remembered and flowers were placed by the brethren on each •according to their ritual. After the decoration services addresses apprio- priate to the occasion were delivered by Mayor Harbnrn and the resident clergy. There was a very large °at- tendance to witness this annual cere- mony. Local Briefs.—Dr. Louis Prender gast, of ChiCagoewho has recently re turned from France where he held commission as Captain in the Dente Corps of rthe United States Army, i visiting his parents, Mr. and. Mr Prendergast in Eg-mondville. Dr Prendergest came over for hi mother's birthday on June 24th.—Th monthly meeting of the Red Cros 'Society will be heldin the •Carnegi Library on Thursday afternoon, Jul 3rd, at four o'clock.. A fula attend ante of the Executive committee requested.—Miss lauoke, of Mitchel was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. la Sproat last week—Mies Eva Holme youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S T. Holmes /who graduatedfrom th. Massachusetts General Hospital, Bos ton, in December last, has( passed he State examination taking out her R N certificate with honors.—Mrs. R Hays, of Lucknow, and Mrs. J. Camp bell, of Ailany, Missouri, are visitin at the home of Mr. and Mes. T. E Hays.—Mr. R. D. Cameron, of Luck now, was in town last week.—Mr. Wm Steet, editor of the Piton Times, -wa visiting his mother here on Friday.— Mr. A. Waugh, a former well known Seaforth boy, was in town this week Mr. Waugh has just returned from four years' service overseas. He leave shortly for Ignace, where he will re surae his former position as C. P. R station agent.—Mr. Jake Sproat i visiting with friends in Toronto an Buffalo.—Miss Olive Rankin, of th School of Faculty, Toronta, is hom • for the holidays.—Mr. Joe Dick re turned from- overseas on Monday.— Mrs. (Dr.) Frisbee, of Butte, Montana who has been visiting her mother Mrs. Gaetzmeyer here, left on Tues day for Buffalo, where she will visi • with friends before returning to he western home.—Mr. and Mrs. Habe • and Miss Barton, Detroit, were visitor at the home • of Mr. and Mrs. C. E Smith.—Miss Ruth Armstrong, of To- ronto, is a guest •at the home of Mr and Mrs. A. D. Sutherland.—Mis Gaetzmeyer, Toronto, is visiting let the' home of her mother.—Mrs. 0. C. Will son, who has been visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. W. G. Willis, returned to her home in Detroit on Monday.—Miss Henderson, of Hamilton, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hen- derson.—Mr. and Mrs. Russel Sproat left on Tuesday for Alberta. They in- tend spending some weeks visiting friends in the western provinces.— Mr. John McKinley left this week on a trip to the West.—Mrs. (Judge) Jackson is visiting friends in Cale- donia.—Miss Hall and Miss Pridham of the Collegiate Institute staff left. on Wednesday for their homes in To- ronto and Goderich to spend the holi- days.—Major R. S. Hays left Wednes- day morning for Vancouver, B. C. to 'attend the convention of the. Great Waf. Veteran Association.—Mrs. John Mactavish and son, Ian, who were visiting at St. Thomas, have returned home:a-Miss Mary Smillie, of the Stratford Norrnal School, is home for the holidays. --Miss Olive Laidlaw, of Boston, and Miss Minnie Laidlaw,. of Toronto, are visiting at the home of their mother, Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw.— Mr. James Cowan has taken a cottage at Westminster Grove, Byfield for the summer and Mrs. Cowan and daughters moved out on Monday, Mrs. Ketchen. of Exeter, was visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. Robt. Bell last week.—Miss Ernily Deem, of Toronto, and Miss Florence Deem, of Stratford Normal, are spending their holidays at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. William Deem .—Mr. Ross Keane, of Stratford, spent the week end with friends in town.—Miss Jessie Kerr, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Helen Carswell at the Manse. .Mc- Killop.—Miss C. Malone, of Hamilton, is visiting friends in town.—Miss Clara. Mason is visiting her sister Mrs. Halliday, in Listowel.—Miss Alva Graves leaves on Saturday for De- troit to take a course in the Art School in. that city.—The coat donated by Miss Lukes for the War Veteran's Club' is to be drawn for on Saturday. Tickets for the coat are for sale at J.Mactavish's stere.—Mrs, Thomas Aitcheson and Mrs. John Shaffer and Messrs. T. F. and Charles Shaffer, of Gowanstown, were visiting at the homes of J. S. and 3. F. Welsh over unday.—Mrs. Arthur Scott and two hildrana Jean and. John, of Detroit, re visiting at the home of .Mr. John cott, Roxboro.—The Ladies" Aid of he second concession, Tuckersmith, ntend holding a picnic on Miss For- est's lawn, one mile west of Egrnond- Me, on Thursday afternoon, July 3rd. Mrs. Button, of Toronto, is spend - ng a few days at the home of her r wa visiting with friends in we*. -,--Mr. J. A. Wilson spen holtdeas this week at Beamsville and Niagara Falls.—Mr. and Mrs., G. M. Chesney are in Toronto this week, Mr. Chesney attending the Provincial con- vention of the Sons of Scotland, as a delegate from Lady Nairn Camp, Sea- forth.—Mr. Fred Somers, of Blyth, 10 visiting at the home of his. cousin, Mrs. R. J. .French. He has just returned from overseas.—Miss Jean Hays, of Stratford Normal, is spending the hol- idays at her home here.—Messrs. W. J. Walker and Son have purchased a handsome motor hearse, which they will 'use in connection with, their un- dertaking business. This is the first moter hearse in this part of the coun- try. !It was brought up from London on ThursdayeaThe choir of the Pres- byterian church were in Kippen on Friday evening lest, where they pro- vided the music for the entertainment held in St. Andrew's church in that village.—Miss Jean Ratcliffe, of the American Sault, is the guest of Mrs. Janata Graves.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunt, of ,London, and Mrs. Themes Bowerman, of Willow City, North Da- kota,' are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunt in McKillop.—Dr. and Mrs. Landsborough, of Doggett, Michigan, are visiting relatives- in this vicinity.:—Mrs. E. Chandler, of Stratford; is visiting at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Tretbeway.—Mrs: R. Scott and son are visiting friends at Welland.—Miss Helen Moyer is, visiting at the home of her sister in Kttchener.—Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell, of Albany, Missouri, is a guest at the home of Mr.and Mrs. A. Brown in McKillop. — Mrs. McCormick, of Bridgeburg, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. S. Codkin.—Mrs. Ida Bawden. Abraham. Portland, is the guest of Mrs. J. McClinchey.— Mr, ,Joseph Eckert met with a bad accident last week. He was repair- ing an automobile when a jack sup- porting the car slipped, allowing the' body to fall on him. The result was the fracture of several ribs, which will lay him up for some time.—Mrs. E. Umbach is visiting at her home in Fergus.—Mrs. Andrew Thiel, of Pres- ton, spent the past week visiting at her home =here.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ballard are visiting in Goderich this week.—Mr. Thompson Scott is visiting in London and St. Thomas this -week. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert McIntosh and Mrs., Patterson visited in London this week,—Mr. William Goldhawk arrived home on Tuesday of this week from overaeas. — Mrs. Robert Murdie, of Stratford, visited with friends in town this Week. ileticas—On account of the celebration in Goderlch on Tuesday, July 1st the weekly dance at Bayfield by, the Blackstone Buckley Orchestra will be held on Friday evening, July '4th. 2689-1 Uonse Wanted.—To rent. or purchase, con- veniett to Grand Trunk station. Apply to Box ?'1, Seaforth. 2686-3 Panne to the Goderich Orchestra, piano, violin cornet, trombone, drums and trans, at Bayfield every Wednesday night. 268? -4 Girl Wanted.—Good girl for general house- work.; Highest wages; or woman to work by _the day. Apply at The Expositor Office. 2688-tf Notice.—Will the Person who took the bicycle from the Maitlandbank Cemetery on Sunday last about 4. o'clock kindly replace same' as party is known, and by doing this avoid further trouble. 2689x1 Married in England.—The marriage took place at Kilndown church on Wednesday, April 23rd, of Miss Cath-, erine Hilda Noakes, eldest daughter of Mr. E. 3. Wakes, J. P., and Mrs. Noakes, of Bewl Bridge, Lamberhurst and Corp, Charles Holmes,, of Taranto, Canada.. The bride, who was given awy by her fathers wore an ivory ninon gown, beautifully hand embroi- dered, and carried a bouquet of carna- tions and white .heather, •whilst she also wore a gold wristlet watch, the gift of the bridegroom. Her brides- maids were MissaB. Noakes (sister), Miss M. Austen and Miss M. Guay. The first named wore oyster pink dresses and fawn hats trimmed with pink, and the two latter fawn dresses and hats trimmed with pink each carrying bouquets of pink carna- tions, and wearing geld brooches in the form of the maple leaf, the gift of the bridegroom. The service was choral and the bride was met at the church door by the chair. , The Rev. Carmichael (Vicar of Kilndown) offici- ated, and Mr. R. Hilder acted as best man. A reception was afterwards held at Bewi Bridge, where there were about fifty guests, and the happy pair subsequently left for London for the honeamoote the bride travelling in a tailor-made khampagne costume and jade green hat. The presents were costly and numerous. Corp. Holmes is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. S T. Holmes. of Seaforth. He enlisted with the 33rd Battalion in 1915, going overseas with the first draft from that unit the same year, and has been through four years' service with the Canadian forces overseas. . McKILLOP The Late Alexander McGregor.— It was with sincere regret that the township learned of the death of Alexander McGregor, which sad event oecurred at his home on the 6th con- cession on, Friday, June 13th. Mr. McGregor had beena severe sufferer ficrm kidney trouble for some months, bat was only confined to his bed two weeks before the end Came, the im- mediate cease of death being a hem- reorhage. The deceased was the third son of the late Alexander McGregor and was born on the homestead farm, kit 15, where he had resided all his life, and where he was one of the best keown and most popular of the young men of the section. and his death at the early age of forty-six years, was a 'sad blow not only to his family, but to the community at large. Both parents have passed away, but he is survived by two brothers and one sister, Robert and Archy and Miss Lily McGregor, all of whom reside at home. The funeral was held on Sunday to the Maitlandbank cemetery and was largely attended, testifying to the esteem and respect in which the deceased was held.. The pall' bearers were Joseph and 4obert- Gib- son, Robert Hogg, Finlay McKercher, Wilson Campbell and Louis Hoegy. MANLEY Notes.—The many friends of ‘Mr. M. Johnston are sorry to learn that he is in a serious condition.—Mrs. T. Welsh has rallied again from an attack of pneumonia and it is to be 1 Summer Reading There is nothing like a Good Booktopass the time away. We have these in both Light Fiotion and Adventure stor- ies. They ,come in different bindings froin the paper cov- ered novels at 10c each to the newer fiction from $L50 up. Thonipson's Bookstore - Seaforth June Gifts 1,These are Special— 'Nancy Pieces China Jardineres Chocolate Sets Water Sets' Kitchen Sets Examine our stock it will help you decide on a suitable gift for The June Bride. Beat4es' Fair 0millmmosm•••••••00 --sommairmommsmreommo. hoped her recovery will' be speedy.— Mr. P. McLaughlin has got the house moved that he purchased from - Leo McKay and is buy putting a wall under it.—Mr. Joe Johnston is busy hauling gravel to put a cement found- ation under one of his barns. Mr. James Hart has the contract of both jobs.—Rev. J. M. Eckert has been a visitor in our burg this week.—Mr. Fred Eckart and our teaching staff paid a flying visit to Seaforth last Tuesday evening. STAFFA Women's Institute.—The summer delegate of the Wornen's Institute Mrs. Stephens, of Quebec, will speak in the town hall Stelae, on Friday evening, June 27th. No admission. Ladies and !gentlemen are all inviiPed to attend. HULETT Personal.—Mr. Thomas McMichael leaves next week for Guelph where he will take a short term course in horse judging at the agricultural college. Mr. McMichael has been a Government judge at different fairs throughout the province for.several years and has always given the best of satisfaction. CHISELRURST Notes—The aminal picnic in con- nection with tbeelftnalay - school and public -schools !wiltata laeld on Saturday, afternoon, the nth, in Mr. Harris' bush. Everyone- *Jeanie. There will Mmos;Mmmir • E. H. Close agent for Chalmers and Maxwell Cars Goodyear Tires •••••••••.4..m.. be sports for the children, and the ladies are, asked to bring' baaketa.— Mr. George Eyre and Mr. Franla4Fita- gerald had successful., barn raisings last week.---afr. and Mrs. Getty, of Moosejeve, are visiting at the home of Mr.- and Mrs. . John: McLean, Mrs. Getty's sister. — The numerous friends of Mr. Andrew Wright will be sorry to hear that he is confined to his bed, CONSTA.NCE Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. William Dun- lop and family of Kinistino, Sask., are visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Dunlop is, one -of the successful farniera of the great west, wbo by his industry and perseverance is now able to enjoy the fruits of his labor. —Mr. and Mrs. "WilliamLindsay, of Florence, �ntario, were visiting home friends -th f past week. We are glad to see Mr. Lindsay around again af- ter his illness.—Mr. and Mrs. William McCully and .family, of Stratford, were visitors over Sunday at thetr uncles, Mr. William Rinn.—Miss Fern .Love, of Walton, is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Ed. Britton. —Mrs. Peter Lindsay spent last week with her brother at Bothwell, Ont.— .A. geodly number, attended decoration day at the Maitlandbank cemetery ;on Sabbath last.—Don't forget the lawn social this Friday. evening, June 27th. This is one of the plums of the .seas- on. The Brunswick Trio have a repu- tation of high' order. WHALEN Barn Raising.—On Monday, June 23rd, about eighty of the neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. Patrick Lamphier to raise the barn which was destroyed on April 13th last, the work being under the able supervision of Mr. Michael Boyle, of London. The new structure as 72 feet long by .36 feet wide and when completed will add much to the commanity. Death Of 'a Former Resident.—This • neighborhood was shocked on -Monday, June 16th last, when a telegram was received announcing the death of Mr. Ambrose McLaughlin, a former resi- dent of this place, at his home in Marmora, Hastings county. Deceased was in the prime of life in his forty- sixth year, and to know him was to love him. About eight years ago he was married to Annie Fitzpatrick, of Marmara, who survives. He is sur- vived by his aged father of this place, one brother, Martin, of Chicago, and three sisters, Temperance and Mary at home, and Sister Martha, of Toronto, Who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sad bereave- ment. STANLEY Cameion—Talbot.—A very pretty lawn wedding was solemnized on Wed- nesday, June 18th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Talbot, Saufae Line, Stanley, when theheeldest daugh- ter, Verde Alveretta, was united in marriage to Mr. William M. Cameron; of Seaforth. Immediately at twelve o'clock t0 the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Mabel Cameron, - sister of the groom, the bride leaning on the arm of her father, joined the geoom under an arch of evergreens and orange blossoms and was united in marriage by Rev. Anderson, of Bayfield. The bride etas daintily gown- ed in ivory satin trimmed with georg- ette crepe and seed pearls with bridal veil, embroidered With silk and crown- ed with 'orange blossoms, and carried a shower' bouquet of roses and fern. After congratulations the guests, which numbered about forty, partook of a dainty wedding dinner after which the happy couple left amid showers of good wishes and confetti for To- ronto, Niagara Falls and other points. the bride travelling in a suit of Alice blue tafetta and white hat. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and costly gifts. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome bar pin set with, pearls. HIBBERT Sudden Death—Mr. William Dow, a prosperous farmer of Hibbert town- ship, was found dead by his family about eight o'clock on Saturday aight. Mr. Dow went out to repair some fencing after supper, and as he did not return at is usual time, a search was made and his dead body., found. Heart failure was the cause of death.. Deceased was seventy years of' age and leaves a widow and grown-up family. Killed By Lightning.—Robert Hod- gins, aged fifty-three a Hibbert town- ship farmer, was struck by lightning during an electrical storm at five o'clock Friday afternoon and instant- ly hailed. No one witnessed the aceie dent and the body was not discovered till some time Tater. Mr. Hodgins, who lived on the fourth concession of the township, was hoeing in a field at the time. The late Mr. Hodgson was born at Whitby and had lived in Hib- bert township for many years. He was one of the most successful and highly respected farmers of the town- ship. He is survived by his widow, one daughter and three sons, David Hodgson, of Mitchell, is a brother. No material damage was aused by the storm in this district. • WINTHROP Notes.—On Friday afternoon as Mr. George McSpadden was driving to - Walton and when opposite Mr. John Aitcheson's farm his horse scared at something on the side of the road and bolted into the ditch -upsetting the buggy and throlvtng Mr. McSpadden out. He was -not seriously injured any more than a severe -shaking up. The 0 buggy was badly damaged, the top being torn completely off.—Mr. Melvin Blanchard has purchased a new Mc- Laughlin car from Mr. George Bell, local agent at Seaforth.—Mr. William Johnston has purchased a new Chev- rolet car from Mr. Dan Shanahan.— Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell spent the week end visiting Mr. Campbell's uncle near Sarnia, they motored there and back.—Misses Marion and Grace Scarlett, who have been laid up with, a severe attack of scarlet fever, are :regaining their usual health as rap- idly as can 'be expected.—Mr. • Joseph Brewster sold a'beautiful driving horse last week for which he received a good price. `Joe keeps nothing but the best.—Ma. and' Mrs. Hugh Alex- ander motored to Grand Bend last Friday—Mr. James H. Campbell had a very successful bee on Wednesday of last week, hauling,elay on to his gang way at the barn .—Winthrop seems to be the centre of the dry belt this year, -no rain having fallen here during the last four week., STRAND Tues, Wed, VIVIAN MARTIN in " VIVIETTE " A Panama Picture. It was a lot -of fan to be engaged to two fellows at the same time—till they found out. Then—! ? ? 1.50 8:90 p.n. 10c STRAND 1111111 a 1 HhliiJI a Ire a 1 IIHIIII a 0 •000 1 LI 1 111___111_111_111=111 1 Direct Your Attention now to Our • Special Summer Millinery HOSIERY Beautiful Silk Lisle and Cotton Hose and double where the wear comes. No better • Hosiery made at the prices 25c to $2 a pair 4 1 If you want a beautiful Summer Hat you can get it here Quality is the Vanguard of True Econoniy. Quality is the measure of usefol- ness and service.a purchase yielda. Economy lies not in spending- the least but in gaining till greatest advantage through the money spent. Quality is economy—cheap- ness is extravagance. This hnsineSs was founded in Qual- ity and it has prospered on a rigid adherence to the policy of giving to the :public an economy service as true ras steel. Out of these economies we have built a codfi- dence that we cannot afford to lose. Ourcustomers know that articles bought here are backed by our guarantee and back of this is a reputation that has been built on Quality Merchandise At ,Fair P-fices. J. Mac TAVISH I" a 1 • i Items of Interest PrettySmocks & Middies 1.75 Very desirable Spring and Summer garments - for women and children. .Mede of soft white - jean; some are in plain - tailored style, others • are hand -embroidered in colors or trimmed with contrasting color cuffs and collars. Reg:. - ular sizes for women . and children are includ- ed in this assortment of especially -good -val- ue. Smocks and Mid- dies at 1`.75 and 1.3p. Dainty Lingerie Blouses 1.50 The wise woman will buy several of these blousest for we do not know where else she can get such value for the low price:Of 1 50. The wanted kind of at- ' tractive lingerie blous- es inducting voile, ba- tiste, rice.cloth, etc., in a' variety of pretty styles, with the new collarscand sleeves. Tots' Frocks Prices up to $6 Mothers will be glad to see wee heads - held high in pride when these pretty little frocks ' are donned. Clever colored dresses in smart loose straight models and empire style; in linens of dainty pink or blue and in pret- tily striped and check- ed ginghams. Round or square necks cun- ningly trimmed with white; short -or long sleeves. Stamped Articles for Needlework Needlecraft is an in- teresting art for many a woman for it offers a' broad field for tlie ex- ercise of ones ability for embroidering useful and practical things for the home: These pieces are stamped on fie Irish linen in a variety of attractive patterns, arid offered at prices , that cannot be duplicat- ed hereabouts. 25c to 3.00 each. .. .. ... . ... . 44. 5 • fV GLOVES You get here the kind that feel cool and _ comfortable. wear well and cost little ' Silk and Lisle Gloves of Quality 45c to 2.00 a pair Brilliant Crochet Cotton in all colors, at ball 5c Coats' Mercer Crochet Cotton in white and ecru at ball 12 1-2c to_qc Clark's Crochet Cotton Nos. 2 to 5o, at ball 10c Mercerized Embroidery Thread in white and ' - colors 5e Large skeins of white mer- cerized embroidery (6 strand) at 15c Pure Silk Embroide Thread, in all colors, at skein 7c Padding 'Cotton, per ball Sc and Sc. • Assorted Pin Sheet, 200,, pins, a paper 5c. 1. Best, Brass Pins (S65, a - pin for every day in the year) the card 10c Tape measures, good clear numbers, 5c and 10c each Dome Fasteners, will not rust, black or white, `a yard 30c. Hoops and Loops will not rust 3c, 5c and 7c a card. Embroidery !Needles, all size; at package 7c. .=;+. 1111.1', 1 1 1 1 1 1111i 1 111:11, 1 tat Nil 1 11111111 1 Gowns Stamped for Embroidering The designs on a fine white Nainsook. The gowns are completely ready-made; just a few scallops ind flowers will finish the. g-arment. 1.75 and 2.00 each. Sweaters for Everywhere Go no place for pleasure without a sweater coat. Our sweaters are patricians in every detail and are - good company always and everywhere. -., CTAVISH C.] 0 CI P [ -.1 11!, III a • S.= .4MOMMMAIMM FJJTy WHOL MEI MUM mile MM. IWO 111.110 NNW AMIN MS. SEW AlMs 11.111, MOM SOS ASS 4IMse ISOM IMO SFS .1•••• Slot aria ••••: MINN Surar Surnt Sumr Same Sena Sum. Sumr Sums SUMX 841711 Sumo Silk 1 • IMO OMR NIP The b clouds j Liberal best jad , hopeful. Juet we loiew budget could seems pi be two. country, they ma will be t Liberals but not from la be safe one way are now country. Of the the Libe tion, be knowled The abit Free faithful thing of not man . who are politicai merit ma but just common Olty eig valid. This ra influence party po to be an able effe form for conventi posed rIto be more formance Liberal refarnin niargirt o membere has been duction e implernen was the that the where . A British. . it was— taken a tariff, is health as I say are sign4 not as co been fam forty pratecti tempt, b its wea aptly rel the curs It is no will lay which co producer the Libe facturers tive as The L. in nothin of the tariff Seaforth Automobile Service , ALEX DMUIR (Returned) ' Licensed' Chauffeur Personal 'Service to Bayfield, Grand Bend, Goderich, etc.,%etc. _- = Saturday Cemetery Ser- . vice commencing at i o'clock cal- makes half hour trips dur- ing the afternoon and evening For dales etc.—Leaveor phone orders t 9 DICKS', HOTEL ALEX D. MUIR Proprietor • E. H. Close agent for Chalmers and Maxwell Cars Goodyear Tires •••••••••.4..m.. be sports for the children, and the ladies are, asked to bring' baaketa.— Mr. George Eyre and Mr. Franla4Fita- gerald had successful., barn raisings last week.---afr. and Mrs. Getty, of Moosejeve, are visiting at the home of Mr.- and Mrs. . John: McLean, Mrs. Getty's sister. — The numerous friends of Mr. Andrew Wright will be sorry to hear that he is confined to his bed, CONSTA.NCE Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. William Dun- lop and family of Kinistino, Sask., are visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Dunlop is, one -of the successful farniera of the great west, wbo by his industry and perseverance is now able to enjoy the fruits of his labor. —Mr. and Mrs. "WilliamLindsay, of Florence, �ntario, were visiting home friends -th f past week. We are glad to see Mr. Lindsay around again af- ter his illness.—Mr. and Mrs. William McCully and .family, of Stratford, were visitors over Sunday at thetr uncles, Mr. William Rinn.—Miss Fern .Love, of Walton, is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Ed. Britton. —Mrs. Peter Lindsay spent last week with her brother at Bothwell, Ont.— .A. geodly number, attended decoration day at the Maitlandbank cemetery ;on Sabbath last.—Don't forget the lawn social this Friday. evening, June 27th. This is one of the plums of the .seas- on. The Brunswick Trio have a repu- tation of high' order. WHALEN Barn Raising.—On Monday, June 23rd, about eighty of the neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. Patrick Lamphier to raise the barn which was destroyed on April 13th last, the work being under the able supervision of Mr. Michael Boyle, of London. The new structure as 72 feet long by .36 feet wide and when completed will add much to the commanity. Death Of 'a Former Resident.—This • neighborhood was shocked on -Monday, June 16th last, when a telegram was received announcing the death of Mr. Ambrose McLaughlin, a former resi- dent of this place, at his home in Marmora, Hastings county. Deceased was in the prime of life in his forty- sixth year, and to know him was to love him. About eight years ago he was married to Annie Fitzpatrick, of Marmara, who survives. He is sur- vived by his aged father of this place, one brother, Martin, of Chicago, and three sisters, Temperance and Mary at home, and Sister Martha, of Toronto, Who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sad bereave- ment. STANLEY Cameion—Talbot.—A very pretty lawn wedding was solemnized on Wed- nesday, June 18th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Talbot, Saufae Line, Stanley, when theheeldest daugh- ter, Verde Alveretta, was united in marriage to Mr. William M. Cameron; of Seaforth. Immediately at twelve o'clock t0 the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Mabel Cameron, - sister of the groom, the bride leaning on the arm of her father, joined the geoom under an arch of evergreens and orange blossoms and was united in marriage by Rev. Anderson, of Bayfield. The bride etas daintily gown- ed in ivory satin trimmed with georg- ette crepe and seed pearls with bridal veil, embroidered With silk and crown- ed with 'orange blossoms, and carried a shower' bouquet of roses and fern. After congratulations the guests, which numbered about forty, partook of a dainty wedding dinner after which the happy couple left amid showers of good wishes and confetti for To- ronto, Niagara Falls and other points. the bride travelling in a suit of Alice blue tafetta and white hat. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and costly gifts. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome bar pin set with, pearls. HIBBERT Sudden Death—Mr. William Dow, a prosperous farmer of Hibbert town- ship, was found dead by his family about eight o'clock on Saturday aight. Mr. Dow went out to repair some fencing after supper, and as he did not return at is usual time, a search was made and his dead body., found. Heart failure was the cause of death.. Deceased was seventy years of' age and leaves a widow and grown-up family. Killed By Lightning.—Robert Hod- gins, aged fifty-three a Hibbert town- ship farmer, was struck by lightning during an electrical storm at five o'clock Friday afternoon and instant- ly hailed. No one witnessed the aceie dent and the body was not discovered till some time Tater. Mr. Hodgins, who lived on the fourth concession of the township, was hoeing in a field at the time. The late Mr. Hodgson was born at Whitby and had lived in Hib- bert township for many years. He was one of the most successful and highly respected farmers of the town- ship. He is survived by his widow, one daughter and three sons, David Hodgson, of Mitchell, is a brother. No material damage was aused by the storm in this district. • WINTHROP Notes.—On Friday afternoon as Mr. George McSpadden was driving to - Walton and when opposite Mr. John Aitcheson's farm his horse scared at something on the side of the road and bolted into the ditch -upsetting the buggy and throlvtng Mr. McSpadden out. He was -not seriously injured any more than a severe -shaking up. The 0 buggy was badly damaged, the top being torn completely off.—Mr. Melvin Blanchard has purchased a new Mc- Laughlin car from Mr. George Bell, local agent at Seaforth.—Mr. William Johnston has purchased a new Chev- rolet car from Mr. Dan Shanahan.— Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell spent the week end visiting Mr. Campbell's uncle near Sarnia, they motored there and back.—Misses Marion and Grace Scarlett, who have been laid up with, a severe attack of scarlet fever, are :regaining their usual health as rap- idly as can 'be expected.—Mr. • Joseph Brewster sold a'beautiful driving horse last week for which he received a good price. `Joe keeps nothing but the best.—Ma. and' Mrs. Hugh Alex- ander motored to Grand Bend last Friday—Mr. James H. Campbell had a very successful bee on Wednesday of last week, hauling,elay on to his gang way at the barn .—Winthrop seems to be the centre of the dry belt this year, -no rain having fallen here during the last four week., STRAND Tues, Wed, VIVIAN MARTIN in " VIVIETTE " A Panama Picture. It was a lot -of fan to be engaged to two fellows at the same time—till they found out. Then—! ? ? 1.50 8:90 p.n. 10c STRAND 1111111 a 1 HhliiJI a Ire a 1 IIHIIII a 0 •000 1 LI 1 111___111_111_111=111 1 Direct Your Attention now to Our • Special Summer Millinery HOSIERY Beautiful Silk Lisle and Cotton Hose and double where the wear comes. No better • Hosiery made at the prices 25c to $2 a pair 4 1 If you want a beautiful Summer Hat you can get it here Quality is the Vanguard of True Econoniy. Quality is the measure of usefol- ness and service.a purchase yielda. Economy lies not in spending- the least but in gaining till greatest advantage through the money spent. Quality is economy—cheap- ness is extravagance. This hnsineSs was founded in Qual- ity and it has prospered on a rigid adherence to the policy of giving to the :public an economy service as true ras steel. Out of these economies we have built a codfi- dence that we cannot afford to lose. Ourcustomers know that articles bought here are backed by our guarantee and back of this is a reputation that has been built on Quality Merchandise At ,Fair P-fices. J. Mac TAVISH I" a 1 • i Items of Interest PrettySmocks & Middies 1.75 Very desirable Spring and Summer garments - for women and children. .Mede of soft white - jean; some are in plain - tailored style, others • are hand -embroidered in colors or trimmed with contrasting color cuffs and collars. Reg:. - ular sizes for women . and children are includ- ed in this assortment of especially -good -val- ue. Smocks and Mid- dies at 1`.75 and 1.3p. Dainty Lingerie Blouses 1.50 The wise woman will buy several of these blousest for we do not know where else she can get such value for the low price:Of 1 50. The wanted kind of at- ' tractive lingerie blous- es inducting voile, ba- tiste, rice.cloth, etc., in a' variety of pretty styles, with the new collarscand sleeves. Tots' Frocks Prices up to $6 Mothers will be glad to see wee heads - held high in pride when these pretty little frocks ' are donned. Clever colored dresses in smart loose straight models and empire style; in linens of dainty pink or blue and in pret- tily striped and check- ed ginghams. Round or square necks cun- ningly trimmed with white; short -or long sleeves. Stamped Articles for Needlework Needlecraft is an in- teresting art for many a woman for it offers a' broad field for tlie ex- ercise of ones ability for embroidering useful and practical things for the home: These pieces are stamped on fie Irish linen in a variety of attractive patterns, arid offered at prices , that cannot be duplicat- ed hereabouts. 25c to 3.00 each. .. .. ... . ... . 44. 5 • fV GLOVES You get here the kind that feel cool and _ comfortable. wear well and cost little ' Silk and Lisle Gloves of Quality 45c to 2.00 a pair Brilliant Crochet Cotton in all colors, at ball 5c Coats' Mercer Crochet Cotton in white and ecru at ball 12 1-2c to_qc Clark's Crochet Cotton Nos. 2 to 5o, at ball 10c Mercerized Embroidery Thread in white and ' - colors 5e Large skeins of white mer- cerized embroidery (6 strand) at 15c Pure Silk Embroide Thread, in all colors, at skein 7c Padding 'Cotton, per ball Sc and Sc. • Assorted Pin Sheet, 200,, pins, a paper 5c. 1. Best, Brass Pins (S65, a - pin for every day in the year) the card 10c Tape measures, good clear numbers, 5c and 10c each Dome Fasteners, will not rust, black or white, `a yard 30c. Hoops and Loops will not rust 3c, 5c and 7c a card. Embroidery !Needles, all size; at package 7c. .=;+. 1111.1', 1 1 1 1 1 1111i 1 111:11, 1 tat Nil 1 11111111 1 Gowns Stamped for Embroidering The designs on a fine white Nainsook. The gowns are completely ready-made; just a few scallops ind flowers will finish the. g-arment. 1.75 and 2.00 each. Sweaters for Everywhere Go no place for pleasure without a sweater coat. Our sweaters are patricians in every detail and are - good company always and everywhere. -., CTAVISH C.] 0 CI P [ -.1 11!, III a • S.= .4MOMMMAIMM FJJTy WHOL MEI MUM mile MM. IWO 111.110 NNW AMIN MS. SEW AlMs 11.111, MOM SOS ASS 4IMse ISOM IMO SFS .1•••• Slot aria ••••: MINN Surar Surnt Sumr Same Sena Sum. Sumr Sums SUMX 841711 Sumo Silk 1 • IMO OMR NIP The b clouds j Liberal best jad , hopeful. Juet we loiew budget could seems pi be two. country, they ma will be t Liberals but not from la be safe one way are now country. Of the the Libe tion, be knowled The abit Free faithful thing of not man . who are politicai merit ma but just common Olty eig valid. This ra influence party po to be an able effe form for conventi posed rIto be more formance Liberal refarnin niargirt o membere has been duction e implernen was the that the where . A British. . it was— taken a tariff, is health as I say are sign4 not as co been fam forty pratecti tempt, b its wea aptly rel the curs It is no will lay which co producer the Libe facturers tive as The L. in nothin of the tariff